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ZUSAMMENFASSUNG. Die Reduktionsgeschwindigkeit künstlicher Elektronenakzeptoren wurde mittels einer modifizierten Thunbergtechnik in Gegenwart isolierter Mitochondrien des Protisten Acanthamoeba castellanii Neff photometrisch gemessen. Die mit verschiedenen Elektronenakzeptoren und Atmungsketteninhibitoren gewonnenen Meßergebnisse erlauben uns folgendes Bild von der Konstitution der Atmungskette zu entwerfen: a) Der Elektronentransport läuft mindestens bis zum Cytochrom b /Coenzym Q-Komplex auf zwei verschiedenen Wegen ab. b) Eine Stimulierung sowohl des Succinat-Jodnitrotetrazolium-chlorid als auch des NADH-Ferricyanid Reduktasekomplexes unter dem Einfluß von Antimycin A läßt vermuten, daß in der Atmungskette dieses Protisten gewisse Nebengleise des Elektronentransports besonders gangbar sind.
SYNOPSIS. The reduction of artificial electron acceptors by isolated mitochondria of Acanthamoeba castellanii was measured by a modified Thunberg technic. The results with different electron acceptors and respiratory chain inhibitors suggest the following scheme for the constitution of the respiratory chain: a) the chain is divided into 2 different sequences, at least up to the cytochrome b /coenzyme Q complex. b) As seen from the stimulation of the succinate-iodonitrotetrazolium chloride and NADH-ferricyanide reductase complexes by antimycin A, certain alternate pathways of electron transport become more important than the normal one.  相似文献   

The steady-state activity of the two quinol-oxidizing pathways of Acanthamoeba castellanii mitochondria, the phosphorylating cytochrome pathway (i.e. the benzohydroxamate(BHAM)-resistant respiration in state 3) and the alternative oxidase (i.e. the KCN-resistant respiration), is shown to be fixed by ubiquinone (Q) pool redox state independently of the reducing substrate (succinate or exogenous reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH)), indicating that the active Q pool is homogenous. For both pathways, activity increases with the Q reduction level (up to 80%). However, the cytochrome pathway respiration partially inhibited (about 50%) by myxothiazol decreases when the Q reduction level increases above 80%. The decrease can be explained by the Q cycle mechanism of complex III. It is also shown that BHAM has an influence on the relationship between the rate of ADP phosphorylation and the Q reduction level when alternative oxidase is active, and that KCN has an influence on the relationship between the alternative oxidase activity and the Q reduction level. These unexpected effects of BHAM and KCN observed at a given Q reduction level are likely due to functional connections between the two pathways activities or to protein–protein interaction.  相似文献   

呼吸链电子漏在细胞凋亡中的作用   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
实验证明细胞色素c具有很强的抗氧化功能,在线粒体中氧化态的细胞色素c直接清除O2·-,还原态的细胞色素c清除H2O2.由于呼吸链传递电子合成ATP的同时,总有少部分电子从呼吸链底物端的复合物Ⅰ和Ⅲ漏出,而且漏出的电子首先使氧分子还原成O2·- ,然后O2·-歧化成H2O2,所以细胞色素c清除O2·-和H2O2的功能使呼吸链出现了两条电子漏旁路.细胞色素c通过这两条电子漏路径实现其控制线粒体中O2·-和H2O2水平的功能.根据两条电子漏旁路都是O2·-代谢路径的事实,引进了线粒体自由基代谢的概念,并从自由基代谢失调的角度探讨了呼吸链电子漏在细胞凋亡中的作用.  相似文献   

