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Sodium/proton exchangers [Na(+)/H(+) (NHEs)] play an important role in salt and water absorption from the intestinal tract. To investigate the contribution of the apical membrane NHEs, NHE2 and NHE3, to electroneutral NaCl absorption, we measured radioisotopic Na(+) and Cl(-) flux across isolated jejuna from wild-type [NHE(+)], NHE2 knockout [NHE2(-)], and NHE3 knockout [NHE3(-)] mice. Under basal conditions, NHE(+) and NHE2(-) jejuna had similar rates of net Na(+) (approximately 6 microeq/cm(2) x h) and Cl(-) (approximately 3 microeq/cm(2) x h) absorption. In contrast, NHE3(-) jejuna had reduced net Na(+) absorption (approximately 2 microeq/cm(2) x h) but absorbed Cl(-) at rates similar to NHE(+) and NHE2(-) jejuna. Treatment with 100 microM 5-(N-ethyl-N-isopropyl) amiloride (EIPA) completely inhibited net Na(+) and Cl(-) absorption in all genotypes. Studies of the Na(+) absorptive flux (J) indicated that J in NHE(+) jejunum was not sensitive to 1 microM EIPA, whereas J in NHE3(-) jejunum was equally sensitive to 1 and 100 microM EIPA. Treatment with forskolin/IBMX to increase intracellular cAMP (cAMP(i)) abolished net NaCl absorption and stimulated electrogenic Cl(-) secretion in all three genotypes. Quantitative RT-PCR of epithelia from NHE2(-) and NHE3(-) jejuna did not reveal differences in mRNA expression of NHE3 and NHE2, respectively, when compared with jejunal epithelia from NHE(+) siblings. We conclude that 1) NHE3 is the dominant NHE involved in small intestinal Na(+) absorption; 2) an amiloride-sensitive Na(+) transporter partially compensates for Na(+) absorption in NHE3(-) jejunum; 3) cAMP(i) stimulation abolishes net Na(+) absorption in NHE(+), NHE2(-), and NHE3(-) jejunum; and 4) electroneutral Cl(-) absorption is not directly dependent on either NHE2 or NHE3.  相似文献   

NHE3 Na(+)/H(+) exchanger knockout (Nhe3(-/-)) mice have severe absorptive deficits in the kidney proximal tubule and intestinal tract. The resulting hypovolemia has confounded efforts to carefully evaluate the specific effects of NHE3 deficiency on kidney function. Development of mice with transgenic expression of NHE3 in the small intestine (tgNhe3(-/-)) has allowed us to analyze the role of renal NHE3 in overall maintenance of blood pressure, pressure natriuresis, and autoregulation of both glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and renal blood flow (RBF). Ambulatory blood pressure, measured by telemetry, was lower in tgNhe3(-/-) mice than in wild-type controls (tgNhe3(+/+)) when the mice were maintained on a normal NaCl diet but was normalized when they were provided with a high NaCl intake. Furthermore, administration of the AT1-receptor blocker losartan showed that circulating ANG II plays a major role in maintaining blood pressure in tgNhe3(-/-) mice fed normal NaCl but not in those receiving high NaCl. Clearance studies revealed a blunted pressure-natriuresis response in tgNhe3(-/-) mice at lower blood pressures but a robust response at higher blood pressures. Autoregulation of GFR and RBF was normal in tgNhe3(-/-) mice. These results show that dietary NaCl loading normalizes blood pressure in awake tgNhe3(-/-) mice and that alterations in NHE3 activity are not essential for normal autoregulation of GFR and RBF. Furthermore, the data strongly support the hypothesis that NHE3 plays an important role in the diuretic and natriuretic responses to increases in blood pressure but also show that mechanisms not involving NHE3 mediate pressure natriuresis in the higher range of blood pressures studied.  相似文献   

Animals that have XX females and XY or XO males have differing doses of X-linked genes in each sex. Overcoming this is the most immediate and vital aspect of sexual differentiation. A number of systems that accurately compensate for sex-chromosome dosage have evolved independently: silencing a single X chromosome in female mammals, downregulating both X chromosomes in hermaphrodite Caenorhabditis elegans and upregulating the X chromosome in male Drosophila all equalize X-linked gene expression. Each organism uses a largely non-overlapping set of molecules to achieve the same outcome: 1X = 2X.  相似文献   

