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This paper examines micromorphological characteristics (trichomes, waxes, stomata) of the abaxial leaf surface of European and Mediterranean oaks. Observations were performed In-scanning electron microscopy, and the purpose of the investigation was to ascertain whether it is possible to distinguish the different species taxonomically using these features. Several species, as well as some subspecific entities and taxa considered doubtful, were taken into consideration. Subgenera appear to be well-defined: e.g. the subgenus Quercus is characterized by waxes arranged in vertical scales, the subgenera Cenis and Sclerophyllodris by smooth waxes. They differ because the former has markedly elliptical stomata, while the latter two have roundish stomata. The different species are also fairly easy to distinguish, and this fact confirms the taxonomical validity of the parameters we have taken into consideration. In some cases subspecific entities and doublful species do not diflcr at all from the related species, but in others they present such marked variations that it is difficult even to classify them with certainty. The most critical taxonomic groups (i.e. those which include a number of specific and subspecific entities often too difficult to distinguish from each other) are the series Quercus robur – Quercus petraea,– Quercus pubescens and the Quercus faginea,– Quercus Insitanica Quercus canariensis group.  相似文献   

Hybridisation and introgression occur with high frequency in the genus Quercus and interspecific hybrid individuals show patterns of morphological traits that might be influenced in different ways. Micromorphological leaf traits appear to be positive and stable in Quercus species, and by combining genetic and micromorphological analyses, it is possible to compare the patterns of variation in micromorphological leaf traits of pure and hybrid individuals. Trichomes and stomatal traits were examined using scanning electron microscopy at 150–2000 × magnification in sympatric oak species collected in a natural deciduous wood. Q. frainetto, Q. petraea and Q. pubescens appear to have a relatively predictable complement of trichome types. Both the pattern and quantitative values of each micromorphological trait examined (stomata and trichomes) have an important role in identifying hybrids and pure species; putative hybrids show a pattern of trichomes that is a combination of the parental types. These results, combined with the fact that micromorphological traits generally exhibit higher consistency, indicate that this source of information can be an excellent clue to hybridisation and introgression and useful in taxonomical, systematic and evolutionary studies on the European white oaks.  相似文献   


Comparisons between different data sets are important in taxonomic studies, particularly for complex taxa such as the genus Quercus. However, there is scarce literature on comparative morphological and molecular analyses in oaks. Here we describe an experimental approach based on the correlation between micromorphological features and molecular data in order to characterize and discriminate among five closely related species: Q. robur, Q. petraea, Q. frainetto, Q. pubescens and Q. virgiliana.  相似文献   

Earlier studies showed that leaf surface water on the central whorl leaf of sorghum seedlings is associated with resistance to shoot fly. In this study, the results of an experiment to determine if leaf surface wetness (LSW) originates from atmospheric condensation or from the plant are described. Morphological structures: trichomes, stomata, leaf cuticle and quantity of surface wax of the central whorl leaf were also examined for their role in LSW production. The results suggest that LSW of the central whorl leaf originates from the plant and is not due to condensation of atmospheric moisture. The presence of trichomes was indirectly associated with LSW and resistance to shoot fly but stomatal density was not associated with LSW production. The amount of wax extracted per 100 mg of fresh weight varied significantly between genotypes and seedling age. It was more in susceptible than in resistant genotypes; however, cuticular thickness was not associated with resistance. It is suggested that LSW could be the result of some form of cuticular movement of water to the leaf surface.  相似文献   

6种松科植物叶表皮的扫描电镜观察   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:12  
邵邻相  张凤娟 《植物研究》2005,25(3):281-285
应用扫描电子显微镜,观察了松科(Pinaceae)3个属6种植物叶表皮特征。金钱松气孔带位下表面,气孔区与非气孔区表皮细胞形态差异很大,气孔细缝状;雪松针叶四面都具气孔线,气孔下陷,孔口光滑,针叶表面具较厚的角质层,表皮细胞形状观察不清;五针松针叶仅两腹面有气孔线,气孔有隆起的圆环围绕,表面角质层呈条纹状排列,形成一种沟槽;黑松、湿地松、马尾松针叶腹背面都有气孔线,气孔呈蜂窝状排列成行,气孔下陷,孔口角质化强烈。结果表明松科3个属植物叶表皮的形态结构及气孔器差异显著,一定程度上证实了3属是自然的分类群。  相似文献   

