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Do histocompatibility antigens recognize themselves?   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In the Simonsen spleen weight assay, theH-2K ba mutant does not respond against theH-2K bd mutant orH-2K bd /H-2K b hybrid, while the parentalH-2K b haplotype does respond. TheH-2K ba /H-2K b hybrid reacts strongly to bothH-2K bd andH-2K bd /H-2K b , indicating that the donor genotype could influence the reactivity against the same antigenic difference. The response of theH-2 ba mutant against a number of unrelated H-2 antigens does not differ from that of the parental haplotype. TheH-2K bd mutant reacts againstH-2K b andH-2K ba , and theH-2K b parent reacts against both theH-2K ba andH-2K bd mutants. The specific defect of reactivity in theH-2K ba mutant is effectively complemented by crossing with a number of unrelatedH-2 haplotypes. TheH-2 ka andH-2 fa mutants complement poorly compared to corresponding parental strains CBA and A.CA, while the B10.M (H-2 f ) strain does not complement at all (which is probably attributable to an undetectedH-2 mutation in the last strain). The data strongly suggest that the product of theH-2K locus-which is known to function as a transplantation antigen, lymphocyte activating determinant, and serologically defined antigen-also influences the immune response capacity against a mutant histocompatibility determinant.  相似文献   

The relationship between dominance and intermale mounting was analyzed in two troops of captive rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta). The data did not support the assumption that mounting among males functions as a dominance demonstration as described in the literature because mounting commonly (63% of 65 dyads) occurred in a bidirectional fashion, and mounting not only was performed by dominant males but also was shown with regularity (36% of 521 cases) by subordinate males. Intermale mounting was often (37% of 521 cases) associated with amicable interactions--commonly preceding them--but it was only rarely (2%) associated with dominance-subordination behaviors. It was concluded that intermale mounting may serve as a socially cohesive behavior in rhesus monkeys by promoting nonagonistic contact.  相似文献   

The justification for the “generalization that primate males are more aggressive than females” (Fedigan & Baxter, 1984) was tested in a troop of 24 captive rhesus monkeys. Males (N=9) were more dominant than females (N=15), i.e., they had more subordinate partners ( m=17.0 vs. f=6.6;p<0.01); hence, their aggression rate was higher ( m=77.6 vs. m=38.1;p<0.05). However, adjusting the rate of aggression according to the number of subordinate targets revealed no gender difference and males directed numbers of aggressive acts against individual subordinate partners that were not higher than those of females ( m=4.4 vs. f=5.4;p>0.1). It was concluded that aggressiveness is an individual attribute that is (1) independent of dominance status, and (2) independent of sex.  相似文献   

We used data from two troops of free-ranging vervet monkeys (Chlorocebus aethiops) to assess the proposition that the conspicuous chest rubbing observed in this species constitutes scent-marking behavior. Our data indicate that chest-rubbing behavior is associated with higher-ranking males who are more likely to do so during the breeding season in areas where territorial encounters occur. We found no indication that chest rubbing was triggered directly by encounters between troops. We conclude that these data, in conjunction with reports of chest rubbing from other Old World monkeys, are sufficiently suggestive of scent marking to warrant further, directed research and support the suspicion that olfactory cues remain important to catarrhines in a number of domains.  相似文献   

