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Because bees fly around, visit flowers and chase mates, we conclude intuitively that they see things as we do. But their vision is unexpectedly different, so we say it is anti-intuitive. Detailed tests have demonstrated separate detectors for modulation of blue and green receptors, edge orientation (green only), and areas of black. The edge detectors are about 3° across, independent, and not re-assembled to make lines, shapes or textures. Instead, the detectors of each type are summed quantitatively to form cues in each local region with an order of preference for learning the cues. Trained bees remember the positions of the total modulation (preferred), the average edge orientation, areas of black or colour, and positions of hubs of radial and circular edges in each local region, but not the original responses, so the pattern is lost. When presented with a yellow spot on a blue background with no UV reflected, the preferred cue is not the colour, but a measure of the modulation detected by the green and separately by the blue receptors.  相似文献   

Bees were trained to discriminate between two patterns, one of which was associated with a reward, in a Y-choice apparatus with the targets presented vertically at a distance at an angular subtense of 50°. Previous work with this apparatus has found discrimination between two patterns of coloured gratings or radial sectors that are fixed in different orientations during the training. When there was contrast to the blue receptors alone, gratings of period 6° were resolved, and 4° when there was contrast to the green receptors. In the present work, bees discriminate between a pattern containing tangentially arranged edges and one containing radially arranged edges, both with no average edge orientation. The targets were rotated every 5 min to make the locations of areas useless as cues. The edges remained consistently radial or tangential and were therefore the only cues. Tests with patterns of selected colours and various levels of grey show that for each colour there is a level of grey at which discrimination fails. Discrimination is therefore colour-blind. The same patterns were made with combinations of coloured papers that give no contrast to the green receptors or alternatively to the blue receptors. The bees discriminate only if the edges between colours present a contrast to the green receptors. The system that discriminates generalized radial and tangential cues is therefore colour blind because the inputs are restricted to the green receptors, not because receptor outputs are added together. The same result was obtained with a very coarse pattern of period 20°. Accepted: 10 January 1999  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Temporal resolution of freely-flying bees was measured by training bees, Apis mellifera (Linn.), to discriminate between a steady light and a flickering light. Two kinds of experiments were conducted: those using a homochromatic flicker, in which the intensity of the flickering light varied periodically with time; and ones using a heterochromatic flicker, in which the colour of the flickering light varied periodically. In either case, the time-averaged properties (intensity and colour) of the flickering light matched those of the steady light, and the bees' ability to discriminate between the two stimuli was measured for various flicker frequencies. The results indicate that bees perform poorly in the homochromatic flicker experiments, regardless of the colour of the light (u.v., blue or green), but well in those with heterochromatic flicker. Heterochromatic flicker experiments using various pairwise combinations of the colours U.V., blue and green (corresponding to the three known spectral receptor-types in the bee's retina) reveal that temporal resolution is much better when blue is one of the component colours, than when it is not. The simplest interpretation of the results is in terms of colour channels possessing different response speeds. Heterochromatic flicker promises to be a useful tool in investigating the temporal properties of colour vision in bees.  相似文献   

Spatial vision is an important cue for how honeybees (Apis mellifera) find flowers, and previous work has suggested that spatial learning in free-flying bees is exclusively mediated by achromatic input to the green photoreceptor channel. However, some data suggested that bees may be able to use alternative channels for shape processing, and recent work shows conditioning type and training length can significantly influence bee learning and cue use. We thus tested the honeybees’ ability to discriminate between two closed shapes considering either absolute or differential conditioning, and using eight stimuli differing in their spectral characteristics. Consistent with previous work, green contrast enabled reliable shape learning for both types of conditioning, but surprisingly, we found that bees trained with appetitive-aversive differential conditioning could additionally use colour and/or UV contrast to enable shape discrimination. Interestingly, we found that a high blue contrast initially interferes with bee shape learning, probably due to the bees innate preference for blue colours, but with increasing experience bees can learn a variety of spectral and/or colour cues to facilitate spatial learning. Thus, the relationship between bee pollinators and the spatial and spectral cues that they use to find rewarding flowers appears to be a more rich visual environment than previously thought.  相似文献   

