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本文报道脊腰茧蜂属CentistideaRohwer (膜翅目 :茧蜂科 :奇脉茧蜂亚科 ) 3种 ,其中包括 1新种———粗脊腰茧蜂C .immitisWuetChen和 1中国分布新记录———断脊腰茧蜂C .irruptor (Papp) ,并附检索表。新种模式标本保存在福建农业大学益虫研究室。  相似文献   

报道奇脉茧蜂属Mirax Haliday(膜翅目:茧蜂科:奇脉茧蜂亚科)1新种,共和奇脉奇蜂Mirax gonghenensis sp.nov。并建立了本属已知3个中国种类的检索表,新种模式标本保存于福建农业大学益虫研究室。  相似文献   

湖南省节甲茧蜂属二新种(膜翅目:茧蜂科, 甲腹茧蜂亚科)   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
游兰韶  周至宏 《昆虫学报》1991,34(2):225-229
本文报道湖南省节甲茧蜂属 Sigalphus Latreille,1802两新种。节甲茧蜂属隶茧蜂科,甲腹茧蜂亚科 Chloninae(Shenefelt,1973),该属在我国为首次记录。主要特征是头横置,下颚须4节;胸部粗壮,不宽于头,中胸盾片盾纵沟深;前翅肘室3个,径脉终止在翅尖端之前,第2肘室矩形,肘脉自基脉伸出,迥脉前叉式,小脉后叉式,前翅臀叶基部具横脉,后翅径室横脉弱;腹部长于头胸之和,3节,第1、2节背板之间能活动,第3背板侧缘后方有2齿状突;产卵管短。该属已知7种,分布在新北区(美国)1种、非洲区(马达加  相似文献   

毛室茧蜂属LeiophronNees是茧蜂科优茧蜂亚科中1个较大的属,含3个亚属啮虫茧蜂亚属EuphoriellaAshmead,拟优茧蜂亚属EuphorianaGahan和毛室茧蜂亚属Leiophrons.s,寄生于半翅目和啮虫目的若虫。本文对毛室茧蜂属的中国种类进行了研究,共报道7种,其中5种为已知种程氏毛室茧蜂L.(Euphoriana)chengiChen&vanAchterberg,1997、狭翅毛室茧蜂L.(L.)bounluoicaBelokobylskij,1993、黄体毛室茧蜂L.(L.)flavicorpusChen&vanAchterberg,1997、红头毛室茧蜂L.(L.)ruficephalusChen&vanAchterberg,1997和细毛室茧蜂L.(L.)subtilisChen&vanAchterberg;2种为新种大头毛室茧蜂L.(E.)amplicaptis,sp.nov.和伊春毛室茧蜂L.(L.)yichunensis,sp.nov.。研究标本(包括模式标本)保存在浙江大学应用昆虫研究所寄生蜂标本室。 1.大头毛室茧蜂Leiophron(Euphoriana)amplicaptis,新种(图1~5)   本种与程氏毛室茧蜂L.(E.)chengiChen&vanAchterberg,1997相似,但前翅1-SR+M、m-cu、2-Cu1、2-M和2-SR脉缺,基节前沟缺,盾纵沟存在,浅,腹部第1背板具纵刻纹,触角15节,脸宽为高的1.1倍及体较小等特征可与后者相区别。   研究标本正模,♀,吉林通化,1994-Ⅷ-01,娄巨贤,no.976813。 2.伊春毛室茧蜂Leiophron(Leiophron)yichunensis,新种(图6~10)   本种与黄体毛室茧蜂L.(L.)flavicorpusChen&vanAchterberg,1997相似,但本种前翅SR1和2-SR脉出自翅痣同一地点、唇基腹缘明显突出、盾纵沟区域光滑、腹部第1节背板长为端宽的3.1倍等特征可与后者相区别。   研究标本正模,♀,黑龙江伊春,1994-Ⅶ-19~26,娄巨贤,no.952676。副模1♂,采集记录同正模,no.952608。  相似文献   

