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The taxonomy of the Mediterranean Aristolochia pallida complex has been under debate since several decades with the following species currently recognized: A. pallida, A. lutea, A. nardiana, A. microstoma, A. merxmuelleri, A. croatica, and A. castellana. These taxa are distributed from Iberia to Turkey. To reconstruct phylogenetic and biogeographic patterns, we employed cpDNA sequence variation using both noncoding (intron and spacer) and protein‐coding regions (i.e., trnK intron, matK gene, and trnKpsbA spacer). Our results show that the morphology‐based traditional taxonomy was not corroborated by our phylogenetic analyses. Aristolochia pallida, A. lutea, A. nardiana, and A. microstoma were not monophyletic. Instead, strong geographic signals were detected. Two major clades, one exclusively occurring in Greece and a second one of pan‐Mediterranean distribution, were found. Several subclades distributed in Greece, NW Turkey, Italy, as well as amphi‐Adriatic subclades, and a subgroup of southern France and Spain, were revealed. The distribution areas of these groups are in close vicinity to hypothesized glacial refugia areas in the Mediterranean. According to molecular clock analyses the diversification of this complex started around 3–3.3 my, before the onset of glaciation cycles, and the further evolution of and within major lineages falls into the Pleistocene. Based on these data, we conclude that the Aristolochia pallida alliance survived in different Mediterranean refugia rarely with low, but often with a high potential for range extension, and a high degree of morphological diversity.  相似文献   

Ten constituents have been isolated from the ethanolie extract of the stems and leaves of Aristolochia mollissima Hanee. Based on speetrai analysis and the determination of physieo-ehemieal constants they have been identified as: (A1) aristoloehie acid A, (A2) vanillie acid, (A3) aristoloehie acid D, (B1) pahnitone, (B2) n-triacontanol, (B3) β-sitosterol, (B1) aristololaetam, (B11)6-methoxy aristololaetam, (B7) β- sitosterol D-glueoside, (B8) stearic acid. A1 and B1 have been found to have an inhibition action of implantation in mice.  相似文献   

Speed of emergence of juveniles from cysts in potato root diffusate (PRD) in vitro differed between Globodera rostochiensis and G. pallida and between populations within each species. Early emergence in vitro was slower in most populations of G. pallida than in most populations of G. rostochiensis. Fewer G. rostochiensis juveniles emerged from 4 or 6 month old than from 4 yr old cysts. More G. rostochiensis emerged in solutions of sodium metavanadate at concentrations of 10-2 and 10-3 M than in PRD and as many G. pallida emerged in the same solutions as in PRD. In plots of bare fallowed sandy loam, emergence of G. pallida was stimulated by 10--3 M sodium metavanadate. The emergence of two populations of C. pallida in PRD was stimulated by the addition of benomyl at 0.1 ppm (3.4 × 10--7 m). In microplots, cv. Cara potatoes grown for 8 wk decreased four populations of G. pallida by up to 93%. During a 4 wk period in PRD, more than 20 juveniles per gravid female emerged from five of 25 populations of G. pallida. In root observation boxes in which cv. Désirée was grown, oxamyl applied to the top 15 cm of a peaty loam soil greatly increased G. pallida in soil 1545 cm deep. In another peaty loam, but not in a sandy loam, the same treatment appeared to increase the nematode in soil 15–30 cm deep. Oxamyl incorporated in the uninfested top 15 cm of all three soils largely prevented nematode increase from juveniles migrating upwards from untreated heavily infested soil 15–30 cm deep. These experiments suggest that inadequate control of G. pallida increase on susceptible potatoes by an oximecarbamate nematicide of short persistence, such as oxamyl, is primarily due to the slow rate of juvenile emergence in most populations of G. pallida, with a second generation and the upward migration of juveniles from deeper untreated soil later in the growing season as potential contributory factors.  相似文献   

