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The aggregation of amyloidogenic proteins is linked to several amyloidoses, including neurodegenerative disorders, such as Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease. Currently there are very few effective cures or treatments available, despite countless screenings and clinical trials. One of the most challenging aspects of potential anti-amyloid drug discovery is finding which molecules are the actual inhibitors out of mixtures, which may contain hundreds of distinct compounds. Considering that anti-amyloid compounds would interact with the aggregate, this affinity could be used as a means of separating such compounds from ineffective ones. In this work, we attempt to scavenge potential aggregation-inhibiting molecules out of four, different complexity mixtures, ranging from oxidized gallic acid to tea extract, using lysozyme amyloid fibrils. We show that these compounds bind to aggregates with high affinity and can be later separated from them by different methods.  相似文献   

The activation domain of human procarboxypeptidase A2 (ADA2h) aggregates following thermal or chemical denaturation at acidic pH. The aggregated material contains well-defined ordered structures with all the characteristics of the fibrils associated with amyloidotic diseases. Variants of ADA2h containing a series of mutations designed to increase the local stability of each of the two helical regions of the protein have been found to have a substantially reduced propensity to form fibrils. This arises from a reduced tendency of the denatured species to aggregate rather than from a change in the overall stability of the native state. The reduction in aggregation propensity may result from an increase in the stability of local relative to longer range interactions within the polypeptide chain. These findings show that the intrinsic ability of a protein to form amyloid can be altered substantially by protein engineering methods without perturbing significantly its overall stability or activity. This suggests new strategies for combating diseases associated with the formation of aggregated proteins and for the design of novel protein or peptide therapeutics.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that bovine core histones are natively unfolded proteins in solutions with low ionic strength due to their high net positive charge at pH 7.5. Using a variety of biophysical techniques we characterized their conformation as a function of pH and ionic strength, as well as correlating the conformation with aggregation and amyloid fibril formation. Tertiary structure was absent under all conditions except at pH 7.5 and high ionic strength. The addition of trifluoroethanol or high ionic strength induced significant alpha-helical secondary structure at pH 7.5. At low pH and high salt concentration, small-angle X-ray scattering and SEC HPLC indicate the histones are present as a hexadecamer of globular subunits. The secondary structure at low pH was independent of the ionic strength or presence of TFE, as judged by FTIR. The data indicate that histones are able to adopt five different relatively stable conformations; this conformational variability probably reflects, in part, their intrinsically disordered structure. Under most of the conditions studied the histones formed amyloid fibrils with typical morphology as seen by electron microscopy. In contrast to most aggregation/amyloidogenic systems, the kinetics of fibrillation showed an inverse dependence on histone concentration; we attribute this to partitioning to a faster pathway leading to non-fibrillar self-associated aggregates at higher protein concentrations. The rate of fibril formation was maximal at low pH, and decreased to zero by pH 10. The kinetics of fibrillation were very dependent on the ionic strength, increasing with increasing salt concentration, and showing marked dependence on the nature of the ions; interestingly Gdn.HCl increased the rate of fibrillation, although much less than NaCl. Different ions also differentially affected the rate of nucleation and the rate of fibril elongation.  相似文献   

Amyloid fibrils were produced from the full-length mouse prion protein (PrP) under solvent conditions similar to those used for the generation of synthetic prions from PrP 89-230. Analysis of the ultrastructure by atomic force microscopy revealed extremely broad polymorphism in fibrils formed under a single growth condition. Fibrils varied with respect to the number of constitutive filaments and the manner in which the filaments were assembled. PrP polymerization was found to show several peculiar features: (i) the higher-order fibrils/ribbons were formed through a highly hierarchical mechanism of assembly of lower-order fibrils/ribbons; (ii) the lateral assembly proceeded stepwise; at each step, a semi-stable fibrillar species were generated, which were then able to enter the next level of assembly; (iii) the assembly of lower into higher-order fibrils occurred predominantly in a vertical dimension via stacking of ribbons on top of each other; (iv) alternative modes of lateral association co-existed under a single growth condition; (iv) the fibrillar morphology changed even within individual fibrils, illustrating that alternative modes of filament assembly are inter-convertible and thermodynamically equivalent. The most predominant fibrillar types were classified into five groups according to their height, each of which was divided in up to three subgroups according to their width. Detailed analysis of ultrastructure revealed that the fibrils of the major subtype (height 3.61(+/-0.28)nm, width 31.1(+/-2.0)nm) were composed of two ribbons, each of which was composed of two filaments. The molecular volume calculations indicated that a single PrP molecule occupied a distance of approximately 1.2 nm within a single filament. High polymorphism in fibrils generated in vitro is reminiscent of high morphological diversity of scrapie-associated fibrils isolated from scrapie brains, suggesting that polymorphism is peculiar for polymerization of PrP regardless of whether fibrils are formed in vitro or under pathological conditions in vivo.  相似文献   