记述了采自黑龙江、吉林、辽宁和湖北省小腹茧蜂属M.icrogaster Latreille,18042新种,短管小腹茧蜂M.breviterebrae sp.nov.和长距小腹茧蜂M.longicalcar sp.nov.。短管小腹茧蜂M.breviterebrae sp.nov.(♀)与M.grandis相似,但以下特征可以区别:1)翅痣下方具暗斑(后者无);2)触角端前节长为宽的1.2倍(后者为2倍);3)头顶光滑(后者具皱纹);4)腹部第3背板光滑(后者具皱状刻点);5)后足胫节黑色(后者红黄色)。采自黑龙江镜泊湖、吉林长春、辽宁(阜新、大连、沈阳)。长距小腹茧蜂M.longicalcar sp.nov.(♀)与短管小腹茧蜂M.breviterebrae sp.nov.相似,但以下特征可以区别:1)1—RS脉长为1—M脉1/2(后者为1/3);2)r脉与翅痣宽等长(后者明显短于翅痣宽);3)后足胫节内距长为基跗节6/7(后者为1/2);4)产卵管鞘长为后足胫节1/2(后者为1/3);5)前后单眼间距与单眼直径等长(后者短于单眼直径)。采自湖北房县。本文附中国小腹茧蜂属分种检索表。模式标本均保存在浙江大学植保系寄生蜂标本室。  相似文献   

本文报道我国悦茧蜂亚科Charmontinae悦茧蜂属Charmon1新种(红胸悦茧蜂C.rufithoraxsp.nov)和2新种记录种(血色悦茧蜂C.cruentatusHaliday,长管悦茧蜂C.extensor(Linnaeus)。新种模式标本存浙江农业大学。  相似文献   

陈家骅  杨建全 《昆虫学报》1999,42(4):418-421
记述了窄径茧蜂亚科Agathidinae的中国大陆一新记录属-全脉茧蜂属Earinus Wesmael及该属已知分布于福建省武夷山的一新种-武夷全脉茧蜂Earinus wuyiensis Chen et Yang, 并建立了该属中国已知3种的分种检索表。新种模式标本保存于福建农业大学植物保护系益虫研究室。  相似文献   

本文报道了10种寄生于中国林木害虫的脊茧蜂Aleiodes Wesmael,其中有3个新种:角脉脊茧蜂A. angulinervis sp. nov.、油桐尺蠖脊茧蜂A. buzurae sp. nov.、乌桕毛虫脊茧蜂A. cuproetis sp. nov.;4个中国新记录:舟蛾脊茧蜂A. drymoniae(Watanabe)、夜蛾脊茧蜂A.nocturnus(Telenga)、白脊茧蜂A.pallidotor(Thunberg)、硕脊茧蜂A.praetor(Reinhard);此外3个已知种为:松毛虫脊茧蜂A.dendrolimi(Matsumura)、桑尺蠖脊茧蜂A.iaponicus(Ashmead)、毒蛾脊茧蜂A.lymantriae(Watanabe)。对新种作了全面的描述,并附有特征图、寄主及分布等情况。文中还附有一鉴别此10种的检索表。  相似文献   

热茧蜂属Tropobracon Cameron是1个小型属,过去全世界已知5种。本文报道了我国发现的1个新种——黑热茧蜂T.niger,sp.nov.,并建立了该属中国已知3种的分种检索表。新种模式标本保存于福建农林大学植物保护学院益虫研究室。黑热茧蜂Tropobracon niger,新种(图1~8) 本新种与三化螟热茧蜂Tropobracon luteus Cameron,1905较接近,但前者的1)后翅1-SC+R脉宽度明显比1r-m脉窄(图1);2)头部光滑,后头强度凹入(图8);3)中胸盾片中前方无1条短沟(图6);4)体大多黑色,头部及胸部部分红褐色;5)复眼长为上颊长的1.8倍(图8),颚眼距长为上颚基宽的2.3倍(图3)等特征可与之区别。正模:♀,福建沙县洋坊,1981-Ⅺ-17,黄居昌采:副模:3♀♀,同正模。  相似文献   

