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变态是动物学中一个较重要的专用名词,有关内容在中学课本也多处涉及到。现择要介绍一点动物变态的知识,供动物学教学参考。何谓动物的变态动物由于外在和内在的原因,个体形态发生变化,这叫变态。但动物学所讲的变态,是狭义地从发生学角度理解,即胚胎不直接转变为成体,而是在后期发育过程中,先形成形态、生理、生态方面特殊的幼体,行独立生活和生长,以后在某阶段发生急剧变化,转变为成体。青  相似文献   

活的不可培养的细菌的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
活的不可培养微生物(VBNC)即一些微生物明显地丧失了可培养的特性,但是保留了自身原有的代谢活力,并且在一定条件下,又可以回复到可培养的状态。从VBNC细菌的诱导条件、生物学特性和检测方法3个方面对VBNC细菌研究进展做一综述。  相似文献   

一、真核细胞基因的基本结构 1.转录单位: 从已知的数十种基因的顺序,可得出一个具有功能的基因的共同规律,在基因5’端-25至-75区,有CCAAT和TATAAA区(后者又称ATA box或Hogness box),相当于促进子区(Promotor),为体外转录所必需。  相似文献   

本文主要是以理论和试验来说明音波对植物的生长发育和种子萌发所起的影响。在农业实践上音波所起的作用,据现在所知:有缩短植物成熟期,加速萌芽和增强植物的生长发育等。这一些非但具有理论和实践上的意义,同时在今後把物理科学应用到农业科学中开辟了极广阔的前程。  相似文献   

研究了由一系列相互平行的吸附在细胞膜上的缩氨酸引起的膜的弹性形变,以及膜对缩氨酸的包裹行为,得到膜的平衡方程,用它可以来处理大尺度的形变,弯曲能量、吸附能量和弹性形变的相互竞争导致膜对缩氨酸发生从不吸附到部分吸附乃至完全包裹的结构转变.在膜的形变很小的时候,可以得到系统能量的解析解。  相似文献   

人是从那里来的? 回答这个问题,你也许会说这有什么困难——人是从古猿变来的;甚至你还会进一步说,在这个从猿到人的转变过程中,劳动起着决定性的作用。然而这个现在看来比较明了的道理,恰是经历了多么漫长的认识过程才达到的呵!现在让我们首先来谈谈,远古的人们是怎样认识自己的起源的。最初的原始人可能还想不到自己的起源在人类诞生的最早时期,“最初的、从动物界分离出来的人,在一切本质方面是和动物本身一样不自由的”(恩格斯:《反杜林论》),这些最初的原始人为艰苦  相似文献   

分离的蚕豆细胞核的RNA聚合酶活力的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用Triton X-100对叶绿体膜的作用,可快速地从蚕豆幼叶制备较纯净的细胞核,它具有较高的RNA聚合酶活力。比较了两种分离核的方法,证明利用匀浆法制备的核具有较高的活力。核活力与发育时期有关系,茎端和第1对幼叶的核活力显著高于第2和第3对叶片的核活力。此外,核活力明显地受反应液内锰离子的抑制。  相似文献   

敲除pckA基因的结核杆菌引起的免疫反应的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究结核杆菌pckA基因编码的磷酸烯醇型丙酮酸羧激酶(PEPCK)诱导机体产生的保护性免疫反应。用敲除pckA基因的牛结核杆菌BCG和野生型BCG分别感染小鼠,取肝、肺、脾进行病理分析,并进行脾细胞培养,检测CD4 、CD4 /CD8 、细胞因子IFNI-γI、L-12和TNF等。用敲除pckA基因的BCG感染的小鼠比野生型BCG感染的小鼠体内产生的结核结节少且不典型,炎性程度低。野生型BCG感染的小鼠脾脏内的CD4 T细胞和CD4 /CD8 、细胞因子IFN-γ、IL-12、TNF均明显高于敲除pckA基因BCG感染的小鼠。pckA基因为结核杆菌生长所必需,其编码产物PEPCK能够刺激机体产生免疫反应,是一种很好的疫苗候选分子。  相似文献   

张海银 《生物学通报》1993,28(9):46-46,48
孟德尔豌豆杂交试验论文被重新发现3年后的1903年,萨顿(Sutton)和鲍维里(Boveri)根据各自的研究。认为孟德尔“遗传因子”与配子形成和受精过程中的染色体行为具有平行性,同时提出了遗传的染色体学说,认为孟德尔的遗传因子位于染色体上,这个从细胞学研究得出的结论,圆满地解释了孟德尔遗传现象。  相似文献   