Human amylin is a 37 amino acid residue peptide hormone whose fibrillogenesis has been correlated with type 2 diabetes. These fibrils are rope-like bundles of several 5nm diameter protofilaments. Here, we propose, as a model for the protofilament, a variant of the parallel superpleated beta-structure previously derived for amyloid filaments of the yeast prion Ure2p. In the amylin model, individual polypeptides from residues 9 to 37 have a planar S-shaped fold with three beta-strands. These serpentines are stacked in register, with a 0.47 nm axial rise and a small rotational twist per step, generating an array of three parallel beta-sheets in cross-beta conformation. The interior, the two "bays" sandwiched between adjacent sheets, are occupied by non-polar and by polar/uncharged residues that are predicted to form H-bonded ladders, similar to those found in beta-helical proteins. The N-terminal peptide containing a disulfide bond occupies an extraneous peripheral position in the protofilament. The left-handed twist of the beta-sheets is shown to underlie left-handed coiling of amylin protofilaments in fibrils. The model is consistent with current biophysical, biochemical and genetic data and, in particular, affords a plausible explanation for why rodent amylin does not form fibrils.  相似文献   

Babenko V  Harada T  Yagi H  Goto Y  Kuroda R  Dzwolak W 《Chirality》2011,23(8):638-646
Hydrodynamic forces are capable of inducing structural order in dispersed solid phases, and of causing symmetry-breaking when chiral crystals precipitate from an achiral liquid phase. Until it was observed upon vortex-assisted fibrillation of insulin, such behavior had been thought to be confined to few unbiological systems. In this paper we are discussing chiroptical properties of two chiral variants of insulin amyloid, termed +ICD and -ICD, which form during the process of chiral bifurcation in vortexed solutions of aggregating insulin. As conventional measurements of circular dichroism of solid, anisotropic substances are particularly vulnerable to overlapping influences of linear birefringence and linear dichroism, we have employed complementary tools including dedicated universal chiroptical spectrophotometer to rule out such artifacts. We propose that the strong chiroptical properties of +ICD and -ICD insulin fibrils are an aspect of genuine superstructural chirality of amyloid fibrils and of powerful excitonic couplings taking place within them. A comparison of thioflavin T complexes with fibrils formed by insulin and polyglutamic acid suggests that the extrinsic Cotton effect stemming from the level of single twisted dye molecules is weaker, although diagnostically useful, and cannot account for the overall magnitude of ICD of the dye bound to ±ICD insulin amyloid.  相似文献   

Despite possessing a common cross-beta core, amyloid fibrils are known to exhibit great variations in their morphologies. To date, the mechanism responsible for the polymorphism in amyloid fibrils is poorly understood. Here we report that two variants of mammalian full-length prion protein (PrP), hamster (Ha) and mouse (Mo) PrPs, produced morphologically distinguishable subsets of mature fibrils under identical solvent conditions. To gain insight into the origin of this morphological diversity we analyzed the early stages of polymerization. Unexpectedly, we found that despite a highly conserved amyloidogenic region (94% identity within the residues 90-230), Ha and Mo PrPs followed two distinct pathways for lateral assembly of protofibrils into mature, higher order fibrils. The protofibrils of Ha PrP first formed irregular bundles characterized by a peculiar palm-type shape, which ultimately condensed into mature fibrils. The protofibrils of Mo PrP, on the other hand, associated in pairs in a pattern resembling dichotomous coalescence. These pathways are referred to here as the palm-type and dichotomous mechanisms. Two distinct mechanisms for lateral assembly explain striking differences in morphology of mature fibrils produced from closely related Mo and Ha PrPs. Remarkable similarities between subtypes of amyloid fibrils generated from different proteins and peptides suggest that the two mechanisms of lateral assembly may not be limited to prion proteins but may be a common characteristic of polymerization of amyloidogenic proteins and peptides in general.  相似文献   