Many demersal fish species undergo vertical shifts in habitats during ontogeny especially after larval metamorphosis. The visual spectral sensitivity shifts with the habitat, indicating a change in colour vision. Colour vision depends on sufficient ambient light and becomes ineffective at a particular low light intensity. It is not known how fishes see colour in dim light. By means of a behavioural experiment on larval African catfish Clarias gariepinus in the laboratory, we determined colour vision and colour discrimination in dim light. Light-adapted larvae were subjected to classical conditioning to associate a reward feed with a green or a red stimulus placed among 7 shades of grey. The larvae learned this visual task after 70 and 90 trials. A different batch of larvae were trained to discriminate between green and red and then tested for the ability to discriminate between these colours, as the light intensity was reduced. The larvae learned this visual task after 110 trials in bright light and were able to discriminate colours, as light was dimmed until 0.01 lx, the minimal illuminance measurable in this study, and similar to starlight. The retinae of the larvae were found to be light adapted at 0.01 lx; thus indicating cone-based colour vision at this illuminance. For comparison, three human subjects were tested under similar conditions and showed a colour vision threshold at between 1.5 and 0.1 lx. For the larvae of C. gariepinus, the ability of colour discrimination in dim light is probably due to its retinal tapetum, which could increase the sensitivity of cones.  相似文献   

Certain colours associated with floral food resources are more quickly learned by honey bees (Apis mellifera) than are other colours. But the impact of colour, and other floral cues, on bee choice behaviour has not yet been determined. In these experiments, colour association and sugar concentration of reward were varied to assess how they interact to affect bee choice behaviour. Thirty-five bees were individually given binary choices between blue and yellow artificial flowers that contained either the same rewards or rewards of different sucrose concentrations. Honey bee choice between sucrose concentrations was affected by colour association and this effect was greatest when absolute difference between rewards was the lowest. The honey bee's ability to maximize energetic profitability during foraging is constrained by floral cue effectiveness.  相似文献   

Abstract. Bees can be trained to discriminate between a target with a 20° spot above a 10° spot of the same colour, and another target with the spots exchanged in position. Tests show that they do not remember the separate positions of spots of the same colour (including black) on the same target. The bees discriminate the difference in positions, in the vertical direction, of the common centres of the spots taken together, with or without green contrast.
Similar results are obtained in discriminations of a fixed T shape, each composed of two broad black bars subtending 8 by 24°, vs the same shape inverted. The trained bees fail to discriminate between the T shapes when the centroids are at the same level in the vertical direction. Moving the shapes in the horizontal direction in tests has less effect. Quite different results are obtained when the two bars of the T shape differ in colour. The bees discriminate the positions of the two colours separately, but they still fail to discriminate the shape of the T. The results can be explained by filters that detect the intensities within their fields, irrespective of shape, and weigh them according to their vertical angles from the horizontal midline. The normal function of these filters could be to detect the levels of objects relative to the horizon when the bee is in flight.  相似文献   

Flower colour is a major advertisement signal of zoophilous plants for pollinators. Bees, the main pollinators, exhibit innate colour preferences, which have often been attributed to only one single floral colour, though most flowers display a pattern of two or several colours. The existing studies of floral colour patterns are mostly qualitative studies. Using a model of bee colour vision we quantitatively investigate two questions: whether or not component colours of floral colour patterns may mimic pollen signals, and whether or not bumblebees exhibit innate preferences for distinct parameters of naturally existing floral colour patterns. We analysed the spectral reflectances of 162 plant species with multicoloured flowers and inflorescences, distiniguishing between inner and outer colours of floral colour patterns irrespective of the particular structures so coloured.We found that:– The inner colour of radially symmetrical flowers and inflorescences and of zygomorphic flowers appears less diverse to bees than the peripheral colour.– The inner colour of most radial flowers and inflorescences as well as the inner colour of a large number of non-related zygomorphic flowers appears to bees to be very similar to that of pollen.– Bumblebees (Bombus terrestris) exhibit innate preferences for two-coloured over single-coloured dummy flowers in a spontaneous choice test.– Bumblebees exhibit innate preferences for dummy flowers with a large over those with a small centre area.– Bumblebees exhibit innate preferences for dummy flowers with a centre colour similar to that of pollen over those with another centre colour.Our findings support the hypotheses that the inner component of floral colour patterns could be interpreted as a generalised and little recognised form of mimicry of the colour of visually displayed pollen, that bumblebees exhibit innate preferences regarding colour and size parameters of floral colour patterns, and that these correspond to visually displayed pollen. These findings together suggest a prominent role of floral colour patterns in advertisement to and guidance of naive flower visitors.  相似文献   

