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藻类对水体环境变化敏感,其种类和数量与环境因素有密切联系并因环境的变化而发生变化,因此藻类常作为河流健康评价的指示生物。水体中的藻类根据生活习性不同分为着生藻类和浮游藻类,在河流健康评价中,以往的工作中有的采用浮游藻类用于河流健康评价,有的采用着生藻类用于评价,但浮游藻类和着生藻类究竟何者用于河流健康评价更适宜,抑或是二者在用于评价的适宜性上没有明显差别,迄今为止未开展过深入研究。选择三峡库区内的两条河流嘉陵江和乌江作为研究对象,于2015年9月,在两条河流上共布设11个研究断面,对嘉陵江、乌江的水环境理化因子、着生藻类和浮游藻类群落进行调查研究,应用着生藻类生物完整性指数(Periphytic algal index of biological integrity,Pe-IBI)和浮游藻类生物完整性指数(Phytoplankton index of biological integrity,Ph-IBI),并结合水体综合污染指数(Comprehensive pollution index,CPI),对嘉陵江、乌江的健康状况进行评价。研究结果表明,采用着生藻类生物完整性评价(Pe-IBI)能筛选出7个核心生物参数(藻类总分类单元数、蓝藻总分类单元数、绿藻总分类单元数、菱形藻比例、优势分类单元比例、香农多样性指数、均匀度)用于河流健康评价,着生藻类生物完整性指数(Pe-IBI)与水体综合污染指数(CPI)具有极显著的负相关关系,并且与水体中总氮、铅含量也有极显著的负相关关系,表明水环境质量越低则着生藻类的生物完整性越差;当采用浮游藻类生物完整性(Ph-IBI)用于河流健康评价时却只能筛选出1个核心生物参数(藻类密度),而且浮游藻类生物完整性指数(Ph-IBI)与水体综合污染指数(CPI)及12个水体环境指标并无明显的相关性。本研究表明,在河流水体中,与浮游藻类相比,着生藻类更能反映水体环境的状况,对河流水体环境的反映更为准确。因此,在以流动水体为特征的河流的健康评价中,采用着生藻类比采用浮游藻类更为适宜。  相似文献   

比较河流浮游藻类和着生藻类群落的时空格局及其与环境因子关系的差异,有助于了解两类藻的区别与联系。然而,目前这方面的研究还不多。基于2019年秋季和2020年夏季金沙江上段干流17个样点藻类及水体理化指标的调查数据,分析了不同季节浮游藻类和着生藻类群落结构及其主要环境驱动因子,比较了两类藻的多样性格局及其与环境关系的异同。结果发现,调查河段的浮游藻类和着生藻类均以硅藻为主,其中浮游藻类以极小曲壳藻(Achnanthes minutissima)、钝脆杆藻(Fragilaria capucina)、适中舟形藻(Navicula accomoda)为主要优势种,着生藻类以极小曲壳藻(Achnanthes minutissima)、扁圆卵形藻(Cocconeis placentula)、橄榄绿色异极藻(Gomphonema olivaceum)为主要优势种。浮游藻类和着生藻类秋季平均密度分别为:2.41×10~5个/L、9.43×10~3个/cm~2,均明显高于夏季的平均密度(4.84×10~4个/L、4.84×10~3个/cm~2)。两类藻的群落格局表现出明显的季节变化,但只有着生藻分类单元...  相似文献   

刘婵  刘心怡  周佳诚  谭路  刘振元  王伟民  陈宇顺  唐涛 《生态学报》2022,42(24):10041-10050
着生藻类是河流生态状况的重要指示生物,然而关于城镇化对着生藻类多样性影响的研究还较缺乏。基于深圳市9条主要河流74个样点2020年雨、旱季的调查数据,对比了城区、郊区河流样点的着生藻类α、β多样性。两次调查共鉴定出着生藻类301个分类单元,其中硅藻门种类最多。谷皮菱形藻(Nitzschia palea)、隐头舟形藻(Navicula cryptocephala)、平庸菱形藻(Nitzschia inconspicua)等污染指示种在城区组相对丰度更高,而清洁指示种微小曲丝藻(Achnanthidium minutissimum)在郊区组相对丰度更高。城镇化对着生藻类物种丰富度、香农维纳多样性指数、Pielou均匀度指数等α多样性指数均无显著影响,但对着生藻类群落结构有显著影响。城区组样点的着生藻类β多样性(用主坐标分析质心指示)低于郊区组,城区组与郊区组藻类β多样性差异在旱季更为显著。两组样点的藻类β多样性差异主要来源于物种周转组分。与城区组着生藻类群落显著相关的环境因子包括总氮、高锰酸钾指数、电导率、pH、浊度和水深,而与郊区组着生藻类群落显著相关的是总氮、溶解性无机磷和电导率。研究...  相似文献   

