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The archaeobotanical study of the charred macro-remains recovered from the burnt settlement of La Fontanaccia, Allumiere, 50 km northwest of Rome, a small hut from the time of the end of the late Roman Empire, provided results on the use of food of its inhabitants, their living conditions, and the natural environment. The fire which destroyed the small settlement was archaeologically dated to the middle of the 5th century a.d., few years before the end of the Roman Empire. This was a period in which the state structure, undermined by the barbarian invasions which provoked famine and destruction, was in deep economic and political crisis, and the population in Rome and in the countryside lived in precarious conditions. No archaeo-botanical data have been available until now for this period in the region of Rome. The presence of grass peas, acorns, two-rowed barley caryopses, and small horse bean seeds demonstrate the general state of regression in the late Roman Empire, when misery and famine were widespread. The finds of charcoal from chestnut, deciduous oak, maple and elm suggest the presence of thermophilous deciduous woods and environmental conditions similar to today’s. It deserves mention that this is the first site in which macro-remains (charcoal) of Castanea have been found in central Italy.  相似文献   

Excavations on the southwest area at Arslantepe, Malatya, Turkey, by far the largest tell on the Malatya plain from the 5th millennium to the Neo-Hittite age, revealed an important change in the settlement patterns during the two main levels of the VI C Period of the site (Early Bronze Age 2, 2750–2500 cal b.c.). The latter level corresponds to a village founded on neatly shaped terraces in a layout which lasted for centuries, well into the following Early Bronze Age 3. This continuity was not broken even by violent fires that at times destroyed some houses, producing a huge quantity of charred plant remains, which comprised fruits, seeds and wood charcoal. The archaeobotanical data so far obtained from the EB2 house A607, the richest one in macro-remains, on which efforts have been concentrated first, provides much data about the use of the surrounding land. Charcoal of Quercus (deciduous oaks) (85%) followed by Populus (poplar) (9%) are dominant among wood remains, while Hordeum (barley) (70%) is the dominant crop found, followed by Cicer (chickpea) (17%). The crop storage methods were investigated by mapping the positions of charred fruits and seeds both according to the grid system and in comparison to the layout of facilities (grinding stone, hearths, oven) and the distribution of pottery (jars, bowls, pots) in order to detect where the crops were kept and the ways in which they were stored, processed, and used. The house facilities and furniture suggest that the house was a multifunctional place, which included storage space, but which was limited to household needs. The new archaeobotanical investigation so far carried out on the burnt house A607 suggests some implications on the degree of agriculture, on crop storage and on food processing practises and also gives information on the natural landscape surrounding the site.  相似文献   


Privernum was a rich Roman colony located 70 km southwest of Rome (southern Latium, central Italy). The archaeobotanical investigations focused on the garden and related structures of the luxury domus della Soglia nilotica. They are archaeologically and radiocarbon dated to the second half of the 1st century AD. The remains of a charred basket were found in the filling of the euripus, an ornamental water basin of the garden. The weaving was made with twisted strands of the leaves of Ampelodesmos mauritanicus (Poir.) T. Durand and Schinz; for the bottom and the handle/s of the basket, wood of evergreen oaks and ash and/or elm, respectively were probably used. The basket contained Pinus pinea seeds and cone scales, and Prunus persica endocarps, which were probably burnt in summer. The sediment in the drainage system and in the kitchen was processed for macro- and microremains. The results indicate the presence of spontaneous ruderal and weed flora elements, typical of human settlement areas, and crops.  相似文献   

Portulaca oleracea L. is a cosmopolitan synanthropic species, of uncertain origin, known in Italy since the Roman Age. The aim of this work is to reconstruct the history of P. oleracea aggregate in the Emilia-Romagna Po Plain, by discovering the microspecies that have lived in this region. A qualitative study was carried out to determine the microspecies documented in the archaeological sites of Emilia-Romagna, from the Roman to Medieval/Renaissance periods. A comparison between archaeological seeds and recent and present records was made by sampling in historical herbaria and field collections. Seven different microspecies were identified: Portulaca papillatostellulata, P. trituberculata, P. cypria, P. sativa, P. oleracea (all hexaploid); P. granulatostellulata and P. nitida (both tetraploid = 4x). They are distinguished on the basis of seed coat morphology. The findings in archaeological sites and in the present collections are discussed. Two independent events of European colonization could be proposed: First to arrive were the hexaploid (6x) species, followed by the tetraploid species. In future, the application of similar analyses to the well-preserved archaeobotanical remains of purslane, particularly the microspecies from America, could be a good way to understand the history of this interesting species aggregate from a chronological and geographical standpoint.  相似文献   

