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Cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) and pyrimidine (6-4) pyrimidone photoproducts (6-4PPs) are the two main classes of mutagenic DNA damages induced by UVB radiation. Numerous studies have been devoted so far to their formation and repair in human cells and skin. However, the biochemical methods used often lack the specificity that would allow the individual study of each of the four CPDs and 6-4PPs produced at TT, TC, CT and CC dinucleotides. In the present work, we applied an HPLC-mass spectrometry assay to study the formation and repair of CPDs and 6-4PPs photoproducts in primary cultures of human keratinocytes and fibroblasts as well as in whole human skin. We first observed that the yield of dimeric lesions was slightly higher in fibroblasts than in keratinocytes. In contrast, the rate of global repair was higher in the last cell type. Moreover, removal of DNA photoproducts in skin biopsies was found to be slower than in both cultured skin cells. In agreement with previous works, the repair of 6-4PPs was found to be more efficient than that of CPDs in the three types of samples, with no observed difference between the removal of the TT and TC derivatives. In contrast, a significant influence of the nature of the two modified pyrimidines was observed on the repair rate of CPDs. The decreasing order of removal efficiency was the following: C<>T>C<>C>T<>C>T<>T. These data, together with the known intrinsic mutational properties of the lesions, would support the reported UV mutation spectra. A noticeable exception concerns CC dinucleotides that are mutational hotspots with an UV-specific CC to TT tandem mutation, although related bipyrimidine photoproducts are produced in low yields and efficiently repaired.  相似文献   

An enzyme-sensitive site assay has been used to examine the fate of closely opposed pyrimidine dimers (bifilar enzyme-sensitive sites) in fibroblasts from individuals afflicted with various genetic disorders that confer increased cellular sensitivity to UV radiation. The disappearance of bifilar enzyme-sensitive sites was found to be normal in cells from individuals with Fanconi's anemia, Cockayne's syndrome, dyskeratosis congenita and the variant form of xeroderma pigmentosum. The rate of bifilar enzyme-sensitive site removal in XP cells assigned to complementation group C was reduced by an amount similar to that observed for the repair of isolated dimers. Our results indicate that the initiation of repair at closely opposed dimers is slow in XP-C cells but normal in all other cells examined.  相似文献   

Analysis of the spectrum of UV-induced mutations generated in synchronized wild-type S-phase cells reveals that only approximately 25% of mutations occur at thymine (T), whilst 75% are targeted to cytosine (C). The mutational spectra changes dramatically in XP-V cells, devoid of poleta, where approximately 45% of mutations occur at Ts and approximately 55% at Cs. At the present time, it is unclear whether the C-->T mutations actually represent true misincorporations opposite C, or perhaps occur as the result of the correct incorporation of adenine (A) opposite a C in a UV-photoproduct that had undergone deamination to uracil (U). In order to assess the role that human poliota might play, if any, in the replicative bypass of such UV-photoproducts, we have analyzed the efficiency and fidelity of pol iota-dependent bypass of a T-U cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer (CPD) in vitro. Interestingly, pol iota-dependent bypass of a T-U CPD occurs more efficiently than that of a corresponding T-T CPD. Guanine (G) was misincorporated opposite the 3'U of the T-U CPD only two-fold less frequently than the correct Watson-Crick base, A. While pol iota generally extended the G:3'U-CPD mispairs less efficiently than the correctly paired primer, pol iota-dependent extension was equal to, or greater than that observed with human pols eta and kappa and S. cerevisiae pol zeta under the same assay conditions. Thus, we hypothesize that the ability of pol iota to bypass T-U CPDs through the frequent misincorporation of G opposite the 3'U of the CPD, may provide a mechanism whereby human cells can decrease the mutagenic potential of these lesions.  相似文献   

