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The present study was conducted in order to establish a methodology based on the finite element method to simulate the contraction of the pelvic floor (PF) muscles. In the generated finite element model, a downward pressure of 90 cm H2O was applied, while actively contracting the PF muscles with different degrees of muscular activation (10, 50 and 100%). The finite element methodology of the active contraction behaviour proposed in this study is adequate to simulate PF muscle contraction with different degrees of muscular activation. In this case, in particular, for an activation of 100%, the numerical model was able to displace the pubovisceral muscle in a range of values very similar to the displacement found in the magnetic resonance imaging data. In the analysed case study, it would be possible to conclude that an intensity contraction of 50% would be necessary to produce enough stiffness to avoid possible urine loss.  相似文献   

<正>Dear Editor,Pelvic floor(PF)dysfunctions comprise of a wide spectrum of interrelated clinical conditions and represent an important health problem.The PF supporting system can be regarded as a loaded structure with a complex geometry that supports the increase of abdominal pressure and maintain normal position of pelvic organs(Figure 1A).The weakening of the PF supporting system is considered to be the cause of these  相似文献   

We performed numerical simulation of voluntary contraction of the pelvic floor muscles to evaluate the resulting displacements of the organs and muscles. Structures were segmented in Magnetic Resonance (MR) images. Different material properties and constitutive models were attributed. The Finite Element Method was applied, and displacements were compared with dynamic MRI findings. Numerical simulation showed muscle magnitude displacement ranging from 0 to 7.9 mm, more evident in the posterior area. Accordingly, the anorectum moved more than the uterus and bladder. Dynamic MRI showed less 0.2 mm and 4.1 mm muscle dislocation in the anterior and cranial directions, respectively. Applications of this model include evaluating muscle impairment, subject-specific mesh implant planning, or effectiveness of rehabilitation.  相似文献   

The relative levels of pelvic floor muscle (PFM) activation and pressure generated by maximum voluntary PFM contractions were investigated in healthy continent women. The normal sequence of abdominal and PFM activation was determined.Fifteen women performed single and repeated maximum voluntary PFM contractions in supine, sitting and standing. PFM electromyographic (EMG) signals and associated intra-vaginal pressure data were recorded simultaneously. Surface EMG data were recorded from rectus abdominus (RA), external obliques (EO), internal obliques (IO) and transversus abdominus (TA).Abdominal and PFM EMG and intra-vaginal pressure amplitudes generated during voluntary PFM contractions were not different among the positions. Muscle activation sequence differed by position. In supine, EO activation preceded all other muscles by 27 ms (p = 0.043). In sitting, all of the muscles were activated simultaneously. In standing, RA and EO were activated 11 and 17 ms, respectively, prior to the PFMs and TA and IO were activated 10 and 12 ms, respectively, after the PFMs (p  0.001).The results suggest that women are able to perform equally strong PFM contractions in supine, sitting and standing, however the pattern of abdominal and PFM activation varies by position. These differences may be related to position-dependent urine leakage in women with stress incontinence.  相似文献   

The role of pelvic floor muscle contraction in the genesis of anal canal pressure is not clear. Recent studies have suggested that vaginal distension increases pelvic floor muscle contraction. We studied the effects of vaginal distension on anal canal pressure in 15 nullipara asymptomatic women. Anal pressure, rest, and squeeze were measured using station pull-through manometry techniques with no vaginal probe, a 10-mm vaginal probe, and a 25-mm vaginal probe in place. Rest and squeeze vaginal pressures were significantly higher when measured with the 25-mm probe compared with the 10-mm probe, suggesting that vaginal distension enhances pelvic floor contraction. In the presence of the 25-mm vaginal probe, rest and squeeze anal pressures in the proximal part of the anal canal were significantly higher compared with no vaginal probe or the 10-mm vaginal probe. On the other hand, distal anal pressures were not affected by any of the vaginal probes. Ultrasound imaging of the pelvic floor revealed that vaginal distension increased the anterior-posterior length of the puborectalis muscle. Atropine at 15 micro g/kg had no influence on the rest and squeeze anal pressures with or without vaginal distension. Our data suggest that pelvic floor contractions increase pressures in the proximal part of the anal canal, which is anatomically surrounded by the puborectalis muscle. We propose that pelvic floor contraction plays an important role in the fecal continence mechanism by increasing anal canal pressure.  相似文献   

The role of the pelvic floor soft tissues during the second stage of labor, particularly the levator ani muscle, has attracted much interest recently. It has been postulated that the passage of the fetal head through the pelvis may cause excessive stretching of the levator ani muscle, which may lead to pelvic floor dysfunction and pelvic organ prolapse later in life. In order to study the complex biomechanical interactions between the levator ani muscle and the fetal head during the second stage of labor, finite element models have been developed for quantitative analysis of this process. In this study we have simulated vaginal delivery using individual-specific anatomical computer models of the pelvic floor interacting with a fetal head model with minimal restrictions placed upon its motion. Two constitutive relations were considered for the levator ani muscle (of exponential and neo-Hookean forms). For comparison purposes, the exponential relation was chosen to exhibit much greater stiffening at higher strains beyond the range of the experimental data. We demonstrated that increased nonlinearity in the elastic response of the tissues leads to considerably higher (56%) estimated force required for delivery, accompanied by a more homogeneous spatial distribution of maximum principal stretch ratio across the muscle. These results indicate that the form of constitutive relation beyond the presently available experimental data markedly affects the estimated function of the levator ani muscle during vaginal delivery, due to the large strains that occur. Further experimental data at higher strains are necessary in order to more reliably characterize the constitutive behavior required for modeling vaginal childbirth.  相似文献   