In apical membrane vesicles from beef tracheal epithelia expressing up to 30% of the proteins as functional cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR)-- i.e. a voltage-independent and PKA-sensitive 36Cl- flux--an ATPase activity, different from P, F0F1 and V types, was reproducibly detected. Its specific activity averaged 20 micromol Pi h(-1) mg(-1) with an apparent affinity for ATP of 530 +/- 30 microM. Its possible involvement in CFTR functions was supported by (1) the linear relationship between the ATPase activity and the magnitude of 36Cl- fluxes (turnover rate: 3 ATP hydrolyzed per CFTR per second), (2) the same rank of potency of ATP, ITP, GTP, UTP and CTP to be hydrolyzed and to open CFTR chloride channels, (3) the similar and parallel inhibition of the ATPase and CFTR Cl- fluxes by NS004 (IC50: 60 microM) and (4) the potency of anti-R domain antibodies to increase by 18% the ATPase activity.  相似文献   

We tested whether NHE3 and NHE2 Na(+)/H(+) exchanger isoforms were recruited to the plasma membrane (PM) in response to changes in ion homeostasis. NHE2-CFP or NHE3-CFP fusion proteins were functional Na(+)/H(+) exchangers when transiently expressed in NHE-deficient PS120 fibroblasts. Confocal morphometry of cells whose PM was labeled with FM4-64 measured the fractional amount of fusion protein at the cell surface. In resting cells, 10-20% of CFP fluorescence was at PM and stable over time. A protocol commonly used to activate the Na(+)/H(+) exchange function (NH(4)-prepulse acid load sustained in Na(+)-free medium), increased PM percentages of PM NHE3-CFP and NHE2-CFP. Separation of cellular acidification from Na(+) removal revealed that only NHE3-CFP translocated when medium Na(+) was removed, and only NHE2-CFP translocated when the cell was acidified. NHE2/NHE3 chimeric proteins demonstrate that the Na(+)-removal response element resides predominantly in the NHE3 cytoplasmic tail and is distinct from the acidification response sequence of NHE2.  相似文献   

Rett syndrome (RTT) is a regressive developmental disorder characterized by motor and breathing abnormalities, anxiety, cognitive dysfunction and seizures. Approximately 95% of RTT cases are caused by more than 200 different mutations in the X‐linked gene encoding methyl‐CpG‐binding protein 2 (MeCP2). While numerous transgenic mice have been created modeling common mutations in MeCP2, the behavioral phenotype of many of these male and, especially, female mutant mice has not been well characterized. Thorough phenotyping of additional RTT mouse models will provide valuable insight into the effects of Mecp2 mutations on behavior and aid in the selection of appropriate models, ages, sexes and outcome measures for preclinical trials. In this study, we characterize the phenotype of male and female mice containing the early truncating MeCP2 R168X nonsense point mutation, one of the most common in RTT individuals, and compare the phenotypes to Mecp2 null mutants. Mecp2R168X mutants mirror many clinical features of RTT. Mecp2R168X/y males exhibit impaired motor and cognitive function and reduced anxiety. The behavioral phenotype is less severe and with later onset in Mecp2R168X/+ females. Seizures were noted in 3.7% of Mecp2R168X mutant females. The phenotype in Mecp2R168X/y mutant males is remarkably similar to our previous characterizations of Mecp2 null males, whereas Mecp2R168X/+ females exhibit a number of phenotypic differences from females heterozygous for a null Mecp2 mutation. This study describes a number of highly robust behavioral paradigms that can be used in preclinical drug trials and underscores the importance of including Mecp2 mutant females in preclinical studies .  相似文献   

