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Kyo Sato 《Plant and Soil》1981,61(1-2):251-258
Summary The investigation was carried out to study the relation between CO2 evolution and the changes in microflora in the case of cellulose-decomposition in soil with special attention to the heterogeneity of soil crumbs.The rates of CO2 evolution correlated with the number of Gram-negative bacteria, while the number of cellulose-decomposing microorganisms did not. The Gram-negative bacteria probably contribute directly to CO2 evolution by decomposing simple sugars produced from cellulose by cellulose-decomposing microorganisms. Both the Gram-negative bacteria and cellulose-decomposing microorganisms seemed to grow luxuriantly on the surface area of soil crumbs with added cellulose powder. Therefore, it is speculated that there is a cooperation between the Gram-negative bacteria and the cellulose-decomposing microorganisms with respect to cellulose decomposition in soil. The main locus where this reaction takes place may be the surface area of soil crumbs.This work was carried out at the Laboratory of Microbiology, Agricultural University, Wageningen, The Netherlands during author's stay as guest researcher.  相似文献   

Summary A differential infrared CO2 analyser combined with a 12 channel gas handling system have been used for the measurement of CO2 evolution rates of soil samples. A constant flow of air over the soil was maintained during the incubation period. Automatic sequential measurement and recording of the increase of the CO2 content of the flushed air of the 12 channels lasted 24 min with a dwell time of 2 min per channel. This technique has proven to be very useful for accurate and rapid measurement of the biological activities in untreated and treated soil.  相似文献   

A number of calcic palaeosols have been identified within the fluvial deposits of the Motur (Permian), the Denwa (Triassic), the Bagra (Jurassic) and the Lameta (Cretaceous) Formations of the Satpura sedimentary succession, Central India. These palaeosols show accumulation of pedogenic carbonates in rhizocretions and glaebules. The carbon isotopic compositions of these carbonates and the coexisting soil organic matters are used to determine the isotopic composition and the partial pressure of atmospheric CO2 using the CO2 palaeobarometer developed by Cerling [Am. J. Sci., 291 (1991) 377]. It is seen that the atmospheric CO2 level increased by a factor of 8 from the Permian to the Jurassic and declined again during the Cretaceous. The nature of the changes agrees with the result of the CO2 evolution model of Berner (GEOCARB II) but the magnitude of the CO2 increase in the Middle Jurassic and the Late Cretaceous was higher than the predicted value. Degassing of Earth's interior due to rapid break-up of the Gondwana landmass during the Triassic and Jurassic period could have caused the rapid CO2 increase.  相似文献   

Abstract. We evaluated the balance of production and decomposition in natural ecosystems of Pinus sylvestris, Larix sibirica and Betula pendula in the southern boreal forests of central Siberia, using the Yenisei transect. We also investigated whether anthropogenic disturbances (logging, fire and recreation pressure) influence the carbon budget. Pinus and Larix stands up to age class VI act as a net sink for atmospheric carbon. Mineralization rates in young Betula forests exceed rates of uptake via photosynthesis assimilation. Old‐growth stands of all three forest types are CO2 sources to the atmosphere. The prevalence of old‐growth Larix in the southern taiga suggests that Larix stands are a net source of CO2. The CO2 flux to the atmosphere exceeds the uptake of atmospheric carbon via photosynthesis by 0.23 t C.ha‐1.yr‐1 (47%). Betula and Pinus forests are net sinks, as photosynthesis exceeds respiration by 13% and 16% respectively. The total carbon flux from Pinus, Larix and Betula ecosystems to the atmosphere is 10 387 thousand tons C.yr‐1. Net Primary Production (0.935 t‐C.ha‐1) exceeds carbon release from decomposition of labile and mobile soil organic matter (Rh) by 767 thousand tons C (0.064 t‐C.ha‐1), so that these forests are net C‐sinks. The emissions due to decomposition of slash (101 thousand tons C; 1.0%) and from fires (0.21%) are very small. The carbon balance of human‐disturbed forests is significantly different. A sharp decrease in biomass stored in Pinus and Betula ecosystems leads to decreased production. As a result, the labile organic matter pool decreased by 6–8 times; course plant residues with a low decomposition rate thus dominate this pool. Annual carbon emissions to the atmosphere from these ecosystems are determined primarily by decomposing fresh litterfall. This source comprises 40–79% of the emissions from disturbed forests compared to only 13–28% in undisturbed forests. The ratio of emissions to production (NPP) is 20–30% in disturbed and 52–76% in undisturbed forests.  相似文献   

