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The effects of exposing rats to hypoxia at normal atmospheric pressure for periods of 21-24 days on intrapulmonary conversion of angiotensin I (ANG I) to angiotensin II (ANG II) were examined using an isolated rat lung preparation perfused at constant flow. 125I-ANG I (160 fmol) was injected alone and with graded doses (0.1, 1.0, and 100 nmol) of unlabeled ANG I into the pulmonary artery, and the effluent was collected for measurement of ANG I, ANG II, and metabolites. At low doses of injected ANG I (125I-ANG I alone or with 0.1 or 1.0 nmol unlabeled ANG I), the percent conversion of ANG I to ANG II was 67.5 +/- 2.1 (SE), 65.1 +/- 2.0, and 62.5 +/- 1.6 in 21-day hypoxia-exposed animals and 83.8 +/- 2.7, 81.4 +/- 3.9, and 79.6 +/- 2.3 (P less than 0.01) in control rats maintained under normoxic conditions. At the highest dose (100 nmol) of injected ANG I, percent conversion was reduced in both hypoxic and control groups to 46.8 +/- 5.0 and 64.0 +/- 6.0, respectively (P less than 0.05). Mean transit times of labeled material through the pulmonary circulation were not significantly different in hypoxic vs. normoxic lungs at any ANG I load, suggesting that the decreased conversion seen in hypoxic lungs was not related to altered kinetics of substrate exposure. Thus chronic hypoxia is associated with significant inhibition of transpulmonary ANG I conversion that is independent of perfusate flow. We postulate that this phenomenon is due to alterations at the endothelial membrane level.  相似文献   

Cryopreservation of boar sperm compromises fertility after thawing by reducing sperm longevity and inducing acrosome reaction-like changes. In an attempt to improve the post-thaw motility and acrosome integrity of boar sperm, semen was frozen using a modified Westendorf method in which the medium was supplemented with either platelet-activating factor (PAF) or a recombinant platelet-activating factor:acetylhydrolase (PAF:AH; Pafase) before or after freezing. Platelet-activating factor is a phospholipid that is present in boar semen and PAF:AH is the naturally occurring enzyme that converts PAF to biologically inactive Lyso-PAF. Addition of PAF to the cryopreservation medium improved post-thaw motility immediately after thawing and after 3h incubation at 37 degrees C (60.0+/-0.0% and 25.0+/-2.9%; mean+/-S.E.M.) compared to the control sperm (41.7+/-1.7% and 10.0+/-2.9%; P<0.05). Acrosome integrity was higher immediately after thawing and after 3 and 6h incubation at 37 degrees C when sperm were frozen in the presence of Pafase (55.7+/-3.2%, 45.7+/-3.7% and 23.0+/-3.1%), compared to the control sperm (42.7+/-1.5%, 25.7+/-5.7% and 12.3+/-2.7%) and sperm frozen in the presence of PAF (33.0+/-3.7%, 26.3+/-2.2% and 11.7+/-0.3%; P<0.05). Addition of PAF to sperm after thawing improved motility immediately post-thaw (41.6+/-2.6%), compared with addition of Pafase (23.3+/-2.2%) or the control sperm with no supplementation of the medium (26.7+/-2.2%; P<0.05). However, this beneficial effect was lost by 3h post-thaw. Supplementation of boar semen cryopreservation medium with PAF and Pafase appeared to have beneficial effects on the in vitro quality of the sperm post-thaw.  相似文献   

Hafizi S  Chester AH  Yacoub MH 《Peptides》2004,25(6):1031-1033
The vasoactive peptide angiotensin II (Ang II) has been implicated as a mediator of myocardial fibrosis. We carried out a comparative investigation of the effects of Ang II and its precursor Ang I on collagen metabolism and proliferation in cultured human cardiac fibroblasts. Cardiac fibroblasts responded to both Ang I and Ang II with concentration-dependent increases in collagen synthesis but no proliferation. The stimulatory effect of Ang II was abolished by the AT(1) receptor antagonist losartan but not the AT(2) receptor antagonist PD123319. The response to Ang I was not affected by either antagonist, nor by the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor captopril. In conclusion, Both Ang I and Ang II stimulate collagen synthesis of human cardiac fibroblasts, the effect of Ang II occurring via the AT(1) receptor whilst Ang I appears to exert a direct effect through non-Ang II-dependent mechanisms. These results suggest distinct roles for angiotensin peptides in the development of cardiac fibrosis.  相似文献   

