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The transition of the bacterial culture into the stationary growth phase is accompanied by an appearance of cyanide-resistant respiration. Chloramphenicol inhibits the development of cyanide-resistant respiration. The cyanide-resistant oxidase is localized in the bacterial membrane. Its appearance is not due to the quantitative and qualitative changes of flavins, non-heme iron, ubiquinone and cytochromes of the b and c types, but is accompanied by an increase in the copper content of the membrane preparations. Neither cyanide-sensitive, nor cyanide-resistant chains of the bacterial electron transfer contain cytochromes of the a type. The cyanide-resistant oxidase accepts electrons at the ubiquinone--cytochrome b level of the main respiratory chain. The cyanide-resistant respiration is not accompanied by a formation of hydrogen peroxide. Cytochrome o performs the function of cyanide-sensitive oxidase. The nature of cyanide-resistant oxidase still remains obscure.  相似文献   

Measurements of respiration were made on intact tissue and mitochondria isolated from soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr. cv `Corsoy') cotyledons from seedlings of different ages grown in light and darkness. Effects of cyanide (KCN) and salicylhydroxamic acid (SHAM) on O2 uptake rates were determined. O2 uptake was faster in light-grown tissue and was inhibited by both KCN and SHAM in all except light-grown tissue older than 9 days. Both inhibitors stimulated O2 uptake in tissues more than 9 days old. Mitochondria in which O2 uptake was coupled to ATP synthesis were isolated from all tissues. O2 uptake by mitochondrial preparations from light- and dark-grown cotyledons was equally sensitive to KCN. Similarly, age did not affect KCN sensitivity, but sensitivity to SHAM declined with age both in the presence and absence of KCN. Estimated capacities of the cytochrome and alternative pathways of the mitochondrial preparations indicated considerably larger cytochrome than alternative pathway capacities. The cytochrome pathway capacities paralleled the state 3 mitochondrial respiration rates, which increased from day 5 to day 7 then declined thereafter. The alternative pathway capacities were not affected by light. The uncoupler, p-trifluoromethoxycarbonylcyanide phenylhydrazone (FCCP), increased the flow of electrons through the cytochrome pathway at the expense of flow through the alternative pathway in isolated mitochondria. However, the combined capacities did not exceed the rate in the presence of FCCP. The results are interpreted to indicate that the stimulation of respiration by KCN and SHAM observed in the 12-day-old green cotyledons and previously observed in older soybean leaves is not explained by characteristics of the mitochondria.  相似文献   

Neonatal heart rate variability and its relation to respiration   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The heart rate and respiration signals from nine healthy full term neonates were studied using autoregressive spectral analysis and cross-correlation techniques. The heart rate spectra could be divided into three regions of activity: a very low frequency (VLF) region from 0-0.04 Hz; a low frequency (LF) band from 0.04-0.20 Hz; and a high frequency (HF) region above 0.20 Hz. The newborns exhibited very little respiratory sinus arrhythmia in their heart rate variability in contrast to the situation for adults and older infants. However, variations in heart rate correlated strongly with changes in the breath amplitude, leading to what may be termed a breath amplitude sinus arrhythmia. The neonatal heart rate behaviour under stable conditions of oscillation could be simulated with a nonlinear control model provided the delay time in the baroreceptor loop of the model was taken to be approximately 2 seconds longer than in adults. This is consistent with the immature neurological status of neonates.  相似文献   

The inhibition of respiration of Physarum polycephalum microplasmodia by KCN varies between 30% and 70% of initial rate of O2 uptake, depending on the time of starvation. The kinetics of the development of cyanide-resistant respiration and its sensitivity toward salicylhydroxamic acid (SHAM) point out that CN-resistant respiration represents the activity of the alternative pathway of the electron transport. There is no evidence that during starvation the alternative pathway of respiration is active in the absence of cyanide.  相似文献   

