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Pseudomonas putida KT2440-JD1 is able to cometabolize benzoate to cis, cis-muconate in the presence of glucose as growth substrate. P. putida KT2440-JD1 was unable to grow in the presence of concentrations above 50 mM benzoate or 600 mM cis, cis-muconate. The inhibitory effects of both compounds were cumulative. The maximum specific uptake rate of benzoate was higher than the specific production rate of cis, cis-muconate during growth on glucose in the presence of benzoate, indicating that a benzoate derivative accumulated in the cells, which is likely to be catechol. Catechol was shown to reduce the expression level of the ben operon, which encodes the conversion of benzoate to cis, cis-muconate. To prevent overdoses of benzoate, a pH-stat fed-batch process for the production of cis, cis-muconate from benzoate was developed, in which the addition of benzoate was coupled to the acidification of the medium. The maximum specific production rate during the pH-stat fed-batch process was 0.6 g (4.3 mmol) g dry cell weight(-1) h(-1), whereas 18.5 g L(-1) cis, cis-muconate accumulated in the culture medium with a molar product yield of close to 100%. Proteome analysis revealed that the outer membrane protein H1 was upregulated during the pH-stat fed-batch process, whereas the expression of 10 other proteins was reduced. The identified proteins are involved in energy household, transport, translation of RNA, and motility.  相似文献   

The growth rate of four strains of Pseudomonas putida, KT2440, KT2442, KTH2, and KTH2 (pESOX3), under different fluid dynamic conditions has been studied. The cultures were conducted in a stirred tank bioreactor by changing the stirrer speed. Several process variables, such as biomass concentration, dissolved oxygen concentration, oxygen mass transfer rate and oxygen uptake rate, have been measured or calculated. Also cell viability was determined by viable colony counting in Petri dishes and culture samples were subjected into a transmission electron microscopy analysis, in order to describe the integrity of the individual cells. The experimental results show that the genetically modified organisms, the strains KTH2 and KTH2 (pESOX3), present a different growth under low agitation conditions, and low oxygen supply level, while the growth of the wild type strains, KT2440 and KT2442, followed the typical sigmoidal evolution that could be described by the logistic equation. The presence of outer membrane vesicles has been observed in the GMO strains. When the cultures were conducted at low stirrer speed, and so at low oxygen transfer rate, these vesicles were detected, indicating the bacterial response to oxidative stress, caused by the catalytic activity of the HpaC enzyme. For all of the strains tested, no hydrodynamic stress has been detected, even at very high agitation levels. © 2018 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 34:900–909, 2018  相似文献   

Lignocellulosic biomass is the most abundant bioresource on earth containing polymers mainly consisting of d ‐glucose, d ‐xylose, l ‐arabinose, and further sugars. In order to establish this alternative feedstock apart from applications in food, we engineered Pseudomonas putida KT2440 as microbial biocatalyst for the utilization of xylose and arabinose in addition to glucose as sole carbon sources. The d ‐xylose‐metabolizing strain P. putida KT2440_xylAB and l ‐arabinose‐metabolizing strain P. putida KT2440_araBAD were constructed by introducing respective operons from Escherichia coli. Surprisingly, we found out that both recombinant strains were able to grow on xylose as well as arabinose with high cell densities and growth rates comparable to glucose. In addition, the growth characteristics on various mixtures of glucose, xylose, and arabinose were investigated, which demonstrated the efficient co‐utilization of hexose and pentose sugars. Finally, the possibility of using lignocellulose hydrolysate as substrate for the two recombinant strains was verified. The recombinant P. putida KT2440 strains presented here as flexible microbial biocatalysts to convert lignocellulosic sugars will undoubtedly contribute to the economic feasibility of the production of valuable compounds derived from renewable feedstock.  相似文献   

A toluene-resistant variant of Pseudomonas putida KT2442, strain TOL, was isolated after liquid cultivation under xylene followed by toluene for 1 month in each condition. Almost all the populations of the variant strain formed small but readily visible colonies under toluene within 24 h at 30°C. The toluene-resistant strain also showed an increase in resistance to some unrelated antibiotics. Several toluene-sensitive Tn5 mutants have been isolated from the toluene-resistant strain and showed various levels of sensitivity. Most of these mutations did not cause significant changes in antibiotic resistance; however, one of the mutants (TOL-4) was highly susceptible to both organic solvents and various antibiotics, especially β-lactams. Sequencing analysis revealed that the mutation in TOL-4 had been introduced into a gene that may encode a transporter protein of an efflux system. This efflux system is very similar to one of the multidrug efflux systems of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. These observations indicate that a multidrug efflux system plays a major role in the organic solvent resistance of P. putida TOL. However, several other genes may also be involved. Received: December 18, 1997 / Accepted: March 16, 1998  相似文献   