The ability to convert angiotensin (Ang) I to Ang II was compared between human alpha-chymase and two mouse beta-chymases, mouse mast cell protease (mMCP)-1 and mMCP-4. Human chymase hydrolyzed Ang I to produce Ang II without further degradation. mMCP-1 similarly generated Ang II from Ang I in a time-dependent manner and the formation of the fragment other than Ang II was marginal. In contrast, mMCP-4 hydrolyzed Ang I at two sites, Tyr(4)-Ile(5) and Phe(8)-His(9), with Ang II formation being tentative. Consistently, mMCP-4 but not human chymase hydrolyzed Ang II and mMCP-1 showed little hydrolytic activity against Ang II. These data suggest that not only human chymase but also mMCP-1 might possess a physiological role in Ang II formation. Our findings also imply that the Ang-converting activity of chymase may not be related to the categorization of chymase into alpha- or beta-type based on their primary structure.  相似文献   

Conversion of AI to AII has been studied in the mesenteric circulation of the isolated perfused cat terminal ileum. Infusion of AI through the mesenteric circulation induced a significantly potentiated response when the venous return was superfused over the rat colon and the rabbit aortic strip. Addition of converting-enzyme inhibitor, SQ 20881 to the perfusion medium competitively prevented the potentiation of AI on the assay organs without altering its direct effects. The percent conversion of AI to AII was found to be 68 in the mesenteric circulation. In contrast, infusion of AII through the mesenteric circulation has lost about 40% of its biological activity as measured on the same assay organs. SQ 20881 abolished the inactivation of AII in the mesenteric circulation. It is concluded that the mesenteric circulation of the isolated perfused cat terminal ileum is one of the major conversion areas of AI to AII. SQ 20881 prevented the conversion of AI to AII as well as abolishing the inhibition of AII passing through the mesenteric circulation.  相似文献   

Platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase type II (PAFAH-II) is an intracellular phospholipase A(2) enzyme that hydrolyzes platelet-activating factor and oxidatively fragmented phospholipids. This N-terminally myristoylated protein becomes associated with cytoplasm-facing cell membranes under oxidative stress. The structural requirements for binding of PAFAH-II to membranes in response to oxidative stress are unknown. To begin elucidating the mechanism of trafficking and stress response, we constructed a homology model of PAFAH-II. From the predicted membrane orientation of PAFAH-II, the N-terminal myristoyl group and a hydrophobic patch are hypothesized to be involved in membrane binding. Localization studies of human PAFAH-II in HEK293 cells indicated that an unmyristoylated mutant remained cytoplasmic under stressed and unstressed conditions. The myristoylated wild-type enzyme was partially localized to the cytoplasmic membranes prior to stress and became more localized to these membranes upon stress. A triple mutation of three hydrophobic patch residues of the membrane binding region likewise did not localize to membranes following stress. These results indicate that both the myristoyl group and the hydrophobic patch are essential for proper trafficking of the enzyme to the membranes following oxidative stress. Additionally, colocalization studies using organelle-specific proteins demonstrate that PAFAH-II is transported to the membranes of both the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus.  相似文献   

We have reported the existence of a carboxypeptidase in a human renal extract that converts Angiotensin I (AI) to Angiotensin II (AII) in two steps with des-leu-AI (dl-AI) being formed as an intermediate. Since this carboxypeptidase had properties similar to cathepsin A, the ability of cathepsin A to metabolize AI was studied. Cathepsin A was purified from hog kidney with enzyme activity being monitored using both benzyloxycarbonyl-glutamyl-tyrosine (ZGT) and AI as substrates. The procedure separated the expected large and small molecular weight forms of cathepsin A as well as two additional isoenzymes. All of the isoenzymes had carboxypeptidase activity with ZGT, AI, and dl-AI. No detectable cleavage of AII was observed. Cathepsin A,S (small) activity with ZGT or AI as substrate was inhibited to a similar extent by diisopropylfluorophosphate, mersalyl acid, and a decapeptide renin inhibitor. It is concluded that the renal angiotensin carboxypeptidase activity is catalyzed by cathepsin A. By its ability to convert AI to AII, cathepsin A may be a component of the intrarenal renin-angiotensin system.  相似文献   

