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Riassunto Nel presente lavoro sono state riportate le concentrazioni polliniche registrate nell' atmosfera di Varese nel 1986. Le principali famiglie di pollini presenti sono state quelle delle Graminacee, Urticacee (Parietaria officinalis) e Betulacee (in particolare Betula alba), seguite da Corilacee, Fagacee, Salicacee e Cupressacee. Scarsa importanza hanno dimostrato, per le basse concentrazioni raggiunte, le Chenipodiacee, le Plantaginacee ed in particolare le Composite. In generale i risultati ottenuti non si sono di molto discostati da quelli riscontrati nel 1985.
Summary This research reports the results of the airborne pollen samplings carried out with a volumetric VPPS 2000 sampler elaborated daily in the area of Varese during year 1986, from March to September. These results were related to some meteorological data (temperature, humidity and rain). The principal pollen's families found are those of Gramineae, Urticaceae (parietaria off.), Betulaceae, Corylaceae, Fagaceae, Salicaceae and Cupressaceae. Chenopodiaceae, Plantaginaceae and Compositae have demonstrated little importance because they reach low concentrations. Generally the results obtained in the year 1986 and in 1985 are similar.


A study on the type and distribution of trichomes, morphological traits of the calyx and content of antioxidant compounds was conducted on Teucrium arduini L. populations in Croatia and in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Non-glandular trichomes, peltate trichomes and small capitate trichomes with four secretory head cells were observed on leaves, stems and calyx, whereas long capitate trichomes with a unicellular head cell were observed exclusively on the calyx. Average calyx length was 5.23–6.51 mm, calyx tube length 2.92–3.68 mm, lower lip length 1.25–2.42 mm and upper lip length 1.89–2.99 mm. The concentration of antioxidant compounds in all populations was the highest in leaves: total polyphenols (TP): 8.43–13.55%; tannins (T): 1.79–7.33%; flavonoids (TF): 0.28–0.40%; phenolic acids (TPA): 2.90–5.07%. Inflorescences generally contained the smallest amount of TP (5.89–11.42%), T (0.87–6.50%) and TPA (1.66–2.27%), while the smallest content of TF was obtained for the majority of stem samples (0.06–0.12%). The researched populations did not differ with regard to the type and overall distribution of the trichomes, though the Bosnian populations have a shorter calyx tube and longer upper lip. Some variability was observed in the TP and T content between sampling sites, while quite high variability was noted in the TF and TPA content.  相似文献   


Floristic affinity of bentonic vegetational types of Cala di Mitigliano (Massa Lubrense Napoli). — We have studied the bentonic plants community in the Cala di Mitigliano. It appears that some species compositions repeat themselves with a certain regularity. This fact lets us recognize and consequently classify them. In Cala di Mitigliano we took an interest and considered only such species compositions. We calculated, in them and between them, the coefficient of affinity by SÖRENSEN (1948). The cluster analysis by average linkage and the use of an index of «individualisation» (Feoli, ined.) based on floristic comparison showed that the species compositions, although we chose such ones to describe the vegetation, equally change gradually from place to place.  相似文献   

Riassunto Le espansioni terminali degli assoni, che crescono in vitro, possono presentare aspetti diversi. La forma più comune é quella, da lungo tempo nota, di ingrossamenti dell'apice del neurite, i quali emettono esili filamenti ameboidi, transitori. Ma, nelle fibre che crescono nell'interfacie tra un mezzo solido e un mezzo liquido, spesso l'espansione risulta di tenui membraneile ialine in continuo movimento, le quali possono avere varia estensione.Le espansioni membraniformi possono venire in breve tempo retratte e sostituite da fini filamenti ameboidi indipendenti e viceversa; tra queste varie strutture esistono forme intermedie.Non risulta però confermata l'opinione di A. HUGHES che i filamenti transitori siano pieghe di una struttura continua.I vari aspetti, che le espansioni possono assumere, sono l'espressione della grande plasticità della sostanza nervosa. L'accrescimento delle fibre nervose a contatto di una superficie solida é verosimilmente condizione indispensabile, ma non sufficiente per la formazione delle espansioni membraniformi; é probabile che la sostanza del neurite si espanda in veli estremamente tenui, soltanto quando é soggetta a fenomeni di imbibizione, associati a diminuzione della tensione superficiale.Membrane ialine possono essere emesse anche all'apice delle collaterali e, in casi più rari, costituirsi transitoriamente persino lungo il decorso del neurite, a spese di tratti più o meno estesi di questo, che si espandono in superficie.Le fibre nervose in accrescimento presentano manifesti fenomeni di pinocitosi. Essi avvengono sia in corrispondenza dell'espansione terminale, sia nelle collaterali, sia infine lungo il decorso del neurite, in zone in cui esso emette esilissimi filamenti transitori, apparentemente privi di espansione terminale.Si ritiene ehe, con l'introduzione di goccioline di liquido, il neurite assuma dall'ambiente materiali disciolti, i quali, insieme alle sostanze che vengono elaborate dal pirenoforo e che fluiscono nel neurite stesso, verranno utilizzati per l'accrescimento della fibra nervosa.Vien prospettata l'ipotesi che il significato dei fini ramuscoli collaterali, transitori, che il neurite in accrescimento emette di continuo lungo tutta la sua lunghezza, sia essenzialmente trofico.Ricerche eseguite con un contributo del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche.  相似文献   


