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Allophanate hydrolase converts allophanate to ammonium and carbon dioxide. It is conserved in many organisms and is essential for their utilization of urea as a nitrogen source. It also has important functions in a newly discovered eukaryotic pyrimidine nucleic acid precursor degradation pathway, the yeast-hypha transition that several pathogens utilize to escape the host defense, and an s-triazine herbicide degradation pathway recently emerged in many soil bacteria. We have determined the crystal structure of the Kluyveromyces lactis allophanate hydrolase. Together with structure-directed functional studies, we demonstrate that its N and C domains catalyze a two-step reaction and contribute to maintaining a dimeric form of the enzyme required for their optimal activities. Our studies also provide molecular insights into their catalytic mechanism. Interestingly, we found that the C domain probably catalyzes a novel form of decarboxylation reaction that might expand the knowledge of this common reaction in biological systems.  相似文献   

TrzF, the allophanate hydrolase from Enterobacter cloacae strain 99, was cloned, overexpressed in the presence of a chaperone protein, and purified to homogeneity. Native TrzF had a subunit molecular weight of 65,401 and a subunit stoichiometry of α2 and did not contain significant levels of metals. TrzF showed time-dependent inhibition by phenyl phosphorodiamidate and is a member of the amidase signature protein family. TrzF was highly active in the hydrolysis of allophanate but was not active with urea, despite having been previously considered a urea amidolyase. TrzF showed lower activity with malonamate, malonamide, and biuret. The allophanate hydrolase from Pseudomonas sp. strain ADP, AtzF, was also shown to hydrolyze biuret slowly. Since biuret and allophanate are consecutive metabolites in cyanuric acid metabolism, the low level of biuret hydrolase activity can have physiological significance. A recombinant Escherichia coli strain containing atzD, encoding cyanuric acid hydrolase that produces biuret, and atzF grew slowly on cyanuric acid as a source of nitrogen. The amount of growth produced was consistent with the liberation of 3 mol of ammonia from cyanuric acid. In vitro, TrzF was shown to hydrolyze biuret to liberate 3 mol of ammonia. The biuret hydrolyzing activity of TrzF might also be physiologically relevant in native strains. E. cloacae strain 99 grows on cyanuric acid with a significant accumulation of biuret.  相似文献   

The known enzymes that open the s-triazine ring, the cyanuric acid hydrolases, have been confined almost exclusively to the kingdom Bacteria and are all homologous members of the rare cyanuric acid hydrolase/barbiturase protein family. In the present study, a filamentous fungus, Sarocladium sp. strain CA, was isolated from soil by enrichment culturing using cyanuric acid as the sole source of nitrogen. A reverse-genetic approach identified a fungal cyanuric acid hydrolase gene composed of two exons and one intron. The translated spliced sequence was 39 to 53% identical to previously characterized bacterial cyanuric acid hydrolases. The sequence was used to generate a gene optimized for expression in Escherichia coli and encoding an N-terminally histidine-tagged protein. The protein was purified by nickel affinity and anion-exchange chromatography. The purified protein was shown by 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (13C-NMR) to produce carboxybiuret as the product, which spontaneously decarboxylated to yield biuret and carbon dioxide. The protein was very narrow in substrate specificity, showing activity only with cyanuric acid and N-methyl cyanuric acid. Barbituric acid was an inhibitor of enzyme activity. Sequence analysis identified genes with introns in other fungi from the Ascomycota that, if spliced, are predicted to encode proteins with cyanuric acid hydrolase activity. The Ascomycota cyanuric acid hydrolase homologs are most closely related to cyanuric acid hydrolases from Actinobacteria.  相似文献   

Cyanuric acid hydrolase (AtzD) from Pseudomonas sp. strain ADP was purified to homogeneity. Of 22 cyclic amides and triazine compounds tested, only cyanuric acid and N-methylisocyanuric acid were substrates. Other cyclic amidases were found not to hydrolyze cyanuric acid. Ten bacteria that use cyanuric acid as a sole nitrogen source for growth were found to contain either atzD or trzD, but not both genes.  相似文献   

