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The results of a large number of carbon-limited chemostat cultures of Penicillium chrysogenum carried out on glucose, ethanol, and acetate as the growth limiting substrate have been used to obtain an estimation of the adenosine triphosphate (ATP) costs for mycelium growth, penicillin production, and maintenance and the overall stoichiometry of oxidative phosphorylation of the fungus. It was found that penicillin production was accompanied by a significant additional energy drain (73 mol of ATP per mole of penicillin-G) from primary metabolism. This finding has been confirmed in independent experiments and has been shown to result in a significantly lower estimate for the maximum theoretical yield of penicillin-G on the carbon source.  相似文献   

Summary A high yielding strain of Penicillium chrysogenum was mutated with EMS and investigated for selective effects of semi-continuous fermentations. Preferential growth of a class of mutants with different colony type and having reduced ability to utilize side-chain precursor led to reduced Pen V synthesis by the heterogeneous mycelial population.  相似文献   

Pulse-chase experiments using [U14C]valine were done with P2 and Q176, high- and low-penicillin-producing strains of Penicillium chrysogenum. The metabolic flux of this amino acid into protein and penicillin was measured, and compartmentation of penicillin biosynthesis was assessed. Strain P2 took up 14C-valine more slowly than strain Q176, but their rates of incorporation into protein were comparable. Incorporation of 14C-valine into penicillin occurred immediately with the high-producer P2, but exhibited a lag with Q176. After 14C-valine had been removed from the medium, the specific radioactivity of penicillin continued to increase in Q176 but started to decrease immediately in P2. The specific radioactivities of 14C-valine in protein and in penicillin were significantly different in both strains: Q176 had a higher specific radioactivity of valine in penicillin than P2, whereas P2 had a higher specific radioactivity of valine in protein than Q176. Moreover, the specific radioactivity of 14C-valine in penicillin was 20-fold higher in strain Q176 than in P2. These results indicate that penicillin and protein biosynthesis use different pools of cellular valine, and that exchange of valine between the two compartments is slow in the low-producer, but rapid in the high-producer strain. Hence these results indicate a further control point of penicillin biosynthesis in P. chrysogenum.  相似文献   

Metabolites (both intra- and extracellular) involved in penicillin biosynthesis were measured during fed-batch cultivations with a high-yielding strain of Penicillium chrysogenum. The fed-batch cultivations were carried out on a complex medium containing corn steep liqour. Three distinct phases were observed: (a) a rapid growth phase where free amino acids present in the medium are metabolized, (b) a linear growth phase, and (c) a stationary phase. The specific penicillin production (r p) is initially high and, during the rapid growth phase, it increases slightly. During the linear growth phase r p is approximately constant [4–6 mg penicillin V (g dry weight)–1 h–1 depending on the operating conditions], whereas it decreases during the stationary phase. During the cultivations the tripeptide Aad-Cys-Val (the first metabolite in penicillin biosynthesis) and 8-hydroxypenillic acid (formed by carboxylation of 6-aminopenicillanic acid, 6-APA) were found to accumulate in the medium, whereas the concentrations of isopenicillin N and 6-APA were found to be approximately constant and low. About 3% of the Aad-Cys-Val formed in the first step of the penicillin biosynthetic pathway is lost to the medium and 4% of the isopenicillin N formed in the second step of the pathway is lost as extracellular isopenicillin N, 6-APA or 8-hydroxypenillic acid. Also the cyclic form of -aminoadipic acid, 6-oxopiperidine-2-carboxylic acid, was found to accumulate in the medium and it was found to be formed in an approximately constant ratio to penicillin V of 6 mol/100 mol.  相似文献   

