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Résumé Trois annés d'éhantillonnage automnal de pyrale du ma?s dans différentes régions ma?sicoles de France ont permis de déterminer le taux de parasitisme par les Tachinidae. Ce taux varie de 1% à 51% selon les régions et les années. Les tachinaires sont préents dans toutes les zones étudiées.Lydella thompsoni Hert. est l'espèce la plus abondante et la plus répandue.Pseudoperichaeta nigrolineata Walk. se rencontre dans le Sud-Ouest. Les Tachinidae pourraient jouer un r?le important dans la régulation des populations de pyrale.   相似文献   

Molinier  René 《Plant Ecology》1954,5(1):257-267
Sans résuméReçu par la rédaction le 1.VII.1953.  相似文献   

Résumé Quelle que soit l'origine de la souche (sol, arthropodes, lésions humaines), les conidies de l'EntomophthoraleConidiobolus coronatus sont capables d'infecter le puceronAcyrthosiphon pisum (Hémiptères, Aphididae) et les chenilles deGalleria mellonella (Lépidoptères, Pyralidae). De plus, les filtrats, de culture en milieu liquide agité des huit souches éprouvées sont toxiques par inoculation à l'égard de ces derniers insectes; cette toxicité se traduit d'abord par une hémorragie au trou de pip?re, qui peut durer plusiers heures, puis par un noircissement du corps de l'insecte et enfin par la mort de celui-ci. L'effet anticoagulant de substances produites par une Entomophthorale est ici signalé pour la première fois. Les deux souches les plus virulentes à l'égard deAcyrthosiphon pisum, parmi lesquelles se trouve celle isolée de lésions humaines, sont également les plus toxinogènes. L'étude de la vitesse de croissancein vitro du champignon à des températures comprises entre 4 et 37°C révèle une adaptation des souches aux conditions thermiques en relation avec la région d'origine de l'isolat. Notamment, les souches d'origine tropicale se développent plus, rapidement à 26–29°C que les souches originaires de France. La vitesse maximale de croissance est constatée à 29°C pour les différentes souches, sauf pour celle isolée de lésions humaines qui se développe le plus rapidement à 37°C. Cette température est létale pour les autres souches sauf pour une souche isolée d'un myriapode de l'?le de la Réunion. C'est la première fois que l'aptitude à cro?tre à cette température est reconnue chez un isolat deConidiobolus coronatus provenant d'un arthropode.
Summary Whatever the substrate of origin of the strain (soil, arthropods, human phycomycosis), conidia ofConidiobolus coronatus (Zygomycotina, Entomophthorales) are able to infect the pea aphid,Acyrthosiphon pisum (Hemiptera, Aphididae) and the greater wax moth,Galleria mellonella (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae). Moreover, intrahemocoelic injections of filtrates from shake cultures of all the 8 strains tested proved to be toxic for the later insect; the symptoms are successively haemorrhage, which could last for a few hours, blackening of the blood and at last death. This is the first mention of an anti-coagulant effect of metabolic products from any Entomophthorale. The strain isolated from an human phycomycosis is both the most virulent against the pea aphid and the most effective with regard to toxicity. Comparison of fungal growthin vitro at different temperatures, ranging from 4 to 37°C, revealed a certain relation between the temperature for the optimal growth and the locality of origin of a strain. In particular, strains from tropical areas were growing at 26–29°C faster than those from temperate regions. The higher growth rate was noticed at 29°C for all the 8 tested strains, except for the strain from human phycomycosis, for which the optimum temperature was 37°C. This temperature was lethal for the other strains, but for a strain isolated from a myriapod from the Reunion Island. It is the first time that the ability of a strain ofC. coronatus isolated from an arthropod to growth at 37°C is ascertained.

Effect of smoking-machine parameters on the genetoxic activity of cigarette gas phase, estimated on human lymphocyte and yeastCigarette smoke used in chemical research and bioassays is obtained by mechanical smoking on machines adjusted to international standards. On studying the behavior of some smokers of black tobacco, we were led to change the standard parameters: volume, duration, frequency. The gas phase obtained under those new conditions is poorer in some components. This decrease goes with a clear-cut decrease of its genotoxic activity towards cultured human lymphocytes (sister-chromatid exchange frequency) and S. cerevisiae (rate of mitotic recombinants and of respiratory deficients). This investigation emphasizes the leading part of the smoking behavior.  相似文献   

The most frequent cause of testicular injuries is blunt trauma (following sports injuries or road accidents). Penetrating injuries are rare. Increased scrotal volume and a painful testis are the main symptoms and require scrotal ultrasonography. Scrotal ultrasonography is very sensitive and specific for testicular rupture or intratesticular haematoma. Two out of three patients with testicular injuries require surgical exploration. Secondary complications due to delayed management of trauma are testicular atrophy, sterility or impotence. Penile fracture (rupture of corpus cavernosum) is due to direct trauma by an excessive force applied to an erect penis. Swelling, penile ecchymosis, penile curvature and pain are the usual symptoms of rupture of the tunica albuginea. Urethral injury must be ruled out. Cavernosography, ultrasonography or MRI are not considered mandatory to establish a diagnosis but can be prescribed in the absence of typical signs or symptoms. Early surgical exploration and repair ensure a better outcome. Secondary complications are penile curvature, chronic pain and impotence.  相似文献   