We tested whether NHE3 and NHE2 Na+/H+ exchanger isoforms were recruited to the plasma membrane (PM) in response to changes in ion homeostasis. NHE2-CFP or NHE3-CFP fusion proteins were functional Na+/H+ exchangers when transiently expressed in NHE-deficient PS120 fibroblasts. Confocal morphometry of cells whose PM was labeled with FM4-64 measured the fractional amount of fusion protein at the cell surface. In resting cells, 10-20% of CFP fluorescence was at PM and stable over time. A protocol commonly used to activate the Na+/H+ exchange function (NH4-prepulse acid load sustained in Na+-free medium), increased PM percentages of PM NHE3-CFP and NHE2-CFP. Separation of cellular acidification from Na+ removal revealed that only NHE3-CFP translocated when medium Na+ was removed, and only NHE2-CFP translocated when the cell was acidified. NHE2/NHE3 chimeric proteins demonstrate that the Na+-removal response element resides predominantly in the NHE3 cytoplasmic tail and is distinct from the acidification response sequence of NHE2.  相似文献   

Cbl family proteins are evolutionarily conserved ubiquitin ligases that negatively regulate signaling from tyrosine kinase-coupled receptors. The mammalian cbl family consists of c-Cbl, Cbl-b, and the recently cloned Cbl-3 (also known as Cbl-c). In this study, we describe the detailed expression pattern of murine Cbl-3 and report the generation and characterization of Cbl-3-deficient mice. Cbl-3 exhibits an expression pattern distinct from those of c-Cbl and Cbl-b, with high levels of Cbl-3 expression in epithelial cells of the gastrointestinal tract and epidermis, as well as the respiratory, urinary, and reproductive systems. Cbl-3 expression was not detected in nonepithelial cells, but within epithelial tissues, the levels of Cbl-3 expression varied from undetectable in the alveoli of the lungs to very strong in the cecum and colon. Despite this restricted expression pattern, Cbl-3-deficient mice were viable, healthy, and fertile and displayed no histological abnormalities up to 18 months of age. Proliferation of epithelial cells in the epidermises and gastrointestinal tracts was unaffected by the loss of Cbl-3. Moreover, Cbl-3 was not required for attenuation of epidermal growth factor-stimulated Erk activation in primary keratinocytes. Thus, Cbl-3 is dispensable for normal epithelial development and function.  相似文献   

Na(+)/H(+)-exchangers (NHE) mediate acid extrusion from duodenal epithelial cells, but the isoforms involved have not previously been determined. Thus we investigated 1) the contribution of Na(+)-dependent processes to acid extrusion, 2) sensitivity to Na(+)/H(+) exchange inhibitors, and 3) molecular expression of NHE isoforms. By fluorescence spectroscopy the recovery of intracellular pH (pH(i)) was measured on suspensions of isolated acidified murine duodenal epithelial cells loaded with 2', 7'-bis(2-carboxyethyl)-5(6)-carboxyfluorescein. Expression of NHE isoforms was studied by RT-PCR and Western blot analysis. Reduction of extracellular Na(+) concentration ([Na(+)](o)) during pH(i) recovery decreased H(+) efflux to minimally 12.5% of control with a relatively high apparent Michaelis constant for extracellular Na(+). The Na(+)/H(+) exchange inhibitors ethylisopropylamiloride and amiloride inhibited H(+) efflux maximally by 57 and 80%, respectively. NHE1, NHE2, and NHE3 were expressed at the mRNA level (RT-PCR) as well as at the protein level (Western blot analysis). On the basis of the effects of low [Na(+)](o) and inhibitors we propose that acid extrusion in duodenal epithelial cells involves Na(+)/H(+) exchange by isoforms NHE1, NHE2, and NHE3.  相似文献   

Sodium/hydrogen exchanger 8 (NHE8), the newest member of the SLC9 family, is expressed at the apical membrane of the epithelial cells in the intestine and the kidney. Although NHE8 has been shown to be an important player for intestinal sodium absorption early in development, its physiological role in the intestine remains unclear. Here, we successfully created a NHE8 knockout (NHE8(-/-)) mouse model to study the function of this transporter in the intestinal tract. Embryonic stem cells containing interrupted NHE8 gene were injected into mouse blastocyst to produce NHE8(+/-) chimeras. NHE8(-/-) mice showed no lethality during embryonic and fetal development. These mice had normal serum sodium levels and no signs of diarrhea. Apically expressed NHE2 and NHE3 were increased in the small intestine of the NHE8(-/-) mice in compensation. The number of goblet cells and mucin (MUC)-positive cells in the colon was reduced in NHE8(-/-) mice along with mucosal pH, MUC2 expression as well as downregulated in adenoma (DRA) expression. Therefore, the role of NHE8 in the intestine involves both sodium absorption and bicarbonate secretion.  相似文献   

