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We examine the association between exposure to the market and Western society on the height of adult Tsimane', a foraging-farming society in the Bolivian Amazon. As with other contemporary native peoples, we find little evidence of a significant secular change in height during 1920-1980. Female height bore a positive association with own schooling and fluency in spoken Spanish and with maternal modern human capital (schooling, writing ability, and fluency in spoken Spanish), but male heights bore no association with parental height or with modern human capital. The absence of a secular change likely reflects the persistence of traditional forms of social organization and production that protect health.  相似文献   

Human capital, wealth, and nutrition in the Bolivian Amazon   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We analyze anthropometric variables of a society of forager-horticulturalists in the Bolivian Amazon (Tsimane') in 2001-2002. Community variables (e.g., inequality, social capital) explain little of the variance in anthropometric indices of nutritional status, but individual-level variables (schooling, wealth) are positively correlated with nutritional status. Dietary quality (foods high in animal proteins), access to foraging technology, and traditional knowledge of medicinal plants are related to better anthropometric indices.  相似文献   

Mate choice matters for inclusive fitness, household economic efficiency, assimilation, stratification, and economic inequalities in society. In positive assortative mating, people pair with someone who resembles them along a trait, whereas in negative assortative mating, people pair with someone who differs from them along a trait. In industrial nations, people tend to follow positive assortative mating for fundamental demographic dimensions (e.g., age, schooling) and might practice negative assortative mating for economic outcomes (e.g., earnings). Research on assortative mating has focused on industrial nations, generally compared only one trait between couples, and paid scant attention to the effects of assortative mating for offspring well-being. If assortative mating enhances inclusive fitness, it might also enhance offspring well-being. Drawing on data from a farming–foraging society in the Bolivian Amazon (Tsimane') that practices preferential cross-cousin marriage, we (a) identify six parental traits (age, knowledge, wealth, schooling, height, and smiles) for which Tsimane' might practice assortative mating and (b) test the hypothesis that assortative mating enhances offspring well-being. Proxies for offspring well-being include height and school attainment. Tsimane' resemble people of industrial nations in practicing mostly positive assortative mating. Pairwise, mother–father and Pearson correlations of age, schooling, and earnings among Tsimane' resemble correlations of industrial nations. Correlation coefficients for the six parental traits were far higher than correlations that might happened just by chance. We found weak support for the hypothesis that assortative mating improves offspring well-being.  相似文献   

The links between adult height and socioeconomic-political marginality are controversial. We test hypotheses by comparing secular trends between two groups of USA adult male citizens born during 1886-1930: (a) 9805 men surveyed in Puerto Rico during 1965 and (b) 3064 non-Hispanic Whites surveyed on the mainland during 1971-1975. Puerto Rico provides an apt case study because it is the oldest colony in the world and was the poorest region of the USA during the 20th century. During the period considered the average adult man in Puerto Rico was 164.8 cm tall, 8.3 cm shorter than the average adult man on the mainland (173.1cm). Both groups experienced secular improvements in height, with men on the mainland having higher rates than men in Puerto Rico. In neither case were results statistically significant. The modest changes in Puerto Rico likely reflect the offsetting role of improved health and a stagnant rural economy during the first half of the 20th century.  相似文献   

The Tsimane' Amazonian Panel Study (TAPS) is making available the first five years (2002-2006, inclusive) of annual socioeconomic, demographic, and anthropometric data available to the public. The information comes from a foraging-farming society of native Amazonians in Bolivia and includes 13 villages, 332 households, and 1985 people who have been tracked annually since 2002. The article provides a brief overview of the data covered and the steps needed to access the data.  相似文献   

The objective of these analyses was to estimate the strength and direction of secular trends in adult height and childhood socioeconomic circumstances in eight towns in three Eastern European countries in the mid-20th century, and to assess the extent to which childhood conditions might explain the height differences. We used cross-sectional data from the baseline survey of the Health, Alcohol and Psychosocial factors in Eastern Europe (HAPIEE) study, conducted in 2002-2005. The study examined 24,012 men and women born between 1933 and 1957, randomly selected from the general populations of Novosibirsk (Russia), Krakow (Poland) and six towns of the Czech Republic. To allow for age-related height loss we estimated maximum attained height. Parental education and household item ownership at age 10 were used as markers of childhood socioeconomic conditions. In all 5-year birth cohorts, Novosibirsk men and women were shortest. There were positive and statistically significant secular trends in childhood conditions and in maximum adult height. Adjustment for childhood conditions explained about one third of the trend in height. There appeared to be a small reduction in height of persons born during the Second World War which was, however, only significant in Novosibirsk. These results suggest that secular trends in height mirror, but are not wholly explained by, trends in socioeconomic circumstances in early life.  相似文献   

