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Neural mechanisms underlying amblyopia.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The nature of the neural basis of amblyopia is a matter of some debate. Recent neurophysiological data show correlates of amblyopia in the spatial properties of neurons in primary visual cortex. These neuronal deficits are probably the initial manifestation of the visual loss, but there are almost certainly additional deficits at higher levels of the visual pathways.  相似文献   

Upper airway (UA) muscle activity is stimulated by changes in UA transmural pressure and by asphyxia. These responses are reduced by muscle relaxation. We hypothesized that this is due to a change in afferent feedback in the ansa hypoglossi and/or superior laryngeal nerve (SLN). We examined 1) the glossopharyngeal motor responses to UA transmural pressure and asphyxia and 2) how these responses were changed by muscle relaxation in animals where one or both of these afferent pathways had been sectioned bilaterally. Experiments were performed in 24 anesthetized, thoracotomized, artificially ventilated rats. Baseline glossopharyngeal activity and its response to UA transmural pressure and asphyxia were moderately reduced after bilateral section of the ansa hypoglossi (P < 0.05). Conversely, bilateral SLN section increased baseline glossopharyngeal activity, augmented the response to asphyxia, and abolished the response to UA transmural pressure. Muscle relaxation reduced resting glossopharyngeal activity and the response to asphyxia (P < 0.001). This occurred whether or not the ansa hypoglossi, the SLN, or both afferent pathways had been interrupted. We conclude that ansa hypoglossi afferents tonically excite and SLN afferents tonically inhibit UA motor activity. Muscle relaxation depressed UA motor activity after section of the ansa hypoglossi and SLN. This suggests that some or all of the response to muscle relaxation is mediated by alterations in the activity of afferent fibers other than those in the ansa hypoglossi or SLN.  相似文献   

Hsu TH  Lai YL  Kou YR 《Life sciences》2000,66(11):971-980
A prior airway exposure to wood smoke induces a tachykinin-dependent increase in airway responsiveness to the subsequent smoke inhalation in guinea pigs (Life Sci. 63: 1513, 1998). To further investigate the time course of, and the contribution of other chemical mediators to, this smoke-induced airway hyperresponsiveness (SIAHR), two smoke challenges (each 10 ml) separated by 30 min were delivered into the lungs of anesthetized guinea pigs by a respirator. In the control animals, the SIAHR was evidenced by the bronchoconstrictive response to the second smoke challenge (SM2) which was approximately 5.2-fold greater than that to the first challenge (SM1). This SIAHR was alleviated by shortening the elapsed time between SM1 and SM2 to 10 min or by extending it to 60 min, and was abolished by extending it to 120 min. This SIAHR was reduced by pretreatment with either MK-571 (a leukotriene D4-receptor antagonist) or dimethylthiourea (a hydroxyl radical scavenger), but was not affected by pretreatment with either pyrilamine (a histamine H1-receptor antagonist) or indomethacin (a cyclooxygenase inhibitor). The smoke-induced reduction in the neutral endopeptidase activity (a major enzyme for tachykinin degradation) measured in airway tissues excised 30 min post SM1 was largely prevented by pretreatment with dimethylthiourea. However, this reduction was not seen in airway tissues excised 120 min post SM1. These results suggest that 1) the SIAHR to inhaled wood smoke has a rapid onset time following smoke inhalation and lasts for less than two hours, 2) leukotrienes and hydroxyl radical may play contributory roles in the development of this SIAHR, and 3) hydroxyl radical is the major factor responsible for the smoke-induced inactivation of airway neutral endopeptidase, which may possibly participate in the development of this SIAHR.  相似文献   

The activity–structure relationships (ASR) of phenolic compounds as hydroxyl-radical scavengers have mostly been studied and discussed with regard to their iron-chelating and hydrogen-donation properties in Fenton-type system, but extensive elucidation of multiple mechanisms underlying the hydroxyl radical scavenging reaction is out of obtaining up to now. In the present paper, a series of phenolic compounds was studied for their reactivity with hydroxyl radical by computed chemistry and deoxyribose degradation assay. The rate constant (KS), an index dependent markedly on the reaction mechanism and intrinsic reactivity of antioxidants, was found to have good correlation with hydroxyl O–H bond strength (ΔHf), electron-donating ability (ionization potential approximated by HOMO energy level), enthalpy of single electron transfer (Ea), and spin distribution of phenoxyl radicals (Dsr) after H-abstraction. Moreover, the theoretical parameters were highly intercorrelated, suggesting that multiple mechanisms co-exist in the hydroxyl-radical-scavenging reaction and interact with each other. Multi-linear regression analysis indicated that, in addition to H-atom transfer, electron transfer process and stability of the resulted phenoxyl radicals also significantly influence the reactivity of quenching hydroxyl radicals. The QSAR model so established here was based on the elucidation of the complex molecular mechanisms, and may reasonably predict the antioxidant activity using simple experimental and calculated parameters.  相似文献   