The mechanism of apical Na(+)-dependent H(+) extrusion in colonic crypts is controversial. With the use of confocal microscopy of the living mouse distal colon loaded with BCECF or SNARF-5F (fluorescent pH sensors), measurements of intracellular pH (pH(i)) in epithelial cells at either the crypt base or colonic surface were reported. After cellular acidification, the addition of luminal Na(+) stimulated similar rates of pH(i) recovery in cells at the base of distal colonic crypts of wild-type or Na(+)/H(+) exchanger isoform 2 (NHE2)-null mice. In wild-type crypts, 20 microM HOE694 (NHE2 inhibitor) blocked 68-75% of the pH(i) recovery rate, whereas NHE2-null crypts were insensitive to HOE694, the NHE3-specific inhibitor S-1611 (20 microM), or the bicarbonate transport inhibitor 4-acetamido-4'-isothiocyanostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid (SITS; 1 mM). A general NHE inhibitor, 5-(N-ethyl-N-isopropyl)amiloride (EIPA; 20 microM), inhibited pH(i) recovery in NHE2-null mice (46%) but less strongly than in wild-type mice (74%), suggesting both EIPA-sensitive and -insensitive compensatory mechanisms. Transepithelial Na(+) leakage followed by activation of basolateral NHE1 could confound the outcomes; however, the rates of Na(+)-dependent pH(i) recovery were independent of transepithelial leakiness to lucifer yellow and were unchanged in NHE1-null mice. NHE2 was immunolocalized on apical membranes of wild-type crypts but not NHE2-null tissue. NHE3 immunoreactivity was near the colonic surface but not at the crypt base in NHE2-null mice. Colonic surface cells from wild-type mice demonstrated S1611- and HOE694-sensitive pH(i) recovery in response to luminal sodium, confirming a functional role for both NHE3 and NHE2 at this site. We conclude that constitutive absence of NHE2 results in a compensatory increase in a Na(+)-dependent, EIPA-sensitive acid extruder distinct from NHE1, NHE3, or SITS-sensitive transporters.  相似文献   

Mice lacking the NHE2 Na+/H+ gene develop gastritis of the glandular mucosa as early as the tenth day of life, achieving maximal intensity of inflammation from 17 to 19 days after birth and maximal atrophy at one year. We assessed the effects of this process in such mice to 16 months of age. The stomach of NHE2 null mutants was examined at 10, 17 to 20, 24 to 35 and 49 to 70 days, and at 12 to 16 months. The NHE2 wild-type (+/+) and NHE2 heterozygous (+/-) mice were compared with the NHE2 homozygous mutant mice (-/-). The stomach of the mutant mice at all ages was characterized by a substantially reduced number of parietal cells. The 10-day-old mouse stomach had a transmural infiltrate of primarily neutrophils. With increasing age, neutrophils were replaced by lymphocytes and plasma cells in the glandular mucosa of the mutant mice. Young adult 49- to 70-day-old mice had surface cell hyperplasia and expansion of the replicating cell population. Hyperplasia of enterochromaffin-like cells and antral gastrin cells accompanied profound fundic gland and surface cell hyperplasia, and became progressively more severe with increasing age of the NHE2-/- mice. Neoplasms were not found in the mutant or control mice. This gastritis differs from that of autoimmune gastritis in that it is transmural, begins in infancy, and is associated with a predominantly neutrophilic infiltrate in its early stages. Some of the histologic changes in the adult mice can be explained on the basis of prolonged achlorhydria. This mouse may be a suitable model for prolonged effects of achlorhydria.  相似文献   