<正>图们江河流中段——图们江位于吉林省东南边境,发源于长白山东南部的石乙水,河流的绝大部分是中国与朝鲜的界河,下游很小一段为俄罗斯与朝鲜的界河,并由这里流入日本海,我国珲春距离日本海最近的地方仅有15km。图们江是我国重要的国际性河流之一,随着我国经济的迅速崛起,图们江地区进入到多国合作联合开发阶段,湿地生  相似文献   

为全面了解着生藻类在建群中群落变化的生态学特性,揭示着生藻类的建群规律,在以丝状藻类为优势藻的生态塘中,采用花岗岩和瓷砖为附着材料,设置水体底部和中部为附着位点,进行频次为10d的采样分析。结果表明,生态塘中共检出8门73属117种着生藻类,其中以硅藻、蓝藻、绿藻为优势类群。同时不同人工基质和不同空间层次条件下着生藻类的建群特征较一致,早期以单细胞硅藻如舟形藻(Navicula sp.)、脆杆藻(Fragilaria sp.)、曲壳藻(Achnanthes sp.)等为优势,后期以丝状藻类如鞘丝藻(Lyngbya sp.)、颤藻(Oscillatoria sp.)、伪鱼腥藻(Pseudanabaena sp.)等为优势;研究结果发现不同人工基质(花岗岩和瓷砖)对着生藻类的种类组成、细胞密度、生物量和藻类多样性无显著影响,花岗岩和瓷砖上附着的着生藻类具有较高的相似性;但不同的空间层次对着生藻类建群特征影响明显,水体底部具有更多的硅藻种类数,中部具有更多的绿藻,随着建群时间的发展,蓝藻比例不断增加;就生物量而言,底部的着生藻类叶绿素a显著高于水体中部,但两者的细胞密度无显著性差异;随着建群过程的发展,水体底部的着生藻类生物量达峰值所需的时间比中部更长。通过相关性分析,生态塘中着生藻类的生长主要受总磷的影响。  相似文献   

杨志  唐会元  朱迪  刘宏高  万力  陶江平  乔晔  常剑波 《生态学报》2015,35(15):5064-5075
根据2010—2012年在三峡水库及其上游江段5个江段的商业性渔获物调查结果,对该区域鱼类群落结构的时空分布格局进行了分析。调查中共收集到鱼类87种,隶属于8目18科63属。沿坝前江段溯河而上至库尾以上流水江段,鱼类种类数逐渐增加。采用聚类分析(CA)和非度量多维标度(NMDS)方法对三峡水库175 m试验性蓄水期间各江段的鱼类种类组成进行分析,发现这5个调查江段的鱼类种类组成可以分为两个类群:类群Ⅰ包括秭归、巫山、云阳3个库区的江段,其鱼类种类组成在各年间的差异程度较大;而类群Ⅱ包括库尾的涪陵江段以及上游的江津江段,其鱼类种类组成在各年间差异程度较小。采用CA和NMDS方法对鱼类群落结构时空分布格局的分析结果表明,5个调查江段的鱼类群落结构在各年间可以分为不同类群;云阳与涪陵江段的鱼类群落结构的相似性逐年增加,而与秭归、巫山江段的相似性逐年减少;涪陵江段与江津江段的鱼类群落结构相似性也呈逐年减少趋势。总体而言,175m试验性蓄水对库中和库尾江段的鱼类群落结构的影响较大,但对库首以及库尾以上流水江段的影响均较小。  相似文献   

