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This is the first study in Argentine waters on the abundance of the threatened Franciscana dolphin, Pontoporia blainvillei . During 2003–2004 we carried out 17 aerial surveys using line transect sampling methodology. We observed 101 Franciscanas in 71 sightings. In northern areas density was estimated at 0.106 individual/km2. Density was lower in southern areas (0.055/km2) and declined with depth beyond 30-m isobaths (0.05/km2). A correction factor for submerged dolphins was applied to density and then extrapolated to the strip between the coastline and the 30-m isobath. Abundance in the northern area was estimated at 8,279 (4,904–13,960) individuals, while in the southern area it was estimated at 5,896 (1,928–17,999) individuals. Considering an annual mortality of about 500–800 individuals, about 3.5%–5.6% of the stock may be removed each year by the fishery and over the 2% recommended by the International Whaling Commission (IWC) and may not be sustainable by the population. Higher densities in coastal areas make Franciscanas more vulnerable to coastal fishing camps, which increased mortality in recent years. A remarkable finding was that while density decreases to the south, values of catch per unit effort (CPUE) increases, indicating different catchability of dolphins between areas.  相似文献   

We monitored seven resident (three males and four females) and six dispersing subadult Eurasian lynx from to in a population that was re-introduced to the Swiss Jura Mountains in the early 1970s. Home-range areas of the neighbouring adults were 71–281 km2, and significant core areas 34–252 km2. Males occupied significantly larger areas than females. Home-range overlap was 9% for neighbouring males and 3%) for females. Core areas of males did touch, but those of females were clearly separated. Each male's home range covered those of one or two females. Population density was 0.94 lynx/100 km2 for resident animals. Pre-dispersal mortality was estimated to be 50%. Juveniles dispersed from their mothers' home area at the age of 10 months. Of six monitored subadults. only one survived the first year of independence. Human-caused mortality (traffic accidents. illegal killing) was high. This was also the case among resident adults. This might be a threat to the long-term survival of the reintroduced population.  相似文献   

Narwhal ( Monodon monoceros ) abundance in Inglefield Bredning and adjacent fjords in Northwest Greenland was estimated using aerial digital photographic techniques in August 2001 and 2002. Two digital, large-format cameras continuously downloaded images to two laptop computers together with information on position, altitude, pitch, and roll of the aircraft. In 2001 a total of 11,628 images were obtained corresponding to a swept area of 840 km2. The survey of the entire area was repeated four times and produced a count of 360 narwhals on the images or an average abundance in the surveyed area of 873 narwhals (CV = 0.35) at the surface. In 2002 the area was surveyed seven times and approximately 11,402 images were obtained. This corresponded to a swept area of 2,208 km2 with 566 narwhals counted on the images, and an average estimated abundance of 562 narwhals (CV = 0.24) at the surface. Correcting these figures for availability bias (assuming narwhals are submerged deeper than 2 m for 62% of the time) results in abundance estimates of 2,297 (95% CI: 1,472–3,122) in August 2001 and 1,478 (95% CI 1,164–1,793) in August 2002. The uncorrected estimates, when compared to the results of visual line-transect surveys conducted in 1985 and 1986 (Born et al. 1994), show a 10% decline in recent years in the abundance of whales visible at the surface.  相似文献   

This study (1994) examines the distribution and abundance of puku ( Kobus vardoni Livingstone) in Kasanka National Park (area=470 km2) Zambia, following five years of anti‐poaching control. The puku is an important 'flagship' species for the park. Most puku were confined to a limited number ( n =19) of river floodplains and dambos (total area=20·29 km2) towards the centre of the park. Large areas of 'suitable' habitat contained few, if any animals. The total population was estimated to be 613 (confidence limits=414–967) with an average density of 35·93 km−2 on occupied sites. The population sex ratio was markedly biased towards females (mean=3·4 females to 1 male), but group sizes were similar to those recorded in other African studies. Male groups were on average (2·6), smaller than those of females (7·3). Males appeared to be particularly vulnerable to poaching. The distribution of puku reflected a patchy distribution of resources and a flexible social system. Puku numbers have increased two fold since the previous (1989) survey. Other species have faired less well. Further work is required to clarify dispersal mechanisms. Taylor's power law may provide a useful model for describing population dispersion. Kasanka is an important local refuge for this increasingly threatened species in Zambia. Metapopulation theory may be applicable to puku because of their ability to move between patches, during seasonal flooding.  相似文献   

