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As a result of our work on the Lycopodiaceae account for the Critical Flora of Italy, a new, synonymic inventory of Italian taxa is presented, based on herbarium studies and critical re-examination of extant literature. Three genera with eight species are accepted: Huperzia (1 species), Lycopodiella (1), and Lycopodium (6). An additional, ninth species (Lycopodiella cernua) is listed as a casual alien. The genus Diphasiastrum, accepted in several recent works, is treated at sectional level within Lycopodium (three species and their three hybrids). Lycopodium lagopus ( = L. clavatum subsp. monostachyon) is a recent addition to the Italian flora. Images of five types and Internet URI of other six types are supplied. Dot distribution maps and a dichotomous key to Italian species are provided. It is shown that the family name Urostachyaceae (a family here not separated from Lycopodiaceae) was validly published and has priority over Huperziaceae, for which the oldest name, however, would be Phylloglossaceae.  相似文献   


The Italian populations of Koeleria splendens C. Presl, critical group of the Mediterranean flora, are examined from the taxonomic and nomenclatural viewpoints. On the basis of literature data, herbarium investigations and field surveys, many morphologically well-differentiated taxa have been recognized. This group is widespread in the Italian peninsula and Sicily, where it is represented by the following units: K. splendens C. Presl, with four subspecies [subsp. splendens, subsp. grandiflora (Bertol. ex Schultes) Domin, subsp. brutia Brullo, Gangale & Uzunov, and subsp. ophiolitica subsp. nova], K. lucana sp. nova, K. subcaudata (Ascherson & Graebner) Ujhelyi, K. australis Kerner, K. callieri (Domin) Ujhelyi, and K. insubrica sp. nova. As concerns their distribution, both K. splendens and K. lucana are endemic to the Italian territory, while the other species occur also in some eastern Mediterranean countries. The taxonomic position of K. lobata, recently treated by some authors as a synonym of K. splendens, is also examined. A phylogenetic analysis was performed using morphological characters. Finally, a detailed iconography of the main morphological features and an analytical key of the Italian taxa (K. lobata included) are given.  相似文献   

Three new species ofSelaginella from Panama are described and illustrated:S. correae, S. salazariae, andS. taylorii. In addition, a new name,S. smithiorum, is proposed forS. velutina A. R. Smith (nonS. velutina Cesati), and eleven new distribution records are reported. The relationships of the species are discussed and keys to some of the species are provided.  相似文献   

Rhus pygmaea , a new species endemic to amphibolitic serpentine soils near Barberton, Mpumalanga (Eastern Transvaal) is described and illustrated. It has affinities with R. pondoensis Schonl., but differs primarily in its dwarf habit, narrower leaflets, reduced inflorescence and male flowers having a conical pistillode.  相似文献   

报道了拟大叶卷柏Selaginella decipiens Warb. 在中国广西和云南的分布。该种的分布原来只知道在越南北部和印度东北部。它在形体上近似大叶卷柏S. bodinieri Hieron.,而侧叶形状和秦氏卷柏S. chingii Alston的一致,但以其较大的、近全缘的侧叶,以及较大的腋叶和较短的孢子叶穗同上述两种不同。  相似文献   


Cystopteris dickieana, a rare circum-Holarctic species, is recorded for the first time for the NW part of the Balkan area. Mature spores rugose characterize this fern within the C. fragilis species complex.  相似文献   

I. Camarda 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(3):849-856
Rubus is poorly represented in Sardinia, mainly by the widespread R. ulmifolius and further by two narrow endemic species. Two new species, R. laconensis and R. pignatti, here described and illustrated, grow in two neighbouring small areas of the Sarcidano country. Both are characterized, in particular, by fruits with a low number of large drupelets. R. laconensis is for the time being attributed to the R. caesius aggregate, and R. pignatti to R. subg. Rubus.  相似文献   

Three new species of Selaginella are described from the Guayana Highland of Venezuela: S. cardiophylla, S. hemicardia and S. pruskiana. They are illustrated and the relationships of each are discussed. Another species, provisionally determined as S. terezoana, is reported for the first time from Guyana.  相似文献   

This paper re-examines the species of Triplophyllum in the neotropics. The indument of the laminae (hairs and glands) provides many characteristics for distinguishing the species. Nine species are recognized, including three new ones: T. boliviense, T. chocoense, and T. glabrum. New combinations are made for T. hirsutum and T. perpilosum . A key is provided to distinguish the species, and all species are described and illustrated. The spores of the neotropical species are like those from African and Madagascan species. As such, they offer no evidence to determine whether the neotropical species form a monophyletic clade within the genus.  相似文献   