区域尺度上栓皮栎叶性状变异及其与气候因子的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
叶片在长期进化过程中对环境变化敏感且对气候变化的响应表现出表型可塑性。栓皮栎(Quercus varaibilis)是亚洲大陆地理分布最广泛的树种之一,横跨温带和亚热带地区。本文在中国中东部区域内,选取了25个天然栓皮栎林种群,测量了其叶柄长度、叶片长度、叶片宽度、叶片面积、叶片干重等,并计算了比叶面积和叶形指数(叶片长宽比)等叶性状特征,探讨了区域尺度上叶片性状变异与气候因子关系的格局。结果表明,栓皮栎叶片性状在种群间和种群内均存在显著的变异;叶片宽度与年均温度呈显著的负相关,叶片宽度和叶片面积与纬度均呈显著正相关,说明叶宽及叶片面积相对于其他指标对气候因子的影响变化更敏感,并且在这一区域尺度上温度影响着叶片大小的变异格局。本研究结果为在全球气候变化背景下了解区域尺度上栓皮栎对环境变化的适应与响应机制提供了基础。  相似文献   

Mulberry (Moms spp.) leaf quality has a great role in silkworm rearing which in turn affects the overall silk yield. In the recent past, many varieties of mulberry have been evolved considering the morphological characters, growth, yield, and quality parameters based on bioassay. The present investigation was carried out on ten promising mulberry genotypesviz. Tr-10, K-2, S-36, S-54, S-1, V-1, Mysore local, S-13, S-34, and RFS-135 to characterize stomatal size and frequency, trichomes and idioblasts using SEM. These new parameters will provide useful information for cultivars identification as well as for selecting mulberry genotypes adapted to different eco-climatic conditions and assessing the feeding quality of leaf for silkworm rearing.  相似文献   

Phenotypic plasticity and developmental instability in leaf traits are common in oak species but the role of environmental factors is not well understood. To decipher possible correlations between different leaf traits and effects of the position of leaves within the tree canopy, we quantified the plasticity of three leaf traits of 30 trees of Quercus alba L., Quercus palustris Muench and Quercus velutina Lam. We hypothesized that trees could modify the shape of their leaves for better adaptation to the variable microclimate within the canopy. Our results demonstrated that the south and north outer leaves were significantly smaller, more lobed and denser than those situated in the inner canopy. The order of leaves on the branch accounted for the plasticity of leaf traits in Q. alba only. Plasticity of lobing in Q. alba and Q. velutina depended on the height of the trees. We detected fluctuating asymmetry (FA) in all three species, but the source of variation depended on branch position in Q. velutina only. FA was more pronounced in north-facing leaves. Plasticity of the leaf traits ranged from small to medium. Plasticity of leaf area and leaf mass per area (LMA) depended on the branch position. However, the plasticity of lobation was not affected by the location of a branch within the tree canopy. Quercus alba and Q. palustris had similar plastic responses but the plasticity of Q. velutina was significantly smaller. We concluded that individual plants detect and cope with environmental stress through vegetative organ modification.  相似文献   

栎属植物体细胞胚胎发生研究现状   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
总结了影响栎属植物体细胞胚胎发生的主要可控因素及体细胞胚的遗传变异,组织学研究现状。目前,已能从成年组织上诱导出体细胞胚,但诱导率较低。重复性体胚发生系统已被认为是一种可资利用的繁殖途径,倍受关注。应用DNA分子标记分析表明:体胚细胞系内存在遗传变异。成熟和较低的萌发率是这一技术广泛应用的瓶颈。  相似文献   