Culture of glomerular mesangial cells in the absence of insulin decreased the degree of contraction of individual cells in response to vasoconstrictive agonists, angiotensin II, platelet-activating factor and endothelin 1, as compared with cells cultured in the presence of insulin (0.7 nM). This change was associated with a decreased sensitivity of the intracellular Ca2+ response to vasoactive agents in fura-2-loaded cells and with an increase in the basal level of prostanoid [prostaglandins (PG) E1 and E2] production estimated by radioimmunoassay. Addition of exogenous PGE2 to insulin-exposed cells decreased the contractile response to that observed in insulin-deficient cells. Inclusion of 8-bromo cyclic AMP had a similar effect. In 45Ca2(+)-release studies it was shown that, in saponin-permeabilized insulin-exposed cells, preincubation with exogenous PGE2 or 8-bromo cyclic AMP decreased the sensitivity of 45Ca2+ release in response to Ins(1,4,5)P3, as demonstrated by an increase in the EC50 (concn. giving half-maximal effect) to 0.182 +/- 0.024 microM and 0.457 +/- 0.031 microM respectively, as compared with untreated permeabilized cells (EC50 0.091 +/- 0.021 microM). A similar decrease in Ins(1,4,5)P3-sensitive 45Ca2+ release was seen in permeabilized cells from insulin-free conditions of culture (EC50 0.20 +/- 0.061 microM). As altered glomerular haemodynamics are found in insulinopaenic diabetic conditions, it is proposed that a decrease in intracellular Ca2+ availability in response to vasoactive agonists and consequent decrease in mesangial-cell contractility contributes to the hyperfiltration seen in this condition.  相似文献   

D H Smith  J M Neutel  M A Weber 《Life sciences》1991,48(25):2413-2421
In previous studies in the conscious rabbit and in isolated artery preparations, low doses of angiotensin II synergistically amplified the pressor effects of the sympathetic neurotransmitter, norepinephrine (NE). To determine whether these observations could be replicated in humans, 9 normal adult male volunteers (mean age: 34) each were given 3 i.v. doses of NE (25, 50 and 100 micrograms.kg-1.min-1) during consecutive 10 min infusion periods. On a second study day, the procedure was repeated during infusion of angiotensin II in a subpressor dose (1.25 ng.kg-1.min-1). The angiotensin II didn't alter the BP responses to NE, but it attenuated the heart rate (HR) decreases associated with the NE infusions by 80% (P less than 0.05), 42% (P less than 0.05) and 42% (P less than 0.1). The two study days were then repeated following 2 weeks of oral treatment with the angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor captopril (which, despite significantly decreasing baseline BP, also tended to decrease HR). In the presence of captopril, the pressor responses to the NE challenges were reduced by 50% (P less than 0.05), 33% (P less than 0.05) and 13% (P less than 0.1) compared with the pre-captopril responses. Thus, angiotensin II in subpressor doses appears to enhance NE pressor effects by attenuating the compensatory HR responses, whereas inhibition of endogenous angiotensin II mechanisms weakens the BP-raising actions of NE. These findings in humans are consistent with earlier observations that the renin-angiotensin system can directly amplify sympathetic pressor effects in two separate ways: by modifying baroreceptor sensitivity and by enhancing the actions of norepinephrine on vascular smooth muscle.  相似文献   

Elevated central concentrations of the vasopressor octapeptide angiotensin (Ang) II increase the water intake in mammals. Recently, we showed that central AngII is also crucial in alcohol-consuming behavior. Since the heptapeptide AngIII, an AngII metabolite, is discussed to mediate AngII-related effects, we investigated water and alcohol consumption in mice, genetically deficient in aminopeptidase A (APA), a peptidase responsible for AngII conversion to AngIII. Sixteen male APA-deficient mice and their age matched wild-type controls were monitored on their water intake under basal conditions and total fluid and alcohol intake before and after social stress in a two-bottle free-choice paradigm. Alterations were connected to the regulation in activity of Ang-related peptidases (APA, ACE; ACE2) in brain regions involved in alcohol intake and peripheral organs. In comparison to their wild-type controls, APA-deficient mice drank significantly more water but not more alcohol at all investigated time points. A reduction in water intake, as observed in wild-type animals after social stress, did not occur in knockout mice. However, the reduction in alcohol consumption after social stress was significantly reduced in both strains. Alcohol consumption upregulated all three peptidases in the kidney, but not in lung. Notable, renal ACE2 activity was significantly higher in APA-deficient mice under basal condition. While the inhibition of AngII metabolism to AngIII does not influence the alcohol intake, water consumption in mice deficient for APA was significantly elevated. These differences induced by an altered AngII/AngIII ratio oppose the hypothesis that central AngII and AngIII act in a congruent pattern.  相似文献   