NHE3, the major intestinal Na(+)/H(+) exchanger, was shown to be downregulated and/or inhibited in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), a phenomenon believed to contribute to inflammation-associated diarrhea. NHE3(-/-) mice spontaneously develop colitis and demonstrate high susceptibility to dextran sulfate-induced mucosal injury. We investigated the effects of NHE3 deficiency on the development of chronic colitis in an IL-10 knockout (KO) mouse model of Crohn's disease. NHE3(-/-) mice were first backcrossed to 129/SvEv mice for >10 generations, with no apparent changes in their survival or phenotype. These mice were crossed with IL-10(-/-) mice on the same genetic background, and the phenotypes of 10-wk-old wild-type (WT), IL-10(-/-), NHE3(-/-), and IL-10(-/-)/NHE3(-/-) (double-KO) mice were studied. Histological and immunohistochemical examination of the colon established important architectural alterations, including increased neutrophilic and mononuclear cell infiltration in double- compared with single-KO mice. Double-KO mice demonstrated increased colonic expression of neutrophil collagenase matrix metalloproteinase-8 and the chemokines macrophage inflammatory protein-2, CXCL1, CXCL10, and CXCL11. Colonic IFNγ, IL-17, and IL-12/23 p40 protein secretion was significantly increased in double- compared with single-KO mice. IL-10(-/-)/NHE3(-/-) mouse colonic epithelium exhibited increased hallmarks of apoptosis, including a significantly increased number of cleaved caspase-3-positive surface epithelial cells. These results highlight the importance of NHE3 in the maintenance of intestinal barrier integrity and in modulating the inflammatory process in IL-10-deficient mice. Chronic NHE3 inhibition or underexpression observed in IBD may therefore contribute to the pathogenesis of IBD by influencing the extent of the epithelial barrier defect and affect the ultimate degree of inflammation.  相似文献   

Gallbladder Na+ absorption is linked to gallstone formation in prairie dogs. Na+/H+ exchange (NHE) is one of the major Na+ absorptive pathways in gallbladder. In this study, we measured gallbladder Na+/H+ exchange and characterized the NHE isoforms expressed in prairie dogs. Na+/H+ exchange activity was assessed by measuring amiloride-inhibitable transepithelial Na+ flux and apical 22Na+ uptake using dimethylamiloride (DMA). HOE-694 was used to determine NHE2 and NHE3 contributions. Basal J Na ms was higher than J Na sm with J Na net absorption. Mucosal DMA inhibited transepithelial Na+ flux in a dose-dependent fashion, causing J Na ms equal to J Na sm and blocking J Na net absorption at 100 μm. Basal 22Na+ uptake rate was 10.9 ± 1.0 μmol · cm−2· hr−1 which was inhibited by ∼43% by mucosal DMA and ∼30% by mucosal HOE-694 at 100 μm. RT-PCR and Northern blot analysis demonstrated expression of mRNAs encoding NHE1, NHE2 and NHE3 in the gallbladder. Expression of NHE1, NHE2 and NHE3 polypeptides was confirmed using isoform-specific anti-NHE antibodies. These data suggest that Na+/H+ exchange accounts for a substantial fraction of gallbladder apical Na+ entry and most of net Na+ absorption in prairie dogs. The NHE2 and NHE3 isoforms, but not NHE1, are involved in gallbladder apical Na+ uptake and transepithelial Na+ absorption. Received: 9 February 2001/Revised: 11 April 2001  相似文献   

