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The functional roles of seagrasses in the economy of coastal waters are to be fully realised and more clearly delineated. The biology, ecology and energetics of seagrasses meadows of the Mediterranean Sea, and in particular of Posidonia oceanica inclusing the stabilization of coastal sediments, this role as a base for major detrital food chains, nutrient resources contributory to general productivity of the open sea and the support of dense epiphytic communities, are discussed.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Verf. erläutert einen noch nicht geschilderten morphologischen Befund. Während der bei Kaninchen mit Thorotrast ausgeführten Speicherungsuntersuchungen des retikulär-endothelialen Systems hat er beobachten können, daß die Kupffer-Sternzellen bei seit langer Zeit behandelten Tieren aus ihrem normalen Sitz im hepatischen Acinus gegen seine zentrale Ader gewandert sind, indem sie um dieselbe einen Umkreis von mit Thorotrast belasteten Kupffer- Sternzellen bildeten und indem sie auch in das Leberaderblut eindrangen. Dagegen findet man bei seit kurzer Zeit behandelten Tieren die mit Thorotrast belasteten Zellen im Acinus, wie gewöhnlich, diffus verteilt. Verf. erörtert diese Befunde im Zusammenhang mit der Bedeutung und dem Wesen der KupfferSternzellen.  相似文献   


Observations in various microhabitats as regards the composition of different growth forms in an alpine region of Tungnath, northwestern Himalaya, were carried out. Maximum frequency was displayed by mat-forming forbs (Trachydium roylei, 100%) throughout the growing season (May–October). Maximum values for density and Importance Value Index (IVI) (452.10 plants m?2 and 157.8, respectively) were recorded for tussock graminoids, Poa annua (L.). The IVI of different growth forms exhibited significant positive correlation with stoloniferous graminoids (KD), mat forming forbs (TR) and prostrate creeping dwarf shrubs (GT). A significant positive correlation with plant available water was also detected for mat-forming forbs (TR) and one of the plant species (CN) representing stoloniferous graminoids. The values of concentration of dominance (Cd) ranged from 0.0001 to 0.277. Diversity index (H) was highest (0.532) for tussock graminoids [Danthonia cachemyriana (Jaub &; Spach.), P. annua] indicating the relative abundance of this growth form. Overall, tussock graminoids are dominant in the region, indicating stable and moderate steepness of the slopes, the major topographic feature of Tungnath. Besides topography, grazing, anthropogenic activities and interactions among associated species are the determining factors for the phytostructure of alpine communities in Himalaya.  相似文献   


Observations on the development cycle of the buds of male and female specimens of Ginkyo biloba L. – A study of the buds of long shood and short shoot of male and female Ginkyo biloba L. individuals reveals the following: 1) All the buds of the male individuals are bigger and round in shape while those of the female individuals are smaller and conical. 2) Among individuals of the same sex there are no differences between the buds of long and short shoots except that the latter are always bigger. 3) All the buds, both male and female, show a constant number of buds scales (7–14), embryonic leaves (3–7) and leaf primordia (3–4). 4) The increase in diameters is greater in the male than in the female buds. 5) When opening, the buds of the male short shoots can get as big as 11,5 mm × 11,5 mm and those of the female short shoots 5 mmx4 mm. At this time, the long shoots of both sexes show a less marked differences in size (♂ 5 mm × 5 mm; 9 4 mm × 3,5 mm). 6) The male buds of both long and short shoots are always mixed, that is they are provided with a very small apex and pollen sacs. Only on exceptional cases has sterility been observed. On the other hand female buds are mixed, that is they are provided with a shoot apex and ovules, only in the long shoots of three or more years of age and not always; while the buds of the long shoots are always sterile. 7) Opening of the buds, which in both sexes occurs from the base upwards, takes place at the middle of March in the male and in the first decade of April in the female individuals. 8) The appearence of sex, starting from the base, takes place at an earlier time in male individuals. In fact in the buds of the male short shoots it appears as early as July. In the buds of the female short shoots it appears in October. 9) Pollen cones do not appear at the same time in all the buds of the two types of shoot. They are found in the buds of the short shoots in July, in October in the lateral buds of the long shoots and in November in the terminal buds of the same type of shoots. 10) Ovules appear only in some buds of short shoots three or more year old. They are never present in the long and short shoots one or two year old buds. 11) The dates of appearance of the pollen cones and ovules in our Florentine specimens are exactly the same as those reported by SPRECHER (1907) for the Ginkyo plants growing in Geneva.  相似文献   


It is related on some phytocenoses of the southerly Florence hills, lying on the boundary of the two basal biochores of peninsular vegetation. Although the proximity and the chorographical analogy at the south-westerly ones and at Ceceri Mount, which are included yet in the » Quercetum Ilicis « ambit, these hills are whereas sensible displaced in the » Quercetum pubescentis «. They have microtherme elements of higher planes, but they have in yet the marks of littoral biochore, for instance Smilax aspera, abundantly penetrating in hedges and in a pine-grove but non in coppices of Quercus Cerris.  相似文献   