The glycine decarboxylase multienzyme complex comprises about one-third of the soluble protein of the matrix of pea (Pisum sativum) leaf mitochondria where it exists at a concentration of approximately 130 milligrams protein/milliliter. Under these conditions the complex is stable with an approximate subunit ratio of 2 P-protein dimers:27 H-protein monomers:9 T-protein monomers:1 L-protein dimer. When the complex is diluted it tends to dissociate into its component enzymes. This prevents the purification of the intact complex by gel filtration or ultracentrifugation. In the dissociated state the H-protein acts as a mobile cosubstrate that commutes between the other three enzymes and shows typical substrate kinetics. When the complex is reformed, the H-protein no longer acts as a substrate but as an integrated part of the enzyme complex.  相似文献   

FlgJ is a glycoside hydrolase (GH) enzyme belonging to the Carbohydrate Active enZyme (CAZy) family GH73. It facilitates passage of the bacterial flagellum through the peptidoglycan (PG) layer by cleaving the β-1,4 glycosidic bond between N-acetylglucosamine and N-acetylmuramic acid sugars that comprise the glycan strands of PG. Here we describe the crystal structure of the GH domain of FlgJ from bacterial pathogen Salmonella typhimurium (StFlgJ). Interestingly, the active site of StFlgJ was blocked by the C-terminal α-helix of a neighbouring symmetry mate and a β-hairpin containing the putative catalytic glutamic acid residue Glu223 was poorly resolved and could not be completely modeled into the electron density, suggesting it is flexible. Previous reports have shown that the GH73 enzyme Auto from Listeria monocytogenes is inhibited by an N-terminal α-helix that may occlude the active site in similar fashion. To investigate if the C-terminus of StFlgJ inhibits GH activity, the glycolytic activity of StFlgJ was assessed with and without the C-terminal α-helix. The GH activity of StFlgJ was unaffected by the presence or absence of the α-helix, suggesting it is not involved in regulating activity. Removal of the C-terminal α-helix did, however, allow a crystal structure of the domain to be obtained where the flexible β-hairpin containing residue Glu223 was entirely resolved. The β-hairpin was positioned such that the active site groove was fully solvent-exposed, placing Glu223 nearly 21.6 Å away from the putative general acid/base residue Glu184, which is too far apart for these two residues to coordinate glycosidic bond hydrolysis. The mobile nature of the StFlgJ β-hairpin is consistent with structural studies of related GH73 enzymes, suggesting that a dynamic active site may be common to many GH73 enzymes, in which the active site opens to capture substrate and then closes to correctly orient active site residues for catalysis.  相似文献   

The oxidative folding of large polypeptides has been investigated in detail; however, comparatively little is known about the enzyme-assisted folding of small, disulfide-containing peptide substrates. To investigate the concerted effect of multiple enzymes on the folding of small disulfide-rich peptides, we sequenced and expressed protein-disulfide isomerase (PDI), peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase, and immunoglobulin-binding protein (BiP) from Conus venom glands. Conus PDI was shown to catalyze the oxidation and reduction of disulfide bonds in two conotoxins, α-GI and α-ImI. Oxidative folding rates were further increased in the presence of Conus PPI with the maximum effect observed in the presence of both enzymes. In contrast, Conus BiP was only observed to assist folding in the presence of microsomes, suggesting that additional co-factors were involved. The identification of a complex between BiP, PDI, and nascent conotoxins further suggests that the folding and assembly of conotoxins is a highly regulated multienzyme-assisted process. Unexpectedly, all three enzymes contributed to the folding of the ribbon isomer of α-ImI. Here, we identify this alternative disulfide-linked species in the venom of Conus imperialis, providing the first evidence for the existence of a “non-native” peptide isomer in the venom of cone snails. Thus, ER-resident enzymes act in concert to accelerate the oxidative folding of conotoxins and modulate their conformation and function by reconfiguring disulfide connectivities. This study has evaluated the role of a number of ER-resident enzymes in the folding of conotoxins, providing novel insights into the enzyme-guided assembly of these small, disulfide-rich peptides.  相似文献   

