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Resistence of Pterocladia capillacea (Gmel.) Born, et Thur. to salinity variations. In the present paper the effects of salinity variations on P. capillacea are reported. Particularly, growth of apical segments, regenerations of intercalary segments, colour of thallus and, for some samples, respiration and photosynthesis are examined. The results obtained show that in sea water with reduced salinity (¾), there is a good adaptation. At salinity levels lower or higher the following phenomena are seen: a) the colour decreases; b) regeneration is inhibited; c) the growth of apical segments is abolished or reduced. Respiration and photosynthesis have been determined in the material cultured in distilled water and in high salinity medium (× 4). The results show that in the first condition the rate of O2 consumption remains constant for 48 hours, while O2 production decreases after an hour. In salinity × 4, O2 production compensate consumption after an hour. When intercalary segments (cultured in salinity ×4) are transferred to sea water photosynthesis is restored. On the contrary, when they are kept in sea water with high salinity for 23 hours, respiration decreases and photosynthesis is inhibited and is not restored by transferring the material to sea water with normal salinity for additional 24 hours. Analysis of pigments, carried out after 48 hours, has shown that in distilled water liposoluble pigments disappear while 30% phycoerytrin is still present. In salinity ×4, carotenoids and chlorophyll decrease to much lower quantities than phycoerythrin.  相似文献   


Researches on the vegetation of Valsesia. VII. «Notholaena marantae» (L.) Desv. in the Sesia Valley. — It's hereby described a station of Notholaena marantae (L.) Desv. near «Giavina Rossa» (Valsesia-Piedmont, Italy). This is probably the only place in the whole valley. The fern grows in a kind of ground formed by peridotitic rocks and on a little dry wall supporting the debris. The fern presence in a wooden valley, and under an oceanic climate could be a very interesting subject for hystorical geobotanic researches.  相似文献   

J. M. Salinas 《Hydrobiologia》1991,221(1):107-117
A system is described for rapid re-attachment of the rhodophycean alga Gelidium sesquipedale (Clem.) Born. et Thur. on artificial or natural substrata. This method is applicable to industrial cultivation of this species. The function of rhizoidal clusters and the origin of germlings from the apical portion of the thalli are analyzed in relation to the re-attachment process. The role that re-attachment might play in the maintenance and spreading of natural populations and in the observed anomalies of the life-history of this species is discussed.  相似文献   

Unialgal isolates ofGelidium latifolium from northern Spain and western Norway were compared with respect to specific growth rate, when kept under different combinations of light (20, 50, 100, 200, 300 µmol m-2s-1) and temperature (17, 20, 24, 28, 31 °C.) The Norwegian isolate grew almost twice as fast as the Spanish isolate under all combinations tested. Maximum growth rate for the Norwegian and Spanish isolates was 6.71% d-1 and 3.64% d-1, respectively. The results show the existence of ecotypes and the importance of inoculum selection in the development of a mass cultivation system forGelidium.  相似文献   

The influence of different light qualities on the photosynthetic rate, dark respiration, intracellular carbon and nitrogen content, and accumulation of photosynthetic pigments and cell-wall polysaccharides during short-term incubation (5 h) of the red algaGelidium sesquipedale was investigated. The same photon irradiance of 50mol m–2 s–2 below the light saturation point of photosynthesis was applied in each case. Blue light stimulated photosynthesis, dark respiration and the accumulation of chlorophyll and biliproteins, phycoerythrin in particular. The accumulation of internal carbon and nitrogen was greater under blue light than under the other light qualities. In contrast, the percentage of cell-wall polysaccharides was higher in red light. The content of cell-wall polysaccharides decreased during the time of incubation in all light treatments except in red light. The action of a non-photosynthetic photoreceptor in the control of cell-wall polysaccharide synthesis is suggested because the accumulation of cell-wall polysaccharides was not correlated with net photosynthesis in contrast to what occurred with carbon, chlorophyll and phycoerythrin accumulation.  相似文献   