Plants show defensive responses after exposure to volatiles from neighbouring plants infested by herbivores. When a plant’s neighbours host only species of herbivores that do not feed on the plant itself, the plant can conserve energy by maintaining a low defence level. An intriguing question is whether plants respond differently to volatiles from plants infested by herbivores that pose greater or lesser degrees of danger. We examined the secretion of extrafloral nectar (EFN) in lima bean plants exposed to volatiles from cabbage plants infested by common cutworm, two-spotted spider mites, or diamondback moth larvae. Although the first two herbivore species feed on lima bean plants, diamondback moth larvae do not. As a control, lima bean plants were exposed to volatiles from uninfested cabbage plants. Only when exposed to volatiles from cabbage plants infested by spider mites did lima bean plants significantly increase their EFN secretion compared with the control. Increased EFN secretion can function as an indirect defence by supplying the natural enemies of herbivores with an alternative food source. Of the three herbivore species, spider mites were the most likely to move from cabbage plants to lima bean plants and presumably posed the greatest threat. Although chemical analyses showed differences among treatments in volatiles produced by herbivore-infested cabbage plants, which compounds or blends triggered the increased secretion of EFN by lima bean plants remains unclear. Thus, our results show that plants may tune their defence levels according to herbivore risk level.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of postconception mating behavior was examined in a social group of rhesus monkeys living in an outdoor compound. Periodic blood samples and daily vaginal swabs were obtained from nine females beginning several weeks prior to conception and continuing through 6 weeks of pregnancy to permit an assessment of ovarian hormonal events associated with mating during early pregnancy. Each of the females showed a discrete period of copulatory activity during the periovulatory period which ceased within several days after the 17β-estradiol (E2) ovulatory peak. In agreement with earlier reports, only a percentage of subjects (44%) exhibited a period of postconception mating, with copulatory activity beginning 19.8 (± 1.9) days following the E2 peak and continuing for 9.5 (± 1.3 days). Implantation bleeding was detected in all of the subjects with the onset 19.5 (± 0.68) days after the E2 peak. The interval between the E2 peak and the onset of implantation bleeding was similar for all females. However, the duration of implantation bleeding was significantly shorter in females who exhibited postconception mating. The females who displayed postconception copulatory activity had significantly lower mean serum progesterone concentrations (2.33 ± 0.24 ng/ml vs. 3.64 ± 0.37 ng/ml) during the period associated with implantation bleeding and copulatory behavior. Although both groups had elevated concentrations of serum E2 during this period, levels in the females who displayed postconception mating were significantly lower (173.8 ± 19.2 pg/ml vs 223.9 ± 28.8 pg/ml). These data demonstrate that the occurrence of postconception mating behavior in this environment is associated with a distinct pattern of ovarian hormonal events, and analysis suggests that differences in steroid concentrations probably account for the observed differences in implantation bleeding and copulatory behavior during pregnancy.  相似文献   

Whether nonhuman primates avoid copulating with close kin living in their social group is controversial. If sexual aversion to relatives occurs, it should be stronger in females than in males because of females' greater investment in each offspring and hence greater costs resulting from less viable offspring. Data presented here show that adult male rhesus macaques breeding in their natal groups at Cayo Santiago experienced high copulatory success, but copulated less with females of their own matrilineages than with females of other matrilineages. Adult females were never observed to copulate with males of their own matrilineage during their fertile periods. Although natal males sometimes courted their relatives, examination of two measures of female mate choice showed that females chose unrelated natal males over male kin. Female aversion to male kin was specific to the sexual context; during the birth season, females did not discriminate against their male relatives in distributing grooming. Evolved inbreeding avoidance mechanisms probably produce different outcomes at Cayo Santiago than in wild rhesus macaque populations. Gender differences in sexual aversion to relatives may be partly responsible for differences between studies in reported frequency of copulations by related pairs. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In the absence of language, the comprehension of symbols is difficult to demonstrate. Tokens can be considered symbols since they arbitrarily stand for something else without having any iconic relation to their referent. We assessed whether capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) can use tokens as symbols to represent and combine quantities. Our paradigm involved choices between various combinations of tokens A and B, worth one and three rewards, respectively. Pay-off maximization required the assessment of the value of each offer by (i) estimating token numerousness, (ii) representing what each token stands for and (iii) making simple computations. When one token B was presented against one to five tokens A (experiment 1), four out of ten capuchins relied on a flexible strategy that allowed to maximize their pay-off, i.e. they preferred one token B against one and two tokens A, and they preferred four or five tokens A against one token B. Moreover, when two tokens B were presented against three to six tokens A (experiment 2), two out of six capuchins performed summation over representation of quantities. These findings suggest that capuchins can use tokens as symbols to flexibly combine quantities.  相似文献   

