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This study characterizes the interaction between Campylobacter jejuni and the 16 phages used in the United Kingdom typing scheme by screening spontaneous mutants of the phage-type strains and transposon mutants of the sequenced strain NCTC 11168. We show that the 16 typing phages fall into four groups based on their patterns of activity against spontaneous mutants. Screens of transposon and defined mutants indicate that the phage-bacterium interaction for one of these groups appears to involve the capsular polysaccharide (CPS), while two of the other three groups consist of flagellatropic phages. The expression of CPS and flagella is potentially phase variable in C. jejuni, and the implications of these findings for typing and intervention strategies are discussed.  相似文献   

A longitudinal study of bacteriophages and their hosts was carried out at a broiler house that had been identified as having a population of Campylobacter-specific bacteriophages. Cloacal and excreta samples were collected from three successive broiler flocks reared in the same barn. Campylobacter jejuni was isolated from each flock, whereas bacteriophages could be isolated from flocks 1 and 2 but were not isolated from flock 3. The bacteriophages isolated from flocks 1 and 2 were closely related to each other in terms of host range, morphology, genome size, and genetic content. All Campylobacter isolates from flock 1 were genotypically indistinguishable by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). PFGE and multilocus sequence typing indicated that this C. jejuni type was maintained from flock 1 to flock 2 but was largely superseded by three genetically distinct C. jejuni types insensitive to the resident bacteriophages. All isolates from the third batch of birds were insensitive to bacteriophages and genotypically distinct. These results are significant because this is the first study of an environmental population of C. jejuni bacteriophages and their influence on the Campylobacter populations of broiler house chickens. The role of developing bacteriophage resistance was investigated as this is a possible obstacle to the use of bacteriophage therapy to reduce the numbers of campylobacters in chickens. In this broiler house succession was largely due to incursion of new genotypes rather than to de novo development of resistance.  相似文献   

The ability of phages to survive processing is an important aspect of their potential use in the biocontrol of Campylobacter in poultry production. To this end, we have developed a procedure to recover Campylobacter bacteriophages from chilled and frozen retail poultry and have validated the sensitivity of the method by using a characterized Campylobacter phage (i.e., NCTC 12674). By using this method, we have shown that Campylobacter phages can survive on retail chicken under commercial storage conditions. Retail chicken portions purchased in the United Kingdom were screened for the presence of endogenous Campylobacter phages. Thirty-four Campylobacter bacteriophages were isolated from 300 chilled retail chicken portions, but none could be recovered from 150 frozen chicken portions. The phage isolates were characterized according to their lytic profiles, morphology, and genome size. The free-range products were significantly more likely to harbor phages (P < 0.001 by single-factor analysis of variance) than were standard or economy products. This study demonstrates that Campylobacter bacteriophages, along with their hosts, can survive commercial poultry processing procedures and that the phages exhibited a wide range of recovery rates from chicken skin stored at 4°C.  相似文献   

An attempt was made to elucidate in Campylobacter spp. some of the physiologic characteristics that are reflected in the kinetics of CO2 formation from four 14C-labeled substrates. Campylobacter jejuni and C. coli were grown in a biphasic medium, and highly motile spiral cells were harvested at 12 h. Of the media evaluated for use in the metabolic tests, minimal essential medium without glutamine, diluted with an equal volume of potassium sodium phosphate buffer (pH 7.2), provided the greatest stability and least competition with the substrates to be tested. The cells were incubated with 0.02 M glutamate, glutamine, alpha-ketoglutarate, or formate, or with concentrations of these substrates ranging from 0.0032 to 0.125 M. All four substrates were metabolized very rapidly by both species. A feature of many of these reactions, particularly obvious with alpha-ketoglutarate, was an immediate burst of CO2 production followed by CO2 evolution at a more moderate rate. These diphasic kinetics of substrate utilization were not seen in comparable experiments with Escherichia coli grown and tested under identical conditions. With C. jejuni, CO2 production from formate proceeded rapidly for the entire period of incubation. The rate of metabolism of glutamate, glutamine, and alpha-ketoglutarate by both species was greatly enhanced by increased substrate concentration. The approach to the study of the metabolism of campylobacters here described may be useful in detecting subtle changes in the physiology of cells as they are maintained past their logarithmic growth phase.  相似文献   

