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Biofuels derived from marine algae are a potential source of sustainable energy that can contribute to future global demands. The realisation of this potential will require manipulation of the fundamental biology of algal physiology to increase the efficiency with which solar energy is ultimately converted into usable biomass. This 'photosynthetic solar energy conversion efficiency' sets an upper limit on the potential of algal-derived biofuels. In this review, we outline photosynthetic molecular targets that could be manipulated to increase the efficiency and yield of algal biofuel production. We also highlight modern 'omic' and high-throughput technologies that might enable identification, selection and improvement of algal cell lines on timescales relevant for achieving significant contributions to future energy solutions.  相似文献   

The optical properties of marine phytoplankton were examined by measuring the absorption spectra and fluorescence excitation spectra of chlorophyll a for natural marine particles collected on glass fiber filters. Samples were collected at different depths from stations in temperate waters of the Southern California Bight and in polar waters of the Scotia and Ross Seas. At all stations, phytoplankton fluorescence excitation and absorption spectra changed systematically with depth and vertical stability of the water columns. In samples from deeper waters, both absorption and chlorophyll a fluorescence excitation spectra showed enhancement in the blue-to-green portion of the spectrum (470-560 nm) relative to that at 440 nm. Since similar changes in absorption and excitation were induced by incubating sea water samples at different light intensities, the changes in optical properties can be attributed to photoadaptation of the phytoplankton. The data indicate that in the natural populations studied, shade adaptation caused increases in the concentration of photosynthetic accessory pigments relative to chlorophyll a. These changes in cellular pigment composition were detectable within less than 1 day. Comparisons of absorption spectra with fluorescence excitation spectra indicate an apparent increase in the efficiency of sensitization of chlorophyll a fluorescence in the blue and green spectral regions for low light populations.  相似文献   

不同土壤水分下4种沙生灌木的光合光响应特性   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:20  
韩刚  赵忠 《生态学报》2010,30(15):4019-4026
采用盆栽试验在适宜水分、中度干旱和重度干旱(土壤田间持水量的70%-75%、45%-50%和30%-35%)条件下,研究了4种沙生灌木柠条、花棒、沙木蓼和杨柴1年生幼苗的光合光响应特性。结果表明:各灌木光响应曲线的变化趋势基本一致,采用非直角双曲线模型拟合良好;各灌木净光合速率在同等光合有效辐射时均表现为适宜水分中度干旱重度干旱;各灌木在干旱条件下叶片表观量子效率与最大净光合速率均较适宜水分下降低,两项参数在中度与重度干旱下的平均降幅柠条均为最小,反映出柠条光合作用对干旱胁迫较强的适应性;干旱条件下光饱和点的降低是造成4种沙生灌木对光照需求改变的主要原因,光补偿点和饱和点的协同变化表明柠条具有对光环境良好的适应性;4种沙生灌木在干旱条件下暗呼吸速率均降低。在西北沙区人工植被建设中从光合特性考虑,柠条更宜作为土壤水分较差立地上的先锋树种。  相似文献   

Filter amplification corrections are presented for eight marine centric diatoms. These functions are required to correct the amplified optical path-length associated with the glass-fiber filter used in the measurement of phytoplankton absorption. Correction factors constructed from phytoplankton cultures in the laboratory are often applied to phytoplankton assemblages in the field. This study demonstrates significant differences in the filter amplification correction correlated to species and cell volume. This variation in the filter amplification correction can result in significant error in estimated absorption coefficients, compromising subsequent estimates of quantum yield and primary production.  相似文献   

Measurements of the absorptance of photosynthetic pigments inindividual phytoplankton cells were made using an epifluorescencemicroscope equipped with a spectrograph and CCD array detector.Correction for light loss due to scattering was achieved bybleaching the cells with intense light from a mercury arc lamp,and using the bleached cells as a spectrophotometric blank.Absorption efficiency factors were calculated from knowledgeof the geometrical cross-section of the cells obtained fromcalibratedvideo images acquired at the time of measurement. The single-cellefficiency factors were consistent with the average absorptionefficiencies of cell suspensions measured using a spectrophotometerover most of the visible spectrum, but they were significantlylower below 420 nm. Cells of the diatom Cyclotella crypticaand the chlorophyte Chlorella salina showed clear spectral differencesin spectral shape that could be related to taxonomic differencesin pigment content, but absorption efficiency factors of approximately0.4 at 675 nm were found for both species.  相似文献   