L'A. espone in questo lavoro i risultati di ricerche sistematiche e fitogeografiche sulla vegetazione di Monte Ferrato (presso Prato in Toscana), piccolo gruppo di colline costituite da rocce ofiolitiche (serpentino, eufotide ecc.), Dopo averne elencata la florula, dove riporta anche le diagnosi di alcune forme nuove, l'A. prende in esame la vegetazione dei principali tipi di stazione, che vi ha potuto riconoscere, in base a criteri fisionomici e statistici. Considera poi le caratteristiche morfologiche delle specie pi[ugrave] significative del serpentino, che raggruppa in cinque tipi di speciali morfosi. Sulla base dell'analisi della distribuzione geografica di alcune notevoli entità che si presentano a M. Ferrato in stazione disgiunta rispetto al loro areale, dello studio geografico e sistematico degli endemismi, e in genere poi di tutte le specie pi[ugrave] significative di questa Flora, l'A. ne discute il valore fitogeografico e climatico, rilevando e discutendo la convivenza di specie di diverso valore fitogeografico, in rapporta alle particolari condizioni microstazionali.  相似文献   

Riassunto E' stata studiata l'istogenesi e l'istochimica della ghiandola sottomandibolare e sottolinguale di embrione di topo, in condizioni di sviluppo normale e in cultura organotipica in vitro. In condizioni normali l'attività secretrice diviene dimostrabile con mezzi istochimici al 16 giorno di gestazione, come materiale intracellulare. La secrezione presenta fino dall'inizio reazione positiva ai metodi del PAS e di Hale, ed è colorabile col blu alcian. Al 17 giorno compaiono fra le due ghiandole differenze nell'aspetto morfologico del secreto, nell'intensità delle suddette reazioni istochimiche, e nel comportamento rispetto al blu di toluidina che dopo solfatazione dà colorazione metacromatica nella sottolinguale, ma non nella sottomandibolare. Ciò indica che il componente polisaccaridico del secreto ha caratteristiche un po' diverse nelle due ghiandole.Sono state eseguite culture in vitro di ghiandole al 13 giorno di gestazione, su un coagulo di plasma e di estratto embrionale di pollo. Al momento dell'espianto, esse sono all'inizio della loro differenziazione, e sono formate ciascuna da un cordoncino epiteliale e da una gemma solida, entro una comune capsula mesenchimale. Il processo di ramificazione si svolge più lentamente che in vivo, ma la secrezione compare alla stessa età totale. Le ghiandole si sono sviluppate in vitro per 10 giorni e le loro caratteristiche istochimiche sono apparse eguali a quelle che si osservano in condizioni normali di sviluppo.
Summary Histogenesis and histochemistry of submandibular and sublingual glands of mouse embryo were studied both during normal development and in vitro. In normal conditions secretory activity becomes detectable by histochemical methods at the 16th day of gestation as intracellular material. From the start, secretion shows a positive reaction to the PAS and Hale's method, and stains with alcian blue. At the 17th day differences may be shown between the two glands in the morphological features of the secretion, in the intensity of the above said histochemical reactions, and in the behaviour towards toluidine blue, which after sulfation gives metachromatic staining in the sublingual, but not in the submandibular gland. This indicates that the polysaccharidic component of the secretion has different characters in the two glands.Cultures in vitro were made of glands at the 13th day of gestation, on a clot of chicken plasma and embryo extract. At explantation time, they are just beginning their differentiation, and both consist of an epithelial cord and a solid bud, contained in a common mesenchymal capsule. The ramification process goes on at a slower rate in vitro than in vivo, but secretion appears at the same total age. The glands developed in vitro for 10 days and their histochemical features appeared to be comparable to those which were observed in normal developmental conditions.

Lavoro eseguito coi mezzi forniti da contratti di ricerca dell'U.S.A.E.C. (NYO-3355-10) e dell'Euratom (043-65-1 BIO I) e con un contributo del C.N.R.  相似文献   

Il presente lavoro è stato eseguito nell' Istituto di Anatomia e Fisiologia Comparate dell' Università di Palermo, diretto dal prof. F.Raffaele. Il manoscritto relativo era pronto fin dall' ottobre dell' anno passato, ma il mio trasferimento da Palermo a Pavia e varie altre circostanze mi avevano finora impedito dal darvi l'ultima mano.Al prof.Raffaele che ha seguito con efficace interessamento queste ricerche e che ha voluto adesso gentilmente rivedere anche il manoscritto, i miei più cordiali ringraziamenti.  相似文献   

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