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Land-use change is one of the greatest threats to biodiversity, especially in the tropics where secondary and plantation forests are expanding while primary forest is declining. Understanding how well these disturbed habitats maintain biodiversity is therefore important—specifically how the maturity of secondary forest and the management intensity of plantation forest affect levels of biodiversity. Previous studies have shown that the biotas of different continents respond differently to land use. Any continental differences in the response could be due to differences in land-use intensity and maturity of secondary vegetation or to differences among species in their sensitivity to disturbances. We tested these hypotheses using an extensive dataset collated from published biodiversity comparisons within four tropical regions—Asia, Africa, Central America and South America—and a wide range of animal and plant taxa. We analysed responses to land use of several aspects of biodiversity—species richness, species composition and endemicity—allowing a more detailed comparison than in previous syntheses. Within each continent, assemblages from secondary vegetation of all successional stages retained species richness comparable to those in primary vegetation, but community composition was distinct, especially in younger secondary vegetation. Plantation forests, particularly the most intensively managed, supported a smaller—and very distinct—set of species from sites in primary vegetation. Responses to land use did vary significantly among continents, with the biggest difference in richness between plantation and primary forests in Asia. Responses of individual taxonomic groups did not differ strongly among continents, giving little indication that species were inherently more sensitive in Asia than elsewhere. We show that oil palm plantations support particularly low species richness, indicating that continental differences in the response of biodiversity to land use are perhaps more likely explained by Asia’s high prevalence of oil palm plantations.  相似文献   

Habitat complexity plays an important role in determining benthic community structure. A diverse range of methods for its measurement have been adopted but none are convenient for use underwater where access time is at a premium. We describe a novel, calibrated, tool for rapidly measuring scale-dependent habitat complexity developed, primarily, for use underwater. This tool is based on a distance-wheel with interchangeable wheels of different sizes to allow a scale-dependent measure of distance. This technique was calibrated against a profile of known complexity, at relevant scales, and then trialed on the Loch Linnhe Artificial Reef, a replicated artificial substratum offering two different scale-dependent habitat complexities. The distance-wheel was cost-effective, simple to fabricate and enabled the rapid and straightforward measurement of perceived distance over the step-length range of 133-1020 mm.  相似文献   

Habitat complexity is one of the most important factors modulating species diversity. This feature comprises several interrelated attributes, such as number, size, and spatial arrangement of complexity‐forming elements. However, the separate and joint effects of these attributes on diversity and community structure are still not well understood. Here, we assess the relationships between several structural‐complexity attributes of the subantarctic kelp Lessonia flavicans and species richness, total abundance, and structure of kelp‐associated macrobenthic communities. We predicted that longer thalli and larger holdfasts favor greater species richness and total abundance of invertebrate organisms. To test the prediction, an observational sampling program was established in two sites of the Strait of Magellan. Uni‐ and multivariate analyses revealed both positive and negative effects of kelp structural‐complexity attributes on diversity. Holdfast diameter and maximum frond length, followed by thallus wet weight, had the strongest positive fits to species richness and total abundance; the number of stipes, on the other hand, was negatively associated with both response variables. Longer fronds were associated with greater abundances of spirorbid polychaetes. Larger holdfasts supported larger abundances of Nereididae and Terebelidae polychaetes and the limpet Nacella mytilina. Contrarily, kelps with longer fronds and more stipes supported fewer amphipods. In this way, we demonstrate that different dimensions of habitat complexity can have contrasting effects on diversity and community structure, highlighting the fundamental role of multiple dimensions of kelp habitat complexity for local biodiversity.  相似文献   

Mountains are arguably Earth's most striking features. They play a major role in determining global and regional climates, are the source of most rivers, act as cradles, barriers and bridges for species, and are crucial for the survival and sustainability of many human societies. The complexity of mountains is tightly associated with high biodiversity, but the processes underlying this association are poorly known. Solving this puzzle requires researchers to generate more primary data, and better integrate available geological and climatic data into biological models of diversity and evolution. In this perspective, we highlight emerging insights, which stress the importance of mountain building through time as a generator and reservoir of biodiversity. We also discuss recently proposed parallels between surface uplift, habitat formation and species diversification. We exemplify these links and discuss other factors, such as Quaternary climatic variations, which may have obscured some mountain-building evidence due to erosion and other processes. Biological evolution is complex and the build-up of mountains is certainly not the only explanation, but biological and geological processes are probably more intertwined than many of us realize. The overall conclusion is that geology sets the stage for speciation, where ecological interactions, adaptive and non-adaptive radiations and stochastic processes act together to increase biodiversity. Further integration of these fields may yield novel and robust insights.  相似文献   