Summary This paper presents data related to the role of pollen of Prunoideae/Maloideae orchards in the widely cultivated territory of Vignola in 1990. The daily aeropalynological patterns from a spore-trap during the fruit tree flowering season are presented together with yearly pollen spectra from the spore trap and from orchard sites. There are significant differences in the spectra, with increasing values from the spore trap site to orchards. This suggests a correspondingly higher atmospheric pollen concentration in the orchard.  相似文献   

The urban archaeological excavations carried out in the city of Lleida (Catalonia, Spain) have opened the way for an interdisciplinary project on the ancient landscape, agriculture and food. Here we present the results of the archaeobotanical study of seeds and fruits from this project, centred on the Roman and Islamic periods of the city, between the 2nd century B.C. and the 11th century A.D. During the whole of this period the cultivation and consumption of cereals was found. The most important cereals were hulled barley and naked wheat. This was already known from the later prehistoric era in the area and is similar to findings at other sites from the same period in the western Mediterranean. These cereals are accompanied by some leguminous crops and the presence of grapes and figs is very significant. The expansion of vine cultivation, together with a certain amount of tree growing was one of the basic contributions of the Roman world to proto-historical (Bronze- and Iron Age) agriculture in western Catalonia, as in other parts of Europe. In the Islamic period, there seems to have been an increase in the number of fruit tree species; however for taphonomical reasons this has to be confirmed by future investigations. Flax, already known in prehistoric times, and Gold-of-pleasure must be added to the finds. Also since the Roman period some other taxa, such as celery or fennel, might have been grown. During the time period considered in this paper, there was a wide range of plants grown and consumed. This clearly contrasts with everything known about earlier periods in western Catalonia, during which the only cultivated plants were cereals and flax.  相似文献   


The article aims at presenting some aspects of environmental reconstruction through pollen analysis from archaeological contexts. The anthropogenic pollen transport into archaeological sites is regarded as an interesting tool to improve knowledge on flora and vegetation in the area of influence of sites. The zoophilous plants can be found more easily than in the regional airborne pollen rain where anemophilous pollen is generally overrepresented. Moreover, pollen from archaeological contexts is mainly a result of the cultural landscape shaped by human activities. Two case studies from the Bradano Valley (Basilicata, southern Italy), rich in archaeological sites dating altogether from the Middle Bronze Age to the Medieval age, are reported. Difesa San Biagio and its surroundings is one of the biggest settlements of the area, settled in early times by Enotrians. Altojanni is an extended area mainly frequented in Hellenistic, Roman late Imperial and Medieval times. A very open landscape, and clear signs of plant exploitation and cultivation, breeding and settlements were present in the two sites. Though samples are disturbed and preservation problems are sometimes observed, the main characters of pollen spectra are recurrent. High percentages of Poaceae and Cichorioideae, together with coprophilous fungal spores, strongly suggest a long tradition of pastoral activities. These case study examples suggest that human activities would have produced a fairly xeric environment.  相似文献   

This paper reports the archaeobotanical data from the so-called Vasca Ducale (Ducal Pit), a brick rubbish pit discovered in the basal floor of the ducal palace of Ferrara, Emilia-Romagna, northern Italy. It was in use during the second half of the 15th century a.d. when the rich and powerful Este family inhabited the palace. Therefore, the results help to investigate the eating customs of a Renaissance court. The pit fill largely consisted of zoological remains, especially small bones and shellfish, with mainly waterlogged plant remains and some artefacts. Though the seed/fruit concentration was not high, a long list of taxa was identified of which the largest part belonged to food and ornamental plants. The data suggest that the pit was used for the disposal of dining waste and floor sweepings. The archaeobotanical data are compared with those obtained from other medieval sites in the city, and with two Renaissance sources of documentary evidence, the frescos in the Salone dei Mesi (Room of the months) in Ferrara’s Palazzo Schifanoia, and the cookbook by Cristoforo da Messisbugo, chef at the Este court. The archaeobotanical record of the Vasca Ducale (Ducal Pit) proved to be quite different from the other sites in Ferrara, especially because of the presence of luxury or exotic foods such as, for example, Punica granatum, Prunus armeniaca and Coriandrum sativum.  相似文献   