Calorimetric measurements were carried out using a differential scanning calorimeter in the temperature range from 10 to 120 degrees C for characterizing the thermal response of beta2-microglobulin amyloid fibrils. The thermograms of amyloid fibril solution showed a remarkably large decrease in heat capacity that was essentially released upon the thermal unfolding of the fibrils, in which the magnitude of negative heat capacity change was not explicable in terms of the current accessible surface area model of protein structural thermodynamics. The heat capacity-temperature curve of amyloid fibrils prior to the fibril unfolding exhibited an unusual dependence on the fibril concentration and the heating rate. Particularly, the heat needed to induce the thermal response was found to be linearly dependent on the heating rate, indicating that its thermal response is under a kinetic control and precluding the interpretation in terms of equilibrium thermodynamics. Furthermore, amyloid fibrils of amyloid beta peptides also exhibited a heating rate-dependent exothermic process before the fibril unfolding, indicating that the kinetically controlled thermal response may be a common phenomenon to amyloid fibrils. We suggest that the heating rate-dependent negative change in heat capacity is coupled to the association of amyloid fibrils with characteristic hydration pattern.  相似文献   

The HypF N-terminal domain has been found to convert readily from its native globular conformation into protein aggregates with the characteristics of amyloid fibrils associated with a variety of human diseases. This conversion was achieved by incubation at acidic pH or in the presence of moderate concentrations of trifluoroethanol. Electron microscopy showed that the fibrils grown in the presence of trifluoroethanol were predominantly 3-5 nm and 7-9 nm in width, whereas fibrils of 7-9 nm and 12-20 nm in width prevailed in samples incubated at acidic pH. These results indicate that the assembly of protofilaments or narrow fibrils into mature amyloid fibrils is guided by interactions between hydrophobic residues that may remain exposed on the surface of individual protofilaments. Therefore, formation and isolation of individual protofilaments appears facilitated under conditions that favor the destabilization of hydrophobic interactions, such as in the presence of trifluoroethanol.  相似文献   

The comprehensive understanding of disassembly mechanism of amyloid fibrils requires nano‐scale characterization of the mechanical properties of amyloid fibrils during the disassembly process. In this work, gemini surfactant C12C6C12Br2 micelles were used as a probe to disassemble Aβ(1‐40) fibrils. The microstructure evolution and nano‐mechanical properties of Aβ(1‐40) fibrils during the disassembly process were systematically investigated by the Peak Force Quantitative Nano‐mechanical (PF‐QNM) technique. The results show an obvious decrease in Young's modulus of mature fibrils with high β‐sheet contents (2.4 ± 1.0 GPa) in comparison to the resulting peptide/surfactant complexes (1.1 ± 0.8 GPa) with loose surface structures. Interestingly, the Young's modulus of spherical peptide/surfactant complexes on the core was more than 3 GPa. This strategy can be used as a standard protocol to investigate the interaction mechanism between amyloid fibrils and small molecules, which may open up new possibilities to explore the mechanism of relevant human diseases.  相似文献   