Since the decomposition rate of soil organic carbon (SOC) varies as a function of environmental conditions, global climate change is expected to alter SOC decomposition dynamics, and the resulting changes in the amount of CO2 emitted from soils will feedback onto the rate at which climate change occurs. While this soil feedback is expected to be significant because the amount of SOC is substantially more than the amount of carbon in the atmosphere, the environmental dependencies of decomposition at global scales that determine the magnitude of the soil feedback have remained poorly characterized. In this study, we address this issue by fitting a mechanistic decomposition model to a global dataset of SOC, optimizing the model’s temperature and moisture dependencies to best match the observed global distribution of SOC. The results of the analysis indicate that the temperature sensitivity of decomposition at global scales (Q 10=1.37) is significantly less than is assumed by many terrestrial ecosystem models that directly apply temperature sensitivity from small-scale studies, and that the maximal rate of decomposition occurs at higher moisture values than is assumed by many models. These findings imply that the magnitude of the soil decomposition feedback onto rate of global climate change will be less sensitive to increases in temperature, and modeling of temperature and moisture dependencies of SOC decomposition in global-scale models should consider effects of scale.  相似文献   

All living systems depend on transformations of elements between different states. In particular, the transformation of dead organic matter in the soil (SOM) by decomposers (microbes) releases elements incorporated in SOM and makes the elements available anew to plants. A major problem in analysing and describing this process is that SOM, as the result of the decomposer activity, is a mixture of a very large number of molecules with widely differing chemical and physical properties. The continuous-quality equation (CQE) is a general equation describing this complexity by assigning a continuous-quality variable to each carbon atom in SOM. The use of CQE has been impeded by its complicated mathematics. Here, we show by deriving exact solutions that, at least for some specific cases, there exist solutions to CQE. These exact solutions show that previous approximations have overestimated the rate by which litter decomposes and as a consequence underestimated steady state SOM amounts. The exact and approximate solutions also differ with respect to the parameter space in which they yield finite steady-state SOM amounts. The latter point is important because temperature is one of the parameters and climatic change may move the solution from a region of the parameter space with infinite steady-state SOM to a region of finite steady-state SOM, with potentially large changes in soil carbon stores. We also show that the solution satisfies the Chapman-Kolmogorov theorem. The importance of this is that it provides efficient algorithms for numerical solutions.  相似文献   

Water draining from the Everglades marshes of southern Florida containshigh concentrations of dissolved organic C (DOC), N (DON), and in somelocations, P (DOP). These dissolved organic nutrients carry over 90% of the Nand organic C, and about 25% of the P exported downstream in the Everglades.Ourobjectives were to describe the most important aspects of the origin and fateofdissolved organic matter (DOM) in the Everglades, and to describe the processescontrolling its concentration and export. Concentrations of dissolved organicnutrients are influenced by local plant production, decomposition, and sorptionequilibrium with peat. The drained peat soils of the Everglades AgriculturalArea and the more productive marshes of the northern Everglades produce some ofthe highest concentrations of DOC and DON in the Everglades watershed. Inportions of the marshes of the northern Everglades, P enrichment was correlatedwith higher local DOC and DON concentrations and greater production of solubleplant matter. Microbial degradation of Everglades DOM was very slow; less than10% of the DOC was lost after 6 months of incubation in the laboratory andsupplements of inorganic nutrients failed to speed the decomposition. Exposureto solar radiation increased the subsequent decay rate of the remaining DOC(25%in 6 mo.). Solar radiation alone mineralized 20.5% of the DOC, 7%of the DON, and degraded about 50% of the humic substances over 21 days insterile porewater samples and thus degraded DOM faster than microbialdegradation. The humic substances appeared to inhibit biodegradation of theother fractions of the DOC since hydrophilic organic acids decomposed fasterwhen isolated from the humic substances.The fate of DOC and DON is closely linked as indicated by a generally narrowrange of C/N ratios. In contrast, high concentrations of DOP were associatedwith P enrichment (at least in pore water). The DOC was composed of about 50%humic substances, 33% hydrophilic acids, and 15% hydrophilic neutralsubstances,typical of DOC from other environments, despite the fact that it originatesfroma neutral to slightly alkaline peatland. Despite high exports of DON (3.9g m–2 y–1 from one area), themarshes of the northern Everglades are a sink for DON on a landscape scale. Theagricultural fields of the Everglades Agricultural Area, however, exported netquantities of DON. High concentrations of DOC desorbed from the agriculturalsoils when water with no DOC was added. Sorption experiments indicated thathighconcentrations of dissolved organic matter flowing into the marshes from theEverglades Agricultural Area could suppress the further desorption ofadditionalsoluble organic matter through physicochemical mechanisms. While biologicalfactors, plant production and microbial decomposition are important inproducingpotentially soluble organic nutrients, physicochemical sorption equilibria,hydrology, and degradation by solar radiation are also likely to control theexport of this material on the landscape scale.  相似文献   