本文报道采自广西和江西的绒茧蜂属二新种。模式标本存于湖南农学院昆虫标本室。1.黄足绒茧蜂Apanteles vitellinipes,新种(图1~4) 雌 体黑色。触角柄节、梗节、下颚须、翅基片、足(包括基节)、腹部第一背板基部凹陷部分、第1~3背板侧膜边缘和产卵管黄色;触角鞭节、前翅前缘脉、翅痣、痣后脉、产卵管鞘深褐色;其它翅脉褐色。  相似文献   

A braconid parasitoid Heterospilus prosopidis was contaminated with either Colletotrichum coffeanum or C. gloeosporioides, causal agents of coffee berry disease and mango anthracnose respectively. Adult parasitoids could collect wetted and unwetted spores of both pathogens on their bodies. Viable spores were recovered in washings from these insects 10 days after infestation. Wetted spores of both species of pathogen had lower viability on the parasitoid's body than unwetted spores, probably because of the loss of the mucilage coating which protects against desiccation. The results suggest that the use of a related parasitoid, H. coffeicola, in biological control against the coffee berry borer, Hypothenemus hampei could pose a phytosanitary risk.  相似文献   

The genetic variation of sex ratio and sex allocation were examined in a series of half-sib analyses on the sex ratio of braconid parasitoid wasp Heterospilus prosopidis populations collected in Hawaii and Arizona. The mean threshold value and the range of the threshold for change in the sex of offspring in response to resource quality (host size) were determined. Estimates of the narrow-sense heritability (h2) of sex ratio at a specific host size ranged from 0.185 to 0.315, and those of the sex changing point (threshold value) ranged from 0.220 to 0.342. The coefficient of variation (CV(A)) of sex ratio was significantly larger than CV(A) of body weight. We discuss factors that maintained the significant additive genetic variation of sex ratio.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Two species of parasitoids (Anisopteromalus calandrae (Howard) and Heterospilus prosopidis Vier) attacking the bruchid beetle, Callosobruchus chinensis (L.), show marked inverse density dependent relationships between per cent parasitism and host density per patch.
2. These patterns are well described quantitatively using data on the spatial distribution of searching time by the parasitoids and their attack rates on patches of different host density.
3. A model of optimal foraging predicts just the opposite (i.e. density dependent) patterns of parasitism.
4. Both density dependent and inversely density dependent spatial patterns of parasitism can be explained mechanistically in terms of (a) the allocation of searching time in patches of different host density and (b) the maximum attack rate per parasitoid that constrains the extent of host exploitation within a patch.  相似文献   

Wu Z  Hopper KR  Ode PJ  Fuester RW  Tuda M  Heimpel GE 《Heredity》2005,95(3):228-234
In the haplodiploid Hymenoptera, haploid males arise from unfertilized eggs, receiving a single set of maternal chromosomes while diploid females arise from fertilized eggs and receive both maternal and paternal chromosomes. Under single-locus complementary sex determination (sl-CSD), sex is determined by multiple alleles at a single locus. Sex locus heterozygotes develop as females, while hemizygous and homozygous eggs develop as haploid and diploid males, respectively. Diploid males, which are inviable or sterile in almost all cases studied, are therefore produced in high frequency under inbreeding or in populations with low sex allele diversity. CSD is considered to be the ancestral form of sex determination within the Hymenoptera because members of the most basal taxa have CSD while some of the more derived groups have other mechanisms of sex determination that produce the haplo-diploid pattern without penalizing inbreeding. In this study, we investigated sex determination in Heterospilus prosopidis Viereck, a parasitoid from a relatively primitive subfamily of the Braconidae, a hymenopteran family having species with and without CSD. By comparing sex ratio and mortality patterns produced by inbred and outbred females, we were able to rule out sl-CSD as a sex determination mechanism in this species. The absence of sl-CSD in H. prosopidis was unexpected given its basal phylogenetic position in the Braconidae. This and other recent studies suggest that sex determination systems in the Hymenoptera may be evolutionary labile.  相似文献   

