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Summary The -amylase ofBacillus caldovelox is inactivated by diethyl pyrocarbonate at pH 6.6 and 20°C by a monomolecular reaction with a second-order rate constant of 41.7 M–1·min–1. The rate of inactivation increases with decreasing pH, suggesting participation of an amino acid residue with a pK a of 6.6. The increase in absorbance at 240 nm, unchanged absorbance at 280 nm and reactivation in the presence of hydroxylamine suggest the participation of a histidine residue. Statistical analyses of inactivation suggest that only one histidine residue is essential for activity. Substrate afforded complete protection against inactivation, indicating the involvement of the histidine residue at the active site of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Human topoisomerase 1B has been simulated covalently bound to a negatively supercoiled DNA minicircle, and its behavior compared to the enzyme bound to a simple linear DNA duplex. The presence of the more realistic supercoiled substrate facilitates the formation of larger number of protein–DNA interactions when compared to a simple linear duplex fragment. The number of protein–DNA hydrogen bonds doubles in proximity to the active site, affecting all of the residues in the catalytic pentad. The clamp over the DNA, characterized by the salt bridge between Lys369 and Glu497, undergoes reduced fluctuations when bound to the supercoiled minicircle. The linker domain of the enzyme, which is implicated in the controlled relaxation of superhelical stress, also displays an increased number of contacts with the minicircle compared to linear DNA. Finally, the more complex topology of the supercoiled DNA minicircle gives rise to a secondary DNA binding site involving four residues located on subdomain III. The simulation trajectories reveal significant changes in the interactions between the enzyme and the DNA for the more complex DNA topology, which are consistent with the experimental observation that the protein has a preference for binding to supercoiled DNA.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that the active centre of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase contains an arginine-recognition site, which is considered to be essential for the function of the catalytic subunit of the kinase [Matsuo, Huang & Huang (1978) Biochem. J.173, 441-447]. The catalytic subunit can be inactivated by 3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)-1-ethylcarbodi-imide and glycine ethyl ester at pH6.5. The enzyme can be protected from inactivation by preincubation with histone, a protein substrate of the enzyme. On the other hand, ATP, which also serves as a protein kinase substrate, does not afford protection. Polyarginine, a competitive inhibitor of protein kinase, which is known from kinetic studies to interact specifically with the arginine-recognition site, partially protects the catalytic subunit from inactivation by 3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)-1-ethylcarbodi-imide. These results lead to the conclusion that the site of modification by carbodi-imide/glycine ethyl ester is most likely located at the arginine-recognition site of the active centre. A value of 1.7+/-0.2 (mean+/-s.d.) mol of carboxy groups per mol of catalytic subunit has been obtained for the number of essential carboxy groups for the function of protein kinase; a complete chemical modification of these essential carboxy groups results in total loss of catalytic activity. Finally, we have identified the essential carboxy group in the catalytic subunit of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase as being derived from glutamate residues. This is achieved by a three-step procedure involving an extensive proteolytic digestion of the [1-(14)C]glycine ethyl ester-modified enzyme and two successive high-voltage electrophoreses of the hydrolysate. It is concluded that 1.7mol of glutamyl carboxy groups per mol of catalytic subunit may be considered a component of the arginine-recognition site in the active centre of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of calcium between isolated rat liver mitochondria and the extramitochondrial medium at 37°C and in the presence of 2mm inorganic phosphate, 3mm ATP, 0.05 or 1.1mm free magnesium and a calcium buffer, nitrilotriacetic acid, was investigated using a45Ca exchange technique. The amounts of40Ca in the mitochondria and medium were allowed to reach equilibrium before initiation of the measurement of45Ca exchange. At 0.05mm free magnesium and initial extramitochondrial free calcium concentrations of between 0.15 and 0.5 m, the mitochondria accumulated calcium until the extramitochondrial free calcium concentration was reduced to 0.15 m. Control experiments showed that the mitochondria were stable under the incubation conditions employed. The45Ca exchange data were found to be consistent with a system in which two compartments of exchangeable calcium are associated with the mitochondria. Changes in the concentration of inorganic phosphate did not significantly affect the45Ca exchange curves, whereas an increase in the concentration of free magnesium inhibited exchange. The maximum rate of calcium outflow from the mitochondria was estimated to be 1.7 nmol/min per mg of protein, and the value ofK 0.5 for intramitochondrial exchangeable calcium to be about 1.6 nmol per mg of protein. Ruthenium Red decreased the fractional transfer rate for calcium inflow to the mitochondria while nupercaine affected principally the fractional transfer rates for the transfer of calcium between the two mitochondrial compartments. The use of the incubation conditions and45Ca exchange technique described in this report for studies of the effects of agents which may alter mitochondrial calcium uptake or release (e.g., the pre-treatment of cells with hormones) is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

