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Summary The authors have studied the histochemical localization of acetylcholinesterase activity in the dog's ciliary ganglion by using the modified Koelle and Friedenwald technique. For better localisation of the structures stained by the histochemical method, some sections were in addition submitted to the Feulgen reaction, stained with Neutral red or impregnated according to the method of Bielschowsky.The results showed that if the pH of the incubating medium was 6,4, the pre- and postganglionic nerve branches as well as the nerve cell bodies react with a mean intensity only; the pericellular capsules, the sheathes formed by the satellite cells round the short processes and round the proximal part of the axone as well as the neurilemma of the nerve fibers between the ganglionic cells react as if they were the site of a very high enzymatic activity.At pH 5,2 of the incubating medium the authors observed the copper sulphide precipitate due to enzymatic activity to form a pattern resembling fibrillar woofs, sheathes, cords and rings of various dimensions; it now seems to be situated close to the ganglionic cell bodies and to the arches of its fenestrations and the precipitations appear to be in intimate contact with the deep side of the satellite cell sheath.The authors believe that the different results obtained in the first case may be explained by admitting that at pH 6,4 a massive staining of the satellite cells' capsules and sheathes may occur as the result of diffusion of the enzyme or of intermediate products from the preganglionic nerve fibers, which are the site of high acetylcholinesterase activity.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Durch Anwendung der Explantationsmethode vonMangold wird der Rumpfschwanzteil der Medullarplatte in vitro explantiert, um die Evolutionsfähigkeiten der isolierten Medullaranlage und die Entwicklungskorrelationen zwischen dem Chorda-Mesodermkomplex und der Morphohistogenese des Rückenmarks zu studieren.Es wird vor allem festgestellt, daß der Neuralstrang, der sich aus der explantierten Neuralplatte bildet, auch ohne Mitwirkung der Chorda oder irgendeines Stützorgans verlängerungsfähig ist.Von großer Bedeutung für die Morphohistogenese des Neuralstranges scheint die Chorda zu sein, und gewissermaßen auch das Mesoderm.Fehlt das Mesoderm, so schmelzen die Ganglien zu einer einzigen Masse zusammen, ventral zum Neuralstrang; die Struktur des Neuralstranges erleidet aber dadurch keine Veränderung.Fehlt die Chorda dagegen, so treten sehr wichtige Veränderungen im Neuralstrang ein, d. h. übermäßige große der Neuralröhre oder mehrfache Röhrenbildung, Zerstörung der Zellen- und Fasernanordnung, Neuroblastenabsonderung aus dem Rumpfteil des Neuralstranges.Wenn aber, auch bei fehlender Chorda, der Neuralstrang von Mesodermmassen begleitet wird, ist seine Struktur viel regelmäßiger.Es scheint also, daß das Mesoderm, außer die Wirkung auf die Zerteilung der Ganglienanlagen, auch gewissermaßen die ausgebliebene Wirkung der Chorda ersetzen kann.  相似文献   


New species for Flora of Sardinia. — The Author remarks the presence of new species for Sardinia with some observations on the distribution and habitat.  相似文献   


A study on the type and distribution of trichomes, morphological traits of the calyx and content of antioxidant compounds was conducted on Teucrium arduini L. populations in Croatia and in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Non-glandular trichomes, peltate trichomes and small capitate trichomes with four secretory head cells were observed on leaves, stems and calyx, whereas long capitate trichomes with a unicellular head cell were observed exclusively on the calyx. Average calyx length was 5.23–6.51 mm, calyx tube length 2.92–3.68 mm, lower lip length 1.25–2.42 mm and upper lip length 1.89–2.99 mm. The concentration of antioxidant compounds in all populations was the highest in leaves: total polyphenols (TP): 8.43–13.55%; tannins (T): 1.79–7.33%; flavonoids (TF): 0.28–0.40%; phenolic acids (TPA): 2.90–5.07%. Inflorescences generally contained the smallest amount of TP (5.89–11.42%), T (0.87–6.50%) and TPA (1.66–2.27%), while the smallest content of TF was obtained for the majority of stem samples (0.06–0.12%). The researched populations did not differ with regard to the type and overall distribution of the trichomes, though the Bosnian populations have a shorter calyx tube and longer upper lip. Some variability was observed in the TP and T content between sampling sites, while quite high variability was noted in the TF and TPA content.  相似文献   