1. Aquatic plants are a key component of spatial heterogeneity in a waterscape, contributing to habitat complexity and helping determine diversity at various spatial scales. Theoretically, the more complex a habitat, the higher the number of species present. 2. Few empirical data are available to test the hypothesis that complexity increases diversity in aquatic communities (e.g. Jeffries, 1993 ). Fractal dimension has become widely applied in ecology as a tool to quantify the degree of complexity at different scales. 3. We investigated the hypothesis that complexity in vegetated habitat in two tropical lagoons mediates littoral invertebrate number of taxa (S) and density (N). Aquatic macrophyte habitat complexity was defined using a fractal dimension and a gradient of natural plant complexities. We also considered plant area, plant identity and, only for S, invertebrate density as additional explanatory variables. 4. Our results indicate that habitat complexity provided by the different architectures of aquatic plants, significantly affects both S and total N. However, number of individuals (as a result of passive sampling) also helps to account for S and, together with plant identity and area, contributes to the determination of N. We suggest that measurements of structural complexity, measured through fractal geometry, should be included in studies aimed at explaining attributes of attached invertebrates at small (e.g. plant or leaf) scales.  相似文献   

Warming can lead to increased growth of plants or algae at the base of the food web, which may increase the overall complexity of habitat available for other organisms. Temperature and habitat complexity have both been shown to alter the structure and functioning of communities, but they may also have interactive effects, for example, if the shade provided by additional habitat negates the positive effect of temperature on understory plant or algal growth. This study explored the interactive effects of these two major environmental factors in a manipulative field experiment, by assessing changes in ecosystem functioning (primary production and decomposition) and community structure in the presence and absence of artificial plants along a natural stream temperature gradient of 5–18°C. There was no effect of temperature or habitat complexity on benthic primary production, but epiphytic production increased with temperature in the more complex habitat. Cellulose decomposition rate increased with temperature, but was unaffected by habitat complexity. Macroinvertebrate communities were less similar to each other as temperature increased, while habitat complexity only altered community composition in the coldest streams. There was also an overall increase in macroinvertebrate abundance, body mass, and biomass in the warmest streams, driven by increasing dominance of snails and blackfly larvae. Presence of habitat complexity, however, dampened the strength of this temperature effect on the abundance of macroinvertebrates in the benthos. The interactive effects that were observed suggest that habitat complexity can modify the effects of temperature on important ecosystem functions and community structure, which may alter energy flow through the food web. Given that warming is likely to increase habitat complexity, particularly at higher latitudes, more studies should investigate these two major environmental factors in combination to improve our ability to predict the impacts of future global change.  相似文献   

《Ecological Complexity》2005,2(3):272-286
Theoretical work predicts that complex habitats allow more species to co-exist in a given area. However, more field studies are still needed to clarify this relationship, especially in intertidal habitats. Furthermore, the potential separate effects of surface complexity and area on species richness and abundance have rarely been addressed. We tested the hypotheses that a more complex substratum or larger surface area will support a greater number of individuals and species of mobile macrofauna on three rocky shores in Hong Kong. Surface complexity, assessed by using fractals, was an important factor in species–area relationships. The number of species increased proportionally to habitat complexity and this relationship was homogeneous among different shores. Total abundance of animals, however, was more dependent on the available surface area. The slope of the size–frequency distribution of animals in samples taken on surfaces with different fractal dimensions (D) was significantly steeper with an increase in fractal dimension, showing that the relative abundance of small animals increased with surface complexity. Thus, surface complexity and area may be important in determining different aspects of the macrofaunal community structure on rocky shores. The resulting increase in surface area on more rough surfaces may introduce bias in density and species number assessments when two-dimensional sampling units (i.e., quadrats) are employed. It is necessary, therefore, to account for the surface complexity in the design and interpretation of the results of benthic studies. Using D as an index of surface complexity is very useful, but also involves some practical problems, e.g., surfaces may be anisotropic and different methods may give different estimates of D. Therefore, these different methods need to be calibrated before comparisons of D values between them are meaningful.  相似文献   

