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在植物生理学教学中 ,“观察植物细胞的质壁分离和复原”是学习“植物的水分代谢”时所要做的 1个基本实验 ,也是中学生物学教学中的 1个经典实验。几乎所有的教科书或实验指导中都指明该实验所用的实验材料为紫色洋葱鳞片叶 ,在做该实验时经常有学生会问“能不能用别的实验材料”等问题。为了给同学们一个满意的答复 ,笔者选择了几种较为常见的可行的实验材料进行了比较实验。1 实验材料与方法 选择的实验材料为紫色洋葱 (A.cepa L.)鳞片叶、无色洋葱鳞片叶 ,美人蕉 (Canna indioaL.)叶、水绵 (Spirogyra)、天竺葵 (Pelargonium horto…  相似文献   

近几年5月,是普通高中毕业会考实验操作考查时间,生物教材中实验二《观察植物细胞的质壁分离和复原被列为考查实验。此时呈紫色的洋葱正在生长期,市场上往往难以买到。时逢初夏,光照充足,有许多植物的茎、计表皮呈现紫色或红色。现介绍10种实验材料如下表,可供考查时选用。介绍十种观察植物细胞质壁分离和复原的实验材料@赵立斌$山东省安丘市第三中学!262119  相似文献   

尹望新 《生物学通报》2002,37(10):54-54
1)用镊子取一小块鸭跖草 (Commelina communisL.)下表皮放在加有 1滴水的载玻片上 ,盖上盖玻片 ,在低倍镜下观察其自然状态。2 )从盖玻片一端加 1~ 2滴 30 %的蔗糖溶液 ,在盖玻片的另一端用滤纸吸水 ,使蔗糖溶液浸泡该材料。3)仔细观察细胞中细胞质的变化过程 ,可以看到细胞质从细胞壁逐渐脱离。在观察过程中需注意调节显微镜的光圈 ,使视野中的亮度适宜。4 )在已进行质壁分离的片子的盖玻片一边沿边缘加 1~ 2滴无离子水 ,在盖玻片另一边用滤纸吸水 ,反复进行数次 ,以洗去蔗糖溶液 ,则可在镜下观察到质壁分离现象消失 ,细胞质逐渐重新充…  相似文献   

宋继强 《生物学通报》2005,40(10):45-46
植物细胞质壁分离与复原实验是高中生物学教学中的一个最经典、最基本的实验,对培养学生的观察、实验、分析、识图和绘图等多种能力都有重要意义.但关于该实验中的“制作洋葱的临时装片”,原人教社高中《生物》(全一册)必修课本对此叙述为:“用刀片在洋葱鳞片叶的表面划一个小方块,用镊子撕取一小块洋葱表皮,将它平展地放在载玻片中央的清水滴中,并盖上盖玻片”.  相似文献   

郭慧敏 《生物学通报》2010,45(9):49-49,F0003
“渗透现象”是人教版高中生物学教材必修1第4章第1节“物质跨膜运输实例”中所设立的演示实验。由于教材介绍的渗透实验装置存在一些缺点:如长颈漏斗口直径大不易找到合适的半透膜,且半透膜扎口处密封难度大;玻璃管内径大,  相似文献   

游隆信 《生物学通报》2005,40(12):32-32
1概念的内涵 高中生物学教材中对渗透作用的定义是:水分子(或其他溶剂分子)透过半透膜,从低浓度溶液向高浓度溶液的扩散,叫做渗透作用(着重号为概念的精髓)。渗透作用的产生必须具备两个基本条件:①具有半透膜;②半透膜两侧溶液具有浓度差。对上述概念和条件应注意如下两个问题:一是在“扩散”前用“低浓度溶液向高浓度溶液”加以修饰,学生常常会把溶液浓度作为判断是否发生渗透作用的标准,即如果两种溶液之间没有浓度差就不会发生渗透作用。事实上浓度相同而溶质不同的两种溶液也能发生渗透作用;二是教材只在植物的水分代谢中叙述了渗透作用,学生往往认为只有成熟的植物细胞才能发生渗透作用,其实包括动物细胞、植物细胞、细菌细胞等在内的活体生物细胞都具有渗透作用。  相似文献   