Amyloid fibrils of patients treated with regular hemodialysis essentially consists of beta2-microglobulin (beta2-m) and its truncated species DeltaN6beta2-m lacking six residues at the amino terminus. The truncated fragment has a more flexible three-dimensional structure and constitutes an excellent candidate for the analysis of a protein in the amyloidogenic conformation. The surface topology of synthetic fibrils obtained from intact beta2-m and truncated DeltaN6beta2-m was investigated by the limited proteolysis/mass spectrometry approach that appeared particularly suited to gain insights into the structure of beta2-m within the fibrillar polymer. The distribution of prefential proteolytic sites observed in both fibrils revealed that the central region of the protein, which had been easily cleaved in the full-length globular beta2-m, was fully protected in the fibrillar form. In addition, the amino- and carboxy-terminal regions of beta2-m became exposed to the solvent in the fibrils, whereas they were masked completely in the native protein. These data indicate that beta2-m molecules in the fibrils consist of an unaccessible core comprising residues 20-87 with the strands I and VIII being not constrained in the fibrillar polymer and exposed to the proteases. Moreover, proteolytic cleavages observed in vitro at Lys 6 and Lys 19 reproduce specific cleavages that have to occur in vivo to generate the truncated forms of beta2-m occurring in natural fibrils. On the basis of these data, a possible mechanism for fibril formation from native beta2-m is discussed and an explanation for the occurrence of truncated protein species in natural fibrils is given.  相似文献   

The specific functional structure of natural proteins is determined by the way in which amino acids are sequentially connected in the polypeptide. The tight sequence/structure relationship governing protein folding does not seem to apply to amyloid fibril formation because many proteins without any sequence relationship have been shown to assemble into very similar β-sheet-enriched structures. Here, we have characterized the aggregation kinetics, seeding ability, morphology, conformation, stability, and toxicity of amyloid fibrils formed by a 20-residue domain of the islet amyloid polypeptide (IAPP), as well as of a backward and scrambled version of this peptide. The three IAPP peptides readily aggregate into ordered, β-sheet-enriched, amyloid-like fibrils. However, the mechanism of formation and the structural and functional properties of aggregates formed from these three peptides are different in such a way that they do not cross-seed each other despite sharing a common amino acid composition. The results confirm that, as for globular proteins, highly specific polypeptide sequential traits govern the assembly pathway, final fine structure, and cytotoxic properties of amyloid conformations.  相似文献   

Protein nanofibers are emerging as useful biological nanomaterials for a number of applications, but to realize these applications requires a cheap and readily available source of fibril-forming protein material. We have identified fish lens crystallins as a feedstock for the production of protein nanofibers and report optimized methods for their production. Altering the conditions of formation leads to individual protein nanofibers assembling into much larger structures. The ability to control the morphology and form higher order structures is a crucial step in bottom up assembly of bionanomaterials. Cell toxicity assays suggest no adverse impact of these structures on mammalian cell proliferation. There are many possible applications for protein nanofibers; here we illustrate their potential as templates for nanowire formation, with a simple gold plating process.  相似文献   

Ribonuclease Sa and two charge-reversal variants can be converted into amyloid in vitro by the addition of 2,2,2-triflouroethanol (TFE). We report here amyloid fibril formation for these proteins as a function of pH. The pH at maximal fibril formation correlates with the pH dependence of protein solubility, but not with stability, for these variants. Additionally, we show that the pH at maximal fibril formation for a number of well-characterized proteins is near the pI, where the protein is expected to be the least soluble. This suggests that protein solubility is an important determinant of fibril formation.  相似文献   

We have investigated the chemical modification of insulin under conditions that promote the conversion of the soluble protein into amyloid fibrils. The modifications that are incorporated into the fibrils include deamidation of Asn A21, Asn B3, and Gln B4. In order to prepare fibrils with minimal deamidation of these residues, the kinetics of aggregation were accelerated by seeding with aliquots of a solution containing preformed fibrils. The resulting fibrils were then reincubated to determine the extent to which chemical modification occurs in the fibril itself. The deamidation of Asn A21 in particular could be followed in detail. Deamidation of this residue in the fibrillar form of insulin was found to occur in only 52 +/- 5% of molecules. This result indicates that there are at least two different packing environments of insulin molecules in the fibrils and suggests that the characterization of chemical modifications may be a useful probe of the environment of polypeptide chains within amyloid fibrils.  相似文献   