Compelling clinical evidence implicates the potential role of adenosine in development of airway hyperresponsiveness and suggests involvement of pulmonary sensory receptors. This study was carried out to determine the effect of a low dose of adenosine infusion on sensitivity of pulmonary C-fiber afferents in anesthetized open-chest rats. Infusion of adenosine (40 microg x kg-1x min-1 i.v. for 90 s) mildly elevated baseline activity of pulmonary C fibers. However, during adenosine infusion, pulmonary C-fiber responses to chemical stimulants and lung inflation (30 cmH2O tracheal pressure) were markedly potentiated; e.g., the response to right atrial injection of capsaicin (0.25 or 0.5 microg/kg) was increased by more than fivefold (change in fiber activity = 2.64 +/- 0.67 and 16.27 +/- 3.11 impulses/s at control and during adenosine infusion, n = 13, P < 0.05), and this enhanced response returned to control in approximately 10 min. The potentiating effect of adenosine infusion was completely blocked by pretreatment with 8-cyclopentyl-1,3-dipropylxanthine (100 microg/kg), a selective antagonist of the adenosine A1 receptor, but was not affected by 3,7-dimethyl-1-propargylxanthine (1 mg/kg), an A2-receptor antagonist, or 3-ethyl-5-benzyl-2-methyl-4-phenylethynyl-6-phenyl-1,4-(+/-)-dihydropyridine-3,5-dicarboxylate (2 mg/kg), an A3-receptor antagonist. This potentiating effect was also mimicked by N6-cyclopentyladenosine (0.25 microg x kg-1 x min-1 for 90 s), a selective agonist of the adenosine A1 receptor. In conclusion, our results showed that infusion of adenosine significantly elevated the sensitivity of pulmonary C-fiber afferents in rat lungs and that this potentiating effect is likely mediated through activation of the adenosine A1 receptor.  相似文献   

We sought to define the effects of maturation and hyperoxic stress on nitric oxide (NO)-induced modulation of bronchopulmonary responses to stimulation of vagal preganglionic nerve fibers. Experiments were performed on decerebrate, paralyzed, and ventilated rat pups at 6-7 days (n = 21) and 13-15 days of age (n = 23) breathing room air and on rat pups 13-15 days of age (n = 19) after exposure to hyperoxia (>/=95% inspired O(2) fraction for 4-6 days). Total lung resistance (RL) and lung elastance (EL) were measured by body plethysmograph. Vagal stimulation and release of acetylcholine caused a frequency-dependent increase in RL and EL in all animals. The RL response was significantly potentiated in normoxic animals by prior blockade of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) (P < 0.05). Hyperoxic exposure increased responses of RL to vagal stimulation (P < 0.05); however, after hyperoxic exposure, the potentiation of contractile responses by NOS blockade was abolished. The response of EL was potentiated by NOS blockade in the 13- to 15-day-old animals after both normoxic and hyperoxic exposure (P < 0.01). Morphometry revealed no effect of hyperoxic exposure on airway smooth muscle thickness. We conclude that NO released by stimulation of vagal preganglionic fibers modulates bronchopulmonary contractile responses to endogenously released acetylcholine in rat pups. Loss of this modulatory effect of NO could contribute to airway hyperreactivity after prolonged hyperoxic exposure, as may occur in bronchopulmonary dysplasia.  相似文献   

We investigated the airway responses evoked by nasal wood smoke in anesthetized Sprague-Dawley rats. Wood smoke (5 ml, 1.4 ml/s) was delivered into an isolated nasal cavity while animals breathed spontaneously. In study 1, nasal wood smoke triggered either an apneic response (n = 26) or a sniff-like response (n = 16) within 1 s after smoke exposure in 42 normal rats. Both airway responses were abolished by trigeminal nerve denervation and by nasal application of a local anesthetic or a hydroxyl radical scavenger, but they were not significantly affected by removal of smoke particulates or nasal application of a saline vehicle. In study 2, nasal wood smoke only triggered a mild apneic response in two rats neonatally treated with capsaicin and had no effect on breathing in the other six; the treatment is known to chronically ablate C fibers and some Adelta fibers. In contrast, nasal wood smoke evoked an apneic response in six rats neonatally treated with the vehicle of capsaicin and elicited a sniff-like response in the other two. These results suggest that the apneic and sniff-like responses evoked by nasal wood smoke result from the stimulation of trigeminal nasal C-fiber and Adelta-fiber afferents by the gas-phase smoke and that hydroxyl radical is the triggering chemical factor.  相似文献   