A model coupling a 2D transport equation and a simple model of the nitrogen cycling was developed for the Thau lagoon (France). The model took into account the wind forcing on the hydrodynamism, the effect of the temperature on the biological processes, the input of the watershed area, the light dependence of the pelagic primary production and the prédation of the phytoplankton by the cultivated filter feeders. The model ran under two steady-state situations of wind with constant temperature and light values corresponding to spring weather conditions. Simulations showed that the biological flows were very sensitive to the wind. The budget of the nitrogen flows were computed for the three areas devoted to the filter feeder cultivation and the results highlighted the impact of cultivated oysters as a source of nutrients and an important nitrogen flow through the predation of phytoplankton.  相似文献   

R. Schnell 《Plant Ecology》1950,2(4-5):331-340
Sans résuméReçue par la rédaction le 18-X-1949.  相似文献   

André Lavagne 《Plant Ecology》1963,11(5-6):353-371
Summary The study of the saxatile vegetation of the alpine zone in the Upper Ubaye Valley shows a very sharp demarcation from a phytogeographical point of view.The saxatile groupings on limestone show septentrional affinities. It is interesting to note that the associations described have at least as much relationship to the Swiss Alp groups as to those of The Maritime Alps in fact closer.In our opinion, the explanation is not to be found in very different climatical or ecological considerations but in the presence of important barrier-mountains which have deprived the Upper Ubaye Valley of alien postglacial immigrants.There endemism is apparent but less important than in the neighbouring zone of The Maritime Alps; here it concerns surviving endemic species proceeding from an old native preglacial or interglacial element.These characters are to be found more in the northern areas of Queyras, Embrunais and Briançonnais, regions which have an incontestable relationship with our district.  相似文献   

Résumé Les modalités de la détermination et de la différenciation du dimorphisme sexuel de Néréidiens (Annélides Polychètes) ont été recherchées chezNereis pelagica L. etPerinereis cultrifera G. par des expériences de décérébration, de castration (par irradiation X), de greffes et d'injection de produits génitaux.Les caractères sexuels somatiques des cirres parapodiaux (renflement et crénelures) se développent toujours conformément au sexe génétique quel que soit l'état génital de laNereis et la nature de l'intervention. La détermination des caractères sexuels somatiques des cirres parapodiaux apparaît donc comme étant très précoce (3 mois au moins avant la différenciation génitale) et stable.Par contre, les papilles pygidiales, caractère sexuel mâle dans les conditions normales, peuvent se différencier chez les très jeunes femelles dont l'épitoquie est déclenchée prématurément par décérébration et chez les femelles de tout âge dont les transformations hétéronéréidiennes sont réalisées en présence d'un milieu mâle (injection de produits génitaux, greffe sur un mâle). Les papilles pygidiales semblent donc déterminées précocement chez les deux sexes; leur différenciation est cependant inhibée chez les femelles au cours de la maturation génitale.
Control of determination and the differentiation of the sexual somatic characters of Nereids (Annelida Polychaeta)
Summary The modalities of determination and differentiation of sexual dimorphism of Nereids (Annelida Polychaeta) were investigated inNereis pelagica L. andPerinereis cultrifera G. with experiments involving decerebration, castration (by X irradiation), grafts or injection of genital products.The sexual somatic characters of the parapodial cirri (swelling and crenellations) always develop according to the genetic sex, whatever the genital state of the Nereis and the nature of the intervention. Therefore the determination of the sexual somatic characters of the parapodial cirri appear to be determined in a very precocious and stable way (at least 3 months before the genital differentiation).The pygidial papillae, a male sexual character in normal conditions, can be formed by very young females in which heteronereidation is realized prematurely by decerebration, and by females of any age in which heteronereid transformations are realized in a male environment (e.g. by injection of genital products, or grafting onto a male). Therefore the pygidial papillae may be determined precociously in either sex; however their differentiation is normally inhibited in females in the course of genital maturation.

We used the Hallé and Oldeman's groups of the present and of the future, as obtained by an architectural analysis of trees, in order to test the hypothesis that the group of young (or potential) trees is more sensitive to parameters of present landscape structure than the group of old trees. The landscape structure and the tree species richness of 11 remnant forest fragments, located in the riparian corridor of the Jacaré-Pepira river (S.E. Brazil), were studied. The results showed that the tree species richness may not be linked to the landscape structure changes that have been occurring since 1962 (date of the oldest aerial photographs from the region). The studied communities are probably still responding to the main landscape structure changes that occurred during the second half of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century as a consequence of the expansion of coffee plantations. Furthermore, the group of the future presented significant correlations with a greater number of landscape indices, confirming the initial hypothesis of greater sensitivity of the younger trees to the present landscape structure. It appears also that the richness of the group of the future is mainly affected by the present landscape structure while the richness of the group of the present results from interactions with present and past landscape structures.  相似文献   

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