The relationship between pyrimidine dimers (measured as endonuclease-sensitive sites) and newly-synthesized DNA has been examined in several different ways, with the following results:- 1. After UV-irradiation of normal human fibroblasts the frequency of pyrimidine dimer sites in sections of DNA which have been synthesized immediately before the UV-irradiation is similar to that in the bulk DNA. 2. The frequency of pyrimidine dimer sites in the parental strands of replicating DNA in UV-irradiated normal human fibroblasts is similar to that in the bulk DNA. 3. In UV-irradiated XP variant cells the size of DNA synthesized in the presence of caffeine immediately after UV irradiation accurately corresponds with the average interdimer distance in the parental DNA. This suggests that in this experimental situation each pyrimidine dimer gives rise to a disocntinuity or a termination site in the daughter strand.  相似文献   

The DNA lesions induced by active oxygen species generated from N-hydroxy-2-naphthylamine were quantitated by the alkaline elution technique as single-strand breaks using cultured human-skin fibroblasts. When cells were treated at 20 degrees C for 2 h with 0-25 microM carcinogen, the lesions increased biphasically with the concentration; the increase was slight below 10 microM while it was much larger and dose-dependent above this concentration. The dose response was similar for normal and xeroderma pigmentosum fibroblasts of complementation group A. There was no difference in the repair rate of single-strand breaks formed in these fibroblasts. The rates of repair of single strand breaks induced by N-hydroxy-2-naphthylamine and hydrogen peroxide were similar but slower than that of the repair of gamma-ray-induced single-strand breaks.  相似文献   

Repair of UV damage in plasmid DNA by human fibroblasts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Plasmid DNA from Bacillus subtilis was introduced into monolayers of human fibroblasts by means of a modification of the calcium phosphate coprecipitation technique, comprising centrifugation of the coprecipitate onto the cells and treatment with polyethyleneglycol. The amount of DNA resistant to removal from the monolayers ranged from 10% to 15% of the input DNA. By determination of the biological activity of the plasmid DNA, re-extracted after various periods following entry into the fibroblasts and subsequently used as donor for B. subtilis protoplasts, it was shown that the activity of the plasmid DNA was gradually lost. When ultraviolet light-inactivated plasmid DNA was used as donor, reactivation of the plasmid was observed, which was completed within 2 h. The dose-dependent incorporation of [14C]-thymidine suggests that DNA repair processes were involved in reactivation of the plasmid DNA.  相似文献   

Biological studies suggest that a significant proportion of the cytotoxicity observed in mammalian cells after uv irradiation may be due to damage other than cyclobutane dimers in DNA. Although pyrimidine-pyrimidone (6-4) photoproducts have been implicated as major contributors to cell lethality, their induction has been measured at considerably less than cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers when measured by chromatographic techniques. Because the yield of (6-4) photoproducts may be reduced by their lability to extreme heat and pH, we have advised an alternative, immunological quantification which does not require DNA hydrolysis. Affinity-purified rabbit antisera were used to precipitate low molecular weight 32P-labeled PM2 DNA irradiated with increasing fluences of uv light. DNA of known molecular weight was used to determine rates of induction for antibody-binding sites associated with (6-4) photoproducts and cyclobutane dimers. These rates were calculated to be 0.6 (6-4) photoproducts and 1.2 cyclobutane dimers/10(8) Da/J/m2. At low uv fluences (6-4) photoproducts were induced at one-half the rate of cyclobutane dimers, whereas at higher fluences (6-4) photoproducts predominated.  相似文献   

We have measured repair of both of the major lesions induced by ultraviolet irradiation (cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers and 6-4 photoproducts) in wild-type Schizosaccharomyces pombe and in selected rad mutants, including mutants with deletions in genes from the main phenotypic groups. We find that rad13Δ, rad15 and rad16Δ, which are the S. pombe homologues of the excision-defective Saccharomyces cerevisiae rad2, rad3 and rad1, respectively, repair lesions somewhat more slowly than the wild type, but still have considerable repair capacity. rad2Δ, also a presumed excision-defective mutant, behaves similarly. radS and rad9δ, which belong to different phenotypic groups, repair lesions at the same rate as wild-type cells. These findings provide new evidence that S. pombe has a second repair system for removing ultraviolet damage, which is absent in S. cerevisiae. Surprisingly, this second mechanism repairs lesions very efficiently; its possible nature is discussed.  相似文献   

