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Bacillus subtilis YlqF belongs to the Era/Obg subfamily of small GTP-binding proteins and is essential for bacterial growth. Here we report that YlqF participates in the late step of 50 S ribosomal subunit assembly. YlqF was co-fractionated with the 50 S subunit, depending on the presence of noncleavable GTP analog. Moreover, the GTPase activity of YlqF was stimulated specifically by the 50 S subunit in vitro. Dimethyl sulfate footprinting analysis disclosed that YlqF binds to a unique position in 23 S rRNA. Yeast two-hybrid data revealed interactions between YlqF and the B. subtilis L25 protein (Ctc). The interaction was confirmed by the pull-down assay of the purified proteins. Specifically, YlqF is positioned around the A-site and P-site on the 50 S subunit. Proteome analysis of the abnormal 50 S subunits that accumulated in YlqF-depleted cells showed that L16 and L27 proteins, located near the YlqF-binding domain, are missing. Our results collectively indicate that YlqF will organize the late step of 50 S ribosomal subunit assembly.  相似文献   

Bacterial genome sequencing has revealed a novel family of P-loop GTPases that are often essential for growth. Accumulating evidence suggests that these proteins are involved in biogenesis of the 30S or 50S ribosomal subunits. YqeH is a member of this Obg/Era GTPase family, with its function remains to be uncovered. Here, we present results showing that YqeH is involved in the 30S subunit biogenesis in Bacillus subtilis. We observed a reduction in the 70S ribosome and accumulation of the free 50S subunit in YqeH-depleted cells. Interestingly, no free 30S subunit accumulation was evident. Consistent with the theory that YqeH is involved in 30S subunit biogenesis, a precursor of 16S rRNA and its degradation products were detected. Additionally, the reduction of free 30S subunit was not observed in Era-depleted cells. YqeH overexpression did not compensate for growth defects in mutants devoid of Era and vice versa. Moreover, in vitro GTPase analyses showed that YqeH possessed high intrinsic GTPase activity. In contrast, Era showed slow GTPase activity, which was enhanced by the 30S ribosomal subunit. Our findings strongly suggest that YqeH and Era function at distinct checkpoints during 30S subunit assembly. B. subtilis yqeH is classified as an essential gene due to the inability of the IPTG-dependent P(spac)-yqeH mutant to grow on LB or PAB agar plates in the absence of IPTG. However, in our experiments, the P(spac)-yqeH mutant grew in PAB liquid medium without IPTG supplementation, albeit at an impaired rate. This finding raises the interesting possibility that YqeH participates in assembly of the 30S ribosomal subunit as well as other cellular functions essential for growth on solid media.  相似文献   

NOG1 is a nucleolar GTP-binding protein present in eukaryotes ranging from trypanosomes to humans. In this report we demonstrate that NOG1 is functionally linked to ribosome biogenesis. In sucrose density gradients Trypanosoma brucei NOG1 co-sediments with 60 S ribosomal subunits but not with monosomes. 60 S precursor RNAs are co-precipitated with NOG1. Together with the nucleolar localization of NOG1, these data indicate that NOG1 is associated with a precursor particle to the 60 S subunit. Disruption of NOG1 function through RNA interference led to a dramatic decrease in the levels of free 60 S particles and the appearance of an atypical rRNA intermediate in which ITS2 was not cleaved. Overexpression of mutant nog1 with a defect in its GTP binding motif on a wild type background caused a modest defect in 60 S biogenesis and a relative decrease in processing of the large subunit rRNAs. In contrast to the mutant protein, neither the N-terminal half of NOG1, which contains the GTP binding motifs, nor the C-terminal half of NOG1 associated with pre-ribosomal particles, although both localized to the nucleolus.  相似文献   

An essential guanine nucleotide-binding protein, Obg, of Bacillus subtilis has been characterized with respect to its enzymatic activity for GTP. The protein was seen to hydrolyze GTP with a Km of 5.4 microM and a kcat of 0.0061 min-1 at 37 degrees C. GDP was a competitive inhibitor of this hydrolysis, with an inhibition constant of 1.7 microM at 37 degrees C. The dissociation constant for GDP from the Obg protein was 0.5 microM at 4 degrees C and was estimated to be 1.3 microM at 37 degrees C. Approximately 80% of the purified protein was capable of binding GDP. In addition to hydrolysis of GTP, Obg was seen to autophosphorylate with this substrate. Subsequent release of the covalent phosphate proceeds at too slow a rate to account for the overall rate of GTP hydrolysis, indicating that in vitro hydrolysis does not proceed via the observed phosphoamidate intermediate. It was speculated that the phosphorylated form of the enzyme may represent either a switched-on or a switched-off configuration, either of which may be normally induced by an effector molecule. This enzyme from a temperature-sensitive mutant of Obg did not show significantly altered GTPase activity at the nonpermissive temperature.  相似文献   