Human infection by Campylobacter jejuni is mainly through the consumption of contaminated poultry products, which results in gastroenteritis and, rarely, bacteremia and polyneuropathies. In this study, six C. jejuni -specific bacteriophages (CPS1–6) were isolated by the spot-on-the-lawn technique from chicken samples in Korea and characterized for potential use as biocontrol agents. All isolated bacteriophages exhibited a high specificity, being able to lyse only C. jejuni , but not other Gram–negative bacteria, including C. coli , Escherichia coli , Salmonella spp., and Gram–positive bacteria. Bacteriophages contain an icosahedral head and a contractile tail sheath in transmission electron microscopy, and possess ds-DNA with an average genome size of approximately 145 kb; therefore, all bacteriophages are categorized into the Myoviridae family. Bacterial lysis studies in liquid media revealed that CPS2 could be used to control the growth of C. jejuni .  相似文献   

In this work the data obtained in the examination of 338 children with diarrhea, aged 5 days to 14 years, are presented. The methods used for the collection of samples and their storage till the moment of inoculation are described. The possibility of using the microscopic examination of Campylobacter-containing native feces is shown. The work resulted in the isolation of 85 C. jejuni and C. coli strains. As shown in this work, the isolation of Campylobacter depended on the age of children and the season. The etiological importance of Campylobacter for the development of acute enterocolitis and gastroenteritis in 10% of the children under examination is suggested.  相似文献   

An attempt was made to elucidate in Campylobacter spp. some of the physiologic characteristics that are reflected in the kinetics of CO2 formation from four 14C-labeled substrates. Campylobacter jejuni and C. coli were grown in a biphasic medium, and highly motile spiral cells were harvested at 12 h. Of the media evaluated for use in the metabolic tests, minimal essential medium without glutamine, diluted with an equal volume of potassium sodium phosphate buffer (pH 7.2), provided the greatest stability and least competition with the substrates to be tested. The cells were incubated with 0.02 M glutamate, glutamine, alpha-ketoglutarate, or formate, or with concentrations of these substrates ranging from 0.0032 to 0.125 M. All four substrates were metabolized very rapidly by both species. A feature of many of these reactions, particularly obvious with alpha-ketoglutarate, was an immediate burst of CO2 production followed by CO2 evolution at a more moderate rate. These diphasic kinetics of substrate utilization were not seen in comparable experiments with Escherichia coli grown and tested under identical conditions. With C. jejuni, CO2 production from formate proceeded rapidly for the entire period of incubation. The rate of metabolism of glutamate, glutamine, and alpha-ketoglutarate by both species was greatly enhanced by increased substrate concentration. The approach to the study of the metabolism of campylobacters here described may be useful in detecting subtle changes in the physiology of cells as they are maintained past their logarithmic growth phase.  相似文献   

Abstract A method for purification of the flagellar hook of Campylobacter jejuni is described. The hook was shown to be composed of a subunit protein, which has a molecular mass of 92,000 and an isoelectric point of pI 4.8. A monoclonal antibody and a polyvalent antiserum was raised against the purified flagellar hook of C. jejuni . Immuno-electronmicroscopy revealed that the epitope recognized by the monoclonal antibody is surface-located. However, this antibody reacted only with the hook of the immunization strain, but not with other strains or other flagellated bacteria. Thus, our data indicate that the immunodominant epitopes are located on the surface of the hook and that these epitopes are strain-specific.  相似文献   