Effect of photoinhibition on algal photosynthesis: a dynamic model   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Recent evidence from algal physiology and molecular biologyconfirms that photoinhibition is directly related to D1 proteindamage and recovery, and D1 protein damage leads to a decreasein electron transfer or an increase in turnover time of theelectron transfer chain. In this study, the turnover time ofthe electron transfer chain is defined as a function of therelative concentration of D1 protein in reaction centre II andthe photoinhibition processes due to D1 protein degradationare incorporated into a model of photosynthesis, initiated byDubinsky et al. (Plant Cell Physiol., 27, 1335–1349, 1986)and developed by Sakshaug et al. (Limnol. Oceanogr., 34, 198–205,1989). D1 protein damage is assumed to be both light and D1protein concentration dependent, and to be proportional to thecross-section of PSII (  相似文献   

1. The underwater light climate and benthic moss communities of Grane Langsø were investigated in May 1997 to determine the potential effects on benthic production of changing water column attenuation and spectral quality of light.
2. A reduction in water clarity in the lake since the 1960s was manifested as a marked increase in the attenuation of blue light, relative to red light, which can be attributed to increased dissolved organic carbon.
3. The biomass of the benthic moss community ranged from a maximum of 195 gDW m−2 at a depth of 4 m to 39 g DW m−2 at a depth of 10 m and Drepanocladus exannulatus contributed 70% of the biomass at all depths.
4. Absorption of PAR by D. exannulatus was maximal in the highly pigmented youngest parts of the plant and these correspondingly showed the highest rates of net photosynthesis. The absolute amount of chlorophyll- a per g dry weight was greater at 10 m than 2 m, but the ratio of accessory pigments to chlorophyll- a did not change. Deep growing plants did not show adaptation to changed light quality.
5. Increased attenuation of blue light and the resultant overall decrease in water clarity is likely to impact negatively on net annual production of benthic macrophytes of Grane Langsø. Any further increase in dissolved organic carbon concentration has the potential to markedly decrease the depth to which mosses grow by reducing the length of time in a year during which net photosynthesis occurs.  相似文献   

The Ross Sea, Antarctica, supports two distinct populations of phytoplankton, one that grows well in sea ice and blooms in the shallow mixed layers of the Western marginal ice zone and the other that can be found in sea ice but thrives in the deeply mixed layers of the Ross Sea. Dominated by diatoms (e.g. Fragilariopsis cylindrus) and the prymnesiophyte Phaeocystis antarctica, respectively, the processes leading to the development of these different phytoplankton assemblages are not well known. The goal of this article was to gain a better understanding of the photophysiological characteristics that allow each taxon to dominate its specific habitat. Cultures of F. cylindrus and P. antarctica were each grown semi-continuously at four different constant irradiances (5, 25, 65, and 125 μmol quanta/m2/s). Fragilariopsis cylindrus produced far less photosynthetic pigment per cell than did P. antarctica but much more photoprotective pigment. Fragilariopsis cylindrus also exhibited substantially lower rates of photosynthesis and growth but also was far less susceptible to photoinhibition of cell growth. Excess photosynthetic capacity, a measure of the ability of phytoplankton to exploit variable light environments, was significantly higher in both strains of P. antarctica than in F. cylindrus. The combination of these characteristics suggests that F. cylindrus has a competitive advantage under conditions where mixed layers are shallow and light levels are relatively constant and high. In contrast, P. antarctica should dominate waters where mixed layers are deep and light levels are variable. These results are consistent with distributions of phytoplankton in the Ross Sea and suggest that light is the primary factor determining composition of phytoplankton communities.  相似文献   