The concentration of glutamate as well as the hydroxylation of salicylate, as an index of hydroxyl free radical formation, has been determined in the abdominal aorta and heart of gerbils undergoing an ischemia/reperfusion insult (IRI) and compared to control sham-operated gerbils. The amount of glutamate and hydroxylated salicylate (dihydroxybenzoic acid, DHBA) was significantly increased in both the aorta and heart of IRI-treated gerbils as compared to the aorta and in the heart of sham-operated gerbils. Vitamin E (90 mg/kg at 24 and 1 h prior to an IRI) pretreatment prevented the increase of both glutamate and DHBA in both the aorta and heart of IRI-lesioned gerbils. The results suggest that increases in glutamate, perhaps due to the decreased activities of glutamine synthetase, are correlated with increased oxygen free radical formation during an ischemia/reperfusion insult to the heart.  相似文献   

We hypothesize that drug addiction can be viewed as the endpoint of a series of transitions from initial voluntary drug use through the loss of control over this behaviour, such that it becomes habitual and ultimately compulsive. We describe evidence that the switch from controlled to compulsive drug seeking represents a transition at the neural level from prefrontal cortical to striatal control over drug-seeking and drug-taking behaviours as well as a progression from ventral to more dorsal domains of the striatum, mediated by its serially interconnecting dopaminergic circuitry. These neural transitions depend upon the neuroplasticity induced by chronic self-administration of drugs in both cortical and striatal structures, including long-lasting changes that are the consequence of toxic drug effects. We further summarize evidence showing that impulsivity, a spontaneously occurring behavioural tendency in outbred rats that is associated with low dopamine D2/3 receptors in the nucleus accumbens, predicts both the propensity to escalate cocaine intake and the switch to compulsive drug seeking and addiction.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to investigate sequel of oxidative insult to human erythrocytes induced by a water-soluble radical initiator, 2,2'-azobis-(amidinopropane) dihydrochloride (AAPH) and the effect of a commercially available mixed antioxidant (Blackmores, BioAce Excel), containing alpha-tocopherol, ascorbic acid, beta-carotene and some herbal extracts (containing grape seed catechins and milk thistle derived silybin), on lipid peroxidation, degradation of membrane proteins and haemolysis. We performed this study in order firstly to clarify aspects of the mechanism of AAPH induced free radical damage in human erythrocytes and secondly to establish in vitro conditions by which the efficacy of mixed antioxidant preparations may fairly and objectively be compared. In the process of oxidation initiated by peroxyl radical, a rapid loss of reduced glutathione occurred in the first 60 min. Formation of thiobarbitric acid-reactive substances indicative of lipid peroxidation increased subsequently and almost reached maximal levels at 180 min before significant apparent degradation of membrane proteins was detected. At this point, a significant haemolysis occurred. This sequence of events is consistent with the idea that haemolysis is a consequence of lipid peroxidation and the degradation of membrane proteins. The mixed commercial antioxidant, which suppressed lipid peroxidation and protected membrane proteins against degradation induced by peroxyl radicals, also effectively delayed AAPH induced haemolysis. The system we describe provides a sound objective basis for the in vitro comparison of the potential efficacy of the hundreds of antioxidant nutritional supplements currently available in the market place.  相似文献   

We revisit the airway wall model of Lambert et. al. (Lambert RK, Wiggs BR, Kuwano K, Hogg JC, and Pare PD. J Appl Physiol 74: 2771-2781, 1993). We examine in detail the notion of a general airway bistability such that the airway lumen can suddenly decrease from a relatively open to a relatively closed condition without needing additional increase in active airway smooth muscle (ASM) tension during the stimulation. The onset of this bistability is an emergent consequence of the balance of forces associated with airway wall properties, parenchymal tissue properties, maximum lung elastic recoil, and the maximum stress that the ASM can generate. In healthy lungs, we find that all these properties reside in conditions that largely prevent the emergence of the bistability even during maximum ASM stimulation. In asthmatic airways, however, the airway wall and ASM remodeling conditions can tip the balance so as to promote the onset of the bistability at a lower dose of ASM stimulation (enhanced sensitivity) and then work to amplify the maximum constriction reached by each airway (enhanced reactivity). Hence, a larger fraction of asthmatic airways can display overall airway hyperreactivity. Simulations studies examine the role of increasing ASM maximum tension, airway wall stiffening, reduced lung volume, and decreased parenchymal tethering. Results predict that the single most important factor causing this airway hyperreactivity is amplified maximum ASM tension and not a thickening of the airway wall per se.  相似文献   

