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After sections of left or right tracheosyringeal nerve (NXⅡts), greenfinches may repeat everyday calls, with no effect on temporal properties. It is suggested that either side of syrinx may produce sound alone and ipsilateral innervation of NXⅡts for the syringeal muscles. After section of left NXIIts, the bird produces the vocal pattern of partial tone increase, and effects on the sound intensity and sentence length average 1.4 and 2.8 times those after section of right NXIIts, suggesting that the innervation of NXIIts has left side dominance. After bilateral section of NXIIts, the call rhythm in company with expiratory motions is 98-146 times/min,on an average, and lose all sentence types and syllable structure of normal call. But the call spectra produced by tympaniform membrane vibrations without innervation still reserve frequency components similar to the tonic frequency and harmonics of normal calls.  相似文献   

After sections of left or right tracheosyringeal nerve (NXIIts), greenfinches may repeat everyday calls, with no effect on temporal properties. It is suggested that either side of syrinx may produce sound alone and ipsilateral innerration of NXIIts for the syringeal muscles. After section of left NXIIts, the bird produces the vocal pattern of partial tone increase, and effects on the sound intensity and sentence length average 1.4 and 2.8 times those after section of right NXIIts, suggesting that the innervation of NXIIts has left side dominance. After bilateral section of NXIIts, the call rhythm in company with expiratory motions is 98–146 times/min, on an average, and lose all sentence types and syllable structure of normal call. But the call spectra produced by tympaniform membrane vibrations without innervation still reserve frequency components similar to the tonic frequency and harmonics of normal calls.  相似文献   

The identification and monitoring of emerging infectious diseases in free living wild birds is a challenge to wildlife biologists. In this study, a non-invasive methodology for identifying salmonellosis in wild garden birds was developed. We focussed on greenfinch, Carduelis chloris, which were found to have a seasonal pattern in the occurrence of Salmonella Typhimurium DT 56(v). Principal components analysis of biometric data indicated that low fat and low weight could be useful indicators of Salmonella positive greenfinch. A combination of biometrics taken from live birds, faecal analysis, and behavioural observations provide an effective and efficient system for identifying the presence of salmonellosis within greenfinch.  相似文献   

Levels of fluctuating asymmetry (FA) in 12 bilateral skeletal traits were estimated from 12 populations of greenfinches (Carduelis chloris) collected along a north‐south gradient across Europe. Average FA of measured traits was positively correlated with latitude indicating that the younger and genetically less diverse northern European populations are developmentally less stable than the older and genetically more diverse southern populations. Levels of FA differed significantly between different traits being lowest for functionally important traits (limb and wing bones) and highest for functionally less important traits such as foramina (apertures through bones)– a pattern that was highly concordant across different populations. Males tended to exhibit higher levels of FA than females, a finding consistent with the suggestions that males are more prone to developmental perturbations than females. Age differences in levels of FA were relatively clear, but inconsistent across traits with different degree of functionality. Individual heterozygosity – as enumerated from variation in allozyme loci – was unrelated to individual FA. No evidence for existence of individual asymmetry parameter (IAP) was found although traits related to locomotion indicated some degree of integration, which was expressed by correlations in the signed asymmetry. Nevertheless, an individual's overall asymmetry was poorly predicted by asymmetry of individual characters. Evidence for existence of population asymmetry parameter (PAP) was clear since all traits exhibited a similar degree of association with latitude. That the latitudinal cline of increasing FA towards north coincided with decreasing levels of genetic variability across the cline could be indicative of break down of developmental stability in the recently established and genetically impoverished populations. To what extent a reduced heterozygosity, the break up of co‐adapted gene complexes and/or environmental differences contributed to this process cannot be distinguished from our data.  相似文献   

