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Cholera toxin (CT) is the most potent known mucosal adjuvant, but its toxicity precludes its use in humans. Here, in an attempt to develop safe and effective mucosal adjuvants, we compared immune responses to simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) virus-like particles (VLPs) after intranasal coimmunization with RANTES, CpG oligodeoxynucleotides (ODN), or CT. Antibody analysis demonstrated that RANTES and CpG ODN had capacities for mucosal adjuvanticity, i.e., for enhancing serum and vaginal antibodies specific to SIV Env, similar to those for CT. RANTES and CpG ODN skewed serum antibodies predominantly to the immunoglobulin G2a isotype. Most importantly, RANTES and CpG ODN were more effective than CT in increasing neutralizing titers of both serum and vaginal antibodies. After intranasal coadministration with VLPs, RANTES or CpG ODN also induced increased levels of gamma interferon (IFN-gamma)-producing lymphocyte and cytotoxic T-lymphocyte activities in both spleen and lymph nodes but did not increase the levels of interleukin-4-producing lymphocytes. The results suggest that RANTES and CpG ODN enhance immune responses in a T-helper-cell-type-1 (Th1)-oriented manner and that they can be used as effective mucosal adjuvants for enhancing both humoral and cellular immune responses in the context of VLPs, which are particulate antigens.  相似文献   

Kang SM  Yao Q  Guo L  Compans RW 《Journal of virology》2003,77(18):9823-9830
To enhance the efficiency of antigen uptake at mucosal surfaces, CTB was conjugated to simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) virus-like particles (VLPs). We characterized the immune responses to the Env and Gag proteins after intranasal administration. Intranasal immunization with a mixture of VLPs and CTB as an adjuvant elicited higher levels of SIV gp160-specific immunoglobulin G (IgG) in sera and IgA in mucosae, including saliva, vaginal-wash samples, lung, and intestine, as well as a higher level of neutralization activities than immunization with VLPs alone. Conjugation of CTB to VLPs also enhanced the SIV VLP-specific antibodies in sera and in mucosae to similar levels. Interestingly, CTB-conjugated VLPs showed higher levels of cytokine (gamma interferon)-producing splenocytes and cytotoxic-T-lymphocyte activities of immune cells than VLPs plus CTB, as well as an increased level of both IgG1 and IgG2a serum antibodies, which indicates enhancement of both Th1- and Th2-type cellular immune responses. These results demonstrate that CTB can be an effective mucosal adjuvant in the context of VLPs to induce enhanced humoral, as well as cellular, immune responses.  相似文献   

Enveloped viruses are released from infected cells after coalescence of viral components at cellular membranes and budding of membranes to release particles. For some negative-strand RNA viruses (e.g., vesicular stomatitis virus and Ebola virus), the viral matrix (M) protein contains all of the information needed for budding, since virus-like particles (VLPs) are efficiently released from cells when the M protein is expressed from cDNA. To investigate the requirements for budding of the paramyxovirus simian virus 5 (SV5), its M protein was expressed in mammalian cells, and it was found that SV5 M protein alone could not induce vesicle budding and was not secreted from cells. Coexpression of M protein with the viral hemagglutinin-neuraminidase (HN) or fusion (F) glycoproteins also failed to result in significant VLP release. It was found that M protein in the form of VLPs was only secreted from cells, with an efficiency comparable to authentic virus budding, when M protein was coexpressed with one of the two glycoproteins, HN or F, together with the nucleocapsid (NP) protein. The VLPs appeared similar morphologically to authentic virions by electron microscopy. CsCl density gradient centrifugation indicated that almost all of the NP protein in the cells had assembled into nucleocapsid-like structures. Deletion of the F and HN cytoplasmic tails indicated an important role of these cytoplasmic tails in VLP budding. Furthermore, truncation of the HN cytoplasmic tail was found to be inhibitory toward budding, since it prevented coexpressed wild-type (wt) F protein from directing VLP budding. Conversely, truncation of the F protein cytoplasmic tail was not inhibitory and did not affect the ability of coexpressed wt HN protein to direct the budding of particles. Taken together, these data suggest that multiple viral components, including assembled nucleocapsids, have important roles in the paramyxovirus budding process.  相似文献   