Intestinal neutral NaCl absorption, which is made up ofbrush-border (BB)Na+/H+exchange linked to BBCl/HCO3exchange, is up- and downregulated as part of digestion and diarrhealdiseases. Glucocorticoids stimulate ileal NaCl absorption and BBNa+/H+exchange. Intestinal BB contains twoNa+/H+exchanger isoforms, NHE2 and NHE3, but their relative roles in rabbitileal BBNa+/H+exchange has not been determined. A technique to separate the contribution of NHE2 and NHE3 to ileal BBNa+/H+exchange activity was standardized by using an amiloride-related compound, HOE-694. Under basal conditions, both NHE2 and NHE3 contribute ~50% to ilealNa+/H+exchange. Glucocorticoids (methylprednisolone) increase BBNa+/H+exchange (2.5 times) but increase only ileal NHE3 activity (4.1 times),without an effect on NHE2 activity. Thus ileal BBNa+/H+exchange in animals treated with glucocorticoids is 69% via NHE3. Aquantitative Western analysis for NHE3 was developed, using as aninternal standard a fusion protein of the COOH-terminal 85 amino acidsof NHE3 and maltose binding protein. Glucocorticoid treatment increasedthe amount of BB NHE3. The quantitative Western analysis showed thatNHE3 makes up 0.018% of ileal BB protein in control rabbits and0.042% (2.3 times as much) in methylprednisolone-treated rabbits.Methylprednisolone treatment did not alter the amount of ileal BB NHE2protein. NHE3 turnover number was estimated to be 458 cycles/s underbasal conditions and 708 cycles/s in glucocorticoid-treated ileum. Thusmethylprednisolone stimulates ileal BBNa+/H+exchange activity only by an effect on NHE3 and not on NHE2; it does soprimarily by increasing the amount of BB NHE3, although it alsoincreases the NHE3 turnover number.


Na(+)/H(+) exchanger 3 (NHE3) is the epithelial-brush border isoform responsible for most intestinal and renal Na(+) absorption. Its activity is both up- and down-regulated under normal physiological conditions, and it is inhibited in most diarrheal diseases. NHE3 is phosphorylated under basal conditions and Ser/Thr phosphatase inhibitors stimulate basal exchange activity; however, the kinases involved are unknown. To identify kinases that regulate NHE3 under basal conditions, NHE3 was immunoprecipitated; LC-MS/MS of trypsinized NHE3 identified a novel phosphorylation site at S(719) of the C terminus, which was predicted to be a casein kinase 2 (CK2) phosphorylation site. This was confirmed by an in vitro kinase assay. The NHE3-S719A mutant but not NHE3-S719D had reduced NHE3 activity due to less plasma membrane NHE3. This was due to reduced exocytosis plus decreased plasma membrane delivery of newly synthesized NHE3. Also, NHE3 activity was inhibited by the CK2 inhibitor 2-dimethylamino-4,5,6,7-tetrabromo-1H-benzimidazole DMAT when wild-type NHE3 was expressed in fibroblasts and Caco-2 cells, but the NHE3-S(719) mutant was fully resistant to DMAT. CK2 bound to the NHE3 C-terminal domain, between amino acids 590 and 667, a site different from the site it phosphorylates. CK2 binds to the NHE3 C terminus and stimulates basal NHE3 activity by phosphorylating a separate single site on the NHE3 C terminus (S(719)), which affects NHE3 trafficking.  相似文献   

Akt2 phosphorylates ezrin to trigger NHE3 translocation and activation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Initiation of Na(+)-glucose cotransport in intestinal absorptive epithelia causes NHE3 to be translocated to the apical plasma membrane, leading to cytoplasmic alkalinization. We reported recently that this NHE3 translocation requires ezrin phosphorylation. However, the kinase that phosphorylates ezrin in this process has not been identified. Because Akt has also been implicated in NHE3 translocation, we investigated the hypothesis that Akt phosphorylates ezrin. After initiation of Na(+)-glucose cotransport, Akt is activated with kinetics that parallel those of ezrin phosphorylation. Inhibition of p38 MAP kinase, which blocks ezrin phosphorylation, also prevents Akt activation. Purified Akt directly phosphorylates recombinant ezrin at threonine 567 in vitro in an ATP-dependent manner. This in vitro phosphorylation can be prevented by Akt inhibitors. In intact cells, inhibition of either phosphoinositide 3-kinase, an upstream regulator of Akt, or inhibition of Akt itself using inhibitors validated in vitro prevents ezrin phosphorylation after initiation of Na(+)-glucose cotransport. Specific small interfering RNA knockdown of Akt2 prevented ezrin phosphorylation in intact cells. Pharmacological Akt inhibition or Akt2 knockdown also prevented NHE3 translocation and activation after initiation of Na(+)-glucose cotransport, confirming the functional role of Akt2. These studies therefore identify Akt2 as a critical kinase that regulates ezrin phosphorylation and activation. This Akt2-dependent ezrin phosphorylation leads to NHE3 translocation and activation.  相似文献   

