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We surveyed postfire vegetation at five sites at high elevations (> 2000 m) in the Cordillera Central, Dominican Republic. Highlands of the Cordillera Central are dominated by a single pine species, Pinus occidentalis, but plant communities are rich with endemics and conservation and fire management efforts in these systems are ongoing. The burns were 2–7 yr in age and had consumed nearly all shrub crowns. Pines suffered high mortality (> 50%, all sites combined), but shrubs resprouted at high rates (88%, N = 957) after fire. All shrub taxa produced basal resprouts; eight of 11 shrub taxa measured had resprouting rates > 90 percent, while Baccharis myrsinites had the lowest (56%). Most taxa grew to prefire height quickly (within 5–7 yr), with regrowth of stem diameters lagging behind. Patterns and rates of shrub recovery resembled those documented in high elevation shrublands in Costa Rica and Brazil. Pinus occidentalis does not resprout, but larger individuals can survive fire. Survival increases dramatically when trees attain > 13-cm dbh, when bark becomes thick enough to protect cambial tissue. Overall, pines are regenerating much more slowly than shrubs, but seedling establishment varied considerably between sites. Frequent fires may cause a decline in pines and an increase in shrub- or grass-dominated communities. Succession in these high elevation fire-dependent pine forests favors taxa already present in the preburn vegetation, with woody composition changing little after fire, in contrast to lower-elevation cloud forest, where postfire vegetation has been shown to bear little resemblance to mature forest even after several years.  相似文献   

This paper presents a floristic and vegetation study of the serpentinised territories of the Dominican Republic, corresponding to the Yamasá and Prieta mountains, Dajabón, Puerto Plata and Gaspar Henández. These sites are very important at a local level as they act as speciation centres and have a specific ultramafic flora with a high endemicity rate. The floristic analysis revealed the existence of 219 species, of which 54 (24.7%) are endemic. Twenty-one plots of vegetation distributed in five areas dominated by serpentines have been analysed in this study. The phytosociological approach is based on the Braun-Blanquet method. The study was combined with statistical techniques such as multivariate analyses. The results revealed three different kinds of forests, one dominated by the endemic Bignoniaceae, Tabebuia berterii (CC.) Britton, which is peculiar to the subhumid–humid environments of the Caribbean-Cibensean territory. The second type of forest is dominated by the serpentinophyte Polygonaceae, Leptogonum buchii Urb. which thrives in the humid ombrotype of the north territory. Finally, the third one adopts the form of the pine forest of Dajabón, dominated by Pinus occidentalis Sw. Four associations and three alliances are proposed as new syntaxa based on statistical and phytosociological analyses.  相似文献   

Aim The dry forests of the tropics have received little scholarly attention relative to their significance and their rate of disappearance. This study aimed to characterize the structure and composition of two intermingled Antillean subtropical dry forest types and shed light upon their origins, development, and possible future conditions. Location Jaiquí Picado, Santiago Province, Dominican Republic (19° 26′ N, 70° 54′ W). Methods Biophysical data from quadrat sampling of vegetation, soils, and site characteristics were subjected to cluster analysis, means comparisons, discriminant analysis, and linear regression. Extensive interviews with local land users provided information on early forests as well as present and historical land use practices. Results Spatial patterning of the area's two main forest types relates closely to past land use but not to any observed differences in the physical characteristics of their sites. ‘Old-growth’ stands found on land never placed in cultivation resemble the forests encountered by late-nineteenth-century settlers of the area in their wealth of woody plant taxa and relative abundance of endemic and other native species. In the ‘scrub’ stands growing on land abandoned from grazing, fully 70% of stems belong to one native (Acacia macracantha Willd.) and two exotic (Haematoxylon campechianum L. and Prosopis juliflora (Sw.) DC.) woody legumes that contribute to the markedly greater representation of deciduous and thorn-bearing individuals in this type. The two forest types do not differ significantly in average bole dimensions, but the canopies of scrub stands are concentrated in a narrower layer, their understories are more open, and they contain more multiple stems of apparent sprout origin. A chronosequence of scrub stands covering a range in age of three decades indicates a moderate increment in species diversity over time and gradual disappearance of some of the more abundant invasive shrubs; but such stands continue to be dominated throughout this period by the same three scrub trees, while most species characteristic of old-growth forests, including many of the least abundant, fail to appear among the regeneration in their understories. Main conclusions Antillean forests classified as thorn scrub may include a form of ‘disclimax’ created through past land use activities in areas once bearing more diverse tropical dry forest. Whether they will ever develop into stands similar to the previous forests is uncertain, given the present state of fragmentation and other processes taking place within these ecosystems.  相似文献   