Much of what we know about the role of biodiversity in mediating ecosystem processes and function stems from manipulative experiments, which have largely been performed in isolated, homogeneous environments that do not incorporate habitat structure or allow natural community dynamics to develop. Here, we use a range of habitat configurations in a model marine benthic system to investigate the effects of species composition, resource heterogeneity and patch connectivity on ecosystem properties at both the patch (bioturbation intensity) and multi-patch (nutrient concentration) scale. We show that allowing fauna to move and preferentially select patches alters local species composition and density distributions, which has negative effects on ecosystem processes (bioturbation intensity) at the patch scale, but overall positive effects on ecosystem functioning (nutrient concentration) at the multi-patch scale. Our findings provide important evidence that community dynamics alter in response to localized resource heterogeneity and that these small-scale variations in habitat structure influence species contributions to ecosystem properties at larger scales. We conclude that habitat complexity forms an important buffer against disturbance and that contemporary estimates of the level of biodiversity required for maintaining future multi-functional systems may need to be revised.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. The hypothesis proposed by the fractal foraging model, that prey procurement by predators declines as habitat complexity increases, was tested. To evaluate this hypothesis, the effect of two prey species, second-instar larvae of Scirtothrips perseae Nakahara and Heliothrips haemorrhoidalis (Bouché) (both Thysanoptera: Thripidae), and environmental complexity on the functional response of the predatory thrips Franklinothrips orizabensis Johansen (Thysanoptera: Aeolothripidae) was examined.
2. The Koch curve, a well-studied fractal, was used to generate the shapes of experimental arenas to test the effect of environmental complexity on the functional response of F. orizabensis. Complexity was defined in terms of the number of acute vertices in which prey thrips could seek refuge and the length of the perimeter that had to be searched by the predator. Four shapes were tested: a circle (zero acute vertices, circumference = 186.61 mm), equilateral triangle (three acute vertices, perimeter = 240 mm), star (six acute vertices, perimeter = 277.13 mm), and snowflake (18 acute vertices, perimeter = 333.65 mm). All shapes were scaled so that the area of each arena was 2771 mm2.
3.  Franklinothrips orizabensis exhibited a Type II functional response for both prey species and all four experimental arenas tested. Significantly fewer S. perseae larvae were killed in the most complex arena (i.e. the snowflake) when prey densities exceeded 16. For H. haemorrhoidalis , significant differences in mortality were observed only when prey densities equalled four. These results demonstrated that the fractal foraging model was supported when certain prey densities coincided with particular levels of environmental complexity.
4. Subtle changes in environmental complexity and different prey species of varying density can affect prey–predator interactions significantly.  相似文献   

生境破碎化对生物多样性的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
杨芳  贺达汉 《生态科学》2006,25(6):564-567
生境破碎化对生物多样性和生态系统功能的影响是当前国内外生态学家研究的热点问题之一。生境破碎化导致原生境的总面积减小,产生隔离的异质种群,从而影响个体行为特性、种群间基因交换、物种间相互作用及生态过程。生境破碎化的过程引起栖息地内部食物、繁殖场所、局部小气候、边缘效应等生物和非生物条件的变化,从而影响植物种群的大小和灭绝速率、扩散和迁入、遗传和变异以及存活力等,影响动物种群的异质种群动态、适宜生境比例、灭绝阈值、种间关系等。随着景观生态学与农业科学的融合,探索利用景观布局控制害虫发生将是人类利用生境破碎化为人类服务的一条新途径。  相似文献   

N. A. O'Connor 《Oecologia》1991,85(4):504-512
Summary Woody debris is a major structural component of south-eastern Australian lowland streams, and the decayed wood substrates provide a structurally complex habitat for macroinvertebrate colonization. I tested for the presence of a species richness-habitat complexity relationship for macroinvertebrate species inhabiting the surfaces of decayed submerged logs (snags) in a lowland stream in northern Victoria. The species-habitat complexity relationship is defined as the increase in species richness due to increased structural complexity of a habitat when area is held constant. The response of macroinvertebrates to seven treatments of artificial and natural substrates of differing levels and types of structural complexity were examined using cluster analyses and MANOVAs. These analyses revealed a significant species-habitat complexity relationship. In addition, a comparison of species evenness between simple and complex habitats supported the hypothesis that more complex habitats contained more species because they possessed more resources. Analysis of species richness, though informative, masked the complexity of species responses revealed by multivariate analyses of species abundances. These analyses showed that different species groups selected different microhabitats on snags, particularly in response to the level of sediment deposition, which was greater on more structurally complex snags. In comparison with the benthos, snags were significantly richer in species abundances, possibly related to low levels of dissolved oxygen in benthic habitats.  相似文献   

The ecological effects of ocean acidification (OA) from rising atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) on benthic marine communities are largely unknown. We investigated in situ the consequences of long-term exposure to high CO2 on coral-reef-associated macroinvertebrate communities around three shallow volcanic CO2 seeps in Papua New Guinea. The densities of many groups and the number of taxa (classes and phyla) of macroinvertebrates were significantly reduced at elevated CO2 (425–1100 µatm) compared with control sites. However, sensitivities of some groups, including decapod crustaceans, ascidians and several echinoderms, contrasted with predictions of their physiological CO2 tolerances derived from laboratory experiments. High CO2 reduced the availability of structurally complex corals that are essential refugia for many reef-associated macroinvertebrates. This loss of habitat complexity was also associated with losses in many macroinvertebrate groups, especially predation-prone mobile taxa, including crustaceans and crinoids. The transition from living to dead coral as substratum and habitat further altered macroinvertebrate communities, with far more taxa losing than gaining in numbers. Our study shows that indirect ecological effects of OA (reduced habitat complexity) will complement its direct physiological effects and together with the loss of coral cover through climate change will severely affect macroinvertebrate communities in coral reefs.  相似文献   