The effect of nitric oxide (NO) on Na+/H+ exchange (NHE) activity was investigated utilizing Caco-2 cells as an experimental model. Incubation of Caco-2 cells with 10(-3) M S-nitroso-N-acetylpenicillamine (SNAP), a conventional donor of NO, for 20 min resulted in a approximately 45% dose-dependent decrease in NHE activity, as determined by assay of ethylisopropylamiloride-sensitive 22Na uptake. A similar decrease in NHE activity was observed utilizing another NO-specific donor, sodium nitroprusside. SNAP-mediated inhibition of NHE activity was not secondary to a loss of cell viability. NHE3 activity was significantly reduced by SNAP (P < 0.05), whereas NHE2 activity was essentially unaltered. The effects of SNAP were mediated by the cGMP-dependent signal transduction pathway as follows: 1) LY-83583 and 1H-(1,2,4)oxadiazolo(4,3-a)quinoxalin-1-one (ODQ), specific inhibitors of soluble guanylate cyclase, blocked the inhibitory effect of SNAP on NHE; 2) 8-bromo-cGMP mimicked the effects of SNAP on NHE activity; 3) the SNAP-induced decrease in NHE activity was counteracted by a specific protein kinase G inhibitor, KT-5823 (1 microM); 4) chelerythrine chloride (2 microM) or calphostin C (200 nM), specific protein kinase C inhibitors, did not affect inhibition of NHE activity by SNAP; 5) there was no cross activation by the protein kinase A-dependent pathway, as the inhibitory effects of SNAP were not blocked by Rp-cAMPS (25 microM), a specific protein kinase A inhibitor. These data provide novel evidence that NO inhibits NHE3 activity via activation of soluble guanylate cyclase, resulting in an increase in intracellular cGMP levels and activation of protein kinase G.  相似文献   

The intestinal brush border (BB) Na+/H+ exchanger isoform 3 (NHE3) is acutely inhibited by elevation in the concentration of free intracellular Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i) by the cholinergic agonist carbachol and Ca2+ ionophores in a protein kinase C (PKC)-dependent manner. We previously showed that elevating [Ca2+]i with ionomycin rapidly inhibited NHE3 activity and decreased the amount of NHE3 on the plasma membrane in a manner that depended on the presence of the PDZ domain-containing protein E3KARP (NHE3 kinase A regulatory protein, also called NHERF2). The current studies were performed in PS120 fibroblasts (NHE-null cell line) stably transfected with NHE3 and E3KARP to probe the mechanism of PKC involvement in Ca2+ regulation of NHE3. Pretreatment with the general PKC inhibitor, GF109203X prevented ionomycin inhibition of NHE3 without altering basal NHE3 activity. Similarly, the Ca2+-mediated inhibition of NHE3 activity was blocked after pretreatment with the conventional PKC inhibitor Gö-6976 and a specific PKC pseudosubstrate-derived inhibitor peptide. [Ca2+]i elevation caused translocation of PKC from cytosol to membrane. PKC bound to the PDZ1 domain of GST-E3KARP in vitro in a Ca2+-dependent manner. PKC and E3KARP coimmunoprecipitated from cell lysates; this occurred to a lesser extent at basal [Ca2+]i and was increased with ionomycin exposure. Biotinylation studies demonstrated that [Ca2+]i elevation induced oligomerization of NHE3 in total lysates and decreased the amount of plasma membrane NHE3. Treatment with PKC inhibitors did not affect the oligomerization of NHE3 but did prevent the decrease in surface amount of NHE3. These results suggest that PKC is not necessary for the Ca2+-dependent formation of the NHE3 plasma membrane complex, although it is necessary for decreasing the membrane amounts of NHE3, probably by stimulating NHE3 endocytosis. Na absorption; PDZ domains; signal complex  相似文献   

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