拟隐脉叶蝉原产于东南亚及我国华南地区 ,近年传入美国并在夏威夷等地暴发成灾。为了从拟隐脉叶蝉的原产地寻找有效天敌 ,以便在传入地开展生物防治 ,作者近年在福建省福州地区对 2种拟隐脉叶蝉的种群动态及生物学特性进行调查。结果获知 :在福州地区的番石榴和相思树上 ,淡色拟隐脉叶蝉和叉线拟隐脉叶蝉年可发生 3~ 4代 ,若虫 5龄 ,夏秋冬初世代重叠 ,没有明显的越冬现象。它们的共同寄主有 :番石榴、甘薯、花生和扁豆。罩养条件下 ,淡色拟隐脉叶蝉也能在相思树上取食并产卵。  相似文献   

Four new species of the genus Aristolochia (Aristolochiaceae) are described as new from China. They are Aristolochia austrochinensis C. Y. Cheng & J. S. Ma, A. caulialata C. Y. Wu, A. salweenensis C. Y. Cheng & J. S. Ma, and A. kunmingensis C. Y. Cheng &J. S. Ma. A naturalized species, A. ringens Vahl is also reported.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Nineta pallida (Schneider) (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) larvae were reared at 21CC under various stationary photoperiods. The duration of the first stadium varied with daylength. Long-day regimes (LD 18:6 and 16:8 h) induced the fastest development, whereas the first ecdysis was more or less delayed in LD 14:10 and 13:11 h. Medium days (LD 12:12 h) resulted in the longest duration of the first stadium and high mortality, and all shorter days (LD 10:14, 8:16 and 6:18 h) in a moderate delay in the first ecdysis in all individuals. The facultative delay in development is thought to be a diapause, and viewed as a factor contributing to the annual synchronization of the life cycle.  相似文献   

This revision deals with the system, evolution, distribution, cytotaxonomy and taxonomic treatment of the genus Aristolochia Linn. from E. & S. Asia, which covers Japan, USSR (Far East), China, Viet Nam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Burma, India, Bhutan, Nepal, Sikkim, Bangladesh and Pakistan. Total 2 subgenera, 7 sections, 4 series, 68 species and 1 variety (cultivated species not included) are recognized in this treatment, of which 3 sections and 2 species are described as new. In addition, 13 new synonyms and some new records to this region are also included. Ystem Having estimated all the works dealing with the subdivision of the genus by the previous authors, the system of O. C. Schmidt (1935) is chosen as the basis, with a change of the sequence of the subdivisions. The subgenus Pararistolochia (Hutch. & Dalz.) O. C. Schmidt, which has indefinite stamens and gynandrous lobes, seems to be better considered as the most primitive one in the genus, while the subgenus Siphisia (Raf.) Duch., which has definite stamens and gynandrous lobes, anthers arranged in 3 pairs and more modifications of the perianth, seems to be the most advanced one. The perianth of the subgenus Siphisia has differentiated into several types, and it is more rational using this character to classify sections than lobes of the gynostemium. In this way, three new sections has been established. A suggested system of the genus is summarized as follows: Subgen. 1. Pararistolochia (Hutch. & Dalz.) O. C. Schmidt Subgen. 2. Aristolochia: Sect. 1. Aristolochia (2 series), Sect. 2. Gymnolobus Duch. Subgen. 3. Siphisia (Raf.) Duch.: Sect. 3. Pentodon Klotz, Sect. 4. Odontosiphisia J. S. Ma, Sect. 5. Leptosiphisia J. S. Ma, Sect. 6. Nepenthesia Klotz., Sect. 7. Obliquosiphisia J. S. Ma, Sect. 8. Siphisia (2 series). Evolution According to the character analysis of the genera of Aristolochiaceae, the evolutionary trends of the family are proposed as follows: 1, the perianth from double to single, from cup-like to tubular, 2, stamens from indefinite to definite, from separate from pistil to united into a gynostemium with pistil, which is a major evolutionary line in the family, 3, ovary from half-superior to inferior, and 4, fruit from a follicle to a capsule. It is evident that the genus Aristolochia, with a tubular perianth, stamens 6, a gynostemium, an inferior ovary and a capsule, is in highly advanced position in the family. The subgenus Pararistolochia, which has more stamens and more lobes of gynostemium, is very similar to the genus Thottea Rottb. and thus better considered as the most primitive subgenus in the genus. The subgenus Siphisia, which has definite stamens (6) in 3 pairs and 6 lobes of gynostemium as well as the polyploid feature (2n=4x=28), is the most advanced subgenus. As a result of the character analysis, the evolutionary trends of the subgenera in the genus, which are in accordance with those of the family, are proposed as follows: 1. stamens from indefinite to definite, and 2. gynostemium lobes from more to less. Distribution The more primitive subgenus Pararistolochia is only distributed in West Africa (except 1 species in Malesia), the subgenus Aristolochia in the tropical and subtropical regions, rarely in the temperate one, and the most advanced subgenus Siphisia occurs mainly in E. Asia, occasionally in N. America. The result of this work shows that the Hengduan Mountains is the second center of distribution after South America. The second center of distribution is of following features: 1. complex composition of taxa, among 3 subgenera and 8 sections, 2 subgenera and 7 sections have been recorded here, 2. rich in species, more than half of the total E. & S. Asian species, i.e. about 42 species have been found in this region, and 3. numerous endemics, more than 85 percent of the total number of species in the region, i.e. about 35 species, are endemic. Cytotaxonomy and taxonomic treatment The known chromosome numbers in 43 species, with 34 reported by Gregory (1956) and Fedorov (1969), together with 9 species newly reported in this work, show that Subgen. Aristolochia with 2n=2x=14, rarely 12, is apparently more primitive than Subgen. Siphisia with 2n=2x=28.  相似文献   