An inexpensive and simple, analytical microalgal photobioreactor with a highly controllable, dynamic, spectrally attenuated light source is described. Spectral attenuation is achieved through the introduction of a variable thickness of CuSO4 solution between the photobioreactor and a light source. The level of liquid is precisely determined via a computer-controlled peristaltic pump, which can be programmed to pump at a variety of rates. The resultant light fields consist of a wide range of irradiance intensities with concomitant spectral narrowing, which closely mimics modeled clear water attenuation patterns. Irradiance dynamics associated with virtually any mixing regime can be achieved. The culturing apparatus of the analytical photobioreactor is based on traditional flat-plate, photobioreactor design, but with several modifications: (1) The light path has been reduced to 1 cm to assure a uniform light field is experienced by all phytoplankton at relatively low cell densities; (2) carbon dioxide concentrations are kept constant through a negative feedback mechanism that pulses CO2 into a constant air stream when culture media pH rises above a set point; (3) temperature is controlled in a similar manner, through the addition of cooling water to a water jacket in response to an increase in culture media temperature. This design is intended for use in photophysiological and bio- physical studies of microalgae under highly controlled culture conditions. It should prove easily adaptable to any number of more complex configurations.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to study the acclimation of photosynthesis in a boreal grass (Phalaris arundinacea L.) grown in controlled environment chambers under elevated temperature (ambient + 3.5°C) and CO2 (700 μmol mol−1) with varying soil water regimes. More specifically, we studied, during two development stages (early: heading; late: florescence completed), how the temperature response of light-saturated net photosynthetic rate (P sat), maximum rate of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase activity (V cmax) and potential rate of electron transport (J max) acclimatized to the changed environment. During the early growing period, we found a greater temperature-induced enhancement of P sat at higher measurement temperatures, which disappeared during the late stage. Under elevated growth temperature, V cmax and J max at lower measurement temperatures (5–15°C) were lower than those under ambient growth temperature during the early period. When the measurements were done at 20–30°C, the situation was the opposite. During the late growing period, V cmax and J max under elevated growth temperature were consistently lower across measurement temperatures. CO2 enrichment significantly increased P sat with higher intercellular CO2 compared to ambient CO2 treatment, however, elevated CO2 slightly decreased V cmax and J max across measurement temperatures, probably due to down-regulation acclimation. For two growing periods, soil water availability affected the variation in photosynthesis and biochemical parameters much more than climatic treatment did. Over two growing periods, V cmax and J max were on average 36.4 and 30.6%, respectively, lower with low water availability compared to high water availability across measurement temperatures. During the late growing period, elevated growth temperature further reduced the photosynthesis under low water availability. V cmax and J max declined along with the decrease in nitrogen content of leaves as growing period progressed, regardless of climatic treatment and water regime. We suggest that, for grass species, seasonal acclimation of the photosynthetic parameters under varying environmental conditions needed to be identified to fairly estimate the whole-life photosynthesis.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to quantify algal colonisation on anthropogenic surfaces (viz. building facades and roof tiles) using chlorophyll a (chl a) as a specific biomarker. Chl a was estimated as the initial fluorescence F0 of 'dark adapted' algae using a pulse-modulated fluorometer (PAM-2000). Four isolates of aeroterrestrial green algae and one aquatic isolate were included in this study. The chl a concentration and F0 showed an exponential relationship in the tested range between 0 and 400 mg chl a m(-2). The relationship was linear at chl a concentrations <20 mg m(-2). Exponential and linear models are presented for the single isolates with large coefficients of determination (exponential: r2 > 0.94, linear: r2 > 0.92). The specific power of this fluorometric method is the detection of initial algal colonisation on surfaces in thin or young biofilms down to 3.5 mg chl a m(-2), which corresponds to an abundances of the investigated isolates between 0.2 and 1.5 million cells cm(-2).  相似文献   

Virus removal by filter membranes is regarded as a robust and efficient unit operation, which is frequently applied in the downstream processing of biopharmaceuticals. The retention of viruses by virus filtration membranes is predominantly based on size exclusion. However, recent results using model membranes and bacteriophage PP7 point to the fact that virus retention can also significantly be influenced by adsorptive interactions between virus, product molecules, and membranes. Furthermore, the impact of flow rate and flow interruptions on virus retention have been studied and responsible mechanisms discussed. The aim of this investigation was to gain a holistic understanding of the underlying mechanisms for virus retention in size exclusion membranes as a function of membrane structure and membrane surface properties, as well as flow and solution conditions. The results of this study contribute to the differentiation between size exclusion and adsorptive effects during virus filtration and broaden the current understanding of mechanisms related to virus breakthroughs after temporary flow interruptions. Within the frame of a Design of Experiments approach it was found that the level of retention of virus filtration membranes was mostly influenced by the membrane structure during typical process-related flow conditions. The retention performance after a flow interruption was also significantly influenced by membrane surface properties and solution conditions. While size exclusion was confirmed as main retention mechanism, the analysis of all results suggests that especially after a flow interruption virus retention can be influenced by adsorptive effects between the virus and the membrane surface. © 2018 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 35: e2747, 2019.  相似文献   

