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Observations on growth and development of Salvia longistyla Benth., in several photoperiodic and termoperiodic conditions, both natural and artificial, were performed. The conclusions of my work are the following

I° - It has been proved that Salvia longistyla is a typical short-day plant and that its critical point of reaction lies approssimately on the 14 hours, when the average night-temperature is about 18°C; the flowering does not succeed if the night-temperature is decidedly below 15°C.

II° - The plant' requires short-day conditions not only for the formation of the flower buds, but also for the subsequent development, i. e. the full bloom; consequently the plant belongs to Eguchi's S. S. class (short day-plant for both the manifestations).

III. - Under natural conditions, in our latitude, Salvia longistyla flowers only in Autumn, because only in this season we have suitable photoperiod and concomitantly suitable night-temperature. In Spring, though the day is short, the night-temperature is not sufficiently high; in Winter and in Spring, the flowering is possible only in a warm green-house, with a night-temperature of about 18°C. In orange green-houses Salvia longistyla can continue the flowering begun in Autumn; during Winter and Spring new blooms do not succeed, just because the night-temperature, in such green houses, is never sufficiently high.

IV. - We can obtain fruiting only by artificial pollination (lack of natural pollination agency).

V. - The basal branches do not flower even in optimal photo- and termoperiodical conditions (which allow apical flowering) on acount of a mechanism of correlative inhibition.

VI. - The elongation of the internodes is relatively inhibited at a very long photoperiod, differently from what we observe in most plants.

These prerogatives, verified in repeated experiments, are in perfect accordance with the characteristics of the ambient in which the plant is naturally diffused (Mexico). The altitude and latitude of the stations in which the plant has usually been found, have a short photoperiod all year long, and temperatures (also night-temperatures) costantly suitable for a good growth and bloom. The plants, in the natural ambient, are perennial and bushy. The pluri-annuality can be referred to the flowering inhibition of the lateral and basal branches, that takes place in a specimen and that keeps on for a long time, also after the full flowering of the principal axis. The basal shoots show a tendency to the vegetative growth, even though the external conditions are suitable to the flowering of the apical parts of the plant. Therefore we must attribute the pluriannuality of S. longistyla to this correlative flower-inhibiting mechanism.  相似文献   

《Plant Ecology & Diversity》2013,6(3-4):475-486
Background: There have been few studies on the effects on alpine flora and vegetation of an increase in nutrient availability. Two main potential sources of increased nutrient availability in alpine ecosystems are enhanced mineralisation caused by climate warming and atmospheric nitrogen deposition. Little is known on how life history traits of different species are related at individual and community levels to enhanced nutrient availability.

Aims: We investigated the effects of nitrogen and phosphorus addition on the modular growth, flowering and germination of four species: two snowbed specialists and two alpine generalists.

Methods: We established in a late snowbed at the Gavia Pass, Italian Alps, a factorial experiment with four fertiliser treatments (N, P, Low N+P, and High N+P) and an unfertilised control. Nutrients were applied in 2003–2006 and we recorded the number of modules per individuals, total number of flowers, number of flowers per flowering module, and calculated the percentage of flowering modules in 2005 and 2006, and counted the number of seedlings in 2006.

Results: The modular growth and flowering effort of the species appeared to be co-limited by N and P. The alpine generalists showed greater responses to fertilization in vegetative growth and flowering compared with snowbed specialists. The number of seedlings recorded indicated species-specific responses to nutrient addition.

Conclusions: Our results suggest that enhanced nutrient availability stimulates modular growth and flowering effort in responsive alpine generalist species. This, in turn, could lead to an increase in their abundance, leading to changes in community structure in snowbeds with enhanced nutrient availability.  相似文献   


Vegetation and environment in the Marche and related problems of protection. – The « Marche » region is situated in central Italy and corresponds with the natural region east of the Appennine ridge and spreading as far as the coast which is washed by the Adriatic Sea.

As to the climate, we may distinguish a coastal strip with Mesomediterranean climate with dry season, corresponding to the distribution area of Quercus ilex; a hilly strip with Submediterranean climate, corresponding to the distribution area of Quercus pubescens; a mountain strip with temperate axeric climate with sub-dry period, corresponding to the distribution area of Fagus silvatica and finally a high mountain strip with cold axeric climate, corresponding to altitude pastures. The Marche vegetation is shown in the vegetation map of Fabriano sheet (scale 1:50,000) plotted according Ozenda's vegetational series.