Between 1991 and 1993, Alaska harbor porpoise ( Phocoena phocoena ) abundance was investigated during aerial surveys throughout much of the coastal and offshore waters from Bristol Bay in the eastern Bering Sea to Dixon Entrance in Southeast Alaska. Line-transect methodology was used, and only those observations made during optimal conditions were analyzed. Survey data indicated densities of 4.48 groups/100 km2, or approximately 3,531 harbor porpoises (95% C. I. 2,206-5,651) in Bristol Bay and 0.54 groups/100 km2, or 136 harbor porpoises (95% C. I. 11-1,645) for Cook Inlet. Efforts off Kodiak Island resulted in densities of 1.85 groups/100 km2, or an abundance estimate of 740 (95% C. I. 259-2,115). Surveys off the south side of the Alaska Peninsula found densities of 2.03 groups/100 km2 and an abundance estimate of 551 (95% C. I. 423-719). Surveys of offshore waters from Prince William Sound to Dixon Entrance yielded densities of 4.02 groups/100 km2 and an abundance estimate of 3,982 (95% C. I. 2,567-6,177). Combining all years and areas yielded an uncorrected density estimate of 3.82 porpoises per 100 km2, resulting in an abundance estimate of 8,940 porpoises (CV = 13.8%) with a 95% confidence interval of 6,746-11,848. Using correction factors from other studies to adjust for animals missed by observers, the total number of Alaska harbor porpoises is probably three times this number.  相似文献   

In March through May of 1996–1998, we conducted research in the Cayos Miskito Reserve, Nicaragua, to assess the status, ecology, and distribution of Sotalia fluviatilis , a dolphin known from southern Brazil to Honduras. Aerial and boat surveys of lagoons, inlets, and coastal areas were conducted and observational information collected on Sotalia activity, behavior, and other factors relating to its ecology. During boat surveys 183 groups (536 individuals) were sighted (for areas with Sotalia , mean overall density = 0.604 individuals/km2, coastal areas = 0.647/km2, inlets = 0.578/km2, and lagoons = 0.486/km2). Overall, based on all sightings, mean group size was 3.01 (SD = 1.79, range 1–15) and varied among years ( = 4.20 in 1996, 2.58 in 1997, and 3.39 in 1998), but not for different months. We estimate that 49 Sotalia inhabited the portions of the Reserve we studied. Sightings of Sotalia groups were non-random (nearest-neighbor analysis); clumping of sightings indicates that some areas were preferred. In both Pahara inlet and Wauhta lagoon, sightings were more frequent after 1200 than in the morning. In coastal areas Sotalia were sighted most often within 100 m of shore (54.0%), less often from 101 to 200 m (39.1%), and infrequently from 201 to 300 m (6.8%). Seldom were animals observed in more than 5 m of water, and usually it was considerably shallower ( i. e. , <2 m). Feeding was the predominant of five recorded activities ( i. e. , traveling, feeding, socializing, resting, and other), based on time of group sighting (70.3%) and during instantaneous sampling (56.3%). Resource distribution appears to be an important factor influencing Sotalia distribution in the Reserve.  相似文献   

Preliminary population density estimates are presented for a recently discovered population of the Sokoke scops owl Otus ireneae in the lowlands of the East Usambara mountains, Tanzania. Calling birds were mapped at two sites totalling 6·3 km2. Approximate densities were 3–4 territories/km2 in Kwamgumi Forest Reserve and <1·5 territories/km2 in Manga Forest Reserve, a much more heavily logged site. Densities in prime habitat in Arabuko‐Sokoke forest, Kenya, the only other locality for the species, exceed seven territories/km2. The total population in the East Usambaras cannot be calculated, but it is probably markedly smaller than in Arabuko‐Sokoke. Suggestions for more precise surveys are made.  相似文献   