The effects of spatial structure in terms of local capacity, or the maximum number of larvae surviving competition at resource patches, and temporal structure in terms of the period vulnerable to parasitoid attack in host populations on the persistence of host-parasitoid systems were quantitatively evaluated by laboratory experiments and well-parameterized model analyses. One of two bruchid beetles,Callosobruchus maculatus andC. phaseoli, were used as a host with Heterospilus prosopidis used as the parasitoid.C. maculatus, in which few larvae survive competition to become adults in each bean, andC. phaseoli, in which many larvae become adults in each bean, along with two kinds of beans, the mung and the azuki, were combined to construct four (2×2) resource-herbivorous host-parasitoid systems that differed in local capacity and vulnerable period. The mung-C. maculatus system with the parasitoid was the most persistent, i.e., took the longest time for extinction of either the host or parasitoid to occur. Since this resource-herbivorous host combination exhibited the lowest local capacity and the shortest vulnerable period, these two conditions possibly promoted the persistence of the system. A model incorporating the host population structure supported the observed persistence. Furthermore, the possible contribution of the timing of density-dependent competition of the host on the host-parasitoid persistence is predicted.  相似文献   

Detailed venom reservoir and venom gland intima morphology has been investigated in reprsentatives of 84 genera and 10 subfamilies of Braconidae with particular reference to the Doryctinac, basal cyclostomes and related groups including the Opiinae, Alysiinae and Rogadinae sens. lat . Several new phylogenetically significant characters are described and illustrated. Extcnsivc secretory ductules on the primary venom duct is suggested as a synapomorphy for the subfamilies Braconinac, Doryctinae, Opiinae, Alysiinae and Gnamptodontinae. The presence of two separate venom gland insertions and their position beyond the spiral sculpture of the reservoir are suggested as synapomorphies for the subfamilies Doryctinae and Ypsistocerinac. An anterior, weakly sclerotized, probably glandular. expansion of the reservoir characterizes the Histeromerinae and Rhyssalinae and also the enigmatic genera Thoracoplites Fischer and Doryctomorpha Ashmead which are hcre transferred to the Rhyssalinae. Within the Doryctinac, venom reservoir morphology suggests three generic groups, one comprising the genera of the Odontohraconini and possibly also the genera Acanthodoryctes , Binareu and Monarea , all of which have an essentially undivided reservoir with extremely fine and uniform spiral sculpture. the second comprising the genera Doryctophasmus , Euscelinus, Gildoria, Halycea and Schlettereriella , which share horn-like processes at the base of the venom duct insertions, and a third including Acrophasmus. Dendro- soter, Heterospilus, Megaloproctus, Rutheia, Paraspathius, Schlettereriella. Spathius and Syngaster based on the presence of two markedly different densities of annulation of the reservoir. The degree to which external and other characters support these groups is discusscd.  相似文献   

We tested experimentally the effects of genetic variation in host population on the host-parasitoid system persistence. The experimental systems consisted of one parasitoid wasp species (Heterospilus prosopidis), one bean weevil species (Callosobruchus chinensis), and one bean species, of which only the host species (bean weevil) was genetically manipulated. As control treatments with low genetic heterogeneity in the host population, we used two bean weevil strains (Kyoto and Niigata strains) which have several contrasting ecological traits. For the high genetic heterogeneity treatment, hybrid bean weevils which were generated by crossbreeding the strains Kyoto and Niigata were used. In the multiple-generation experiments, all three treatments had different patterns of extinction. The control treatment with the Niigata strain was very prone to system extinction, whereas the treatment with hybrids showed coexistence of constituent species in almost all replicates and also showed stabilized population dynamics. The other control treatment, using the Kyoto strain, showed intermediate proneness. To interpret the results of multiple-generation experiments, we conducted several short-term experiments. The different persistence patterns between the two control treatments were explained by the shapes of the host-finding abilities of wasps and the growth rate of the bean weevils. The mean values of many ecological traits of hybrid lines were not different from those of the Kyoto strain, but their variability increased. These outcomes corresponded well to the prediction of models by Doebeli [J Theor Biol (1997) 188:109–120]. We discuss the mechanisms in which the variability in host species population was effective for the prolonged system persistence.  相似文献   