Volker Nicolai 《Oecologia》1988,75(4):575-579
Summary Factors influencing decomposition in European forests growing on different soils were studied in stands dominated by the European beechFagus sylvatica L. Phenolic contents of freshly fallen leaves ofF. sylvatica growing on nutrient-poor soils (acid sandy soil) were higher than those of similar leaves on nutrient-rich soils (calcareous mull soil). Analysis of fallen leaves of different ages showed rapid decay of phenolics during the first winter on the ground. After 1 year the phenolic content of leaves ofF. sylvatica growing on nutrient-poor soils was still twice as high as in similar leaves on nutrient-rich soils. Field and laboratory experiments showed that a major decomposer (Oniscus asellus, Isopoda) preferred leaves from trees on nutrient-rich soils. Mineral contents of leaves ofF. sylvatica growing on different soils differed: on rich soils leaves had higher contents of Ca, Mg, Na, and K. These elements are important nutrients for decomposers. The distribution of major decomposers reflects the mineral content of their diet, which in turn reflects soil type. Different rates of leaf turnover and nutrient turnover in different forest ecosystems (even when the same tree species is dominant) are due to the decomposing system, which is influenced by the phenolic and mineral contents of the leaves.  相似文献   

Low molecular weight organic carbon compounds are potentially important carbon and energy substrates to heterotrophic production in the aquatic environment. We studied the occurrence of dissolved free amino acids (AA), monosaccharides (CHO), and carboxylic acids (CA) in the subarctic Lake Diktar-Erik. The lake is unproductive with slightly humic water, and receives water via one major inlet stream draining a birch forest environment. The concentration of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in the inlet stream was strongly correlated with the discharge. This relationship changed from season to season, indicating changes in the sources of the DOC entering the stream. AA and CHO each accounted for an average of less than 0.5% of the DOC. After high discharge events during the ice-free period, AA and CHO occurred in especially high concentrations. CA occurred in higher concentrations during the ice-free period, when it generally accounted for 20–30% of the DOC pool. The CA content relative to the total DOC pool was strongly inversely correlated with overall DOC concentration, and at low DOC levels the relative content of CA was high and vice versa. This followed a seasonal trend, with CA accounting for a smaller proportion of the DOC in winter and a larger part in spring/early summer. A conservative estimate suggested that the studied simple organic carbon compounds potentially could cover 30% of the bacterial gross production in the lake and therefore potentially also was an important source of CO2 that occur in supersaturated concentrations in the lake.  相似文献   

草原及开垦后土壤有机质性质研究   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:7  
从土壤有机无机复合状况、腐殖质结合形态和腐殖质组成等方面,研究了供试土壤(草原淡黑钙土、草原风沙土和已开垦的风沙土)有机质的性质.结果表明,不同土壤类型及利用方式对土壤有机质性质的影响有很大的差异.与风沙土相比,淡黑钙土的全土碳、生物量碳、重组碳、可提取腐殖物质(HE)、松结态腐殖质的含量和全土腐殖化度较高.风沙土种向日葵后其全土碳、生物量碳、重组碳和HE含量及各种结合形态腐殖质含量均下降,但腐殖化程度相差不大.  相似文献   