图们江滩头鱼的生物学研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
滩头鱼Leuciscus brandli(Dybowski)又名三块鱼、远东雅罗鱼或勃氏雅罗鱼,为鲤科少有的河口性鱼类。繁殖季节溯河而上,在急滩上产卵,故名滩头鱼。在我国,分布于东北地区的图们江、绥芬河流域和台湾省。滩头鱼为图们江的主要经济鱼类之一。 有关滩头鱼的生物学研究,国内尚无正式报道。1977年4—10月,我们调查图们江流域的鱼类,同时收集了滩头鱼标本1,317尾,其中用于解剖的1,215尾材料,取自珲春河下游,滩头鱼主要产卵场东岗子(距图们江干流约1公里)。习性观察及人工授精工作均在  相似文献   

图们江花羔红点鲑的几项生物学资料   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1972—1975,1977一1980年在进行图们江鱼类调查期间,对图们江花羔红点鲑(Salvelinusmalma)的某些生物学特性进行了研究。  相似文献   

基于细鳞鲑属Brachymystas鱼类的线粒体DNA控制区基因序列变异,对分布于黑龙江水系中国境内的尖吻细鳞鲑(sharp-snouted lenok)和钝吻细鳞鲑(blunt-snouted lenok),及分布于图们江的图们江细鳞鲑B.tumensis进行分子系统关系研究,为进一步确定黑龙江水系2种细鳞鲑的分类学地位、有效命名及图们江细鳞鲑物种地位性提供分子生物学依据.分布于黑龙江水系的细鳞鲑种群在系统发育树中明显构成2个独立的进化分支,分别对应可经形态鉴别而差异显著的尖吻细鳞鲑和钝吻细鳞鲑,平均序列分歧为1.9%,在属内已达到种间分化水平;图们江细鳞鲑与尖吻细鳞鲑的呼玛河、乌苏里江、奎勒河等种群共同构为1个进化分支,与尖吻细鳞鲑的序列分歧(平均为1.2%)远低于与钝吻细鳞鲑的序列分歧(平均为2.2%).结合形态学的初步研究结果(图们江细鳞鲑的主要形态特征偏向于尖吻细鳞鲑),不支持图们江细鳞鲑独立种的分类地位,建议为尖吻细鳞鲑B.lenok的同物异名,也不支持普遍认为的钝吻细鳞鲑的有效学名为B.tumensis,其有效命名还待商榷,暂属未定名种.综上所述,基于基因序列分析的遗传学结果进一步验证了形态学的分类结论,即在黑龙江水系细鳞鲑属有2个独立的种,分别为尖吻细鳞鲑B.lenok和钝吻细鳞鲑B.sp.,而图们江细鳞鲑B.tumensis应归为尖吻细鳞鲑B.lenok的同物异名.  相似文献   

宽叶香蒲净化塘系统净化铅/锌矿废水效应的研究   总被引:30,自引:1,他引:29  
研究了以宽叶香蒲(Typha latifolia)为优势群落的净化塘系统来处理广东韶关凡口铅/锌矿选矿废水。经5年多的监测结果表明,该系统能有效地净化铅/锌石广废水。在进入净化塘系统前,未处理的废水合有高浓度的悬浮物(4 635mg/L)和重金属[Fb(1.61mg/L)、Zn(1.96mg/L)和Cd(0.022mg/L)]等,经过净化后,水质明显改善,pH从8.03下降到7.74,总悬浮物去除率达99%,Pb去除率为90%,Zn和Cd去除率为84%,其它重金属如Cu、Fe和Al等也都有不同程度的降低。  相似文献   

Field and laboratory procedures demonstrate that the effluent from the Willimantic, Connecticut, sewage treatment plant changes the numerical composition of the dominant epilithic algae in the Shetucket River. This effect is due to the effluent altering the competitive balance between chlorella sp. and Achnanthes deflexa Reim. The chlorella completely dominates highly polluted stretches of the river, and shares dominance with A. deflexa in other areas. The degree of river pollution can be estimated by enumerating the natural standing crops of these 2 algae. A 2-membered assay utilizing these organisms is a sensitive laboratory pollution monitor and a useful predictive tool. Dominant stands of these epilithic species develop in polluted and unpolluted zones in this river due to competition for the limited area on the cobbles.  相似文献   