The rate and sensitivity to inhibitors (KCN and salicylhydroxamic acid[SHAM]) of respiratory oxygen uptake has been investigated in photosynthetic organs of several freshwater aquatic plant species: six angiosperms, two bryophytes, and an alga. The oxygen uptake rates on a dry weight basis of angiosperm leaves were generally higher than those of the corresponding stems. Leaves also had a higher chlorophyll content than stems. Respiration of leaves and stems of aquatic angiosperms was generally cyanide-resistant, the percentage of resistance being higher than 50% with very few exceptions. The cyanide resistance of respiration of whole shoots of two aquatic bryophytes and an alga was lower and ranged between 25 and 50%. These results suggested that the photosynthetic tissues of aquatic plants have a considerable alternative pathway capacity. The angiosperm leaves generally showed the largest alternative path capacity. In all cases, the respiration rate of the aquatic plants studied was inhibited by SHAM alone by about 13 to 31%. These results were used for calculating the actual activities of the cytochrome and alternative pathways. These activities were generally higher in the leaves of angiosperms. The basal oxygen uptake rate of Myriophyllum spicatum leaves was not stimulated by sucrose, malate or glycine in the absence of the uncoupler carbonylcyanide-m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP), but was greatly increased by CCCP, either in the presence or in the absence of substrates. These results suggest that respiration was limited by the adenylate system, and not by substrate availability. The increase in the respiratory rate by CCCP was due to a large increase in the activities of both the cytochrome and alternative pathways. The respiration rate of M. spicatum leaves in the presence of substrates was little inhibited by SHAM alone, but the SHAM-resistant rate (that is, the cytochrome path) was greatly stimulated by the further addition of CCCP. Similarly, the cyanide-resistant rate of O2 uptake was also increased by the uncoupler.  相似文献   

Long-wave ultraviolet radiation (UVA) may cause extensive DNA damage via reactive oxygen species (ROS). In this study we examined whether UVA- and H2O2-mediated DNA damage have equivalent effects on the induction of G2/M phase checkpoint and cell cycle progression in a transformed keratinocyte cell line HaCaT. By employing single cell gel electrophoresis (comet assay) we determined the equipotent doses of UVA and H2O2 with respect to the induction of alkali-labile sites (an indicator of oxidative DNA decay). However, in contrast to H2O2 which caused a pronounced G2/M cell cycle arrest 24h after treatment, UVA irradiation did not affect cell cycle progression. Increasing UVA doses up to 150 kJ/m2 did not affect cell cycle and proliferation whereas increasing H2O2 concentrations caused a cell cycle block or cell death. Cytometric analysis revealed that G2/M cell cycle arrest took place beyond the cyclin B1 restriction point. We conclude that the DNA damage induced by UVA is easily repaired and does not perturb cell growth, whereas the H2O2-induced damage leads ultimately to cell cycle arrest or cell death.  相似文献   

A strict correlation between the intensity of the cyanide-resistant alternative respiratory pathway and the intracellular peroxide levels in the cephalosporin C producer filamentous fungus Acremonium chrysogenum was demonstrated. Intracellular peroxide levels increased in a dose-dependent manner after addition of H2O2 to the culture media. A similar phenomenon was observed due to the specific inhibition of catalase by salicylic acid. In both cases, cyanide-resistant respiration was markedly stimulated. On the other hand, both cyanide-resistant respiration and intracellular peroxide levels were effectively suppressed by the lipid peroxyl radical scavenger DL-α-tocopherol, which breaks lipid peroxidation chains effectively. Our findings firmly supported the assumption that there is a connection between the intracellular peroxide levels and the intensity of the alternative respiratory pathway in fungi.  相似文献   

Two functional terminal oxidases, cytochrome aa3 and cytochrome o, are present in the cytochrome system in cyanide-sensitive trypanosomatids. The organisms examined included Crithidia fasciculata, Leptomonas sp., Blastocrithidia culicis, Herpetomonas muscarum, Leishmania tarentolae, Trypanosoma lewisi, Trypanosoma conorhini and Trypanosoma cruzi. A CO-binding protein with the spectral properties of cytochrome o has been solubilized and partially purified from C. fasciculata. In L. tarentolae, T. conorhini and C. fasciculata, 10–20% of the respiration is cyanide-resistant but is inhibited by salicylhydroxamic acid. The various possibilities of a branched electron transport system are examined and discussed.  相似文献   

In Pichia membranifaciens, cyanide-resistant respiration (CRR) sensitive to salicylhydroxamic acid emerged after forced aeration of starved cells for 4 h. Surveying a large number of species by this simple methodology, we found that CRR is very frequent among yeasts. Remarkably, considering our results together with previous data in the literature, CRR was present in 24 out of 28 non-fermentative or Crabtree-negative yeasts and absent in 10 out of 12 Crabtree-positive yeasts. We submit that, as alternatives to cytochromic respiration, yeasts developed two strategies: either aerobic fermentation in Crabtree-positive yeasts or CRR in non-fermentative or Crabtree-negative yeasts.  相似文献   

In an attempt to understand the initial stage of seed imbibition—the wetting stage—we have examined water binding in dry soybean cotyledon tissue using water sorption isotherm curves. The sorption isotherms show three levels of water affinity: a region of strongly bound water at moisture contents below 8%, a region of weakly bound water at moisture contents between 8 and 24%, and a region of very loosely bound water at contents greater than 24%. The enthalpies of the water binding for the three sectors were −6 to −12.5, about −2.5, and about −0.5 kilocalories per mole water, respectively.