The following vegetation series have been plotted: submediterranean series of Quercus ilex; series of thermophilic oak wood with priority of Quercus pubescens or Quercus cerris; series of Ostrya carpinifolia; series of Quercus petraea and series of Fagus silvatica.

As far as the problems to safegard environment are concerned, a plan is given providing for the institution of 4 complete nature reserves, 34 nature reserves, and 9 regional nature parks among which those of Monte Conero, of Monti Sibillini and Monti della Laga.  相似文献   

Capsule The occurrence of the Syrian Woodpecker Dendrocopos syriacus in an urbanized habitat is determined by the number of trees and pollutant emissions. Air pollution may weaken trees and increase the number of insects inhabiting them.

Aims To determine the habitat preferences of the Syrian Woodpecker in the highly urbanized environment of the city of Kraków.

Methods A set of 13 habitat and environmental parameters of 50 breeding territories and 50 random points were evaluated. A logistic regression was used to determine the probability of species occurrence, and Akaike's information criterion was used for model selection.

Results The number of trees, coverage of woody vegetation, total vegetation cover and level of pollutant emissions were significantly higher in Syrian Woodpecker breeding territories than in the random points. The model best explaining the probability of species occurrence consisted of four parameters: the number of trees, coverage of the total built-up area, total vegetation cover and pollutant emissions. The parameters best explaining a high probability of species occurrence were high number of trees and high pollutant emissions.

Conclusion Air pollution may weaken trees and potentially increase the number of insects inhabiting them, an important component of the Syrian Woodpecker's diet. However, the negative impact of air pollution on birds may impact on their condition. Urban habitats could, therefore, act as an ecological trap for this species.  相似文献   


Flora and vegetation of the Isle of Pianosa (Isles Tremiti). – The flora and vegetation of the Isle of Pianosa are here described. The flora is composed of common mediterranean species with some adriatic endemics. The vegetation has a halophilous-nitrophilous character. The plant formations identified on this isle are shown in the map (fig. 1).  相似文献   

O. D. Saracino 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(4-6):1051-1055

Phytoplankton abundances and species composition of coastal waters of the Gulf of Taranto (Ionian Sea) were investigated in July 1995. Abundances were lower than those of other Mediterranean coastal areas. Higher densities values were found in the central part of the studied area. In surface waters, small phytoflagellates (<10μm) and dinoflagellates, such as Heterocapsa niei and Oxytoxum variabile, were the dominant species. Diatoms, mainly belonging to the genus Chaetoceros, were also present.  相似文献   


Background: Little information is available about life history of páramo plants such as phenology and plant-animal interactions.

Aims: We analysed phenological patterns of flowering and characterised the structure of a plant-pollinator network in a Venezuelan páramo in order to identify key species in this ecosystem.

Methods: We counted the number of individuals with flowers of 76 native plant species and recorded their pollinators in 16 permanent plots between 3000 and 4200 m monthly for three years. We used this dataset to develop a plant-pollinator network, on which nine different metrics related to structural properties were calculated.

Results: The flowering of most species concentrated during the rainy season (between May and November), however some species have continuous flowering. The guild of floral visitors included hummingbirds, flower piercers, bumblebees, Diptera and Lepidoptera. The plant – flower visitor interaction network did not exhibit nestedness, but showed a significant specialization index (H2) and high values of functional complementarity.

Conclusions: Páramo plants have the capacity of maintaining a resident nectarivorus fauna (bumblebees and hummingbirds) because of continuous flower offer during the year. However, the plant – pollinator network identified could be very sensitive to the loss component species, owing to high levels of specialisation and functional complementarity.  相似文献   


Fragments of oak-crop with QUERCUS PUBESCENS willd. and of mediterranean maquis in the isle of vivara (Flegrean isles). — In these note the types of arboreous and shrubby vegetation pointed out in the islet of Vivara are passed in rapid review. Particular references to the types of vegetation arranged in the Quercion ilicis are given.