Abstract Identification of biodiversity hotspots is essential to conservation strategies aimed at minimizing the possibility of losing half of the world's species in the next 50 years. The aims of the present study were: (i) to locate and designate zones of endemism in the temperate forest of South America; and (ii) to compare the distribution of these areas with the distribution of existing protected areas in this habitat type. Endemism areas were determined by using parsimonious analysis of endemism, which identified zones of endemism on the basis of sets of endemic species that were restricted to two or more study areas. We used distribution information for five unrelated taxa (ferns, trees, reptiles, birds and mammals) to provide more reliable results and patterns than would work with only a single taxon or related taxa. The northern part of this region has high endemism for all of the taxa considered in this study. We demonstrate that although the temperate forest of South America has more than 30% of its area under some type of protection, correlation between protected areas and the areas of endemism is remarkably low. In fact, less than 10% of protected areas are situated in areas that have the greatest value for conservation (i.e. high endemism). Under the current strategy, biodiversity within South America's temperate forest is in danger despite the large amount of protected area for this forest type.  相似文献   


The article deals both with the Pinus occidentalis pine tree forests growing on high mountain limestones and siliceous substrates, and with the copses growing on serpentines in Dajabón (Cibao Valley), Dominican Republic. The samplings carried out in these forests reveal the occurrence of numerous endemic species and, consequently, the habitats can be considered as endemic, priority habitats of the Antilles. The article relies on some previous surveys carried out by us, Cano E, Velóz Ramirez A, Cano-Ortiz A, Esteban FJ. (2009b). Analysis of the Pterocarpus officinalis forests in the Gran Estero (Dominican Republic). Acta Botanica Gallica 156(4):559–570, that made use of the data provided by 87 weather stations of the Dominican Republic. With the values of the Ci, Oi, Cti, etc. indexes, we make a bioclimatical proposal for Hispaniola. Our preliminary analysis of the studies published on the vegetation of the Island of Hispaniola and nearby islands, along with the samples taken by us, lead us to propose two new alliances: Ilici tuerckheimi–Pinion occidentalis and Phyllario mummularioidi–Leptogonion buchi, and three new associations: Dendropemon phycnophylli–Pinetum occidentalis, Cocotrino scopari–Pinetum occidentalis and Leptogono buchi–Pinetum occidentalis.  相似文献   



Coastal environments have often been described as azonal. While this characteristic is clear for the foredune system, it seems less evident for more inland fixed dunes, which host habitats of major conservation concern, whose features seem to be more related to local climatic conditions. We hypothesized that, unlike other coastal habitats, dune perennial grasslands differ floristically and structurally across their European range and that patterns of variation are linked to the corresponding climate.


European coasts (Atlantic Ocean, Baltic, Mediterranean, Black Sea).


We used a large data set of phytosociological relevés, representative of coastal grasslands throughout their European range. The role of climatic variables (temperature, precipitation and continentality) in determining the variability in species composition and vegetation structure (by means of life forms) was investigated through CCA, DCA and GLM. The degree of concentration of species occurrences within groups was calculated through the Phi coefficient.


Through multivariate analyses we identified seven major types of coastal grassland, corresponding to different geographic areas. The groups significantly differed in their climatic envelope, as well as in their species composition and community structure.


Our results confirm the hypothesis that coastal dune perennial grasslands are subjected to local climate, which exerts significant effects on both floristic composition and community structure. As a consequence, coastal grasslands are particularly prone to the effect of possible climate change, which may alter species composition and distribution, and lead to shifts in the distribution of native plant communities.

The South American corridor of seasonally dry vegetation (SACSV) includes different types of physiognomies forming a continuous corridor with high biodiversity and endemism; however, little attention has been paid to the conservation of the SACSV. As this is an area with great diversity, cataloguing all the species is challenging. Thus, we suggest the use of Leguminosae species (trees and shrubs) as bioindicators of the different types of vegetation present in the area and to identify priority areas for conservation of the SACSV, since the family is highly represented in this vegetation. The study area was divided into 358 grid cells with recorded specimens. For each grid cell, species richness, taxonomic diversity, number of species restricted to one type of vegetation, and threatened and indicator species of phytogeographic domain were calculated. To determine the phytogeographic domains and indicator species, analysis of similarity, cluster and indicator species (ISA) were performed. The results show that 43% of the grid cells (154) have high biological importance for conservation (high taxonomic diversity, species richness and number of restricted species), all of which lie outside of protected areas. We identified 72 indicator species for seven floristic units, which, in general, include areas of the same phytogeographic domain, supporting the existing classification systems. We suggest that for effective conservation of biodiversity present in the SACSV, it is necessary to establish protected areas throughout the SACSV.  相似文献   

