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Flora and vegetation of the Isle of Pianosa (Isles Tremiti). – The flora and vegetation of the Isle of Pianosa are here described. The flora is composed of common mediterranean species with some adriatic endemics. The vegetation has a halophilous-nitrophilous character. The plant formations identified on this isle are shown in the map (fig. 1).  相似文献   


Flora of Palmaria and Tino islands. — Palmaria and Tino are two small islands at the entrance of the Gulf of La Spezia. They are formed of grey fossiliferous limestones of the Rhaetian period and of more recent — but still of the Rhaetian period — dolomitic limestones. Their climate is definitely more mediterranean than that of the La Spezia coasts laying near by; the winters are milder and the annual precipitations much lower (at the Palmaria 525 mm, at La Spezia 1375 mm. The flora is composed of 399 entities and has a biological spectrum in which the Hemicryptophytes predominate (35,33%), however also the Therophytes (29,57%) and the Geophytes (15,03%) are frequent. The test of the floristic composition shows that the eumediterranean elements are predominant (24,56%) but also the submediterranean (12,53%) and the central southern European (13,53%) are frequent; besides, the subatlantic (6,01%) and the Eurasian ones are also to be found (9,27%). From the test of the floristic components of the three floras of Palmaria and Tino, Capo Caccia in north western Sardinia and of the Marettimo island in western Sicily, it has been found that there is a bigger quantity of eumediterranean elements than in the islands near La Spezia (24,56%) at Capo Caccia (42,14%) and at Marettimo (47,60%), and on the contrary a decrease of the central southern European (13,53%, 9,50%, 6,40%). The fact that the island of Sardinia was separated from the continent since very early times is proved by the presence at Capo Caccia of a lower number of euro-centralasiatic plants (6,76%, 3,30%, 6,60% respectively), of sub-Atlantic ones (6,01%, 1,65%, 3,80%), and of Eurasian ones (9,27%, 7,85%, 8,20%) and on the contrary by a higher number of Sardinian-Corsican endemisms at Capo Caccia (8,67%), definitely higher than the ones in Sicily at Marettimo (3,40%) and the Tuscan-Ligurian endemisms at Palmaria and Tino (only 0,75%) islands which are a few dozen meters near the coast, from which they were separated in recent periods. Among the plants of phytogeographycal interest I would like to mention Centaurea cineraria which is present at the Palmaria and Tino with the var. veneris; may be once spread on most of the Mediterranean coasts. Most of the Mediterranean plants growing on the Palmaria and Tino have a distribution area which includes a great part of the Mediterranean. Just a few of them (Cephalaria leucantha, Argyrolobium zanonii, Phagnalon sordidum, Staehelina dubia, Pinus pinaster, Antirrhinum latifolium) are western submediterranean, distributed mostly in Europe; in comparison, at Marettimo there are western eumediterranean plants growing in northern Africa with some remains in the Spanish peninsula. At Marettimo eastern eumediterranean plants also grow, while at Palmaria and Tino are to be found only some plants that, from the north-eastern coasts of the Mediterranean sea, reach the interior of the Balkan peninsula (Genista januensis) or the Pontic region. (Coronilla cretica, Dorycnium pentaphyllum var. berbaceum).  相似文献   


Flora of Popoli's gorges (Central Italy). — The results of floristic research developed from 1967 to 1969 at the Popoli's gorges (province of Pescara, in Abruzzo, Central Italy) are reported. Short accounts on the geographic position, on the geology and climate of the gorges are given, together with the floristic index of 696 entities, 4 of which are new for Abruzzo. For each species the biological and the phytogeographical categories are indicated; and for the whole of the flora the biological spectrum. This shows that this flora is a submediterranean one, with altitude influences. Critical remarks are developed about the taxonomy and distribution in the region of Abruzzo of several species wich looked particularly significant to the author.  相似文献   


Flora of the clays and the tuffs of Civita di Bagnoregio (Upper Latium). — This work is the result of floristic research developed from 1968 to 1970 on tuffs and mainly on the clays of Civita di Bagnorcgio. After having summarily described the geo-ecological conditions, the author lists in all 489 entities. The biological spectrum of clays shows a high presence of Therophyta and a low percentage of Phanerophyta; on the contrary on the tuffs are present more Phanerophyta and less Therophyta; on the whole the flora is marked from the Emicryptophyta. Phytogeographical analysis indicates a prevalence of mediterranean elements. The author delineates moreover the most important floristic aspects, refering the frequentest entities and point out the intense anthropization wich has prevented the preservation of the woody formations, today completely away from clayey area.  相似文献   


After having summarly described the ecological conditions of the area of the Roman Province which are studied by the author, he lists the plants collected and adds some critical remarks on the taxonomy. He gives a list of a few taxa, which must be regarded as having been found for the first time in Lazio, or are infrequent in this Province.

The author describes the vegetation of some pastures and woods by means of statistical investigations. Finaly he takes into consideration the reciprocal influence exerted by the various plant-communities.  相似文献   

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