四川马兜铃属新植物   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
草质藤本,根茎及根膨大呈长圆状不规则瘤块状,内部有朱砂色点。叶纸质,三角状心形,长5—14 cm,宽4—10 cm,先端钝或急尖,基部深心形,叶面深绿色,具白色斑块,叶背淡绿色或浅紫色,掌状主脉7—9条,在叶背,其叶脉均凸起形成明显的脉网;叶柄长4—15 cm。总状花序腋生,具2—6小花,稀为单花;苞片1,叶状心形,小苞片1,较小;小花梗长8—15 mm;花被长1.5—2.5 cm,管部下端稍膨大呈圆球状,向上呈管状,管口被柔毛并有紫色晕斑,至上部向一侧平展成一舌片,长1.2—2cm,  相似文献   


A small DNA fragment (approx. 350 base pairs) from the genome of the potato cyst nematode Globodera pallida Pa2/3 was cloned in a bacterial plasmid. When used as a probe in dot-blot DNA hybridisations against a range of nematodes, the cloned DNA bound to G. pallida Pa2/3 but not to Globodera rostochiensis Rol. The cereal cyst nematode Heterodera avenae, the clover cyst nematode Heterodera trifolii, the root knot nematodes Meloidogyne hapla and Meloidogyne incognita, and the beet cyst nematode Heterodera schactii did not cross-hybridise. This probe can detect as few as six larvae of G. pallida.  相似文献   

安徽马兜铃属植物新分类群   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
余伟  诚静容 《植物研究》1992,12(1):109-111
本文发表了马兜铃属二新种, 即长花马兜铃Aristolochia longilinqua C.Y.Cheng et W.Yu, sp.nov.;大别山马兜铃A.dabieshanensis C.Y.Cheng et W.Yu, sp.nov.。  相似文献   