We sequenced the entire control region and portions of flanking genes (tRNA(Phe), tRNA(Glu), and ND6) in the common chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs), blue chaffinch (F. teydea), brambling (F. montifringilla), and greenfinch (Carduelis chloris). In these finches the control region is similar in length (1,223-1,237 bp) and has the same flanking gene order as in other birds, and contains a putative TAS element and the highly conserved CSB-1 and F, D, and C boxes recognizable in most vertebrates. Cloverleaf-like structures associated with the TAS element at the 5' end and CSB-1 at the 3' end of the control region may be involved with the stop and start of D-loop synthesis, respectively. The pattern of nucleotide and substitution bias is similar to that in other vertebrates, and consequently the finch control region can be subdivided into a central, conserved G-rich domain (domain II) flanked by hypervariable 5'-C-rich (domain I) and 3'-AT-rich (domain III) segments. In pairwise comparisons among finch species, the central domain has unusually low transition/transversion ratios, which suggests that increased G + T content is a functional constraint, possibly for DNA primase efficiency. In finches the relative rates of evolution vary among domains according to a ratio of 4.2 (domain III) to 2.2 (domain I) to 1 (domain II), and extensively among sites within domains I and II. Domain I and III sequences are extremely useful in recovering intraspecific phylogeographic splits between populations in Africa and Europe, Madeira, and a basal lineage in Nefza, Tunisia. Domain II sequences are highly conserved, and are therefore only useful in conjunction with sequences from domains I and III in phylogenetic studies of closely related species.   相似文献   

Rates and patterns of evolution in partial sequences of five mitochondrial genes (cytochrome b, ATPase 6, NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5, tRNA(Glu), and the control region) were compared among taxa in the passerine bird genera Fringilla and Carduelis. Rates of divergence do not vary significantly among genes, even in comparisons with the control region. Rate variation among lineages is significant only for the control region and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5, and patterns of variation are consistent with the expectations of neutral theory. Base composition is biased in all genes but is stationary among lineages, and there is evidence for directional mutation pressure only in the control region. Despite these similarities, patterns of substitution differ among genes, consistent with alternative regimes of selective constraint. Rates of nonsynonymous substitution are higher in NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 than in other protein-coding genes, and transitions exist in elevated proportions relative to transversions. Transitions appear to accumulate linearly with time in tRNA(Glu), and despite exhibiting the highest overall rate of divergence among species, there are no transversional changes in this gene. Finally, for resolving phylogenetic relationships among Fringilla taxa, the combined protein-coding data are broadly similar to those of the control region in terms of phylogenetic informativeness and statistical support.   相似文献   

The lesion of nucleus robustus archistriatalis (RA) has no effect on normal short calls in the bramble finch, but affects significantly the temporal and acoustic features of learned long calls. It causes the principal frequency of basic sound in monotone long calls to increase 500 cents, and to lose two upper partials. The lesion of RA not only results in the increased sound length of loud-sound and shortened coda of variable-tone long calls by 13.4%-22.1% and 21.2%-24.2% on average, respectively, but also makes the frequency rising coefficient (FRC) of even order partial tone in loud-sound drop 18.5%-25.8% on an average, and the step-up rate decrease 22.7% -24.0% on an average with the increase of frequencies. These results show that the control of temporal and frequency features of learned calls by RA matches to each other. Moreover, the lesion of bilateral RA can confuse the vocal pattern, and the produced long call has the character of both the mono- and variable-tone long calls. The prelude shows ri  相似文献   

The lesion of nucleus robustus archistriatalis (RA) has no effect on normal short calls in the bramble finch, but affects significantly the temporal and acoustic features of learned long calls. It causes the principal frequency of basic sound in monotone long calls to increase 500 cents, and to lose two upper partials. The lesion of RA not only results in the increased sound length of loud-sound and shortened coda of variable-tone long calls by 13.4%–22.1% and 21.2%–24.2% on average, respectively, but also makes the frequency rising coefficient (FRC) of even order partial tone in loud-sound drop 18.5%–25.8% on an average, and the step-up rate decrease 22.7% –24.0% on an average with the increase of frequencies. These results show that the control of temporal and frequency features of learned calls by RA matches to each other. Moreover, the lesion of bilateral RA can confuse the vocal pattern, and the produced long call has the character of both the mono- and variable-tone long calls. The prelude shows rising frequency, and the loud sound is monotone sound.  相似文献   

The lesion of nucleus robustus archistriatalis (RA) has no effect on normal short calls in the bramble finch, but affects significantly the temporal and acoustic features of learned long calls. It causes the principal frequency of basic sound in monotone long calls to increase 500 cents, and to lose two upper partials. The lesion of RA not only results in the increased sound length of loud-sound and shortened coda of variable-tone long calls by 13.4%–22.1% and 21.2%–24.2% on average, respectively, but also makes the frequency rising coefficient (FRC) of even order partial tone in loud-sound drop 18.5%–25.8% on an average, and the step-up rate decrease 22.7% –24.0% on an average with the increase of frequencies. These results show that the control of temporal and frequency features of learned calls by RA matches to each other. Moreover, the lesion of bilateral RA can confuse the vocal pattern, and the produced long call has the character of both the mono- and variable-tone long calls. The prelude shows rising frequency, and the loud sound is monotone sound.  相似文献   