The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) envelope (Env) protein is incorporated into HIV virions or virus-like particles (VLPs) at very low levels compared to the glycoproteins of most other enveloped viruses. To test factors that influence HIV Env particle incorporation, we generated a series of chimeric gene constructs in which the coding sequences for the signal peptide (SP), transmembrane (TM), and cytoplasmic tail (CT) domains of HIV-1 Env were replaced with those of other viral or cellular proteins individually or in combination. All constructs tested were derived from HIV type 1 (HIV-1) Con-S DeltaCFI gp145, which itself was found to be incorporated into VLPs much more efficiently than full-length Con-S Env. Substitution of the SP from the honeybee protein mellitin resulted in threefold-higher chimeric HIV-1 Env expression levels on insect cell surfaces and an increase of Env incorporation into VLPs. Substitution of the HIV TM-CT with sequences derived from the mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) envelope glycoprotein, influenza virus hemagglutinin, or baculovirus (BV) gp64, but not from Lassa fever virus glycoprotein, was found to enhance Env incorporation into VLPs. The highest level of Env incorporation into VLPs was observed in chimeric constructs containing the MMTV and BV gp64 TM-CT domains in which the Gag/Env molar ratios were estimated to be 4:1 and 5:1, respectively, compared to a 56:1 ratio for full-length Con-S gp160. Electron microscopy revealed that VLPs with chimeric HIV Env were similar to HIV-1 virions in morphology and size and contained a prominent layer of Env spikes on their surfaces. HIV Env specific monoclonal antibody binding results showed that chimeric Env-containing VLPs retained conserved epitopes and underwent conformational changes upon CD4 binding.  相似文献   

The roles of the human immunodeficiency virus precursor polyproteins Pr55gag and Pr160gag-pol in viral core assembly were studied in CMT3-COS cells. To do this, the precursors were expressed separately by using a simian virus 40 late replacement vector system described previously. Consistent with previously published data, our results show that the Pr55gag precursor, when expressed alone, was able to form particles which had an immature morphology and that particle formation required the presence of a myristate addition signal at the amino terminus of the precursor. In contrast, the Pr160gag-pol precursor was not able to form particles when expressed alone, although it still underwent proteolytic processing. Coexpression of the two precursor polyproteins from separate vectors in the same cell resulted in processing of the Pr55gag in trans by the protease embedded in Pr160gag-pol and the formation of virus-like particles containing the products of both precursors. Proteolytic processing occurred independently of the presence of a functional myristate addition signal on either precursor. On the other hand, removal of myristate from one or the other precursor had nonreciprocal effects on virus particle formation. Cells expressing Pr55gag lacking myristate and Pr160gag-pol containing it did not produce particles. Cells expressing a myristylated Pr55gag and unmyristylated Pr160gag-pol still produced virus-like particles which contained nearly normal amounts of Pr160gag-pol. The results suggest that the incorporation of Pr160gag-pol into particles is largely determined by intermolecular protein-protein interactions between the two precursor polypeptides.  相似文献   

CD4(+) Th cells are believed to be essential for the induction of humoral and cellular immune responses. In this study we tested the effect and possible mechanisms of the major antigenic component in influenza, hemagglutinin (HA), in helping HIV Env to induce immune responses in CD4(+) T cell knockout (CD4 KO) mice. Simian HIV virus-like particles (SHIV VLPs) or phenotypically mixed chimeric influenza HA/SHIV VLPs were used as immunogens to immunize CD4 KO mice either i.p. or intranasally (i.n.). We found that chimeric HA/SHIV VLPs significantly induced a greater IgG Ab response in both i.p. and i.n. immunized mice and a greater IgA Ab response in mucosal washes in i.n. immunized mice compared with SHIV VLPs. Importantly, chimeric HA/SHIV VLPs induced approximately 3-fold higher neutralizing Ab titers against HIV 89.6 than SHIV VLPs in the absence of CD4(+) T cell help. There was also approximately 40% more specific lysis of the HIV Env-expressing target cells in chimeric HA/SHIV VLP-immunized than in SHIV VLP-immunized CD4 KO mouse splenocytes. Moreover, we have found that chimeric HA/SHIV VLPs could efficiently bind and activate dendritic cells and stimulate the activated dendritic cells to secret TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma. Therefore, chimeric HA/SHIV VLPs could efficiently prime and activate APCs, which could, in turn, induce immune responses in a CD4(+) T cell-independent manner. This study suggests a novel adjuvant role of influenza HA as well as a new strategy to develop more effective therapeutic vaccines for AIDS patients with low CD4(+) T cell counts.  相似文献   