A novel alkaloid, aristopyridinone A (1) and a new phenanthrene, aristolamide II (2), were isolated from Aristolochia manshuriensis (Guanmutong) together with eight known phenanthrenes (3-10). All structures were elucidated by spectroscopic methods. Compound 2 showed a selective inhibitory effect on elastase release by human neutrophils in response to fMLP with an IC50 value of 4.11 μg/mL. Compound 7 exhibited significant inhibitory effects on superoxide anion generation and elastase release with IC50 values of 0.12 and 0.20 μg/mL, respectively.  相似文献   

星球藻属Asterocapsa二新种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肖洪兴 《植物研究》2000,20(1):9-11
原植体球形,亚球形或长圆形,细胞单生或2, 4个细胞组成小群体,再由小群体组成大群体,群体直径8~17μm。细胞球形,不包括胶被直径为2~2.2μm,含胶被时直径为4~5.5μm,个体及群体胶被宽厚、坚硬、黄色、层理明显,密生黄色疣突状棘刺。原生质体均匀或具细小颗粒体,蓝绿色。  相似文献   

Abstract. Net photosynthesis and transpiration rates of potato plants, grown in pots in the greenhouse, were measured at various light irradiances and ambient CO2 concentrations, 3d after inoculation with second stage juveniles of Globodera pallida. Gas exchange rates, both in darkness and in light, and the initial light use efficiency were strongly reduced by nematodes. Stomatal conductance of infected plants was lower than that of control plants and showed little response to decreasing ambient CO2 concentration. The maximum internal CO2 concentration of infected plants was lower than that of control plants. Globodera pallida reduced photosynthesis also by apparent non-stomatal effects.
The effects of G. pallida on gas exchange rates are similar to the effects of abscisic acid in the transpiration stream and of abiotic stresses in the root environment. Apparently, there is a general response of plant roots to adverse conditions. The reduction of photosynthesis may be an important factor in yield reduction by potato cyst nematodes.  相似文献   

云南马兜铃属的修订   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报道了云南马兜铃属一新种和二个新纪录种,并归并了三个种。  相似文献   

Meiotic or mitotic chromosomes of seven Alstroemeria taxa, native in Argentina and Chile and with Andean distribution were studied: A. andina ssp. venustula, A. hookeri ssp. cummingiana , A. hookeri ssp. recumbens , A. pallida , A. patagonica , A. pseudospathulata and A. pygmaea . All were diploid with 2 n = 16. Karyotypes of A. andina ssp. venustula and A. pygmaea were analysed, revealing similarity to previously analysed species. Thus, to all existing arguments for not retaining Schickendantzia as a separate genus, we can add another one which merges A. pygmaea with other Alstroemeria species, and does not support its taxonomic uniqueness. In general, the meiotic behaviour was normal, with regular formation of eight bivalents except in A. hookeri ssp. cummingiana , in one plant of which meiotic irregularities at various stages were observed. At the tetrad stage a large percentage of the cells presented micronuclei. The presence of 0–2 supernumerary chromosomes in A. hookeri ssp. recumbens is recorded. The karyotype asymmetry presented by most Alstroemeria species is discussed. © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 138 , 451–459.  相似文献   

Different electroanalytical techniques have been employed in the study of the interaction between 6-mercaptopurine and zinc(II), lead(II), and cadmium(II) ions in ethanol, dimethylformamide, and dimethylsulfoxide. The stoichiometry of the formed complexes was determined as well as their instability constants. The kinetic parameters of the electrode processes have been also evaluated.  相似文献   

