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Cunninghamia asiatica (Krassilov) comb. nov. was an early Cretaceous plant which was widely distributed over North and North-East China and Siberia. It was previously identified as Elatocladus manchurica (Yak.) or Elatides asiatica (Yak.). Present paper combines them into Cunninghamia mainly based on the similarities of the morphological and epidermal characteristics between the fossil species and living Cunninghmia (table 1 and 2), and dates the history of Cunninghamia back to Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Helictotrichon uniyalii sp. nov. collected near Dhakuri village of Uttarakhand is described as a new species and illustrated along with its distinguishing characters from its allied species.  相似文献   

Thirty-four rhizobium strains were isolated from root nodules of the fast-growing woody native species Sesbania virgata in different regions of southeast Brazil (Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro States). These isolates had cultural characteristics on YMA quite similar to Azorhizobium caulinodans (alkalinization, scant extracellular polysaccharide production, fast or intermediate growth rate). They exhibited a high similarity of phenotypic and genotypic characteristics among themselves and to a lesser extent with A. caulinodans. DNA:DNA hybridization and 16SrRNA sequences support their inclusion in the genus Azorhizobium, but not in the species A. caulinodans. The name A. doebereinerae is proposed, with isolate UFLA1-100 (=BR5401, =LMG9993=SEMIA 6401) as the type strain.  相似文献   

红豆杉种子发育及幼苗生长动态   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
对红豆杉〔Taxuschinensis(Pilger)Rehd.〕种子发育及1~5年生实生苗生长动态进行了观测,在秦岭山区,红豆杉成年树3~5月开花,5~9月胚珠逐渐发育,9月下旬种子成熟。实生苗在2龄内地上部生长缓慢,根系生长迅速;自第3年起地上部生长旺盛,地下部则稳定生长。文中就红豆杉人工育苗及家化栽培的问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Summary Cell-wall preparations of Streptomyces mediterranei ATCC 13685 and some of its phage resistant mutants contain only the meso isomer of the diaminopimelic acid. Arabinose was found to be always present in the hydrolysates. Based on studies of the cell-wall composition it is shown that S. mediterranei does belong to the genus Nocardia and its transfer to this genus is proposed.  相似文献   

Cochlospermum regium (Mart. and Schr.) Pilger, popularly known as "algod?ozinho do campo", is a medicinal plant that grows in the Cerrado of Brazil. This plant has been used in traditional medicine against various diseases such as leucorrhoea, gastritis and ulcers. It has also been effective in treating skin problems like pimples, boils and blotches. In the present study, the in vivo antimutagenicity of aqueous extract of C. regium was evaluated. The Micronucleus Test was performed in polychromatic erythrocytes from Swiss male mice treated with one of the four doses of extract of the plant (19, 38, 76 and 114 mg.kg(-1) body weight), administered by intraperitonial injection (i.p.) simultaneously with cyclophosphamide (24 mg.kg(-1) b.w.) or mitomycin C (4 mg.kg(-1) b.w.). The cytotoxicity was evaluated by polychromatic and normochromatic erythrocytes ratio (PCE/NCE). The results showed no significant reduction of the micronucleated polychromatic erythrocytes frequency (P > 0.05). In conclusion, the data indicate that C. regium roots aqueous extract, for the conditions used, did not exhibit the antimutagenic effect.  相似文献   

A microspondium of the mosquito Aedes aegypti (L.), identified as Nosema aedis Kudo, 1930, was found to be a heterosporous species with 3 sporulation sequences. Usually, I sequence developed in a parental generation host individual that was infected per os as a larva and the other 2 developed concurrently in a filial host larva that was infected transovarially. Under some conditions there were deviations from the parental host-filial host alternation. The 1st sporulation sequence was diplokaryotic (diploid in a particular sense) throughout; the other 2 arose from diplokaryotic meronts, developed concurrently and ended with haploid spores. Haplosis in 1 case was by means of dissociation of the diplokaryon. In the other case it was by meiosis. Conflicting reports about whether the members of the diplokaryon in the latter sequence separate and undergo meiosis individually or coalesce and undergo meiosis as I nucleus were resolved in favor of the latter idea. A new genus in family Amblyosporidae was created to contain this species. which then became Edhazardia aedis (Kudo. 1930) n. g., n. comb.  相似文献   