DNA damage generated by high-energy and high-Z (HZE) particles is more skewed toward multiply damaged sites or clustered DNA damage than damage induced by low-linear energy transfer (LET) X and gamma rays. Clustered DNA damage includes abasic sites, base damages and single- (SSBs) and double-strand breaks (DSBs). This complex DNA damage is difficult to repair and may require coordinated recruitment of multiple DNA repair factors. As a consequence of the production of irreparable clustered lesions, a greater biological effectiveness is observed for HZE-particle radiation than for low-LET radiation. To understand how the inability of cells to rejoin DSBs contributes to the greater biological effectiveness of HZE particles, the kinetics of DSB rejoining and cell survival after exposure of normal human skin fibroblasts to a spectrum of HZE particles was examined. Using gamma-H2AX as a surrogate marker for DSB formation and rejoining, the ability of cells to rejoin DSBs was found to decrease with increasing Z; specifically, iron-ion-induced DSBs were repaired at a rate similar to those induced by silicon ions, oxygen ions and gamma radiation, but a larger fraction of iron-ion-induced damage was irreparable. Furthermore, both DNA-PKcs (DSB repair factor) and 53BP1 (DSB sensing protein) co-localized with gamma-H2AX along the track of dense ionization produced by iron and silicon ions and their focus dissolution kinetics was similar to that of gamma-H2AX. Spatial co-localization analysis showed that unlike gamma-H2AX and 53BP1, phosphorylated DNA-PKcs was localized only at very specific regions, presumably representing the sites of DSBs within the tracks. Examination of cell survival by clonogenic assay indicated that cell killing was greater for iron ions than for silicon and oxygen ions and gamma rays. Collectively, these data demonstrate that the inability of cells to rejoin DSBs within clustered DNA lesions likely contributes to the greater biological effectiveness of HZE particles.  相似文献   

DNA photolyases that catalyze light-dependent repair of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) were extracted and partially purified from sorghum and cucumber. The action spectra of CPD photolyases in these plant species had a maximum at 400 nm, which differ from those in Drosophila, Escherichia coli and Anacystis.  相似文献   

Yarosh DB 《Mutation research》2002,509(1-2):221-226
The goal of DNA repair enzyme therapy is the same as that for gene therapy: to rescue a defective proteome/genome by introducing a substitute protein/DNA. The danger of inadequate DNA repair is highlighted in the genetic disease xeroderma pigmentosum. These patients are hypersensitive to sunlight and develop multiple cutaneous neoplasms very early in life. The bacterial DNA repair enzyme T4 endonuclease V was shown over 25 years ago to be capable of reversing the defective repair in xeroderma pigmentosum cells. This enzyme, packaged in an engineered delivery vehicle, has been shown to traverse the stratum corneum, reach the nuclei of living cells of the skin, and enhance the repair of UV-induced cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPD). In such a system, changes in DNA repair, mutagenesis, and cell signaling can be studied without manipulation of the genome.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet (UV) radiation-induced DNA damage leading to entomopathogenic fungal inactivation is commonly measured by viability counts. Here we report the first quantification of UV-induced cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPD) in DNA of the entomopathogenic fungus, Beauveria bassiana. Changes in the mobility of UV-C irradiated DNA were resolved with CPD specific bacteriophage T4 endonuclease V and alkaline agarose gel electrophoresis. The maximum number of CPD formed in B. bassiana DNA in vitro by UV-C irradiation was 28 CPD/ 10 kb after 720 J/m2 dose. The maximum number of CPDs formed in B. bassiana conidiospore DNA irradiated in vivo was 15 CPD/10 kb after 480 J/m2 dose and was quantified from conidiospores that were incubated to allow photoreactivation and nucleotide excision repair. The conidiospores incubated for photoreactivation and nucleotide excision repair showed decreased number of CPD/10 kb DNA and a higher percent survival of conidiospore populations than conidiospores not allowed to repair.  相似文献   