In this paper the essential GTPase YlqF is shown to participate in the biogenesis of the 50S ribosomal subunit in Bacillus subtilis. Cells depleted of YlqF displayed gene expression profiles and nucleoid morphologies that were consistent with a function for YlqF in translation. In addition, YlqF is evolutionarily linked to two eukaryotic GTPases, Nog2p and Nug1p, that are involved in the biogenesis and the nuclear export of the 60S ribosomal subunit. Analysis of ribosomes from cells depleted of YlqF demonstrated that the formation of 70S ribosomes was greatly reduced and the large subunit sedimented at 45S. Cells grown with varying depleted levels of YlqF, yielding doubling times ranging from 38 min to 150 min, all displayed the 45S intermediate. Purified YlqF-His(6) protein associates with the 45S intermediate, but not the mature 50S subunit in vitro. Analysis of proteins from the 45S intermediate indicated that ribosomal protein L16, which is added late during in vitro Escherichia coli 50S ribosome biogenesis, was missing from the 45S intermediate. These results support a model in which YlqF participates in the formation of active 70S ribosomes in the cell by functioning in a late step of 50S subunit biogenesis. Based on these results we propose to rename the ylqF gene rbgA (ribosome biogenesis GTPase A).  相似文献   

Bacillus stearothermophilus mutations which confer resistance to or dependence on a variety of ribosome-targeted antibiotics have been isolated. Many of these mutations produce ribosomal proteins with altered mobilities in a two-dimensional gel electrophoresis system. This collection of altered thermophilic ribosomal proteins will be useful in examining ribosomal structure and function.  相似文献   

YsxC is a member of a family of GTP-binding proteins carried by a diverse range of organisms from bacteria to yeasts, plants, and humans. To resolve the issue of whether ysxC of Bacillus subtilis is essential for growth, we attempted to construct mutants in which ysxC was either inactivated or placed under the control of an inducible promoter. Viable mutants were obtained only in the latter case, and these were inducer dependent, demonstrating unambiguously that ysxC is an essential gene.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli DbpA is an ATP-dependent RNA helicase with specificity for hairpin 92 of 23S ribosomal RNA, an important part of the peptidyl transferase center. The R331A active site mutant of DbpA confers a dominant slow growth and cold sensitive phenotype when overexpressed in E. coli containing endogenous DbpA. Ribosome profiles from cells overexpressing DbpA R331A display increased levels of 50S and 30S subunits and decreased levels 70S ribosomes. Profiles run at low Mg2+ exhibit fewer 50S subunits and accumulate a 45S particle that contains incompletely processed and undermodified 23S rRNA in addition to reduced levels of several ribosomal proteins that bind late in the assembly pathway. Unlike mature 50S subunits, these 45S particles can stimulate the ATPase activity of DbpA, indicating that hairpin 92 has not yet been sequestered within the 50S subunit. Overexpression of the inactive DbpA R331A mutant appears to block assembly at a late stage when the peptidyl transferase center is formed, indicating a possible role for DbpA promoting this conformational change.  相似文献   

Active 30S and 50S ribosomal subunits were isolated from Bacillus subtilis. These subunits were able to perform not only protein synthesis in the presence of artificial or natural messenger ribonucleic acid but also the specific functions characteristic of each of the subunits. Thus the 30S subunits alone are able to bind formyl-methionyl-transfer ribonucleic acid, and the 50S subunits carry the peptidyl transferase activity.  相似文献   

Active 50 S ribosomal subunits from Bacillus licheniformis and Bacillus subtilis can be reconstituted in vitro from dissociated RNA and proteins. The reconstituted 50 S sub-units are indistinguishable from native 50 S subunits in sedimentation on sucrose gradients and in protein composition. The procedure used is similar to that developed for reconstitution of Bacillus stearothermophilus 50 S subunits, though the optimal conditions are somewhat different. Hybrid ribosomes can be reconstituted with 23 S RNA and proteins from different sources (B. stearothermophilus and B. licheniformis or B. subtilis). The thermal stability of these ribosomes depends on the source of the proteins, and not on the source of 23 S RNA.  相似文献   

Ribonuclease P (RNase P) is a ribozyme required for the 5' maturation of all tRNA. RNase P and the ribosome are the only known ribozymes conserved in all organisms. We set out to determine whether this ribonucleoprotein enzyme interacts with other cellular components, which may imply other functions for this conserved ribozyme. Incubation of the Bacillus subtilis RNase P holoenzyme with fractionated B. subtilis cellular extracts and purified ribosomal subunits results in the formation of a gel-shifted complex with the 30S ribosomal subunit at a binding affinity of approximately 40 nM in 0.1 M NH(4)Cl and 10 mM MgCl(2). The complex does not form with the RNase P RNA alone and is disrupted by a mRNA mimic polyuridine, but is stable in the presence of high concentrations of mature tRNA. Endogenous RNase P can also be detected in the 30S ribosomal fraction. Cleavage of a pre-tRNA substrate by the RNase P holoenzyme remains the same in the presence of the 30S ribosome, but the cleavage of an artificial non-tRNA substrate is inhibited eightfold. Hydroxyl radical protection and chemical modification identify several protected residues located in a highly conserved region in the RNase P RNA. A single mutation within this region significantly reduces binding, providing strong support on the specificity of the RNase P-30S ribosome complex. Our results also suggest that the dimeric form of the RNase P is primarily involved in 30S ribosome binding. We discuss several models on a potential function of the RNase P-30S ribosome complex.  相似文献   