Zygopteran larvae normally encounter other aquatic macroinvertebrates that are predators, competitors, and prey and should therefore demonstrate varied responses when faced with different categories of opponent. In a laboratory experiment individual final-instarIschnura posita (Hagen) larvae were observed in interactions with six categories of invertebrate opponents. The opponent categories were a nonconspecific damselfly and a small crayfish, which represented threatening opponents because they were larger than theI. posita subject larva, and a mayfly and a stonefly, which constituted nonthreatening opponents because they were smaller than the subject larva. The levels of threat posed by conspecific larvae of final and penultimate instar were inferred by comparison to the other opponent categories. Multivariate analysis showedI. posita's response differed between the two larger opponents, but responses were statistically indistinguishable between the two smaller opponents. Larvae retreated, moved around the stalk, and struck their opponents with their lamellae more often in the presence of a crayfish than the nonconspecific zygopteran. In contrast, they assumed an S-bend posture frequently with the zygopteran. Responses toward final-instar conspecifics differed from responses toward the larger opponents. Effectively, larvae wagged their abdomens only in the presence of final-instar conspecifics and retreated and moved around the stalk less frequently in these trials. Responses toward the smaller conspecifics differed from the responses to the small opponents. Larvae struck penultimate-instar conspecifics with their lamellae more frequently than the other small opponents. Our results suggest that larval zygopteran behaviors (such as S-bend and SCS) that have previously been described as intraspecific displays are of a more general nature and used toward a variety of opponents, whereas wag is unique to intraspecific interactions inI. posita.  相似文献   

In contrast to most mammalian species, female sexual activity is not limited to the fertile phase of the ovarian cycle in anthropoid primates, which has long been proposed to conceal the timing of ovulation to males. It is now generally believed that females are still most attractive during the fertile phase, leading to high-ranking males successfully mate-guarding them specifically during this period. While studies conducted in species exhibiting exaggerated sexual swellings (probabilistic signal of the fertile phase) have generally supported this hypothesis, mixed support comes from others. Here, we investigated whether high-ranking males timed mate-guarding effort towards female fertile phases in rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta). In this species, adult females do not exhibit sexual swellings, but undergo facial skin colour variation, an alternative oestrogen-dependent graded-signal of female reproductive status. We collected behavioural, hormonal and genetic paternity data during two mating seasons for one group of the free-ranging population of Cayo Santiago. Our results show that mate-guarding by top-ranking males did not completely cover the entire female fertile phase and that this tactic accounted for only 30-40% of all fertilisations observed. Males tended to prolong mate-guarding into the luteal phase (null probability of fertilisation), which mirrors the pattern of male attraction to female facial colour reported in an earlier study. These findings suggest that males may have limited knowledge regarding the exact timing of females' fertile phase in rhesus macaques, which presumably allows females to gain more control over reproduction relative to other anthropoid primate species.  相似文献   

Humans undergo robust ontogenetic shifts in the theory of mind capabilities. Are these developmental changes unique to human development or are they shared with other closely related non-human species? To explore this issue, we tested the development of the theory of mind capacities in a population of 236 infant and juvenile rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta). Using a looking-time method, we examined what developing monkeys know about others’ perceptions. Specifically, we tested whether younger monkeys predict that a person will reach for an object where she last saw it. Overall, we found a significant interaction between a monkey's age and performance on this task (p = .014). Juvenile monkeys (between two and 5 years of age) show a nonsignificant trend towards human infant-like patterns of performance, looking longer during the unexpected condition as compared to the expected condition, though this difference is nonsignificant (p = .09). However, contrary to findings in human infants, infant rhesus macaques show a different trend. Infant monkeys on average look slightly longer on average during the expected condition than the unexpected condition, though this pattern was not significant (p = .06). Our developmental results in monkeys provide some hints about the development of the theory of mind capacities in non-humans. First, young rhesus macaques appear to show some interest in the perception of other agents. Second, young rhesus seems able to make predictions based on the visual perspective of another agent, though the developmental pattern of this ability is not as clear nor as robust as in humans. As such, though an understanding of others’ perceptions is early-emerging in human infants, it may require more experience interacting with other social agents in our non-human relatives.  相似文献   

Sex allocation theories provide excellent opportunities to investigate not only the extent to which individuals' behaviour is adaptive, but also how they use relevant information for their decision-making. Here, we investigated whether female parasitoid wasps recognize the sex ratios of other females and adjust their laying sex ratios accordingly. Specifically, we tested the prediction of reciprocal cooperation over sex allocation. Theory predicts more female-biased (cooperative) sex ratios than in the interest of individual benefit, when a restricted number of ovipositing females interact for a long period and their offspring mate within the natal patch. This is because the female-biased sex ratio reduces competition for mates among the male offspring of the females and increases the overall reproductive productivity of the patch. In this case, females would be expected to respond to more even (noncooperative) sex ratios by others and to retaliate by also producing a less female-biased sex ratio to avoid exploitation by defectors. However, contrary to this prediction, our experiment using a sterile male technique showed that female Melittobia australica did not change their offspring sex ratios in response to the sex ratios produced by other females. This suggests that their extremely female-biased sex ratios cannot be explained by reciprocity. A meta-analysis of studies examining sex recognition ability in parasitoid wasps also did not support the predicted pattern of relevant sex ratio adjustment, suggesting that parasitoid females do not possess this ability. Here, we discuss the conditions necessary for the evolution of reciprocity linked to recognition ability.  相似文献   