A short account is reserved to the presence of Quercus pubescens Willd. and to the importance of these species concerning the construction of the fragments of oak-crop and of mediterranean high maquis that are present to the edges of tableland and on the sides of the smallest Flegrean isles.

It is a question of unusual aspects of vegetation for a microinsular environment. Therefore they are worthy of study before they are destroyed or still more altered.  相似文献   


Specimens of Pinus halepensis, from the forest of Patemisco Gallio (Taranto) which were tapped, have been studied. The following conclusions have been reached

The control specimens formed a double ring from May to October.

The specimens which were chipped with the scraper (herring-bone method) show a strong acceleration of the wood ring formation. From May to October three rings are formed, each with its own resin ducts, but these channels are atypic, different from those of the ase tapping. The accelerating stimulus caused by the scraper is transmitted at lower levels, as the wounding proceedes from the upper region downwards. Considering that the successive wounds reache, by and by, regions of the stem aready accelerated in cambium activity, the summing up of the successive stimuli causes a sort of exhaustion of the cambium, so that the last rings are rather narrow with irregular and poor resin ducts.

The specimens chipped with the axe (french method) formed a double wood ring like the control ones, showing only a slyght acceleration in comparison with the control specimens. This fastening of the wood ring formation does not transmit neither upwards nor tangentially. The resin ducts in the wounded wood are formed in their normal anatomical region, they are more numerous and bigger than those of the control.

Conclusively: in the axe system the resin ducts are hudge and numerous and the rhytm of the cambial activity is the same as in the control specimens. In the scraper system an acceleration of the cambium activity occurs, with the formation of several wood rings during one tapping season, but the resin ducts are poor and irregular.  相似文献   

Capsule Use of Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data identified suitable Willow Warbler habitat based on mean vegetation height. This habitat model provided maps of distribution and occupation of suitable habitat.

Aims To identify habitat associations in woods with different vegetation structure and management systems during a period of low Willow Warbler populations.

Methods Locations of all Willow Warblers were mapped during the breeding season in three woods of contrasting management; recent low intervention, actively coppiced woodland and high forest with clear‐fells. Height profile models of each wood were derived from airborne LiDAR. The mean vegetation height at locations with Willow Warblers and a sample from the rest of the wood were used to produce models of optimum habitat and breadth of habitat occupied in each wood. The habitat model was then used to produce maps of suitable habitat.

Results The habitat models did not differ between woods, with highest probability of Willow Warbler occurrence in mean vegetation heights of 3.7–5.3 m. Habitat of heights 6–11 m appeared less suitable, being only partly occupied. Habitat maps showed that habitat of suitable height was only occupied when it occurred as large patches; smaller patches (mostly <0.5 ha) and edges along rides and fields were not used.

Conclusion The use of LiDAR derived measures of vegetation height identified areas of suitable habitat for Willow Warblers. Willow Warblers occupied areas of low mean vegetation height either as early successional or open canopy woodland in all woods. Height‐based habitat maps can identify areas of suitable habitat within larger expanses of heterogeneous woodland and are a potentially useful tool in assessing changes in extent of what are often temporary patches of habitat.  相似文献   

Background: The effect of the anticipated climate change on the stability of vegetation and the factors underlying this stability are not well understood.

Aims: Our objective was to quantify long-term vegetation changes in a range of habitats in northern Europe by exploring species co-occurrences and their links to diversity and productivity gradients.

Methods: We re-sampled vegetation in 16 arctic, mountain and mire sites 20 to 90 years after the original inventories. A site-specific change in species assemblages (stability) was quantified using species co-occurrences. Using a randomisation test we tested whether the changes observed were significantly greater than those expected by chance. Relationships between patterns in vegetation stability and time between surveys, numbers of plots, or species diversity and proxies for productivity, were tested using regression analysis.

Results: At most sites the changes in species co-occurrences of vascular plants and bryophytes were greater than those expected by chance. The changes observed were found to be unrelated to gradients in productivity or diversity.

