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Pollen analysis of lake sediments on Mt. Vulture in Basilicata (Southern Italy).—A marshy sediment, about 7 meters thick, containing fossil pollen, has been discovered in a little lake of volcanic origin on a slope of Mount Vulture in Lucania at 656 m above sea level.

The sediment shows four distinct layers from the top to the bottom. The deepest layer, from 7 to 5.75 m, consisting of clay containing Betula and Ostrya, indicates a rather arid climate; the next layer, from 5.75 to 3.75 m, made up of mud rich in organic substance and containing pollen of Fagus and Abies, is witness of a damp and warmer climate; the following layer, from 3.75 to 2.25 m, with clay containing Betula, Ulmus, Ostrya and Corylus suggests a return to a more arid climate; lastly, the upper layer, from 2.25 m to the surface, with marshy mud rich in organic substance and pollen of plants with greater water requirements leads us to think of a return to a damper climate.  相似文献   

Cesare Ravazzi 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(3-4):751-770

Fossil pollen of Aesculus aff. hippocastanum L. in the Leffe Basin (Early Pleistocene). Systematic position and palaeocology. A new pollen analysis has been undertaken in the lacustrine and palustrine deposits of Leffe (Northern Italy), in order to re-evaluate the flora, the vegetation dynamics and the climatic change at the southern margin of the Alps during the lowermost Pleistocene.

The present paper deals with the systematic position and the ecology of a fossil taxon of Aesculus discovered in the Leffe sediments. The taxonomical approach is based on a comparative investigation on the pollen morphology of all the present-living species and the fossil taxon from Leffe. Some diagnostic features of the apertures and the exine ornamentation allowed to distinguish some groups, almost coincident with the sections in which the genus is presently subdivided.

The pollen morphology of the taxa which belong to the sections living in temperate regions and in the subtropical-tropical SE-Asia (section Calothyrsus Koch) notably differ.

Among temperate groups, the Section Aesculus can be characterized by having the biggest projections on the colpus membrane. The fossil pollen from Leffe sediments can be related with this Section. Moreover, a comparison of the Japanese living species (A. turbinata Bl.), with the European one (A. hippocastanum L.), indicates that the fossil pollen grains from Leffe may be related to A. hippocastanum. This supports the hypothesis of a Neogene divergence of a pontic-european group inside the Section Aesculus in agreement with the macrofloral record of the Neogene in Europe. Afterwards the palaecology of the Leffe horse-chestnut is discussed. A comparison between fossil pollen spectra and the analogues in the modern vegetation (Colchide, Mesia, Caucasian region and Allegheny Mountains, U.S.A.) shows good relationships in the floral composition.

Finally, the extinction time of some elements of the Colchic-Hyrcanian flora in Italy during the Quaternary is discussed.  相似文献   


Purpose of this paper is to point out the residues of Quercus Ilex woods in the hilly region of Murgia di Putignano (Puglia) which lies inside the distribution area of Q. trojana, now the main wood-forming tree-species of this territory.

Fourteen different small Q. Ilex stands are mentioned, as marked on alleged map. One of them (n° 1 on the map) has been more carefully studied through a whole year, and all plants growing in it have been collected.  相似文献   


The Author, on the basis of numerous results of pollen analysis on turfy-clayey deposits especially in Delta Padano, shows the gradual impoverishment, the main ancient species (Pinus haploxylon, Abies nordmanniana, Tsuga, Cedrus, Carya, Pterocarya, Zelkova, Castanea latifolia) suffered from during middle and upper Pleistocene.  相似文献   


Anemophylus dispersal of pollen grains in the Po Valley.—Results of phenological and aerobiological measurements with Castanea sativa pollen are presented. The data concerning the dispersal of this pollen in the Po Valley, show some features of the transport over hundred kilometer distances and give useful suggestions for application research.  相似文献   