Abstract. Epidermal (non-stomatally-controlled) conductance from the fourth leaf, first node leaf, flag leaf and ear of durum wheat (Triticum turgidum var durum L.) grown under Mediterranean field conditions has been measured, along with leaf stomatal frequency and the amount and distribution of epicuticular waxes. Measurements were carried out on varieties and land-races from the Middle East, North Africa, ‘Institut National de la Recherche Agricole’ (INRA) and ‘Centra Internacional de Mejora de Maiz y Trigo’ (CIMMYT). Significant differences were observed among genotypes in the epidermal conductances (ge) of the four organs. For each of the four organs tested, genotypes from the Middle East and CIMMYT showed higher ge. values than those from North Africa and INRA. Ears showed epidermal conductances that were more than four times higher than those of leaves when ge. values were expressed per unit dry weight. The amount of epicuticular waxes was higher in the fourth leaves, intermediate in the first node and flag leaves and lower in the ears. For each organ, ge differences among genotypes were unrelated with the amount of epicuticular waxes. Removal of epicuticular waxes by dipping the organs into chloroform significantly increased the epidermal conductance for the fourth and first node leaves and the ear. However, this did not occur for the flag leaf. For the fourth leaf, ge of intact leaves and ge of leaves in which epicuticular waxes were removed were unrelated (r = -0.265). The regression coefficient of this relation for the first node and flag leaves showed values of 0.666 and 0.650 (P > 0.05), respectively, and values were even higher in the ear (r > m 0.892, P > 0.01). Scanning electron microscope analysis showed that wax bloom decreased from the fourth leaf to the flag leaf, whereas the extent of amorphous wax increased. Wax bloom in leaves consisted mainly of deposits of thin wax plates. In the ears and the adaxial surface of flag leaves, fibrillar waxes predominated. In the first node and flag leaves, the wax deposits on the adaxial side cover the surface of the leaf more densely and uniformly than those on the abaxial side. There was no significant correlation between ge and total stomatal density, or between ge and either adaxial or abaxial stomatal density for any sample of the three different leaves. The contribution of epicuticular waxes plus total stomatal frequency only explained 42.4, 11.8, 28.3 and 16% of ge (per unit leaf area) variations for the fourth leaf, first node leaf, flag leaf and the combined variation of the three leaves together, respectively. From these results, it is concluded that complex interrelationship between different morphophysiological characteristics probably control ge differences among genotypes and that these interrelationships differ for each different plant part.  相似文献   


Six species of the Quercus genus (Quercus ilex L., Q. coccifera L., Q. suber L., Q. trojana Webb, Q. macrolepis Kotschy, Q. cerris L.) have been screened for cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase (APX) by means of native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE). A single isozyme was found in five species (Q. trojana, Q. suber, Q. cerris, Q. macrolepis and Q. coccifera), while Q. ilex shows two different APX proteins. The data showed marked similarities among Q. trojana, Q. suber, Q. cerris and Q. macrolepis with respect to the electrophoretic mobility. The validity of APX electrophoretic patterns in systematic studies is discussed.  相似文献   

不同小麦品种(系)叶片表面蜡质对两种麦蚜取食的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
采用气质联用(GC-MS)和生物测定法,探讨了不同小麦品种(系)叶片表面蜡质对麦长管蚜和禾谷缢管蚜取食的影响.结果表明:SN80、SN18和ZM12叶片表面蜡质对2种蚜虫取食具有刺激作用,而SN87叶片表面蜡质无刺激作用.对4种小麦材料叶片表面蜡质进行GC-MS分析发现,其表面蜡质化学组分有所不同,但主要组分均为长链烷烃,其它组分包括7-十四碳烯、8-十五烷酮、十四烷酸乙酯和十六烷酸乙酯等.生物测定结果表明:长链烷烃(>C17)、7-十四碳烯及8-十五烷酮对两种蚜虫取食具有显著的刺激作用;而乙基柠檬酸、十四烷酸乙酯和十六烷酸乙酯对麦长管蚜取食无刺激作用;十四烷酸乙酯和十六烷酸乙酯对禾谷缢管蚜取食也无刺激作用.  相似文献   

Foliar application of a mixture of herbicides containing phenmedipham, desmedipham and ethofumesate to the plants of nine strawberry cultivars revealed that there were differences in the level of plant tolerance to the applied chemicals. Light, polarized light and scanning electron microscopy were used to explain differences in tolerance to herbicides. The surface of strawberry leaves and cells was examined for stomata, hairs, trichomes, surface structures, cucticle, vacuole and oxalate crystals. The thicker the cuticle on the adaxial leaf surface, the thicker the layer of epicuticular waxes, greater number of large vacuoles and greater number of calcium oxalate crystals in epidermis cells were characteristic for cultivars with very good tolerance to herbicides. The cracking of epicuticular waxes layer was typical to cultivars with respectively low tolerance to herbicides.  相似文献   