To examine a hypothesis that change in regional blood flow due to decreased hydrostatic pressure gradient and redistribution of blood during reduced gravity (rG) is different between organs, changes in cerebrocortical blood flow (CBF) and blood flow in the temporal muscle (MBF) with exposure to rG were measured in anesthetized rats in head-up tilt and flat positions during parabolic flight. Carotid arterial pressure (CAP), jugular venous pressure (JVP), and abdominal aortic pressure were also measured simultaneously. In the head-up tilt group, CBF increased by 15 +/- 3% within 3 s of entry into rG and rapidly recovered during rG. MBF also increased, but the change was significantly greater than that of CBF. JVP increased by 1.8 +/- 0.5 mmHg, probably due to loss of hydrostatic pressure gradient, since the measuring point of JVP was 2-3 cm above the hydrostatic indifference point. CAP and abdominal aortic pressure increased by 16.7 +/- 2 and 7.7 +/- 2 mmHg, respectively, compared with the 1-G condition. Muscle vascular resistance [(CAP-JVP)/MBF] decreased on entry into rG, but no significant change was observed in cerebrocortical vascular resistance [(CAP-JVP)/CBF]. In the flat group, no significant change was observed in all the variables. The results indicate that arteriolar vasodilatation occurs in the temporal muscle but not in the cerebral cortex. Thus the blood flow control mechanism at the onset of rG is different between intra- and extracranial organs.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of papain on rats' gastric acid secretion and found that: 1. Feeding of latex of unripe papaya fruit significantly reduced gastric acid secretion induced by methacholine; 2. Feeding of crystalline papain in doses of 3.2 mg/kg reduced gastric acid secretion induced by histamine, methacholine and tetragastrin; 3. The reduction of gastric acid secretion was observed as early as 2 hours after papain feeding, lasted up to 48 hours, and waned within 96 hours; 4. Intraperitoneal injection of papain had no effect on acid secretion. These results led us to believe tha the effect of papain on gastric acid secretion is a local one acting directly on the gastric mucosa, and this local effect of a single dose of papain is reversible, causing no permanent damage to the mucosa.  相似文献   

The cloning, expression, and function of the murine (m) homologue of human (h) monocyte-derived chemokine (MDC) is reported here. Like hMDC, mMDC is able to elicit the chemotactic migration in vitro of activated lymphocytes and monocytes. Among activated lymphocytes, Th2 cells were induced to migrate most efficiently. mMDC mRNA and protein expression is modulated during the course of an allergic reaction in the lung. Neutralization of mMDC with specific Abs in a model of lung inflammation resulted in prevention of airway hyperreactivity and significant reduction of eosinophils in the lung interstitium but not in the airway lumen. These data suggest that mMDC is essential in the transit/retention of leukocytes in the lung tissue rather than in their extravasation from the blood vessel or during their transepithelial migration into the airways. These results also highlight the relevance of factors, such as mMDC, that regulate the migration and accumulation of leukocytes within the tissue during the development of the key physiological endpoint of asthma, airway hyperreactivity.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to investigate brain stem responses to manual acupuncture (MA) and electroacupuncture (EA) at different frequencies at pericardial P (5-6) acupoints located over the median nerve. Activity of premotor sympathetic cardiovascular neurons in the rostral ventral lateral medulla (rVLM) was recorded during stimulation of visceral and somatic afferents in ventilated anesthetized rats. We stimulated either the splanchnic nerve at 2 Hz (0.1-0.4 mA, 0.5 ms) or the median nerve for 30 s at 2, 10, 20, 40, or 100 Hz using EA (0.3-0.5 mA, 0.5 ms) or at approximately 2 Hz with MA. Twelve of 18 cells responsive to splanchnic and median nerve stimulation could be antidromically driven from the intermediolateral columns of the thoracic spinal cord, T2-T4, indicating that they were premotor sympathetic neurons. All 18 neurons received baroreceptor input, providing evidence of their cardiovascular sympathoexcitatory function. Evoked responses during stimulation of the splanchnic nerve were inhibited by 49 +/- 6% (n = 7) with EA and by 46 +/- 4% (n = 6) with MA, indicating that the extent of inhibitory effects of the two modalities were similar. Inhibition lasted for 20 min after termination of EA or MA. Cardiovascular premotor rVLM neurons responded to 2-Hz electrical stimulation at P 5-6 and to a lesser extent to 10-, 20-, 40-, and 100-Hz stimulation (53 +/- 10, 16 +/- 2, 8 +/- 2, 2 +/- 1, and 0 +/- 0 impulses/30 stimulations, n = 7). These results indicate that rVLM premotor sympathetic cardiovascular neurons that receive convergent input from the splanchnic and median nerves during low-frequency EA and MA are inhibited similarly for prolonged periods by low-frequency MA and EA.  相似文献   

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