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Influenza virus-specific CTL were primed in vivo by immunization with short synthetic peptides representing major CTL epitopes from the nucleoprotein of type A influenza virus. The resultant CTL after in vitro boosting of primed spleen cells recognized both virus-infected and peptide-pulsed target cells. The requirement of CD4+ T cell activation was investigated in several ways. First the addition of helper epitopes to the CTL epitope did not enhance CTL generation, suggesting that helper activity was either not limiting or not required. However, in vivo depletion of CD4+ T cells completely inhibited the generation of CTL by peptide immunization. The inclusion of anti-CD4 in the in vitro restimulation with peptide also prevented the generation of CTL, whereas in vitro reactivation of virus immune spleen cells with peptide was not inhibited by anti-CD4. Thus there appears to be heterogeneity in the requirement of CD4+ T cell proliferation in CTL generation. One possibility is that virus infected cells can stimulate higher affinity T cells that are less helper T cell dependent.  相似文献   

We have examined the in vitro induction and activity of feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV)-specific cytolytic T cells obtained from cats experimentally infected for 7 to 17 weeks or 20 to 22 months with the Petaluma isolate of FIV. Normal or FIV-infected autologous and allogeneic T lymphoblastoid cells were used as target cells in chromium-51 or indium-111 release assays. When effector cells consisted of either fresh peripheral blood mononuclear cells or concanavalin A- and interleukin-2-stimulated cells, only low levels of cytotoxicity were observed. However, the levels of FIV-specific cytotoxicity were consistently higher in both groups of cats following in vitro stimulation of the effector cells with irradiated, FIV-infected autologous T lymphoblastoid cells and interleukin-2. The effector cells lysed autologous but not allogeneic FIV-infected target cells and were composed predominantly of CD8+ T cells, indicating that the FIV-specific cytotoxicity measured in this system is mediated by CD8+, major histocompatibility complex class I-restricted T cells. These studies show that FIV-specific cytolytic T cells can be detected as early as 7 to 9 weeks postinfection, and they define a system to identify virus-encoded epitopes important in the induction of protective immunity against lentiviruses.  相似文献   

Comparative surface feature analyses of the VP1 sequences of hepatitis A virus (HAV) and poliovirus type 1 allowed an alignment of the two sequences and an identification of probable HAV neutralization antigenic sites. A synthetic peptide containing the HAV-specific amino acid sequence of one of these sites induced anti-HAV-neutralizing antibodies. It is concluded that a structural homology exists between the two viruses, despite minimal primary sequence conservation.  相似文献   

Feline leukemia virus (FeLV) is a common naturally occurring gammaretrovirus of domestic cats that is associated with degenerative diseases of the hematopoietic system, immunodeficiency, and neoplasia. Although the majority of cats exposed to FeLV develop a transient infection and recover, a proportion of cats become persistently viremic and many subsequently develop fatal diseases. To define the dominant host immune effector mechanisms responsible for the outcome of infection, we studied the longitudinal changes in FeLV-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) in a group of na?ve cats following oronasal exposure to FeLV. Using (51)Cr release assays to measure ex vivo virus-specific cytotoxicity, the emerging virus-specific CTL response was correlated with modulations in viral burden as assessed by detection of infectious virus, FeLV p27 capsid antigen, and proviral DNA in the blood. High levels of circulating FeLV-specific effector CTLs appeared before virus neutralizing antibodies in cats that recovered from exposure to FeLV. In contrast, persistent viremia was associated with a silencing of virus-specific humoral and cell-mediated host immune effector mechanisms. A single transfer of between 2 x 10(7) and 1 x 10(8) autologous, antigen-activated lymphoblasts was associated with a downmodulation in viral burden in vivo. The results suggest an important role for FeLV-specific CTLs in retroviral immunity and demonstrate the potential to modulate disease outcome by the adoptive transfer of antigen-specific T cells in vivo.  相似文献   

The efficiency of cloned class I MHC restricted CTL specific for the nucleoprotein or glycoprotein of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus in either mediating virus clearance or immunopathologic disease in mice during acute infection was quantitated. Cloned CTL specific for either an internal (nucleoprotein) or surface (glycoprotein) protein of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus, when administered intracerebrally 5 days after the initiation of infection induced fatal immunopathology, indicating that both internal and surface viral Ag play a role in immune mediated disease in vivo. Dose-response analysis indicated that only 10(2) to 10(3) cloned CTL injected intracerebrally were required to induce mortality in 50% of inoculated syngeneic mice. Thus relatively few virus-specific CTL are required to induce an acute immunopathologic disease in the central nervous system. In contrast, if cloned CTL are adoptively transferred at the time of initiation of viral infection they provide protection as demonstrated by their ability to eliminate virus from the brain and thus terminate the acute infection.  相似文献   