以福建梅花山自然保护区濒危乔木红豆杉(Taxus chinensis(Pilger)Rehd.)为对象,对红豆杉的种子排放、幼苗更新、幼树更新3个更新阶段的生境特征进行研究,并比较生态位的变化,以此评价红豆杉不同更新阶段的生境需求。结果显示:随着个体发育生长,红豆杉更新生境发生了明显转变,种子排放地与幼苗生境空间一致性较高,而它们与幼树生境存在明显的空间不一致性。从生态位角度来看,种子排放地和幼苗生境重叠指数≤0.5的仅有海拔和坡度2个因子,这说明幼苗的空间格局受到鸟类传播的强烈影响,鸟类传播所排放的种子能萌发并生长成幼苗。幼苗和幼树生境重叠指数≤0.5的因子有海拔、坡向、植被类型,说明在大尺度景观因子和庇护植被层面上,植物的更新需求出现了明显的不一致。研究结果表明红豆杉的更新生境存在明显的阶段变化,可能造成植物更新出现建成限制,使幼树阶段成为更新的瓶颈阶段。  相似文献   

红豆杉育苗栽培及苗木生长动态   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
紫杉醇是当前倍受关注的抗癌新药,美国国立癌症研究所(NCI)预测,紫杉醇将成为主要的抗癌药物之一[1].其原料植物红豆杉[Taxus chinersis (Pilger) Rehd.]资源的过度开发利用,导致供求矛盾十分突出.  相似文献   

中国红豆杉和短叶红豆极的胚胎培养   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
红豆杉属 (TaxusL .)植物的种子休眠期较长 ,在自然条件下要 1~ 2年才能萌发。本实验对中国红豆杉〔Taxuschinensis (Pilger)Rehd .〕和短叶红豆杉 (T .brevifoliaNutt.)的离体胚培养特性进行了研究 ,发现适宜的条件下两种胚的萌发与成苗情况没有明显差异 ,利用胚的体外培养技术可以使其在几个月内发芽、成苗 ,为大规模种植提供一条快捷途径。1 材料与方法1 1 试验材料中国红豆杉和短叶红豆杉种子分别采自中国湖北利川和加拿大。所用培养基为McCown ,每升添加 1g水解酪蛋白、1g酵…  相似文献   


Research on the regeneration in «Pterocladia capillacea» (Gmel.) Born, et Thur. cultured «in vitro». – It has been show that small segments (even 0,3 cm. long) of the thallus of «Pterocladia capillacea» undergo the regeneration «in vitro» of adventitious buds. Sea water enriched according to MIQUEL'S formula (1890) was used for the culture. Adventitious buds were present on both the cut-surfaces of the intercalary segments. Both surfaces regenerated, suggesting the absence of clear polarity for regeneration; howewer, usually one cut-surface showed more vigorous adventitious branches than the other one. The possibility that the predominance of one surface could be related to a polarization of the flow of nutrients from the parent segment has been discussed. The thallus originated «in vitro» is very similar to the creeping axes and the formation «in vitro» of thallus similar to that of the erect frond was never observed. 0,1γ/ml. IAA promoted regeneration and stimulated the growth of adventitious buds. IAA stimulated also the growth of the apical portion of the erect fronds. 10?5M 2-chloro-ethyl trimethyl-ammonium chloride (CCC) stimulated regeneration and the growth of the tips of the main axis and lateral branches of apical segments. Higher CCC concentrations (10?3M) inhibit regeneration and at the same time all the tips were necrotized; consequently some outgrowths appeared along the original axes. Such phenomenon was interpreted as a new type of regeneration obtained without any injury. Data reported in this preliminary communication represent a good approach for new study on the biochemical aspects of regeneration.  相似文献   