Exposure to solar ultraviolet light is the major cause of most skin cancers. While the genotoxic properties of UVB radiation are now well understood, the DNA damaging processes triggered by less energetic but more abundant UVA photons remain to be elucidated. Evidence has been provided for the induction of oxidative lesions to cellular DNA including strand breaks and 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2′-deoxyguanosine (8-oxodGuo). Formation of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) has also been reported, mostly in rodent cells. In order to gain insights into the relevance of the latter photoproducts in UVA-mutagenesis of human skin, we quantified the level of 8-oxodGuo and CPDs within primary cultures of normal fibroblasts and keratinocytes using specific chromatographic assays. The yield of formation of CPDs was found to be higher than that of 8-oxodGuo in both cell types. In addition, CPDs were mostly TT derivatives, and neither (6-4) photoproducts nor Dewar valence isomers were detected. These observations are reminiscent of results obtained in rodent cells and suggest that a photosensitized triplet energy transfer occurs and that this reaction is more efficient than photooxidation of DNA components. The predominant formation of CPDs with respect to oxidative damage within normal human skin cells exposed to UVA radiation should be taken into account in photoprotection strategies.  相似文献   

UVB mutagenesis is characterized by an abundance of C --> T and 5-methylcytosine --> T transitions at dipyrimidine sequences. It is not known how these mutations might arise. One hypothesis is that UV-induced mutations occur only after deamination of the cytosine or 5-methylcytosine within the pyrimidine dimer. It is not clear how methylation of cytosines at the 5-position influences deamination and how this affects mutagenesis. We have now conducted experiments with a CpG-methylated supF shuttle vector that was irradiated with UVB and then incubated at 37 degrees C to allow time for deamination before passage through a human cell line to establish mutations. This led to a significantly increased frequency of CC --> TT mutations and of transition mutations at 5'-PymCG-3' sequences. A spectrum of deaminated cis-syn cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers in the supF gene was determined using the mismatch glycosylase activities of MBD4 protein in combination with ligation-mediated PCR. Methylation at the C-5 position promoted the deamination of cytosines within cis-syn cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers, and these two events combined led to a significantly increased frequency of UVB-induced transition mutations at 5'-PymCG-3' sequences. Under these conditions, the majority of all supF mutations were transition mutations at 5'-PymCG-3', and they clustered at several mutational hot spots. Exactly these types of mutations are frequently observed in the p53 gene of nonmelanoma skin tumors. This particular mutagenic pathway may become prevalent under conditions of inefficient DNA repair and slow proliferation of cells in the human epidermis.  相似文献   

Cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers were quantified at the sequence level after irradiation with solar ultraviolet (UVB) and nonsolar ultraviolet (UVC) light sources. The yield of photoproducts at specific sites was dependent on the nucleotide composition in and around the potential lesion as well as on the wavelength of ultraviolet light used to induce the damage. Induction was greater in the presence of 5' flanking pyrimidines than purines; 5' guanine inhibited induction more than adenine. UVB irradiation increased the induction of cyclobutane dimers containing cytosine relative to thymine homodimers. At the single UVC and UVB fluences used, the ratio of thymine homodimers (T mean value of T) to dimers containing cytosine (C mean value of T, T mean value of C, C mean value of C) was greater after UVC compared to UVB irradiation.  相似文献   

The occurrence of DNA repair in UV- (254 nm) and X-irradiated normal human diploid fibroblasts maintained in a quiescent, nondividing state using low serum (0.5%) medium was ascertained. Techniques that detect different steps of the excision repair process were used so that the extent of completion of repair at single sites could be determined. These included measuring the disappearance of pyrimidine dimers by chromatography, detecting repair synthesis by density-gradient and autoradiographic methods and detecting the rejoining of repaired regions and repair of x-ray-induced single-strand DNA breaks using alkaline sucrose gradients. Results show that dimer excision occurs and the subsequent steps of repair synthesis and ligation are completed. About 50% of the dimers formed by exposure to 20 J/m2 is excised in the initial 24-h post-UV period. DNA repair (unscheduled DNA synthesis) can be detected through a 5-d post-UV period. The fraction of damaged sites eventually repaired is not known. X-ray-induced single-strand DNA breaks are repaired rapidly.  相似文献   

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