X Wu  H Liu  H Xiao  J A Conway    J C Kappes 《Journal of virology》1996,70(6):3378-3384
The human immunodeficiency virus type I (HIV-1) Vpr and HIV-2 Vpx proteins package into virions through interactions with their cognate Gag polyprotein precursor. The targeting properties of Vpr and Vpx have been exploited to incorporate foreign proteins into virions by expression as heterologous fusion molecules (X. Wu, H.-M. Liu, H. Xiao, J. Kim, P. Seshaiah, G. Natsoulis, J. D. Boeke, B. H. Hahn, and J. C. Kappes, J. Virol. 69:3389-3398, 1995). To explore the possibility of utilizing Vpx and Vpr to target dominant negative mutants of the HIV Pol proteins into virions, we fused HIV-2 Vpx with an enzymatically defective protease (PR) mutant. Using a vector system to facilitate transient coexpression with HIV provirus, Vpx-PR-mutant (VpxPR(M)) fusion protein was expressed and packaged efficiently into HIV-2 and simian immunodeficiency virus virions. Immunoblot analysis of purified virions demonstrated that the packaging of VpxPR(M) interfered with the processing of the Gag and Gag/Pol precursor proteins, similar to that of a well-characterized active-site PR inhibitor. The incomplete processing of Gag and Gag/Pol was consistent with a 25-fold reduction in virion infectivity. The coexpression of a packaging defective VpxPR(M) fusion protein with HIV-2 provirus produced virions with fully processed Gag protein, similar to wild-type virions. Importantly, virions trans complemented with a Vpx-chloramphenicol acetyltransferase fusion protein were normal with respect to the processing of Gag protein and the ability to infect and replicate in vitro. These results indicate that VpxPR(M) specifically inhibited the function of the viral protease and provide for the first time proof of principle that the incorporation of foreign proteins into virions via fusion with Vpx can inhibit HIV replication. The use of accessory proteins as vehicles to deliver deleterious proteins to virions, including dominant negative mutants of Pol proteins, may provide new opportunities for application of gene therapy-based antiretroviral strategies. The ability to package PR by expression in trans, independent of the Gag/Pol precursor, also represents a novel approach that may be exploited to study the function of the Pol proteins.  相似文献   

Little is known about the assembly pathway or structure of the hepatitis C virus (HCV). In this work a truncated HCcAg variant covering the first 120 aa (HCcAg.120) with a 32 aa N-terminal fusion peptide (6x Histag-Xpress epitope) was purified as a monomer under strong denaturing conditions. In addition, minor HCcAg.120 peaks exhibiting little different molecular mass by SDS-PAGE which possibly represents alternative forms harboring the N-termini of HCcAg.120 were detected. Analysis using gel filtration chromatography showed that HCcAg.120 assembled into high molecular weight structures in vitro in the absence of structured nucleic acids. The negative-stain electron microscopy analysis revealed that these structures correspond with spherical VLPs of uniform morphology and size distribution. The diameters of these particles ranged from 20 to 43nm with an average diameter of approximately 30 nm and were specifically immunolabelled with a mouse monoclonal antibody against the residues 5-35 of HCcAg. Results presented in this work showed that HCcAg.120 assembled in vitro into VLPs in the absence of structured nucleic acids with similar morphology and size distribution to those found in sera and hepatocytes from HCV-infected patients. Therefore, these VLPs would be important to elucidate the mechanisms behind the ability of HCcAg to assemble into a nucleocapsid structure.  相似文献   

