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Some remarkable mosses, as a result of the study of both recent collections and a review of herbarium specimens, are reported in this paper. They are: Anomodon rugelii (Müll.Hal.) Keissl., new record from southern Italy, a moss very rare in the Mediterranean region and considered threatened in many European countries; Blindia acuta (Hedw.) Bruch & Schimp. and Dichodontium palustre (Dicks.) M. Stech, both new records from Sicily, are very rare mosses in Italy. Moreover, a new locality in Sicily for the little-known species Tortula bolanderi (Lesq. & James) M. Howe is reported.  相似文献   

A new species of Orthotrichum, O. dentatum T.Kiebacher & Lüth, is described from the European Alps. The new species belongs to the subgenus Pulchella (Schimp.) Vitt, section Diaphana Vent. Orthotrichum dentatum is similar to O. schimperi Hammar but differs from the latter in that it features a hairy calyptra, denticulate to dentate leaf apices and strongly keeled leaves. Orthotrichum dentatum grows as an epiphyte on a variety of deciduous trees. So far, the new species has only been found in Italy and Switzerland.  相似文献   

Field investigations carried out in a mixed forest of Fagus sylvatica and Taxus baccata in the Nebrodi Natural Park (Sicily, southern Italy) allowed us to identify a very rare lignicolous ascomycete Capnobotrys dingleyae, a new species for southern Europe.  相似文献   

Eokochia saxicola (Guss.) Freitag & G. Kadereit is a very rare endemic species of southern Italy and one of the rarest plants in Europe, included as priority species in the Annex II of the Council Directive 92/43/EEC. During the floristic surveys in the Cilento e Vallo di Diano National Park (Campania region, southern Italy), with the aim to assess the conservation status of rare and/or endemic species, new sites of occurrence of E. saxicola have been recorded representing the first known mainland sites; in fact, this endemic species was previously recorded only in the insular sites of Ischia (where it is extinct) and Capri in Campania region and Strombolicchio in Sicily region. Moreover, a further site was found in Capri island. So, three new sites of occurrence of E. saxicola have been recorded, increasing the total number from the two previously known to the actual five; in Campania, the total number increased from one to four. The research also increased significantly the global population size, currently made up of about 270 individuals compared with the 150 previously known. Consequences for the biogeography of the species and practical issues for conservation are discussed.  相似文献   

本文报道了石耳科的两个亚洲的,也是美洲以外的新记录种,即角石耳与深色石耳。进一步证实了单果石耳在南大西洋的,即南美洲和南部非洲的间断分布。对于上述种类以及本科其它一些种类的间断分布和替代现象进行了分析讨论。  相似文献   

As a result of the study of both recent collections and a review of herbarium specimens, the following taxa are reported for the first time from various Italian regions: Hedwigia stellata Hedenäs, Hedwigia ciliata var. leucophaea Bruch & Schimp., Pleurozium schreberi (Willd. ex Brid.) Mitt. and Ptychostomum compactum Hornsch. var. compactum. The last taxon is new for southern Italy, while the report of Pleurozium schreberi confirms the occurrence of this species in southern Italy after more than half a century. Moreover, Crossidium laxefilamentosum Frey & Kürschner represents the second report of this species from Italy.  相似文献   