In rat liver mitochondria all nucleoside diphosphate kinase of the outer compartment is associated with the outer surface of the outer membrane (Lipskaya, T. Yu., and Plakida, K. N. (2003) Biochemistry (Moscow), 68, 1136-1144). In the present study, three systems operating as ADP donors for oxidative phosphorylation have been investigated. The outer membrane bound nucleoside diphosphate kinase was the first system tested. Two others employed yeast hexokinase and yeast nucleoside diphosphate kinase. The two enzymes exhibited the same activity but could not bind to mitochondrial membranes. In all three systems, muscle creatine phosphokinase was the external agent competing with the oxidative phosphorylation system for ADP. Determination of mitochondrial respiration rate in the presence of increasing quantities of creatine phosphokinase revealed that at large excess of creatine phosphokinase activity over other kinase activities (of the three systems tested) and oxidative phosphorylation the creatine phosphokinase reaction reached a quasi-equilibrium state. Under these conditions equilibrium concentrations of all creatine phosphokinase substrates were determined and K(eq)app of this reaction was calculated for the system with yeast hexokinase. In samples containing active mitochondrial nucleoside diphosphate kinase the concentrations of ATP, creatine, and phosphocreatine were determined and the quasi-equilibrium concentration of ADP was calculated using the K(eq)app value. At balance of quasi-equilibrium concentrations of ADP and ATP/ADP ratio the mitochondrial respiration rate in the system containing nucleoside diphosphate kinase was 21% of the respiration rate assayed in the absence of creatine phosphokinase; in the system containing yeast hexokinase this parameter was only 7% of the respiration rate assayed in the absence of creatine phosphokinase. Substitution of mitochondrial nucleoside diphosphate kinase with yeast nucleoside diphosphate kinase abolished this difference. It is concluded that oxidative phosphorylation is accompanied by appearance of functional coupling between mitochondrial nucleoside diphosphate kinase and the oxidative phosphorylation system. Possible mechanisms of this coupling are discussed.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial calcium uniporter behaves as a cooperative mechanism, where the velocity is dependent on [Ca2+]ex. Transport kinetics follows a sigmoidal behavior with a Hill coefficient near 2.0, indicating the binding of at least two calcium molecules. Calcium transport in mitochondria is dependent on a negative inner membrane potential and is inhibited by policationic ruthenium compounds. In this study, calcium uptake activity was reconstituted into cytochrome oxidase vesicles by incorporating solubilized mitochondrial proteins. Calcium accumulation plotted against increasing Ca2+ concentrations followed a sigmoidal behavior with a Hill coefficient of 1.53. The uptake was sensitive to ruthenium policationic inhibitors, e.g. ruthenium red and Ru360. After mitochondrial proteins were separated by preparative isoelectrofocusing and incorporated into cytochrome oxidase vesicles, two peaks of calcium uptake activity were recovered. One of the activities was inhibited by Ru360, while the second activity was insensitive to Ru360 and was associated with proteins focused at very acidic isoelectric points. By using a thiol-group crosslinker and radiolabeled Ru360, we proposed a scheme of partial dissociation of the uniporter inhibitor-binding subunit under acidic conditions.  相似文献   

The oxidative phosphorylation system contains four respiratory chain complexes that connect the transport of electrons to oxygen with the establishment of an electrochemical gradient over the inner membrane for ATP synthesis. Due to the dual genetic source of the respiratory chain subunits, its assembly requires a tight coordination between nuclear and mitochondrial gene expression machineries. In addition, dedicated assembly factors support the step-by-step addition of catalytic and accessory subunits as well as the acquisition of redox cofactors. Studies in yeast have revealed the basic principles underlying the assembly pathways. In this review, we summarize work on the biogenesis of the bc1 complex or complex III, a central component of the mitochondrial energy conversion system.  相似文献   

Abstract: l -3,4-Dihydroxyphenylalanine ( l -DOPA) is toxic for human neuroblastoma cells NB69 and its toxicity is related to several mechanisms including quinone formation and enhanced production of free radicals related to the metabolism of dopamine via monoamine oxidase type B. We studied the effect of l -DOPA on activities of enzyme complexes in the electron transport chain (ETC) in homogenate preparations from the human neuroblastoma cell line NB69. As a preliminary step we compared the activity of ETC in cellular homogenates with that of purified mitochondria from NB69 cells and rat brain. Specific activities for complex I, complex II–III, and complex IV in NB69 cells were, respectively, 65, 96, and 32% of those in brain mitochondria. Complex I activity was inhibited in a dose-dependent way by 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium ion with an EC50 of ∼150 µ M . Treatment with 0.25 m M l -DOPA for 5 days reduces complex IV activity to 74% of control values but does not change either complex I or citrate synthase. Ascorbic acid (1 m M ), which protects NB69 cells from l -DOPA-induced neurotoxicity, increases complex IV activity to 133% of the control and does not change other ETC complexes. Ascorbic acid also reverses l -DOPA-induced reduction of complex IV activity in NB69 cells. This observation might indicate that the protection observed with ascorbic acid is related to complex IV activation. In vitro incubation with l -DOPA (0.125–4 m M ) for 2 min produced a dose-dependent reduction of complex IV without change in complex I and II–III activities.  相似文献   