Recently, complete replication of hepatitis C virus (HCV) in tissue culture was established using the JFH1 isolate. To analyze determinants of HCV genome packaging and virion assembly, we developed a system that supports particle production based on trans-packaging of subgenomic viral RNAs. Using JFH1 helper viruses, we show that subgenomic JFH1 replicons lacking the entire core to NS2 coding region are efficiently encapsidated into infectious virus-like particles. Similarly, chimeric helper viruses with heterologous structural proteins trans-package subgenomic JFH1 replicons. Like authentic cell culture-produced HCV (HCVcc) particles, these trans-complemented HCV particles (HCVTCP) penetrate target cells in a CD81 receptor-dependent fashion. Since HCVTCP production was limited by competition between the helper and subgenomic RNA and to avoid contamination of HCVTCP stocks with helper viruses, we created HCV packaging cells. These cells encapsidate various HCV replicons with high efficiency, reaching infectivity titers up to 106 tissue culture infectious doses 50 per milliliter. The produced particles display a buoyant density comparable to HCVcc particles and can be propagated in the packaging cell line but support only a single-round infection in naïve cells. Together, this work demonstrates that subgenomic HCV replicons are assembly competent, thus excluding cis-acting RNA elements in the core-to-NS2 genomic region essential for RNA packaging. The experimental system described here should be helpful to decipher the mechanisms of HCV assembly and to identify RNA elements and viral proteins involved in particle formation. Similar to other vector systems of plus-strand RNA viruses, HCVTCP may prove valuable for gene delivery or vaccination approaches.Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is an enveloped plus-strand RNA virus of the genus Hepacivirus within the family Flaviviridae (34). The HCV genome is approximately 9.6 kb in length and consists of a single open reading frame encoding a polyprotein of ca. 3,000 amino acids and nontranslated regions (NTRs) located at the 5′ and 3′ termini. These NTRs are highly structured RNA segments encompassing critical cis-active RNA elements essential for genome replication and RNA translation (31). Viral proteins are expressed in a cap-independent manner by means of an internal ribosome entry site (IRES) located in the 5′ NTR. Co- and posttranslational cleavages liberate 10 viral proteins: core; envelope protein 1 (E1) and E2, representing the structural proteins that constitute the virion; a small membrane-associated ion channel protein designated p7 that is essential for virus assembly (16, 22, 43, 57); and six nonstructural (NS) proteins (NSs 2, 3, 4A, 4B, 5A, and 5B). HCV proteins NS3 to NS5B are both necessary and sufficient to establish membrane-bound replication complexes catalyzing RNA replication (13, 36). More recent data indicate that the NS2 protease that catalyzes cleavage at the NS2-NS3 site in addition participates in assembly and release of infectious viruses (22). Finally, ribosomal frame-shifting and internal translation initiation yield a group of additional proteins designated ARFP (alternative reading frame protein) or core+1 proteins. However, their function for the HCV replication cycle is currently not known.One hallmark of HCV is its high propensity to establish a persistent infection, which frequently causes progressive morbidity ranging from hepatic fibrosis to cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma (20). Despite considerable progress in the treatment of HCV infection, the currently available therapy (a combination of pegylated interferon alpha with ribavirin) is not well tolerated and is efficacious in only ca. 50% of patients infected with the most prevalent genotype 1 (38). Therapeutic or prophylactic vaccines are not available. For these reasons and with currently ca. 170 million persistently infected individuals, HCV infection represents a considerable global health problem necessitating