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Pathological cardiac hypertrophy is characterized by subcellular remodeling of the ventricular myocyte with a reduction in the scaffolding protein caveolin-3 (Cav-3), altered Ca2+ cycling, increased protein kinase C expression, and hyperactivation of calcineurin/nuclear factor of activated T cell (NFAT) signaling. However, the precise role of Cav-3 in the regulation of local Ca2+ signaling in pathological cardiac hypertrophy is unclear. We used cardiac-specific Cav-3-overexpressing mice and in vivo and in vitro cardiac hypertrophy models to determine the essential requirement for Cav-3 expression in protection against pharmacologically and pressure overload-induced cardiac hypertrophy. Transverse aortic constriction and angiotensin-II (Ang-II) infusion in wild type (WT) mice resulted in cardiac hypertrophy characterized by significant reduction in fractional shortening, ejection fraction, and a reduced expression of Cav-3. In addition, association of PKCα and angiotensin-II receptor, type 1, with Cav-3 was disrupted in the hypertrophic ventricular myocytes. Whole cell patch clamp analysis demonstrated increased expression of T-type Ca2+ current (ICa, T) in hypertrophic ventricular myocytes. In contrast, the Cav-3-overexpressing mice demonstrated protection from transverse aortic constriction or Ang-II-induced pathological hypertrophy with inhibition of ICa, T and intact Cav-3-associated macromolecular signaling complexes. siRNA-mediated knockdown of Cav-3 in the neonatal cardiomyocytes resulted in enhanced Ang-II stimulation of ICa, T mediated by PKCα, which caused nuclear translocation of NFAT. Overexpression of Cav-3 in neonatal myocytes prevented a PKCα-mediated increase in ICa, T and nuclear translocation of NFAT. In conclusion, we show that stable Cav-3 expression is essential for protecting the signaling mechanisms in pharmacologically and pressure overload-induced cardiac hypertrophy.  相似文献   

Mice over-expressing the α1−subunit (pore) of the L-type Ca2+ channel (α1CTG) by 4months (mo) of age exhibit an enlarged heart, hypertrophied myocytes, increased Ca2+ current and Ca2+ transient amplitude, but a normal SR Ca2+ load. With advancing age (8–11 mo), some mice demonstrate advanced hypertrophy but are not in congestive heart failure (NFTG), while others evolve to frank dilated congestive heart failure (FTG). We demonstrate that older NFTG myocytes exhibit a hypercontractile state over a wide range of stimulation frequencies, but maintain a normal SR Ca2+ load compared to age matched non-transgenic (NTG) myocytes. However, at high stimulation rates (2–4 Hz) signs of diastolic contractile failure appear in NFTG cells. The evolution of frank congestive failure in FTG is accompanied by a further increase in heart mass and myocyte size, and phospholamban and ryanodine receptor protein levels and phosphorylation become reduced. In FTG, the SR Ca2+ load increases and Ca2+ release following excitation, increases further. An enhanced NCX function in FTG, as reflected by an accelerated relaxation of the caffeine-induced Ca2+ transient, is insufficient to maintain a normal diastolic Ca2+ during high rates of stimulation. Although a high SR Ca2+ release following excitation is maintained, the hypercontractile state is not maintained at high rates of stimulation, and signs of both systolic and diastolic contractile failure appear. Thus, the dilated cardiomyopathy that evolves in this mouse model exhibits signs of both systolic and diastolic failure, but not a deficient SR Ca2+ loading or release, as occurs in some other cardiomyopathic models.  相似文献   

Mitochondria play a central role in glucose metabolism and the stimulation of insulin secretion from pancreatic β-cells. In this review, we discuss firstly the regulation and roles of mitochondrial Ca2+ transport in glucose-regulated insulin secretion, and the molecular machinery involved. Next, we discuss the evidence that mitochondrial dysfunction in β-cells is associated with type 2 diabetes, from a genetic, functional and structural point of view, and then the possibility that these changes may in part be mediated by dysregulation of cytosolic Ca2+. Finally, we review the importance of preserved mitochondrial structure and dynamics for mitochondrial gene expression and their possible relevance to the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes.  相似文献   