Serotine nursery roosts with less than 20 bats were found to have home ranges of at least 24 to 77 km2 and core areas of activity from 13 to 33 km2. The size of the range may have increased further if more individuals had been tracked, as three of the four colonies studied had not reached their asymptotes. The total home-range area covered by four serotine colonies was 127.36 km2. Excluding non-breeding bats, a density of one bat per 120 ha was estimated. However, actual density was likely to be higher if there were additional non-breeding females and immatures that were not in nursery roosts. Colonial home ranges and core areas overlapped, with individuals from different colonies feeding at the same sites. Individual home ranges ( n = 32) varied from 0.16 to 47.58 km2, but these were not used exclusively by one individual. Around the colonial core area and breeding roosts, home ranges were used by all individuals from a single colony. It is only further from the core area that ranges appeared to be used by individuals. The distance from roost to feeding areas varied by up to 7.4 km, but the bat usually commuted along lines of trees and hedges and over pastures. This resulted in greater distances being travelled than if they had flown by a direct route. On average, individuals commuted distances of 8 km each night between feeding areas, with a maximum distance of over 41 km. They visited between 0 and 10 feeding sites each night (mean = 2.89).  相似文献   

Data from the longest running capture-mark-recapture study of Eurasian badgers, in an undisturbed wild population at Woodchester Park in Gloucestershire, were used to investigate population dynamics. Twenty-one social groups of badgers occupying an area of 7.3km2 were studied from 1978-1993. The density increased steadily over the study period, reaching the highest published density known anywhere at 25.3 adults per km2 in 1993, and the average social group size increased to 8.8 adults (S.E. ± 0.85) in 1993. By 1993, 97% of the population trapped was of known age and overall the population consisted of 27% cubs and 73% adults. In addition, the results supported previous studies in that the population had an equal sex ratio as cubs, but became increasingly female biased with age. There was high juvenile mortality, nearly 50% dying in their first year. Between 58 and 90.2% of adult females did not breed each year.  相似文献   

Data are provided on the carrying capacity and potential production for sustainable human use of white-tailed deer ( Odocoileus virginianus ) and collared peccary ( Pecari tajacu ) in a protected tropical dry forest at Chamela on the Pacific coast of Mexico. In this paper, the carrying capacity was defined as the equilibrium density plus the number of animals removed by predators. The equilibrium point was estimated from the density dependent relationship between the finite population growth rate and the current density according to a logistic model. Annual density was estimated using the line transect method. Carrying capacity estimates were 16.5 to 17.2 deer/km2 and 9.3–9.5 peccaries/km2, representing a combined biomass of 841–874 kg/km2. A potential production for human use of 2.1 deer/km2 and 4.4 peccaries/km2 was estimated employing the model of Robinson and Redford (1991) . The data suggest that, in the protected tropical dry forest of Chamela, the density and biomass of wild ungulates can maintain a similar or greater density and biomass than other Neotropical forests. To obtain an accurate estimation of the maximum sustainable yield ( MSY ), it is necessary to consider predation. From a management point of view, it is important to consider that carrying capacity varies as a function of the rainfall pattern.  相似文献   

Bongos ( Tragelaphus eurycerus Ogilby) were studied for 8 months in the Dzanga National Park, Central African Republic. Tracks were followed and mapped with a compass and a pedometer to study movement patterns and home range. Natural licks were shown to be central points in the home range of the bongos: they visited the licks recurrently to consume soil, but also to forage on grass and herb species, and for social reasons. Forest areas far from licks were used much less than forest areas close to licks. When a lick was visited, distances between two resting sites were longer than in the forest without lick visits, caused by a direct and straight movement from the denser forest areas toward a lick. The study area of about 150 km2 was presumably occupied by two groups of bongos. One of them seemed to split temporarily into two subgroups. Groups were not larger than 10–20 individuals. Estimated home ranges were at least 49 km2 and 19 km2 for the two groups, respectively. Estimated density in the Dzanga National Park was 0.25 bongos per km2. This study shows the importance of natural licks for the largest social forest antelope, the bongo, and provides information which is important for its future conservation.  相似文献   

The territorial system of kob antelopes in the Comoé National Park, Côte d'Ivoire, was studied from March 1993 until April 1997. Whereas size and shape of territories remained constant between 1993 and 1994, the number of territories decreased from 1994 onwards. A decline of the population density probably led to the decline in territory numbers and also to variations in size and shape of the remaining territories. The decline of kob numbers is the result of heavy poaching in the study area. Whereas a lekking system was present in the study area prior to 1975 when the population density was approximately 14.4 kobs/km2, males switched to the resource defence territorial system present today after the population density decreased to 12.5/km2 in 1993 and finally to 2.3/km2 in 1997. Compared to other research areas with higher population densities, territories in the Comoé National Park are larger, almost all adult males are capable to defend a territory, fights over territories are rare and loss of territory tenureship is almost exclusively due to the death of the territorial male. We suggest that those differences can all be related to the low population density in the study area.  相似文献   

