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Lo sviluppo del gametofito femminile di Campsis radicans (L.) Seem. (Bi-gnonaceae) è di tipo normale, monomegasporiale, otto-nucleato. Le cellule somatiche dell'ovulo durante lo sviluppo del gametofito e la loro trasformazione in tessuto nutritizio presentano particolari fenomeni interessanti non solo dal punto di vista morfologico, ma anche da quello microchimico. L'ispessimento attivo della membrana delle cellule dell'ipostasi è preceduto dall'acquisto di un intenso potere cromotropo e di un aspetto mucillaginoso : il passaggio delle sostanze pectiche della membrana cellulare da uno stato di inerzia ad uno di accrescimento coinciderebbe secondo ogni verosimiglianza con l'acquisto di radicali solforici da parte dei loro polisaccaridi. L'amido del gametofito adulto in via di degenerazione acquista un intenso potere cromatropo determinato dai prodotti della sua demolizione  相似文献   

Mario Orsenigo 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(1-2):250-252

MECHANISM OF COCHLIOBOLIN ACTIVITY: A PREVENTIVE NOTE. — Coch-liobolin caused leakage of phosphate and organic compounds from corn rootlets and potato discs, at room temperature. The leakage does not occur at 1–5°C, but when potato discs are incubated at this temperature and then thoroughly washed and brought at 25°C, a sharp increase of phosphate may be noticed in the incubation solutions.

Cochliobolin inhibited partially the aerobic respiration of glucose and endogenous carbon in Micrococcus pyogenes var. aureus resting cells. Aerobic respiration of pyruvate, succinate, fumarate and malate was completely inhibited, while the inhibition of lactate and Lketoglutarate respiration required a short lag period. The hydrogen-ion concentration of the media seemed to be an important factor controlling the rapidity of action of the inhibitor, because at pH 4 and 5 at least 120 minutes were required prior any effect could be observed, while only 30 minutes were required at pH 6.

The effects of cochliobolin on Micrococcus resting cells were irreversible In contrast, respiratory activities of acetonic powders were refractory to the substance under aerobic conditions, and oxidation of pyruvate, malate, fumarate, succinate and α-ketoglutarate were not affected by saturated solutions of cochliobolin. It is suggested that the first site of attack is the cell wall-cell membrane unit, altering cell permeability, so that inorganic ions and other cofactors essential to respiration are lost in consequence of the leakage through the cell membrane.  相似文献   

Piera Lado 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(3-5):489-502

On the inhibition of seeds germination and of growth by cell enlargement by the osmotic pressure of the medium. — The mechanism of inhibition by osmotic pressure (O.P.) of the medium on growth and respiration of germinating wheat, castor bean and lettuce sèeds and of etiolated pea internode segments was investigated.

The following results were obtained:

1 - External osmotic pressure (up to 0.3 M) of various substances such as mannitol, urea, glucose, NaCl, was shown to inhibit the germination and growth of lettuce, wheat and castor bean seeds.

2 - a) A remarkable decrease of the development of respiration during the first 48 h of germination was demonstrated in embryos of wheat seeds germinated and maintained in mannitol solutions at concentration from 0,2 to 0,3 M.

b) A slight but reproducible inhibition of óxygen uptake by O.P. was also observed in embryos isolated from wheat seeds germinated in water for 24 and 34 h and transported respectively in water or into 0,2 M mannitol solutions.

This is interpreted as indicating that high external O.P. inhibits both the respiratory metabolism and the development with time of enzyme systems supporting respiration.

3 - Mannitol solutions (0,2–0,3 M) inhibited completely growth by cell enlargement in pea internode sections, while they did not at all affect oxygen uptake and protein synthesis ( 14 C - leucine incorporation). The stimulatory effect of auxin on pea elongation was almost completely suppressed by mannitol, whereas the hormone stimulation of respiration remained unchanged.

These data are interpreted as indicating that in tissues, presenting an advanced differentiation, high external O.P. inhibits growth by a direct physico-chemical mechanism; while the inhibitory effect in embrional tissues seems to comprehend, besides this direct effect, a complicated metabolic component, apparently influencing protein synthesis.  相似文献   


The embryosac development in Nerine rosea Herb. has been found to occur according to the Normal type and indications of an identical development were found for Nerine curvifolia Herb., contrary to the observations of Schlimbach (1924), who reported a Lilium type for this species. Embryosacs of the Normal type also occur in Amaryllis Belladonna, to which a tetrasporic development had been erroneously ascribed by Schlimbach (1924). In Nerine rosea Herb. the formation of the microspores is of the «successive» type; the aploid cromosome number is n=12, in accordance with the describtions of Heitz.  相似文献   


Effects of boron and molybdenum on the growth of Asparagopsis armata (Rhodophyceae, Bonnemaisoniales) in culture. - The influence of two trace-metals (boron and molybdenum) on the growth of Asparagopsis armata has been studied in culture. This alga is very tolerant of molybdenum at high concentrations, while boron rapidly becomes toxic.  相似文献   


L'A. fa alcune osservazioni sul fotoperiodismo di Guizotia abyssinica coltivata nell'ambiente di Firenze. Dalle prime prove sembra resultare ben evidente l'acceleramento della fioritura nelle piante sottoposte alla riduzione artificiale del giorno.  相似文献   


Anthocyanins are secondary metabolites, which play important roles in the physiology of plants. In tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.), anthocyanins are normally synthesized only in vegetative tissues. M375 is a mutant unable to produce anthocyanins in leaves and stems. In this study, we investigated the anthocyanin biosynthetic pathway in M375 and in its genetic background, Alice, in order to find out where the anthocyanin biosynthesis is blocked, along the pathway, in the mutant. Anthocyanins accumulation was enhanced by sucrose only in the wild type, even though the expression of several genes involved in anthocyanin biosynthesis was normal in both the genotypes. Genes coding for the final steps along the anthocyanin biosynthetic pathway were, however, less expressed in the M375 when compared to the wild type.  相似文献   