The actions of intracellular pH (pH i ) on Ca2+dependent Cl? channels were studied in secretory epithelial cells derived from human colon carcinoma (T84) and in isolated rat parotid acinar cells. Channel currents were measured with the whole cell voltage clamp technique with pipette solutions of different pH. Ca2+dependent Cl? channels were activated by superfusing ionomycin to increase the intracellular calcium concentration ([Ca2+] i ) or by using pipette solutions with buffered Ca2+ levels. Large currents were activated in T84 and parotid cells by both methods with pH i levels of 7.3 or 8.3. Little or no Cl? channel current was activated with pH i at 6.4. We used on-cell patch clamp methods to investigate the actions of low pH i on single Cl? channel current amplitude in T84 cells. Lowering the pH i had little or no effect on the current amplitude of a 8 pS Cl? channel, but did reduce channel activity. These results suggest that cytosolic acidification may be able to modulate stimulus-secretion coupling in fluid-secreting epithelia by inhibiting the activation of Ca2+-activated Cl? channels.  相似文献   

Based on recently determined ionic channel properties, a simple theoretical model for the burst activity of the pancreatic β-cell is formulated in this paper. The model contains an inward voltage-activated Ca2+ current which is inactivated by intracellular calcium ions and an outward K+ current that is activated by the membrane potential. The probability of opening of the channel gates is represented by Boltzmann equations. Our model is applicable in a regime where an ATP-blockable K+ channel is inhibited. In this regime, glucose is treated as an activator for the rate of efflux of intracellular Ca2+ ions, and hence its effect is equated tok Ca, the efflux rate constant. In addition, intracellular H+ ion, which is a byproduct of the glycolytic metabolic process, is treated as a competitive inhibitor for Ca2+ ion. Since H+ is a competitive inhibitor (according to our assumption), its effect is equated to the strength of the Cai dissociation constantK h. In the model, a Ca2+ binding site is assumed to exist in the inner membrane of the voltage-gated Ca2+ channel. The model predicts that a spike and burst electrical pattern can be generated by varyingk ca and that a given pattern may produce different levels of intracellular Ca2+ depending onK h. In other words, it predicts that levels of [Ca2+]i can be separated from the electrical activity by controlling the concentration of glucose and pH appropriately. This may account for the experimental observation of Lebrun et al. (1985) that insulin secretion is not correlated to the burst of electrical activity.  相似文献   

During perifusion with medium deprived of Ca2+, addition of glucose or omission of Na+ resulted in prompt and quantitatively similar inhibitions of 45Ca efflux from β-cell rich pancreatic islets microdissected from ob / ob mice. Glucose had no additional inhibitory effect when Na+ was isoosmotically replaced by sucrose or choline+. When K+ was used as a substitute for Na+, the inhibitory effect of Na+ removal on 45Ca efflux became additive to that of glucose. The observation that glucose can be equally effective in inhibiting 45Ca efflux in the presence or absence of Na+ is difficult to reconcile with the postulate that the Na+-Ca2+ countertransport mechanism is a primary site of action for glucose.  相似文献   

A microfluorometric assay using chlorotetracycline (CTC) as a probe for membrane-associated Ca2+ in intact cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L. cv Acala SJ-2) root hairs indicated displacement of Ca2+ by Na+ from membrane sites with increasing levels of NaCl (0 to 250 millimolar). K+(86Rb) efflux increased dramatically at high salinity. An increase in external Ca2+ concentration (10 millimolar) mitigated both responses. Other cations and mannitol, which did not affect Ca2+-CTC chelation properties, were found to have no effect on Ca2+-CTC fluorescence, indicating a Na+-specific effect. Reduction of Ca2+-CTC fluorescence by ethyleneglycol-bis-(β-aminoethyl ether) N,N′-tetraacetic acid, which does not cross membranes, provided an indication that reduction by Na+ of Ca2+-CTC fluorescence may be occurring primarily at the plasmalemma. The findings support prior proposals that Ca2+ protects membranes from adverse effects of Na+ thereby maintaining membrane integrity and minimizing leakage of cytosolic K+.  相似文献   

The binding of Ca2+ antagonists to soluble proteins obtained by ammonium sulphate precipitation from cytosol fraction of rabbit skeletal muscles was studied. The KD values for 3H D-888 and 3H PN 200-110 binding to soluble proteins were 21.3 +/- 3.1 nmol.l-1 and 28.8 +/- 8.9 nmol.l-1 respectively. Photoaffinity labelling of the soluble proteins with the arylazide 1,4-dihydropyridine probe 3H azidopine resulted in labelling of the 85-95 K protein band as determined by SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Partial purification of prelabelled soluble sample by gel filtration on Sephadex G-150 gave a more precise molecular weight of 90 +/- 2.5K. Polyclonal antibodies prepared against Ca2+ channel complex from rabbit muscle T-tubules inhibited the 3H PN 200-110 binding. Our results suggest that the soluble protein with Mr = 90K +/- 2.5K may be a precursor of the large subunit of the membrane bound L-type Ca2+ channel in rabbit skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