Summary Leaf litter breakdown and fine root production, including exudation, are two major influences upon carbon and nitrogen mineralization rates in forest soil. Sieving and root removal experiments were used to examine their effects. Although carbon mineralization rates declined in smaller particle size fractions of forest litter, this trend largely disappeared when results were calculated on an ash-free basis. Nitrogen mineralization by contrast, was greatest in smaller fractions.Much of the variation in carbon mineralization rates appeared to be associated with fine roots. A rapid initial exponential decay phase noted in laboratory respiration studies was probably associated with disappearance of available carbon in the form of root exudates and/or the microorganisms dependent on them. Clear cutting caused a marked reduction in the size of available carbon pools, reflecting decreased root exudation and rhizosphere activity. A model of mineralization is proposed which represents the available and humified carbon pools.Deceased  相似文献   

凋落物分解过程中土壤微生物群落的变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
凋落物分解是生态系统碳循环和营养物质循环的关键过程, 受多种因素共同影响。土壤微生物是影响凋落物分解的重要因素, 其群落组成在一定程度上依赖于所处植物群落的特征。因此, 研究分解过程中微生物群落组成的变化及其对植物多样性的响应, 有利于对凋落物分解机制的理解。本文采用分解袋野外原位分解的方法, 对凋落物分解过程中微生物群落的变化及其对所处森林环境中树木的种类和遗传多样性的响应进行了研究。结果表明: (1)凋落物分解183天后, 土壤中微生物群落的多样性降低, 并且森林群落的物种多样性与微生物群落多样性呈负相关关系; (2)凋落物分解前后, 土壤中真菌和细菌群落的磷脂脂肪酸(PLFA)量均有所增加, 说明凋落物分解为微生物生存和繁殖提供了养分; (3)地形因素是影响微生物群落变化最显著的因素, 可解释微生物群落变化的29.55%; 其次是凋落物的基质质量, 可以解释15.39%; 最后是森林群落的多样性, 可以解释8.45%; 这3种因素共同解释率为2.97%。综上所述, 与森林群落的植物多样性相比, 样地的地形因素与凋落物的基质质量对微生物群落的影响更显著。  相似文献   

In two consecutive years, we analysed the effect of litter quality, quantity and decomposability on soil N at three characteristic sites of the Patagonian Monte. We assessed (i) concentrations of N, C, lignin and total phenolics and the C/N ratio in senesced leaves as indicators of litter quality of three species of each dominant plant life form (evergreen shrubs and perennial grasses), and (ii) N, and organic-C concentrations, potential N-mineralisation and microbial-N flush in the soil beneath each species. Rate constants of potential decomposition of senesced leaves and N content in decaying leaves during the incubation period were assessed in composite samples of the three sites as indicators of litter decomposability. Further, we estimated for each species leaf-litter production, leaf-litter on soil, and the mass of standing senesced leaves during the senescence period. Senesced leaves of evergreen shrubs showed higher decomposability than those of perennial grasses. Leaf-litter production, leaf-litter on soil, and the mass of standing senesced leaves differed significantly among species. The largest variations in leaf-litter production and leaf-litter on soil were observed in evergreen shrubs. The mass of standing senesced leaves was larger in perennial grasses than in evergreen shrubs. Nitrogen, organic C and potential N-mineralisation in soil were higher underneath evergreen shrubs than beneath perennial grasses, while no significant differences were found in microbial-N flush among life forms. The initial concentrations of C, N and total phenolics of senesced leaves explained together 78% of the total variance observed in the dry mass loss of decaying leaves. Litter decomposition rates explained 98%, 98%, 73%, and 67% of the total variance of soil N, organic C, net-N mineralisation, and microbial-N flush, respectively. We concluded that leaf-litter decomposition rates along with leaf-litter production are meaningful indicators of plant local effects on soil N dynamics in shrublands of the Patagonian Monte, and probably in other similar ecosystem of the world dominated by slow growing species that accumulate a wide variety of secondary metabolites including phenolics. Indicators such as C/N or lignin concentration usually used to predict litter decomposability or local plant effects may not be adequate in the case of slow growing species that accumulate a wide range of secondary metabolites or have long leaf lifespan and low leaf-litter production.  相似文献   