Intracellular amino acid pools in four Penicillium chrysogenum strains, which differed in their ability to produce penicillin, were determined under conditions supporting growth without penicillin production and under conditions supporting penicillin production. A significant correlation between the rate of penicillin production and the intracellular concentration of alpha-aminoadipate was observed, which was not shown with any other amino acid in the pool. In replacement cultivation, penicillin production was stimulated by alpha-aminoadipate, but not by valine or cysteine. Exogenously added alpha-aminoadipate (2 or 3 mM) maximally stimulated penicillin synthesis in two strains of different productivity. Under these conditions intracellular concentrations of alpha-aminoadipate were comparable in the two strains in spite of the higher rate of penicillin production in the more productive strain. Results suggest that the lower penicillin titre of strain Q 176 is due to at least two factors: (i) the intracellular concentration of alpha-aminoadipate is insufficient to allow saturation of any enzyme which is rate limiting in the conversion of alpha-aminoadipate to penicillin and (ii) the level of an enzyme, which is rate limiting in the conversion of alpha-aminoadipate to penicillin, is lower in Q 176 (relative to strain D6/1014/A). Results suggest that the intracellular concentration of alpha-aminoadipate in strain D6/1014/A is sufficiently high to allow saturation of the rate-limiting penicillin biosynthetic enzyme in that strain. The basis of further correlation of intracellular alpha-aminoadipate concentration and penicillin titre among strains D6/1014/A, P2, and 389/3, the three highest penicillin producers studied here, remains to be established.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The localization of the enzymes involved in penicillin biosynthesis in Penicillium chrysogenum hyphae has been studied by immunological detection methods in combination with electron microscopy and cell fractionation. The results suggest a complicated pathway involving different intracellular locations. The enzyme delta-(L-alpha-aminoadipyl)-L-cysteinyl-D-valine synthetase was found to be associated with membranes or small organelles. The next enzyme isopenicillin N-synthetase appeared to be a cytosolic enzyme. The enzyme which is involved in the last step of penicillin biosynthesis, acyltransferase, was located in organelles with a diameter of 200-800 nm. These organelles, most probably, are microbodies. A positive correlation was found between the capacity for penicillin production and the number of organelles per cell when comparing different P. chrysogenum strains.  相似文献   

The course of the mycelium low productivity during the first phase of the usual two-stage process of penicillin biosynthesis was studied. It was found that the low productivity of the mycelium at the beginning of the fermentation process was probably associated with catabolic regression of the penicillin-producing system. The high specific growth rate registered in the experiments (0.06-0.08 hours-1) had no negative effect on the mycelium productivity. It was not possible to connect the productivity level with the mycelium age, because young and mature mycelium had the same producitivity levels at any developmental stage under the same conditions.  相似文献   

In large-scale production reactors the combination of high broth viscosity and large broth volume leads to insufficient liquid-phase mixing, resulting in gradients in, for example, the concentrations of substrate and oxygen. This often leads to differences in productivity of the full-scale process compared with laboratory scale. In this scale-down study of penicillin production, the influence of substrate gradients on process performance and cell physiology was investigated by imposing an intermittent feeding regime on a laboratory-scale culture of a high yielding strain of Penicillium chrysogenum. It was found that penicillin production was reduced by a factor of two in the intermittently fed cultures relative to constant feed cultivations fed with the same amount of glucose per hour, while the biomass yield was the same. Measurement of the levels of the intermediates of the penicillin biosynthesis pathway, along with the enzyme levels, suggested that the reduction of the flux through the penicillin pathway is mainly the result of a lower influx into the pathway, possibly due to inhibitory levels of adenosine monophosphate and pyrophosphate and lower activating levels of adenosine triphosphate during the zero-substrate phase of each cycle of intermittent feeding.  相似文献   

The inhibitory effect of L-lysine on penicillin biosynthesis by Penicillium chrysogenum has been compared in a low-producing strain (Wis. 54-1255) and a high-producing strain (ASP-78). Lysine inhibited total penicillin synthesis to a similar extent in both strains. However, in the high-producing strain the onset of penicillin synthesis occurred even at a high lysine concentration, whereas in the low-producing strain lysine had to be depleted before penicillin production commenced.  相似文献   

Penicillium chrysogenum is an important producer of penicillin antibiotics. A key step in their biosynthesis is the oxidative cyclization of delta-(L-alpha-aminoadipyl)-L-cysteinyl-D-valine (ACV) to isopenicillin N by the enzyme isopenicillin N synthase (IPNS). bis-ACV, the oxidized disulfide form of ACV is, however, not a substrate for IPNS. We report here the characterization of a broad-range disulfide reductase from P. chrysogenum that efficiently reduces bis-ACV to the thiol monomer. When coupled in vitro with IPNS, it converts bis-ACV to isopenicillin N and may therefore play a role in penicillin biosynthesis. The disulfide reductase consists of two protein components, a 72-kDa NADPH-dependent reductase, containing two identical subunits, and a 12-kDa general disulfide reductant. The latter reduces disulfide bonds in low-molecular-weight compounds and in proteins. The genes coding for the reductase system were cloned and sequenced. Both possess introns. A comparative analysis of their predicted amino acid sequences showed that the 12-kDa protein shares 26 to 60% sequence identity with thioredoxins and that the 36-kDa protein subunit shares 44 to 49% sequence identity with the two known bacterial thioredoxin reductases. In addition, the P. chrysogenum NADPH-dependent reductase is able to accept thioredoxin as a substrate. These results establish that the P. chrysogenum broad-range disulfide reductase is a member of the thioredoxin family of oxidoreductases. This is the first example of the cloning of a eucaryotic thioredoxin reductase gene.  相似文献   