This study, based on inter-simple sequence repeats in 14 populations of Linaria capraria, shows that genetic diversity at the species level is 0.21 and represents 58% of total variance, whereas the level of intrapopulational genetic diversity is 0.07 and represents 42% of total variance. Gene flow is absent between populations from the same island. On the basis of analysis of molecular variance, three centers of genetic diversity were found: Elba and Pianosa, Montecristo, and Capraia; these correspond to the group of islands that remained isolated during the Würm marine regression. A mean proportion of species-level diversity resides among populations, so we hypothesize that the species has a mixed reproductive system that lies somewhere between obligate outcrossing and obligate selfing. The most genetically diverse populations live in natural and well-isolated rocky habitats that seem to have no particular intervention requirements for conservation but the entire system of populations of this endemic species should be preserved.  相似文献   


Observations on the development cycle of the buds of male and female specimens of Ginkyo biloba L. – A study of the buds of long shood and short shoot of male and female Ginkyo biloba L. individuals reveals the following: 1) All the buds of the male individuals are bigger and round in shape while those of the female individuals are smaller and conical. 2) Among individuals of the same sex there are no differences between the buds of long and short shoots except that the latter are always bigger. 3) All the buds, both male and female, show a constant number of buds scales (7–14), embryonic leaves (3–7) and leaf primordia (3–4). 4) The increase in diameters is greater in the male than in the female buds. 5) When opening, the buds of the male short shoots can get as big as 11,5 mm × 11,5 mm and those of the female short shoots 5 mmx4 mm. At this time, the long shoots of both sexes show a less marked differences in size (♂ 5 mm × 5 mm; 9 4 mm × 3,5 mm). 6) The male buds of both long and short shoots are always mixed, that is they are provided with a very small apex and pollen sacs. Only on exceptional cases has sterility been observed. On the other hand female buds are mixed, that is they are provided with a shoot apex and ovules, only in the long shoots of three or more years of age and not always; while the buds of the long shoots are always sterile. 7) Opening of the buds, which in both sexes occurs from the base upwards, takes place at the middle of March in the male and in the first decade of April in the female individuals. 8) The appearence of sex, starting from the base, takes place at an earlier time in male individuals. In fact in the buds of the male short shoots it appears as early as July. In the buds of the female short shoots it appears in October. 9) Pollen cones do not appear at the same time in all the buds of the two types of shoot. They are found in the buds of the short shoots in July, in October in the lateral buds of the long shoots and in November in the terminal buds of the same type of shoots. 10) Ovules appear only in some buds of short shoots three or more year old. They are never present in the long and short shoots one or two year old buds. 11) The dates of appearance of the pollen cones and ovules in our Florentine specimens are exactly the same as those reported by SPRECHER (1907) for the Ginkyo plants growing in Geneva.  相似文献   


The existence of the Macrophomina Phaseoli was noticed on the roots of Lavander plants in the cultures at Cel di Nava (Riviera Ligure). The patogenicity of this microrganism in the ctiology of the Lavander decay was examined and discussed.  相似文献   

Riassunto Gli autori descrivono gli aspetti ultrastrutturali delle cellule di Leydig di Lacerta s. sicula Raf`. in esemplari in letargo del mese di Gennaio (I gruppo) e in altri in periodo degli amori del mese di Maggio (II gruppo).Negli animali del primo gruppo le cellule di Leydig sono poco numerose, piccole, con scarso sviluppo del reticolo endoplasmatico, e mitocondri di dimensioni ridotte e prevalentemente con creste lamellari.Gli esemplari del secondo gruppo presentano cellule di Leydig numerose ed ipertrofiche con un R.E. liscio sviluppatissimo in forma di tubuli e di vescicole; i mitocondri sono numerosi, ipertrofici, con creste prevalentemente tubulari e con la parete spesso interrotta; sono presenti gocce lipidiche e vari lisosomi.La presenza dei caratteri ultrastrutturali propri delle cellule steroidogenetiche nelle cellule di Leydig degli esemplari di Lacerta s. sicula Raf`. in periodo degli amori, tende a confermare la loro partecipazione al metabolismo degli steroidi sessuali.
On the fine structure of leydig cells in january and may specimens of Lacerta s. sicula Raf.
Summary In order to study the ultrastructure of the Leydig cells in the lizard Lacerta s. sicula Raf., the AA. examined two groups of animals, namely: January specimens in hibernation and May specimens in the mating period.In the animals of the first group, the Leydig cells were scarce, small and possessed a poorly developed E.R. and small mitochondria usually presenting laminar cristae.In the specimens of the second group the interstitial cells were large and possessed a very well developed smooth E.R. arranged in a system of anastomosing tubules and vesicles; the mitochondria were numerous and large, with prevailingly tubular cristae and often with a discontinuous wall. Lipid droplets and lysosomes were also present.The observation on the ultrastructure of the Leydig cells in May specimens of Lacerta s. sicula Raf`. seems to confirm the opinion that these elements participate in the metabolism of the sexual steroids; in fact they possess ultrastructural features that are typical of steroidogenetic cells.

Lavoro eseguito con il contributo n.115.1121.1245. della Impresa di Endocrinologia del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, e svolto, per le osservazioni al M.E., presso il Centro di Studio di Microscopia Elettronica della Facoltà di Scienze dell'Università di Napoli.  相似文献   

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