长江下游重点江段水质污染及对鱼类的毒性影响   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
通过对长江下游安庆,南京,镇江和长江口4江段水质及其对鱼类毒性影响的调查发现,长江下游江段主航道的水质符合国家地面II类标准,但近岸的污染带水质受到一定程度的污染,其主要污染物为石油烃类和挥发酚等,这些污染物对鱼类有一定的毒性影响,可引起鱼类的急性中毒,并可诱导鱼类产生微核,同时在上述几个江段内的鱼体内可检出较高的污染物残留,这表明长江下游江段已受到不同程度的污染,这种污染对区域性渔业有影响。  相似文献   

Bioremediation of paper and pulp mill effluents   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pulp and paper mill effluents pollute water, air and soil, causing a major threat to the environment. Several methods have been attempted by various researchers throughout the world for the removal of colour from pulp and paper mill effluents. The biological colour removal process uses several classes of microorganisms--bacteria, algae and fungi--to degrade the polymeric lignin derived chromophoric material. White rot fungi such as Phanerochaete chrysosporium, Corius versicolor, Trametes versicolor etc., are efficient in decolourizing paper and pulp mill effluents. Gliocladium virens, a saprophytic soil fungus decolourised paper and pulp mill effluents by 42% due to the production of hemicellulase, lignin peroxidase, manganese peroxidase and laccase.  相似文献   

The pyrosequencing technique was used to evaluate bacterial community structures in sediment and surface water samples taken from Nanxi River receiving effluents from a paper mill and a farmhouse hotel, respectively. For each sample, 4,610 effective bacterial sequences were selected and used to do the analysis of diversity and abundance, respectively. Bacterial phylotype richness in the sediment sample without effluent input was higher than the other samples, and the surface water sample with addition of effluent from the paper mill contained the least richness. Effluents from both the paper mill and farmhouse hotel have a potential to reduce the bacterial diversity and abundance in the sediment and surface water, especially it is more significant in the sediment. The effect of the paper mill effluent on the sediment and surface water bacterial communities was more serious than that of the farmhouse hotel effluent. Characterization of microbial community structures in the sediment and surface water from two tributaries of the downstream river indicated that various effluents from the paper mill and farmhouse hotel have the similar potential to decrease the natural variability in riverine microbial ecosystems.  相似文献   

Resin acids in many pulp mill effluents are primary sources of toxicity to fish. Inconsistent biological detoxification of chlorinated and nonchlorinated resin acids in secondary treatment of pulp mill effluents is a continuing source of concern. An alternative approach to effluent detoxification is to remove or modify the toxic compounds present in wood chips prior to pulping. Results from experiments in which lodgepole pine sapwood chips were inoculated with several fungal candidates indicate that the total resin acid content can be reduced by up to 67% after fungal growth. Such a treatment could be an efficient and environmentally acceptable way for deresinating wood chips and so decreasing the toxicity of pulp mill effluents.  相似文献   

The paper presents application of the protein indication method to studies of pollution of Lake Ladoga in the area affected by effluent discharge of the Pitkäranta pulp mill.Analysis of proteins gives new insight into the causes of water quality deterioration in stagnant zones near the mill discharge outlet at Pusunsaari Island. Anomalies in protein concentration coincide spatially with hydrochemical anomalies. Protein anomalies indicate the process of bacterial decomposition of wood fibre accumulated in the stagnant waters, which in turn is reflected in the chemical water quality parameters in the polluted zone.  相似文献   

Whole effluent toxicity (WET) tests are a usefulmonitoring tool because they provide a rapid andreplicable measure of the potential ecotoxicologicaleffect of effluents. Although WET tests have beenincorporated into toxicity-based effluent limits toprotect receiving systems from adverse effects, fewstudies have attempted to quantitativelyfield-validate laboratory-derived toxicity thresholds.In this study, we examine the ability of WET tests topredict response thresholds of an invertebratecommunity to a paper mill effluent discharged into theNicolet-SW River, Québec, Canada. We quantifiedinvertebrate community structure and density in theriver and detrended for the effects ofphysical/chemical variables. This allowed examinationof direct correlation between invertebrate communitystructure and effluent concentration. There was asignificant decrease in taxonomic richness at aneffluent concentration of 16%, but significantchanges in the density of invertebrates occurredbetween 0% and 2% effluent. This suggests thatalthough most taxa returned to the river downstream ofthe effluent, they did so at lower densities.Calculated field thresholds were compared tolaboratory thresholds for the effluent using chronicWET tests with algae, cladocerans and fish. The WETtests produced a mean MATC of 3.6%. Thus, standardWET tests overestimated response thresholds of theinvertebrate community in the receiving environmentand impacts were observed in areas where no impact wasexpected.  相似文献   