A new 3.8-kb allele at the 5 region of the PGK 1 locus detected by the probe pSPT/PGK is reported. This variant was discovered in the Cabecar and Guaymi, two Chibchan Amerindian groups of Costa Rica. So far, a polymorphism that consists of an EcoRI/BglI (1.3-kb) variable site within an EcoRI/BglII (1.7-kb) fragment when DNA is simultaneously digested with EcoRI, BglI and BglII is known to occur in black and Caucasian populations. These two alleles were also found in the Amerindians tested. The newly described band is due to the lack of the BglII site situated 1.7 kb downstream from the EcoRI site and to the cleavage of another BglII site 2.1 kb downstream from the lacking one. This variant might be restricted to some Amerindian groups and perhaps also to Asiatic populations. Thus, it could be a useful marker in evolutive studies and for forensic applications. Moreover, the presence of a third allele in populations with Amerindian ancestry can increase the heterozygosity of the region disclosed by the pSPT/PGK probe, thus improving its application in issues dealing with X-chromosome activation ratios in females.  相似文献   

In rainbow trout (Onchorhynchus mykiss) it has been shown that high affinity IgM antibodies have a higher degree of disulfide polymerization and a longer half life time. In the present study, distinct IgM sub-variants related to ancestral tetraploidy in salmonid fish were analyzed to reveal possible characteristic differences between these. A monoclonal antibody (MAb4C10) which distinguishes between IgM-A and IgM-B in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and brown trout (Salmo trutta) was further characterized. It was shown that substitution of a proline located in the loop between the B and C beta strands of the third constant domain (μ3) of salmon μA eliminated MAb4C10 reactivity. Accordingly, the reverse substitution in salmon μB restored MAb4C10 reactivity. Molecular cloning of μ cDNA from arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) revealed two sub-variants (μA-1 and μA-2), i.e. a similar situation as in Atlantic salmon and brown trout. However, arctic char IgM eluted in one peak by anion exchange chromatography, in contrast to salmon and brown trout IgM that are eluted in two peaks. The only characteristic residue of salmon and brown trout μB is an additional cysteine in the C-terminal part of μ4. Most likely, this cysteine is involved in inter-chain disulfide bonding and influences the elution profiles of IgM-A and IgM-B on anion exchange chromatography. Neither of the μ sub-variants in arctic char have the additional cysteine, and char IgM, as well as salmon and brown trout IgM-A, showed a lower degree of inter-chain disulfide bonding than IgM-B when subjected to denaturation and gel electrophoresis under non-reducing conditions. Hybrids of char/salmon expressed μA-1, μA-2, μA and μB, indicating that there are two paralogous Ig heavy chain gene complexes in the haploid genome of char, like in Atlantic salmon. A comparison of salmonid μ sequences is presented, including representatives of Salmoninae (trout, salmon and char), Thymallinae (grayling) and Coregoninae (whitefish).  相似文献   