The degree of physiological activity in the tissue reflects the level of water binding. O2 consumption is first detectable in the second region of water affinity (8-24% water), and increases dramatically with increasing water content above about 24%. Damage due to imbibing water is greatest when initial seed moisure contents are in the region of strongest water binding. Damage is lessened and finally absent when seed moisture contents are increased to the second and then to the third level of water affinity.


Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) mitochondria contain both alternative oxidase (AOX) and uncoupling protein as energy-dissipating systems that can decrease the efficiency of oxidative phosphorylation. We followed the cyanide (CN)-resistant, ATP-synthesis-sustained, and uncoupling-protein-sustained respiration of isolated mitochondria, as well as the immunologically detectable levels of uncoupling protein and AOX, during tomato fruit ripening from the mature green stage to the red stage. The AOX protein level and CN-resistant respiration of isolated mitochondria decreased with ripening from the green to the red stage. The ATP-synthesis-sustained respiration followed the same behavior. In contrast, the level of uncoupling protein and the total uncoupling-protein-sustained respiration of isolated mitochondria decreased from only the yellow stage on. We observed an acute inhibition of the CN-resistant respiration by linoleic acid in the micromolar range. These results suggest that the two energy-dissipating systems could have different roles during the ripening process.  相似文献   

The composition of the respiratory chains of the wild stain Corynebacterium glutamicum and of its mutant differing in their ability for the glutamic acid oversynthesis in a medium with melassa was studied. Under excess of biotine and the parent strain is incapable of acid oversynthesis, while the mutant forms and excretes the acid. Both bacterial strains contain menaquinone and equal sets of cytochromes C550, b556, b563, and a600. The membrane-bound dehydrogenases of the parent strain are represented by NADH-, NADPH- and succinate dehydrogenases. Unlike the parent strain, the mutant membrane preparation does not oxidize NADPH. Both strains do not practically differ in their menaquinone content. The cyanide-resistant oxidase of a non-cytochrome nature appears in the wild strain during its transfer to the stationary growth phase. Induction of glutamic acid oversnythesis by addition of penicilline prevents the formation of the cyanide-resistant oxidase. On the contrary, the mutant transfer to the stationary growth phase is not accompanied by a formation of cyanide-resistant oxidase, which appears only after cessation of glutamic acid oversynthesis. Induction of the cyanide-resistant respiration by addition of cyanide inhibits the acid oversynthesis. Oxidation of substrates by membrane preparations of both bacterial strains in the absence and presence of cyanide is not followed by the hydrogen peroxide formation. It is assumed that there exist competitive interactions between the supersynthesis of glutamic acid and the cyanide-resistant respiration. The possible structure of the respiratory chain of Cor. glutamicum is discussed.  相似文献   

A comparison was made between the oxygen uptake of roots and leaves and of mitochondria isolated from the same tissues. Ten species were included in this study: three legumes, one C3-monocotyledon, one C4-monocotyledon, the rest non-leguminous C3-dicotyledons. Root and leaf respiration in all species examined displayed substantial resistance to KCN (0.1–1.0 mM) and the cyanide-resistant respiration was completely inhibited by salicylhydroxamic acid (SHAM; 10–20 mM). SHAM alone inhibited oxygen uptake to varying degrees, depending on the species. Mitochondria were isolated from roots and leaves of many of the species examined and also displayed cyanide-resistant oxygen uptake, which was sensitive to both SHAM and tetraethylthiuram disulfide (disulfiram). Concentrations of SHAM greater than 2 mM caused inhibition of the cytochrome path as well as of the alternative path in isolated mitochondria. Respiration rates of intact roots and leaves in the presence of varying concentrations of SHAM alone were plotted against those obtained in the presence of both SHAM and KCN. This plot showed that in vivo the cytochrome pathway was not affected by 10 or 20 mM SHAM in the external solution. We conclude that the activity of the alternative pathway in intact roots and leaves can be reliably estimated by comparing SHAM-sensitivity and cyanide-resistance of respiration.  相似文献   

The growth of the culture and biosynthesis of lysin were studied in Brevibacterium flavum 22 LD cultivated in a chemostat. During cultivation the flow rate of the medium and the partial pressure of oxygen dissolved in the medium were varied. The maximum yield of lysine, calculated in respect to the sucrose consumed, (Yp = g lysine . HCl/g sucrose) was registered when cyanide-resistant oxygen consumption was the least. A change of the cultivation conditions provoked a decrease of Yp value and a simultaneous increase in cyanide-resistant respiration. Possible reasons of the phenomena observed are discussed.  相似文献   

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