Sparse-fur (spf) mouse is the ideal animal model to study the neuropathology of congenital ornithine transcarbamylase (OTC) deficiency. Our current hypothesis implies that an ammonia-induced depletion of energy metabolism in the spf mouse, could be due to a reduction in the activities of the enzymes of the electron transport chain and a treatment with acetyl-L-carnitine could normalize this abnormality. We also hypothesized that there might be a differential degree of inhibition in synaptosomal and non-synaptic mitochondria, for the enzymes of the electron transport chain, caused by congenital hyperammonemia. We have therefore measured the activities of NADH-cytochrome C oxidoreductase, succinate cytochrome C oxidoreductase and cytochrome C oxidase in synaptosomes and non-synaptic mitochondria, isolated from spf mice and CD-1 controls with and without acetyl-L-carnitine treatment. Our results indicate a significant reduction (19–34%) in the activities of these complexes in synaptosomes in untreated spf mice, whereas in non-synaptic mitochondria, there was a tendency for the activities to decrease. Acetyl-L-carnitine treatment enhanced these activities (15–64%) for all the three enzyme complexes and its effect was more prominent on succinate cytochrome C oxidoreductase activity (64%). These studies point out that: (a) ammonia-induced disturbances in the energy metabolism could be more pronounced in neuronal mitochondria, and (b) the effect of acetyl-L-carnitine on the restoration of cerebral ATP in hyperammonemia could be through an enhancement of the activities of various electron transport chain enzymes.  相似文献   

Abstract: The effect of the neurotoxic nitric oxide derivative, the peroxynitrite anion (ONOO), on the activity of the mitochondrial respiratory chain complexes in cultured neurones and astrocytes was studied. A single exposure of the neurones to ONOO (initial concentrations of 0.01–2.0 m M ) caused, after a subsequent 24-h incubation, a dose-dependent decrease in succinate-cytochrome c reductase (60% at 0.5 m M ) and in cytochrome c oxidase (52% at 0.5 m M ) activities. NADH-ubiquinone-1 reductase was unaffected. In astrocytes, the activity of the mitochondrial complexes was not affected up to 2 m M ONOO. Citrate synthase was unaffected in both cell types under all conditions studied. However, lactate dehydrogenase activity released to the culture medium was increased by ONOO in a dose-dependent manner (40% at 0.5 m M ONOO) from the neurones but not from the astrocytes. Neuronal glutathione concentration decreased by 39% at 0.1 m M ONOO, but astrocytic glutathione was not affected up to 2 m M ONOO. In isolated brain mitochondria, only succinate-cytochrome c reductase activity was affected (22% decrease at 1 m M ONOO). We conclude that the acute exposure of ONOO selectively damages neurones, whereas astrocytes remain unaffected. Intracellular glutathione appears to be an important factor for ameliorating ONOO-mediated mitochondrial damage. This study supports the hypothesis that the neurotoxicity of nitric oxide is mediated through mitochondrial dysfunction.  相似文献   

Traditionally, mitochondria have been viewed as the powerhouse of the cell, i.e., the site of theoxidative phosphorylation machinery involved in ATP production. Consequently, much of theresearch conducted on mitochondria over the past 4 decades has focused on elucidating both thosemolecular events involved in ATP synthesis by oxidative phosphorylation and those involved inthe biogenesis of the oxidative phosphorylation machinery. While monumental achievements havebeen made, and continue to be made, in the study of these remarkable but extremely complexprocesses essential for the life of most animal cells, it has been only in recent years that a largebody of biological and biomedical scientists have come to recognize that mitochondria participatein other important processes. Two of these are cell death and aging which, not surprisingly, are relatedprocesses both involving, in part, the oxidative phosphorylation machinery. This new awareness hassparked a new and growing area of mitochondrial research, that has become of great interest to awide variety of scientists ranging from those involved in elucidating the role of mitochondria incell death and aging to those interested in either suppressing or facilitating these processes as itrelates to identifying new therapies or drugs for human disease. It is the purpose of this briefintroductory review to provide an overview of those mitochondrial events involved in the life anddeath of animal cells and to indicate how these events might relate to the human aging process.Much more is known, much remains controversial, and even more remains to be learned as indicatedin the excellent set of minireviews that follow.  相似文献   

Metabolic reprograming is a hallmark of cancer cells. However, the roles of pre‐existing differences in normal cells metabolism toward cancer risk is not known. In order to assess pre‐existing variations in normal cell metabolism, we have quantified the inter‐individual variation in oxidative metabolism of normal primary human mammary epithelial cells (HMECs). We then assessed their response to selected cytokines such as insulin growth factor 1 (IGF1) and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα), which are associated with breast cancer risk. Specifically, we compared the oxidative metabolism of HMECs obtained from women with breast cancer and without cancer. Our data show considerable inter‐individual variation in respiratory activities of HMECs from different women. A bioenergetic parameter called pyruvate‐stimulated respiration (PySR) was identified as a key distinguishing feature of HMECs from women with breast cancer and without cancer. Samples showing PySR over 20% of basal respiration rate were considered PySR+ve and the rest as PySR?ve. By this criterion, HMECs from tumor‐affected breasts (AB) and non‐tumor affected breasts (NAB) of cancer patients were mostly PySR?ve (88% and 89%, respectively), while HMECs from non‐cancer patients were mostly PySR+ve (57%). This suggests that PySR?ve/+ve phenotypes are individual‐specific and are not caused by field effects due to the presence of tumor. The effects of IGF1 and TNFα treatments on HMECs revealed that both suppressed respiration and extracellular acidification. In addition, IGF1 altered PySR?ve/+ve phenotypes. These results reveal individual‐specific differences in pyruvate metabolism of normal breast epithelial cells and its association with breast cancer risk.