Background and Aims Flower colour varies within and among populations of the Rocky Mountain columbine, Aquilegia coerulea, in conjunction with the abundance of its two major pollinators, hawkmoths and bumble-bees. This study seeks to understand whether the choice of flower colour by these major pollinators can help explain the variation in flower colour observed in A. coerulea populations.Methods Dual choice assays and experimental arrays of blue and white flowers were used to determine the preference of hawkmoths and bumble-bees for flower colour. A test was made to determine whether a differential preference for flower colour, with bumble-bees preferring blue and hawkmoths white flowers, could explain the variation in flower colour. Whether a single pollinator could maintain a flower colour polymorphism was examined by testing to see if preference for a flower colour varied between day and dusk for hawkmoths and whether bumble-bees preferred novel or rare flower colour morphs.Key Results Hawkmoths preferred blue flowers under both day and dusk light conditions. Naïve bumble-bees preferred blue flowers but quickly learned to forage randomly on the two colour morphs when similar rewards were presented in the flowers. Bees quickly learned to associate a flower colour with a pollen reward. Prior experience affected the choice of flower colour by bees, but they did not preferentially visit novel flower colours or rare or common colour morphs.Conclusions Differences in flower colour preference between the two major pollinators could not explain the variation in flower colour observed in A. coerulea. The preference of hawkmoths for flower colour did not change between day and dusk, and bumble-bees did not prefer a novel or a rare flower colour morph. The data therefore suggest that factors other than pollinators may be more likely to affect the flower colour variation observed in A. coerulea.  相似文献   

We investigated pattern discrimination by worker honeybees, Apis mellifera, focusing on the roles of spectral cues and the angular size of patterns. Free-flying bees were trained to discriminate concentric patterns in a Y-maze. The rewarded pattern could be composed of either a cyan and a yellow colour, which presented both different chromatic and achromatic L-receptor contrast, or an orange and a blue colour, which presented different chromatic cues, but the same L-receptor contrast. The non-rewarded alternative was either a single-coloured disc with the colour of the central disc or the surrounding ring of the pattern, a checkerboard pattern with non-resolvable squares, the reversed pattern, or the elements of the training pattern (disc or ring alone). Bees resolved and learned both colour elements in the rewarded patterns and their spatial properties. When the patterns subtended large visual angles, this discrimination used chromatic cues only. Patterns with yellow or orange central discs were generalised toward the yellow and orange colours, respectively. When the patterns subtended a visual angle close to the detection limit and L-receptor contrast was mediating discrimination, pattern perception was reduced: bees perceived only the pattern element with higher contrast.  相似文献   

蜻蜒腹神经束上存在着自运动检测神经元和目标运动检测神经元.我们采用了两种视觉刺激条件来测试自运动检测神经元的光谱反应.当采用控制强度和波长的闪光进行测试时、它们的光谱反应曲线与绿色光感受器的光谱灵敏度曲线极其相似,峰值位于500nm处.然而采用运动的条纹进行测试时,它们的峰值却位于560nm处.当用一种颜色的运动图案作为目标放置在另一种颜色背景的前方测试时,发现存在某个目标的照明强度值能使反应下降到自发放电的水平,这表明自运动检测器无法检测这二种颜色的差别,即它们是色盲的、它主要接受来自绿色光感受器的信号.目标运动检测神经元的光谱反应特性与自运动检测神经元的不同,目标运动检测神经元在以380nm至580nm的范围中有着平坦的光谱反应曲线,有时在紫外频段出现峰有(?)前景与背景颜色不同且固定背景光的颜色与强度而改变前景的光强时,神经元的反应不会下降到自发放电水平,当背景为绿色而目标为另一个颜色.特别是兰色时,神经元反应强烈,但当背景为兰色而目标为绿色时,它们的反应相对较弱.这些结果表明目标运动检测神经元是对颜色敏感的.  相似文献   