菌子山喀斯特森林区位于云南东部师宗县, 在植被区划上属滇中、滇东高原半湿润常绿阔叶林与云南松(Pinus yunnanensis)林区。该片森林以次生林为主, 是这一植被区东部边缘残留森林的典型代表。为揭示菌子山喀斯特森林类型组成及其群落特征, 该研究对该森林区开展了系统的样方调查, 记录了群落的物种组成、数量特征、生境信息等。通过对29个样方的调查数据的分析, 基于群落学-生态学分类原则和最新的中国植被分类系统修订方案, 该喀斯特森林可划分为4个植被型, 16个群系和27个群丛。该研究对每个群丛的特征进行了描述, 提供了所有样方的原始数据。  相似文献   



Shallow soils on acidic bedrock in dry areas of Central Europe support dry grasslands and heathlands that were formerly used as extensive pastures. These habitats are of high conservation value, but their abandonment in the 20th century triggered slow natural succession that poses a threat to specialized plant species. We asked how this vegetation and its plant diversity have changed over the past three decades and whether protected areas have positively affected habitat quality.


Southwestern and central Moravia, Czech Republic.


In 2018–2019, we resurveyed 94 vegetation plots first sampled in 1986–1991 at 47 acidic dry grassland and heathland sites. We compared the number of all vascular plant species, Red List species and alien species per plot using parametric and non-parametric tests, life-form spectra using the chi-square test, species composition using detrended correspondence analysis, and indicator values using a permutation test. We also compared these changes between sites within and outside protected areas.


Vegetation changes over the past three decades have been relatively small. However, we detected a decrease in total species richness, the number of Red List species and the number of characteristic species of dry grasslands. Neophytes were infrequent, while archaeophytes increased slightly. The competitive tall grass Arrhenatherum elatius, annual species and young woody plants increased in abundance or newly established at many sites. Indicator values did not change except for a slight increase in nutrient values. These negative trends occurred both within and outside protected areas but were more pronounced outside.


Formerly grazed acidic dry grasslands and heathlands in Moravia are slowly losing habitat specialists, including threatened plant species, and are increasingly dominated by Arrhenatherum elatius. Conservation management, especially cutting in protected areas, slows down the negative trends of decline in plant diversity and habitat quality but is insufficient to halt these processes completely.  相似文献   

概述了黄河三角洲贝沙植被、海滩涂植被、水生植被和低山丘陵植被4个自然植被类型,以及植物群丛的自然特征。  相似文献   

50年来山东塔山植被与物种多样性的变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高远  陈玉峰  董恒  郝加琛  慈海鑫 《生态学报》2011,31(20):5984-5991
为分析塔山植被与物种多样性50a自然演替和动态变化,2009-2010年,采用系统勘踏法和典型取样法进行了调查。当前塔山主要植被类型为"黑松林-赤松林-栓皮栎林"。50a间,该区针叶林从黑松(Pinus thunbergii)林演替为黑松林、赤松(P. densiflora)林和油松林(P. tabulaeformis)为主的混合针叶林,但针叶林的整体优势度下降,以栓皮栎(Quercus variabilis)和麻栎(Q. acutissima)为建群种的阔叶林面积明显增大,由针叶林向阔叶林的演替趋势明朗。物种丰富度为草本层>灌木层>乔木层,Shannon-wiener指数和Simpson指数为灌木层>草本层>乔木层,物种多样性较低,处于森林演替初期。  相似文献   

Nested areas of endemism analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Aim  To develop and evaluate a nested clade approach to aid in the determination of areas of endemism (AoE) in biogeographical studies.
Methods  We adapted the nested clade analysis (NCA) to studies of areas of endemism. For this purpose we adapted several of the programs currently in use. Two data sets were examined using this approach – one involving Sciobius in southern Africa and the other involving terrestrial mammals in Mexico.
Results  Nested clade analysis as applied to areas of endemism produced results similar to those of previous analyses of Sciobus in southern Africa. An analysis of terrestrial mammals in Mexico supports the designation of some biogeographical provinces as areas of endemism while suggesting that other provinces may comprise composite distributions that should be subdivided.
Main conclusions  The nested clade analysis approach utilized primarily in genetic analysis of phylogeographical patterns in population biology studies can be adapted to understanding AoE in the realm of biogeography. This approach offers a statistical paradigm to evaluate AoE suggested by parsimony analysis of endemicity (PAE) trees.  相似文献   

周仕顺  王洪  朱华   《广西植物》2007,27(3):475-481,502
根据5个20m×25m样地的调查资料,对分布于澜沧江糯扎渡河岸山地,以厚皮树、家麻树为优势种的季雨林群落进行了分析研究,结果显示:(1)该群落乔木层以落叶成分厚皮树和家麻树为优势种,层间以常绿的大型木质藤本云南翅子藤为特征;(2)在群落2500m2样地内,共计维管束植物72种,隶属于38科65属;其中有乔木25种,草本植物25种,灌木10种和层间藤本植物12种;(3)综合5个样地后计算所得群落乔木层树种丰富度为25种,Shannon-Wiener指数为2.9010,Pielou均匀度指数为0.9012,Simpson指数为0.9346,在群落中,随着乔木径级的增大,个体数和种数逐渐减小;(4)该群落主要以高位芽植物为主,并以中高位芽植物为优势,占所统计总种数的35.8%;(5)该群落中落叶种类占总种数的62.5%,中叶占47.2%,小叶占41.7%,单叶占69.4%,纸质叶占61.1%,全缘叶占56.9%;(6)该群落的物种数/样地面积关系曲线显示在取样面积1000m2时开始趋于平缓,意味着该取样面积可以考虑作为群落最小取样面积。  相似文献   