A generalized pollen diagram, associated with three simplified pollen diagrams from Tsubogakure (1,500 m), Nakatashiro (1,400 m) and Yashima-ga-hara (1,650 m) bogs in central Japan, represents five pollen zones for the last 12,000 years, i.e., L (before 10,500 B.P., pine-boreal); R I (10,500–9,500 B.P., boreal-oak); R II (9,500–4,500 B.P., temperate); R IIIa (4,500–1,500 B.P., temperate-boreal); and R IIIb (after 1,500 B.P., pino-nonarboreal). Absolute pollen frequency is high in well-humified peat, in gyttja (deposited immediately below the first peat formation), and in peat in the part of the R IIIa cooling stage, and it is low in less-humified peat, since the former sediments have slow and the latter rapid rates of accumulation, respectively. Changes of plant communities should affect the absolute pollen frequency, but changes of sedimentation rates are more critical. After a re-examination of Nakatashiro bog, it is hardly possible to recognize a recurrence surface in the European sense, nor can the accumulation of thin tephra on the bog surface be responsible for a temporary halt in peat growth. Nakatashiro bog (like Tsubogakure bog) is a low-moor bog, and true recurrence surfaces would not be expected in it. In a raised Yashima-ga-hara bog, however, there are seven recurrence surfaces without a volcanic ash band; the well-humified horizons correspond to low values of Sphagnum spores and Cyperaceae pollen, and the less-humified horizons to high values of Sphagnum spores and Cyperaceae pollen. Peaks of these species in the upper core correspond to those Cryptomeria pollen, an indicator of the high precipitation (generally >1,800 mm/yr). Regularly interrelated fluctuations among these species, absolute pollen frequency, and peat horizons suggest that the precipitation was low in well-humified peat and was high in less-humified peat.  相似文献   


L'A. descrive il comportamento del nucleolo di Paphiopedilum Spicerianum nel nucleo in riposo c in divisione, mettendo in evidenza l'esistenza di una sostanza nucleolare, conservata in seguito a fissazione' del materiale con una miscela di acido cromico e formolo, con postcromizzazione in acido cromico.  相似文献   


Sono state fatte diverse prove per la reazione di Schiff, di Feulgen e di Bauer su tessuti vegetali. Diversi tipi di membrane, fra cui quelle lignificate, sono risultati Schiff positivi. I nuclei sono risultati Feulgen positivi, con l'eccezione dei nuclei del gametofito maturo di Crinum sp., i quali sono tutti Feulgen negativi, meno quelli antipodali. L'amido e tutte le membrane sono risultati Bauer positivi.  相似文献   


L'A. facendo delle osservazioni comparative tra le caratteristiche di sviluppo vegetativo e fiorale rilevate tanto sui rametti ordinari che nei casi anomali di formazione di gemme su spine di Aurantiaceae mette in rilievo il presumibile antagonismo tra sviluppo vegetativo e fiorale che si verifica in genere tra le due importanti attività fisiologiche della pianta.

Nello stesso tempo dà notizia di nuovi casi di formazione di gemme e di foglie su spine di Citrus limonum L. che, confrontati con quelli descritti in precedenti lavori dell'A. riguardanti lo sviluppo di fiori su spine di Aurantiaceae, confermano che gli abbozzi fogliari contigui alle gemme si evolvono regolarmente quando la gemma sia polarizzata nello sviluppo vegetativo o sia allo stato latente, mentre restano in genere allo stato rudimentale quando la gemma viene a polarizzarsi verso lo sviluppo fiorale. Ciò si verifica in generale negli abbozzi fogliari che si sviluppano sulle rachidi fiorali ed eccezionalmente in quelli che sono in rapporto con la gemma che dà origine ad una rachide fiorale.  相似文献   


L'A. stabilisce die in Ulmus campestris L. lo sviluppo del gametofito femminile avviene secondo due distinti tipi di sviluppo tetramegasporiali bipolarizzati: 1) gametofiti 10, 12 e 14-nucleati con oangio monosporiale che si costruiscono per polarizzazione 1+3 dei nuclei sporiali; 2) gametofiti 8-nucleati con oangio disporiale del tipo Adoxa.

Stabilisce inoltre che la frequenza di sviluppo dei due tipi oscilla intorno ai valori percentuali del 65% e 35% rispettivamente.

Il grado molto elevato di frequenza dei gametofiti 10-nucleati, finora ignoti nella letteratura embriologica, offre all'A. l'opportunità di discutere sul significato e gli attributi del tipo generale Pyrethrum parthenifolium 16-nucleato; il sottotipo Ulmus 10-nucleato, e i sottotipi Tanacetum 12- e 14-nucleato devono esser considerati come sottotipi di riduzione ad esso subordinati.