Species of Erythroneurini (Cicadellidae: Typhlocybinae) currently placed in the genus Zygina and found in Australia, New Zealand and some neighbouring islands are transferred to the new genus Anzygina , type species Erythroneura sidnica Kirkaldy, following comparison with the type species of the genus: Typhlocyba nivea Mulsant and Rey. New combinations are Anzygina sidnica (Kirkaldy), Anzygina honiloa (Kirkaldy), Anzygina melanogaster (Kirkaldy) and Anzygina sativae (Evans) from Australia, Anzygina toetoe (Cumber), Anzygina agni (Knight), Anzygina dumbletoni (Ghauri) and Anzygina ramsayi (Knight) from New Zealand, Anzygina zealandica (Myers) from Australia and New Zealand, Anzygina jowettae (Knight) from Norfolk Island and Anzygina medioborealis (Ghauri) from Papua New Guinea. Lectotypes are designated for Erythroneura honiloa Kirkaldy and E. sidnica Kirkaldy. Anzygina billi sp.n. is described from SE Qld, and Anzygina barrattae sp.n. is described from the South Island of New Zealand. A. agni is a new record for Australia and is presumed to be Australian in origin. A. dumbletoni has a distribution which suggests that it also is introduced to New Zealand although its origins are not known. A. ramsayi, A. barrattae and A. toetoe , all of which appear to be New Zealand endemics, show affinity with each other based on aedeagal structure. A key to these species, based on males, is provided. The lack of male syntypes for Erythroneura honiala Kirkaldy and Erythroneura lubra Kirkaldy precludes establishment of their identities relative to other species of the genus, and both names are regarded as having nomen dubium status. Australian species not transferred to Anzygina are Zygina evansi (Ross) and Zygina ipoloa (Kirkaldy), both of which belong elsewhere.  相似文献   

The typification of six Linnaean Datura names ( D. stramonium, D. metel, D. arborea, D. ferox, D. fastuosa and D. tatuld ) is discussed. A modification to the typification of D.fastuosa is proposed and a lectotype for D. tatula is designated here.  相似文献   

Linnaeus listed and described (as Ostrea species) 20 recent pectinid species in the 10th edition of his Systema Naturae and one pectinid species in his Mantissa. These are now placed in 17 genera of the family Pectinidae. Nine species are cited to Museum Ludovicae Ulricae. Ten primary types are present in the Linnéan Society of London, and the same number in die Zoological Museum of die Uppsala University. Two lectotypes were designated recendy by Smith and Waller; 18 lectotypes and one neotype are selected herein. Nine of the species are type species of currently accepted pectinid genera. Seven new type localities are also designated for species which had unknown or erroneous type localities, and six are more restricted. Potential type material of eight species is also traced in the Gualtieri collection of the Museo di Storia Naturale e del Territorio at Certosi di Calci (Italy).  相似文献   

On the basis of the study of the original material used by Planchon, the typification previously made by other authors is discussed, and an interpretation of the U. minor-galli group is presented. We conclude that the name U. galli must continue in use in its traditional sense, and, therefore, U. cantabricus Alvarez Martínez el al. must become a mere synonym. The new combinations U. breoganii (Castroviejo & Valdés-Bermejo) Castroviejo & Valdés-Bermejo, stat. nov. and U. minor subsp. gallii (Planchon) Castroviejo & Valdés-Bermejo, comb. nov. are proposed.  相似文献   

In the framework of our studies on Lamiaceae from the eastern Iberian Peninsula, for the forthcoming fourth volume of Flora valentina, a new infraspecific arrangement is proposed here for the Iberian endemic Teucrium thymifolium. Besides the type subspecies, T. thymifolium subsp. thymifolium, which is widely distributed through the eastern Iberian Peninsula, two new nomenclatural combinations are established: (i) T. thymifolium subsp. fraternum (Pau) M.B. Crespo, M.A. Alonso & Mart.-Azorín (= T. terciae), for the thermophilous populations growing in SE Murcia province, and (ii) T. thymifolium subsp. hervieri (Briq. & Debeaux) M.B. Crespo, M.A. Alonso & Mart.-Azorín, for Subbaetic inland populations from where the provinces of Albacete, Jaén and Granada come into contact. Nomenclatural types and data on distribution and ecology are reported for all accepted subspecies, including the designation of a lectotype for T. thymifolium subsp. hervieri. Furthermore, relationships of the latter to the recently described T. moleromesae Sánchez Gómez et al. are briefly discussed, both taxa being treated here in synonymy.  相似文献   

OOST, E. H., BRANDENBURG, W. A. & JARVIS, C. E., 1989. Typification of Brassica oleracea L. (Cruciferae) and its Linnaean varieties. The Linnaean concept of Brassica oleracea and its varieties is discussed. In the light of this concept several types are considered and chosen.  相似文献   

Fabio Conti 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(2):191-194

A new Minuartia was discovered in Cilento (S. Italy). The species described here as M. moraldoi belongs to the ser. Graminifoliae.  相似文献   

Names of 20 presumed taxa in Draba sect. Aizopsis, all based on material from Italy, are considered. Full synonymies are provided, and types are designated (for 14 names) or indicated. Most of the taxa are currently considered unworthy of recognition, of which 16 belong to D. aspera sensu lato. However, the question of whether the Sicilian populations might be distinct from the peninsular populations is still unsettled.  相似文献   

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