Trends in living standards during the Industrial Revolution is a core debate in economic history. Studies using anthropometric records from institutional sources have found downward trends in living standards during the first half of the nineteenth century. This paper contributes to this literature by utilising an overlooked source of middle and upper class anthropometric data: the height and weight of university students. Combined with more traditional anthropometric sources these data give us a snapshot into the range of living standards experienced by different sections of society in the United Kingdom. Our findings suggest that inequality was most pronounced in Ireland, followed by England. Height inequality in Scotland was still substantial, but somewhat lower in comparison.  相似文献   

The use of lizards as model organisms in ecological studies is based on their success in occupying a great diversity of habitats, and some species are closely tied to the environment, which is disadvantaged by the legislation of several countries concerning land use. Our aim was to relate lizard species distribution patterns in rainforest environments to variation in environmental gradients, and provide ecologically based metrics for establishing buffer zones around streams. Lizards were sampled three times in 41 standardised transects near Manaus, Brazil, only in dry season, with Time Limited Visual Search associated with raking through leaf litter. We recorded 20 species from 10 families and used non‐metric multidimensional scaling to reduce the dimensionality of quantitative and qualitative compositions of species. Multiple linear regression models indicated that the environmental gradients distance to nearest stream, extent of canopy openness, vegetation density and slope did not significantly influence assemblage species distribution, with an indication of effect of litter depth. By means of piecewise linear regression, the use of riparian zone was estimated at ~190 m from quantitative species composition and ~211 m from qualitative species composition. Five species occurred only in the riparian zone. Our results suggest that conservation of the entire riparian lizard assemblage in Amazonian rainforest is likely to require protection of at least a 211 m buffer on either side of streams.  相似文献   

Water depth in the Amazon basin can differ by more than 11 m between low and high water periods in the annual cycle. When the water is high, the forest streams inundate the surrounding low-lying forest creating vast lakes. Where the water originates from the forest it is rich in humic acids and low in dissolved nutrients. Such waters are termed blackwaters. Igapó is the specialized inundation forest of blackwater regions. Until recently it was generally held that the blackwater fauna was impoverished and of low biomass. However, recent studies have shown that these waters hold a specialized fauna living within and upon allochthonous input from the forest. Within submerged litter banks a diverse ichthyofauna forming dense local populations has been found.
Information on the spatial organization, population density and food web of this fauna will be presented. It is argued that this community is highly vulnerable to deforestation and its long-term future can only be assured if the forest is conserved. This is not to suggest that these fish are not adaptable to disturbance as the community has evolved to live with changing water levels and the loss of submerged wood and leaf-litter habitat. It is a remarkable example of a climax community exhibiting high diversity and low total population sizes within a variable habitat. Its conservation is of economic importance to the local human population whose diet includes a high proportion of fish.  相似文献   

A case-control study on the morbidity of Chagas heart disease was carried out in the municipality of Barcelos in the microregion of the Rio Negro, state of Amazonas. One hundred and six individuals, who were serologically positive for Trypanosoma cruzi infection, as confirmed by at least two techniques with different principles, were matched according to age and sex with an equal number of seronegative individuals. The cases and controls were evaluated using an epidemiological questionnaire and clinical, electrocardiograph and echocardiograph examinations. In the seroepidemiological evaluation, 62% of the interviewees recognised triatomines and most of them confirmed that they had seen these insects in the piassava plantations of the riverside communities of the Negro River tributaries. Of the seropositive patients, 25.8% affirmed that they had been stung by the triatomines and 11.7% denied having been stung. The principal clinical manifestations of the seropositive individuals were palpitations, chest pain and dyspnoea upon effort. Cardiac auscultation revealed extrasystoles, bradycardia and systolic murmurs. The electrocardiographic alterations were ventricular extrasystoles, left and right bundle branch block, atrioventricular block and primary T wave alterations. The echocardiogram was altered in 22.6% of the seropositive individuals and in 8.5% of the seronegative individuals.  相似文献   