The motor unit (MU) potentials of the human m. rectus femoris were recorded during voluntary isometric contraction by means of a bipolar needle electrode. The frequency of impulse discharge of individual motoneurons was defined as a quantity inverse to the average interval between impulses during 0.5 or 1.0 sec. The force of contraction varied from 0 to 4–14 kg (17–47% of the maximum). The investigations showed that in addition to switching on and off of motoneurons during a change of contraction force, the frequency of their impulse discharges also changes. Motoneurons recruited at a low force (low-threshold) reached the highest frequency (up to 18–21 impulses/sec). As a rule, the higher the threshold, the lower the frequency in the entire range of changes. In the case of prolonged contraction with a constant force the frequency of discharges dropped during the first 1–2 min. The established frequency level did not exceed 10–13 impulses/sec. A voluntary increase of contraction force at this period was related with a new increase of frequency. Recruitment of new motoneurons was observed during prolonged contraction. The data obtained show that the mechanism of change of the firing frequency of motoneurons actively participates in contraction gradation, mainly its dynamic component. It is regarded as a mechanism of smooth and precise control. The decrease of frequency during prolonged contraction is apparently due to adaptation, although the participation of inhibition is not precluded.Institute of Problems of Information Transmission, Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 200–209, March–April, 1971.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to determine the directionality of the coupling of mechanical vibrations across the biceps brachii muscle at different frequencies of interest during voluntary contraction. The vibrations that are naturally generated by skeletal muscles were recorded by a two-dimensional array of skin mounted accelerometers over the biceps brachii muscle (surface mechanomyogram, S-MMG) during voluntary isometric contractions in ten healthy young men. As a measure of the similarity of vibration between a given pair of accelerometers, the spatial coherence of S-MMG at low (f < 25 Hz) and high (f > 25 Hz) frequency bands were investigated to determine if the coupling of the natural mechanical vibrations were due to the different physiological muscle activity at low and high frequencies. In both frequency bands, spatial coherence values for sensor pairs aligned longitudinally along the proximal to distal ends of the biceps were significantly higher compared with those for the sensor pairs oriented perpendicular to the muscle fibers. This difference was more evident at the higher frequency band. The findings indicated that coherent mechanical oscillations mainly propagated along the longitudinal direction of the biceps brachii muscle fibers at high frequencies (f > 25 Hz).  相似文献   

Before using electromyographic (EMG) variables such as muscle fiber conduction velocity (MFCV) and the mean or median frequency (MDF) of an EMG power spectrum as indicators of muscular fatigue during dynamic exercises, it is necessary to determine the influence of a joint angle, contraction force and contraction speed on the EMG variables. If these factors affect the EMG variables, their influence must be removed or compensated for before discussing fatigue. The vastus lateralis of eight normal healthy male adults was studied. EMG signals during non-fatiguing dynamic knee extension exercises were detected with a three-bar active surface electrode array. EMG variables were calculated from the detected signals and compared with the angle of the knee joint, the extension torque and the extension speed. The extension torque was set at four levels with 10% intervals between 40 and 70% of the maximum voluntary contraction. The extension speed was set at five levels with 60 degrees /s intervals between 0 and 240 degrees /s. Because the joint angle unsystematically affected the MFCV, EMG variables at a given joint angle were extracted for comparison. The influence of the extension torque and speed on the extracted EMG variables was clarified with an ANOVA and a regression analysis. The statistical analyses showed that MFCV increased with the extension torque but did not depend on the extension speed. In contrast, MDF was independent of the extension torque but was dependent on the extension speed. MDF thus showed a behavior different from that of MFCV. It became clear that if MFCV is used as an indicator of muscular fatigue during dynamic exercises, it is at least necessary to extract MFCV at a predetermined joint angle and then remove the influence of extension torque on MFCV.  相似文献   

The repeatability of initial values and rate of change of EMG signal mean spectral frequency (MNF), average rectified values (ARV), muscle fiber conduction velocity (CV) and maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) was investigated in the vastus medialis obliquus (VMO) and vastus lateralis (VL) muscles of both legs of nine healthy male subjects during voluntary, isometric contractions sustained for 50 s at 50% MVC. The values of MVC were recorded for both legs three times on each day and for three subsequent days, while the EMG signals have been recorded twice a day for three subsequent days. The degree of repeatability was investigated using the Fisher test based upon the ANalysis Of VAriance (ANOVA), the Standard Error of the Mean (SEM) and the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC).

