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In the teleost, Plecoglossus altivelis, intercellular junctions between microvilli of an oocyte and follicle cells were studied by electron microscopy. Microvilli, which were radiated from an oocyte and arrived at the surface of follicle cells, established contact with follicle cells. These contact areas appeared to be a seven-layered membrane with an overall thickness of about 18 microns by standard fixation. In freeze-fracture replicas, many small aggregates of intramembraneous particles were revealed on the cleavage faces of cytoplasmic membranes of follicle cells. These morphological evidences suggest that in the teleost gap junctions exist between the oocyte and follicle cells, especially on the surface of follicle cells.  相似文献   

Amplified fragments encoding exon-4 of opsin cDNAs were cloned from the retina of landlocked ayu (Plecoglossus altivelis), and sequenced. On the basis of the sequence homology to previously characterized fish visual pigments, one clone was identified as rod opsin (AYU-Rh), and two clones as green (AYU-G1, -G2), one as red (AYU-R) and two as ultraviolet (AYU-UV1, -UV2) cone opsins. The 335-amino acid sequence deduced from the full-length cDNA of AYU-Rh included residues highly conserved in vertebrate rhodopsins and showed the greatest degree (88%) of similarity with salmon rhodopsin. Southern blotting analysis indicated that ayu possess two rhodopsin genes, one encoding visual rhodopsin (AYU-Rh) and the other non-visual extra-ocular rhodopsin (AYU-ExoRh). RT-PCR experiments revealed that AYU-Rh was expressed in the retina and AYU-ExoRh in the pineal gland. In situ hybridization experiments showed that the mRNA of AYU-Rh was localized only in rod cells not in cone cells. Lake and river type landlocked ayu having different amounts of retinal and 3-hydroxyretinal in their retinas expressed a rhodopsin (AYU-Rh) of identical amino acid sequence.  相似文献   

Tight junctions between contact-inhibited cells in vitro   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

The spawning pattern and relationship to body size at maturation of amphidromous and land-locked forms of ayu,Plecoglossus altivelis, was investigated. Ovarian eggs of prespawning females showed a multimodal size distribution, regardles of body size, indicating that all the females were potentially a batch spawners. The spawning schedules of individual fish were described under simulated spawning conditions. Most large-sized females died soon after their first spawning, whereas approximately half of the medium and small-sized females successfully completed a second spawning some two weeks after the first. Such a size-specific spawning pattern was common to both forms, but development of a third batch of ovarian eggs after the second spawning occurred only in the land-locked form. Spawning tactics in ayu were related to offspring survival and adult mortality during spawning season.  相似文献   

Tracer and freeze-fracture electron microscopy of the ovaries of neonatal rat and adult mouse, rat, rabbit, and primate have revealed the presence of gap junctions between follicle cells and oocytes. The junctional connections are found at the ends of follicle cell projections which traverse the zona pellucida and terminate upon microvilli and evenly contoured nonmicrovillar regions of the oolemma. Gap junctions are often seen associated with a macula adherens type of junction. The gap junctions occasionally consist of minute ovoid plaques, but nore frequently appear as rectilinear single- or multiple- row aggregates of particles on the P-face or pits on the E-face. The functional significance of follicle cell-oocyte gap junctions is discussed with respect to the regulation of meiosis and luteinization.  相似文献   

1. Increases in activities of muscle muticatalytic proteinase, modori-inducing proteinase (latent trypsin-like proteinase), cathepsin B and L-like proteases and cathepsin D were observed more markedly for male fish than female fish, in the spawning stage. 2. Decreases in inhibitory activities of muscle serine and cysteine protease inhibitors were observed more markedly for male fish than female fish in the spawning stage.  相似文献   

长江下游发现香鱼的稚鱼   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长江靖江江段位于长江最下游,接近河口段。在对这一江段沿岸的鱼类进行调查的过程中,发现在2004年5月11日的渔获物中,有1尾体长70.8mm、体重3.34g的香鱼(Plecoglossus altivelis)稚鱼。这是香鱼在长江流域的首次分布报道。  相似文献   

The analysis of chimeras has shown that communication between germ-line and soma cells plays an important role during Drosophila oogenesis. We have therefore investigated the intercellular exchange of the fluorescent tracer molecule, Lucifer yellow, pressure-injected into the oocyte of vitellogenic follicles of Drosophila. The dye reached the nurse cells via cytoplasmic bridges and entered, via gap junctions, the somatic follicle cells covering the oocyte. The percentage of follicles showing dye-coupling between oocyte and follicle cells was found to increase with the developmental stage up to stage 11, but depended also on the status of oogenesis, i.e., the stage-spectrum, in the respective ovary. During late stage 10B and stage 11, dye-coupling was restricted to the follicle cells covering the anterior pole of the oocyte. No dye-coupling was observed from stage 12 onwards. During prolonged incubation in vitro, the dye was found to move from the follicle cells back into the oocyte; this process was suppressable with dinitrophenol. Dyecoupling was inhibited when prolonged in vitro incubation preceded the dye-injection. Moreover, dye-coupling was inhibited with acidic pH, low [K+], high intracellular [Ca2+], octanol, dinitrophenol, and NaN3, but not with retinoic acid, basic pH, or high extracellular [Ca2+]. Dyecoupling was stimulated with a juvenile hormone analogue and with 20-hydroxyecdysone. Thus, gap junctions between oocyte and follicle cells may play an important role in intercellular communication during oogenesis. We discuss the significance of our findings with regard to the electrophysiological properties of the follicles, and to the coordinated activities of the different cell types during follicle development and during the establishment of polarity in the follicle.  相似文献   