pertinent basic and applied research efforts.In recent years three major advances enabled analysis of the HCV replication cycle in tissue culture. First, Lohmann and colleagues developed subgenomic HCV replicons (36). These autonomously replicating RNA molecules carry all the genetic elements necessary for self-replication (the NTRs and NS3 to NS5B), including a selectable marker or a reporter gene in place of the viral structural proteins, and an internal IRES for expression of the HCV replicase genes (reviewed in reference 45). Second, HCV pseudotype particles, i.e., retroviral particles surrounded by an envelope carrying HCV E1-E2 complexes in place of their cognate envelope proteins, were established (3, 21). As these particles carry functional HCV glycoprotein complexes on their surface, HCV pseudotype particles have been instrumental for the analysis of E1-E2 receptor interactions and the early events of HCV infection (reviewed in reference 2). Finally, in 2005 fully permissive cell culture systems which are based on the JFH1 clone were described (33, 66, 72). This isolate replicates with unprecedented efficiency in transfected Huh7 human hepatoma cells and produces particles infectious both in vitro and in vivo, thus providing a model system reproducing the complete HCV replication cycle.Use of these novel models has considerably expanded our knowledge of viral and host cell factors involved in HCV replication (for a recent review, see reference 59). It is now known that similar to virtually all other plus-strand RNA viruses, HCV induces intracellular membrane alterations and replicates its genome in conjunction with vesicular membrane structures, the so-called “membranous web” (10, 13). Presumably as a consequence of this specific, rather secluded architecture of the membrane-associated replication machinery, all viral proteins involved in RNA replication, with the exception of NS5A function in cis, cannot be complemented in trans (1). Restricted trans-complementation of viral replicase proteins has been observed for other plus-strand RNA viruses as well, thus indicating that a rather “closed” replication machinery is a shared feature of these viruses (15, 27, 60). In contrast, for a number of plus-strand RNA viruses from diverse virus families like Picornaviridae (poliovirus), Alphaviridae (Sindbis virus, Semliki Forest virus, and Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus), Coronaviridae (human coronavirus E229), and Flaviviridae (tick-borne encephalitis virus, Kunjin virus, West Nile virus, and yellow fever virus), assembly of progeny viruses can be achieved when structural proteins are expressed in trans and independent from the RNA molecule that encodes the replicase proteins. Similarly, Miyanari recently reported that HCV genomes with lethal mutations in core protein can be rescued by ectopic expression of functional core protein (39). This flexibility has been extensively used to create viral vectors for gene delivery as well as viral vector-based immunization approaches (32, 48, 49, 61, 68) (for a recent review on alphaviral vectors, the most frequently used among plus strand RNA vectors, see reference 37). In these systems the viral genome region encoding the structural proteins is replaced by a transgene. The resulting defective vector genomes are capable of RNA replication but due to the lack of structural proteins are unable to produce progeny virus particles. This defect is rescued by expression of the structural proteins in trans via helper viruses (28, 55) or, in some cases, by DNA constructs stably expressed in packaging cell lines (17). The resulting virus-like particles are infectious but support only single-round infection and are unable to spread, thus improving the safety of the viral transduction system.Given the success of plus-strand RNA vector technology for basic and applied clinical research, in this study we developed a trans-complementation system for HCV that provided new insights into the basic principles of HCV particle assembly.  相似文献   