Riassunto Il succo di uova di Bombyx mori, riscaldate a 50° C per mezz'ora, all'inizio della svernatura, mostra un cospicuo aumento di viscosità rispetto al controllo. Dopo circa due mesi le uova riscaldate forniscono succo ancora notevolmente più viscoso del controllo. L'esame dei dati viscosimetrici mostra che durante questo tempo vi è stata una regolazione viscosa, ma imperfetta, che si può stimare con approssimazione del 43,17%. Anche ammettendo che si giunga ad avere una regolazione completa, è- da supporre che l'ambiente anomalo, in cui per un tempo così lungo viene a trovarsi l'embrione, non sia senza effetto su di questo e possa indurre sul futuro organisme somazioni o vere mutazioni.
Zusammenfassung Preßsaft von Eiern von Bombyx mori, bis auf 50° für eine halbe Stunde lang erwärmt, zeigt eine entschieden größere Viskosität als der von Kontrolleiern. Ungefähr 2 Monate lang bleibt diese Viskosität gleich, trotzdem schlüpfen die Eier zu 100%. Die erhöhte Viskosität entsteht wahrscheinlich durch Dishydratation der Eier oder durch Veränderungen in der Micellärstruktur der proteischen Komplexe.Diese erhöhte irreversible Viskosität erlaubt in jedem Fall die normale Entwicklung der Eier.Es erscheint möglich, daß eine irreversible Änderung eines chemischphysischen Charakters des Cytoplasmas, wie die beschriebene, der Grund einer Mutation sein kann, indem sie auf die Chromosomen wirkt und das Cytoplasma, in welchem die Chromosomen arbeiten, verändert.


CHANGES IN THE ACTIVITY OF CHLOROGENIC ACID OXIDASE AND OTHER ENZYMES INVOLVED IN OXIDATION AND REDUCTION OF TPN IN AGEING POTATO TUBER SLICES. — The activation of respiration, and in particular of the pentose phosphate pathway, during incubation of potato tuber slices could depend on the increase of activity of oxidative enzymes mediating electron transfer from Gl. 6-P to oxygen.

The present report deals with the activity changes, in the first period of incubation, of the following enzymes: Gl. 6-P-dehydrogenase, TPNH-glutathione reductase, gluta-thione-dehydroascorbate reductase, chlorogenic acid oxidase and a TPNH diaphorase utilizing tetrazolium salts as electron acceptors.

The activity of all of these enzymes, with the exception of TPNH diaphorase, was found to bs, at all stages of incubation, in large excess respect that required to account for the estimated contribution of the pentose phosphate pathway to respiration.

Gl. 6-P dehydrogenase, glutathione reductase and chlorogenic oxidase activities markedly incresed during incubation; but their increase appeared to be clearly delayed (of some hours) respect that of oxygen uptake. This seems to indicate that the increase in activity of these anzymes is rather a consequence than a cause of the respiratory activation.

TPNH diaphorase showed a very low activity in the fresh slices, and it increased quite significantly already in the very first period (5 hours) of incubation. This behaviour suggests the possibility that this enzyme could limit TPNH oxidation, and thus the pentose phosphate pathway activity, and that its activation could be correlated with that of oxidative metabolism in the ageing slices. Further investigation of this hypothesis requires the identification of the natural electron acceptor of this enzyme.  相似文献   