Abstract The Tibetan migratory locust (Locusta migratoria tibetensis Chen) is the highest altitude distributed subspecies among the 10 subspecies of migratory locusts. It was discovered and described as new subspecies in 1963. It is mostly distributed above an elevation of 3 000 m, with the highest up to 4 600 m, on the “Roof of the World,” viz. the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau in southwestern China. Recent study on the historic literature revealed ancient records of locust plagues caused by Locusta migratoria tibetensis Chen in many regions of Xizang (Tibet). These disasters took place during 124 years stretching from 1828 to 1952. Forty-five places were infested by locust swarms, and from 1846 to 1857 locust disasters occurred sucessively in 12 years, and affected 18 places of Xizang. At the severe disaster regions crops were damaged by locusts in such a degree that there was no harvest at all. At the same time, locust plagues due to another subspecies also occurred in the plains between the Yellow River and Huaihe and Haihe Rivers in East China. The disasters in Xizang were caused by the Tibetan migratory locust, while in Huang-Huai-Hai Plain disasters were due to the Oriental migratory locust Locusta migratoria manilensis (Meyen). This study not only provides the evidence that the Tibetan migratory locust has been existing as a separate subspecies with a long history, but also reveals the relevant years of locust plagues, their regional distribution and intermittent rules of locust plagues. It also offers a scientific basis for forecasting Tibetan migratory locust disasters and related monitoring strategies; as well as understanding the close relationship between the outbreak of the migratory locust and drought.  相似文献   

九种蝗虫核型似近系数的聚类分析研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用核型似近系数聚类分析方法,研究了小稻蝗Oxya hyla intricata、山稻蝗O.Agav-isa、上海稻蝗O.Shanghaiensis无齿稻蝗O.Adentata、中华稻蝗O.Chisensis、日本稻蝗O.Japonica、短额负蝗Atractomorpha sinensis、奇异负蝗A.Pergrina和日本蚱Tetrix japonica等9种蝗虫的亲缘关系。结果显示,9种蝗虫分为3类:稻蝗,负蝗和蚱。6种稻蝗之间的核型似近系数(λ)在0.961~0.5695之间,2种负蝗的λ=0.5867,日本蚱与这8种蝗虫的λ在0.5318~.0322。聚类图直观地反映出它们的亲缘关系与形态分类学的分类结果相一致。从9种蝗虫 的核型演化上看,日本蚱是较原始的类型,负蝗分化也较早,而稻蝗则是较进化的类型。  相似文献   

坡地刺槐林成熟后便须进行伐更新,更新方式可采取萌芽更新和带状混交更新两种方式,分析了刺槐林更新改造后要地土水分动态和空间变异规律及林地耗水特征的变化,结果表明,刺槐林皆伐更新促进了200cm以下深层土壤不分向根层的补给,导致更新幼林地土壤湿度较未更新林地明显提高,而其林耗水总量却较未更新林地并未减少,甚至增加,表出现富足型的耗水特征,此外,刺槐林更新改造后不会因迳流量的增加而引起新的水土流失,保证  相似文献   

刺槐结瘤固氮生态特性的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
刘国凡  邓廷秀 《生态学报》1991,11(3):280-285

刺槐上分离的花生矮化病毒的初步鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张宗义  许泽永 《病毒学报》1990,6(4):380-382

对中国飞蝗种下阶元划分和历史演化过程的几点看法   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
前人把我国飞蝗划分为东亚飞蝗、亚洲飞蝗和西藏飞蝗三个亚种,并推测我国最原始的飞蝗发生地可能是郑州-开封东北至临清-禹南以南的古黄河冲积扇地带。由于飞蝗的形态、生理、生态等性状受气候与生态条件影响,从而在地区间变化很大,而且过去关于我国飞蝗发生动态和演化的分析均忽视了地史中重大气候事件的影响,因此有关结论的可靠性值得质疑并有待深入验证。根据分子群体遗传学的最新研究结果,我们认为:(1)我国飞蝗应被重新划分为青藏种群、海南种群和北方种群3大类群;(2)我国东部地区(辽宁、黄淮平原、陕西和山西)的飞蝗与海南的飞蝗之间的遗传差别已达亚种水平,因此不是东亚飞蝗,而是亚洲飞蝗经过适应性演化在我国华北地区形成的特异地理宗——华北地理宗;(3)华北地理宗的形成应是末次冰期后种群大规模扩张的结果,推测是由蒙新高原的飞蝗沿黄河流域逐步扩散而来;(4)结合历史上飞蝗发生的情况可以推断,在中国,至少在北至北纬46℃的地区,光周期不会成为飞蝗发育的限制性因素,有效积温可能是惟一限制性气候因子。因此,在气候逐渐变暖的趋势下,飞蝗有逐渐向北扩散的可能,东北地区将会逐步具有飞蝗大发生所需要的必要气候条。  相似文献   

