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Therapeutic antibodies have revolutionised treatment of some cancers and improved prognosis for many patients. Over half of those available are approved for haematological malignancies, but efficacious antibodies for solid tumours are still urgently needed. Clinically available antibodies belong to the IgG class, the most prevalent antibody class in human blood, while other classes have not been extensively considered. We hypothesised that the unique properties of IgE, a class of tissue-resident antibodies commonly associated with allergies, which can trigger powerful immune responses through strong affinity for their particular receptors on effector cells, could be employed for passive immunotherapy of solid tumours such as ovarian and breast carcinomas. Our laboratory has examined this concept by evaluating two chimaeric antibodies of the same specificity (MOv18) but different isotype, an IgG1 and an IgE against the tumour antigen folate receptor α (FRα). The latter demonstrates the potency of IgE to mount superior immune responses against tumours in disease-relevant models. We identified Fcε receptor-expressing cells, monocytes/macrophages and eosinophils, activated by MOv18 IgE to kill tumour cells by mechanisms such as ADCC and ADCP. We also applied this notion to a marketed therapeutic, the humanised IgG1 antibody trastuzumab and engineered an IgE counterpart, which retained the functions of trastuzumab in restricting proliferation of HER2/neu-expressing tumour cells but also activated effector cells to kill tumour cells by different mechanisms. On-going efficacy, safety evaluations and future first-in-man clinical studies of IgE therapeutics constitute key metrics for this concept, providing new scope for antibody immunotherapies for solid tumours.  相似文献   

Cytokine combinations in immunotherapy for solid tumors: a review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The use of cytokines alone or in combination with other cytokines or cytotoxic drugs has had a profound effect upon widely metastatic disease in many cases. However, despite the encouraging results in early trials, there is much room for improvement. Few responses to these combinations are complete, and toxicity has in some cases been quite severe. Changes in dose, route, or schedule of administration of the drugs, or the development of cytokine analogs may lead to more efficacious and less toxic regimens. In addition, new cytokines such as interleukin (IL)-7 and IL-12 are currently under investigation for potential use in future immunotherapy trials. These prospects and the use of cytokine combinations are promising advances in the treatment of human cancer.  相似文献   

The potential role of antibodies and T lymphocytes in the eradication of cancer has been demonstrated in numerous animal models and clinical trials. In the last decennia new strategies have been developed for the use of tumor-specific T cells and antibodies in cancer therapy. Effective anti-tumor immunotherapy requires the identification of suitable target antigens. The expression of tumor-specific antigens has been extensively studied for most types of adult tumors. Pediatric patients should be excellent candidates for immunotherapy since their immune system is more potent and flexible as compared to that of adults. So far, these patients do not benefit enough from the progresses in cancer immunotherapy, and one of the reasons is the paucity of tumor-specific antigens identified on pediatric tumors. In this review we discuss the current status of cancer immunotherapy in children, focusing on the identification of tumor-specific antigens on pediatric solid tumors.  相似文献   

Natural killer(NK) cells, which recognize and kill target cells independent of antigen specificity and major histocompatibility complex(MHC) matching, play pivotal roles in immune defence against tumors. However, tumor cells often acquire the ability to escape NK cell-mediated immune surveillance. Thus, understanding mechanisms underlying regulation of NK cell phenotype and function within the tumor environment is instrumental for designing new approaches to improve the current cell-based immunotherapy. In this review, we elaborate the main biological features and molecular mechanisms of NK cells that pertain to regulation of NK cell-mediated anti-tumor activity. We further overview current clinical approaches regarding NK cell-based cancer therapy, including cytokine infusion, adoptive transfer of autologous or allogeneic NK cells, applications of chimeric antigen receptor(CAR)-expressing NK cells and adoptive transfer of memory-like NK cells. With these promising clinical outcomes and fuller understanding the basic questions raised in this review, we foresee that NK cell-based approaches may hold great potential for future cancer immunotherapy.  相似文献   