Two basidiomycetous fungi (Merulius aureus syn. Phlebia sp. and an unidentified genus) and a deuteromycetous fungus (Fusarium sambucinum Fuckel MTCC 3788) were isolated from soils affected with effluents of a pulp and paper mill over several years. These isolates were immobilized on nylon mesh and the consortium was used for bioremediation of pulp and paper mill effluent in a continuously aerated bench-top bioreactor. The treatment resulted in the reduction of color, lignin and COD of the effluent in the order of 78.6%, 79.0% and 89.4% in 4 days. A major part of reductions in these parameters occurred within first 24h of the treatment, which was also characterized by a steep decline in the pH of the effluent. During this period, total dissolved solids, electrical conductivity and salinity of the effluent also registered marked decline. It is pertinent to note that this is the first report of bioremediation of pulp and paper mill effluent by an immobilized fungal consortium.  相似文献   

Granberg  K. E. 《Hydrobiologia》1992,(1):395-403
Lake Päijänne, the second largest lake in Finland, has been seriously polluted since the 1960s due to the effluents from pulp and paper mills, notably the Äänekoski sulphate and sulphite pulp mills situated about 50 km north of the lake, and the sulphite pulp mill and paper mills of Jämsänkoski and Kaipola on Central Lake Päijänne.A sulphite lye evaporation and combustion plant installed at the Jämsänkoski sulphite pulp mill in 1969 reduced the organic pollution of Central Päijänne. Lignin concentration decreased and the oxygen balance improved. The sulphite pulp mill was closed in 1981 and replaced by a thermo-mechanical pulp mill. Eutrophication is the main threat to water quality in Central Lake Päijänne at present.A significant improvement in the water quality, especially in oxygen balance, was achieved in the watercourse of Äänekoski and in Northern Päijänne after replacement of the old sulphite and sulphate pulp mills at Äänekoski by a large sulphate pulp mill with a biological purification plant employing the activated sludge method. The BOD7-loading dropped from 46 to 3–4 t d–1, but the nutrient loading has not decreased sufficiently, and the Äänekoski watercourse and Northern Päijänne are still eutrophic.  相似文献   

Understanding spatial and temporal variations in river water quality and quantitatively evaluating the trend of changes are important in order to study and efficiently manage water resources. In this study, an analysis of Water Pollution Index (WPI), Daniel Trend Test, Cluster Analysis and Discriminant Analysis are applied as an integrated approach to quantitatively explore the spatial and temporal variations and the latent sources of water pollution in the Shanchong River basin, Northwest Basin of Lake Fuxian, China. We group all field surveys into 2 clusters (dry season and rainy season). Moreover, 14 sampling sites have been grouped into 3 clusters for the rainy season (highly polluted, moderately polluted and less polluted sites) and 2 clusters for the dry season (highly polluted and less polluted sites) based on their similarities and the level of pollution during the two seasons. The results show that the main trend of pollution was aggravated during the transition from the dry to the rainy season. The Water Pollution Index of Total Nitrogen is the highest of all pollution parameters, whereas the Chemical Oxygen Demand (Chromium) is the lowest. Our results also show that the main sources of pollution are farming activities alongside the Shanchong River, soil erosion and fish culture at Shanchong River reservoir area and domestic sewage from scattered rural residential area. Our results suggest that strategies to prevent water pollutionat the Shanchong River basin need to focus on non-point pollution control by employing appropriate fertilizer formulas in farming, and take the measures of soil and water conservation at Shanchong reservoir area, and purifying sewage from scattered villages.  相似文献   

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