Ringtailed lemurs (Lemur catta)often emit a characteristic vocalization when resting as a troop. This “meow call” is believed to serve an intragroup contact function. I investigated the effects of behavioral context and proximity on call production and acoustic features of the vocalization in a free-ranging troop in the Berenty Reserve, Madagascar. When group members were dispersed, the meow call was given frequently, and the acoustic features of the call probably increased the locatability of the emitter. I evaluated social relationships among the troop members from grooming interactions and spacing data. I also studied the call exchange network among the troop members, the results of which indicate that calls are exchanged between the two subgroups of females, which they connect.  相似文献   

To date, there have been no investigations of the behavioral effects of interleukin-1 (IL-1) in nonhuman primates. In this study the locomotor behavior and vocalizations of juvenile rhesus monkeys were monitored for 45 minutes following intravenous injections of recombinant human IL-1 alpha. In addition, their reaction to a broadcasted recording of infant monkey distress calls was determined 20 minutes after the beginning of each test session. IL-1 induced sleep-like inactivity and significantly diminished the monkey's behavioral and vocal responses to the broadcasted calls. The coo calls uttered by the monkeys following IL-1 treatment also had a longer duration and lower fundamental frequency than calls during the control condition. As several studies have indicated that behavioral effects of IL-1 may be mediated by corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH), a second group of rhesus monkeys was given injections of CRH. CRH did not alter behavior or call structure at the dose administered. These results extend previous research on the behavioral effects of IL-1 to include the nonhuman primate and provide the first evidence that cytokines can affect vocal communication in rhesus monkeys. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

蝙蝠回声定位声波的可塑性对其适应不同状态、生境以及捕食和社会交流具有重要的作用。为进一步研究大蹄蝠的回声定位声波在不同状态和生境下的可塑性,通过室内行为实验,对大蹄蝠在4 种不同状态(室内飞行、静息、布袋内和手持)和4 种不同生境复杂度(室外、室内0 棵树、室内1 棵树、室内5 棵树)条件下飞行的回声定位声波特征进行研究。结果表明:大蹄蝠的回声定位声波为CF - FM 型,通常连续发出2 - 4 个脉冲组成一个脉冲组。对比大蹄蝠在4 种不同状态下的回声定位叫声发现,主频按静息、布袋内、手持、飞行的顺序依次降低,后端FM 频宽则按手持、布袋内、飞行和静息的顺序依次变短;而脉冲间隔和脉冲时程则均按静 息、飞行、布袋内、手持的顺序依次增加。对比大蹄蝠在4 种不同生境复杂度中飞行的回声定位叫声发现,主频按室外、室内0 棵树、室内1 棵树、室内5 棵树依次提高,而脉冲时程及脉冲间隔则依次缩短;室外放飞条件下的后端FM 频宽比室内飞行的短。研究结果说明,大蹄蝠在不同状态、不同生境复杂度条件下的回声定位叫声具有明显的可塑性和生境适应性。  相似文献   

Preference functions, which quantify preference strength relativeto variation in male traits or signals, are central to understandingmechanisms and consequences of female choice. Female tree frogs(Hyla versicolor) choose mates on the basis of advertisementcalls and prefer long calls to short calls. Here we show, intwo experimental designs, that preference strength increasedsignificantly as the difference in call duration was increasedonly if the absolute durations of alternative stimuli were below average. Hence preference strength was a non-linear functionof duration, and females did not base preferences solely onthe percentage difference in duration. In experiments simulatingcostly choice (unequal playback levels), non-linear effectswere more pronounced than in the conventional design (equal playback levels). Repeated estimates of preference strengthusing the unequal-playback design revealed significant among-femalevariation. These patterns of preference suggest that selectionby female choice for males producing calls of average durationover males producing very short calls is stronger than selectionfor males producing very long calls over males producing callsof average duration. Female preferences, especially in tests simulating a potentially costly choice, could reflect differencesin the net benefits to females of mating with males producingcalls of different duration.  相似文献   

