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The process of cellularization of the endosperm was studied in Ipomoea purpurea Roth and Cytinus hypocistis L. In both the examined species normal cytochinesis, involving the formation of the phragmoplast, characterizes the change from the nuclear to cellular condition. Nevertheless, some ultrastructural aspects of the cell wall initiation seem to indicate that the modality of freely-growing walls cannot be excluded. The hypothesis of a unique method of wall initiation for the endosperm of the nuclear type, formulated by some Authors, is discussed.  相似文献   

Axillary buds of the dioecious plant Rumex acetosella L. were isolated and cultured in vitro. The callus tissue which developed at the basal parts of the explants displayed a high capacity for shoot formation. This morphogenetic pattern was predominant on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 2% sucrose, 2.2 mgl-1 benzylaminopurine and 0.17 mgl-1 indole-3-acetic acid. Somatic embryogenesis was induced when the osmolality of the medium was increased by adding 6% sucrose instead of 2%, or hexitols in addition to 2% sucrose. Most of the embryogenic calli were formed on the basal parts of leaf laminae and bracts. Development and maturation was strongly promoted by transferring the tissue to a solid or liquid medium lacking benzylaminopurine and indole-3-acetic acid and supplemented with 10 mgl-1 gibberellic acid. The embryos germinated and developed into normal rosette plants when transferred to vermiculite moistened with hormone-free, half-strength MS salt solution. The histology of successive embryogenic stages is presented.  相似文献   

Summary In the present study developmental patterns of renal polyamineoxidizing enzymes polyamine oxidase (PAO) and diamine oxidase (DAO) in male and female ICR mice were demonstrated. The effects of testosterone (10g/100g body weight) on renal PAO and DAO activities were also studied. The differences between sexes in both PAO and DAO activities were most clearly expressed in the immature kidney. At the age of 20 days PAO and DAO activities were 1.52 fold (p < 0.01) and 1.75 (p < 0.02) respectively higher in male mouse kidney than in female. Maturational processes reflected in significant increases in polyamine- oxidizing enzyme activities mainly in female mouse kidney, comparable with the gain in the kidney wet weight. Our data show that testosterone is able to influence renal PAO and DAO activities in addition to the well-known stimulation of polyamine biosynthesis. The hormonal effects were sex and age dependent. The influence of testosterone on renal PAO activity was mainly age dependent. The slight stimulation of renal PAO activity observed in 20- and 50-day old mice, 24h after testosterone administration, change with a decrease in the enzyme activity at the age of 70 days. The effects of testosterone on renal DAO activity were mainly sex dependent. Testosterone caused stimulation of DAO activity with a very close magnitude (nearly twice) in female mouse kidney, independently of the age of mice. In contrast, in male mice the hormone treatment resulted in a statistically significant increase in renal DAO activity at the age of 70 days (.1.3 fold, p < 0.05) only. It could be suggested that our data indicate the different contribution of renal PAO and DAO in androgen regulation of polyamine levels, depending on sex and the stage of the postnatal development.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural observations of the ovary and uterus of Dirofilaria immitis reveal some characteristics of oogonia, oocytes, and uterine sperm. Oogonia are confined to the distal portion of the ovary including a blind tip, where a morphologically distinct terminal cap cell was not observed. These cells contain a nucleus with a nucleolus, numerous dense bodies, scanty ribosomes, lipid droplets, and an occasional mitochondrion. Endoplasmic reticulum is lacking and Golgi complexes were observed only in fully grown oogonia. Primary oocytes located in the middle portion of the ovary are large, elongate, and have a complete set of organelles including many small mitochondria, fragmentary endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, Golgi complexes, and very few dense bodies. These cells are arranged into many rosettes about central cytoplasmic masses, the rachises, to which they maintain cytoplasmic continuity by pseudopodlike processes. The rachises contain no organelle except a few dense granules and are bound by winding membranes. Oocytes from the proximal portion differ from those of the middle portion of the ovary in their larger size, round shape, absence of many organelles, presence of small dense granules, and lacking a rachis. Dense bodies are specific to the oogonia and exhibit DNase susceptibility and a positive reaction for a mitochondrial enzyme. These findings together with their decreased number and a concomitant increase of mitochondria in the oocytes suggest a relationship between these bodies and mitochondria.Uterine sperm of D. immitis are of the amoeboid type and contain several chromatin masses without a nuclear envelope, many mitochondria, and specialized membranous organelles referred to as mesosomelike vesicles. The vesicles are probably originated from the sperm plasma membrane. Upon fertilization, the entire spermatozoon penetrates the oocyte and its contents are gradually dissolved in the ooplasm with a simultaneous appearance of large numbers of ribosomes at the site of dissolution. Ribosomes were later found in the nucleus. A pronucleus was not observed. These findings are basically in agreement with those described for Ascaris but differ in the morphologic features and number of rachises, presence of dense bodies, absence of refringent granules in the oocytes and the absence of a refringent body and presence of several chromatin masses in the sperm.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of nonarticulated laticifers in the seedlings ofEuphorbia maculata was studied at various developmental stages. The apical regions of the seedling laticifers growing intrusively contained large nuclei with mainly euchromatin and dense cytoplasm possessing various and many organelles such as rich ribosomes, several small vacuoles, giant mitochondria with dense matrices, rough endoplasmic reticulum, dictyosomes, and proplastids. This result suggested that the apical regions of laticifers were metabolically very active. Laticifers in seedlings at the first-leaf developmental stage did not contain latex particle. In seedlings at second-leaf growth stage, the laticifer cells contained numerous and elongated small vacuoles. These vacuoles appeared to arise by dilation of the endoplasmic reticulum and frequently possessed osmiophilic or electron-dense latex particles. The small vacuoles fused with the large vacuole occupying the central portion of the subapical region of laticifers, and then the latex particles were released into the large central vacuole. The latex particles varied in size and were lightly or darkly stained. Proplastids with a dense matrix and a few osmiophilic plastoglobuli were filled with an elongated starch grain and thus were transformed into amyloplasts. Latex particles were initially produced in the laticifers after seedlings had developed their second young leaves. In seedlings at forth-leaf stage, latex particles with an alveolated rim were found in the laticifers.  相似文献   