Using continuous and fed-batch penicillin fermentation systems some important metabolic parameters have been determined for the purpose of achieving process improvement and better process control. The specific uptake rates determined under the optimal conditions are: 0.33 mmol hexose/g cell/hr, 1.6 mmol oxygen/g cell/hr, 2mg NH3-nitrogen/g cell/hr, 0.6 mg PO4-phosphorus/g cell/hr, 2.8 mg SO4-sulfur/g cell/hr, 1.8 mg phenyl acetic acid/g cell/hr. It was also found that during the production phase, or idiophase, the specific growth rate should be maintained at about 0.015 hr?1 in order to support the maximum penicillin productivity of the given strain. Based on the results of this study a significant process improvement has been achieved through proper control of the supply and demand of the important nutrients and oxygen.  相似文献   

Several commercially improved strains of Penicillium chrysogenum have been shown to carry amplifications of the entire penicillin biosynthesis gene cluster. Analysis previously carried out using the strain BW 1890 has here been extended to the characterisation of other members of the SmithKline Beecham strain improvement series. We have determined the length of the amplicon to be 57.4 kb and shown a general increase in copy number and penicillin titre through the series. Sequence analyses of the promoter regions of the acvA, ipnA and aat genes in the high titre strain BW 1901, and comparisons with wild-type sequences have not identified any potentially titre-enhancing mutations. In addition, cDNA screening has failed to identify any further transcribed elements within the co-amplified region. The homogeneity of hybridisation patterns and the identification and analysis of a single copy revertant has shown that the amplification is of a direct tandem nature and we propose a model of chromatid misalignment and recombination as its mode of generation. Hybridisation analysis of penicillin non-producing mutants has indicated the loss, in all those investigated, of the entire penicillin biosynthesis gene cluster, similarities between the deletion junctions in these strains and comparison with previously published data indicating the presence of recombinogenic regions flanking the penicillin biosynthesis gene cluster. Received 05 November 1996/ Accepted in revised form 25 April 1997  相似文献   

Summary Resting-cell studies in Penicillium chrysogenum have indicated that penicillin formation is inhibited by glutamine concentrations higher than 1 mM. Total inhibition was obtained with 10 mM glutamine. This action was neither reverted by the amino acid precursors of the antibiotic moiety nor glutamin affected the in vitro activity of the first enzyme of the penicillin formation pathway. The inhibition was prevented by 1 mM glutathione by mechanisms not related to limitation in the glutamine incorporation nor connected with degradation of the tripeptide.  相似文献   

A previously developed immobilization technique involving latex coatings on solid particulate supports was investigated further for penicillin G production by Penicillium chrysogenum. Several modifications were found to decrease the germination lag time, including a higher spore concentration, a thinner latex layer, an increased latex porosity, and a decreased drying time. This approach enabled the development of immobilized mycelial pellets within 2-3 days from the onset of biocatalyst preparation and incubation.A continuous immobilized-cell airlift bioreactor produced penicillin G in a series of runs in which the production phase lasted up to 30 days. The productivity of this system was 3-6 times greater than the productivity of the corresponding free-cell shake flask fermentation.  相似文献   

Bulges were formed in the hyphae of a high penicillin-producing strain ofPenicillium chrysogenum AS-P-78 when penicillin was accumulated in the broth. The mycelium of cultures grown in the presence of 50 mM lysine, which specifically inhibits penicillin formation, showed a greatly reduced number of bulges. The size and number of bulges increased during the fermentation in parallel with penicillin accumulation. A smaller number of bulges was formed in the mycelium of the low-producing strain Wis 54-1255 than in the high-producing mutant. Three mutants blocked in penicillin biosynthesis did not form these globose structures. Bulges were not osmotically sensitive, although some of them burst out. They may be formed by weakening of the cell wall of hyphae following accumulation of high concentrations of penicillin.  相似文献   

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