Riassunto Sono stati effettuati tre anni (1984–86) di osservazioni epidemiologiche ed aerobiologiche per ricercare la relazione esistente tra concentrazione pollinica giornaliera delle Oleacee nell' atmosfera della città di Palermo e numero di casi di pollinosi dovute a tale polline. I dati aerobiologici sono stati ottenuti con un campionatore volumetrico VPPS 2000. Questi, elaborati con il metodo della media mobile su 7 giorni e correlati con i dati epidemiologici, hanno evidenziato che, nel nostro territorio, le famiglie di pollini che rivestono importanza clinica sono tre: Urticacee, prevalentemente Parietaria, Graminacee ed Oleacee, prevalentemente Olea europaéa. Le Oleacee occupano il terzo posto nel determinismo delle pollinosi (21,76% di tutte le pollinosi), mentre dal punto di vista aerobiologico sono al secondo posto. La mancanza di proporzionalità diretta è da mettere in relazione, verosimilmente, con il breve periodo sintomatologico e con un basso potere allergizzante di tale aeroallergene. E' stato registrato, negli ultimi dieci anni, anche in Sicilia, un aumento della frequenza di sensibilizzazione verso il polline delle Oleacee.   相似文献   


Floristic affinity of bentonic vegetational types of Cala di Mitigliano (Massa Lubrense Napoli). — We have studied the bentonic plants community in the Cala di Mitigliano. It appears that some species compositions repeat themselves with a certain regularity. This fact lets us recognize and consequently classify them. In Cala di Mitigliano we took an interest and considered only such species compositions. We calculated, in them and between them, the coefficient of affinity by SÖRENSEN (1948). The cluster analysis by average linkage and the use of an index of «individualisation» (Feoli, ined.) based on floristic comparison showed that the species compositions, although we chose such ones to describe the vegetation, equally change gradually from place to place.  相似文献   

Riassunto Facendo seguito ad uno studio in microscopia ottica sull'ipofisi della Lacerta s. sicula Raf. durante vari periodi dell'anno, gli AA. espongono, per la stessa specie, i dati ultrastrutturali per le cellule adenoipofisarie, di maschi ancora in periodo di attiva spermatogenesi e di accoppiamento, e di altri castrati e sacrificati dopo 3–4 mesi. In base alla localizzazione nella ghiandola ed alle variazioni dopo castrazione, si distinguono cellule del 1 tipo (STH) con granuli rotondeggianti ed uniformi (circa 310 m ), cellule del 2 tipo (gonadotrope) a granuli polimorfi, cellule del 3 tipo (pure gonadotrope) a granuli tondi e piccoli (150–270 m) e a globuli di 700–800 m, e cellule del 4 tipo a granuli piccoli ed uniformi (100–200 m), di dubbio significato. Presentano dati a favore dell'ipotesi che la condensazione del secreto in forma di granuli avvenga nelle cisterne del Golgi. Osservano fenomeni di degenerazioni cellulari ed aspetti di distruzione citoplasmatica con liberazione di granuli negli spazi tra le cellule. Negli animali castrati notano degranulazione e segni di intensa attività delle cellule del 2 e del 3 tipo, oltre alla comparsa di cellule vacuolizzate, per dilatazione del reticolo endoplasmico ruvido.
The ultrastructure of the pars distalis of the hypophysis in sexually active and castrated males of Lacerta s. sicula Raf
Summary In addition to light microscopic studies on the hypophysis of the lizard, Lacerta s. sicula Raf., during different periods of the year, the authors of this paper explain the ultrastructure of the adenohypophysial cells of normal sexually active male lizards and of castrated lizards. On the basis of the location and the structural variations after castration several hypophysial cell types can be distinguished: Type 1 (STH) with spheroid granules (about 310 m diameter); type 2 with polymorphous glycoprotein granules; type 3 with small round granules (150–270 m diameter) and globules of about 700–800 m diameter (both gonadotropes). A fourth cell type with small uniform granules (diameter about 100–200 m has also been observed; its function is uncertain. A condensation of secretory granules in the Golgi complex and phenomena of cellular degeneration and cytolysis followed by a release of granules into the cellular interstices have been observed. In castrated animals degranulation and signs of an increased activity in the cell types 2 and 3 have been shown. In these animals the cisternae of endoplasmic reticulum become greatly distended.