Studies on root apical meristem. VII. Activities of some enzymes of glycolysis, of the Krebs cycle and of the pentose phosphate cycle. — The enzymes assayed are: aldolase, glyceraldheyde-3-phosphate: NAD oxidoreductase, triosephosphate isomerase, fumarate hydratase, aconitate hydratase, glucose-6-phosphate: NADP oxidoreductase, 6-phosphogluconate: NADP oxidoreductase. The determinations were made on pea roots (Pisum sativum cv. Alaska) which were obtained by germinating seeds on moist vermiculite, in the dark, at 25° C, either for 2 or 7 days. In both cases samples were collected from the meristematic zone (0-2 mm from the apex) and from the extending zone (2-4 mm from the apex). All the enzymes determined are present both in the meristematic and in the extending zone of the root. If referred to a fresh weight basis, their activities are always greater in the meristem; if referred to a dry weight or to a protein basis, the values in the meristematic zone are nearly equal to, or higher than those in the extending zone. With respect to the development of the cell in the root from the meristematic to the vacuolated state, the present results indicate that the change in volume is accompanied by increases is the enzymes tested.  相似文献   


Comparative researches on morphology and physiology of PICEA and LARIX. Fresh weight and chlorophyll content in seedlings kept at various light intensities. — The fresh weight and the chlorophyll content of lots of seedlings from Larix decidua and Picea excelsa grown on sand for 12 days in climatic cell at 25 [ddot]C with 86% relative humidity and a light intensity of 90, 250, 500, 1.000, 2.000 and 4.000 lux were determined.

The fresh weight of Picea seedlings is not significantly affected by all light intensities except for 4.000 lux, where it is 20% higher. Even in dim light (90 lux) the fresh weight of Picea seedlings is only 7% inferior to that of the lot kept at 2.000 lux.

The results obtained in Larix are remarkably different; its fresh weight is more influenced by the light intensity: at 4.000 lux, e. g., the fresh weight is considerably higher (more than 20%) than the arithmetical mean of all the lots, while at 90 lux it appears greatly inferior (30%) to the lot kept at 2.000 lux.

No correlation exhists between fresh weight and chlorophyll content variations.

In Larix only the difference between seedlings kept at 250 lux and 90 lux is very strong. In the latter the chlorophyll content for g. f. w. is 40% inferior to the average of all the lots. At the maxime intensities the chlorophyll content of Larix seedlings appears to be particularly increased, while that of Picea seedlings is slightly inferior to that observed at 2.000 lux.

These figures are in agreement with the special ecology of the two plants and particularly with the light need of Larix, as it is clearly demonstrated by the fresh weight and chlorophyll content per g. f. w. and by the different ratio in chlorophyll contents of the lots of seedlings kept at 2.000 and 4.000 lux.  相似文献   


Effects induced by the exchange of embryos between normal grains and yellow-berries of « Cappelli » (Triticum durum Desf.). — Normal grains of « Cappelli » give seedlings, the shoots of which are longer than those coming from yellow-berries (Meletti e Onnis, 1961, a). The exchange of embryos between the two grain types shows the influence of endosperm on the seedling growth: the normal endosperm stimulates, while the yellow-berries endosperm depresses. The causes of this phenomenon are to research probably within the limits of the relationship, at biochemical level, between embryo end endosperm, with special regard to a likely different hormonic situation in normal grains and yellow-berries.  相似文献   

A series of game-theoretical models for the evolution of, what in the folk literature has become known as, the “Confidence Artist” is presented. Con artists are assumed to be noncooperators who move between groups and “prey” on naive cooperators. Cooperators learn about con artists by either direct experience or via cultural transmission about the identity (or behavior) of such individuals. Three types of transmission rules about con artists are modeled: 1) transmission rate that is independent of the frequency of con artists in the metapopulation; 2) transmission such that cooperators, with some probability, can learn about particular con artists who have entered their group; and 3) a type of frequency dependent transmission such that cooperators can identify con artists in proportion to their frequency in the metapopulation.In general, cultural transmission works against con artists by 1) decreasing the critical between travel patch travel time to invade a metapopulation of cooperators or 2) decreasing the equilibrial frequency of con artists (compared to the case of no cultural transmission). Depending on the mode of cultural transmission, con artists may exist at relatively high or low frequencies.  相似文献   

The purpose of this publication as a pedagogical contribution is to illustrate the uniqueness of the method Euler used to determine the unsteady flow of blood in the circulatory system. In his presentation, he accounts for the tapering of the vessels and their elastic behavior. The limitations of this study are based upon the extent of the development of the mathematics of his era. This work may be the first mathematical treatment of circulatory physiology and haemodynamics. Euler perhaps could very well be called the Father of Haemodynamics.The Determination of the Principals of the Motion of Blood through the Arteries.Supported in part by a grant from the American Heart Association (No. 62F4EG).This work was done during the tenure of an Established Investigatorship of the American Heart Association.  相似文献   

Bouillenne  R. 《Plant Ecology》1954,5(1):66-71
Sans résuméReçu par la rédaction la 1.X.1953.  相似文献   

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