Durante lo studio della microsporogenesi e dello sviluppo del gametofito femminile è stato riconfermato per questa specie il numero aploide dei cromosomi n = 14. Sono state oservate varie anomalie nella differenziazione dei granuli pollinici, causate da fattori climatici.  相似文献   


Nucellar embryogenesis in undeveloped ovules in some navel orange cultivars. - Nucellar embryogenesis has been studied in some cultivars of navel orange, Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck. Histological observations have been carried out in undeveloped ovules excised 2, 4, 6, 8 months after anthesis. Ovules under study derived a) from flowers naturally pollinated or hand-pollinated with pollen of Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf.; b) from emasculated flowers, and c) from flowers deprived of stigma. In absence of pollination, as well as in absence of fertilization, the nucellar embryos reached the globular stage.  相似文献   


Morphobiometric analyses of pollens and seeds of 29 accessions and 2 cultivars belonging to 8 annual taxa of the genus Cicer L. revealed 6 pollen and 7 seed types. Keys of identification were established on the basis of the characters which distinguished the morphotypes. Taxa were classified into 4 groups which confirmed their cytogenetic relationships.  相似文献   


Si descrivono modificazioni morfologiche e anatomiche di un melo (Pirus Malus) cresciuto su una montagna del Sannio (Montagnola di Civitanova) in un ambiente molto sfavorevole per gli eccessi o difetti di temperature. Si premette una descrizione anatomica del fusto e in seguito si trattano vari casi di cicatrizzazione di ferite semplici e complesse. In ultimo si esaminano alcune saldature naturali di rametti e concrescimenti che sono molto frequenti e morfologicamente importanti.

Gli agenti che hanno provocato queste strutture anomali del melo sia sulla chionia sia nello sviluppo sono: vento, fieddo, caldo, e morsicature di animali superiori, specialmente di vacche, che sulla Montagnola durante l'estate sono raccolte in numerosi greggi.  相似文献   


Lembotropis emeriflorus (Rchb.) Skali?ka in the Carnian Alps too.—Lembotropis (=Cytisus) emeriflorus, endemic species between the lakes of Lugano and Como, occurs also in the Southern Carnian Alps, where it grows either on gravelly habitats or on rocky slopes or under Austrian pine woods of the mountain zone. After this discovery its distributional pattern is now a typical bicentric one.  相似文献   


Flora of the clays and the tuffs of Civita di Bagnoregio (Upper Latium). — This work is the result of floristic research developed from 1968 to 1970 on tuffs and mainly on the clays of Civita di Bagnorcgio. After having summarily described the geo-ecological conditions, the author lists in all 489 entities. The biological spectrum of clays shows a high presence of Therophyta and a low percentage of Phanerophyta; on the contrary on the tuffs are present more Phanerophyta and less Therophyta; on the whole the flora is marked from the Emicryptophyta. Phytogeographical analysis indicates a prevalence of mediterranean elements. The author delineates moreover the most important floristic aspects, refering the frequentest entities and point out the intense anthropization wich has prevented the preservation of the woody formations, today completely away from clayey area.  相似文献   


L'A. studia la struttura anatomica della clava dello spadice di Arum, indaga le intime modificazioni cellulari che avvengono durante il suo periodo di accrescimento, di maturità e di senescenza, e viene a rilevare alcuni segni della senescenza cellulare. Inoltre mette in evidenza le differenze morfologiche tra i procossi di necrobiosi in natura e in ambiente asfittico; segnala la vacuolizzazione delle masse cromatiniche come la causa principale della cariocinesi. Fa infine osservare che il parossismo termico (funzione prima di tale organo) rimane nei limiti biologici senza dirette azioni deleterie sulla struttura citologica della clava.  相似文献   


The functional roles of seagrasses in the economy of coastal waters are to be fully realised and more clearly delineated. The biology, ecology and energetics of seagrasses meadows of the Mediterranean Sea, and in particular of Posidonia oceanica inclusing the stabilization of coastal sediments, this role as a base for major detrital food chains, nutrient resources contributory to general productivity of the open sea and the support of dense epiphytic communities, are discussed.  相似文献   


Air-borne pollen census in Messina in the years 1985–1986 - Pollen of 20 herbs and weeds, and that of 14 trees or shrubs, were identified in the air of Messina (Southern Italy), in the years 1985–1986. The relative frequencies were correlated with climatic factors affecting the pollen diffusion in the studied area.  相似文献   


L'A. fa alcune osservazioni sul fotoperiodismo di Guizotia abyssinica coltivata nell'ambiente di Firenze. Dalle prime prove sembra resultare ben evidente l'acceleramento della fioritura nelle piante sottoposte alla riduzione artificiale del giorno.  相似文献   

In the Maujahn peat bog the Slavic period is recorded with a high-resolution pollen diagram in 150 cm of the peat profile. In the upper part of the pollen diagram the time resolution is 3.2 years in the middle and lower part 5.2 years. The Slavic period can be divided into four stages according to different kind of land use and intensity of human influence. The main crop was Secale; less important was the cultivation of Triticum, Panicum, Hordeum, Avena and Pisum. The Slavic period lasted from about a.d. 800–1200. The pollen diagram also displays a final part of the Migration period.  相似文献   

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