The effects of gibberellic acid on the composition of VICIA FABA. — The A. takes into consideration fresh weight, dry weight, total ash and chlorophyll, carotene, mineral content variations in Vicia Faba L. plants as affected by pure and practical gibberellic acid treatments.  相似文献   

Abstract The anatomy of the neopilinoid limpet Micropilina arntzi (Warén & Hain, 1992, The Veliger 35: 165–176) is described on the basis of graphic reconstructions of semithin serial sections. Hard parts, anatomical features and reproductive biology of the minute species differ considerably from those of all other anatomically known neopilinoid species. Therefore, Micropilinidae fam. nov. is erected for this genus. Micropilina arntzi may be considered as partly paedomorphic with respect to the seriality of ventilatory (ctenidia), excretory or genital organs, or may represent an archaic condition within the Tryblidiida. Ontogenetic and comparative anatomical data strongly suggest that the serial repetition of the various organ systems should be regarded as one of several autapomorphic features of the Neopilinoidea (Tryblidiida).  相似文献   

Summary The fermentation profiles ofSporotrichum pulverulentum andDichomitus squalens showed distinct differences.D. squalens digested the substrate more slowly thanSporotrichum pulverulentum. The relative degradation rates of total organic matter and lignin also differed considerably.Whereas withS. pulverulentum the ratio was about the same throughout the whole observation period, withDichomitus squalens it altered in favour of lignin degradation.WithSporotrichum pulverulentum an optimum digestion in vitro of 40%–50% was achieved after 20 days of incubation. WithDichomitus squalens the best value (about 60%) was reached after 30 days of incubation. Increasing incubation temperatures enhanced the degradation of the substrate.As found with wheat straw, all other substrates tested (straw of rape and barley, glumes of rice) were degraded more slowly byDichomitus squalens than bySporotrichum pulverulentum. The degradation rates for oak, spruce and beech sawdust were very low compared to those for straw.Small amounts of ammonium nitrate stimulated the degradation of straw byS. pulverulentum whereas higher concentrations had an inhibitory effect. The optimum water content of the substrate, measured by decomposition of total organic matter and lignin and by in vitro digestibility, was between 50 and 100 ml of water/25 g substrate. Higher and lower water contents had an unfavourable effect.Varying the pore size of the substrate by using milled straw of defined particle size had no influence on the 6 parameters tested under the given experimental conditions.The best method to supress potential competitors was to heat the substrate to 90°C for 24 h.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the microsporidian parasite Nosema grylli, which parasitizes primarily fat body cells and haemocytes of the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus (Orthoptera, Gryllidae) is described. All observed stages (meront, meront/sporont transitional stage ("second meront"), sporont, sporoblast, and spore) are found in direct contact with the host cell cytoplasm. Nuclei are diplokaryotic during almost all stages of the life cycle, but a brief stage with one nucleus containing an abundance of electron-dense material is observed during a "second merogony." Sporogony is disporous. Mature spores are ovocylindrical in shape and measure 4.5+/-0.16micromx2.2+/-0.07 microm (n=10) on fresh smears and 3.3+/-0.06 micromx1.4+/-0.07 microm (n=10) on ultrathin sections. Spores contain 15-18 coils of an isofilar polar filament arranged in one or two layers. Comparative phylogenetic analysis using rDNA shows N. grylli to be closely related to another orthopteran microsporidian, Nosema locustae, and to Nosema whitei from the confused flour beetle, Tribolium confusum. Antonospora scoticae, a parasite of the communal bee Andrena scotica, is a sister taxon to these three Nosema species. The sequence divergence and morphological traits clearly separate this group of "Nosema" parasites from the "true" Nosema clade containing Nosema bombycis. We therefore propose to change the generic name of N. grylli and its close relative N. locustae to Paranosema n. comb. We leave N. whitei in former status until more data on fine morphology of the species are obtained.  相似文献   

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