In an insect host (the cowpea weevilCallosobruchus maculatus)- parasitoidHeterospilus prosopidis) experimental system, the population densities of the component species oscillated for the first 20 generations and then abruptly stabilized as the parasitoid density decreased. Examination of the host and parasitoid after the 40th generation in the long-term experiment showed that (1) host larvae exhibited contest-type competition (killing other larvae inhabiting the same bean), in contrast to the founder population being scramble-type competitors and (2) the parasitoid attack rate on the host did not change. There was also an evolutionary trade-off between body size and the rates of larval survival and development, suggesting a cost of contest competition on larval survivorship and development. I tested model predictions (Tuda and Iwasa 1998) that (1) host equilibrium population size should gradually decrease as the proportion of the contest type increases and that (2) random attacks of the parasitoid on the host should reduce the rate of increase in proportion of the contest type, and the effect should become manifest especially during the first 20 generations. Two of three host-only replicates showed significant decrease in population sizes. Although the density of emerging adults per bean did not differ between replicates of the host-only and host-parasitoid systems, comparison of the host body size between them on day 270 (at the 13th generation) showed that the host was more contest-type in the host-only system than in the host-parasitoid system, as the model predicted, and later on day 650 the effect of the parasitoid had disappeared.  相似文献   

Sex ratio manipulation by ovipositing females was surveyed in 3 solitary ectoparastic wasp species,Dinarmus basalis (Pteromalidae),Anisopteromalus calanrae (Pteromalidae), andHeterospilus prosopidis (Braconidae), that parasitize azuki bean weevil (Callosobruchus chinensis (L) (Coleoptera: Buruchidae)) larvae within azuki beans (Vigna angularis). Variables were local mate competition (LMC) and host quality (HQ). We used host age as a measure of host quality (from 9-to 16-day-old hosts), changed the number of ovipositing females to control the level of local mate competition (1 female and 10 females), and examined oviposition patterns of the wasps. The offspring sex ratios (proportion of females) of the 3 wasp species respond qualitatively same to HQ and LMC. The common qualitative tendency among the 3 species is an increase of sex ratios increase with host age. In the process of changing the sex ratio (9–13-day-old) 3 wasp species respond only to HQ. In the hosts that end development in size (14–16-day-old) wasps respond to LMC. The response of sex ratio change to LMC in the old host ageclasses are different among the 3 species. In the situation that there exists LMC (10 females) sex ratios are the same among the 3 wasps. However, the sex ratios in no LMC (single female) are heterogeneous among the 3 wasps.  相似文献   

Among many stabilizing factors for community dynamics, nonlinear biological interactions such as type III functional response have been widely considered to be major characteristics. However, most experimental biological communities employed so far had quite simple structures. Therefore, the possibility that the conclusions in earlier studies were dependent on simple community structure is undeniable. In this study, using a multiple-species experimental community, we evaluated which combinations of component species and what kinds of interspecific interactions allow communities to persist and how these contribute to community persistence. We conducted experimental communities using two species of beans, the adzuki bean (Vigna angularis) and the red kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), two species of bean weevils, the Mexican bean weevil (Zabrotes subfasciatus, Coleoptera: Bruchidae) and adzuki bean weevil (Callosobruchus chinensis, Coleoptera: Bruchidae), and two species of parasitic wasp, Heterospilus prosopidis (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) and Anisopteromalus calandrae (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae). The outcome of multiple-generation experimental communities was explained by the characteristics of component species obtained from short-term experiments. In our two resources–two herbivores–one carnivore system, the strong density-dependent attack ability of one parasitic wasp species (A. calandrae) led to the extinction of C. chinensis. On the other hand, the weak density-dependent attack ability of the other parasitic wasp species (H. prosopidis) led to system persistence. Our overall results show that, in a multiple-species community, the combination of species itself is more important for community persistence than are the characteristics of the particular species. Received: September 29, 1997 / Accepted: October 5, 1998  相似文献   

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