Murine noroviruses (MNV) are closely related to the human noroviruses (HuNoV), which cause the majority of nonbacterial gastroenteritis. Unlike HuNoV, MNV grow in culture and in a small-animal model that represents a tractable model to study norovirus biology. To begin a detailed investigation of molecular events that occur during norovirus binding to cells, the crystallographic structure of the murine norovirus 1 (MNV-1) capsid protein protruding (P) domain has been determined. Crystallization of the bacterially expressed protein yielded two different crystal forms (Protein Data Bank identifiers [PDB ID], 3LQ6 and 3LQE). Comparison of the structures indicated a large degree of structural mobility in loops on the surface of the P2 subdomain. Specifically, the A′-B′ and E′-F′ loops were found in open and closed conformations. These regions of high mobility include the known escape mutation site for the neutralizing antibody A6.2 and an attenuation mutation site, which arose after serial passaging in culture and led to a loss in lethality in STAT1−/− mice, respectively. Modeling of a Fab fragment and crystal structures of the P dimer into the cryoelectron microscopy three-dimensional (3D) image reconstruction of the A6.2/MNV-1 complex indicated that the closed conformation is most likely bound to the Fab fragment and that the antibody contact is localized to the A′-B′ and E′-F′ loops. Therefore, we hypothesize that these loop regions and the flexibility of the P domains play important roles during MNV-1 binding to the cell surface.Murine noroviruses (MNV) are members of the family Caliciviridae, which contains small icosahedral viruses with positive-sense, single-stranded RNA genomes (18). MNV is related to human noroviruses (HuNoV), which cause most of the sporadic cases and outbreaks of infectious nonbacterial gastroenteritis worldwide in people of all ages (4, 15, 28, 36, 38, 64). However, noroviruses are an understudied group of viruses due to the previous lack of a tissue culture system and small-animal model. Since its discovery in 2003 (23), MNV has become an increasingly important model to study norovirus biology (66). The availability of a small-animal model, cell culture, and reverse-genetics system, combined with many shared characteristics of human and murine noroviruses, allows detailed studies of norovirus biology (7, 23, 63, 65, 66).The norovirus genome is organized into 3 major open reading frames (ORFs), which encode the nonstructural polyprotein (∼200 kDa) and the major (VP1; ∼58-kDa) and minor (VP2; ∼20-kDa) capsid proteins (18). Recently, a putative ORF-4 was identified in MNV, but the existence of that product and its function remain unknown (60). Norovirus capsids are formed from 180 copies of VP1 arranged with T=3 icosahedral symmetry (9, 25, 46-48). Each capsid protein is divided into an N-terminal arm (N), a shell (S), and a C-terminal protruding (P) domain, with the last two domains connected by a short hinge. VP1 self-assembles into virus-like particles (VLPs) in baculovirus, mammalian, and plant expression systems (21, 22, 50, 57, 67). The S domain forms a smooth shell around the viral genome but is unable to bind to receptors (3, 55). The P domain dimerizes, forming arch-like structures on the capsid surface, and is subdivided into P1 (the stem of the arch) and P2 (the top of the arch) subdomains. The sequence of the P2 subdomain is the least conserved, followed by the P1 and S domains with the highest degree of conservation. While the S domain of Norwalk virus (NV) is required in order