Angiotensin I (A-I) and angiotensin II (A-II) produced dose-dependent increases in isometric tension in isolated strips of uterine smooth muscle prepared from ovariectomized golden hamsters treated with estrogen. Responses to A-II were consistent with receptor--occupancy theory of agonist--receptor interactions. Inhibition of angiotensin-converting enzyme virtually abolished responses to A-I but not those to A-II. Blockade of A-II receptors inhibited responses to both A-I and A-II. Cholinergic or alpha-adrenergic blockade did not alter uterine responses to either A-I or A-II. These findings suggest that contractile responses elicited in the isolated uterus of the hamster are due to its local conversion to A-II and subsequent interactions with specific A-II receptors. Such conversion occurs at least to the extent of 14 to 27 %.  相似文献   

The conversion of angiotensin I (AT-I) to angiotensin II (AT-II) by angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE) is a key step in the action of angiotensins. ACE is constitutively expressed in endothelial cells, but can also be detected at low levels in smooth muscle cells (SMC). Furthermore, in rats the ACE activity can be induced in SMC in vivo by experimental hypertension or vascular injury and in vivo by corticoid treatment. This study was therefore undertaken to evaluate the conversion of AT-I and its subsequent effects in SMC in basal conditions and after stimulation by dexamethasone. Using rat and human SMC, showed that dexamethasone induced ACE expression and that this enzyme was functional, leading to AT-II-dependent intracellular signaling. A fourfold increase in phospholipase C activity in response to AT-I was observed in dexamethasone-activated SMC compared with quiescent SMC. This effect of dexamethasone on signal transduction is dependent on ACE activity, whereas AT-II receptor parameters remain unchanged. The action of AT-I was blocked by an AT1 receptor antagonist, suggesting that it was mediated by AT-II. Similarly, dexamethasone-induced ACE expression was present in human SMC, and calcium signaling was mobilized in response to AT-I in activated human cells. Experiments performed with cocultures of endothelial cells and SMC in a Transwell system showed that the response to AT-I was limited to the compartment where AT-I was localized, suggesting that AT-I does not pass through the endothelial cell barrier to interact with underlying SMC. Our data suggest that in rat, as in human SMC, the conversion of AT-I into AT-II and the signal transduction in response to AT-I are ACE expression-dependent. In addition, the present findings show that this SMC response to AT-I is endothelium-independent, supporting the idea of a local generation of AT-II in the vascular wall.  相似文献   

An immuno-Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization (iMALDI) method has been developed using anti-IgG beads to capture anti-AngI and anti-AngII antibodies, which are incubated with a ~50μL plasma sample to which known amounts of stable-isotope-labeled AngI and AngII have been added. After a short incubation time, the beads are washed, placed directly on a MALDI target, and analyzed by mass spectrometry (MS) and tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS). The iMALDI assay developed can detect and quantify angiotensin I (AngI) and angiotensin II (AngII) in human plasma. This assay has a Limit of Detection (LOD) of ~10amol/μL (or ~13pg/mL AngI and ~11pg/mL AngII), at a S/N of 2:1, using only one-tenth of the antibody beads which were incubated with a 50-μL plasma sample. This LOD is within the relevant range of patient samples. Little or no angiotensin generation period is required, resulting in a rapid assay. Correlation coefficients for the standard curves are >0.99, with a linear range of 4-100fmol/μL (5-130ng/mL) and 100-2500amol/μL (106-2614pg/mL) for AngI and AngII, respectively. This duplexed assay can quantify AngI and AngII peptide levels simultaneously, in plasma from normotensive and hypertensive patients. The assay can detect changes in the levels of these peptides over time, which will allow quantitation of plasma renin and ACE activities.  相似文献   