Our aim was to assess the effect of environmental factors on short temporal abundance variations of the two most abundant native rodents of agricultural agroecosystems, Akodon azarae and Calomys laucha. We conducted a 3‐year longitudinal sampling of rodents, and recorded meteorological data such as temperature and precipitation, predation rate by Leopardus geoffroyi, Tyto furcata and Athene cunicularia, vegetation cover and height, characteristics of cropfields and their borders. The effect of these factors on rodent abundance was evaluated through generalized linear mixed models. Abundance variations of both rodent species were explained by characteristics of both cropfields and their borders. At the studied temporal scale, meteorological variables did not have a direct effect on abundance variations, but probably influenced through vegetation characteristics and were expressed in seasonal variations. For A. azarae there was also an effect of predation by L. geoffroyi (positive) and T. furcata (negative), while predation by A. cunicularia did not contribute to explain abundance variations of any species.  相似文献   

Control of invasions is facilitated by their early detection, but this may be difficult when invasions are cryptic due to similarity between invaders and native species. Domesticated conspecifics offer an interesting example of cryptic invasions because they have the ability to hybridize with their native counterparts, and can thus facilitate the introgression of maladaptive genes. We assessed the cryptic invasion of escaped domestic American mink (Neovison vison) within their native range. Feral mink are a known alien invader in many parts of the world, but invasion of their native range is not well understood. We genetically profiled 233 captive domestic mink from different farms in Ontario, Canada and 299 free‐ranging mink from Ontario, and used assignments tests to ascertain genetic ancestries of free‐ranging animals. We found that 18% of free‐ranging mink were either escaped domestic animals or hybrids, and a tree regression showed that these domestic genotypes were most likely to occur south of a latitude of 43.13°N, within the distribution of mink farms in Ontario. Thus, domestic mink appear not to have established populations in Ontario in locations without fur farms. We suspect that maladaptation of domestic mink and outbreeding depression of hybrid and introgressed mink have limited their spread. Mink farm density and proximity to mink farms were not important predictors of domestic genotypes but rather, certain mink farms appeared to be important sources of escaped domestic animals. Our results show that not all mink farms are equal with respect to biosecurity, and thus that the spread of domestic genotypes can be mitigated by improved biosecurity.  相似文献   

Urban environments are warmer, have higher levels of atmospheric CO2 and have altered patterns of disturbance and precipitation than nearby rural areas. These differences can be important for plant growth and are likely to create distinct selective environments. We planted a common garden experiment with seeds collected from natural populations of the native annual plant Lepidium virginicum, growing in five urban and nearby rural areas in the northern United States to determine whether and how urban populations differ from those from surrounding rural areas. When grown in a common environment, plants grown from seeds collected from urban areas bolted sooner, grew larger, had fewer leaves, had an extended time between bolting and flowering, and produced more seeds than plants grown from seeds collected from rural areas. Interestingly, the rural populations exhibited larger phenotypic differences from one another than urban populations. Surprisingly, genomic data revealed that the majority of individuals in each of the urban populations were more closely related to individuals from other urban populations than they were to geographically proximate rural areas – the one exception being urban and rural populations from New York which were nearly identical. Taken together, our results suggest that selection in urban environments favors different traits than selection in rural environments and that these differences can drive adaptation and shape population structure.  相似文献   

Insect pest populations exhibit seasonal dynamics in response to changes in resource availability or other environmental factors such as climatic conditions, natural enemies, and intra‐ or interspecific competition. Understanding such dynamics is critical for developing effective integrated pest management strategies. The objective of the present study was to identify factors driving the seasonal decline of the tomato leafminer, Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), in the shifting landscape of a vegetable‐growing area in Senegal. A set of 42 tomato fields was monitored for the number of T. absoluta adults caught in pheromone traps and for the incidence of larvae, during 5 months from June to November 2016 in the Niayes area (Senegal). The surface of solanaceous host crops, climatic conditions, and abundance of natural enemies were also monitored. A drastic decline in T. absoluta abundance was observed during the rainy season. The decrease in resource availability, especially tomato crops, in the surrounding landscape of monitored fields was the main factor affecting the population dynamics during the rainy season. However, alternative host crops such as eggplant and Ethiopian eggplant, can provide ‘reservoirs’ for residual populations of the pest. For applied purpose, it would be interesting to focus the management efforts on residual populations during the rainy season, to make more difficult the reconstitution of populations during the dry season.  相似文献   