Ca(2+) currents (I(Ca)) recorded from adrenal chromaffin cells (CCs) of spontaneously hypertensive (SHR) and normotensive Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats are similar to one another, but different from those recorded in other rodent species. I(Ca) in WKY/SHR CCs comprises an early, transient (I(Ca(e))) and a late, sustained component (I(Ca(s))). In Wistar CCs, I(Ca(e)) is absent, and I(Ca(s)) is of greater amplitude. Activation and steady-state inactivation of I(Ca(e)) and I(Ca(s)) in WKY/SHR CCs suggest the recruitment of at least two populations of Ca(2+) channels with different voltage dependence and kinetics. In WKY/SHR CCs, I(Ca(e)) is inhibited by nifedipine, enhanced by BAY K 8644, is not blocked by the mibefradil analog NNC 55-0396, and displays Ca(2+)-dependent inactivation and fast deactivation kinetics, suggesting that it results from the opening of L-type rather than T-type Ca(2+) channels. I(Ca(e)) properties suggest that it originates from the opening of Ca(2+) channels formed with the short splice variant (Ca(V)1.3(42A)). RT-PCR showed that expression of Ca(V)1.3(42A) mRNA is similar in both Wistar and WKY/SHR, but that the long variant (Ca(V)1.3(42)) is virtually absent in WKY/SHR. Thus I(Ca(e)) corresponds to the recruitment of Ca(V)1.3(42A) channels, unmasked by the absence of Ca(V)1.3(42) channels. Studies in WKY CCs do not report major functional alterations, despite the unusual expression pattern of Ca(V)1.3 splice variants. It remains to be established if more subtle functional alterations exist, and if the atypical splicing pattern of Ca(V)1.3 could be related to the functional and behavioral alterations reported in WKY/SHR rats, including their susceptibility to develop hypertension.  相似文献   

The large-conductance Ca2+-activated potassium (BKCa) channel of smooth muscle is unusually sensitive to Ca2+ as compared with the BKCa channels of brain and skeletal muscle. This is due to the tissue-specific expression of the BKCa auxiliary subunit β1, whose presence dramatically increases both the potency and efficacy of Ca2+ in promoting channel opening. β1 contains no Ca2+ binding sites of its own, and thus the mechanism by which it increases the BKCa channel''s Ca2+ sensitivity has been of some interest. Previously, we demonstrated that β1 stabilizes voltage sensor activation, such that activation occurs at more negative voltages with β1 present. This decreases the work that Ca2+ must do to open the channel and thereby increases the channel''s apparent Ca2+ affinity without altering the real affinities of the channel''s Ca2+ binding sites. To explain the full effect of β1 on the channel''s Ca2+ sensitivity, however, we also proposed that there must be effects of β1 on Ca2+ binding. Here, to test this hypothesis, we have used high-resolution Ca2+ dose–response curves together with binding site–specific mutations to measure the effects of β1 on Ca2+ binding. We find that coexpression of β1 alters Ca2+ binding at both of the BKCa channel''s two types of high-affinity Ca2+ binding sites, primarily increasing the affinity of the RCK1 sites when the channel is open and decreasing the affinity of the Ca2+ bowl sites when the channel is closed. Both of these modifications increase the difference in affinity between open and closed, such that Ca2+ binding at either site has a larger effect on channel opening when β1 is present.  相似文献   

The large-conductance Ca2+-activated K+ (BKCa) channel is essential for maintaining the membrane in a hyperpolarized state, thereby regulating neuronal excitability, smooth muscle contraction, and secretion. The BKCa α-subunit has three predicted initiation codons that generate proteins with N-terminal ends starting with the amino acid sequences MANG, MSSN, or MDAL. Because the N-terminal region and first transmembrane domain of the α-subunit are required for modulation by auxiliary β1-subunits, we examined whether β1 differentially modulates the N-terminal BKCa α-subunit isoforms. In the absence of β1, all isoforms had similar single-channel conductances and voltage-dependent activation. However, whereas β1 did not modulate the voltage-activation curve of MSSN, β1 induced a significant leftward shift of the voltage activation curves of both the MDAL and MANG isoforms. These shifts, of which the MDAL was larger, occurred at both 10 μm and 100 μm Ca2+. The β1-subunit increased the open dwell times of all three isoforms and decreased the closed dwell times of MANG and MDAL but increased the closed dwell times of MSSN. The distinct modulation of voltage activation by the β1-subunit may be due to the differential effect of β1 on burst duration and interburst intervals observed among these isoforms. Additionally, we observed that the related β2-subunit induced comparable leftward shifts in the voltage-activation curves of all three isoforms, indicating that the differential modulation of these isoforms was specific to β1. These findings suggest that the relative expression of the N-terminal isoforms can fine-tune BKCa channel activity in cells, highlighting a novel mechanism of BKCa channel regulation.  相似文献   