The in vivo assembly of ribosomal subunits requires assistance by maturation proteins that are not part of mature ribosomes. One such protein, RbfA, associates with the 30S ribosomal subunits. Loss of RbfA causes cold sensitivity and defects of the 30S subunit biogenesis and its overexpression partially suppresses the dominant cold sensitivity caused by a C23U mutation in the central pseudoknot of 16S rRNA, a structure essential for ribosome function. We have isolated suppressor mutations that restore partially the growth of an RbfA-lacking strain. Most of the strongest suppressor mutations alter one out of three distinct positions in the carboxy-terminal domain of ribosomal protein S5 (S5) in direct contact with helix 1 and helix 2 of the central pseudoknot. Their effect is to increase the translational capacity of the RbfA-lacking strain as evidenced by an increase in polysomes in the suppressed strains. Overexpression of RimP, a protein factor that along with RbfA regulates formation of the ribosome''s central pseudoknot, was lethal to the RbfA-lacking strain but not to a wild-type strain and this lethality was suppressed by the alterations in S5. The S5 mutants alter translational fidelity but these changes do not explain consistently their effect on the RbfA-lacking strain. Our genetic results support a role for the region of S5 modified in the suppressors in the formation of the central pseudoknot in 16S rRNA.  相似文献   

J Kok  K A Trach    J A Hoch 《Journal of bacteriology》1994,176(23):7155-7160
The obg gene is part of the spo0B sporulation operon and codes for a GTP-binding protein which is essential for growth. A temperature-sensitive mutant in the obg gene was isolated and found to be the result of two closely linked missense mutations in the amino domain of Obg. Temperature shift experiments revealed that the mutant was able to continue cell division for 2 to 3 generations at the nonpermissive temperature. Such experiments carried out during sporulation showed that Obg was necessary for the transition from vegetative growth to stage 0 or stage II of sporulation, but sporulation subsequent to these stages was unaffected at the nonpermissive temperature. Spores of the temperature-sensitive mutant germinated normally at the nonpermissive temperature but failed to outgrow. The primary consequence of the obg mutation may be an alteration in initiation of chromosome replication.  相似文献   

A unique GTP-binding protein, Der contains two consecutive GTP-binding domains at the N-terminal region and its homologues are highly conserved in eubacteria but not in archaea and eukaryotes. In the present paper, we demonstrate that Der is one of the essential GTPases in Escherichia coli and that the growth rate correlates with the amount of Der in the cell. Interestingly, both GTP-binding domains are required at low temperature for cell growth, while at high temperature either one of the two domains is dispensable. Result of the sucrose density gradient experiment suggests that Der interacts specifically with 50S ribosomal subunits only in the presence of a GTP analogue, GMPPNP. The depletion of Der accumulates 50S and 30S ribosomal subunits with a concomitant reduction of polysomes and 70S ribosomes. Notably, Der-depleted cells accumulate precursors of both 23S and 16S rRNAs. Moreover, at lower Mg2+ concentration, 50S ribosomal subunits from Der-depleted cells are further dissociated into aberrant 50S ribosomal subunits; however, 30S subunits are stable. It was revealed that the aberrant 50S subunits, 40S subunits, contain less ribosomal proteins with significantly reduced amounts of L9 and L18. These results suggest that Der is a novel 50S ribosome-associated factor involved in the biogenesis and stability of 50S ribosomal subunits. We propose that Der plays a pivotal role in ribosome biogenesis possibly through interaction with rRNA or rRNA/r-protein complex.  相似文献   

CsdA, a DEAD-box protein from Escherichia coli, has been proposed to participate in a variety of processes, such as translation initiation, gene regulation after cold-shock, mRNA decay and biogenesis of the small ribosomal subunit. Whether the protein really plays a direct role in these multiple processes is however, not clear. Here, we show that CsdA is involved in the biogenesis of the large rather than the small ribosomal subunit. Deletion of the csdA gene leads to a deficit in free 50S subunits at low temperatures and to the accumulation of a new particle sedimenting around 40S. Analysis of the RNA and protein contents of this particle indicates that it corresponds to a mis-assembled large subunit. Sucrose gradient fractionation shows that in wild-type cells CsdA associates mainly with a pre50S particle. Presumably the RNA helicase activity of CsdA permits a structural rearrangement during 50S biogenesis at low temperature. We showed previously that SrmB, another DEAD-box RNA helicase, is also involved in 50S assembly in E.coli. Our results suggest that CsdA is required at a later step than SrmB. However, over-expression of CsdA corrects the ribosome defect of the srmB-deleted strain, indicating that some functional overlap exists between the two proteins.  相似文献   

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