Aim This paper reports the presence of Artemia franciscana ( Kellogg, 1906 ) in Mar Chiquita (CHI) salt lake and in Las Tunas (TUN) lagoon, as well as at a shallow lake in Salinas Grandes (Province of Córdoba) in Argentina. To date, this species has been considered absent from Argentina. This study also provides further data on the characterization of the A. franciscana populations from this area. Location Province of Córdoba (Argentina). Methods The cyst samples collected at the three hypersaline environments were measured to assess its mean diameter with a dissecting microscope. The length of the nauplii hatched from the cysts was also determined with the microscope. The adults raised from these nauplii under strictly controlled conditions were analysed for 12 morphological parameters and compared through multivariate discriminant analysis with other American populations. Fatty acids from the total lipids were analysed by gas chromatography. Reproductive compatibility was evaluated from single‐pair intraspecific and interspecific crosses of adult specimens. Results The results endorse the morphometric assimilation of the Artemia populations of this area to other American populations of the A. franciscana‘super‐species’, together with its morphometric differentiation from the species A. persimilis ( Piccinelli & Prosdocimi, 1968 ). The more conspicuous population from CHI shows cross‐fertility with A. franciscana original from San Francisco Bay (California, USA). Both populations from CHI and TUN show cross‐fertility between them and reproductive isolation with A. persimilis from Hidalgo (Province of La Pampa), which to date is considered to be endemic or exclusive of hypersaline ecosystems in Argentina. The reproductive characteristics displayed by the population from TUN lagoon suggest the existence of an occasional hybridization between A. franciscana and A. persimilis ( Papeschi et al., 2000 ). Artemia cysts from CHI and TUN show a fatty acid profile rich in eicosapentaenoic acid differing markedly from the fatty acid profiles found in A. persimilis cysts. Main conclusions: Artemia franciscana is present in Argentina at 36° S and north of this latitude. Artemia persimilis is confined to the south of latitude 37°10′ S. There are different pieces of evidence that point to a certain level of hybridization of the two species taking place in the land belt between these parallels.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. A survey was made of the distribution of Lonchopteridae over 2 years at forty sites in northern England. Material was collected by pitfall trapping.
2. Two species, Lonchoptera lutea and L.furcata , were taken in approximately similar numbers. No other species were recorded.
3. Considerable separation of the two species was found, with both species occurring at ten sites, whilst one species only was taken at twenty-five sites. L.furcata occurred coinrnonly on upland mineral sods, shallow peat soils and on lowland bogs whilst L.lutea was numerically most abundant on upland blanket bog.
4. Almost 39% of the L.lutea specimens and 14% of the L.furcata captures were males.
5. The capture of numbers of males of L.furcata is unusual, since the species is regarded as being parthenogenetic and males occur only in a very small part of the species' range. Confirmation of the association between the males and females of L.furcata is given, whilst there is close agreement between the cliaetotaxy of British males and females, and British and continental European females. The suggestion that the males belong to an undescribed species is rejected.
6. The seasonal capture of L.lutea adults is similar at all altitudes. Captures of males of L.furcata show an abrupt seasonal change above and below about 420 m; captures being in mid-summer in the higher altitude zone and between October and December at lower altitudes. The captures of females of L.furcata show the same trend, but this is partially obscured by the longer life-span of the females. It is suggested that this difference represents a change in the lifecycle, possibly from an annual to a biannual one at the higher altitudes.
7. The biology and distribution of the Lonchopteridae at low altitudes requires investigation.  相似文献   

The investigation of the inhibitory activity on the membrane bonded ATP-ase of the M(L)2X2 complexes [where M = Pd(II), Pt(II); L = isoxazole(isox), 3,5-dimethylisoxazole(3,5-diMeisox), 3-methyl,5-phenylisoxazole(3-Me,5-Phisox), 3,5-diphenylisoxazole-(3,5-diPhisox), and 4-amino-3,5-dimethylisoxazole(4-ADI); X = Cl, Br] is reported. These results show that the complexes with isox and its methyl and phenyl derivatives have a much stronger inhibitory effect than the corresponding free ligands; in the 4-ADI compounds this activity drops. The Pd(II) complexes have a greater effect than the Pt(II) derivatives. The interaction occurs with SH groups and probably also with other active centers of the enzyme. These conclusions have been correlated with the E.S.C.A. spectra. These measurements show that the electron density of the complexes on the central metal ion and Nring atom or Nring and N-hexocyclic atoms on passing from chloride to bromide derivatives changes slightly.  相似文献   

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