J. P. Hebrard 《Plant Ecology》1973,27(4-6):347-381
Resume Dans le présent travail, l'auteur effectue une étude bryosociologique de la strate muscinale des rochers et des marécages de l'étage subalpin dans le Sud-Est de la France. Il envisage en particulier les blocs siliceux ombragés occupés par le Grimmietum elatioris (avecGrimmia elatior Bruch,Orthotrichum rupestre Schleich,Grimmia funalis (Schwaegr.) Schimp.,G. doniana Sm.,Dicranum sauteri Schimp.) ainsi que les parois suintantes de gneiss (Blindio-Amphoridietum) colonisées parBlindia acuta (Huds) B.e.,Amphoridium mougeotti B.e.,Fissidens osmundoides Hedw.,Saccobasis polita (Nees) Bruch,Gymnostomum rupestre Schleich. Les rochers calcaires en exposition froide portent, sur le pourtour de l'Argentera-Mercantour l'association àEncalypta streptocarpa Hedw. etPlagiopus oederi (Schwaegr.) Schimp. (Encalypto-Plagiopetum) très largement répandue dans les Alpes du Sud, alors qu'au voisinage des cascades appara?t une formation tufogène montagnarde àHymenostylium recurvirostre (Hedw.) Dix etSouthbya nigrella (De Not) Spruce. Les tourbières àSphagnum acutifolium Warnst,S. teres Angst,S. platyphyllum Warnst,S. recurvum P.B.,Aulacomnium palustre (Hedw.) Schwaegr. etMeesea triquetra (Hedw.) Angst. semblent inféodées, dans les régions étudiées, au vieux massif cristallin (Lac Nègre, Boréon, Vallée des Merveilles) où elles se rencontrent à partir de 1900 mètres d'altitude. Enfin, les marécages sur calcaire ou sur flysch portent des peuplements à base deBryum pallens Sw.Philonotis fontana (Hedw.) Schwaegr.,Cratoneurum commutatum (Hedw.) Roth. avec par endroitsMeesea uliginosa Hedw. etAmblyodon dealbatus (Dicks) P.B.
Summary In this work, the author carries out a bryosociological study concerning the vegetation on rocks and bogs in the subalpine district of the high mountains of southern France. He considers particularly the siliceous blocks covered with carpets ofGrimmia elatior Bruch,Orthotrichum rupestre Schleich,Grimmia funalis (Schwaegr.) Schimp.,G. doniana Sm.,Dicranum sauteri Schimp. (Grimmietum elatioris) and the oozing gneiss-walls (Blindio-Amphoridietum) colonized byBlindia acuta (Huds) B.e.,Amphoridium mougeotti B.e.,Fissidens osmumdoides Hedw.,Saccobasis polita (Nees) Bruch., andGymnostomum rupestre Schleich. On calcareous rocks, in cold places, surrounding the Argentera-Mercantour, he found an association withEncalypta streptocarpa Hedw. andPlagiopus oederi (Schwaegr.) Schimp., (Encalypto-Plagiopetum) which is very common in the southern alps, and near waterfalls occurs a travertinic mountain-formation withHymenostylium recurvirostre (Hedw.) Dix andSouthbya nigrella (De Not) Spruce. The peat-bogs containingSphagnum acutifolium Warnst.,S. teres Angst,S. platyphyllum Warnst.,S. recurvum P.B.,Aulacomnium palustre (Hedw.) Schwaegr. andMeesea triquetra (Hedw.) Angst. seem to be particular to the old crystalline chain where we found them at an altitude of 1900 meters. Finally, calcareous or flysch-bogs present a cryptogamic vegetation withBryum pallens Sew.,Philonotis fontana (Hedw.) Schwaegr.,Cratoneurum commutatum (Hedw.) Roth. and the rareMeesea uliginosa Hedw. andAmblyodon dealbatus (Dicks) P.B.

Zusammenfassung In dieser Arbeit, führt der Verfasser ein bryosoziologisches Studien der Felsen und der Moore in der subalpinen Stufe Süd-Ost Frankreichs aus. Er beschreibt namentlich die Silikatbl?cke, die im Schatten der W?lder von dem Grimmietum elatioris (mitGrimmia elatior Bruch.,Orthotrichum rupestre Schleich.,Grimmia funalis (Schwaegr.) Schimp.,G. doniana Sm.,Dicranum sauteri Schimp.) bedeckt sind, und die feuchten Gneissw?nde (Blindio-Amphoridietum), die vonBlindia acuta (Huds.) B.e.,Amphoridium mougeotti B.e.,Fissidens osmundoides Hedw.,Saccobasis polita (Nees) Bruch.,Gymnostomum rupestre Schleich kolonisiert werden. Auf den kalkhaltigen Bl?cken, in der N?he des Argentera-Mercantour traf er eine Moosgesellschaft mitEncalypta streptocarpa Hedw. undPlagiopus oederi (Schwaegr.) Schimp. (Encalypto-Plagiopetum), die in den Süd-Alpen sehr h?ufig ist. An den Quellen und Wasserf?llen erscheint eine tufogene Bildung der montanen Stufe mitHymenostylium recurvirostre (Hedw.) Dix undSouthbya nigrella (De Not) Spruce. In unserer Gegend, sind die Torfmoore mitSphagnum acutifolium Warnst.,S. teres Angst,S. platyphyllum Warnst,S. recurvum P.B.,Aulacomnium palustre (Hedw.) Schwaegr., undMeesea triquetra (Hedw.) Angst. dem alten kristallartigen Gebirgsstock eng belehnt, wo wir sie immer ab 1900 meter gefunden haben. Endlich, tragen die Kalk oder Flysch-Sümpfe eine besondere Kryptogamenvegetation mitBryum pallens Sw.,Philonotis fontana (Hedw.) Schwaegr.,Cratoneurum commutatum (Hedw.) Roth. und manchmal die seltenenMeesea uliginosa Hedw. undAmblyodon dealbatus (Dicks) P.B.