Thalli of the economically important rhodophyteGelidium sesquipedale were cultured for 8 weeks under laboratory conditions, and the influence of temperature and photoperiod on the re-attachment process were studied. Four different temperatures (16, 18, 20, 22 °C) and four different photoperiods (6:18, 12:12, 14:10, 16:8) were used and the results obtained in the thalli responses such as apical growth (measured as elongation of principal apex), rhizoidal cluster production and number of necrotic patches were tested.During the re-attachment process, the best results were obtained at temperatures of 16–18 °C, when rhizoidal cluster production was high and necrotic patch development was low (18 °C) or absent (16 °C). Temperatures of 20 and 22 °C favoured high rhizoidal cluster production, but also a high production of necrotic patches that finally led to death. The results suggest that long-day photoperiods (14:10, 16:8) produce a higher number of rhizoidal cluster bands than short-day photoperiods (6:18) at the same temperature.  相似文献   

Sara Ferri 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(3-4):269-284

The embryological development of Erigeron speciosus DC. — The Author refers on the embryology of Erigeron speciosus DC. listing the most important characteristics of the development of this gametophyte

a) a pluricellular archesporium is formed, with fertile and sterile cells.

b) several mother cells develop inside a single nucellus leading to the formation more than one gametophyte;

c) at the end of the meiotic process different conditions may be reached; that is: tetramegasporial apocitium; II) trimegasporial apocitium plus a megaspore; III) dimesporial apocitium plus two megaspores at the two ends of the apocitium;

d) the gametophyte may vacuolate with different patterns.

e) different types of development may occur in the gametophyte, that is: I) from tetrasporic cell of a 16-nucleate gametophyte with a monosporial oangium; II) from trisporic cell of a 12-nucleate gametophyte with a monosporial oangium; III) from disporic cell of a 8-nucleate gametophyte with a monosporial oangium.

f) Erigeron speciosus has a cromosomic set of n = 9.  相似文献   

Gelidium sesquipedale is the most important raw material used for extraction of agar in Spain. Based on chemostats, a system of culture for macroalgae with a continuous flow of culture medium has been developed. A stressed morphotype from the South of Spain was cultured, and the effects of different rates of NO 3 flow on growth and internal constituents were investigated in the laboratory. Cultivation was successful after optimizing factors affecting growth, such as irradiance level, renewal rate and water movement. Mass production was dependent on N supply. With a flow of 35 mol NO3 g–1 DW d–1, optimal values of growth (2.1% d–1) and biomass yield were obtained. In these conditions, biomass yield resembled the values observed in natural populations (about 500 g DW m–2 y–1). When the flow of N was reduced to 15 mol NO 3 g–1 DW d–1, growth rate and biomass yield were reduced three-fold, and were null when N was supplied as 7 mol NO 3 g–1 DW d–1. C:N ratio was an index of the physiological status of the tissue, remaining low when N was sufficient and raised to critical values when N supply was limited. Phycobiliproteins, kept at a constant irradiance level, were affected by N supply, acting as an internal nitrogen reserve, unlike chlorophylla. An effective phycobiliprotein synthesis took place when the flow of N was sufficient. Agar yield, on dry weight basis, was similar as a function of N flow, whereas agar yield of the culture was higher when N was sufficient as a result of growth not being limited by N.This system of culture, commonly used in microalgal studies, may have an important use in macroalgae as a system to obtain biomass of high quality as well as a good tool for physiological studies in conditions of continuous and controlled flow of nutrients.  相似文献   


Regeneration and vegetative multiplication in ENTEROMORPHA COMPRESSA (L.) Grev. — Fragments of young filaments of Enteromorpha compressa were cultured in order to determine its regenerative and multiplicative power and time limit.