Options for male contraception are limited. The purpose of this study was to use a nonhuman primate model to evaluate Vasalgel?, a high molecular weight polymer being developed as a contraceptive device for men.


Sixteen adult male rhesus monkeys received intravas injections of Vasalgel, consisting of 25% styrene maleic acid in dimethyl sulfoxide. After a one-week recovery, males were returned to outdoor group housing, which included at least 3 and up to 9 intact, breeding females with a successful reproductive history.


Treated males have had no conceptions since Vasalgel injections. All males were housed with intact females for at least one breeding season and seven have been almost continually housed with females for 2 years. Complications were minor and included one incident of incorrect placement of Vasalgel into the vas deferens and the development of a sperm granuloma in one animal. Three unilateral vasectomies were performed, one was necessary for incorrect placement of Vasalgel, the other two were elective.


Intravas injection of Vasalgel in sexually mature adult male rhesus monkeys was effective in preventing conception in a free-living, group environment. Complications were few and similar to those associated with traditional vasectomy.

In this study, we examined the kinematics of bipedal walking in macaque monkeys that have been highly trained to stand and walk bipedally, and compared them to the kinematics of bipedal walking in ordinary macaques. The results revealed that the trained macaques walked with longer and less frequent strides than ordinary subjects. In addition, they appear to have used inverted pendulum mechanics during bipedal walking, which resulted in an efficient exchange of potential and kinetic energy. These gait characteristics resulted from the relatively more extended hindlimb joints of the trained macaques. By contrast, the body of the ordinary macaques translated downward during the single-limb stance phase due to more flexed hindlimb joints. This resulted in almost in-phase fluctuations of potential and kinetic energy, which indicated that energy transformation was less efficient in the ordinary macaques. The findings provide two insights into the early stage of the evolution of human bipedalism. First, the finding that training considerably improved bipedal walking a posteriori may explain why the very first bipeds that might not yet have been morphologically adapted to bipedal walking continued to walk bipedally. The evolutionary transition from quadrupedalism to bipedalism might not be as difficult as has been envisioned. In addition, the finding that macaques, which are phylogenetically distant from humans and in which bipedal walking is unlike human walking, could develop humanlike gait characteristics with training, provides strong support for the commonly held but unproven idea that the characteristics of the human gait are advantageous to human bipedalism.  相似文献   

Until very recently, mitochondria were thought to be clonally inherited through the maternal line in most higher animals. However, three papers published in 2000 claimed population-genetic evidence of recombination in human mitochondrial DNA. Here I review the current state of the debate. I review the evidence for the two main pathways by which recombination might occur: through paternal leakage and via a mitochondrial DNA sequence in the nuclear genome. There is no strong evidence for either pathway, although paternal leakage seems a definite possibility. However, the population-genetic evidence, although not conclusive, is strongly suggestive of recombination in mitochondrial DNA. The implications of non-clonality for our understanding of human and mitochondrial evolution are discussed.  相似文献   

Cumulative culture, generally known as the increasing complexity or efficiency of cultural behaviors additively transmitted over successive generations, has been emphasized as a hallmark of human evolution. Recently, reviews of candidates for cumulative culture in nonhuman species have claimed that only humans have cumulative culture. Here, we aim to scrutinize this claim, using current criteria for cumulative culture to re-evaluate overlooked qualitative but longitudinal data from a nonhuman primate, the Japanese monkey (Macaca fuscata). We review over 60 years of Japanese ethnography of Koshima monkeys, which indicate that food-washing behaviors (e.g., of sweet potato tubers and wheat grains) seem to have increased in complexity and efficiency over time. Our reassessment of the Koshima ethnography is preliminary and nonquantitative, but it raises the possibility that cumulative culture, at least in a simple form, occurs spontaneously and adaptively in other primates and nonhumans in nature.  相似文献   

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