Data collected showed a high level of repeatability of MVC measurement (normalized SEM from 1.1% to 6.4% of the mean). MNF and ARV initial values also showed a high level of repeatability (ICC>70% for all muscles and legs except right VMO). At 50% MVC level no relevant pattern of fatigue was observed for the VMO and VL muscles, suggesting that other portions of the quadriceps might have contributed to the generated effort. These observations seem to suggest that in the investigation of muscles belonging to a multi-muscular group at submaximal level, the more selective electrically elicited contractions should be preferred to voluntary contractions.  相似文献   

We constructed cross-correlograms (CCGs) of action potentials of pairs of motor units (MUs) of human soleus, triceps brachii, and the first and second dorsal interosseous muscles. During voluntary muscle contraction, a pronounced peak in the zero bin was found in 21 out of 126 pairs investigated with the aid of the CCG; this indicates that the number of coincidental firings exceeded chance. The width of the peak did not exceed 5 msec (synchronization for a brief interval, i.e., short-term synchronization). When motoneurons of the soleus muscle were activated by vibration, correlations were found in 12 out 89 pairs of MUs investigated. On the CCGs of action potentials of MU pairs in two muscles (the first and second dorsal interosseous muscles), such correlations were found in four out of 10 pairs investigated. In all of these cases, the ratio of above-change coincidences relative to the total number of MU discharges was small, from 3.0 to 6.1%. Synchronization within a brief time interval can be considered a result of simultaneous creation of EPSPs in motoneourons reached by endings of a single pre-motor nerve fiber. In some pairs of MUs, long term synchronization (clustering) occurred, ie., synchronization lasting several tens of milliseconds. The long-term synchronization can be considered a manifestation of fatigue accompanying tremor.Institute for Problems of Information Transmission, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 23, No. 6, pp. 691–698, November–December, 1991.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare muscular activation during five different normalization techniques that induced maximal isometric contraction of the latissimus dorsi. Sixteen healthy men participated in the study. Each participant performed three repetitions each of five types of isometric exertion: (1) conventional shoulder extension in the prone position, (2) caudal shoulder depression in the prone position, (3) body lifting with shoulder depression in the seated position, (4) trunk bending to the right in the lateral decubitus position, and (5) downward bar pulling in the seated position. In most participants, maximal activation of the latissimus dorsi was observed during conventional shoulder extension in the prone position; the percentage of maximal voluntary contraction was significantly greater for this exercise than for all other normalization techniques except downward bar pulling in the seated position. Although differences in electrode placement among various electromyographic studies represent a limitation, normalization techniques for the latissimus dorsi are recommended to minimize error in assessing maximal muscular activation of the latissimus dorsi through the combined use of shoulder extension in the prone position and downward pulling.  相似文献   

In this work, a finite element model intends to represent the effects that the passage of a fetal head can induce on the muscles of the pelvic floor, from a mechanical point of view.The finite element method is a valuable tool, that is contributing to the clarification of the mechanisms behind pelvic floor disorders related to vaginal deliveries, although some care is necessary in order to obtain correct results. The present work shows how the variation of the material parameters, used in the constitutive model, can affect the obtained results from a finite element simulation. The constitutive equation adopted in this work for the pelvic floor muscles is a modified form of the incompressible transversely isotropic hyperelastic model proposed earlier by Humphrey and Yin.Results for the pelvic floor strain and stresses obtained during the passage of the fetus head are presented. The results show the importance of the material parameters and the need for a correct constitutive model.  相似文献   

Vaginal childbirth is the leading cause of pelvic floor muscles injury, which contributes to pelvic floor dysfunction, being enhanced by fetal malposition. Therefore, the aim of the present study is to verify the influence of mediolateral episiotomies in the mechanics of the pelvic floor with the fetus in occiput posterior position when compared to the occiput anterior position. Numerical simulations of vaginal deliveries, with and without episiotomy, are performed based on the Finite Element Method. The biomechanical model includes the pelvic floor muscles, a surface to delimit the anterior region of the birth canal and a fetus. Fetal malposition induces greater extension of the muscle compared to the normal position, leading to increases of stretch. The faster enlargement may be responsible for a prolonged second stage of labor. Regarding the force required to achieve delivery, the difference between the analyzed cases are 35 N, which might justify the increased need of surgical interventions. Furthermore, episiotomy is essential in reducing the damage to values near the ones obtained with normal position, making the fetal position irrelevant. These biomechanical models have become extremely useful tools to provide some understanding of pelvic floor function during delivery helping in the development of preventative strategies.  相似文献   

The method of ultracentrifugation of a nucleoid in a neutral sucrose gradient in the presence of ethidium bromide was used to detect gamma radiation-induced DNA breaks and their resynthesis in human HEp-2 cells and fibroblasts taken from a skin biopsy of patients with homocystinuria (HCN). In HEp-2 cells pretreated with interferon the nucleoid sedimentation rate after gamma irradiation did not differ from that in intact cells, that is, interferon exerted its protective effect whereas in HCN cells interferon was ineffective. After incubation with interferon, the resynthesis of the induced breaks was enhanced in these cells as well.  相似文献   

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