A protein fraction designated PF70 was isolated from human plasma and partially purified on Sephadex G-100. PF70 proteins, molecular weight 37, 000 to 41, 500, formed angiotensin I (AI) and angiotensin II (AII) from 14C-tetradecapeptide renin substrate (TDP) at 37 C. Hydrolysis was maximal at pH 6.9 but there was no change in the relative quantity of AI and AII formed at different pH values. Data indicate that AI was formed first and at a faster rate than AII, but typical converting enzyme activity was not detected. Radiolabeled AII was converted to Des-Asp1-angiotensin II (angiotensin III); [3H]AI was degraded to a single tritiated product, possibly the nonapeptide. These aspartyl hydrolase reactions were apparently inhibited by TDP and were not involved in AI or AII generation from TDP. It is concluded that these enzymic activities represent two or more enzymes that are associated with the renin-angiotensin system.  相似文献   

Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) prophylaxis suppresses major adverse cardiovascular events, but its rapid turnover limits inhibition of platelet cyclooxygenase activity and thrombosis. Despite its importance, the identity of the enzyme(s) that hydrolyzes the acetyl residue of circulating aspirin, which must be an existing enzyme, remains unknown. We find that circulating aspirin was extensively hydrolyzed within erythrocytes, and chromatography indicated these cells contained a single hydrolytic activity. Purification by over 1400-fold and sequencing identified the PAFAH1B2 and PAFAH1B3 subunits of type I platelet-activating factor (PAF) acetylhydrolase, a phospholipase A(2) with selectivity for acetyl residues of PAF, as a candidate for aspirin acetylhydrolase. Western blotting showed that catalytic PAFAH1B2 and PAFAH1B3 subunits of the type I enzyme co-migrated with purified erythrocyte aspirin hydrolytic activity. Recombinant PAFAH1B2, but not its family member plasma PAF acetylhydrolase, hydrolyzed aspirin, and PAF competitively inhibited aspirin hydrolysis by purified or recombinant erythrocyte enzymes. Aspirin was hydrolyzed by HEK cells transfected with PAFAH1B2 or PAFAH1B3, and the competitive type I PAF acetylhydrolase inhibitor NaF reduced erythrocyte hydrolysis of aspirin. Exposing aspirin to erythrocytes blocked its ability to inhibit thromboxane A(2) synthesis and platelet aggregation. Not all individuals or populations are equally protected by aspirin prophylaxis, the phenomenon of aspirin resistance, and erythrocyte hydrolysis of aspirin varied 3-fold among individuals, which correlated with PAFAH1B2 and not PAFAH1B3. We conclude that intracellular type I PAF acetylhydrolase is the major aspirin hydrolase of human blood.  相似文献   

A mass spectrometry (MS)-based strategy was developed to determine the structure of lipid vesicle-bound angiotensin II (AII) and angiotensin I (AI). It involves hydrogen-deuterium exchange (HDX), chemical modifications (e.g., nitration of tyrosine, acetylation of free amino group), and ladder sequencing. HDX is also combined with tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) to provide structural details at individual amino acid residues. It was observed that a major portion of both of these peptide hormones interacts with the phospholipid head groups on the surface of the vesicles and that Tyr residue is embedded in the vesicles. Both peptides have a U-shaped structure in the lipid environment.  相似文献   

A complete functional renin-angiotensin system exists in human adipose tissue, but its regulation and the effects of angiotensin II on cells from this tissue are only beginning to be understood. In this study, we examined the effects of angiotensin II on changes in lipid accumulation, specific glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase activity, and the expression of five genes of the renin-angiotensin system during the adipose conversion of human primary cultured preadipocytes. Angiotensin II leads to a distinct reduction in insulin-induced differentiation, but only has a marginal effect on the adipose conversion of cells stimulated with insulin, cortisol, and isobutyl methyl xanthine. During differentiation, angiotensinogen mRNA levels rise, renin mRNA levels decline, whereas renin-binding protein and angiotensin-converting enzyme levels are unaffected. Angiotensin II downregulates angiotensinogen and renin gene expression, but it does not affect renin-binding protein and angiotensin-converting enzyme levels. Angiotensin II thus prevents the development of adipocytes in contact with high insulin levels, while not inhibiting differentiation, which is further stimulated. Therefore, angiotensin II could be a protective factor against uncontrolled expansion of adipose tissue. Further studies are needed to find out whether the effects of angiotensin II on the renin-angiotensin system are direct feedback loops or secondary to changes in the differentiation program.  相似文献   

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