Summary Aerobic decomposition of tylosin fermentation waste was studied by O2 uptake and CO2, NH4 + and NO3 release over 10 weeks in a light compost-soil at 3 concentrations and 4 temperatures. Comparisons of O2 uptake and CO2 release at each temperature showed that aerobic conditions were maintained in the system. Maximal rates of respiration (C mineralization) increased with temperature. At 23°C 50% of the substrate C had been mineralized in 10 weeks. At 10–15°C and at 4°C C mineralization was approximately 38% and 22% respectively. Except at 4°C mineralization had almost ceased within 10 weeks. There was evidence of a permanent inhibition of C mineralization at 10–15°C compared with 23°C, and a temporary inhibition at 10°C compared with 15°C.At 10 weeks 25% of the N had been mineralized at 23, 15 and 10°C, while 14% had been mineralized at 4°C. The time taken to reach maximum N mineralization was reduced by increase in temperature and by 10 weeks mineralization had almost ceased at 15 and 23°C. In terms of the fertilizing effect of tylosin fermentation, 25% of the total N was available within 10 weeks at 10–23°C. Nitrification was strongly inhibited at 4 and 10°C. Both C and N mineralization were in direct proportion to the concentration of tylosin fermentation waste added to the soil.  相似文献   

The release of root exudates into the rhizosphere is known to enhance soil biological activity and alter microbial community structure. To assess whether root exudates also stimulated litter decomposition, in a rhizosphere model system we continuously injected solutions of glucose, malate or glutamate through porous Rhizon® soil solution samplers into the soil at rhizosphere concentrations. The effect of these substances on the decomposition of 14C-labelled Lolium perenne shoot residues present in the soil was evaluated by monitoring 14CO2 evolution at either 15°C or 25°C. The incorporation of the 14C into the microbial biomass and appearance in the dissolved organic matter (DOM) pool was estimated after 32 d incubation. The presence of malate and glutamate increased the mineralization of L. perenne residues by approximately 20% relative to the soil without their addition at 15°C, however, no significant effects on residue decomposition were observed at 25°C. The incorporation of the 14C-label into the microbial biomass and DOM pool was not affected by the addition of either glucose, malate or glutamate. Although nearly the same amount of L. perenne residues were mineralized at either temperature after 32 d, less 14C was recovered in the microbial biomass and DOM pools at 25°C compared to 15°C. Alongside other results, this suggests that the rate of microbial turnover is greater at 25°C compared to 15°C. We conclude that the addition of labile root exudate components to the rhizosphere induced a small but significant increase on litter decomposition but that the magnitude of this effect was regulated by temperature.  相似文献   

Effects of different water salinity levels on the decomposition of the two organic manures cowdung and poultry manure were studied under laboratory condition. Application of the manures increased the free CO2 content and decreased D.O. levels of water. pH values of soil and water declined slightly on addition of the manures. The amount of nitrogen, released from the organic manures to water and soil phases, increased gradually with the period of incubation but decreased with increase in water salinity levels. NH4 + was found to occur in comparatively higher amount than NO3 , due to prevailing anaerobic environmental conditions. The amount of added organic carbon remaining in the soil decreased gradually as the decomposition proceeded, but recorded slightly higher values with increase in water salinity levels.The results showed that the rates of decomposition of added organic manures were comparatively lower under higher water salinity levels and hence indicated that use of well decomposed manures might be more suitable for use under such water salinities in brackish water fish ponds.This work formed a part of a thesis submitted for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy to Bidhan Chandra Agricultural University, West Bengal in 1978This work formed a part of a thesis submitted for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy to Bidhan Chandra Agricultural University, West Bengal in 1978  相似文献   