Store-operated Ca2+ channels (SOCs) are voltage-independent Ca2+ channels activated upon depletion of the endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ stores. Early studies suggest the contribution of such channels to Ca2+ homeostasis in insulin-secreting pancreatic β-cells. However, their composition and contribution to glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS) remains unclear. In this study, endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ depletion triggered by acetylcholine (ACh) or thapsigargin stimulated the formation of a ternary complex composed of Orai1, TRPC1, and STIM1, the key proteins involved in the formation of SOCs. Ca2+ imaging further revealed that Orai1 and TRPC1 are required to form functional SOCs and that these channels are activated by STIM1 in response to thapsigargin or ACh. Pharmacological SOCs inhibition or dominant negative blockade of Orai1 or TRPC1 using the specific pore mutants Orai1-E106D and TRPC1-F562A impaired GSIS in rat β-cells and fully blocked the potentiating effect of ACh on secretion. In contrast, pharmacological or dominant negative blockade of TRPC3 had no effect on extracellular Ca2+ entry and GSIS. Finally, we observed that prolonged exposure to supraphysiological glucose concentration impaired SOCs function without altering the expression levels of STIM1, Orai1, and TRPC1. We conclude that Orai1 and TRPC1, which form SOCs regulated by STIM1, play a key role in the effect of ACh on GSIS, a process that may be impaired in type 2 diabetes.  相似文献   

Protein kinase R (PKR)-like endoplasmic reticulum kinase (PERK) (EIF2AK3) is essential for normal development and function of the insulin-secreting β-cell. Although genetic ablation of PERK in β-cells results in permanent neonatal diabetes in humans and mice, the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. Here, we used a newly developed and highly specific inhibitor of PERK to determine the immediate effects of acute ablation of PERK activity. We found that inhibition of PERK in human and rodent β-cells causes a rapid inhibition of secretagogue-stimulated subcellular Ca2+ signaling and insulin secretion. These dysfunctions stem from alterations in store-operated Ca2+ entry and sarcoplasmic endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase activity. We also found that PERK regulates calcineurin, and pharmacological inhibition of calcineurin results in similar defects on stimulus-secretion coupling. Our findings suggest that interplay between calcineurin and PERK regulates β-cell Ca2+ signaling and insulin secretion, and that loss of this interaction may have profound implications in insulin secretion defects associated with diabetes.  相似文献   

The particular importance of Ca2+ signaling to neurons demands its precise regulation within their cytoplasm. Isoform 3 of the plasma membrane Ca2+ ATPase (the PMCA3 pump), which is highly expressed in brain and cerebellum, plays an important role in the regulation of neuronal Ca2+. A genetic defect of the PMCA3 pump has been described in one family with X-linked congenital cerebellar ataxia. Here we describe a novel mutation in the ATP2B3 gene in a patient with global developmental delay, generalized hypotonia and cerebellar ataxia. The mutation (a R482H replacement) impairs the Ca2+ ejection function of the pump. It reduces the ability of the pump expressed in model cells to control Ca2+ transients generated by cell stimulation and impairs its Ca2+ extrusion function under conditions of low resting cytosolic Ca2+ as well. In silico analysis of the structural effect of the mutation suggests a reduced stabilization of the portion of the pump surrounding the mutated residue in the Ca2+-bound state. The patient also carries two missense mutations in LAMA1, encoding laminin subunit 1α. On the basis of the family pedigree of the patient, the presence of both PMCA3 and laminin subunit 1α mutations appears to be necessary for the development of the disease. Considering the observed defect in cellular Ca2+ homeostasis and the previous finding that PMCAs act as digenic modulators in Ca2+-linked pathologies, the PMCA3 dysfunction along with LAMA1 mutations could act synergistically to cause the neurological phenotype.  相似文献   