The original fragments cultured in vitro produced a new strain of aposporical plants, by means of buds. These aposporical individuals, when grown up, bear rhizoids with propagula from which a new strain of free algs take place. The latter generation is supplied with a fixation apparatus and show regular shape and clear polarity.  相似文献   

Summary The Dacus oleae larva possesses four Malpighian tubules, two anterior and two posterior ones, which in pairs enter into a ureter. Before opening into the gut, at the level of the transition zone between the mid- and hindgut, each ureter is dilated into an ampulla.The anterior tubules are divided into four regions: distal, transition, middle and proximal ones: while in the posterior tubules only middle and proximal segments are detectable. The distribution of the enzyme systems is indicated in Fig. 3, while the ultrastructural organization which is typical of the cells composing the different regions is schematically represented in Fig. 1. According to the ultrastructural and enzymatic findings, and the discussion on this subject in the literature, the authors are led to assume that in the distal segment occurs the segregation of uric acid, urates and calcium salts. In the transition segment, and still more in the intermediate one, an indiscriminate transport of water and solutes occurs from the haemocoel into the lumen of the tubule by pinocytosis. A fraction of the catabolites is precipitated as chromolipoidal pigments. The transition stages between cytosomes and pigment are described. Along with secretory phenomena the resorption of useful substances occurs in the proximal region. A similar function is performed by the ureter. In the ampulla, which is characterized by a conspicuous system of deep tubular infoldings both at the apical and basal surfaces of its cells, a massive water resorption is presumed to occur.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of competition on growth and performance of Nymphoides peltata (Gmel.) O. Kuntze in microcosm. Part of the research on growth and biomass allocation of N. peltata in response to competition had been reported early (Wu, Z. & D. Yu, 2004, Hydrobiologia 527: 241–250). This paper focuses on the morphological variations of N. peltata under competitive pressure. First, competition between N. peltata and Zizania latifolia (Griseb.) Turcz. ex Stapf. was assigned with the densities of N. peltata to Z. latifolia ratios of 4:0, 4:2, 4:4 and 4:8. Water surface coverage, surface area per leaf blade and number of leaves per plant of N. peltata all declined significantly with increasing density of competitor. Similar results were also found for petiole length and density of branching. However, the variations of planting density did not significantly affect the number of ramets per plant and the stolon length of N. peltata. Second, competitions between N. peltata and emerged Z. latifolia, floating-leaved Trapa bispinosa Roxb. and submerged Myriophyllum spicatum L. were also studied simultaneously. The results showed that significant difference was only found for the water surface coverage of N. peltata. No other significant differences were found for the number of ramets per plant, number of leaves per plant, density of branching, surface area per leaf blade, petiole length, and stolon length of N. peltata. Our studies indicate that N. peltata presents morphological variations when it is growing with Z. latifolia, such that the growth of above-ground parts decrease (i.e., leaf number, petiole length, branching density) and the growth of below-ground parts remains stable (i.e., stolons length). However, N. peltata does not show apparent differences in morphology when it is growing with T. bispinosa or M. spicatum. Accordingly, we conclude that the growth of N. peltata may be apparently inhibited by the presence of Z. latifolia, while T. bispinosa and M. spicatum may have little impact on the growth and performance of N. peltata.  相似文献   


The author has studied the flora of a few country lanes in the surroundings of Molfetta (Apulia). The various stations are described and the plants collected are listed.  相似文献   

We studied nonstationary kinetics of the uptake of phosphates and nitrates by the red marine algae Gelidium latifolium (Grev.) Born et Thur. and calculated constants of the Michaelis-Menten equation for these elements. In the area of 0–3 μM, the kinetics of phosphate consumption had the following coefficients: maximum rate of uptake 0.8 μmol/(g h), constant of half-saturation 1.745 μM. For nitrate nitrogen at 0–30 μM, an adaptive strategy of uptake kinetics was noted with change of the equation parameters with time: after 1 h, the maximum rate of uptake was 5.1 μmol/(g h) and constant of half-saturation 19 μM, while within 2 h, the maximum rate of uptake significantly increased. This could be related to the synthesis of nitrate reductase. Coupled with the uptake of nitrates, nonstationary kinetics of the release of nitrates in the surrounding medium had a one-peak pattern: the maximum concentration of nitrites in the medium and the time of its achievement increased with the initial concentration of nitrates. The maximum concentration of nitrites was 6 to 14% of the initial concentration in the medium.  相似文献   