基于中国北东样带东部森林区8个植被样方和表土花粉资料,定量分析了每种植物与表土花粉类型的关系。结果表明:花粉类型与植物关系密切,在α=0.05的显性水平上,相关系数(correlation coefficient)C值大都在0.5以上;表土花粉组合与植物群落间有较大的相似性,相似系数(CC)大于50%。采用定量描述花粉与植物关系的参数:联合指数(association index)A、超代表性指  相似文献   

鼎湖山地带性植被种间联结变化研究   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
研究鼎湖山地带性植被厚壳桂属(Cryptocarya)群落种间联结15年的变化,以期揭示该群落随时间演替过程中种间关系的变化情况。结果表明,群落的优势种种类组成基本没变化,但与15年前比较,优势种群的种对正负联结比例基本一致,但种间关系趋向平缓,高的正或负联结系数值少见;阳生性的先锋种与中生性建群种的联结系数值增大;群落中的2个亚群丛分化更为明显。表明南亚热带地带性顶极群落稳定是相对的,而波动变化是明显的,尤其是当群落循环演替的进程加剧时。  相似文献   

The tropical Far East has many outcrops of ultramafic rock including very large areas in Sulawesi (c. 8000 km2) and New Caledonia (c. 5500 km2). The outcrops occur under several different climates, and give rise to a range of soils, the characteristics of which are reviewed. The vegetation on them is very varied. Under the same climate one can find grassland, scrub, and both short and tall rain forests. The variation in species richness on the ultramafics is difficult to explain. The degree of endemism varies too; it is probably less dependent on soil characteristics than on historical factors. The causes of the various unusual types of vegetation on ultramafic outcrops are discussed. It is possible that the somewhat dwarfed forests result from a shortage of one or more major nutrients or from very high soil Mg/Ca quotients or high Ni concentrations. The distinct ‘maquis’ vegetation of New Caledonia, and probably ultramafic scrub elsewhere, has evolved in relation to not only the soil chemical factors just listed but also periodic fire and varying degrees of drought. Fires are certainly more important than was once thought and the adverse soil factors may have a role in delaying recolonisation. The plant chemistry is notable for the presence of species which hyperaccumulate certain elements, notably Ni. This phenomenon is discussed in relation to its ecological importance, which may be protection of the hyperaccumulators against herbivores. The need for a conservation policy for the ultramafic areas is stressed, and mention is made of the restoration work on sites damaged by nickel mining in New Caledonia.  相似文献   

广西主要森林植被碳储量及其影响因素   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
广西森林面积和覆盖率位居全国前列,在全国和区域碳平衡中起着至关重要的作用。正确评价广西森林植被碳储量、碳储量的时空格局及其影响因素对我国碳循环及碳汇研究具有十分重要的意义。为阐明广西森林植被碳储量分布格局及其主要影响因素,基于广西10类主要森林类型345个样地的调查,结合森林资源清查资料,估算广西主要森林植被碳储量,探讨广西不同森林类型、不同龄组、不同层次的碳储量组成与分配。采用地统计学方法描绘了植被碳密度空间分布,并采用主成分分析方法和回归分析方法分析了植被碳储量的影响因素。结果表明:广西主要森林植被总碳储量达到746.06 Tg(1Tg=10~(12) g),平均碳密度为55.37 t/hm~2,松树、杉木、桉树、栎类、软阔、硬阔、石山林、竹林、八角和油茶林对广西植被碳储量的贡献比例分别为26.83%、12.28%、6.67%、3.03%、20.37%、16.32%、10.84%、0.88%、1.38%和1.39%。各森林类型植被碳密度介于20.77—108.28 t/hm~2,大小顺序为硬阔软阔松树杉木栎类石山林桉树八角竹林油茶。广西区森林植被碳密度在7.05—219.73 t/hm~2之间,总体表现为广西北部、西南部和广西东部存在高值区,广西中部和东南部有明显的低值区。碳储量以乔木层占优势,且随林龄增大呈逐渐增加的趋势。影响广西植被碳储量的主控因子是平均胸径、林龄和林分密度,经度、碱解氮、全氮、有机碳是影响碳储量的关键因子。  相似文献   

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