Mitochondrial dysfunctions are a known pathogenetic mechanism of a number of neurological and psychiatric disorders. At the same time, mutations in genes encoding for components of the mitochondrial respiratory chain cause mitochondrial diseases, which commonly exhibit neurological symptoms. Mitochondria are therefore critical for the functionality of the human nervous system. The importance of mitochondria stems from their key roles in cellular metabolism, calcium handling, redox and protein homeostasis, and overall cellular homeostasis through their dynamic network. Here, we describe how the use of pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) may help in addressing the physiological and pathological relevance of mitochondria for the human nervous system. PSCs allow the generation of patient-derived neurons and glia and the identification of gene-specific and mutation-specific cellular phenotypes via genome engineering approaches. We discuss the recent advances in PSC-based modeling of brain diseases and the current challenges of the field. We anticipate that the careful use of PSCs will improve our understanding of the impact of mitochondria in neurological and psychiatric disorders and the search for effective therapeutic avenues.  相似文献   

Energy metabolism alterations are found in a large number of rare and common diseases of genetic or environmental origin. The number of patients that could benefit from bioenergetic modulation therapy (BIOMET) is therefore very important and includes individuals with pathologies as diverse as mitochondrial diseases, acute coronary syndrome, chronic kidney disease, asthma or even cancer. Although, the alteration of energy metabolism is disease specific and sometimes patient specific, the strategies for BIOMET could be common and target a series of bioenergetic regulatory mechanisms discussed in this article. An excellent training of scientists in the field of energy metabolism, related human diseases and drug discovery is also crucial to form a young generation of MDs, PHDs and Pharma or CRO-group leaders who will discover novel personalized bioenergetic medicines, through pharmacology, genetics, nutrition or adapted exercise training. The Mitochondrial European Educational Training (MEET) consortium was created to pursue this goal, and we dedicated here a special issue of Organelle in Focus (OiF) to highlight their objectives. A total of 10 OiFs articles constitute this Directed Issue on Mitochondrial Medicine. As part of this editorial article, we asked timely questions to the PR. Jan W. Smeitink, professor of Mitochondrial Medicine and CEO of Khondrion, a mitochondrial medicine company. He shared with us his objectives and strategies for the study of mitochondrial diseases and the identification of future treatments.This article is part of a Directed Issue entitled: Energy Metabolism Disorders and Therapies.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to characterize the function of mitochondria and main energy fluxes in human colorectal cancer (HCC) cells. We have performed quantitative analysis of cellular respiration in post-operative tissue samples collected from 42 cancer patients. Permeabilized tumor tissue in combination with high resolution respirometry was used.Our results indicate that HCC is not a pure glycolytic tumor and the oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) system may be the main provider of ATP in these tumor cells. The apparent Michaelis–Menten constant (Km) for ADP and maximal respiratory rate (Vm) values were calculated for the characterization of the affinity of mitochondria for exogenous ADP: normal colon tissue displayed low affinity (Km = 260 ± 55 μM) whereas the affinity of tumor mitochondria was significantly higher (Km = 126 ± 17 μM). But concurrently the Vm value of the tumor samples was 60–80% higher than that in control tissue. The reason for this change is related to the increased number of mitochondria. Our data suggest that in both HCC and normal intestinal cells tubulin β-II isoform probably does not play a role in the regulation of permeability of the MOM for adenine nucleotides.The mitochondrial creatine kinase energy transfer system is not functional in HCC and our experiments showed that adenylate kinase reactions could play an important role in the maintenance of energy homeostasis in colorectal carcinomas instead of creatine kinase.Immunofluorescent studies showed that hexokinase 2 (HK-2) was associated with mitochondria in HCC cells, but during carcinogenesis the total activity of HK did not change. Furthermore, only minor alterations in the expression of HK-1 and HK-2 isoforms have been observed.Metabolic Control analysis showed that the distribution of the control over electron transport chain and ATP synthasome complexes seemed to be similar in both tumor and control tissues. High flux control coefficients point to the possibility that the mitochondrial respiratory chain is reorganized in some way or assembled into large supercomplexes in both tissues.  相似文献   

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