Studies were undertaken to understand phenomena operative during simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) of a model cellulosic substrate (Avicel) at 50°C with enzymatic hydrolysis mediated by a commercial cellulase preparation (Spezyme CP) and fermentation by a thermophilic bacterium engineered to produce ethanol at high yield, Thermoanaerobacterium saccharolyticum ALK2. Thermal inactivation at 50 °C, as shown by the loss of 50% of enzyme activity over 4 days in the absence of ethanol, was more severe than at 37 °C, where only 25% of enzyme activity was lost. In addition, at 50 °C ethanol more strongly influenced enzyme stability. Enzyme activity was moderately stabilized between ethanol concentrations of 0 and 40 g/L, but ethanol concentrations above 40 g/L accelerated enzyme inactivation, leading to 75% loss of enzymatic activity in 80 g/L ethanol after 4 days. At 37 °C, ethanol did not show a strong effect on the rate of enzyme inactivation. Inhibition of cellulase activity by ethanol, measured at both temperatures, was relatively similar, with the relative rate of hydrolysis inhibited 50% at ethanol concentrations of 56.4 and 58.7 g/L at 50 and 37 °C, respectively. A mathematical model was developed to test whether the measured phenomena were sufficient to quantitatively describe system behavior and was found to have good predictive capability at initial Avicel concentrations of 20 and 50 g/L.  相似文献   

In the framework of the international project aimed at sequencing the Bacillus subtilis (Bs) genome, a 35.7-kb chromosome segment around the pel locus has been cloned and sequenced. This region (35 745 bp; 70°–73° of the genetic map) contains two partial and 38 complete orfs. A homology search for the products deduced from the 39 orfs revealed that 26 of them exhibit significant similarity to known proteins, e.g. germination proteins, sodium-alanine symporter, PTS system, methionine amino peptidase, 2-oxoglutarate/malate translocater, pectate lyase, general stress response protein, RNA helicase, iron uptake and two-component systems.  相似文献   

Summary Amplification of a variable region 3 to the human type II collagen gene (COL2A1) has permitted segregation analysis in a three generation Stickler syndrome pedigree. This family had previously proved uninformative for the known restriction fragment length dimorphisms. Amplification of the variable region revealed five distinguishable alleles, of which three were segregating in this family. The lod score in favour of linkage was 2.86 at zero recombination.  相似文献   

Mazur P  Seki S 《Cryobiology》2011,62(1):1-7
There is great interest in achieving reproducibly high survivals of mammalian oocytes (especially human) after cryopreservation, but the results to date have not matched the interest. A prime cause of cell death is the formation of more than trace amounts of intracellular ice, and one strategy to avoid it is vitrification. In vitrification procedures, cells are loaded with high concentrations of glass-inducing solutes and cooled to −196 °C at rates high enough to presumably induce the glassy state. In the last decade, several devices have been developed to achieve very high cooling rates. Nearly all in the field have assumed that the cooling rate is the critical factor. The purpose of our study was to test that assumption by examining the consequences of cooling mouse oocytes in a vitrification solution at four rates ranging from 95 to 69,250 °C/min to −196 °C and for each cooling rate, subjecting them to five warming rates back above 0 °C at rates ranging from 610 to 118,000 °C/min. In samples warmed at the highest rate (118,000 °C/min), survivals were 70% to 85% regardless of the prior cooling rate. In samples warmed at the lowest rate (610 °C/min), survivals were low regardless of the prior cooling rate, but decreased from 25% to 0% as the cooling rate was increased from 95 to 69,000 °C/min. Intermediate cooling and warming rates gave intermediate survivals. The especially high sensitivity of survival to warming rate suggests that either the crystallization of intracellular glass during warming or the growth by recrystallization of small intracellular ice crystals formed during cooling are responsible for the lethality of slow warming.  相似文献   