Stigmatic and stylar structures of-sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) «Malizia» were examined with light and electron microscopes (S.E.M. and T.E.M.).

It was demonstrated that the transmitting tissue, situated in the central portion of the style, extends below the stigmatic papillae and secretes an electrondense material accumulating in the intercellular spaces. Pollen tubes which germinated on the stigma, reached the ovules passing through this substance which facilitates their passage while trophic relations are established.

Some ultrastructural aspects of the pollen tubes observed inside the style were examined and discussed in relation to the phenomenon of self-incompatibility.  相似文献   

Embryogenic cultures of pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L.) were initiated from mechanically wounded mature zygotic embryos on 2,4-D-containing MS medium, and on hormone-free, semisolid modified MS medium containing NH4Cl as the sole source of nitrogen. The habituated line was derived from the embryogenic tissue induced with 2,4-D and maintained on medium without growth regulators. Sustained subculturing of the three embryogenic lines on a medium with NH4Cl as the sole source of nitrogen enabled the establishment of highly uniform cultures in which no further development into mature embryo stages occurred. The tissue consisting of proembryogenic globules or globular stage embryos was maintained, without decline, for over six years. Globular embryos proceeded to maturity when a combination of reduced (NH4) and unreduced (NO3) forms of nitrogen was provided in the medium. Different nitrogen sources in the medium caused changes of medium pH during subculture in the pH range of 4.0-6.5. The tissue growth and embryo development were blocked on medium with pH adjusted and stabilized at 4.0 or at 3.2.  相似文献   

All examined species of cockroaches have been shown to harbour intracellular bacteria in specialized cells (bacteriocytes) of the fat body. In termites, bacteria in specialized cells have been observed only in Mastotermes darwiniensis (Isoptera: Mastotermitidae). All of these bacteria have been assigned to the same eubacterial lineage, with the bacteria of M. darwiniensis as the sister group to the cockroach bacteria. While the main steps of the life cycle of cockroach bacteria have been described, little is known about the bacteria of M. darwiniensis. More specifically, no data are available on their behaviour during the development of this termite. Using both optical and electron microscopy methods, we examined embryos of M. darwiniensis at different developmental stages. Our results show that the integration of bacteria during the development of M. darwiniensis is implemented in the same way as in cockroaches. In particular, we observed the aggregation of a large amount of bacteria in a single mass in the yolk sac, with vitellophage-associated bacterial lysis. In cockroaches, a similar process has been described in detail for Periplaneta americana (Blattaria: Blattidae), where the bacterial mass is referred to as the transitory mycetome. The formation of a transitory mycetome could thus be regarded as an ancestral condition for cockroaches and termites.  相似文献   