Virus structures continue to be the basis for mechanistic virology and serve as a paradigm for solutions to problems concerning macromolecular assembly and function in general. The use of X-ray crystallography, electron cryomicroscopy and computational and biochemical methods has provided not only details of the structural folds of individual viral components, but also insights into the structural basis of assembly, nucleic acid packaging, particle dynamics and interactions with cellular molecules.  相似文献   

Vaccine vectors derived from Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (VEE) that expressed simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) immunogens were tested in rhesus macaques as part of the effort to design a safe and effective vaccine for human immunodeficiency virus. Immunization with VEE replicon particles induced both humoral and cellular immune responses. Four of four vaccinated animals were protected against disease for at least 16 months following intravenous challenge with a pathogenic SIV swarm, while two of four controls required euthanasia at 10 and 11 weeks. Vaccination reduced the mean peak viral load 100-fold. The plasma viral load was reduced to below the limit of detection (1,500 genome copies/ml) in one vaccinated animal between 6 and 16 weeks postchallenge and in another from week 6 through the last sampling time (40 weeks postchallenge). The extent of reduction in challenge virus replication was directly correlated with the strength of the immune response induced by the vectors, which suggests that vaccination was effective.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity of simian immunodeficiency virus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have demonstrated that the genetic diversity of simian immunodeficiency virus from African green monkeys (SIVagm) is much greater than that observed previously for individual HIV-1, HIV-2, or SIVmac isolates. Extensive genetic variation among SIVagm isolates and the high prevalence of green monkey infection without disease suggest that the virus has been in the green monkey population for a long time. We have also demonstrated that SIV from a sooty mangabey monkey (isolate SMM-7) is closer to SIVmac and HIV-2 than to HIV-1 and SIVagm. The extensive genetic diversity of SIVagm and the relatedness of SIVsmm to HIV-2 warrant continued examination of SIVagm and SIVsmm isolates from dispersed geographic regions. SIV strains much more closely related to HIV-1, HIV-2, or SIVmac may be found which would be reasonable candidates for recent cross-species transmission.  相似文献   

Growth of macaque simian immunodeficiency virus (SIVmac) in certain cloned human T-cell lines, such as HUT.78, selects for isolates containing a premature stop codon within the cytoplasmic domain of the transmembrane envelope glycoprotein. In contrast, propagation of virus in macaques or in their cultured T cells favors replication of virus containing the full-length envelope glycoprotein. To elucidate the causes of this phenomenon, we used a human immunodeficiency virus pseudotyping system to assess the effects on infectivity of the cytoplasmic domains of envelope glycoproteins obtained from SIVmac1A11 and SIVmac239. These envelopes contain truncated and full-length cytoplasmic domains, respectively. By analyzing human immunodeficiency virus particles containing selectable genes pseudotyped with each glycoprotein or with chimeric derivatives, we found that truncation of the cytoplasmic domain resulted in a significant advantage in viral entry into HUT.78 T cells and CD4+ U87.MG glial cells. Truncation of the cytoplasmic domain significantly enhanced both envelope density on particles and envelope-mediated cell-to-cell fusion. It is likely that one or both of these effects contribute to the observed differences in infectivity and to the selection of virions with short cytoplasmic tails in human T cells.  相似文献   

CEMx174- and C8166-45-based cell lines which contain a secreted alkaline phosphatase (SEAP) reporter gene under the control of a tat-responsive promoter derived from either SIVmac239 or HIV-1(NL4-3) were constructed. Basal levels of SEAP activity from these cell lines were low but were greatly stimulated upon transfection of tat expression plasmids. Infection of these cell lines with simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) or human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) resulted in a dramatic increase in SEAP production within 48 to 72 h that directly correlated with the amount of infecting virus. When combined with chemiluminescent measurement of SEAP activity in the cell-free supernatant, these cells formed the basis of a rapid, sensitive, and quantitative assay for SIV and HIV infectivity and neutralization. Eight of eight primary isolates of HIV-1 that were tested induced readily measurable SEAP activity in this system. While serum neutralization of cloned SIVmac239 was difficult to detect with other assays, neutralization of SIVmac239 was readily detected at low titers with this new assay system. The neutralization sensitivities of two stocks of SIVmac251 with different cell culture passage histories were tested by using sera from SIV-infected monkeys. The primary stock of SIVmac251 had been passaged only twice through primary cultures of rhesus monkey peripheral blood mononuclear cells, while the laboratory-adapted stock had been extensively passaged through the MT4 immortalized T-cell line. The primary stock of SIVmac251 was much more resistant to neutralization by a battery of polyclonal sera from SIV-infected monkeys than was the laboratory-adapted virus. Thus, SIVmac appears to be similar to HIV-1 in that extensive laboratory passage through T-cell lines resulted in a virus that is much more sensitive to serum neutralization.  相似文献   