The question of whether virus-induced immunosuppression includes the antibody response against the infecting virus itself was evaluated in a model situation. Transgenic mice expressing the T-cell receptor (TCR) specific for peptide 32-42 of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) glycoprotein 1 presented by Db reacted with a strong transgenic cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) response starting on day 3 after infection with a high dose (10(6) PFU intravenously [i.v.]) of the WE strain of LCMV (LCMV-WE); LCMV-specific antibody production in the spleen was suppressed in these mice. Low-dose (10(2) PFU i.v.) infection resulted in an antiviral antibody response comparable to that of the transgene-negative littermates. The induction of suppression of LCMV-specific antibody responses was specifically mediated by CD8+ TCR transgenic CTLs, since the LCMV-8.7 variant virus (which is not recognized by transgenic TCR-expressing CTLs because of a point mutation) did not induce suppression. In addition, treatment with CD8 monoclonal antibody in vivo abrogated suppression. Once suppression had been established, it was found to be nonspecific. The abrogation of antibody responses depended on the relative kinetics of the antibody response involved and the kinetics of the anti-LCMV CTL response. Analysis of T- and B-cell subpopulations showed no significant changes, but immunohistochemical analysis of spleens revealed extensive destruction of follicular organization in lymphoid tissue by day 4 in transgenic mice infected with LCMV-WE but not in those infected with the CTL escape mutant LCMV-8.7. Impairment of antigen presentation rather than of T or B cells was also suggested by adoptive transfer experiments, showing that transferred infected macrophages may improve the anti-LCMV antibody response in LCMV-immunosuppressed transgenic recipients; also, T and B cells from suppressed transgenic mice did respond in irradiated and virus-infected nontransgenic mice with antibody formation to LCMV. Such virus-triggered, T-cell-mediated immunopathology causing the suppression of B cells and of protective antibody responses, including those against the infecting virus itself, may permit certain viruses to establish persistent infections.  相似文献   

Co-administration of soluble Ag and anti-CD4 mAb has been successfully used to induce long term Ag-specific tolerance. The mechanisms underlying persistent immunologic unresponsiveness are unclear. We have now studied whether tolerance toward complex viral Ag expressed on Moloney sarcoma virus (MSV)-transformed tumor cells can be induced when given at the time of severe helper cell depletion. Although mice that had been injected with anti-CD4 mAb at the time of immunization regained the ability to recognize MSV Ag, their humoral and cytotoxic immunity to MSV were severely compromised. Ag-specific low responsiveness was maintained for more than 6 mo. To analyze the T cell repertoire of low responder mice we have estimated precursor frequencies of MSV-specific proliferative and cytotoxic T cells after the CD4+ T cell subset was fully reconstituted. There was no difference in the frequencies of control and low responder mice excluding clonal deletion as the mechanism maintaining low responsiveness. In co-culture experiments the defect in low responder mice could be localized to the regenerated CD4+ T cell subset, suggesting the induction of CD4+ suppressor-inducer cells. Alternatively, regenerated CD4+ cells in anti-CD4 conditioned mice had acquired a defect to provide help for MSV-specific responses. In spite of the potentials to induce low responsiveness to selected Ag by anti-CD4 conditioning, the risk to cause persistent virus-specific immunodeficiency might limit the clinical application of anti-CD4 therapy.  相似文献   

CD8+ CTL inhibit the replication of HIV and simian immunodeficiency virus of macaques (SIVmac) in PBL and, therefore, are likely to play an important role in containing the spread of the AIDS virus in infected individuals. We have generated a series of gag-specific lytic T lymphocyte clones from PBL: of an SIVmac-infected rhesus monkey. These T cell clones are CD3+CD8+ and are MHC class I-restricted in their target specificity. They are, therefore, CTL. Interestingly, all gag-specific CTL clones, as well as the gag-specific lytic activity of PBL of this monkey, demonstrated specificity for a single 25 amino acid fragment of the SIVmac gag protein. Moreover, they were restricted in their lytic function by a single MHC class I allele. These findings illustrate a powerful method for cloning AIDS virus-specific T lymphocytes and demonstrate a remarkably restricted epitope specificity of this AIDS virus-specific CTL response.  相似文献   

Intravenous administration of APC such as splenocytes loaded with a soluble protein Ag has been shown to prime for an Ag-specific CTL response. It is thought that the APC directly presents loaded Ag in a MHC-restricted manner. However, it is demonstrated in this study that allogeneic splenocytes, MHC-free RBC, and even synthetic lipid vesicles (liposomes) after loading with OVA can elicit an OVA-specific and MHC-restricted CTL response. Biodistribution studies of these Ag-associated vehicles showed that the liver, spleen, and lung were the major organs responsible to scavenge these carriers, suggesting that the monocyte-macrophage system was involved in the Ag presentation for CTL. Depletion of macrophages by a specific macrophage killer, Cl2MDP, containing liposomes, abolished the CTL induction by immunization with OVA Ag carried by these vehicles except the induction by syngeneic splenocytes. Thus, the syngeneic splenocytes present Ag directly to the T cells, but other membranous vehicles carry the Ag to the host APC including macrophages, which then present it to the T cells. These results indicate that formulation of an Ag in membranous/colloidal vehicles may be a way to prime for a CTL response.  相似文献   