The population density, age structure, biomass, growth and production of brown trout were investigated in four tributaries of the upper River Wye. The populations at each site were largely maintained by immigration from nursery areas. Abundance of separate year classes at sites on the three largest tributaries reached a peak at age 2+. On the smallest stream numbers reached a peak at 1+. Recruitment occurred throughout the year but decreased with age of year classes. Maximum O+ densities ranged from 0.04 to 0.89 m−2, and >0+ densities from 0.13 to 0.59 m−2. Average total biomass in 1975 ranged from 2.6 to 14.2 g m−2. Within the study sites annual trout production in 1975 ranged from 2.9–19.7 g m−2. Production values were dependent on age structure and population mobility at the study sites. In the three largest streams 2+ and 3+ fish contributed 66.3–88.3% of total production whilst 1+ and 2+ fish contributed 74.5–84.5 % of the total in the smallest stream. The mobile (non-resident) component of the population accounted for up to 60–70% of production at certain times of the year, but over the year (1976) accounted for =30 % of total production. The resident component of the highest annual production value (19.7 g m−2) was estimated to be between 15.0 and 18.2 g m−2.  相似文献   

The density of Brazilian tapirs ( Tapirus terrestris) was studied in the northeastern part of the Pantanal wetlands of Brazil using two simultaneous and independent methods: (1) systematic camera trapping combined with capture–recapture analysis, with camera traps spaced 1 km apart and distributed over 54 km2; and (2) line-transect sampling using an array of 12 linear transects, from 3.8 to 7.2 km long, covering the principal open and forest habitat types across the entire 1063 km2 SESC Pantanal Reserve. The two methods yielded conservative density estimates of 0.58 ± 0.11 tapirs/km2 (camera trapping) and 0.55 (95% CI 0.30–1.01) tapirs/km2 (line transects). The study suggests that certain Pantanal habitats and sites can sustain relatively high population densities of tapirs when these animals are protected from hunting. Further testing of the camera-trapping methodology as applied to tapirs is required, particularly focusing on extending the survey period. As it represents a relatively rapid method for estimating population density, in comparison to line-transect surveys, and as it generates information simultaneously on multiple species that are conservation priorities, we recommend that camera-trapping surveys be applied more widely across a variety of Pantanal habitats and land-use categories in order to confirm the value of the vast 140,000 km2 wilderness region for this vulnerable species.  相似文献   

Antero Järvinen 《Ecography》1989,12(2):152-162
Dynamics and performance of established individuals of Ranunculus glacialis at the time of peak flowering were monitored in a mountain area in Finnish Lapland for five years (1982–1986). The plants reproduced only sexually, and their spatial distribution in 40 1-m2 quadrats was clumped. During the study period the mean density rose from 8.5 to 10.3 individuals m−2. The mean annual growth rate and birth rate of the population was 4% and 8.5%, respectively. The mean annual death rate of established individuals was 3.7%. The estimated mean life expectancy of an established individual was 27 yr. Death rate per quadrat was positively related to R. glacialis density, but birth rate per quadrat was negatively related to the percentage cover of stones per quadrat. High R. glacialis density per quadrat had negative effects, but high nitrogen availability had positive effects on the number of leaves per individual. An important factor reducing flowering was small rodent herbivory. In the same genets, the correlation between the number of leaves per individual in year t and the number of flowers per individual in year t+4 was significant. The below-ground biomass of R. glacialis comprised about 70% of the total biomass, and there was a close correlation between the above- and the below-ground biomass of an individual. The individuals flowered abundantly each year and produced a great number of small-sized achenes.  相似文献   