We report the assembly of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-like particles in African green monkey kidney cells coinfected with two recombinant vaccinia viruses, one carrying the HIV-1 gag and protease genes and the other the env gene. Biochemical analysis of particles sedimented from culture supernatants of doubly infected cells revealed that they were composed of gag proteins, primarily p24, as well as the env proteins gp120 and gp41. Thin-section immunoelectron microscopy showed that these particles were 100 to 120 nm in diameter, were characterized by the presence of cylindrical core structures, and displayed the mature gp120-gp41 complexes on their surfaces. Furthermore, thin-section immunoelectron microscopy analysis of infected cells showed that particle assembly and budding occurred at the plasma membrane. Nucleic acid hybridization suggested that the particles packaged only the gag mRNA but not the env mRNA. Therefore, the system we present is well suited for studies of HIV virion maturation. In addition, the HIV-like particles provide a novel and attractive approach for vaccine development.  相似文献   

While virus-like particles (VLPs) containing subgenomic replicons, which can transduce replicons into target cells efficiently for studying viral replication and vectors of gene therapy and vaccine, have been established for several flaviviruses, none has been reported for the four serotypes of dengue virus, the causal agent of the most important arboviral diseases in this century. In this study, we successfully established a cell line stably expressing the precursor membrane/envelope (PrM/E) proteins of dengue virus type 2 (DENV2), which can package a DENV2 replicon with deletion of PrM/E genes and produce single-round infectious VLPs. Moreover, it can package a similar replicon of different serotype, dengue virus type 4, and produce infectious chimeric VLPs. To our knowledge, this study reports for the first time replicon-containing VLPs of dengue virus. Moreover, this convenient system has potential as a valuable tool to study encapsidation of dengue virus and to develop novel chimeric VLPs containing dengue virus replicon as vaccine in the future.  相似文献   

Interacting domains in human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Gag precursor (Pr55gag) expressed in recombinant baculovirus-infected cells were investigated by three different methods: (i) trans rescue and coencapsidation of C-terminal deletion (amber) Gag mutants and Gag chimeras into retrovirus-like particles in complementation experiments with HIV-1 wild-type (WT) Pr55gag, (ii) Gag-Gag interactions in vitro in Gag ligand affinity blotting assays, and (iii) quantitative immunoelectron microscopy of retrovirus-like Gag particles, using a panel of monoclonal antibodies to probe the epitope accessibility of encapsidated HIV-1 WT Pr55gag. Four discrete regions, within residues 210 to 241, 277 to 306 (major homology region), and 307 to 333 in the capsid (CA) protein and residues 358 to 374 at the CA-spacer peptide 2 (sp2) junction, were found to have a significant influence on Gag trans-packaging efficiency. A fifth region, within residues 375 to 426, overlapping the sp2-nucleocapsid (NC) protein junction and most of the NC, seemed to be essential for stable inter-Gag binding in vitro. The coincidence of the two regions from 358 to 374 and 375 to 426 with an immunologically silent domain in WT Gag particles suggested that they could participate in direct Gag interactions.  相似文献   

The rapid worldwide spread of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) mandates the development of successful vaccination strategies. Since live attenuated HIV is not accepted as a vaccine due to safety concerns, virus-like particles (VLPs) offer an attractive safe alternative because they lack the viral genome yet they are perceived by the immune system as a virus particle. We hypothesized that adding immunostimulatory signals to VLPs would enhance their efficacy. To accomplish this we generated chimeric simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) VLPs containing either glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) or CD40 ligand (CD40L) and investigated their biological activity and ability to enhance immune responses in vivo. Immunization of mice with chimeric SIV VLPs containing GM-CSF induced SIV Env-specific antibodies as well as neutralizing activity at significantly higher levels than those induced by standard SIV VLPs, SIV VLPs containing CD40L, or standard VLPs mixed with soluble GM-CSF. In addition, mice immunized with chimeric SIV VLPs containing either GM-CSF or CD40L showed significantly increased CD4(+)- and CD8(+)-T-cell responses to SIV Env, compared to standard SIV VLPs. Taken together, these results demonstrate that the incorporation of immunostimulatory molecules enhances humoral and cellular immune responses. We propose that anchoring immunostimulatory molecules into SIV VLPs can be a promising approach to augmenting the efficacy of VLP antigens.  相似文献   

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