An infiltration of CD8+ lymphocytes in the dermis and epidermis underlies the skin rash that commonly occurs as a primary manifestation of an AIDS virus infection. These cutaneous lymphocytes were characterized in simian immunodeficiency virus of macaques (SIVmac)-infected rhesus monkeys. Skin rash-associated lymphocytes exhibited greater lysis of SIVmac-expressing target cells and a higher cloning efficiency for SIVmac-specific effector T cells than PBL. Moreover, both SIVmac envelope- and gag-specific CTL could be readily cloned from these skin rash-associated lymphocytes. In fact, the skin rash-associated CTL exhibited the same MHC restriction and epitope specificity as those CTL derived from PBL. These studies, therefore, demonstrate that the cutaneous infiltrating CD8+ lymphocytes in SIVmac-infected rhesus monkeys include SIVmac-specific CTL. Thus, whereas virus-specific CTL are likely to represent an important mechanism for controlling AIDS virus infections, they also may play a role in the pathogenesis of the skin lesions that occur after this infection.  相似文献   

CD4(+) T-cell help is essential for effective immune responses to viruses. In human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, CD4(+) T cells specific for HIV are infected by the virus at higher frequencies than other memory CD4(+) T cells. Here, we demonstrate that HIV-specific CD4(+) T cells are barely detectable in most infected individuals and that the corresponding CD4(+) T cells exhibit an immature phenotype compared to both cytomegalovirus (CMV)-specific CD4(+) T cells and other memory CD4(+) T cells. However, in two individuals, we observed a rare and diametrically opposed pattern in which HIV-specific CD4(+) T-cell populations of large magnitude exhibited a terminally differentiated immunophenotype; these cells were not preferentially infected in vivo. Clonotypic analysis revealed that the HIV-specific CD4(+) T cells from these individuals were cross-reactive with CMV. Thus, preferential infection can be circumvented in the presence of cross-reactive CD4(+) T cells driven to maturity by coinfecting viral antigens, and this physical proximity rather than activation status per se is an important determinant of preferential infection based on antigen specificity. These data demonstrate that preferential infection reduces the life span of HIV-specific CD4(+) T cells in vivo and thereby compromises the generation of effective immune responses to the virus itself; further, this central feature in the pathophysiology of HIV infection can be influenced by the cross-reactivity of responding CD4(+) T cells.  相似文献   

Most attempts to induce CTL responses by in vivo priming with free synthetic peptides have been unsuccessful so far. However, two separate studies have recently succeeded in inducing antiviral CTL responses by immunizing mice with unmodified free synthetic peptides derived from nucleoproteins from either lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus or Sendai virus. In the present study, we have analyzed the cellular mechanisms by which the lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus synthetic peptide induced CTL responses. We demonstrated that this peptide, which was previously shown to be recognized by CD8+ T cells, also contains a helper CD4+ T cell epitope. It stimulates in vivo both CD4+ T cell-mediated CTL response. The in vivo elimination of CD4+ T cells by treatment with a mAb was shown to strongly reduce the antipeptide CTL response. This study therefore demonstrates that to be able to induce CTL responses, a peptide has to stimulate both CD4+ and CD8+ T cell subset.  相似文献   

T cell responses are regulated by the affinity/avidity of the T cell receptor for the MHC/peptide complex, available costimulation and duration of antigenic stimulation. Altered peptide ligands (APLs) are usually recognized with a reduced affinity/avidity by the T cell receptor and are often able to only partially activate T cells in vitro or may even function as antagonists. Here we assessed the ability of APLs derived from peptide p33 of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) to mediate lysis of target cells in vivo, confer anti-viral protection and cause auto-immune disease. In general, in vitro cross-reactivity between APLs was rather limited, and even strongly cross-reactive cytotoxic T lymphocytes were only able to mediate moderate anti-viral protection. Partial protection was observed for infection with LCMV or low doses of recombinant vaccinia virus, while no reduced viral titers could be seen upon infection with high dose of vaccinia virus. In a transgenic mouse model expressing LCMV glycoprotein in the islets of the pancreas, APLs induced a transient insulitis but failed to induce autoimmune diabetes. Thus, effector functions induced by even highly homologous APLs are rather limited in vivo.  相似文献   