Lavoro eseguito con il contributo del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Impresa Endocrinologia, e svolto, per le osservazioni, presso il Centro di Studio di Microscopia Elettronica della Facoltà di Scienze dell'Università di Napoli; ringraziamo il Prof. Gianfranco Ghiara per la continua critica costruttiva e il dott. Carlo Taddei per i suggerimenti nelle tecniche di microscopia elettronica.  相似文献   


Autecology of Ulva rigida C. Ag.: 1. Influence of light intensity and temperature on oxygen production. The photosynthetic activity of Ulva rigida, growing in Bari's harbour (Adriatic Sea), has been assessed in the laboratory by measuring oxygen evolution as a function of white light intensities. Tests were performed at four temperatures. The data indicate the remarkable amount of O2 released in the environment.  相似文献   

Riassunto E' stato seguito lo sviluppo ovulare del fegato nel Gallus dom., mediante tecniche istochimiche atte a rivelare attività fosfatasica acida, esterasiche non specifiche e colinesterasiche. L'indagine si è poi estesa ad abbozzi o frammenti di fegato coltivati in vitro.
Zusammenfassung Die Leber von Gallus dom, wurde mit enzymhistochemischen Methoden zum Nachweis von Carboxylsäureesterasen und saurer Phosphatase während der ganzen Entwicklung und in der ersten Zeit nach dem Schlüpfen untersucht. Im Leberparenchym treten die Phosphatase und die mit alpha-Naphthylacetat, Naphthol-AS-Acetat oder 5-Brom-Indoxylacetat nachweisbaren Esterasen sehr früh in Erscheinung, während mit der Methode nach Koelle und Gerebtzoff keine Reaktion auf Cholinesterasen zu erhalten ist. Im Mesenchym und im Epithel der Gallenwege sind die Phosphatase bzw. die unspezifischen Esterasen in keinem der untersuchten Stadien aktiv, und da die Volumenzunahme und die Differenzierung des Lebergewebes keinen Änderungen in der Lokalisation der Enzymaktivitäten entspricht, ist anzunehmen, daß diese nicht überwiegend an die Entwicklung der Anlage gebunden sind.Auffällig ist die ungleichförmige Verteilung der unspezifischen Esterasen in der Leberanlage. Im blutgefäßnahen Teil des Cytoplasmas der Hepatocyten und besonders in den Leberzellen um die zentrolobulären Venen sind die Esterasen am aktivsten, was wohl dafür spricht, daß diese Enzyme an den Leberstoffwechsel gebunden sind. Die saure Phosphatase ist gleichförmig im Parenchym verteilt, und man muß demnach annehmen, daß die beiden Enzymgruppen — saure Phosphatase bzw. unspezifische Esterasen — nicht in der gleichen Weise in die histogenetischen Prozesse eingreifen.Bei der Züchtung eines Stückes der Leberanlage in vitro erhält man ganz charakteristische histotopochemische Bilder. Im Zentrum des Explantats entspricht die Reaktion auf Phosphatase oder Esterase derjenigen, die man in vivo im gleichen Entwicklungsstadium erhält, was wohl auch damit zusammenhängt, daß dieser Teil des Explantats keinen stärkeren Strukturumwandlungen unterliegt. In den Fällen, in denen es auch nur zu leichten Degenerationserscheinungen kommt, nimmt die Aktivität der unspezifischen Esterasen allerdings eindeutig ab. An der Peripherie des Explantats, wo man einige Schichten unterschiedlicher Struktur beobachten kann, ändert sich das normale Bild der Enzymreaktionen. Die das Explantat umhüllende Mesenchymmembran ist enzymlos, während die unter dieser in vitro gebildeten Hülle beerenartig angeordneten Hepatocyten eine Reaktion auf Phosphatase und Esterase geben, die der in vivo auftretenden Anfärbung entspricht. Die zwischen der äußersten Parenchymschicht und dem zentralen Kern des Explantats liegende Zellschicht besitzt keine deutliche Struktur und ist von verschiedenartigen Zellen, auch solchen in Degeneration, durchsetzt. In dieser Schicht erhält man die stärkste Reaktion auf Phosphatase und unspezifische Esterasen, was ein Anzeichen dafür ist, daß es sich hier um eine sehr vitale Zone handelt.