A total of 199 patients with stage I malignant melanoma at Clark''s level 3 to 5 of invasion were entered into a prospectively controlled randomized clinical trial that attempted to assess the value of local and systemic immunotherapy with BCG (bacille Calmette-Guérin) after surgery. The patients were randomly assigned, with stratification by Clark''s level, to receive either routine follow-up or immunotherapy with BCG, administered intradermally with a Heaf gun around the site of wide excision and then given orally for 2 years. Intradermal administration of BCG was repeated after 1 year''s oral therapy with BCG. Of the 99 patients in the treatment group 66 had Clark''s level 3, 28 had level 4, and 5 had level 5 invasion. Of the 100 patients in the control group, 61 had level 3, 36 had level 4, and 3 had level 5 invasion. Other prognostic factors, such as sex, depth of invasion, histologic features, site of disease and type of surgery, were evenly distributed. There were 57 recurrences of the melanoma, 24 in the treatment group and 33 in the control group. However, this trend was not statistically significant (p = 0.194). The suggestion that BCG may reduce the likelihood of local/regional recurrence has not been confirmed with longer follow-up. There were 13 such recurrences in the BCG group, compared with 21 in the control group; the proportions of patients in each group who had such a recurrence were not significantly different. Of the 199 patients 41 died, 24 in the control group and 17 in the treatment group; again, this difference was not significant. While there may be minor activity in selected patients, there appeared to be no benefit from this form of adjuvant BCG therapy in patients with malignant melanoma.  相似文献   

Recent reports on the impressive efficacy of chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-modified T cells against hematologic malignancies have inspired oncologists to extend these efforts for the treatment of solid tumors. Clinical trials of CAR-T-based cancer immunotherapy for solid tumors showed that the efficacies are not as remarkable as in the case of hematologic malignancies. There are several challenges that researchers must face when treating solid cancers with CAR-T cells, these include choosing an ideal target, promoting efficient trafficking and infiltration, overcoming the immunosuppressive microenvironment, and avoiding associated toxicity. In this review, we discuss the obstacles imposed by solid tumors on CAR-T cell-based immunotherapy and strategies adopted to improve the therapeutic potential of this approach. Continued investigations are necessary to improve therapeutic outcomes and decrease the adverse effects of CAR-T cell therapy in patients with solid malignancies in the future.  相似文献   

Cancer stem cell biology: from leukemia to solid tumors   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
The biology of stem cells and their intrinsic properties are now recognized as integral to tumor pathogenesis in several types of cancer. This observation has broad ramifications in the cancer research field and is likely to impact our understanding of the basic mechanisms of tumor formation and the strategies we use to treat cancers. A role for stem cells has been demonstrated for cancers of the hematopoietic system, breast and brain. Going forward it is likely that stem cells will also be implicated in other malignancies. Hence, a detailed understanding of stem cells and how they mediate tumor pathogenesis will be critical in developing more effective cancer therapies.  相似文献   

正Perturbations of the epigenomic landscape,as defined by genome-wide localization of histone post-translational modifications,DNA methylations and chromatin regulatory proteins,have been increasingly appreciated as a common feature of cancer.While epigenetic changes were previously argued as merely a consequence of the cancerous state,recent evidence collectively points to a perception that altered epigenetic states may play a causal role in cancer development(Brien et al.,2016).In fact,cancer genome  相似文献   