香鱼消化道及肝脏的形态结构特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用解剖及石蜡切片显微技术观察了香鱼消化道及肝脏的组织学结构。香鱼消化道由口咽腔、食道、胃及肠构成。口咽腔大且狭长,其底壁前部有一对粘膜褶,两颌边缘着生宽扁梳状齿,腭骨及舌骨具齿,犁骨无齿;舌由基舌骨突出部分覆盖粘膜构成,舌粘膜上皮为复层扁平上皮,含有较多的杯状细胞和味蕾。食道、胃及肠均由粘膜层、粘膜下层、肌层及外膜构成。食道粘膜层上皮为复层扁平上皮,杯状细胞发达。胃呈V形,由贲门部、胃体部及幽门部组成,胃壁粘膜上皮为单层柱状上皮,贲门部与胃体部的固有层中有胃腺。肠较短,由前、中、后肠构成,肠壁粘膜上皮为单层柱状上皮,其游离面具微绒毛;上皮细胞间有杯状细胞。幽门盲囊有350~400条,其组织学结构与肠相同。肝脏单叶,外被浆膜;肝细胞形态不规则,肝小叶界限不明显。  相似文献   

香鱼甘油-3-磷酸脱氢酶基因的克隆与表达   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
GPDH(glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase)是合成脂肪代谢中间产物甘油-3-磷酸的关键酶。通过设计简并引物从香鱼肝cDNA文库中克隆GPDH基因,该基因cDNA序列全长577个核苷酸,单一大的开放阅读框编码一个由351个氨基酸组成的分子量为37.9kD的蛋白。蛋白序列分析表明,香鱼GPDH(aGPDH)与亚洲胡瓜鱼的GPDH序列同源性最高。系统进化树分析表明,GPDH的物种进化关系与目前接受的物种分类关系基本一致。实时荧光定量PCR结果显示,aGPDH基因在香鱼肝、脾、肾、脑、心和肌肉组织均有表达。香鱼咸淡水适应以后,肝、脾、脑、心和肌肉的aGPDH的mRNA表达水平下调。成功构建重组表达质粒pET-32a-GPDH。SDS-PAGE试验表明,目的蛋白可以在大肠杆菌中大量表达;并制备了抗血清,能与目的蛋白起强的特异性反应,但不与细菌自身蛋白起反应。本研究有助于进一步理解鱼类盐度适应过程中的脂肪代谢调控机制。  相似文献   

A lectin that agglutinates human blood group B erythrocytes but not blood group A and O erythrocytes was isolated from eggs of Ayu sweet fish (Plecoglossus altivelis). The lectin also agglutinates Ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells but not rat ascites hepatoma AH109 or rat sarcoma 150 cells tested. The lectin agglutination was most effectively inhibited by monosaccharides with the first type of configuration, i.e., L-rhamnose, L-mannose and L-lyxose at a concentration of 0.03 mM. The lectin agglutination was moderately inhibited by monosaccharides with the second type of configuration, i.e., D-galactose, D-fucose and D-galacturonic acid at a concentration of 0.4 mM. However, the agglutination was not inhibited by various other monosaccharides and oligosaccharides that have other types of configuration. The basis for an apparent B-specific hemagglutination may be due to the steric similarity of the C2 and C4 of the galactosyl series, the B-specific determinant, and the L-rhamnosyl-Sepharose column and was characterized as a homogeneous low molecular weight protein (Mr 14000) with an abundance of hydrophobic amino acids and dicarboxylic amino acid.  相似文献   

Ayu (Plecoglossus altivelis) is an Osmerid teleost whose gonadal development exhibits clear photoperiodism: it is stimulated and prevented under short and long photoperiod, respectively. However, the photoreceptor organ involved in this process remains to be identified. In the present study, we examined whether gonads of ophthalmectomized (Ex) and pinealectomized (Px) ayu respond to short photoperiod to test whether photoreceptors other than lateral eyes and pineal complex are involved in the photoperiodic response of gonadal development. Gonadosomatic index (GSI) and plasma levels of sex steroids (testosterone and 11-ketotestosterone for males and testosterone and estradiol 17-beta for females) were significantly increased in the Ex+Px ayu kept under short photoperiod in both males and females as compared with the initial control. On the other hand, there were no significant increases in GSI and sex steroids in the Ex+Px ayu kept under long photoperiod. Histological observation of gonads in the Ex+Px ayu revealed that oocytes undergoing final maturation in females and proliferation of germ cells in males were observed under short photoperiod but not under long photoperiod. These results indicate that extra-retinal and extra-pineal photoreceptive organ regulates photoperiodic gonadal development in this species.  相似文献   