Cytotoxic thymus-derived lymphocytes from mice infected with vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) are H-2 restricted and virus specific for the Indiana and New Jersey strains of VSV. VSV-Indiana-immune T cells can lyse target cells infected with the temperature sensitive (ts) mutant ts 045 about 30 times better when target cell infection occurs at the permissive rather than the non-permissive temperature. Since this mutant fails to express the glycoprotein at the cell surface when grown at the nonpermissive temperature, our results support the view that the viral glycoprotein is involved in defining the major target antigen for VSV-specific T cells. However, the tl 17 mutant that expresses a mutant glycoprotein at the cell surface was lysed, suggesting that the expressed mutated glycoprotein can cross-react with Indiana wild-type glycoprotein. Targets infected at the nonpermissive temperature with VSV ts G31 (mutant in the matrix protein) are still susceptible to T cell-mediated lysis but at a lower level of sensitivity. These results are compatible with the interpretation that for VSV-specific T cell lysis of infected target cells, the viral glycoprotein is a major target antigen and must be expressed, and that the matrix protein plays a lesser role, probably by indirectly influencing glycoprotein configuration at the cell surface.  相似文献   

Although the dynamics of human immunodeficiency virus and Simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV)-specific cytotoxic T cells (CTLs) have been well documented in the blood, little is known regarding CTL development in other tissues. In this study, seven Mamu-A*01+ macaques were inoculated with SIVmac. Two macaques were killed at 21 days of infection, and SIV gag p11C tetramer responses were measured in the blood, axillary and mesenteric lymph nodes, spleen, bone marrow, and thymus. Three with clinical signs of disease were killed and similarly examined. Four macaques were followed throughout disease progression, and intestinal biopsies and blood were examined at regular time points after inoculation. In animals followed prospectively, peak early tetramer responses were detected in the blood (3.9-19% of CD3+ CD8+ T cells) between day 14-21 post-inoculation (p.i.). After day 49, tetramer responses in the blood diminished and remained relatively stable through day 200, ranging from 0.7-6.5% of CD3+ CD8+ T cells. In contrast, tetramer-positive T cells increased in the intestine in later stages of infection (100-200 days p.i.) in all four infected animals (peak values from 5.3 to 28.8%). Percentages of tetramer-positive cells were consistently higher in the intestine than in the blood in all four animals after day 100. In animals with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, percentages of CTL in tissues were variable, but were consistently higher in the intestine and spleen compared with blood. These data suggest that while high CTL responses develop at a similar rate, and magnitude in both peripheral and mucosal lymphoid tissues in primary SIV infection, mucosal CTL responses may predominate later in the course of the disease.  相似文献   

The transfer of T cell receptor (TCR) genes by viral vectors represents a promising technique to generate antigen-specific T cells for adoptive immunotherapy. TCR-transduced T cells specific for infectious pathogens have been described, but their protective function in vivo has not yet been examined. Here, we demonstrate that CD8 T cells transduced with the P14 TCR specific for the gp33 epitope of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus exhibit protective activities in both viral and bacterial infection models in mice.  相似文献   

Peptide constructs were engineered by colinear synthesis of two short synthetic peptide determinants; a determinant recognized by T helper cells (TDh) and a determinant recognized by T cytotoxic cells (TDc). Three types of constructs were synthesized: TDc-TDh, TDh-TDc, and TDh-KK-TDc, where KK are two lysine residues. In vivo immunization with free construct induced cytolytic lymphocytes (CTL) only in the case of TDc-TDh. However, immunization with spleen cells to which these constructs had been internalized by hypertonic shock, induced CTL activity in all three cases. No CTL could be induced after immunization with free TDc in either protocol. These results indicate that cell internalization of the construct might be essential for CTL induction, and also, that "help" from the TDh seems to be required.  相似文献   

Cytotoxic T cells specific for influenza virus A/HK or Epstein-Barr virus were used to study the heterogeneity of the HLA-A3 molecule. Variability of the recognition of HLA-A3 in both systems was observed. The hierarchy was both effector cell and target cell specific. An extreme example of the hierarchy of HLA-A3 recognition is the following. Virus-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes of a given donor were found to recognize all HLA-A3-matched target cells, including target cells of a donor from whom the virus-specific effector cells did not recognize target cells of that given donor: Donor A recognizes target B but donor B does not recognize target A. Both will recognize a third HLA-A3-matched target cell C. Cold target inhibition studies confirmed that the recognition of target cell B by effector cell A involved the recognition of only HLA-A3. Examples of such asymmetric recognition were found in both influenza A and Epstein-Barr virus-specific cytotoxic T-lymphocyte responses but not one combination was asymmetric in both systems. This suggests that influenza virus A/HK-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes recognize other HLA-A3 histotopes than do Epstein-Barr virus-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes.  相似文献   

In vivo lymphocyte tropism of feline immunodeficiency virus.   总被引:25,自引:21,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文

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