A freshwater reservoir was dammed from the Baltic Sea in 1965. The recent sediments and the processes of accumulation in the reservoir have been investigated. The physical, chemical and diatom analyses of the sediments were carried out at 5 sampling points in order to dinstinquish the freshwater sediments from the underlying brackish sediments as well as to date the freshwater sediments. The pattern of sedimentation in the reservoir is described on the basis of these results and conclusions are drawn regarding the development of the water body. In interpretating the diatomological and the chemical results from the recent sediments certain common features are highlighted.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2019,18(4):417-441
Bat remains are useful for palaeoecological reconstructions, they provide independent information on palaeoenvironment and are good indicators for hypogean microclimates. Nine taxa of Chiroptera divided into three families (Rhinolophidae, Vespertilionidae and Miniopteridae) and four genera (Rhinolophus, Myotis, Plecotus and Miniopterus) were discovered in three fossil assemblages from the Grotta dei Pipistrelli, in Sicily, a key region for an understanding of Quaternary climates and environments. Bat remains were deposited during three distinct timespans: one late Pleistocene, MIS 2, around the Last Glacial Maximum, and two Holocene, both referable to the Atlantic chronozone. The presence of yearlings, adult and old individuals suggests hibernating colonies, but the cave was also utilized as a nursery. The diversity of taxa indicates a composite landscape with prevailing vegetation cover and relatively warm climatic conditions. The percentage variations of the frequencies of the recognized taxa suggest a progressive increase of open spaces in the middle Holocene.  相似文献   

In the eastern Saharan Atlas, particularly in the northern area of Tebessa Province (NE Algeria), the widely outcropping Cenomanian strata display a highly diversified macrofauna, among which bivalves are prominently represented. Twenty-eight bivalve species are here reported for the first time from the Cenomanian of Hameimat Massifs. Based on the stratigraphic distribution of these bivalves, five bivalve zones were recognized, i.e., Costagyra olisiponensis - Gyrostrea delettrei, Rhynchostreon suborbiculatum - Exogyra conica, Ceratostreon flabellatum, Ilymatogyra africana, and Pycnodonte vesicularis vesiculosa - Rastellum carinatum zones. Correlation to the ammonite biozones of the same region as follows: the Costagyra olisiponensis - Gyrostrea delettrei and the Rhynchostreon suborbiculatum - Exogyra conica zones occur respectively in the Sharpeiceras schlueteri and Mantelliceras saxbii subzones of the lower Cenomanian Mantelliceras mantelli Zone. The Ceratostreon flabellatum Zone is correlated with the middle Cenomanian Acanthoceras rhotomagense Zone. The Ilymatogyra africana Zone is correlated with the upper Cenomanian Calycoceras naviculare and the Metoicoceras geslinianum zones. Finally, the Pycnodonte vesicularis vesiculosa - Rastellum carinatum Zone represents the uppermost Cenomanian. Detailed analysis of biometrical and morphological features of these bivalve specimens provides the most reliable tool within the scope of palaeo-environmental reconstitution and the many palaeo-ecological variables that had driven the development and distribution of these macro-invertebrates. Comparison of these new data to those of adjacent south Tethyian areas supports the homogeneity of the Cenomanian bivalve faunas. Such an affinity underlines more vividly the favorable marine communications and currents driving the geographic dispersal of these bivalves during the Cenomanian.  相似文献   

It was believed for a long time that the first Old World crops were introduced to the northwest of Argentina in a.d. 1550 during the foundation of Barco, and that the indigenous people incorporated them into their subsistence almost passively. However, since wheat, barley, and peach have been recovered from El Shincal, an Inka (Inca) administrative centre, new questions have arisen about who first brought these crops to the study region, as well as about where they were grown for the first time and which routes they followed after that. This paper will try to solve these questions during a period ranging from the 16th to the 18th century. This time span, although arbitrary, is consistent with the major damage to the original social structure caused by the Spaniards to the local indigenous populations. Our approach includes the comparison of ethnohistorical with archaeobotanical evidence. It is concluded that the first Old World crops were brought from Chile to Santiago del Estero by Spanish soldiers in a.d. 1556, and to Londres in a.d. 1558. These crops were taken up by local indigenous people during the period of the encomenderos and used to carry out a pachamanca ceremony at El Shincal during a Diaguita rebellion. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at  相似文献   