Conclusions: Changes in species co-occurrences are not strongly linked to diversity or productivity gradients in vegetation, suggesting that other gradients or site-specific factors (e.g. land use or species interactions) may be more important in controlling recent compositional shifts in vegetation in northern Europe.  相似文献   

The phenology of tree species in environments that are subject to strong climatic seasonality is mainly determined by water availability, which may vary as a function of wood density. The relationship among phenology, water potential, wood density and the capacity of water storage in the stem were determined for woody species of caatinga vegetation (dry forest) in the semiarid region of NE Brazil. Leaf flush and fall, flowering and fruiting events were recorded over a 31-month period, and the water potential was measured over a two-year period. These data were related to precipitation, water availability in the soil and photoperiod. Seven deciduous species exhibited low wood density (DLWD,?<0.5?g?cm?3), high capacity of water storage in the stem (until 250?% of the dry weight) and high water potential during the year, as opposed to 15 deciduous species that showed high wood density (DHWD,?≥0.5?g?cm?3). Leaf flush, flowering and the fruiting of DHWD species were related to precipitation, whereas these phenological events occurred at the end of the dry season and/or the beginning of the rainy season for DLWD species and were related to the photoperiod. The two evergreen species showed variations of water potential that were intermediate between those of DHWD and DLWD deciduous species, leaf flush during the dry season and flowering at the end of dry season. These results suggest the existence of three functional groups: evergreen species, DHWD deciduous species and DLWD deciduous species.  相似文献   

Background: There have been few quantitative observations of the attributes of native animal paths and no studies of their variation between vegetation types. These paths may be important in extending the local ranges of plant species.

Aims: To determine the incidence, cover and characteristics of native animal paths in different vegetation types, their relationships with other variables and the influence of paths on plant species distributions.

Methods: Randomly located line transects, and paired quadrats on and adjacent to paths, were used to record path and environmental attributes at 10 sites in each of 10 vegetation types. The relationships between path cover, number, width and depth and potential predictor variables were determined by using Pearsons product moment correlation.

Results: The mean cover of paths in plant communities varied between 6.5% and 12.6%. Path cover, number, width and depth varied between vegetation types. Penetration resistance, bare ground, scat density and plant species richness had higher values in path quadrats than in controls. Within particular vegetation types, several plant species were restricted to paths.

Conclusions: Animal trampling is an important influence on vegetation structure and the distribution of plant species in the study area.  相似文献   


Phytosociology, ecology and chorology of snowbed vegetation in Croatia were researched. Snowbed stands, found only in freezing ravines and dolines of the Liburnian karst and Velebit Mountains (NW Dinaric Alps, NW Croatia), were classified into the association Drepanoclado-Heliospermetum (Salicion retusae, Arabidetalia caeruleae, Thlaspietea rotundifolii). Those stands, exposed mostly to the north and shaded for the majority of the growing season, were developed on more or less settled periglaciar screes and boulders in the coldest parts (bottoms, smaller ditches) of the dolines with long-lasting snow cover. Due to lower altitude of Croatian mountains, snowbed vegetation could be found only azonally, in freezing ravines surrounded by altimontane and subalpine (fir-)beech and spruce forests, where these stands manage to thrive due to specific microclimatic conditions. Snowbeds host some rare, endangered and/or protected plant species in Croatia. Vulnerability of the flora and vegetation of snowbeds in Croatia is briefly discussed.  相似文献   


Mycoflora of Silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) stumps. - This work is a first contribution to the knowledge of the mycoflora colonizing Silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) stumps in Italy.

Autochthonous fungal species were isolated from the wood of A. alba stumps from three different sites in the Tuscan Apennines.

Frequency values for the isolated species and taxonomic groups were calculated.

Deuteromycetes (57–82.5%) occurred more frequently than basidiomycetes (5–36%), phycomycetes (0.7–11.6%) and ascomycetes (0–1%). The most common genera were found to be: Aleurodiscus, Penicillium, Phellinus, Phialophora, Scytalidium, Sistotrema and Trichoderma.