The production of vocalizations in nonhuman primates is predominantly innate, whereas learning influences the usage and comprehension of vocalizations. In this study, I examined the development of alarm call recognition in free-ranging infant Verreaux's sifakas. Specifically, I investigated their ability to recognize conspecific alarm calls as well as those of sympatric redfronted lemurs (Eulemur fulvus rufus) in Kirindy forest, western Madagascar. Both species have functionally referential alarm calls for aerial predators and give general alarm calls for both aerial and general predators and also other kinds of threats, such as intergroup encounters with conspecifics. I conducted playback experiments with members of two birth cohorts (nine and ten individuals) to determine the age at which infant Verreaux's sifakas discriminate between conspecific alarm calls, heterospecific alarm calls, and non-alarm vocalizations (parrot song). Most 3-4 months old infants fled toward adults after hearing any playback stimuli, whereas 4-5-month-old infants did so only after presentation of alarm calls. Moreover, all infants of these age classes showed a longer latency to flee after the parrot song indicating their emerging ability to discriminate between alarm calls and non-alarm stimuli. At an age of about 6 months, infants switched from fleeing toward adults to performing adult-like escape responses after presentation of conspecific and heterospecific alarm calls. Thus, the ability to discriminate between alarm from non-alarm stimuli precedes the appearance of adult-like responses. The transition to adult-like escape behavior was coincident with the physical independence of infants from their mothers.  相似文献   

Playback experiments with two loudspeakers were conducted to examine how female little penguins (Eudyptula minor) respond to bray calls of males that varied in (1) dominant frequency (low vs high) and (2) familiarity (current partner vs stranger). In the first experiment, there was no statistically significant difference in the number of approaching females between low- and high-pitch calls. In the second experiment, using calls from the current partner and a stranger, females were more likely to approach closer to their own partners calls, regardless of the pitch of the strangers call. We conclude that female little penguins may recognize their partners calls (or at least familiar male calls) and appear to maintain mate fidelity even when larger, potentially more successful, strangers are on offer.  相似文献   

A loud call of the ruffed lemur (Varecia variegata) was analyzed for subspecific and gender differences according to four variables: pulse rate, median pulse duration, median high frequency, and median low frequency. These vocalizations of black-and-white and red ruffed lemurs and one hybrid ruffed lemur were recorded at the Duke University Primate Center (Durham, NC). Significant differences were found between subspecies but not between the sexes. Quantitative differences in this loud call of ruffed lemur subspecies indicate that these prosimians exhibit subspeciation trends similar to anthropoid primates for which comparable data exist. Preliminary data are presented that support the hypothesis that the vocalization functions as a terrestrial predator alarm call.  相似文献   

A multiphase model of metal ion species in human interstitial fluid was constructed under physiological conditions. The effect of Pr(III) on Zn(II) species was studied. At the normal conditions, Zn(II) species mainly distribute in [Zn(HSA)], [Zn(IgG)], and [Zn(Cys)2H]+. With the Pr(III) level increased, the apparent competition of Pr(III) for ligands lead to the redistribution of Zn(II) species.  相似文献   

A major function of contact calls in nonhuman primates is to maintain spatial cohesion among individuals in a group. The risks of spatial/visual separation from the group are likely to affect auditory contact behavior, in particular by increasing the call rate. We tested whether the risk of separation influences coo call emission by investigating the variation in call rate among behavioral contexts in two wild populations of Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata). We focused on caller activity and the degree of visibility within the habitat as primary potential factors mediating call rate. We first estimated the habitat visibility of the two research sites at Yakushima Island (YK) and Kinkazan Island (KZ), Japan. The habitat visibility of YK was significantly more restricted than that of KZ. We then compared the call rate of 20 adult and 12 juvenile female macaques between the two wild populations to examine the potential effects of environmental differences. Both populations had a lower call rate during grooming than during feeding and moving, which are behaviors associated to higher interindividual distances. The call rate of YK adult females was significantly greater than that of both juveniles and KZ adult females, independently of activity. The call rate increased as macaques matured in the YK population, but not in the KZ population, suggesting that different developmental processes involved in contact calling of the two populations. Our findings suggest that separation risk influences call rate, and also imply a possibility of social influence that social structure change effects on the call rates.  相似文献   

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