The ecological relationships among six microencruster species from the Cipit boulders of the St Cassian Formation (Ladinian–Carnian of the Dolomites, NE Italy) were studied in detail. 112 thin sections in postcard format (10 × 15 cm) and in 7.5 × 10 cm from the localities Alpe di Specie and Misurina were taken into account. Initially, twelve microencruster species were found: Koskinobullina socialis, Terebella lapilloides, Tubiphytes obscurus, Baccanella floriformis, Reptonoditrypa cautica, Plexoramea cerebriformis, Ladinella porata, Microtubus communis, Pseudorothpletzella schmidi, Alpinophragmium perforatum, Planiinvoluta sp and Tethysocarnia cautica. A phenetic algorithm combining three cluster analyses in R‐mode (UPGMA, WPGMA and nearest neighbour) as well as two indices (Jaccard and Bray–Curtis) was performed on all samples. Six microencruster species – grouped in three pairs – were found to have high Jaccard and low Bray–Curtis values at all algorithms. These pairs are represented by Koskinobullina socialis – Pseudorothpletzella schmidi, Terebella lapilloidesTubiphytes obscurus and Reptonoditrypa cauticaBaccanella floriformis, and were clearly recognizable as robust branches in all phenograms. A further index (Simpson's similarity index) was included successfully in the algorithm in order to sustain the robustness of these phena. This method proved to render reliable results and could be successfully applied in all reef and reef‐like fossil ‘communities’, with the aim of establishing the palaeoecological implications and the specific constraints of selected microencrusters.  相似文献   

Forty Klebsormidium strains isolated from soil crusts of mountain regions (Alps, 600–3,000 m elevation) were analyzed. The molecular phylogeny (internal transcribed spacer rDNA sequences) showed that these strains belong to clades B/C, D, E, and F. Seven main (K. flaccidum, K. elegans, K. crenulatum, K. dissectum, K. nitens, K. subtile, and K. fluitans) and four transitional morphotypes (K. cf. flaccidum, K. cf. nitens, K. cf. subtile, and K. cf. fluitans) were identified. Most strains belong to clade E, which includes isolates that prefer humid conditions. One representative of the xerophytic lineage (clade F) as well as few isolates characteristic of temperate conditions (clades B/C, D) were found. Most strains of clade E were isolated from low/middle elevations (<1,800 m above sea level; a.s.l.) in the pine‐forest zone. Strains of clades B/C, D, and F occurred sporadically at higher elevations (1,548–2,843 m a.s.l.), mostly under xerophytic conditions of alpine meadows. Comparison of the alpine Klebsormidium assemblage with data from other biogeographic regions indicated similarity with soil crusts/biofilms from terrestrial habitats in mixed forest in Western Europe, North America, and Asia, as well as walls of buildings in Western European cities. The alpine assemblage differed substantially from crusts from granite outcrops and sand dunes in Eastern Europe (Ukraine), and fundamentally from soil crusts in South African drylands. Epitypification of the known species K. flaccidum, K. crenulatum, K. subtile, K. nitens, K. dissectum, K. fluitans, K. mucosum, and K. elegans is proposed to establish taxonomic names and type material as an aid for practical studies on these algae, as well as for unambiguous identification of alpine strains. New combination Klebsormidium subtile (Kützing) Mikhailyuk, Glaser, Holzinger et Karsten comb. nov. is made.  相似文献   

Endemic Cardamine silana from Calabria (southern Italy) previously reported to be related to C. raphanifolia was found to be hexaploid. Morphological characters and AFLP data were analysed to evaluate the degree of differentiation of C. silana from closely related taxa and to find parental taxa of this polyploid. Cardamine apennina from the C. pratensis group was examined as one putative parent, as indicated in previous studies of nuclear ITS sequences, along with other related taxa based on both cpDNA and ITS sequences. Both multivariate morphometric analyses of quantitative characters and evaluation of qualitative morphological characters showed: (1) closest position of C. silana to two diploids: C. acris from the Balkan Peninsula and C. apennina from Central Italy; (2) good extent of morphological separation of C. silana from related taxa; and (3) within C. acris subspecies, C. acris ssp. vardousiae from Central Greece as closest to C. silana . Neighbour-joining tree and PCoA ordinations of AFLP data, as well as patterns of AFLP bands sharing, corroborated results of multivariate morphometrics. This evidence supports an allopolyploid origin of C. silana , with C. apennina and C. acris as parental taxa. Its origin may be dated to Pleistocene glacial events, because of the presumably wider geographical distributions of its parental taxa during more humid periods at that time.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 148 , 101–116.  相似文献   