笔者在教学过程中,对2003年人教版普通高中生物学教材有关实验材料的选取作了一些改进,克服由于季节的错位和一般学校实验器材的配备不足带来的困难,培养了师生的创新精神和实践能力,取得了较好的实验效果。  相似文献   

程玉平 《生物学通报》2007,42(10):24-24
“DNA的粗提取与鉴定”实验是高中生物学教学中的一个重要实验,此实验教材中是用鸡血作为实验材料,实验时存在实验操作繁琐,学生一堂课很难完成实验。实验过程中较难观察,在析出DNA黏稠物时,难以估计加入蒸馏水的量等问题,实验费用太高,对普通学校来说,买活鸡显然不现实,与市场上的小商贩联系购买新鲜鸡血,很难定时、定量地保证供应。为此我们对此实验加以改进:[第一段]  相似文献   

In cranio-maxillofacial surgery planning and implant design, it is important to know the elastic response of the mandible to load forces as they occur, e.g., in biting. The goal of the present study is to provide a method for a quantitative determination of material parameters for the human jaw bone, whose values can, e.g., be used to devise a prototype plastic model for the mandible. Non-destructive load experiments are performed on a cadaveric mandible using a specially designed test bed. The identical physiological situation is simulated in a computer program. The underlying mathematical model is based on a two component, linear elastic material law. The numerical realization of the model, difficult due to the complex geometry and morphology of the mandible, is via the finite element (FE) method. Combining the validated simulation with the results of the tests, an inverse problem for the determination of Young's modulus and the Poisson ratio of both cortical and cancellous bone can then be solved.  相似文献   

Novel coloured flowers   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
The floricultural industry has focused its attention primarily on the development of novel coloured and longer living cut flowers. The basis for this was laid down some years ago through the isolation of 'blue' genes and ethylene biosynthesis genes. Recently, a novel 'blue' gene has been discovered and yellow pigments were produced in petunias by addition of a new branch to the phenylpropanoid pathway. More insight was obtained into the sequestration of anthocyanin pigments into storage vacuoles. Significant progress has been achieved in the commercialisation of genetically modified flower varieties.  相似文献   

Bacterial plasmolysis as a physical indicator of viability.   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Bacterial plasmolytic response to osmotic stress was evaluated as a physical indicator of membrane integrity and hence cellular viability. Digital image analysis and either low-magnification dark-field, high-magnification phase-contrast, or confocal laser microscopy, in conjunction with pulse application of a 1.5 M NaCl solution, were used as a rapid, growth-independent method for quantifying the viability of attached biofilm bacteria. Bacteria were considered viable if they were capable of plasmolysis, as quantified by changes in cell area or light scattering. When viable Salmonella enteritidis biofilm cells were exposed to 1.5 M NaCl, an approximately 50% reduction in cell protoplast area (as determined by high-magnification phase-contrast microscopy) was observed. In contrast, heat- and formalin-killed S. enteritidis cells were unresponsive to NaCl treatment. Furthermore, the mean dark-field cell area of a viable, sessile population of Pseudomonas fluorescens cells (approximately 1,100 cells) increased by 50% as a result of salt stress, from 1,035 +/- 162 to 1,588 +/- 284 microns2, because of increased light scattering of the condensed, plasmolyzed cell protoplast. Light scattering of ethanol-killed control biofilm cells underwent little change following salt stress. When the results obtained with scanning confocal laser microscopy and a fluorescent viability probe were compared with the accuracy of plasmolysis as a viability indicator, it was found that the two methods were in close agreement. Used alone or in conjunction with fluorochemical probes, physical indicators of membrane integrity provided a rapid, direct, growth-independent method for determining the viability of biofilm bacteria known to undergo plasmolysis, and this method may have value during efficacy testing of biocides and other antimicrobial agents when nondestructive time course analyses are required.  相似文献   