Brennan LA  Lee W  Kantorow M 《PloS one》2010,5(11):e15421
A key feature of many age-related diseases is the oxidative stress-induced accumulation of protein methionine sulfoxide (PMSO) which causes lost protein function and cell death. Proteins whose functions are lost upon PMSO formation can be repaired by the enzyme methionine sulfoxide reductase A (MsrA) which is a key regulator of longevity. One disease intimately associated with PMSO formation and loss of MsrA activity is age-related human cataract. PMSO levels increase in the eye lens upon aging and in age-related human cataract as much as 70% of total lens protein is converted to PMSO. MsrA is required for lens cell maintenance, defense against oxidative stress damage, mitochondrial function and prevention of lens cataract formation. Essential for MsrA action in the lens and other tissues is the availability of a reducing system sufficient to catalytically regenerate active MsrA. To date, the lens reducing system(s) required for MsrA activity has not been defined. Here, we provide evidence that a novel thioredoxin-like protein called thioredoxin-like 6 (TXNL6) can serve as a reducing system for MsrA repair of the essential lens chaperone α-crystallin/sHSP and mitochondrial cytochrome c. We also show that TXNL6 is induced at high levels in human lens epithelial cells exposed to H(2)O(2)-induced oxidative stress. Collectively, these data suggest a critical role for TXNL6 in MsrA repair of essential lens proteins under oxidative stress conditions and that TXNL6 is important for MsrA defense protection against cataract. They also suggest that MsrA uses multiple reducing systems for its repair activity that may augment its function under different cellular conditions.  相似文献   

In the ciliate Euplotes raikovi, water-borne protein pheromones promote the vegetative cell growth and mating by competitively binding as autocrine and heterologous signals to putative cell receptors represented by membrane-bound pheromone isoforms. A previously determined crystal structure of pheromone Er-1 supported a pheromone/receptor binding model in which strong protein–protein interactions result from the cooperative utilization of two distinct types of contact interfaces that arrange molecules into linear chains, and these into two-dimensional layers. We have now determined the crystal structure of a new pheromone, Er-13, isolated from cultures that are strongly mating reactive with cultures source of pheromone Er-1. The comparison between the Er-1 and Er-13 crystal structures reinforces the fundamental of the cooperative model of pheromone/receptor binding, in that the molecules arrange into linear chains taking a rigorously alternate opposite orientation reflecting the presumed mutual orientation of pheromone and receptor molecules on the cell surface. In addition, the comparison provides two new lines of evidence for a univocal rationalization of observations on the different behaviour between the autocrine and heterologous pheromone/receptor complexes. (i) In the Er-13 crystal, chains do not form layers which thus appear to be an over-structure unique to the Er-1 crystal, not essential for the pheromone signalling mechanisms. (ii) In both crystal structures, the intra-chain interfaces are equally derived from burying amino-acid side-chains mostly residing on helix-3 of the three-helical pheromone fold. This helix is thus identified as the key structural motif underlying the pheromone activity, in line with its tight intra- and interspecific structural conservation.  相似文献   

Salmonella typhimurium cells infected by temperature-sensitive mutants in gene 9 of bacteriophage P22 at the restrictive temperature (39 °C) fail to accumulate functional tail spike protein. We report here studies of the inactive mutant tail spike polypeptide chains synthesized at 39 °C by temperature-sensitive mutants at 15 different sites of gene 9. For all 15 mutants, the gene 9 polypeptide chains were synthesized at 39 °C at rates similar to wild type. The mutant polypeptide chains were stable within the infected cells.The inactive polypeptide chains were tested for three functions displayed by the mature tail spike protein: irreversible binding to phage heads, endorhamnosidase activity, and reaction with anti-tail antibody. The 15 mutant proteins that accumulated at 39 °C lacked all three functions. Since the amino acid substitutions do not affect these functions of the mature protein, the mutant polypeptide chains synthesized at 39 °C have a conformation very different from the wild type, and different from the same proteins when matured at 30 °C. The fact that amino acid substitutions throughout the 76,000 Mr polypeptide chain prevent all three functions suggests that the mutations prevent the correct folding of the gene 9 polypeptide chain at restrictive temperature. Thus, these mutations identify sites in the polypeptide chain critical for protein maturation.Many of the mutant proteins could be activated in the absence of new protein synthesis by shifting infected cells from restrictive to permissive temperature before cell lysis. For these mutants, the immature chains accumulating at high temperature must be reversibly related to intermediates in protein folding or subunit assembly.  相似文献   