An effective method of isolation from wood is also described.  相似文献   


The embryosac development in Nerine rosea Herb. has been found to occur according to the Normal type and indications of an identical development were found for Nerine curvifolia Herb., contrary to the observations of Schlimbach (1924), who reported a Lilium type for this species. Embryosacs of the Normal type also occur in Amaryllis Belladonna, to which a tetrasporic development had been erroneously ascribed by Schlimbach (1924). In Nerine rosea Herb. the formation of the microspores is of the «successive» type; the aploid cromosome number is n=12, in accordance with the describtions of Heitz.  相似文献   


Observations on the genus Lulworthia Suth., on its relationship with Limnoria Menzies and records of others species. – Near a coral-limestone before Bogliasco-Genova panels of various woods: Abies alba, Ochroma lagopus, Fagus silvatica, Olea europaea, Larix decidua, Pinus pinaster, Populus alba have been laid as a bait. When they have been fished out again, after lengths of time varying from a minimum of a month and a half to a maximum of eleven months, with intervals of about one month and a half, they have often presented, besides the normal bentonic flora and fauna, numerous long, bright, septate, brown hyphae emerging from the wood. Only after the panels have been perforated by Limnoria tripunctata the perithecia of Lulworthia sp. appear; the quantity of these seems to be inversely proportional to that of the brown hyphae, which is particularly evident in Olea and Populus. In some preparations (slides) it is possible to notice connections between the brown mycelium inside the wood and the perithecia of the ascomicete. It is believed that the brown hyphae represent the vegetative stage of the strain of Lulworthia found at Bogliasco but that only after the perforation and alteration of the wood caused by Limnoria, the fungus is able to form the perithecia. The biometric values of the above mentioned Lulworthia are given. Besides, the finding of the Papulaspora halima Anast. is reported; such species, described in California in 1963, has been found in Japan, too. It is also noticed the presence of Corollospora maritima Wender., already found in other stations of the Mediterranean, and other ubiquitous species.  相似文献   


Preliminary studies on the marine phythobenthic communities in the Straits of Sicily and adjacent islands. — The results of algological researches carried out by the Gruppo di Algologia of the S.B.I. in the Straits of Sicily and adjacent islands are reported. 288 species have been collected, 275 of which have been identified: 160 were Rhodophyta, 62 Phaeophyta, 32 Chlorophyta, 16 Cyanophyta and 2 Angiospermae. The vegetational research leads to the following conclusions: 1 - the harbour areas (Pantelleria, Malta: loc. 1 and 11) show a nitrophile vegetation, particulary near La Valletta where an almost pure population of Pterocladia pinnata is found; 2 - there are important biogeographical differences between Pelagie islands (Lampedusa, Linosa) and Pantelleria. In fact the former ones have an algal flora composed mostly of eastern mediterranean species, whilst the latter shows strong affinities with the north-african basin, as is demonstrated by the rich well developed belt of Cystoseira sedoides; 3 - several species of atlantic origin, such as Callophyllis laciniata, Peyssonnelia coriacea, P. inamoena and Castagnea chordariaeformis, have been found on the banks (loc. 3, 6, 7).  相似文献   


The vegetation of the Pescara pinewood. The littoral pinewood at Pescara, about 35 hectares wide, is entirely comprised within the urban environment of this city. It is a seminatural environment and its better preserved portion is a wood for which the phytosociological studies point out three main aspects: a) hygrophilous wood evolving towards Carici-Fraxinetum angustifoliae Pedrotti 1970 b) a mediterranean maquis type of vegetation; c) vegetation of Prunetalia spinosa type.

In the residual retrodunal sectors an impoverished garigue predominates. Pinus halepensis Miller is self-renovating in the open xerophilus areas, while it tends to disappear in the hygrophilous zones.  相似文献   


The author has examined the cambial activity and the formation of the annual ring in Quercus aegilops from February 1954 to February 1955. Material was collected at Tricase (Lecce) the only Italian locality where this oriental species grows although it is doubtful whether it is spontaneous.

Cambial activity starts in the middle of April both in the main stem and in the branches following flowering and bud development. It goes on for about five months until the second half of August forming a complete growth ring. This annual ring shows the normal sequence of early wood with wide vessels formed during the second half of April and the whole of May, intermediate wood with medium and small size vessels, parenchima, and fibres formed in June-July, and late wood with few small size vessels, parenchima, and fibres formed from the end of July to middle August.

There is no reawakening of cambial activity in autumn even if the climatic conditions are favourable. Tylosis are very easily formed in the wood vessels and by this process the plant can withstand the drought of the Apulian summer.  相似文献   

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