We used four cultivars ofCapsicum annuum L.—Sweet Banana, California Wonder, Yolo Wonder, and Ace—to reexamine the critical factors influencing somatic embryogenesis from zygotic embryo explants, as reported in the literature. When we followed the protocol of Buyukalaca and Mavituna (1996), which had induced somatic embryogenesis from mature zygotic embryos of cv. Ace, only callus was formed without embryogenesis from our mature zygotic embryo expiants. Using the procedures of Harini and Lakshmi Sita (1993) and Binzel et al. (1996), with some modifications, we were able to induce somatic embryogenesis in all four cultivars. Rates of conversion were significantly reduced, from 75% and 65% to 40% and 28% in ’Sweet Banana’ and ’California Wonder’, respectively, when the immature zygotic embryo expiants were held on the induction medium for longer than two weeks. Likewise, somatic embryogenesis of ’Yolo Wonder’ was not observed if the induction medium was supplemented with 10% glucose or fructose, or without 10% sucrose. For somatic embryo induction and eventual plantlet conversion in Yolo Wonder’, maltose could adequately replace sucrose. In all four cultivars, somatic embryos were initiated from immature zygotic explants on media with or without coconut water, under both light and dark conditions.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of synergids of watermelon (Citrullus Lanatus L.) was investigated using transmission electron microscopy at following stages of embryo sacs: 1. Unpollination, on the first flowering day. 2. Unpollination, on 2nd day after anthesis (DAA). 3. Fertilization, on DAA 2. The synergids with distinct filiform apparatus at the micropylar end have abundant organelle, such as mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, and plastids in cytoplasm, which indicate that they are active on the first flowering day. No wall is present at the chalazal part of synergid, and there are some flocculent materials and vesicles in the spaces of cytoplasma membranes among synergid, egg cell and central cell in embryo sacs at the first and the second stages. On DAA 2, in unpollinated embryo sacs, the central large vacuole of synergid is divided into several smaller ones and the starch grains decrease in cytoplasm. There is no newly synthesized wall at the chalazal end of persistent synergid in fertilized embryo sacs. The contents of degenerated synergid, in the form of electron dense granules, are located in the wide space among central cell, zygote and persistent synergid, and some of them migrate into central cell through cytoplasma membrane. Therefore, it is deduced that the contents of synergid might serve as a nutrient supplement to the development of endosperm, but not embryo.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of cytokinin on growth and plant regeneration of thalamus-derived calluses ofRanunculus asiaticus L. has been investigated with various concentrations of 6-benzyladenine and 6-furfurylaminopurine (kinetin), in a medium containing 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid levels, which was decreased to 0 over three subcultures. Cytokinins, although not essential, for initiating callus production, improved subsequent callus growth and plant regeneration. No somatic embryogenesis was observed on calluses grown on media lacking cytokinins or containing only kinetin. Calluses manifested embryogenesis on media containing 6-benzyladenie plus kinetin or only 6-benzyladenine. Nondifferentiating callus was characterized by a high content of phenolic polymers and an elevated peroxidase and polyphenol oxidase activity in comparison with differentiating callus. Differences in simple phenol concentrations were observed in the two kinds of callus.  相似文献   

Cysteine proteases play critical biological roles in both intracellular and extracellular processes. We characterized Ce-cpl-1, a Caenorhabditis elegans cathepsin L-like cysteine protease. RNA interference with Ce-cpl-1 activity resulted in embryonic lethality and a transient delayed growth of larvae to egg producing adults, suggesting an essential role for cpl-1 during embryogenesis, and most likely during post-embryonic development. Cpl-1 gene (Ce-cpl-1:lacZ) is widely expressed in the intestine and hypodermal cells of transgenic worms, while the fusion protein (Ce-CPL-1::GFP) was expressed in the hypodermis, pharynx, and gonad. The CPL-1 native protein accumulates in early to late stage embryos and becomes highly concentrated in gut cells during late embryonic development. CPL-1 is also present near the periphery of the eggshell as well as in the cuticle of larval stages suggesting that it may function not only in embryogenesis but also in further development of the worm. Although the precise role of Ce-CPL-1 during embryogenesis is not yet clear it could be involved in the processing of nutrients responsible for synthesis and/or in the degradation of eggshell. Moreover, an increase in the cpl-1 mRNA is seen in the intermolt period approximately 4 h prior to each molt. During this process Ce-CPL-1 may act as a proteolytic enzyme in the processing/degradation of cuticular or other proteins. Similar localization of a related cathepsin L in the filarial nematode Onchocerca volvulus, eggshell and cuticle, suggests that some of the Ce-CPL-1 function during development may be conserved in other parasitic nematodes.  相似文献   

Nielsen, C. 2010. Some aspects of spiralian development. —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 91 : 20–28 Spiralian development is not only a characteristic early cleavage pattern, with shifting orientations of the cleavage planes, but also highly conserved cell lineages, where the origin of several organs can be traced back to identifiable cells in the lineage. These patterns are well documented in annelids, molluscs, nemertines, and platyhelminths and are considered ancestral of a bilaterian clade including these phyla. Spiral cleavage has not been documented in ecdysozoans, and no trace of the spiral development pattern is seen in phoronids and brachiopods. Origin of the spatial organization in spiralian embryos is puzzling, but much of the information appears to be encoded in the developing oocyte. Fertilization and “pseudofertilization” apparently provides the information defining the secondary, anterior‐posterior body axis in many species. The central nervous system consists of three components: an apical organ, derived from the apical blastomeres 1a111‐1d111, which degenerates before or at metamorphosis; the cerebral ganglia derived from other blastomeres of the first micromere quartet and retained in the adult as a preoral part of the brain; and the originally circumblastoporal nerve cord, which has become differentiated into a perioral part of the brain, the paired or secondarily fused ventral nerve cords, and a small perianal nerve ring.  相似文献   