Alnus acuminata is a keystone tree species in the Yungas forests and host to a wide range of fungal symbionts. While species distribution models (SDMs) are routinely used for plants and animals to study the effects of climate change on montane forest communities, employing SDMs in fungi has been hindered by the lack of data on their geographic distribution. The well‐known host specificity and common biogeographic history of A. acuminata and associated ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi provide an exceptional opportunity to model the potential habitat for this symbiotic assemblage and to predict possible climate‐driven changes in the future. We (1) modeled the present and future distributions of suitable habitats for A. acuminata; (2) characterized fungal communities in different altitudinal zones of the Yungas using DNA metabarcoding of soil and root samples; and (3) selected fungi that were significant indicators of Alnus. Fungal communities were strongly structured according to altitudinal forest types and the presence of Alnus. Fungal indicators of Alnus, particularly ECM and root endophytic fungi, were also detected in Alnus roots. Current and future (year 2050) habitat models developed for A. acuminata predict a 25–50 percent decrease in suitable area and an upslope shift of the suitable habitat by ca. 184–380 m, depending on the climate change scenario. Although A. acuminata is considered to be an effective disperser, recent studies suggest that Andean grasslands are remarkably resistant to forest invasion, and future range contraction for A. acuminata may be even more pronounced than predicted by our models.  相似文献   

Most medicinal plants used against malaria in endemic areas aim to treat the acute symptoms of the disease such as high temperature fevers with periodicity and chills. In some endemic areas of the Brazilian Amazon region one medicinal plant seems to be an exception: Ampelozyziphus amazonicus, locally named “Indian beer” or “Saracura-mira”, used to prevent the disease when taken daily as a cold suspension of powdered dried roots. In previous work we found no activity of the plant extracts against malaria blood parasites in experimentally infected animals (mice and chickens) or in cultures of Plasmodium falciparum. However, in infections induced by sporozoites, chickens treated with plant extracts were partially protected against Plasmodium gallinaceum and showed reduced numbers of exoerythrocytic forms in the brain. We now present stronger evidence that the ethanolic extract of “Indian beer” roots hampers in vitro and in vivo development of Plasmodium berghei sporozoites, a rodent malaria parasite. Some mice treated with high doses of the plant extract did not become infected after sporozoite inoculation, whereas others had a delayed prepatent period and lower parasitemia. Our data validates the use of “Indian beer” as a remedy for malaria prophylaxis in the Amazon, where the plant exists and the disease represents an important problem which is difficult to control. Studies aiming to identify the active compounds responsible for the herein described causal prophylactic activity are needed and may lead to a new antimalarial prophylactic.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a 14-year study about the diet of the Sacred ibis in its main introduction area in France and its impact on native bird species, and compares the data to literature from its native area. During an initial period (1993–2004), the diet was essentially composed of invertebrates such as common aquatic insects (correlated with flooding) or Eristalis larvae picked from the mud (a vacant food niche in France), while scraps of meat taken from rubbish dumps were minor. These traditional preys taken from the same ecosystems as in its native area did not result in an exponential increase of the number of breeding Sacred ibises. Invasive Red swamp crayfish recently replaced other foods in its diet with a resulting sharp increase in breeding pair numbers (R2 = 0.48). As in other parts of the world, vertebrates constituted very accidental preys, and no bird species were really threatened by such predation. Conversely, the Sacred ibis can have a positive effect as a predator of invasive crayfish. Adding the species to the DAISIE list of the 100 most invasive alien species in Europe therefore appears debatable.  相似文献   

Trophic niche overlap in native and alien fish species can lead to competitive interactions whereby non‐native fishes outcompete indigenous individuals and eventually affect the viability of natural populations. The species Erythroculter mongolicus and Erythroculter ilishaeformis (belonging to the Culterinae), which are two commercially important fish species in the backwater bay of the Pengxi River in the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR), were threatened by competition from the non‐native Coilia ectenes (lake anchovy). The latter is an alien species introduced into the lower reaches of the Yangtze River in China and now widespread in the TGR. The trophic consequences of non‐native lake anchovy invasion for E. mongolicus and E. ilishaeformis were assessed using stable isotope analysis (δ13C and δ15N) and associated metrics including the isotopic niche, measured as the standard ellipse area. The trophic niche of native E. mongolicus had little overlap (<15%) with the alien fish species and was significantly reduced in size after invasion by lake anchovy. This suggests that E. mongolicus shifted to a more specialized diet after invasion by lake anchovy. In contrast, the trophic niche overlap of native fish E. ilishaeformis with the alien fish species was larger (>50%) and the niche was obviously increased, implying that fish in this species exploited a wider dietary base to maintain their energetic requirements. Thus, marked changes for the native E. mongolicus and E. ilishaeformis were detected as the trophic consequences of invasion of non‐native lake anchovy.  相似文献   

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