Climate change and habitat loss are both key threatening processes driving the global loss in biodiversity. Yet little is known about their synergistic effects on biological populations due to the complexity underlying both processes. If the combined effects of habitat loss and climate change are greater than the effects of each threat individually, current conservation management strategies may be inefficient and at worst ineffective. Therefore, there is a pressing need to identify whether interacting effects between climate change and habitat loss exist and, if so, quantify the magnitude of their impact. In this article, we present a meta‐analysis of studies that quantify the effect of habitat loss on biological populations and examine whether the magnitude of these effects depends on current climatic conditions and historical rates of climate change. We examined 1319 papers on habitat loss and fragmentation, identified from the past 20 years, representing a range of taxa, landscapes, land‐uses, geographic locations and climatic conditions. We find that current climate and climate change are important factors determining the negative effects of habitat loss on species density and/or diversity. The most important determinant of habitat loss and fragmentation effects, averaged across species and geographic regions, was current maximum temperature, with mean precipitation change over the last 100 years of secondary importance. Habitat loss and fragmentation effects were greatest in areas with high maximum temperatures. Conversely, they were lowest in areas where average rainfall has increased over time. To our knowledge, this is the first study to conduct a global terrestrial analysis of existing data to quantify and test for interacting effects between current climate, climatic change and habitat loss on biological populations. Understanding the synergistic effects between climate change and other threatening processes has critical implications for our ability to support and incorporate climate change adaptation measures into policy development and management response.  相似文献   

1. To understand how habitat heterogeneity affects organisms, the present authors measured the response of chironomid life-histories to single patch types in a controlled laboratory experiment. The objective was to determine whether the size and type of leaf particles in the substratum affect development rate and survival of larvae, and the fecundity of the resulting adults.
2. Chironomus riparius larvae were raised in sand supplemented with dogwood, Cornus florida, (a rapid decomposer) or American sycamore, Platanus occidentalis, (a refractory decomposer) leaves fully crossed in a factorial design with four leaf particle sizes (0.2, 0.5, 1 and 5 cm2), or in sand only.
3. Development time was shorter in dogwood habitats than sycamore habitats, and shorter in sycamore habitats than in sand habitats. Survival was higher and larval head capsule lengths of instars III and IV were larger in dogwood than in sycamore or sand habitats. Development time was longer and head capsule lengths of instars III and IV were smaller in habitats with 5-cm2 leaf particles than in 0.2-, 0.5- and 1-cm2 particle size treatments. Female thorax length (a measure of fecundity) did not differ among treatments.
4. The present authors conclude that, for C. riparius confined to a single patch type, fitness is significantly enhanced when the patch contains small particles of dogwood (labile) leaves.  相似文献   

寒温带牧林交错区生境复杂度对啮齿类物种多样性的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
采用铗日法对嫩江流域牧林交错区5个生境梯度中啮齿动物的多样性水平进行了研究,以探讨栖息地复杂程度对地面啮齿类物种多样性的影响.结果表明,黑线姬鼠、黑线仓鼠和大林姬鼠是嫩江流域牧林交错区中的优势种和常见种,不同物种在不同生境类型中呈明显的不均匀分布,反映了它们对不同生境的选择倾向性.同时,地面草本植物的覆盖度和丰富度对地面活动的小型哺乳动物的物种组成和群落结构具有较大的影响,啮齿动物的捕获率和生物量与草本植物的多样性水平呈现出显著的相关性关系,其物种丰富度随草本植物多样性指数的增加呈递增的趋势.此外,各生境中啮齿动物的物种多样性指数与草本植物多样性的相关关系并不显著,可能是因为灌丛区和林-灌交错区内大量的低矮灌丛与萌生丛改善了生境的隐蔽条件与食物资源,为更多物种的共存创造了良好的微环境,使得两生境中啮齿动物的物种多样性水平尤为突出.研究表明,小型啮齿动物的物种组成与栖息地的复杂程度有关,但地面植被对小型兽类生物量和物种多样性的影响力度并不是等同的,对地面小型兽类物种多样性影响的研究,统计生境复杂度或异质性时应考虑不同植被型/生境类型距地面的高度,不同植被型对小型兽类物种多样性的贡献程度随其距地面高度的增加而降低.  相似文献   

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