Le ricerche sono state eseguite sotto gli auspici del C. N. R. italiano.  相似文献   


Puccinellia festucaeformis (Host) Parl.: germination and early growth on different salt substrates. Germination behaviour of Puccinellia festucaeformis seeds and early growth of seedlings at different experimental conditions was analysed. The following growth substrates were utilized: NaCl, KCl, KNO3, MgCl2, MgSO4, Na2SO4, NaNO3, CaCl2 at the decreasing concentrations of 0.50, 0.25, 0.12, 0.06M. Caryopses were allowed to imbibe and grow at alternating temperatures (10°-20°C or 20°-30°C) in the dark for 3 days. Seedling were grown for 15 days, at controlled light and temperature conditions, in the same nutrient substrates as those used for the germination experiments.

The germination experiments showed a high tolerance to salts up to 0.25M solution and for the whole range of MgSO4 concentrations. High growth temperatures increased the depressive effects of salt concentrations. Seedling growth was highly reduced when salt concentration was higher than 0.12M. High salt tolerance - maximum shoot and root growth - was showed by seedling allowed to grow on 0.50M MgSO4.

Germination and growth condition of Puccinellia festucaeformis is discussed in relation to the ecological features of this species and to its possible importance as bioindicator of MgSO4 rich natural substrates.  相似文献   


The aim of this paper is to investigate differences in plant species composition between managed and unmanaged forests, and to assess if these difference give rise to a higher plant diversity in the unmanaged forest. Furthermore our aim is to relate forest structure to differences in plant species composition, identifying the structural attributes more strongly related to the unmanaged forest vegetation. We compared an old-growth forest and a managed highforest in the Abruzzo Lazio and Molise National Park (Central Italy). Plant species composition and diversity, deadwood components and live structure have been analyzed. We used permutational multivariate analysis of variance to test the response of species composition to management factor; furthermore, we compared species richness and beta diversity. Redundancy analysis has been used to relate plant species abundances to structural variables; the importance of dead and living wood components has been compared through variation partitioning. Plant species composition proved to be significantly different in the two sites, and the old-growth stand showed a higher plant diversity. From a structural point of view, we found differences especially in the amount and quality of deadwood, and in the diameter class distribution. These variables are also the most important in determining the old-growth stand plant species composition according to redundancy analysis. Variation partitioning confirmed the greater importance of the deadwood variables. Our results suggest that including deadwood surveys in traditional forest inventories could help in finding forests with both structural and floristic old-growth properties to be considered in conservation programmes. The imitation of natural dynamics, through the creation of gaps avoiding deadwood removal, could be an effective strategy for restoring old-growth conditions, also in terms of plant diversity.  相似文献   


We numerically analysed 154 relevés of Potentillo chrysocraspedae–Festucetum airoidis in order to review the compositional variability of these grasslands, the main eco-floristic gradients and the representativeness of the lectotype. Apart from 30 small-sized clusters composed of singular or transitional relevés (outliers), three distinctive groups of 77, 19 and 12 communities were finally retained and denominated as typical (TP), closed (CL) and open (OP) facies, as they were significantly different in terms of total species cover. The three facies are well separated but do not form distinctive clusters in the non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) ordination space. Juncus trifidus and Agrostis rupestris are the best differential species of OP and TP, respectively, whereas the best discriminator of CL is the higher cover of F. airoides. There are no significant differences between the three facies regarding altitude. The floristic structure of CL indicates poorer but moister soils compared with the other facies. CL may represent either a post-disturbance, recovery phase following sheep overgrazing and intensive trampling, or a late seral stage. OP gathers communities that are little disturbed and mainly occur on ridges and upper, sunny slopes. Although well distinguished floristically, TP is weakly defined in terms of homotoneity and complexity of the core species assemblage. The most representative relevé of TP is poorer in character species than the relevé lectotype (5 versus 12), the latter being classified as an outlier in terms of normal specific assemblage. Such patterns may reflect the spatio-temporal heterogeneity in alpine grasslands due to uncontrolled, intensive grazing and stochastic natural disturbances.  相似文献   

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