The large conductance Ca2+-activated K+ (BK) channel, expressed abundantly in vascular smooth muscle cells (SMCs), is a key determinant of vascular tone. BK channel activity is tightly regulated by its accessory β1 subunit (BK-β1). However, BK channel function is impaired in diabetic vessels by increased ubiquitin/proteasome-dependent BK-β1 protein degradation. Muscle RING finger protein 1 (MuRF1), a muscle-specific ubiquitin ligase, is implicated in many cardiac and skeletal muscle diseases. However, the role of MuRF1 in the regulation of vascular BK channel and coronary function has not been examined. In this study, we hypothesized that MuRF1 participated in BK-β1 proteolysis, leading to the down-regulation of BK channel activation and impaired coronary function in diabetes. Combining patch clamp and molecular biological approaches, we found that MuRF1 expression was enhanced, accompanied by reduced BK-β1 expression, in high glucose-cultured human coronary SMCs and in diabetic vessels. Knockdown of MuRF1 by siRNA in cultured human SMCs attenuated BK-β1 ubiquitination and increased BK-β1 expression, whereas adenoviral expression of MuRF1 in mouse coronary arteries reduced BK-β1 expression and diminished BK channel-mediated vasodilation. Physical interaction between the N terminus of BK-β1 and the coiled-coil domain of MuRF1 was demonstrated by pulldown assay. Moreover, MuRF1 expression was regulated by NF-κB. Most importantly, pharmacological inhibition of proteasome and NF-κB activities preserved BK-β1 expression and BK-channel-mediated coronary vasodilation in diabetic mice. Hence, our results provide the first evidence that the up-regulation of NF-κB-dependent MuRF1 expression is a novel mechanism that leads to BK channelopathy and vasculopathy in diabetes.  相似文献   

Exposure of ICR-2A cells to UV induced the formation of sister-chromatid exchanges (SCEs). However, pretreatment of UV-irradiated cells with γ-rays resulted in a reduction in the level of SCEs. This effect was observed over a range of UV fluences (1–5 J/m2) and γ-ray doses (50–500 rad). In addition, the deprassion of UV-induced SCEs was greatest when the UV treatment was performed within 3 h after γ-irradiation. At later times the level of SCEs approached that of cells exposed only to UV.  相似文献   

Glucose is a primary stimulator of insulin secretion in pancreatic β-cells. High concentration of glucose has been thought to exert its action solely through its metabolism. In this regard, we have recently reported that glucose also activates a cell-surface glucose-sensing receptor and facilitates its own metabolism. In the present study, we investigated whether glucose activates the glucose-sensing receptor and elicits receptor-mediated rapid actions. In MIN6 cells and isolated mouse β-cells, glucose induced triphasic changes in cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]c); glucose evoked an immediate elevation of [Ca2+]c, which was followed by a decrease in [Ca2+]c, and after a certain lag period it induced large oscillatory elevations of [Ca2+]c. Initial rapid peak and subsequent reduction of [Ca2+]c were independent of glucose metabolism and reproduced by a nonmetabolizable glucose analogue. These signals were also blocked by an inhibitor of T1R3, a subunit of the glucose-sensing receptor, and by deletion of the T1R3 gene. Besides Ca2+, glucose also induced an immediate and sustained elevation of intracellular cAMP ([cAMP]c). The elevation of [cAMP]c was blocked by transduction of the dominant-negative Gs, and deletion of the T1R3 gene. These results indicate that glucose induces rapid changes in [Ca2+]c and [cAMP]c by activating the cell-surface glucose-sensing receptor. Hence, glucose generates rapid intracellular signals by activating the cell-surface receptor.  相似文献   

NCX1 is a Na+/Ca2+ exchanger, which is believed to provide a key route for basolateral Ca2+ efflux in the renal epithelia, thus contributing to renal Ca2+ reabsorption. Altered mineral homeostasis, including intestinal and renal Ca2+ transport may represent a significant component of the pathophysiology of the bone mineral density loss associated with Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBD). The objective of our research was to investigate the effects of TNBS and DSS colitis and related inflammatory mediators on renal Ncx1 expression. Colitis was associated with decreased renal Ncx1 expression, as examined by real-time RT-PCR, Western blotting, and immunofluorescence. In mIMCD3 cells, IFNγ significantly reduced Ncx1 mRNA and protein expression. Similar effects were observed in cells transiently transfected with a reporter construct bearing the promoter region of the kidney-specific Ncx1 gene. This inhibitory effect of IFNγ is mediated by STAT1 recruitment to the proximal promoter region of Ncx1. Further in vivo study with Stat1−/− mice confirmed that STAT1 is indeed required for the IFNγ mediated Ncx1 gene regulation. These results strongly support the hypothesis that impaired renal Ca2+ handling occurs in experimental colitis. Negative regulation of NCX1- mediated renal Ca2+ absorption by IFNγ may significantly contribute to the altered Ca2+ homeostasis in IBD patients and to IBD-associated loss of bone mineral density.  相似文献   

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