Over the past few decades, great strides have been made to advance the field of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. The donor immune mediated graft-vs-tumor effect that follows the procedure is now widely accepted as the most effective form cancer immunotherapy available for patients with a variety of advanced hematological malignancies. Recognition that a transplanted immune system could cure patients with treatment refractory leukemia led to the development of `low-intensity' conditioning regimens, which have improved the safety of the procedure and broadened the application of allogeneic immunotherapy to a growing list of neoplastic diseases. Here we discuss the investigational use of allogeneic transplantation as immunotherapy for patients with metastatic, treatment-refractory solid tumors. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Alterations in the expression of growth factors and their receptors are associated with the growth and development of human tumors. One such growth factor is IGF-I (insulin-like growth factor I ), a 70-amino-acid polypeptide expressed in many tissues, including brain. IGF-I is also expressed at high levels in some nervous system-derived tumors, especially in glioblastoma. When using IGF-I as a diagnostic marker, 17 different tumors are considered as expressing the IGF-I gene. Malignant glioma, the most common human brain cancer, is usually fatal. Average survival is less than one year. Our strategy of gene therapy for the treatment of gliomas and other solid tumors is based on: 1) diagnostic using IGF-I gene expression as a differential marker, and 2) application of "triple-helix anti-IGF-I" therapy. In the latter approach, tumor cells are transfected with a vector, which encodes an oligoribonucleotide--an RNA strand containing oligopurine sequence which might be capable of forming a triple helix with an oligopurine and/or oligopyrimidine sequence of the promotor of IGF-I gene (RNA-IGF-I DNA triple helix). Human tumor cells transfected in vitro become down-regulated in the production of IGF-I and present immunogenic (MHC-I and B7 expression) and apoptotic characteristics. Similar results were obtained when IGF-I antisense strategy was applied. In both strategies the transfected cells reimplanted in vivo lose tumorigenicity and elicit tumor specific immunity which leads to elimination of established tumors.  相似文献   

Phototoxic lesions generated in tumor tissue by photodynamic therapy (PDT) are recognized by the host as a threat to the integrity and homeostasis at the affected site. Among the canonical pathways invoked by the host for dealing with this type of challenge is the activation of the complement system, integrating proteins that serve as molecular sensors of danger signals produced by PDT and those initiating signalling cascades coupled into the network of inflammatory and immune responses. Since the activated complement system is a salient participant of the antitumor response produced by PDT, it is worth exploring whether its manipulation can be exploited for the therapeutic benefit. Using mouse tumor models, the present study examined the potential of representative complement-activating agents to act as effective adjuvants to PDT. Tumor-localized treatment with zymosan, an alternative complement pathway activator, reduced the recurrence-rate of PDT-treated tumors, markedly increasing the percentage of permanent cures. In contrast, a similar treatment with heat aggregated gamma globulin (complement activator via the classical pathway) was of no significant benefit as a PDT adjuvant. Systemic complement activation with streptokinase treatment had no detectable effect on complement deposition at the tumor site without PDT, but it augmented the extent of complement activity in PDT-treated tumors. This finding based on immunohistochemistry analysis explains the results of tumor therapy experiments, which showed that systemic treatment with streptokinase or a similar agent, urokinase, enhances the PDT-mediated tumor response. Zymosan and streptokinase administrations produced no beneficial results with PDT of tumors growing in complement-deficient mice. This study, therefore, establishes the potential of complement-activating agents to serve as effective adjuvants to PDT for cancer treatment.  相似文献   

The importance of antibodies in activating immune responses against tumors is now better appreciated with the emergence of checkpoint blockade antibodies and with engineered antibody Fc domains featuring enhanced capacity to focus potent effector cells against cancer cells. Antibodies designed with Fc regions of the IgE class can confer natural, potent, long-lived immune surveillance in tissues through tenacious engagement of high-affinity cognate Fc receptors on distinct, often tumor-resident immune effector cells, and through ability to activate these cells under tumor-induced Th2-biased conditions. Here, we review the properties that make IgE a contributor to the allergic response and a critical player in the protection against parasites, which also support IgE as a novel anti-cancer modality. We discuss IgE-based active and passive immunotherapeutic approaches in disparate in vitro and in vivo model systems, collectively suggesting the potential of IgE immunotherapies in oncology. Translation toward clinical application is now in progress.  相似文献   