Ditylum cells are enclosed in a rigid wall consisting of two "valves" (end walls) connected by "girdle bands." A hollow spine, the Labiate Process (LP), extends from each valve and a stable cytoplasmic strand connects its base with the nucleus. We investigated whether cells might possess "spatial determinants" for controlling their internal organization and wall morphogenesis. Upon plasmolysis, cells contracted into a spherical protoplast detached from the wall. Recovery was initiated by growing filopodia that "searched" the inside of the wall. Some attached to the inside corners, generating tension that could temporarily displace the protoplast. Others consolidated into the strand connecting nucleus with the LP. The protoplasts soon expanded and cells recovered: some divided immediately, the rest within 24 h. When recently divided cells were plasmolysed, their nascent valves were exocytosed. These were ignored by the filopodia during recovery. Later, protoplasts secreted a new valve, while the nascent valves were discarded. The interphase microtubule (MT) cytoskeleton radiates from a central Microtubule Center. A thicker bundle connects the nucleus to each LP. Plasmolysis destroyed the MT cytoskeleton; its re-establishment matched growth of the filopodia. The anti-MT drug oryzalin prevented filopodial extension while existing filopodia retracted, except those stabilized by attachment to the corners of the cell and the LP. Several anti-actin agents had relatively little effect. However, one, mycalolide B, caused the nucleus to be extruded from the protoplast by a bundle of MTs. We conclude that the geometry of the wall could provide spatial information to which the MT-cytoskeleton/filopodia respond.  相似文献   

During hyperosmotic shock, the protoplast and stretched-out peptidoglycan layer first shrink together until the turgor pressure in the cell is relieved. Being non-compressible, the outer and inner membranes must fold their superfluous surfaces. While the protoplast contracts further, the inner membrane rearranges into plasmolysis spaces visible by phase contrast microscopy. Two opposing theories predict a similar positioning of spaces in dividing cells and filaments: the ‘periseptal annulus model, based on adhesion zones, involved in the predetermination of the division site; and a ‘restricted, random model’, based on physical properties of the protoplast. Strong osmotic shock causes retraction of the inner membrane over almost the entire surface forming the so-called ‘Bayer bridges’. These tubular adhesion sites are preserved by chemical fixation, and can be destroyed by cryofixation and freeze-substitution of unfixed ceils. Both the regular positioning of the plasmolysis spaces and the occurrence of tubular adhesion sites can be explained on the basis of physical properties of the membrane which necessitate rearrangements by membrane flow during shrinkage of the protoplast.  相似文献   

Abstract Video recordings of interference phase contrast microscopy were used to study plasmalemma deletion during plasmolysis in hardened and non-hardened suspension cultured cells of Brassica napus, alfalfa, and cells isolated from rye seedlings. Although different hardening regimes and different cells were used, the responses to plasmolysis were consistent. Hardened cells uncoupled the volume to surface area ratio during plasmolysis both by forming a large number of strands between the cell wall and protoplast and by leaving rivulet-like networks of membranes on the cell wall surface. Tonoplast membrane was deleted as sac-like intrusions into the vacuole. Non-hardened cells produced few strands during plasmolysis. They also deleted plasmalemma and tonoplast into the vacuole as endocytotic vesicles. During deplasmolysis of hardened cells both the individual membrane strands and the rivulets of membrane material vesiculated into strings of vesicles. The vesicles were osmotically active and were re-incorporated into the expanding protoplast. Conversely, deplasmolysis in non-hardened cells resulted in few osmotically active vesicles and many broken strands. The vacuolar sac-like intrusions in hardened cells were re-incorporated into the vacuole whereas the endocytotic vesicles in non-hardened cells were not re-incorporated. Therefore, the non-hardened cells underwent expansion-induced lysis.  相似文献   

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