We examined whether the exposure of Quercus robur L. to elevated UV-B radiation (280–315 nm) during growth would influence leaf decomposition rate through effects on litter quality. Saplings were exposed for eight months at an outdoor facility in the UK to a 30% elevation above the ambient level of erythemally weighted UV-B radiation under UV-B treatment arrays of fluorescent lamps filtered with cellulose diacetate, which transmitted both UV-B and UV-A (315–400 nm) radiation. Saplings were exposed to elevated UV-A alone under control arrays of lamps filtered with polyester and to ambient radiation under unenergised arrays of lamps. Abscised leaves from saplings were enclosed in 1 mm2 mesh nylon bags, placed in a Quercus–Fraxinus woodland and were sampled at 0.11, 0.53, 1.10 and 1.33 years for dry weight loss, chemical composition and saprotrophic fungal colonization. At abscission, litters from UV-A control arrays had ≈ 7.5% higher lignin/nitrogen ratios than those from UV-B treatment and ambient arrays (P < 0.06). Dry weight loss of leaves treated with elevated UV-B radiation during growth was 2.5% and 5% greater than that of leaves from UV-A control arrays at 0.53 and 1.33 years, respectively. Litter samples from UV-B treatment arrays lost more nitrogen and phosphorus than samples from ambient arrays and more carbon than samples from UV-A control arrays. The annual fractional weight loss of litter from UV-B treatment arrays was 8% and 6% greater than that of litter from UV-A control and ambient arrays, respectively. Regression analyses indicated that the increased decomposition rate of UV-B treated litters was associated with enhanced colonization of leaves by basidiomycete fungi, the most active members of the soil fungal community, and that the frequency of these fungi was negatively associated with the initial lignin/nitrogen ratio of leaves.  相似文献   

Pineapple (Ananas comosus) is one the important fruit crops planted in Malaysia, and this study was conducted to determine Fusarium spp. associated with diseases of the fruit crop as Fusarium is prevalent in tropical countries. Our objective was to identify and characterize Fusarium spp. associated with pineapple fruit rot and leaf spot mainly found on the fruits and leaves in Peninsular Malaysia. Fusarium isolates (n = 108) associated with pineapple fruit rot and leaf spot were characterized by morphological, molecular and phylogenetic analyses, a mating study and pathogenicity testing. TEF‐1α sequence analysis identified Fusarium proliferatum, Fusarium verticillioides, Fusarium sacchari and Fusarium sp. Mating was successful only between tester strains of F. proliferatum and F. verticillioides. Sexual crosses with standard tester strains showed that 82 isolates of F. proliferatum produced fertile crosses with mating population D (Gibberella intermedia) and three isolates of F. verticillioides were fertile with the tester strain of mating population A (Gibberella moniliformis). All isolates were pathogenic, causing pineapple fruit rot and leaf spot, thus fulfilling Koch's postulates.  相似文献   

Two Italian CO2 springs allowed us to study the long-term effect of a 350–2600 μ mol mol–1 increase in CO2 concentrations on the surface structures of leaves of Quercus ilex L. Carbon dioxide increased the quantity of cuticular waxes, above an apparent threshold of 750 μ mol mol–1 CO2. Leaf wettability was not modified by CO2 concentrations. Reduction in stomatal frequency was observable up to 750 μ mol mol–1 CO2, the slope being almost the same as that estimated for the increase in CO2 concentration from pre-industrial times to the present. At higher concentrations, CO2 seemed to exert no more impact on stomatal frequency.  相似文献   

植物叶片的形态性状能够有效地反映生存环境的变化, 并且影响植物的基本行为和功能。该研究通过获取植物标本提供的叶片形态信息, 结合相关分析和标准化主轴分析, 探讨了南北样带暖温带区栎属(Quercus)树种叶片形态性状对气候条件的响应及适应策略。结果表明: 在南北样带暖温带区, 随着气候条件的变化, 栎属树种的叶片形态性状发生显著的变化。随着年平均气温的降低和年日照时数的增加, 栎属树种叶面积增加, 以利于吸收更多的光照辐射, 并增加叶片的边界层阻力, 减少叶片热量的散失; 而叶片分裂程度的增加不仅可以降低热量的散失, 也可以提高叶片液流的波动以增强叶片的生理活动; 叶脉密度随温度的升高、光照强度和降水量的增加而增加, 以响应叶片蒸腾作用的增强, 提高水分的运输能力和叶片的支撑能力。此外, 为适应南北样带暖温带区气候条件的变化, 栎属树种的叶片形成了一系列的形态性状组合, 随着叶面积的增加, 叶柄长度和叶片分裂程度逐渐增加, 而叶脉密度降低; 随着叶片倾向于向长条状发展, 叶柄长度和叶脉密度也随之增加。  相似文献   

An n-hexane extract of fresh, mature leaves of Ludwigia adscendens, containing a thin layer of epicuticular waxes, has been analysed for the first time by TLC, IR and GC using standard hydrocarbons. The leaves contained 22 identified long chain (C15-C36) n-alkanes, accounting for 74.27% of the hydrocarbons present, and an unknown number of unidentified branched chain alkanes. The predominant n-alkane was C25 (11.02%), whilst C18 (7.62%), C20 (6.14%), C29 (5.36%) and C27 (5.29%) n-alkanes were moderately abundant: the C35 homologue was present only in minor amounts (0.22%).  相似文献   

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