Campylobacter jejuni is one of the most common bacterial causes of human gastroenteritis, and recent findings suggest that turkeys are an important reservoir for this organism. In this study, 80 C. jejuni isolates from eastern North Carolina were characterized for resistance to nine antimicrobials, and strain types were determined by fla typing, pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) with SmaI and KpnI, and (for 41 isolates) multilocus sequence typing (MLST). PFGE analysis suggested that many of the isolates (37/40 [ca. 93%]) in a major genomic cluster had DNA that was partially methylated at SmaI sites. Furthermore, 12/40 (30%) of the isolates in this cluster were completely resistant to digestion by KpnI, suggesting methylation at KpnI sites. MLST of 41 isolates identified 10 sequence types (STs), of which 4 were new. Three STs (ST-1839, ST-2132 and the new ST-2934) were predominant and were detected among isolates from different farms. The majority of the isolates (74%) were resistant to three or more antimicrobials, and resistance to ciprofloxacin was common (64%), whereas resistance to the other drug of choice for treatment of human campylobacteriosis, erythromycin, was never encountered. Most (33/34) of the kanamycin-resistant isolates were also resistant to tetracycline; however, only ca. 50% of the tetracycline-resistant isolates were also kanamycin resistant. Isolates with certain antimicrobial resistance profiles had identical or closely related strain types. Overall, the findings suggest dissemination of certain clonal groups of C. jejuni isolates in the turkey production industry of this region.  相似文献   

The location and abundance of Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter lanienae in the intestines of beef cattle were investigated using real-time quantitative PCR in two studies. In an initial study, digesta and tissue samples were obtained along the digestive tract of two beef steers known to shed C. jejuni and C. lanienae (steers A and B). At the time of slaughter, steer B weighed 540 kg, compared to 600 kg for steer A, yet the intestine of steer B (40.5 m) was 36% longer than the intestine of steer A (26.1 m). In total, 323 digesta samples (20-cm intervals) and 998 tissue samples (3.3- to 6.7-cm intervals) were processed. Campylobacter DNA was detected in the digesta and in association with tissues throughout the small and large intestines of both animals. Although C. jejuni and C. lanienae DNA were detected in both animals, only steer A contained substantial quantities of C. jejuni DNA. In both digesta and tissues of steer A, C. jejuni was present in the duodenum and jejunum. Considerable quantities of C. jejuni DNA also were observed in the digesta obtained from the cecum and ascending colon, but minimal DNA was associated with tissues of these regions. In contrast, steer B contained substantial quantities of C. lanienae DNA, and DNA of this bacterium was limited to the large intestine (i.e., the cecum, proximal ascending colon, descending colon, and rectum); the majority of tissue-associated C. lanienae DNA was present in the cecum, descending colon, and rectum. In a second study, the location and abundance of C. jejuni and C. lanienae DNA were confirmed in the intestines of 20 arbitrarily selected beef cattle. DNA of C. jejuni and C. lanienae were detected in the digesta of 57% and 95% of the animals, respectively. C. jejuni associated with intestinal tissues was most abundant in the duodenum, ileum, and rectum. However, one animal contributed disproportionately to the abundance of C. jejuni DNA in the ileum and rectum. C. lanienae was most abundant in the large intestine, and the highest density of DNA of this bacterium was found in the cecum. Therefore, C. jejuni colonized the proximal small intestine of asymptomatic beef cattle, whereas C. lanienae primarily resided in the cecum, descending colon, and rectum. This information could be instrumental in developing efficacious strategies to manage the release of these bacteria from the gastrointestinal tracts of cattle.  相似文献   

A total of 525 specimens from 100 slaughter beef cattle were examined for the presence of Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli by direct plating and enrichment techniques. Isolates were identified by cultural, biochemical, antibiotic sensitivity, and immunofluorescence tests and further characterized with the aid of recently developed biotyping and serotyping methods. Fifty animals were positive for C. jejuni; only one was positive for C. coli. The distribution pattern of C. jejuni-positive animals, in decreasing order, was steers (55%), bulls (40%), heifers (40%), and cows (22%). Significantly higher isolation rates were obtained from the gall bladders (33%), large intestines (35%), and small intestines (31%) than from the livers (12%) or the lymph nodes (1.4%). C. jejuni isolation by the enrichment technique was 40.2% more frequent than by direct plating; 24-h enrichment resulted in 24% more isolations than 48-h enrichment. Eighty-four of 105 C. jejuni cultures were typable serologically and represented 13 serogroups. Biotype I accounted for 71% of biotyped cultures. Serogroup 7 biotype I was the most commonly encountered (24%) isolate. About one in three positive animals had C. jejuni strains representing more than one serogroup. C. jejuni serogroups encountered in slaughter cattle were similar to those commonly isolated from human sources.  相似文献   