The desiccation sensitivity in relation to the stage of development was investigated in embryonic axes from the homoiohydrous (recalcitrant) seeds of Landolphia kirkii. Electrolyte leakage, used to assess membrane damage after flash (very rapid) drying, indicated that axes from immature (non-germinable) seeds were the most desiccation-tolerant, followed by those from mature seeds, while axes from seeds germinated for increasing times were progressively more desiccation-sensitive. Differential scanning calorimetry was used to study the relationship between desiccation sensitivity and the properties of water in the tissues. Axes from immature seeds had a lower content of non-freezable water than that of any other developmental stage and a higher enthalpy of melting of freezable water. For mature and immature axes electrolyte leakage increased at the point of loss of freezable water. At other developmental stages the water content at which electrolyte leakage increased markedly correlated with the other properties of the water, such as the change in the shape of the melting endotherm and the onset temperature. Ultrastructural studies of axes at the various developmental stages showed changes in the degree and pattern of vacuolation, the presence and quantities of lipid and starch, and the degree of endomembrane development. The results are discussed in relation to current hypotheses on the basis of desiccation tolerance.Abbreviation DSC differential scanning calorimetry  相似文献   

黄河三角洲芦苇湿地生态系统碳、水热通量特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用涡度相关法对黄河三角洲芦苇湿地生态系统进行了连续两年的通量观测,对2009—2010年生长季芦苇湿地的净生态系统碳交换量(NEE),感热通量(Hs)和潜热通量(LE)数据进行了分析。结果表明,在日尺度上,芦苇湿地NEE日变化特征表现为两个CO2吸收高峰,分别出现在11:00和16:00左右,其特点是在午间出现了碳交换通量的降低。CO2吸收的日最大值在两个生长季出现的时间有所不同,分别出现在2009年7月(-0.30 mg CO2m-2s-1)和2010年6月(-0.37 mg CO2m-2s-1)。CO2排放的日最大值两个生长季均出现在9月,分别为0.19和0.25 mg CO2m-2s-1。Hs和LE的日动态均为单峰型,极值都出现在中午前后,生长季生态系统的能量消耗主要以潜热为主,且在日尺度上,热通量和NEE有显著的负相关关系。在季节尺度上,芦苇湿地生长季具有明显的碳汇功能,2009年生长季生态系统白天固定354.63 g CO2/m2,同时期夜间释放159.24 g CO2/m2,净CO2吸收量为-195.39 g CO2/m2。2009年整个生长季生态系统总初级生产力(GPP)为-651.13 g CO2/m2,生态系统呼吸(Re)为455.74 g CO2/m2,系统表现为碳汇。路径分析表明:光合有效辐射(PAR)显著影响NEE的日动态(R2=0.46—0.84),而NEE的季节动态主要受土壤温度的影响,降水和PAR的影响次之。  相似文献   

Griffith  Alan B.  Forseth  Irwin N. 《Plant Ecology》2003,167(1):117-125
Aeschynomene virginica is a rare annual plant found in freshwater tidal wetlands of the eastern United States. We hypothesized that standing vegetation and water inundation were two important environmental factors in its population dynamics. To test these hypotheses, we sowed seeds into plots with undisturbed vegetation or plots with all aboveground vegetation removed in 1998 and 1999. Presence/absence of seedlings was noted and seedling survival to reproduction, final size, and seed set were measured throughout both growing seasons. Seedling establishment from germination to the first true leaf stage increased with decreasing water depth. Vegetation removal plots had greater seedling establishment, higher seedling survival, and higher seed set per plant than non-removal plots. In a greenhouse study designed to test the effects of water level on seed germination and seedling establishment, no seedlings established in submerged soils, and seed germination and seedling establishment were lower in waterlogged soil than in wet soil. Physical stress associated with deeper water likely limits the distribution of A. virginica to higher elevations, where seeds that colonize patches with low vegetative cover are more likely to produce reproductive adults that produce more seeds relative to patches with established vegetation. A. virginica appears to be a fugitive species specializing on open habitat patches in tidal wetlands. This species may be dependent on disturbances for population establishment and maintenance.  相似文献   

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