By working with very simple images, a number of different visual cues used by the honeybee have been described over the past decades. In most of the work, the bees had no control over the choice of the images, and it was not clear whether they learned the rewarded pattern or the difference between two images. Preferences were known to exist when untrained bees selected one pattern from a variety of them, but because the preferences of the bees were ignored, it was not possible to understand how natural images displaying several cues were detected. The preferences were also essential to make a computer model of the visual system. Therefore experiments were devised to show the order of preference for the known cues in the training situation. Freely flying bees were trained to discriminate between a rewarded target with one pattern on the left side and a different one on the right, versus a white or neutral target. This arrangement gave the bees a choice of what to learn. Tests showed that in some cases they learned two or three cues simultaneously; in other cases the bees learned one, or they preferred to avoid the unrewarded target. By testing with different combinations of patterns, it was possible to put the cues into an order of preference. Of the known cues, loosely or tightly attached to eye coordinates, a black or blue spot was the most preferred, followed by strong modulation caused by edges, the orientation of parallel bars, six equally spaced spokes, a clean white target, and then a square cross and a ring. A patch of blue colour was preferred to yellow.  相似文献   

Alpine flowers face multiple challenges in terms of abiotic and biotic factors, some of which may result in selection for certain colours at increasing altitude, in particular the changing pollinator species composition, which tends to move from bee-dominated at lower elevations to fly-dominated in high-alpine regions. To evaluate whether growing at altitude—and the associated change in the dominant pollinator groups present—has an effect on the colour of flowers, we analysed data collected from the Dovrefjell National Park in Norway. Unlike previous studies, however, we considered the flower colours according to ecologically relevant models of bee and fly colour vision and also their physical spectral properties independently of any colour vision system, rather than merely looking at human colour categories. The shift from bee to fly pollination with elevation might, according to the pollination syndrome hypothesis, lead to the prediction that flower colours should shift from more bee-blue and UV-blue flowers (blue/violet to humans, i.e. colours traditionally associated with large bee pollinators) at low elevations to more bee-blue-green and green (yellow and white to humans—colours often linked to fly pollination) flowers at higher altitude. However, although there was a slight increase in bee-blue-green flowers and a decrease in bee-blue flowers with increasing elevation, there were no statistically significant effects of altitude on flower colour as seen either by bees or by flies. Although flower colour is known to be constrained by evolutionary history, in this sample we also did not find evidence that phylogeny and elevation interact to determine flower colours in alpine areas. Handling editor: Neal Williams  相似文献   

For a reward of sugar, bees will learn to prefer a pattern rather than an alternative similar one. This visual discrimination allows us to measure resolution, and to search for the cues that the bees remember and later use to recognize the rewarded pattern. Two systems in parallel, analogous to low pass and high pass filters, are distinguished. The first system discriminates the location and size of at least one area of contrast on each side of the target, with inputs from blue and green receptors, but the ability to discriminate the location of colour depends upon fixation. The bees remember less than a low resolution copy of the image, even when they fixate on a vertical pattern. The second system amplifies the contrast at edges in the pattern, ignoring the direction of contrast, and controls fixation upon the target. Edges are discriminated according to their orientation and radial or tangential arrangement. An axis of bilateral symmetry is detected. However, the relative locations of cues within the image are lost, apparently because the relevant neurones have very large fields. Only the cues, not the whole patterns, are preserved in memory. This system is colour blind because its input is restricted to the receptors with peak sensitivity in the green. The two systems together discriminate many simple patterns, but not all, because the filters are limited in variety.  相似文献   

Tests on male goats were designed to determine their capacity for colour vision. The colours yellow, orange, blue, violet and green were tested against gray nuances of like brightness. Goats were found to be able to distinguish between colours and gray nuances. The rate of errors increased in the order: orange, green, red, yellow, violet, blue.  相似文献   

Individual bumblebees were trained to choose between rewarded target flowers and non-rewarded distractor flowers in a controlled illumination laboratory. Bees learnt to discriminate similar colours, but with smaller colour distances the frequency of errors increased. This indicates that pollen transfer might occur between flowers with similar colours, even if these colours are distinguishable. The effect of similar colours on reducing foraging accuracy of bees is evident for colour distances high above discrimination threshold, which explains previous field observations showing that bees do not exhibit complete flower constancy unless flower colour between species is distinct. Bees tested in spectrally different illumination conditions experienced a significant decrease in their ability to discriminate between similar colours. The extent to which this happens differs in different areas of colour space, which is consistent with a von Kries-type model of colour constancy. We find that it would be beneficial for plant species to have highly distinctive colour signals to overcome limitations on the bees performance in reliably judging differences between similar colours. An exception to this finding was flowers that varied in shape, in which case bees used this cue to compensate for inaccuracies of colour vision.  相似文献   