Bottner  Pierre  Pansu  Marc  Sallih  Zaher 《Plant and Soil》1999,216(1-2):15-25
The aim of this experiment was to study the effect of living roots on soil carbon metabolism at different decomposition stages during a long-term incubation. Plant material labelled with 14C and 15N was incubated in two contrasting soils under controlled laboratory conditions, over two years. Half the samples were cropped with wheat (Triticum aestivum) 11 times in succession. At earing time the wheat was harvested, the roots were extracted from the soil and a new crop was started. Thus the soils were continuously occupied by active root systems. The other half of the samples was maintained bare, without plants under the same conditions. Over the 2 years, pairs of cropped and bare soils were analysed at eight sampling occasions (total-, plant debris-, and microbial biomass-C and -14C). A five compartment (labile and recalcitrant plant residues, labile microbial metabolites, microbial biomass and stabilised humified compounds) decomposition model was fitted to the labelled and soil native organic matter data of the bare and cropped soils. Two different phases in the decomposition processes showed a different plant effect. (1) During the initial fast decomposition stage, labile 14C-material stimulated microbial activities and N immobilisation, increasing the 14C-microbial biomass. In the presence of living roots, competition between micro-organisms and plants for inorganic N weakly lowered the measured and predicted total-14C mineralisation and resulted in a lower plant productivity compared to subsequent growths. (2) In contrast, beyond 3–6 months, when the labile material was exhausted, during the slow decomposition stage, the presence of living roots stimulated the mineralisation of the recalcitrant plant residue-14C in the sandy soil and of the humified-14C in the clay soil. In the sandy soil, the presence of roots also substantially stimulated decomposition of old soil native humus compounds. During this slow decomposition stage, the measured and predicted plant induced decrease in total-14C and -C was essentially explained by the predicted decrease in humus-14C and -C. The 14C-microbial biomass (MB) partly decayed or became inactive in the bare soils, whereas in the rooted soils, the labelled MB turnover was accelerated: the MB-14C was replaced by unlabelled-C from C derived from living roots. At the end of experiment, the MB-C in the cropped soils was 2.5–3 times higher than in the bare soils. To sustain this biomass and activity, the model predicted a daily root derived C input (rhizodeposition), amounting to 5.4 and 3.2% of the plant biomass-C or estimated at 46 and 41% of the daily net assimilated C (shoot + root + rhizodeposition C) in the clay and sandy soil, respectively. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Crop residue-derived dissolved organic matter (DOM) plays an important role in soil carbon (C) cycling. To investigate the effects of maize residue-derived DOM and urea additions on the native soil organic carbon (SOC) decomposition and soil net C balance a pot experiment was carried out during the winter wheat growing season in the North China Plain (NCP). The results showed that adding maize residue-derived DOM alone (RDOM) or together with urea (RDOM?+?N) accelerated the decomposition of native SOC and resulted in a net SOC loss. The net loss of SOC was 3.90?±?0.61 and 3.53?±?0.48?g?C?m?2 in RDOM and RDOM?+?N treatments, respectively. The stimulatory effect of per unit DOM-C addition on the native SOC decomposition was 0.25?±?0.05 and 0.45?±?0.07 for the RDOM and RDOM?+?N treatments, respectively. Increases in the microbial biomass and the activity of β-glucosidase, invertase and cellobiohydrolase as well as soil mineral N content were responsible for a more intense priming effect in DOM-amended soils. The positive relationship between primed soil C and soil available N (R?=?0.76, P?<?0.05) suggested that the stimulation of decomposition of native SOC by DOM addition would be enhanced by nitrogen fertilizer application.  相似文献   

A laboratory procedure using a simple respirometric technique was evaluated to determine the microbial toxicity in soil of three toxicant compounds: two pesticides, chlorpyrifos and glyphosate; and diesel oil. The microbial toxicity was tested using the specific oxygen uptake rate (SOUR) method, evaluating the soil samples for both the reduction in maximum SOUR (SOURmax) and the cumulative oxygen demands after 20 h (OD20). Consumption rate curves were produced for the lowest concentrations assessed: diesel (2460 ppm), chlorpyrifos (62.5 ppm), and glyphosate (250 ppm) (limiting amounts considered as local soil contamination). In comparison with the control, these showed drastic reductions in SOURmax, demonstrating the high sensitivity of this SOUR method. The SOURmax provides a better indication of the microbial toxicity of these contaminants compared to the OD20 because of the different effects of these toxic compounds on microbial communities in the soil. Increasing concentrations of these toxic compounds resulted in different responses, evaluated as percentage inhibition by these different xenobiotic compounds. For these reasons, the microbial toxicity of xenobiotic compounds can be better recognized with SOURmax as compared to other respirometric methodologies.  相似文献   

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