In conventional culture conditions without auxin, somatic embryos arising from suspension cultures of grapevine rootstock 41B (Vitis vinifera cv. Chasselas x Vitis berlandieri) are arrested at the heart stage of development. Starting from indications that inhibitors excreted in the culture medium could be responsible for this arrest, new culture conditions based on daily subculturing embryos in fresh medium have been successfully used to obtain full embryo development. From this technique, a microassay was devised for screening small amounts of extracellular molecules as potential inhibitors of embryonic development. Our results show that extracellular macromolecules of molecular weight higher than 10 kDa are likely involved in the inhibition of caulinary meristem initiation. However, other factors obviously cooperate to inhibit embryo development in conventional culture conditionsAbbreviations CH76 cv. Chardonnay clone 76 (Vitis vinifera) - NOA 2-naphthoxyacetic acid  相似文献   

Plant reproduction under spaceflight conditions has been problematic in the past. In order to determine what aspect of reproductive development is affected by microgravity, we studied pollination and embryo development in Brassica rapa L. during 16 d in microgravity on the space shuttle (STS-87). Brassica is self-incompatible and requires mechanical transfer of pollen. Short-duration access to microgravity during parabolic flights on the KC-135A aircraft was used initially to confirm that equal numbers of pollen grains could be collected and transferred in the absence of gravity. Brassica was grown in the Plant Growth Facility flight hardware as follows. Three chambers each contained six plants that were 13 d old at launch. As these plants flowered, thin colored tape was used to indicate the date of hand pollination, resulting in silique populations aged 8-15 d postpollination at the end of the 16-d mission. The remaining three chambers contained dry seeds that germinated on orbit to produce 14-d-old plants just beginning to flower at the time of landing. Pollen produced by these plants had comparable viability (93%) with that produced in the 2-d-delayed ground control. Matched-age siliques yielded embryos of equivalent developmental stage in the spaceflight and ground control treatments. Carbohydrate and protein storage reserves in the embryos, assessed by cytochemical localization, were also comparable. In the spaceflight material, growth and development by embryos rescued from siliques 15 d after pollination lagged behind the ground controls by 12 d; however, in the subsequent generation, no differences between the two treatments were found. The results demonstrate that while no stage of reproductive development in Brassica is absolutely dependent upon gravity, lower embryo quality may result following development in microgravity.  相似文献   

Calli of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) initiated from seedling hypocotyl tissue were placed in liquid suspension and maintained by serial subculture in hormone-free Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium. Suspensions were sieved and globular embryos collected, washed, resuspended in basal medium and plated onto various semi-solid media. High inorganic salts (MS), low salt (2/3 MS), excess KNO3, and the growth regulators napthaleneacetic acid (NAA), gibberellic acid (GA3) and kinetin were tested for their effects on somatic embryo maturation. Long-term embryo proliferation and maturation were best on medium containing MS plus 1.9g/l KNO3. Embryos 3 mm to 10 mm in size were removed from this plating medium and placed on sterile vermiculite saturated with Stewart and Hsu's medium plus 0.1 mg/l indoleacetic acid (IAA). Plants were recovered from 10.6% of the embryos. When 5 mm embryos were placed on this medium, 30% of the embryos formed plants within six weeks. Smaller embryos required a longer period of development on the vermiculite and the addition of fresh medium supplemented with 0.1 mg/l GA3. Plants with an extensive root system and two true leaves were removed from sterile culture and potted in either one-to-one peat and sand, or vermiculite. Eighty percent of the regenerants were successfully hardened when glass beakers of increasing size (10 to 150 ml) were sequentially placed over the young plants during a two-week period.  相似文献   

Summary Induction of somatic embryogenesis by different growth regulators was examined in leaf disc cultures of Nicotiana tabacum L. Direct differentiation of somatic embryos occurred on media supplemented with naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) and N6-benzylaminopurine (BAP). Thidiazuron (N-phenyl-N-1, 2,3,-thiadiazol-5-ylurea; TDZ) not only substituted for the most effective NAA-BAP combination but also induced a higher frequency of somatic embryogenesis. Regenerated somatic embryos were capable of developing into plants.Abbreviations BAP N6-benzylaminopurine - MS Murashige and Skoog (1962) medium - NAA Naphthaleneacetic acid - TDZ N-phenyl-N-1,2,3,- thiadiazol-5-ylurea  相似文献   

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