The location and abundance of Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter lanienae in the intestines of beef cattle were investigated using real-time quantitative PCR in two studies. In an initial study, digesta and tissue samples were obtained along the digestive tract of two beef steers known to shed C. jejuni and C. lanienae (steers A and B). At the time of slaughter, steer B weighed 540 kg, compared to 600 kg for steer A, yet the intestine of steer B (40.5 m) was 36% longer than the intestine of steer A (26.1 m). In total, 323 digesta samples (20-cm intervals) and 998 tissue samples (3.3- to 6.7-cm intervals) were processed. Campylobacter DNA was detected in the digesta and in association with tissues throughout the small and large intestines of both animals. Although C. jejuni and C. lanienae DNA were detected in both animals, only steer A contained substantial quantities of C. jejuni DNA. In both digesta and tissues of steer A, C. jejuni was present in the duodenum and jejunum. Considerable quantities of C. jejuni DNA also were observed in the digesta obtained from the cecum and ascending colon, but minimal DNA was associated with tissues of these regions. In contrast, steer B contained substantial quantities of C. lanienae DNA, and DNA of this bacterium was limited to the large intestine (i.e., the cecum, proximal ascending colon, descending colon, and rectum); the majority of tissue-associated C. lanienae DNA was present in the cecum, descending colon, and rectum. In a second study, the location and abundance of C. jejuni and C. lanienae DNA were confirmed in the intestines of 20 arbitrarily selected beef cattle. DNA of C. jejuni and C. lanienae were detected in the digesta of 57% and 95% of the animals, respectively. C. jejuni associated with intestinal tissues was most abundant in the duodenum, ileum, and rectum. However, one animal contributed disproportionately to the abundance of C. jejuni DNA in the ileum and rectum. C. lanienae was most abundant in the large intestine, and the highest density of DNA of this bacterium was found in the cecum. Therefore, C. jejuni colonized the proximal small intestine of asymptomatic beef cattle, whereas C. lanienae primarily resided in the cecum, descending colon, and rectum. This information could be instrumental in developing efficacious strategies to manage the release of these bacteria from the gastrointestinal tracts of cattle.  相似文献   

Isolation of Campylobacter jejuni (C. jejuni) from experimental dogs and monkeys was undertaken. C. jejuni was detected from 14.7% of the fecal samples obtained from beagles in a production colony, whereas 32% of newly imported beagles harbored the organisms. C. jejuni was isolated from 25% of the young and 3.9% of adult dogs in an animal center. The organisms were isolated from newly imported cynomolgus and rhesus monkeys at high frequencies (49.2% and 38.8%, respectively). Almost all of the strains isolated were highly sensitive to erythromycin, chloramphenicol and gentamicin.  相似文献   

A direct selective enrichment procedure was developed for the isolation of Campylobacter jejuni from poultry products. The selective enrichment medium (ATB) consisted of (per liter) tryptose (20 g), yeast extract (2.5 g), sodium chloride (5 g), FBP supplement (ferrous sulfate [0.25 g], sodium metabisulfite [0.25 g], sodium pyruvate [0.25 g]), bicine (10 g), and agar (1 g). Hematin solution (6.25 ml; prepared by dissolving 0.032 g of bovine hemin in 10 ml of 0.15 N sodium hydroxide solution and autoclaving at 0.35 kg/cm2 for 30 min), rifampin (25 mg), cefsulodin (6.25 mg), and polymyxin B sulfate (20,000 IU) were added after the medium was sterilized. The pH was adjusted to 8.0. Samples were enriched in the above medium at 42 degrees C for 48 h under an atmosphere of 5% O2, 10% CO2, and 85% N2. Enrichment cultures were streaked on a plating medium composed of Brucella agar, hematin solution, FBP supplement, and the above antibiotics. Plates were incubated under the same conditions as above. Suspect colonies from the plates were confirmed to be C. jejuni by morphological examination, growth characteristics, and biochemical tests. The above method yielded 25 isolates of C. jejuni from 50 samples of retail cut-up chicken and chicken parts, whereas a more complex method involving filtration, centrifugation, selective enrichment under a flowing atmosphere, and membrane filtration yielded only 6 positives from the same samples. The new isolation procedure was particularly effective in isolating C. jejuni in the presence of large numbers of Pseudomonas aeruginosa.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Campylobacteriosis is currently the most frequent foodborne zoonosis in many countries. One main source is poultry. The aim of this study was to enhance the knowledge about the potential of bacteriophages in reducing colonization of broilers with Campylobacter , as there are only a few in vivo studies published. Commercial broilers were inoculated with 104 CFU/bird of a Campylobacter jejuni field strain. Groups of 88 birds each were subsequently treated with a single phage or a four-phage cocktail (107 PFU/bird in CaCO3 buffered SM-Buffer). Control birds received the solvent only. Afterwards, subgroups of eleven birds each were examined for their loads with phages and Campylobacter on day 1, 3, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 and 42 after phage application. The susceptibility of the Campylobacter population to phage infection was determined using ten isolates per bird. In total 4180 re-isolates were examined. The study demonstrated that the deployed phages persisted over the whole investigation period. The Campylobacter load was permanently reduced by the phage-cocktail as well as by the single phage. The reduction was significant between one and four weeks after treatment and reached a maximum of log10 2.8 CFU/g cecal contents. Phage resistance rates of initially up to 43% in the single phage treated group and 24% in the cocktail treated group later stabilized at low levels. The occurrence of phage resistance influenced but did not override the Campylobacter reducing effect. Regarding the reduction potential, the cocktail treatment had only a small advantage over the singe phage treatment directly after phage administration. However, the cocktail moderated and delayed the emergence of phage resistance.  相似文献   