Abstract. Acid phosphatase was found cytochemically in intercellular spaces in the root of Nymphoides peltata. Different methods, using lead salts and azo-dyes, gave similar results. Reaction product appeared on material, possibly cytoplasmic, within the intercellular spaces and also against the outer walls of cells which formed the intercellular spaces. Possible functions of acid phosphatase in intercellular spaces are discussed.  相似文献   


Research on photosynthetic pigments from Gracilaria verrucosa (Huds.) Papenfuss. Quantitative analysis of phycoerythrin. – Among biliproteins of Rhodophycean algae, phycoerythrin is very interesting for constant distribution, in large amounts, in the different species. Phycoerythrin's extinction coefficients have been already calculated for some Bangiophycean and only two species of Rhodophycean algae. In this work we have analyzed all photosynthetic pigments and isolated pure phycoerythrin from Gracilaria verrucosa (Huds.) Papenfuss [= Gracilaria confervoides (L.) Grev.] belonging to Gigartinales. The aim of our research was to evaluate the quantitative ratio between this pigment and the others in a sistematic group for which there are only qualitative data. Phycoerythrin of Gracilaria is the R-classical type, with three absorption maxima. Average values of absorption coefficients, calculated on a large number of samples are E1 %cm (565 nm) = 53.8, E1 %cm (540 nm) = 48.4, E1 1%cm (498 nm) = 49.1. These values are different from those obtained for R-phycoerythrin of Ceramium rubrum and B-phycoerythrin of Rhodochorton floridulum, both species belonging to Floridean algae. Our several experiments by chromatography and gel-electrophoresis process have demonstrated that the R-phycoerythrin we isolated is substantially pure. Thus we suggest that different absorption coefficient values are due either to a more complicated protein in the pigment molecule or to a different chromophore/protein ratio. This could result very interesting for the chemotaxonomic and phylogenetic aspect, but the small number of algae till now analyzed does not allow to draw any general conclusion.  相似文献   

Summary In this paper the leaf-marking method as used for the study of the development and initial decomposition of floating leaves is described and the reliability of the various measurements is tested and/or discussed. Some general results obtained withNymphoides peltata (Gmel.) O. Kuntze in tanks and in the field are presented and crltically discussed. Autolysis followed by microbial decay was in all cases the most important factor by which leaves disintegrated. In the field plots animals were responsible for the disappearance of 22% of the total leaf area produced during a growth season. This is, however, the combined effect of consumption and damage succeeded by microbial decay. Real grazing can be estimated to be no more than 10% of the production of floating leaves. Fungi can have an important role in initial decomposition, especially after the flowering period, as is demonstrated forSeptoria villarsiae Desm. All damage types show temporal and, in the case of animals, also spatial distribution patterns.  相似文献   

液体悬浮培养条件下发菜细胞的光合速率与呼吸速率   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
用液相氧电极测定离体悬浮生长发菜细胞的光合速率和呼吸速率的结果表明,发菜细胞的光补偿点为15 ̄16μmol·m-2·s-1,光饱和点为90μmol·m-2·s-1,光抑制点为190μmol·m-2·s-1。25℃下发菜细胞光合速率最高,呼吸速率则在10 ̄50℃范围内随温度升高而增强。发菜细胞光合作用的最适pH值为7.0 ̄7.5,呼吸作用最适pH值为9.0。BG110无氮培养基中添加30mmol·L-1NaNO3,发菜细胞的光合速率增加约20%。培养基中Na2HPO4浓度为1.75mmol·L-1时,细胞光合速率和呼吸速率最大,随后保持稳定。钾盐浓度变化对发菜细胞光合速率和呼吸速率的影响不显著。  相似文献   

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