The two plague locusts, Schistocerca gregaria and Locusta migratoria, exhibit density-dependent phase polyphenism. Nymphs occurring at low population densities (solitarious forms) are uniformly colored and match their body color to the background color of their habitat, whereas those occurring at high population densities (gregarious) develop black patterns. An injection of the neuropeptide, corazonin (Crz) has been shown to induce black patterns in locusts and affect the classical morphometric ratio, F/C (F, hind femur length; C, maximum head width). We herein identified and cloned the CRZ genes from S. gregaria (SgCRZ) and L. migratoria. A comparative analysis of prepro-Crz sequences among insects showed that the functional peptide was well conserved; its conservation was limited to the peptide region. Silencing of the identified SgCRZ gene in gregarious S. gregaria nymphs markedly lightened their body color and shifted the adult F/C ratio toward the value typical of solitarious forms. In addition, knockdown of the gene in solitarious nymphs strongly inhibited darkening even after a transfer to crowded conditions; however, these individuals developed black patterns after being injected with the Crz as a rescue treatment. SgCRZ was constitutively expressed in the brains of S. gregaria during nymphal development in both phases. This gene was highly expressed not only in the brain in both phases, but also in the corpora allata in the gregarious phase. This conspicuous phase-dependent difference in SgCRZ gene expression may indicate a functional role in the control of phase polyphenism in this locust.  相似文献   

  1. Migratory insect pests pose a substantial challenge to global food security. These issues are particularly acute when pest incursions occur considerably beyond the expected range, through natural migration or human‐aided transport, because the lack of species‐specific control strategies and a potential absence of species‐specific natural enemies in the newly‐invaded area may lead to rapid establishment of a new pest.
  2. One such threat is posed by the Oriental migratory locust Locusta migratoria manilensis in China, which, historically, has been restricted to eastern China from the Bohai Gulf southwards, and now threatens to expand its range into the agriculturally important region of northeast China.
  3. We analyzed data from a recent outbreak of migratory locusts in Heilongjiang Province (extreme northeast China), > 700 km north of its current known range, and identified the source region, timing of arrival and probable migratory routes of this incursion.
  4. We further show that warming temperatures in this region will likely allow subsequent invasions to establish permanent populations in northeast China, and thus authorities in this important crop‐producing region of East Asia should be vigilant to the threat posed by this species.

季荣  李典谟  谢宝瑜  李哲  原惠 《生态学报》2007,27(3):1019-1025
以沿海蝗区南大港水库为研究区域,通过连续2a野外450m,50m规则栅格取样,利用地统计学方法,在GIS平台下,分析东亚飞蝗卵块分布格局与土壤空间异质性的研究,结果表明:(1)飞蝗卵块呈斑块、聚集分布,并具有明显的空间异质性,其空间自相关范围为390m,且主要分布在南大港水库的中部和东部,少数分布在南部,而在西部和北部地块几乎没有卵的分布。(2)研究区域内土壤含盐量和5cm含水量由空间自相关引起的空间异质性分别占总空间异质性的76.15%、78.04%,即表现出较强的空间相关性,空间自相关范围分别为594m,621m,土壤有机质和pH值具有中等强度的空间相关性,由空间自相关引起的空间变异分别为61.85%和57.19%,空间变异尺度分别为1014m,1368m。(3)研究区域内卵块主要集中在土壤含盐量较低(〈1.9%)、含水量适中(10.1%~29.9%)的中部和东部地块,而在土壤含水量较高(〉30%)的西部和盐分过重(〉3%)的北部几乎没有卵块的分布。即在一定程度上,蝗区土壤理化特性的空间异质决定了飞蝗卵块的空间分布特点。(4)卵块和土壤理化特性的空间格局图不仅为野外抽样调查、蝗灾预测预报及其防治提供科学依据,而且对蝗区环境改造具有重要指导作用。  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of temperature and phase polyphenism on egg hatching time in the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria, and the migratory locust, Locusta migratoria. The two species exhibited differences and similarities in hatching behavior when exposed to different temperature conditions. In 12-h thermocycles of various temperatures, the S. gregaria eggs hatched during the cryoperiod (low temperature period), whereas L. migratoria eggs hatched during the thermoperiod (high temperature period). The eggs of both species hatched during the species-specific period of the thermoperiod in response to a temperature difference as small as 1 °C. Furthermore, the locusts adjusted hatching time to a new thermal environment that occurred shortly before the expected hatching time. In both species, the hatching of the eggs was synchronized to a specific time of the day, and two hatching peaks separated by approximately 1 day were observed at a constant temperature after the eggs were transferred from thermocycles 3 days before hatching. Eggs laid by gregarious females hatched earlier than those laid by solitarious females in S. gregaria but this difference was not observed in L. migratoria.  相似文献   

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