A total of 525 specimens from 100 slaughter beef cattle were examined for the presence of Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli by direct plating and enrichment techniques. Isolates were identified by cultural, biochemical, antibiotic sensitivity, and immunofluorescence tests and further characterized with the aid of recently developed biotyping and serotyping methods. Fifty animals were positive for C. jejuni; only one was positive for C. coli. The distribution pattern of C. jejuni-positive animals, in decreasing order, was steers (55%), bulls (40%), heifers (40%), and cows (22%). Significantly higher isolation rates were obtained from the gall bladders (33%), large intestines (35%), and small intestines (31%) than from the livers (12%) or the lymph nodes (1.4%). C. jejuni isolation by the enrichment technique was 40.2% more frequent than by direct plating; 24-h enrichment resulted in 24% more isolations than 48-h enrichment. Eighty-four of 105 C. jejuni cultures were typable serologically and represented 13 serogroups. Biotype I accounted for 71% of biotyped cultures. Serogroup 7 biotype I was the most commonly encountered (24%) isolate. About one in three positive animals had C. jejuni strains representing more than one serogroup. C. jejuni serogroups encountered in slaughter cattle were similar to those commonly isolated from human sources.  相似文献   

A direct selective enrichment procedure was developed for the isolation of Campylobacter jejuni from poultry products. The selective enrichment medium (ATB) consisted of (per liter) tryptose (20 g), yeast extract (2.5 g), sodium chloride (5 g), FBP supplement (ferrous sulfate [0.25 g], sodium metabisulfite [0.25 g], sodium pyruvate [0.25 g]), bicine (10 g), and agar (1 g). Hematin solution (6.25 ml; prepared by dissolving 0.032 g of bovine hemin in 10 ml of 0.15 N sodium hydroxide solution and autoclaving at 0.35 kg/cm2 for 30 min), rifampin (25 mg), cefsulodin (6.25 mg), and polymyxin B sulfate (20,000 IU) were added after the medium was sterilized. The pH was adjusted to 8.0. Samples were enriched in the above medium at 42 degrees C for 48 h under an atmosphere of 5% O2, 10% CO2, and 85% N2. Enrichment cultures were streaked on a plating medium composed of Brucella agar, hematin solution, FBP supplement, and the above antibiotics. Plates were incubated under the same conditions as above. Suspect colonies from the plates were confirmed to be C. jejuni by morphological examination, growth characteristics, and biochemical tests. The above method yielded 25 isolates of C. jejuni from 50 samples of retail cut-up chicken and chicken parts, whereas a more complex method involving filtration, centrifugation, selective enrichment under a flowing atmosphere, and membrane filtration yielded only 6 positives from the same samples. The new isolation procedure was particularly effective in isolating C. jejuni in the presence of large numbers of Pseudomonas aeruginosa.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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