to form VLPs in a baculovirus expression system, the P domains contribute to stability by intermolecular interactions (3, 24). The homodimeric interactions of the HuNoV P domain, observed by crystallographic studies of VLPs, is retained when the protein region is expressed in a bacterial expression system (55). In addition, the norovirus P domain, specifically the P2 subdomain, contains the sites for antigenicity, immune-driven evolution, and cell binding (13a, 20, 25, 32, 41, 51, 56). For MNV-1, the Fab fragment of the neutralizing antibody A6.2 binds to the outermost tip of the P2 subdomain and is thought to prevent infection by blocking capsid-receptor interaction (25).Early steps in the norovirus life cycle are determinants of norovirus tropism (19) and thereby determine the outcome of a viral infection. While the tropism of HuNoV remains unknown, MNV-1 has a tropism for murine macrophages and dendritic cells in vitro and in vivo (62, 65). Recent studies from our laboratory demonstrated that MNV-1 binds to sialic acid on murine macrophages, in particular on the ganglioside GD1a (58). It subsequently enters murine macrophages and dendritic cells in a pH-independent manner (43). To better understand MNV-cell surface binding, we expressed, purified, and determined the high-resolution structure of the MNV-1 P domain at 2.0-Å resolution. Here, we show that, similar to HuNoV P domains (10, 55), recombinant MNV-1 P domains can be expressed and fold in a biologically correct manner. This was shown by the ability of the recombinant MNV-1 P domain to bind murine macrophages, to competitively inhibit MNV-1 infection, and to be recognized by the neutralizing antibody A6.2, which interferes with macrophage binding. Expressed P domain yielded different crystal forms with significant structural differences in the outermost loops of the P2 subdomains. Overall, the MNV-1 P-domain crystal structures show tertiary structures similar to those of HuNoV P domains, with the greatest structural variation in the polypeptide loops on the outer surface of the P domain corresponding to the mobile regions among the various crystal forms. In particular, one of these loops, E′-F′, was observed in “open” and “closed” conformations. Modeling of a Fab fragment and the crystal structures of the P domain into the cryoelectron microscopy three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction of the Fab/MNV-1 complex indicated that the “closed” conformation is the form likely being bound by the neutralizing antibody A6.2. Two sequences located in the A′-B′ and E′-F′ loops were identified as epitopes for A6.2. Biological support for the in silico modeling data comes from a recombinant MNV-1 in which amino acids of the Norwalk virus E′-F′ loop replaced those of MNV-1 and that was no longer neutralized by A6.2. We hypothesize that flexibility in the E′-F′ loop is important for virus-cell interaction and that A6.2 might sterically block viral binding to the cell surface and/or prevent structural changes in the viral capsid required during receptor interaction. In addition, a channel at the interphase of the P dimer was identified that is stabilized by an “ionic lock” (i.e., a bridge formed by two sets of opposing arginine and glutamic acid residues). We hypothesize that the ionic lock may act as a trigger for structural changes important during infection, possibly at the level of host cell entry. Together, these data identify several potential movements within the MNV-1 P domain, which points to the flexibility of the MNV-1 capsid.  相似文献   