The white-nosed coati, Nasua narica , is a common Neotropical carnivore with a social structure of band-living adult females and solitary adult males. A coati population on Barro Colorado Island, Panama, was studied over a four-year period by mark-recapture, radiotelemetry. and direct observation of habituated individuals. The population density was approximately 51.5 individuals/km2 and the sex ratio was 1:1. Band size varied from six to 26 individuals (mean = 15.3) with extensive fluctuation within and between years. Mean foraging group size was smaller (7.2 individuals) than population group size, and fluctuated with food availability, synchronous parturition, and the emigration of mature males. Mean home-range size of six bands was 0.33 km2, and ranges of adjacent bands overlapped from 0–66%. One band fissioned during the study; however, the resulting bands did not disperse from the original home range. Seven adult males had a mean home-range size of 0.37 km2, each extensively overlapping the home ranges of several other males. Observations of 10 adult males whose natal bands were known indicate that when males disperse they do not simultaneously leave the band's home range. Rather, their home ranges remain within or broadly overlapping those of their natal bands. This dispersal pattern is unusual within the order Carnivora.  相似文献   

Habitat quality is typically inferred by assuming a direct relationship between consumer density and resource abundance, although it has been suggested that consumer fitness may be a more accurate measure of habitat quality. We examined density vs. fitness-based measures of habitat quality for lions in the Serengeti National Park, Tanzania. A 40-year average of female reproductive success (yearling cubs per female) was best explained by proximity to river confluences, whereas patterns of productivity (yearling cubs per km2) and adult female density (individuals per km2) were associated with more general measures of habitat quality and areas of shelter in poor habitat. This suggests that density may not accurately distinguish between high-quality 'source' areas and low-quality sites that merely provide refuges for effectively non-reproductive individuals. Our results indicate that density may be a misleading indicator of real estate value, particularly for populations that do not conform to an ideal free distribution.  相似文献   

Home range and habitat use of wolverines Gulo gulo in Yukon, Canada   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Home ranges and habitat use are described for three adult female, one adult male, and one subadult male wolverines in the Kluane Game Sanctuary, Yukon. When long distance excursions are not included, home ranges of wolverines in the Kluane Game Sanctuary were between 76 and 269 km2 for females and 209 and 269 km2 for males. Habitat use of females was similar to habitat availability. Males used subalpine coniferous habitats more frequently than other habitat types during winter. Although individual variation in the use of forest cover types, aspects, slopes and elevations was apparent, seasonal use did not differ from availability for each sex. Within the 1590 km2 study area, three adult males and six adult females were present, corresponding to a density of one resident wolverine 177 km-2.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the impact of the lesser weever on the ecosystem of the southern North Sea, geographical distribution, density, growth, production and food requirements have been estimated. High densities were found on and around the Brown Ridge, an area with high tidal current velocities, medium grain-size of the sediment and a poor benthic fauna. Growth is restricted to the months of June October. During the winter cessation of growth a considerable loss of weight (about 20%) takes place. Mortality has been estimated by using the average size frequency distribution of all catches made from 1972 to 1984. The resulting convex type of survival curve indicates a high survival rate of the II to IV-group fishes. The production (estimated with Allen's graphical method) of a population of 100 individuals including all age groups (0-VI) amounts to 123.7 g AFDW-year'. In areas with highest densities, consequently, production amounts to 0.018–0.078 g AFDW-m2 -year-1. With an assumed transfer efficiency of 10% through the year, food requirements amounts to 0.18–0.78 g AFDW-m 2 -year -1. Since the lesser weever feeds mainly on fish (85.6%), almost exclusively on gobies (Pomatoschistus sp.), and with an assumed transfer efficiency of approximately 10%, the indirect predatory pressure exerted by it may amount to 1.6 6.7g AFDW-m 2.year -1. A possible feeding by gobies on pelagic organisms (calanoids, mysids) is discussed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Anecdotal evidence suggests that Burrowing Owls have declined in the state of Washington. We examined the status of these owls in agricultural and urban habitats to better understand the underlying causes of these declines. Nest density was higher in the area dominated by agriculture (0.67 nests/km2) than in the urban area (0.28 nests/km2), and re-use of nest burrows was more common in the agricultural area. We found no difference in mean clutch size between the two areas, but nesting success was higher in the agricultural area. The mean number of fledglings per nesting attempt was higher in the agricultural area (2.02 vs. 1.47), but we found no difference between the two areas in the mean number of fledglings per successful nest (3.2 vs. 3.1). Both natal recruitment (4% vs. 8%) and annual return rate of adults (30% vs. 39%) were lower in the agricultural area than in the urban area, suggesting that the owl population in the agricultural area may not be stable and may be a "sink" population. Due to high burrow fidelity from year to year, and the tendency of some owls in Washington to overwinter, we recommend that legal protection of nest burrows be extended to the nonbreeding season.  相似文献   

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