With the development of various nanomaterial expected to be used in biomedical fields, it is more important to evaluate and understand their potential effects on biological system. In this work, two proteins with different structure, Villin Headpiece (HP35) with α‐helix structure and protofibrils Aβ1‐42 with five β‐strand chains, were selected and their interactions with silicene were studied by means of molecular dynamics (MD) simulation to reveal the potential effect of silicene on the structure and function of biomolecules. The obtained results indicated that silicene could rapidly attract HP35 and Aβ1‐42 fibrils onto the surface to form a stable binding. The adsorption strength was moderate and no significant structural distortion of HP35 and Aβ1‐42 fibrils was observed. Moreover, the strength of calculated the H‐bonds in neighbor chain of Aβ1‐42 fibrils indicated that the mild interactions between silicene and fibrils could regularize the structure of Aβ1‐42 fibrils and stabilize the interactions between five chains of fibrils protein, which might enhance the aggregation of Aβ1‐42 fibrils. This study provides a new insight for understanding the interaction between nanomaterials and biomolecules and moves forward the development of silicene into biomedical fields.  相似文献   

Amyloid fibrils are considered as novel nanomaterials because of their nanoscale width, a regular constituting structure of cross β‐sheet conformation, and considerable mechanical strength. By using an amyloidogenic protein of β2‐microglobulin (β2M) related to dialysis‐related amyloidosis, nanoporous protein matrix has been prepared. The β2M granules made of around 15 monomers showed an average size of 23.1 nm. They formed worm‐like fibrils at pH 7.4 in 20 mM sodium phosphate containing 0.15 M NaCl following vigorous nondirectional shaking incubation, in which they became laterally associated and interwound to generate the porous amyloid fibrillar matrix with an average pore size of 30–50 nm. This nanoporous protein matrix was demonstrated to be selectively disintegrated by reducing agents, such as tris‐(2‐carboxyethyl) phosphine. High surface area with nanopores on the surface has been suggested to make the matrix of β2M amyloid fibrils particularly suitable for applications in the area of nanobiotechnology including drug delivery and tissue engineering. © 2010 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2010  相似文献   

More than 20 human diseases involve the fibrillation of a specific protein/peptide which forms pathological deposits at various sites. Hereditary lysozyme amyloidosis is a systemic disorder which mostly affects liver, spleen and kidney. This conformational disorder is featured by lysozyme fibril formation. In vivo lysozyme fibrillation was simulated under in vitro conditions using a strong denaturant GdHCl at 3 M concentration. Sharp decline in the ANS fluorescence intensity compared to the partially unfolded states, almost 20-fold increase in ThT fluorescence intensity, increase in absorbance at 450 nm suggesting turbidity, negative ellipticity peak in the far-UVCD at 217 nm, red shift of 50 nm compared to the native state in Congo red assay and appearance of a network of long rope-like fibrils in transmission electron microscope (TEM) analysis suggested HEWL fibrillation. Anti-fibrillation potency of baicalein against the preformed fibrils of HEWL was investigated following ThT assay in which there was a dose-dependent decrease in ThT fluorescence intensity compared to the fibrillar state of HEWL with the maximum effect observed at 150-μM baicalein concentration, loss of negative ellipticity peak in the far-UVCD region, dip in the Rayleigh scattering intensity and absorbance at 350 and 450 nm, respectively, together with a reduction in the density of fibrillar structure in TEM imaging. Thus, it could be suggested that baicalein could prove to be a positive therapeutics for hereditary human lysozyme amyloidosis.  相似文献   

Cationic amyloid fibrils found in human semen enhance the transmission of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and thus, are named semen‐derived enhancer of virus infection (SEVI). The mechanism for the enhancement of transmission is not completely understood but it has been proposed that SEVI neutralizes the repulsion that exists between the negatively charged viral envelope and host cell membrane. Consistent with this view, here we show that the fluorescence of cationic thioflavin T (ThT) in the presence of SEVI is weak, and thus ThT is not an efficient detector of SEVI. On the other hand, K114 ((trans, trans)‐bromo‐2,5‐bis(4‐hydroxystyryl)benzene) forms a highly fluorescent, phenolate‐like species on the cationic surface of SEVI. This species does not form in the presence of amyloid fibrils from insulin and amyloid‐β protein, both of which are efficiently detected by ThT fluorescence. Together, our results show that K114 is an efficient detector of SEVI.  相似文献   

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