We demonstrate a new analytical X-ray computed tomography technique for visualizing and quantifying the mass density of materials comprised of low atomic number elements with unknown atomic ratios. The mass density was obtained from the experimentally observed ratio of the imaginary and real parts of the complex X-ray refractive index. An empirical linear relationship between the X-ray mass attenuation coefficient of the materials and X-ray energy was found for X-ray energies between 8 keV and 30 keV. The mass density image of two polymer fibers was quantified using the proposed technique using a scanning-type X-ray microbeam computed tomography system equipped with a wedge absorber. The reconstructed mass density agrees well with the calculated one.  相似文献   

Nucleophosmin (NPM1) is a nucleocytoplasmic shuttling protein, mainly localized at nucleoli, that plays a key role in several cellular functions, including ribosome maturation and export, centrosome duplication, and response to stress stimuli. More than 50 mutations at the terminal exon of the NPM1 gene have been identified so far in acute myeloid leukemia; the mutated proteins are aberrantly and stably localized in the cytoplasm due to high destabilization of the NPM1 C-terminal domain and the appearance of a new nuclear export signal. We have shown previously that the 70-residue NPM1 C-terminal domain (NPM1-C70) is able to bind with high affinity a specific region at the c-MYC gene promoter characterized by parallel G-quadruplex structure. Here we present the solution structure of the NPM1-C70 domain and NMR analysis of its interaction with a c-MYC-derived G-quadruplex. These data were used to calculate an experimentally restrained molecular docking model for the complex. The NPM1-C70 terminal three-helix bundle binds the G-quadruplex DNA at the interface between helices H1 and H2 through electrostatic interactions with the G-quadruplex phosphate backbone. Furthermore, we show that the 17-residue lysine-rich sequence at the N terminus of the three-helix bundle is disordered and, although necessary, does not participate directly in the contact surface in the complex.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional solution structure of the lipoyl domain of the 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex fromAzotobacter vinelandiihas been determined from nuclear magnetic resonance data by using distance geometry and dynamical simulated annealing refinement. The structure determination is based on a total of 580 experimentally derived distance constraints and 65 dihedral angle constraints. The solution structure is represented by an ensemble of 25 structures with an average root-mean-square deviation between the individual structures of the ensemble and the mean coordinates of 0.71 Å for backbone atoms and 1.08 Å for all heavy atoms. The overall fold of the lipoyl domain is that of a β-barrel-sandwich hybrid. It consists of two almost parallel four-stranded anti-parallel β-sheets formed around a well-defined hydrophobic core, with a central position of the single tryptophan 21. The lipoylation site, lysine 42, is found in a β-turn at the far end of one of the sheets, and is close in space to a solvent-exposed loop comprising residues 7 to 15. The lipoyl domain displays a remarkable internal symmetry that projects one β-sheet onto the other β-sheet after rotation of approximately 180° about a 2-fold rotational symmetry axis. There is close structural similarity between the structure of this 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex lipoyl domain and the structures of the lipoyl domains of pyruvate dehydrogenase complexes fromBacillus stearothermophilusandEscherichia coli, and conformational differences occur primarily in a solvent-exposed loop close in space to the lipoylation site. The lipoyl domain structure is discussed in relation to the process of molecular recognition of lipoyl domains by their parent 2-oxo acid dehydrogenase.  相似文献   

The steroid hormone receptors regulate important physiological functions such as reproduction, metabolism, immunity, and electrolyte balance. Mutations within steroid receptors result in endocrine disorders and can often drive cancer formation and progression. Despite the conserved three-dimensional structure shared among members of the steroid receptor family and their overlapping DNA binding preference, activation of individual steroid receptors drive unique effects on gene expression. Here, we present the first structure of the human mineralocorticoid receptor DNA binding domain, in complex with a canonical DNA response element. The overall structure is similar to the glucocorticoid receptor DNA binding domain, but small changes in the mode of DNA binding and lever arm conformation may begin to explain the differential effects on gene regulation by the mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid receptors. In addition, we explore the structural effects of mineralocorticoid receptor DNA binding domain mutations found in type I pseudohypoaldosteronism and multiple types of cancer.  相似文献   



In the 1950s, Reed and coworkers discovered an enzyme activity in Streptococcus faecalis (Enterococcus faecalis) extracts that inactivated the Escherichia. coli and E. faecalis pyruvate dehydrogenase complexes through cleavage of the lipoamide bond. The enzyme that caused this lipoamidase activity remained unidentified until Jiang and Cronan discovered the gene encoding lipoamidase (Lpa) through the screening of an expression library. Subsequent cloning and characterization of the recombinant enzyme revealed that lipoamidase is an 80 kDa protein composed of an amidase domain containing a classic Ser-Ser-Lys catalytic triad and a carboxy-terminal domain of unknown function. Here, we show that the amidase domain can be used as an in vivo probe which specifically inactivates lipoylated enzymes.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We evaluated whether Lpa could function as an inducible probe of α-ketoacid dehydrogenase inactivation using E. coli as a model system. Lpa expression resulted in cleavage of lipoic acid from the three lipoylated proteins expressed in E. coli, but did not result in cleavage of biotin from the sole biotinylated protein, the biotin carboxyl carrier protein. When expressed in lipoylation deficient E. coli, Lpa is not toxic, indicating that Lpa does not interfere with any other critical metabolic pathways. When truncated to the amidase domain, Lpa retained lipoamidase activity without acquiring biotinidase activity, indicating that the carboxy-terminal domain is not essential for substrate recognition or function. Substitution of any of the three catalytic triad amino acids with alanine produced inactive Lpa proteins.