The modified sulfite oxidation method was adapted for estimation of the overall oxygen transfer rate in a pressure oscillating, solid-state fermenter. At 4.5 atm and 30 °C, the oxygen transfer rate reached 717 mmol kg–1 initial dry matter h–1 in this system against 37 mmol kg–1 initial dry matter h–1 in a static tray fermenter. At 30 °C and 3 atm, Azotobacter vinelandii grew on wheat straw and reached 4.7×1010 c.f.u. g–1 substrate dry matter after 36 h, while only 8.2×109 c.f.u. g–1 substrate dry matter was obtained in a static tray system.  相似文献   

Aims: The objective of the current study was to examine the interactions between Pseudomonas putida and Escherichia coli O157:H7 in coculture studies on fish‐burgers packed in air and under different modified atmospheres (30 : 40 : 30 O2 : CO2 : N2, 5 : 95 O2 : CO2 and 50 : 50 O2 : CO2), throughout the storage at 8°C. Methods and Results: The lag‐exponential model was applied to describe the microbial growth. To give a quantitative measure of the occurring microbial interactions, two simple parameters were developed: the combined interaction index (CII) and the partial interaction index (PII). Under air, the interaction was significant (P < 0·05) only within the exponential growth phase (CII, 1·72), whereas under the modified atmospheres, the interactions were highly significant (P < 0·001) and occurred both in the exponential and in the stationary phase (CII ranged from 0·33 to 1·18). PII values for E.  coli O157:H7 were lower than those calculated for Ps. putida. Conclusions: The interactions occurring into the system affected both E. coli O157:H7 and pseudomonads subpopulations. The packaging atmosphere resulted in a key element. Significance and Impact of the Study: The article provides some useful information on the interactions occurring between E. coli O157:H7 and Ps. putida on fish‐burgers. The proposed index describes successfully the competitive growth of both micro‐organisms, giving also a quantitative measure of a qualitative phenomenon.  相似文献   

In this study, the mass transfer coefficient of biological floc (K(L)a(bf)) was estimated from the mass transfer coefficient of the mixed-liquor (K(L)a(f)) and the reactor-solution (K(L)a(e)). The biological floc resistance (BFR) and reactor-solution resistance (SR) were defined as the reciprocal of K(L)a(bf) and K(L)a(e), respectively, by applying the concept of serial-resistance originally presented in two-film theory (Lewis and Whitman (1924) Ind Eng Chem 16:1215-1220). The specific biological floc resistance (SBFR) was defined as biological floc resistance per unit biomass concentration. The data indicated that an activated sludge process yielding low BFR/MLR and BFR/SR tended to produce higher oxygen transfer efficiency. Surprisingly, the reactor-solution posed the same level of resistance as clean water in all experiments, except in a 5-day SRT, non-nitrifying, completely mixed activated sludge (CMAS) process run. Furthermore, SBFR successfully represented biological floc and showed a positive correlation to sludge volume index (SVI). In addition, SBFR/SR and oxygen transfer efficiency (OTE(f)) followed an exponential relationship for the complete data set. The method of separating the mixed-liquor into biological floc and reactor-solution improved the understanding of oxygen transfer under process conditions, without resorting to intrusive techniques or direct handling of fragile biological floc.  相似文献   

The development of insect cells expressing recombinant proteins in a stable continuous manner is an attractive alternative to the BEV system for recombinant protein production. High cell density fed batch and continuous perfusion processes can be designed to maximize the productivity of stably transformed cells. A cell line (Sf-9SEAP) expressing high levels of the reporter protein SEAP stably was obtained by lipid-mediated transfection of Sf-9 insect cells and further selection and screening. The expression of the Sf-9SEAP cells was compared with the BEVS system. It was observed that, the yield obtained in BEVS was similar to the batch Sf-9SEAP at 8 and 7 IU/mL, respectively. The productivity of this foreign gene product with the stable cells was enhanced by bioprocess intensification employing the fed-batch and perfusion modes of culture to increase the cell density in culture. The fed batch process yielded a maximum cell density of 28 x 10(6) cells/mL and 12 IU/mL of SEAP. Further improvements in the productivity could be made using the perfusion process, which demonstrated a stable production rate for extended periods of time. The process was maintained for 43 days, with a steady-state cell density of 17-20 x 10(6) cells/mL and 7 IU/mL SEAP. The total yield obtained in the perfusion process (394 IU) was approximately 22 and 8 times higher than that obtained in a batch (17.6 IU) and fed batch (46.1 IU) process, respectively.  相似文献   

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