Wheat grain yield production in the rain-fed areas is limited by water deficits during crop growth. A greenhouse experiment was conducted during spring 1992 at ICARDA, Tel Hadya, Syria, with eight genotypes representing two Triticum species (Triticum turgidum var. durum and Triticum aestivum L.) under four soil-moisture regimes (95%, 75%, 55%, and 35% field capacity) to study the effect of water deficit on leaf development. The phyllochron was similar in the two species across the watering regimes. The range in variation in phyllochron among the genotypes was similar in the two species. Phyllochron response to water stress among genotypes was distinct in the driest regime in both species. Cham 6 (T. aestivum) and Gallareta (T. turgidum var. durum) had similar phyllochron across all moisture regimes whereas in other genotypes phyllochron was higher in the dries regime. Leaf area decreased with increasing moisture stress. Triticum turgidum var. durum genotypes were later in flowering as they had, on average, one leaf more than Triticum aestivum genotypes with similar leaf appearance rates.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to quantify algal colonisation on anthropogenic surfaces (viz. building facades and roof tiles) using chlorophyll a (chl a) as a specific biomarker. Chl a was estimated as the initial fluorescence F0 of ‘dark adapted’ algae using a pulse-modulated fluorometer (PAM-2000). Four isolates of aeroterrestrial green algae and one aquatic isolate were included in this study. The chl a concentration and F0 showed an exponential relationship in the tested range between 0 and 400 mg chl a m?2. The relationship was linear at chl a concentrations <20 mg m?2. Exponential and linear models are presented for the single isolates with large coefficients of determination (exponential: r2 > 0.94, linear: r2 > 0.92). The specific power of this fluorometric method is the detection of initial algal colonisation on surfaces in thin or young biofilms down to 3.5 mg chl a m?2, which corresponds to an abundances of the investigated isolates between 0.2 and 1.5 million cells cm?2.  相似文献   

Many of the most virulent and problematic eukaryotic pathogens have evolved from photosynthetic ancestors, such as apicomplexans, which are responsible for a wide range of diseases including malaria and toxoplasmosis. The primary barrier to understanding the early stages of evolution of these parasites has been the difficulty in finding parasites with closely related free-living lineages with which to make comparisons. Parasites found throughout the florideophyte red algal lineage, however, provide a unique and powerful model to investigate the genetic origins of a parasitic lifestyle. This is because they share a recent common ancestor with an extant free-living red algal species and parasitism has independently arisen over 100 times within this group. Here, we synthesize the relevant hypotheses with respect to how these parasites have proliferated. We also place red algal research in the context of recent developments in understanding the genome evolution of other eukaryotic photosynthesizers turned parasites.  相似文献   

1. Lake Titicaca is a large, high altitude (3810 m a.s.l.) tropical lake (16°S, 68°W) that lies on the border of Bolivia and Perú, receiving high fluxes of ultraviolet radiation (UVR) throughout the year. Our studies were conducted during September of 1997 with the main objective of studying the impact of solar UVR upon phytoplankton photosynthesis.
2. Water samples were taken daily and incubated in situ (down to 14 m depth) under three radiation treatments to study the relative responses to PAR (Photosynthetic Available Radiation, 400–700 nm), UV-A (320–400 nm), and UV-B (280–320 nm) radiation.
3. Photosynthetic inhibition by UVR in surface waters was about 80%, with UV-A accounting for 60% and UV-B for 20%; the inhibition by high levels of PAR was less than 20%. The inhibition due to UVR decreased with depth so that there were no significant differences between treatments at 8.5 m depth.
4. The amount of inhibition per unit energy received by phytoplankton indicates that even though there was a significant inhibition of photosynthesis due to UVR, species in Lake Titicaca seem to be better adapted than species in high latitude environments.
5. The cellular concentration of UV-absorbing compounds, a possible mechanism of photoadaptation, was low in phytoplanktonic species. However, they were abundant in zooplankton, suggesting a high rate of bioaccumulation through the diet.  相似文献   