The enzyme lipoamidase is active against a broad range of lipoylated proteins in vivo, but does not affect the growth of lipoylation deficient E. coli. Lpa can be truncated to 60% of its original size with only a partial loss of activity, resulting in a smaller probe that can be used to study the effects of α-ketoacid dehydrogenase inactivation in vivo.  相似文献   

The milk fat globule membrane (MFGM) enclosing fat droplets in bovine milk was isolated, and its effects on hydrolysis of milk fat by lipases were investigated by using a gum arabic-stabilized milk fat emulsion as substrate. The addition of isolated MFGM to the reaction mixture markedly inhibited hydrolysis by pancreatic and microbial (Rhizopus delemer) lipases. The inhibition was completely lost on tryptic digestion of MFGM, suggesting that the protein moiety of MFGM played a role in the inhibition. Soluble glycoprotein (SGP) which was isolated from delipidated MFGM produced marked inhibitory activity. The inhibition by SGP was dependent on substrate concentration, suggesting that the inhibition was at least partly due to coverage and blockage of the substrate surface by SGP.  相似文献   

目的:利用X线衍射技术解析孕烷X受体(PXR)配体结合结构域(LBD)蛋白晶体的3维结构。方法:对PXR蛋白LBD(130~434氨基酸残基)序列进行密码子优化并化学合成后克隆至pRSFDuet-1表达载体,再将载体导入大肠杆菌BL21(DE3),对PXR-LBD蛋白进行原核表达与分离纯化;采用晶体筛选试剂盒筛选蛋白结晶条件,采用悬滴法获得目标蛋白的晶体;对获得的蛋白晶体进行X线晶体衍射检测,并收集相关数据建立PXR-LBD的三维结构。结果:获得了PXR-LBD的高质量晶体并利用X线衍射解析了该蛋白质晶体的结构数据,使用Phenix.refine软件和COOT软件等对结构进行修正,最终获得了高分辨率的3维结构数据。结论:完成了孕烷X受体配体结合结构域蛋白晶体的X线衍射结构解析,为研究和开发PXR相关药物奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Currently, the cost of cellulase enzymes remains a key economic impediment to commercialization of biofuels (1). Enzymes from glycoside hydrolase family 48 (GH48) are a critical component of numerous natural lignocellulose-degrading systems. Although computational mining of large genomic data sets is a promising new approach for identifying novel cellulolytic activities, current computational methods are unable to distinguish between cellulases and enzymes with different substrate specificities that belong to the same protein family. We show that by using a robust computational approach supported by experimental studies, cellulases and non-cellulases can be effectively identified within a given protein family. Phylogenetic analysis of GH48 showed non-monophyletic distribution, an indication of horizontal gene transfer. Enzymatic function of GH48 proteins coded by horizontally transferred genes was verified experimentally, which confirmed that these proteins are cellulases. Computational and structural studies of GH48 enzymes identified structural elements that define cellulases and can be used to computationally distinguish them from non-cellulases. We propose that the structural element that can be used for in silico discrimination between cellulases and non-cellulases belonging to GH48 is an ω-loop located on the surface of the molecule and characterized by highly conserved rare amino acids. These markers were used to screen metagenomics data for “true” cellulases.  相似文献   

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