Four new genera and eleven new species of Zygentoma thysanurans (families Protrinemuridae and Nicoletiidae) are described and some faunistic novelties reported from Oriental and Australian Regions, viz.: Protrinemura leclerci n. sp., from northern Thailand, Protrinemurella allacrotelsoides n. gen. n. sp., from southern Thailand, and Protrinemuroides celebensis n. gen. n. sp., from the Celebes islands (Protrinemuridae), Lepidospora (L.) digitata n. sp., from northern Thailand, L. (L.) deharvengi n. sp., from the Celebes, and Pseudobrinckina anempodiata n. gen. n. sp., from northern Thailand (Nicoletiidae: Coletiniinae), Gastrotheus (G.) papuanus n. sp., from Papua-New Guinea (Nicoletiidae: Atelurinae), and Metrinura celebensis n. sp., from the Celebes, Trinemurodes anomalocoxa n. sp., from southern Thailand, T. bedosae n. sp., from northern Thailand, and Allotrinemurodes thai n.gen. n. sp., from northern Thailand (Nicoletiidae: Subnicoletiinae). Bharatatelura malabarica Mendes is reported for the first time off the Indian sub-continent (in Suva). Proatelura jacobsoni Silvestri is recorded in Macao (southern China) and in the Moluccas islands and notes are presented on its male sex. Gastrotheus (Lasiotheus) nanus (Escherich) is found for the very first time in Macao, in Cook islands and in Niue. Identification keys are provided to Protrinemuridae genera and to species of Trinemurodes, and modifications are suggested to previously presented keys to Nicoletiidae genera and to Lepidospora and Metrinura species.  相似文献   

The present work is aimed at studying several Asperula (Rubiaceae) sect. Cynanchicae populations in southern Apennines, Italy, with particular reference to those referred to A. calabra, by employing biometrical methods on macromorphological data. Among other historical misapplications, A. cynanchica subsp. cynanchica seems to be very rare or missing in southern Italy. The enigmatic Asperula calabra, confirmed to be limited to a single mountain population in Calabria, appears to be strictly related to A. aristata subsp. scabra, so we suggest to treat it as a further subspecies of A. aristata. This latter species is otherwise distributed throughout southern Italy with subsp. scabra and subsp. aristata, characterised by slight morphological differences, which are correlated to altitudinal ranges.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(4):271-280

The epiphytic bryoflora of Jbel Bouhalla, a mountain sited in the Rif range (northern Morocco), is catalogued, resulting in a list of 48 taxa (45 mosses and 3 liverworts). One new variety, Orthotrichum speciosum var. brevisetum, is described, and some new records are reported: Orthotrichum shawii and O. pallens are new to northern Africa, while Habrodon perpusillus and O. speciosum var. speciosum are new to Morocco.  相似文献   

Orthotrichum patens is reported new to Britain from two sites in the counties of Suffolk and Derbyshire. Previous reports of this species in Britain are thought to be based on O. affine; they date from the nineteenth century at a time when the structure of the stomata was not recognised as significant. Orthotrichum patens is described and illustrated, and its diagnostic characters are discussed. Some comments are included on changes in the epiphytic bryophyte flora in Britain in recent decades.  相似文献   


On the occurrence in Southern Italy of some benthic marine algae rare to the Mediterranean Sea. - The Authors report the occurrence along the coast of Southern Italy of the following species that resulted rare to the Mediterranean Sea: Antithamnion piliferum Cormaci et Furnari; Bonnemaisonia asparagoides (Woodward) C. Agardh (tetrasporophyte); Corynophlaea flaccida Kuetzing; Fosliella farinosa (Lamouroux) Howe: of this very common species, the occurrence of thalli with propagules is reported; Hypnea cervicornis J. Agardh; Jania adherens Lamouroux, new to Italy; Mesogloia lanosa P.L. et H.M. Crouan, new to Italy; Pneophyllum confervicolum (Kuetzing) Chamberlain f. minutulum (Foslie) Chamberlain, new to the Mediterranean Sea; Polystrata fosliei (Weber van Bosse) Denizot, new to Italy; Rhodymenia delicatula Dangeard; Spermothamnion johannis G. Feldmann-Mazoyer: of this common species, the occurrence of bisporocysts in monoic gametophytes is reported; Vickersia baccata (J. Agardh) Karsakoff.  相似文献   


New or interesting Lichens of italian coasts. — The autor describes a lichen new to Italy, Acarospora microcarpa (Nyl) Wedd, a mediterranean species, found in southern France only hitherto. The lichen was gathered on the tufs rocks of the Isle of Procida; so the species is classed among the cryptogamic flora of phlegrean tufs.

The presence of Acarospora trachytica Jatta on the isle of Procida is therefore indicated, a species that is somewhat rare and known so far only on the Island of Ischia and Vesuvius.

Some new places for the marine lichen, Verrucaria symbalana Nyl. are reported, and the particular ecological interest of the species and its full geographical placement considered.

