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The Saint Petersburg Society of Naturalists has reinstated the Alexander O. Kowalevsky Medal. This article announces the winners of the first medals and briefly reviews the achievements of A.O. Kowalevsky, the Russian comparative embryologist whose studies on amphioxus, tunicates and germ layer homologies pioneered evolutionary embryology and confirmed the evolutionary continuity between invertebrates and vertebrates. In re-establishing this international award, the Society is pleased to recognize both the present awardees and the memory of Kowalevsky, whose work pointed to that we now call evolutionary developmental biology.  相似文献   

基因组学研究随着模式生物基因组全序列测定的完成由结构基因组学阶段发展到功能基因组学阶段,基因组学成为当今最为活跃、最有影响的前沿学科.以结构基因组学的研究成果为基础,功能基因组学中各学科因其原理不同及其关键技术的特点和优势,具有各自的应用范畴和发展趋势.功能基因组学不断渗透入现代科学的各领域,促成了适用于不同研究目的新兴学科的诞生.  相似文献   

In this review, we discuss the effect of increased and decreased loading and nutrition deficiency on muscle and bone mass and strength (and bone length and architecture) independently and combined. Both exercise and nutrition are integral components of the mechanostat model but both have distinctly different roles. Mechanical strain imparted by muscle action is responsible for the development of the external size and shape of the bone and subsequently the bone strength. In contrast, immobilization during growth results in reduced growth in bone length and a loss of bone strength due to large losses in bone mass (a result of endosteal resorption in cortical bone and trabecular thinning) and changes in geometry (bone shafts do not develop their characteristic shape but rather develop a rounded default shape). The use of surrogate measures for peak muscle forces acting on bone (muscle strength, size, or mass) limits our ability to confirm a cause-and-effect relationship between peak muscle force acting on bone and changes in bone strength. However, the examples presented in this review support the notion that under adequate nutrition, exercise has the potential to increase peak muscle forces acting on bone and thus can lead to a proportional increase in bone strength. In contrast, nutrition alone does not influence muscle or bone in a dose-dependent manner. Muscle and bone are only influenced when there is nutritional deficiency--and in this case the effect is profound. Similar to immobilization, the immediate effect of malnutrition is a reduction in longitudinal growth. More specifically, protein and energy malnutrition results in massive bone loss due to endosteal resorption in cortical bone and trabecular thinning. Unlike loading however, there is indirect evidence that severe malnutrition when associated with menstrual dysfunction can shift the mechanostat set point upward, thus leading to less bone accrual for a given amount of bone strain.  相似文献   

Introduction: From the "New Ecology" to the New Ecologies   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
An earlier ecological anthropology defined its project within the compass of the idealism v. materialism debate. Culture was an adaptive tool, instrumental rather than formal; it was intelligible with respect to its material effects, not—as the idealists would maintain—in terms of itself, as an autonomous, self-determining order of reality. This argument was mounted with respect to bounded, stable, self-regulating, local, or at best regional entities and the environment they inhabited. All of the premises of the earlier ecology have since been challenged, and today's ecologies—symbolic, historical, and political—radically depart from the reductions and elisions of the ecological anthropology of the past. In particular, the new ecologies override the dichotomies that informed and enlivened the debates of the past—nature/culture, idealism/materialism—and they are informed by the literature on transnationalist flows and local-global articulations. This introduction positions Rappaport's work within this historical shift from a polarized field of mutually exclusive frameworks to today's synthetic new ecologies and their antireductive materialism. Rappaport's work, produced over three decades, serves, in and through its own transformations, as a bridge between the reductive materialism of the past and a new-materialist ecology. [Rappaport, ecological anthropology, materialism v. idealism, the new materialism]  相似文献   

In the last ten years research in vaccinology has been developed in the world to conceive new vaccine approaches against infections like HIV/AIDS. Jean-Gérard Guillet is a pioneer in the development of new vaccine strategies. From the first results he obtained in the late 80's on the presentation of antigenic peptides to T cells, he axed his work on the study of induction mechanisms of T cell mediated immune responses. The selection of antigenic peptides and the search to enhance antigen immunogenicity led him to elaborate lipopeptides as new vaccine formulae. The efficacy of these preparations was tested in animal models (mouse, macaque) and, thereafter, in humans with clinical trials promoted by the French National Agency for AIDS and viral hepatitis (ANRS). The study of T-cell induced responses in vaccinated volunteers was implemented following the creation of two facilities, an immuno-monitoring platform and the Clinical Investigation Centre Cochin-Pasteur, a structure specialized in vaccinology.  相似文献   

Recent literature on the role of pictorial representation in the life sciences has focused on the relationship between detailed representations of empirical data and more abstract, formal representations of theory. The standard argument is that in both a historical and epistemic sense, this relationship is a directional one: beginning with raw, unmediated images and moving towards diagrams that are more interpreted and more theoretically rich. Using the neural network diagrams of Warren McCulloch and Walter Pitts as a case study, I argue that while in the empirical sciences, pictorial representation tends to move from data to theory, in areas of the life sciences that are predominantly theoretical, when abstraction occurs at the outset, the relationship between detail and abstraction in pictorial representations can be of a different character.  相似文献   

Nowadays, the focus of developmental studies is shifting away from formal models of developmental pathways that are characterised by flow charts of controlling factors connected by arrows, to mechanistic models that explain developmental processes at the cellular level. Surprisingly, this shift towards a cellular view of developmental biology is occurring simultaneously across a range of model organisms. One consequence of taking such a cell biological view of development is that many model organisms are now becoming good models for studies of human disease and therapy.  相似文献   

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