Reef fishes present the observer with the most diverse and stunning assemblage of animal colours anywhere on earth. The functions of some of these colours and their combinations are examined using new non-subjective spectrophotometric measurements of the colours of fishes and their habitat. Conclusions reached are as follows: (i) the spectra of colours in high spatial frequency patterns are often well designed to be very conspicuous to a colour vision system at close range but well camouflaged at a distance; (ii) blue and yellow, the most frequently used colours in reef fishes, may be good for camouflage or communication depending on the background they are viewed against; and (iii) reef fishes use a combination of colour and behaviour to regulate their conspicuousness and crypsis.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of active escape as an alternative to chemical and physical irritants in defensive mimicry was tested. Philaenus spumarius is a polymorphic insect used to illustrate the hypothesis that an efficient escape mechanism could be associated with conspicuousness by potential predators causing them to avoid this type of prey.
Tile experiment used robins (Erithacus rubecula) as predators and mealworms {Tenebrio mulilur) , with colour bands of either green, orange or blue, as prey. To simulate escape the prey was offered from a lunged platform which could be dropped allowing the mealworm to roll away and out ol'sigln of the bird before it could be pecked. During the first half of the experiment (day 1–10) only one of the tin ee colours of mealworm was allowed to be caught, within a 180 s time limit. This was a cryptic non-mimetic (blue) form. The other two were the cryptic (green) and conspicuous (orange) escaping models. In the second half of the experiment (day 11–17) the platform was not lowered within the lime limit. The three forms of prey remain available; the models thus becoming the mimics.
During the first part of the experiment the birds took the non-mimetic form Ireely and learned to avoid the conspicuous and to a lesser degree the cryptic models. Throughout the second pan of the experiment the conspicuous form continued to be avoided more than the cryptic, illustrating the greater efficiency of conspicuous colour combined with escape.  相似文献   

Abstract. For many years, two opposing theories have dominated our ideas of what honeybees see. The earliest proposal based on training experiments was that bees detected only simple attributes or features, irrespective of the actual pattern. The features demonstrated experimentally before 1940 were the disruption of the pattern (related to spatial frequency), the area of black or colour, the length of edge, and the angle of orientation of a bar or grating. Cues discovered recently are the range, and radial and tangential edges, and symmetry, relative to the fixation point, which is usually the reward hole. This theory could not explain why recognition failed when the pattern was moved. In the second theory, proposed in 1969, the bee detected the retinotopic directions of black or coloured areas, and estimated the areas of overlap and nonoverlap on each test pattern with the corresponding positions in the training pattern. This proposal explained the progressive loss of recognition as a test pattern was moved or reduced in size, but required that the bees saw and remembered the layout of every learned pattern and calculated the mismatch with each test image. Even so, the same measure of the mismatch was given by many test patterns and could not detect a pattern uniquely. Moreover, this theory could not explain the abundant evidence of simple feature detectors. Recent work has shown that bees learn one or more of a limited number of simple cues. A newly discovered cue is the position, mainly in the vertical direction, of the common centre (centroid) of black areas combined together. Significantly, however, the trained bees look for the cues mentioned above only in the range of places where they had occurred during the training. These two observations made possible a synthesis of both theories. There is no experimental evidence that the bees detect or re-assemble the layout of patterns in space; instead, they look for a cue in the expected place. With an array of detectors of the known cues, together with their directions, this mechanism would enable bees to recognize each familiar place from the coincidences of cues in different directions around the head.  相似文献   

Colour discrimination performance of honeybees was examined by training bees to a two-coloured disc presented on a vertical plane. Access to the food reward was through the centre of the disc. In one experiment, the upper half of the disc was yellow, and the lower half blue. In another experiment, this was vice versa. In either case, the learned disc was tested against each of a series of ten discs whose colour differed in either the upper or the lower half. A comparison between the results obtained in the two experiments reveals that colour discrimination is significantly better in the lower half of the frontal eye region than it is in the upper half. The results, similar to earlier results obtained in pattern discrimination tasks, cannot be explained by peripheral eye-region-specific specializations. It is proposed that the functional significance of the lower frontal visual field is based on more central neural mechanisms that might constitute an adaptation to the forager's natural needs. Accepted: 2 November 1998  相似文献   

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