Little is known of the molecular mechanisms by which temperature-sensitive mutations interfere with the formation of biologically active proteins. We have studied the effects of such mutations at 13 different sites on the properties of the multifunctional tail spike protein of bacteriophage P22, a thermostable structural protein composed of 76,000 Mr chains.Using multiple mutant strains blocked in capsid assembly, we have examined the free mutant tail spikes that accumulate in active form at permissive temperature. When assayed for the ability to bind to phage heads at the restrictive temperature, the mutant proteins were as active as the wild type. Similarly, when assayed for the ability to adsorb to bacteria at restrictive temperature, the mutant proteins were as active as the wild type. Thus the temperature-sensitive phenotypes of the mutants are not due to the thermolability of these functions in the mature mutant protein.The wild-type protein is heat-resistant, requiring incubation at 90 °C, to give a half-time of inactivation of ten minutes. The 13 ts mutant proteins, once matured at 30 °C, were as resistant as the wild-type protein to inactivation at elevated temperatures.Though the mature wild-type protein is heat stable, its maturation is heat-sensitive; the number of polypeptide chains synthesized at 30 °C and 39 °C is the same, but the yield of active tail spikes at 39 °C is only 25% of the yield at 30 °C.The results show that the amino acid substitutions in the mutant proteins, though lethal for the formation of the virus at 39 °C, do not affect the thermostability of the mature tail spike protein formed at 30 °C. They may act by destabilizing thermolabile intermediates in the folding or subunit assembly of the tail spike protein.  相似文献   

Chen L  Meng Q  Jing X  Xu P  Luo D 《Cellular signalling》2011,23(2):497-505
Protein kinase C (PKC) plays a prominent role in the regulation of a variety of cellular functions, including Ca2+ signalling. In HEK293 and Jurkat cells, the Ca2+ release and Ca2+ uptake stimulated by several different activators were attenuated by activation of PKC with phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) or 1-oleoyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycerol (OAG) and potentiated by PKC inhibition with Gö6983 or knockdown of PKCα or PKCβ using shRNA. Immunostaining and Western blotting analyses revealed that PKCα and PKCβII accumulated at the plasma membrane (PM) and that these isoforms, along with PKCβI, also translocated to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) upon activation with PMA. Measurements of membrane fluidity showed that, like the cell membrane stabilizers bovine serum albumin (BSA) and ursodeoxycholate (UDCA), PMA and OAG significantly reduced the fluidity of both the PM and ER membranes; these effects were blocked in PKC-knockdown cells. Interestingly, both BSA and UDCA inhibited the Ca2+ responses to agonists to the same extent as PMA, whereas Tween 20, which increases membrane fluidity, raised the internal Ca2+ concentration. Thus, activation of PKC induces both translocation of PKC to the PM and ER membranes and downregulation of membrane fluidity, thereby negatively modulating Ca2+ flux.  相似文献   


Conversion of organic wastes to syngas is an attractive way to utilize wastes. The produced syngas can be further used to produce a variety of chemicals. In this study, a hollow-fiber membrane biofilm reactor with mix cultures was operated at 55 °C to convert syngas (H2/CO2) into acetate. A high concentration of acetate (42.4 g/L) was reached in batch experiment while a maximum acetate production rate of 10.5 g/L/day was achieved in the continuous-flow mode at hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 1 day. Acetate was the main product in both batch and continuous-flow experiments. n-Butyrate was the other byproduct in the reactor. Acetate accounted for more than 98.5 and 99.1% of total volatile fatty acids in batch and continuous modes, respectively. Illumina Miseq high-throughput sequencing results showed that microorganisms were highly purified and enriched in the reactor. The main genus was Thermoanaerobacterium (66% of relative abundance), which was usually considered as H2 producer in the literature, however, likely played a role as a H2 consumer in this study. This study provides a new method to generate the high producing rate and purity of acetate from syngas.


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