Finally, new places for Lichina confinis Ag., in Italy are given. This is a marine species of considerable ecological interest.  相似文献   


Desmids of the peat-bog of Vedes (Trento, North-Italy). A list of 27 Desmids s.l. (Desmidiaceae, Closteriaceae and Mesotaeniaceae) observed in some samples coming from the peat-bog of Vedes (Trento, North-Italy) is reported. This is a high moor bog situated at an altitude of 1496 m and rich in Sphagnum species (Sphagnum medium, S. fuscum, S. robustum, S. laricinum, etc.). The most interesting Desmids found are: Actinotaenium cucurbita, A. crassiusculum, Bambusina brebissonii, Penium polymorphum, Tetmemorus brebissonii, T. laevis, Closterium intermedium, Cosmarium amoenum, Euastrum insigne, Netrium digitus and Staurastrum erostellum, the last one being a very rare species found for the first time in Italy; thirteen entities are new for the algal flora of Trentino-Alto Adige.  相似文献   

A new Centaurea L. (Asteraceae) species from Turkey is described and illustrated. Centaurea mersinensis Uysal and Hamzao?lu exists on calcareous slopes in Pinus brutia forests of Ayd?nc?k (Mersin) in southern Anatolia. It belongs to C. sect. Phalolepis (Cass.) DC., and taxonomically its closest relative is C. lycaonica. Diagnostic morphological characters from very similar taxa are provided, and a key is provided that includes related species of sect. Phalolepis from Turkey. The geographical distribution of the new species and relatives of the same section are mapped. The chromosome number of C. mersinensis, 2n = 18, counted in root tips, is also reported and illustrated.  相似文献   

Cortinarius is one of the most widespread macrofungal genera. Although Mediterranean basin is considered a biodiversity hotspot, very few studies have addressed the presence and importance of Cortinarius species in such area. Surveys were carried out in Liguria (NW Italy) in different habitats characterized by the presence of Quercus ilex. Altogether 67 taxa were observed: 49 of them are new records for Liguria while 23 represent new records for Italy. In addition, we report the distinguishing characters and ecological traits of the species which are also rare in Europe.  相似文献   


A new entomogenous Ascomycete found in cave: Cordyceps riverae.—A new species of entomogenous Cordyceps, belonging to Subgenus Racemella (Ces.) Sacc., found on an adult Lepidotteron in a cave near L'Aquila (Abruzzo, Italy) is described. The characters of this species, named Cordyceps riverae, are compared with those of other similar species of Cordyceps.  相似文献   

An investigation on the macrofungal diversity of the National Park “Appennino Lucano, Val D'Agri, Lagonegrese” (Basilicata, southern Italy) was carried out, together with an evaluation of wild edible mushrooms in agro-forest ecosystems and their possible exploitation as a new source of food and revenue in rural and under-developed areas of this region. An unpublished list of 249 mushroom taxa (229 Basidiomycota and 20 Ascomycota), mostly belonging to the genera Tricholoma, Tuber, Russula, Amanita, Boletus, Lactarius, Mycena, Agaricus, Clitocybe and Hygrophorus, growing in this important natural area is provided together with ecological characterization of the recorded specimens. Inonotus obliquus is a new record for Basilicata, while Mycena bresadolana is reported for the first time from southern Italy. The presence of Amaurodon mustialaënsis, an extremely rare species of the northern hemisphere reported for the first time on white fir, is noteworthy. Among the previous findings, 116 species of edible mushrooms are presented and discussed in view of their relative abundance and edibility.  相似文献   

Vittoz P., Selldorf P., Eggenberg S. and Maire S. 2005. Festuca paniculata meadows in Ticino (Switzerland) and their Alpine environment. Bot. Helv. 115: 33–48.Festuca paniculata (L.) Schinz & Thellung locally dominates montane and subalpine meadows of the Alps and other mountains of southern Europe. Vegetation relevés were carried out in Switzerland and northern Italy to study the site conditions under which Festuca paniculata meadows occur in this part of the Alps, their species composition and phytosociological status, and their relationship to Festuca paniculata meadows described previously from the French Alps (Centaureo-Festucetum spadiceae) and Austrian Alps (Hypochaerido uniflorae-Festucetum paniculatae). The Swiss meadows were found to have a similar ecology to those in France and Austria. They occur mostly between 1600 and 2100 m a.s.l on steep slopes with southern aspect, generally on crystalline rocks, but sometimes on calcareous rocks if soils have been decalcified. The species composition of the Swiss meadows is closer to the Austrian than to the French communities, and we attribute them to the association Hypochaerido uniflorae-Festucetum paniculatae with the new subassociation polygaletosum chamaebuxi. Climate is probably the main factor separating vegetation units in the Alps: the Centaureo-Festucetum spadiceae occurs where summers are dry, whereas the Hypochaerido uniflorae-Festucetum paniculatae occurs where rainfall is not a limiting factor in summer.Manuscrit accepté le 10 février 2005  相似文献   

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