The viability and sporulating capability of 45 Coelomycetes strains were evaluated. Strain subcultures were maintained under mineral oil, in soil and on agar slant for different periods of time lasting as long as 50 years, 39 years and 2 years, respectively. Of the 34 strains preserved under mineral oil, 20 maintained their viability but lost the sporulating capability with exception of one strain of Pestalotiopsis guepinii. Of the 16 strains also preserved in soil only one was viable and it was not able to sporulate. All 12 endophytic strains, 11 preserved on agar slant and one under mineral oil remained viable; however, the strain preserved under mineral oil lost its sporulating capability, while the strains on agar slant were only able to sporulate after culturing on sterilized alfalfa twigs. The results demonstrate that routine monitoring, and the use of different preservation methods, specially with the addition of sterilized plant tissue on the culture media for promoting conidiomata formation, is necessary for the success of the Coelomycetes long-term preservation.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. Phytoplankton production was measured during 1981–82 in Bahia de Puno. a large polymictic system that is part of LakeTiticaca in the tropical Andes (Peru-Bolivia), Photosynthesis followed aweak seasonal pattern through each 12-month cycle but the largestvariations occurrud between years. 2. The large temporal variations in productivity appeared to becontrolled by biological events rather than by the direct effeets ofseasonal or aseasonal physical processes. Major shifts in production overthe 2-year period were attributable to the proportional abundance andactivity of N2-fixing blue-green algae. Production was uncorrelated withthe seasonal radiation cycle. 3. In vivo fluorescence and photosynthetic assays revealed largechanges in phytoplankton community structure over time and depth.The shifts in vertical structure were associated with changes in transparency and water column stabilily.Physiological as well as floristiceffects dictated the variations in fluorescence per unit chlorophyll a. 4. An analysis of twenty-seven primary productivity data sets fromdifferent latitudes shtiwed that Bahia dc Puno resembled other tropicallakes in its relatively weak coupling between algal photosynthesis andseasonal variations in light. Productivity in the temperate zone correlated with the annual cycle of incoming radiation while the tropicalproduction data did not. For many of the tropical lakes, but fewtemperate lakes, the between-month variance in primary production wassignificantly higher than the between-month variance for incomingradiation. There was a significant positive relationship between maximum production variance explained hy light (maximum r2 for each dataset) and latitude. 5. As in many tropical lakes. Bahia de Puno experiences moderatelylarge variations in algal photosynthesis.The muted seasonal cycle of light explains only a small portion of the total variation In productivity, and other factors such as weuther-related events are disproportionately important.  相似文献   


Background and aims

Lately sweet sorghum (S) has attracted great interest as an alternative feedstock for biofuel production due to its high yielding potential and better adaptation to drought than maize (M). However, little is known about the response of newly developed sweet sorghum genotypes to water deficits, especially at the root level and its water uptake patterns. The objective of this study was to compare the water uptake capacity, growth and developmental characteristics at the root and canopy levels of a sweet sorghum hybrid (Sorghum bicolor cv. Sucro 506) with those of maize (Zea mays cv. PR32F73) at two water regimes.


The trial was setup in a total of 20 rhizotrons (1?m3), where calibrated soil moisture probes were installed for monitoring and adjusting the soil moisture content to 25% (well-watered, W) and 12% (drought stress, D).


DS was able to sustain its physiological activity close to that of WS plants, while maize was not. The biomass production potential of DS was reduced about 38%, while in maize the reduction was 47%. The water use efficiency (WUE), however, was increased by 20% in sweet sorghum and reduced in 5% in maize. Moreover, in contrast to maize the root length density and water uptake capacity of DS was enhanced. Root water uptake efficiency in DM was sustained close to its potential, but not in sweet sorghum.


In summary, the better adaptation to drought of sweet sorghum is explained by increased WUE, sustained physiological activity and enlarged root system. It is also associated with a reduced water uptake efficiency compared to its control but maintained compared to maize.  相似文献   

  1. Rhopalosiphum padi (Linnaeus, 1758) is abundant and has a broad geographic distribution. It is one of the most important cereal pests. In Brazil, the economic losses associated with this aphid result mainly from the transmission of the barley yellow dwarf viruses.
  2. Decision-making for the adoption of management measures must consider the initial population size, the potential for population increase, and the time when this population will reach levels at which the resulting damage is equal to the costs of control measures. Consequently, the establishment of management programmes and decision support systems should be based on models that estimate the potential population growth of this pest species.
  3. Temperature is one of the main factors that determine the growth rate of insect populations. Generally, controlled experiments are designed to examine the relationship of temperature at fixed intervals in relation to the development phases of insects. In nature, thermal regimes are not constant, and population growth is the result of a series of combined events.
  4. In this work, the effects of different thermal regimes on the population growth of R. padi were compared.
  5. An agent-based model was used to estimate population growth, and the parameters defined in controlled regimes were compared with fluctuating temperatures under natural conditions.
  6. The temperature-driven model presented here can serve as a tool to predict population growth and decision-making for aphid management.
  7. The model structure and the proposed experimental design allow the addition of modules and layers of factors that can progressively affect the populations of aphids to gradually improve the model.

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