Two previously isolated phages were used to examine the therapeutic effects against Pseudomonas plecoglossicida infection in ayu Plecoglossus altivelis. Phage PPp-W4 (Podoviridae) inhibited the in vitro growth of P. plecoglossicida more effectively than Phage PPpW-3 (Myoviridae), and a mixture (PPpW-3/W-4) of the 2 phages exhibited the highest inhibitory activity. In phage therapy experiments, ayu were fed P. plecoglossicida-impregnated feed (10(7) CFU fish(-1)) and then fed phage-impregnated feed (10(7) PFU fish(-1)). Mortalities of fish receiving PPpW-3, PPpW-4, PPpW-3/W-4, and a control fish receiving no phages were 53.3, 40.0, 20.0 and 93.3%, respectively. Phage (PPpW-3/W-4)-receiving fish also showed high protection against water-borne infection with P. plecoglossicida. In a field trial, when phage (PPpW-3/W-4)-impregnated feed was administered to ayu in a pond where the disease occurred naturally, daily mortality of fish decreased at a constant level (5% d(-1)) to one-third after a 2 wk period. The causal relationship of phages in this phenomenon was verified by the long-lasting appearance of administered phages in the kidneys of the fish, and a disappearance of P. plecoglossicida from apparently healthy fish. Neither phage-resistant organisms nor phage-neutralizing antibodies were detected in diseased fish or apparently healthy fish, respectively. These results indicate the potential for phage control of the disease.  相似文献   

Each oocyte in the ovary of Acerentomon is surrounded by a layer of follicle cells (FC) and possesses a group of specialized, so-called chorion-producing cells (CPC). The FCs lying immediately under the CPCs form processes which make contact with the oocyte. Gap junctions occur at the points of contact between the oolemma and the membrane of the processes. A possible role of the heterocellular gap junctions in Acerentomon ovary is the coordination of development of the oocyte and CPCs.  相似文献   

1. Animals exploiting different resources may nevertheless interact if one species indirectly alters the abundance and distribution of the food of the other. To analyse this indirect effect, we conducted experiments in artificial pools and in the field to investigate the influence of the algivorous fish Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis (known as the ayu) on two species of insectivorous benthic fish, Pseudogobio esocinus esocinus and the goby Gymnogobius petschiliensis .
2. In the pool experiments, algal biomass was not correlated with the number of ayu, but the percentage of blue-green bacteria rose as the number increased. The number of aquatic macroinvertebrates on the upper surface of ceramic tiles placed in the pool bed decreased as the number of ayu increased.
3. Although ayu and the benthic species did not interact directly, the reduction in invertebrate abundance on the upper surface of tiles in the pool reduced the growth rate of the benthic insectivores.
4. In field experiments, the introduction of ayu into habitats with P. esocinus esocinus or G. petschiliensis reduced the growth rate of these benthic fish. In the field experiment that was carried out over 5 years in the G. petschiliensis habitat, the population density of the goby decreased when ayu were stocked.
5. The ayu is a strong interactor or bioengineer in streams, affecting not only benthic algae but also aquatic invertebrates and fishes. We conclude that to predict the outcome of interspecific interactions amongst fishes in streams with high algal production, possible indirect effects must be considered alongside better known direct effects.  相似文献   

Yeast two-hybrid (Y2H) screens were used to test for interactions between leukocyte cell-derived chemotaxin 2 (LECT2) and a liver cDNA expression library of ayu, Plecoglossus altivelis. Of the 9 independent interacting clones identified, 7 were identical and closely related to transferrin (Tf) genes of fish, while the other two were related to c-type lectin genes. The interaction between ayu Tf (aTf) and ayu LECT2 (aLECT2) was confirmed by in vitro co-immunoprecipitation of the two proteins. Y2H assays using different parts of the two proteins showed that the segment aTf185–289 was not involved in the interaction with mature aLECT2, while the transit peptide of aLECT2 couldn't interact with entire aTf. Computer analysis revealed that aTf185–289, which contained two iron binding residues, Tyr197 and His253, was located at the N-terminus of aTf N-lobe. Strong interactions were also determined between LECT2 and Tf from the same animal, such as croceine croaker, Larimichthys crocea and mouse, Mus musculus. However, no cross-species interactions were determined. Based on published data, the Tf–LECT2 interaction is suggested to be most possibly involved in the body's defense against infection.  相似文献   

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