Abs have a paramount place in the treatment of certain, mainly lymphoid, malignancies, although tumors of nonhemopoietic origin have proved more refractory ones. We have previously shown that the efficacy of immunotherapy of solid tumors, in particular ovarian carcinoma, may be improved by the use of IgE Abs in place of the conventional IgG. An IgE Ab (MOv18 IgE) against an ovarian-tumor-specific Ag (folate binding protein), in combination with human PBMC, introduced into ovarian cancer xenograft-bearing mice, greatly exceeded the analogous IgG1 in promoting survival. In this study, we analyzed the mechanisms by which MOv18 IgE may exert its antitumor activities. Monocytes were essential IgE receptor-expressing effector cells that mediated the enhanced survival of tumor-bearing mice by MOv18 IgE and human PBMC. Monocytes mediated MOv18 IgE-dependent ovarian tumor cell killing in vitro by two distinct pathways, cytotoxicity and phagocytosis, acting respectively through the IgE receptors FcepsilonRI and CD23. We also show that human eosinophils were potent effector cells in MOv18 IgE Ab-dependent ovarian tumor cell cytotoxicity in vitro. These results demonstrate that IgE Abs can engage cell surface IgE receptors and activate effector cells against ovarian tumor cells. Our findings offer a framework for an improved immunotherapeutic strategy for combating solid tumors.  相似文献   

Fear extinction, the reduction of fear by repeated exposure to the object of fear, is a crucial paradigm of inhibitory learning and the acknowledged preclinical model for behavior therapy of human anxiety. Recent insights have clarified roles for infralimbic prefrontal cortex, hippocampus and periaqueductal gray in extinction learning, while maintaining a central role for the basolateral amygdaloid nucleus in the acquisition and storage of this learning. Simultaneously, molecular insights have implicated several neurotransmitter and second messenger systems in extinction learning, and revealed that extinction is surprisingly easy to improve, yielding the promise of a novel approach to improved psychiatric treatments for a variety of human anxiety disorders.  相似文献   

In recent decades, chimeric antigen receptor T (CAR-T) cell therapy has achieved dramatic success in patients with hematological malignancies. However, CAR-T cell therapy failed to effectively treat solid tumors as a monotherapy. By summarizing the challenges of CAR-T cell monotherapy for solid tumors and analyzing the underlying mechanisms of combinatorial strategies to counteract these hurdles, we found that complementary therapeutics are needed to improve the scant and transient responses of CAR-T cell monotherapy in solid tumors. Further data, especially data from multicenter clinical trials regarding efficacy, toxicity, and predictive biomarkers are required before the CAR-T combination therapy can be translated into clinical settings.  相似文献   

Strategies that generate tumor Ag-specific effector cells do not necessarily cure established tumors. We hypothesized that the relative efficiency with which tumor-specific effector cells reach the tumor is critical for therapy. We demonstrate in this study that activated T cells respond to the chemokine CCL3, both in vitro and in vivo, and we further demonstrate that expression of CCL3 within tumors increases the effector T cell infiltrate in those tumors. Importantly, we show that adenoviral gene transfer to cause expression of CCL3 within B16ova tumors in vivo increases the efficacy of adoptive transfer of tumor-specific effector OT1 T cells. We additionally demonstrate that such therapies result in endogenous immune responses to tumor Ags that are capable of protecting animals against subsequent tumor challenge. Strategies that modify the "visibility" of tumors have the potential to significantly enhance the efficacy of both vaccine and adoptive transfer therapies currently in development.  相似文献   

Laser immunotherapy: a novel treatment modality for metastatic tumors   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Laser immunotherapy is a novel approach for the treatment of metastatic tumors. It combines a selective photothermal laser-tissue interaction for direct tumor destruction and an immunoadjuvant-directed simulation for immune responses. In experiments using a rat metastatic tumor model, laser immunotherapy resulted in the eradication of both treated primary tumors and untreated metastases at remote sites. It also induced anti-tumor resistance.  相似文献   

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