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《Developmental cell》2020,52(4):492-508.e10
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Matrilysin is a matrix metalloprotease (MMP) overexpressed in a number of cancers including skin, head and neck squamous cell carcinomas, and prostate and colon adenocarcinomas. Matrilysin has been shown to play a role in the degradation of the basement membrane that separates epithelium from stroma allowing tumor cells to intravasate into the bloodstream and metastasize. Here, we show that an oral squamous cell carcinoma cell line (SCC-25) expresses low levels of promatrilysin when cultured alone. However, when SCC-25 cells are cocultured with human foreskin fibroblasts (HFF), there is a 40-fold induction of promatrilysin expression. We tested whether this induction of promatrilysin expression was due to the release of paracrine factors, cell-cell interactions, or cell-matrix interactions. Our results indicate induced promatrilysin expression is the result of both cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions. We demonstrate that beta1 integrins as well as cadherins, specifically N-cadherin and E-cadherin, are involved in the induction of promatrilysin expression. Our results are of general interest in relation to the regulation of MMP expression through cell surface receptor regulation. Further investigation may lead to the identification of novel targets for suppression of invasion and metastasis in oral tumors.  相似文献   

The chemokine CXCL12 and its G protein-coupled receptors CXCR4 and ACKR3 are implicated in cancer and inflammatory and autoimmune disorders and are targets of numerous antagonist discovery efforts. Here, we describe a series of novel, high affinity CXCL12-based modulators of CXCR4 and ACKR3 generated by selection of N-terminal CXCL12 phage libraries on live cells expressing the receptors. Twelve of 13 characterized CXCL12 variants are full CXCR4 antagonists, and four have Kd values <5 nm. The new variants also showed high affinity for ACKR3. The variant with the highest affinity for CXCR4, LGGG-CXCL12, showed efficacy in a murine model for multiple sclerosis, demonstrating translational potential. Molecular modeling was used to elucidate the structural basis of binding and antagonism of selected variants and to guide future designs. Together, this work represents an important step toward the development of therapeutics targeting CXCR4 and ACKR3.  相似文献   

Macropinocytosis is a clathrin‐independent endocytic pathway implicated in fluid uptake, pathogen invasion and cell migration. During collective cell migration, macropinocytosis occurs primarily at membrane ruffles arising from the leading edges of migrating cells. We report here that N‐cadherin (Ncad) regulates the tempo of macropinocytosis and thereby influences wound‐induced collective cell migration. Using live‐cell and super‐resolution imaging techniques, we observed that Ncad formed clusters at the membrane ruffles and macropinosomes. De‐clustering of Ncad by an interfering antibody impaired the recruitment of Rab5‐an early endosomal marker‐to the macropinosomes. Moreover, we demonstrated that Ncad interacts with Rab5, and laser ablation of Ncad caused Rab5 to dissociate from the macropinosomes. Although Rab5 detached from macropinosomes upon the de‐clustering of Ncad, the recruitment of late endosomal marker Rab7 occurred earlier. Consequently, both centripetal trafficking of macropinosomes and collective migration were accelerated due to de‐clustering of Ncad. Thus, our results suggest that Ncad is involved in the maturation of macropinocytosis through Rab5 recruitment, linking macropinocytosis and cell migration through a novel function of Ncad.   相似文献   

Cell migration is a fundamental cellular process requiring integrated activities of the cytoskeleton, membrane, and cell/extracellular matrix adhesions. Many cytoskeletal activities rely on microtubule filaments. It has been speculated that microtubules can serve as tracks to deliver proteins essential for focal adhesion turnover. Three microtubule end-binding proteins (EB1, EB2, and EB3) in mammalian cells can track the plus ends of growing microtubules. EB1 and EB3 together can regulate microtubule dynamics by promoting microtubule growth and suppressing catastrophe, whereas, in contrast, EB2 does not play a direct role in microtubule dynamic instability, and little is known about the cellular function of EB2. By quantitative proteomics, we identified mammalian HCLS1-associated protein X-1 (HAX1) as an EB2-specific interacting protein. Knockdown of HAX1 and EB2 in skin epidermal cells stabilizes focal adhesions and impairs epidermal migration in vitro and in vivo. Our results further demonstrate that cell motility and focal adhesion turnover require interaction between Hax1 and EB2. Together, our findings provide new insights for this critical cellular process, suggesting that EB2 association with Hax1 plays a significant role in focal adhesion turnover and epidermal migration.  相似文献   

Keratinocyte migration on a two-dimensional substrate can be split into four distinct phases: cell extension, attachment, contraction, and detachment. It is preceded by polarization of the cell which leads to a functional asymmetry observable by the formation of a leading lamella. In this work variation of fibronectin coating concentrations and competitive inhibition with RGD peptides are used to investigate the dependency of polarization, migration, lamella dynamics, and ruffling on substrate adhesiveness. Looking at migrating human epidermal keratinocytes with a well-defined polarity we find that a fibronectin-coating concentration of 10 μg/cm2 stimulates migration and ruffling speed twofold, whereas protrusion speed increases only by 20% (compared to 2.5 μg/cm2 fibronectin). Nonpolar cells show a constant migration and ruffling speed independent of the amount of fibronectin. In contrast protrusion speeds of polar and nonpolar cells are equal. Treatment of cells on 10 μg/cm2 fibronectin with 1 mg/ml GRGDS reduces the characteristic migration, protrusion, and ruffling speed of polar cells which corresponds to lowering the effective coating concentration to under 5 μg/cm2. The probability of being polarized (quantified by a polarity index) increases with increasing fibronectin concentration. However, addition of soluble RGD on 10 μg/cm2 fibronectin does not simply reduce the polarity index like one would expect from the corresponding changes in the other motility parameters, but it remains unchanged.  相似文献   

《Cell reports》2023,42(6):112667
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The digestive function of the stomach depends on acidification of the gastric lumen. Acid secretion into the lumen is triggered by activation of the PKA cascade, which ultimately results in the insertion of gastric H,K-ATPases into the apical plasma membranes of parietal cells. A coupling protein is ezrin, whose phosphorylation at Ser-66 by PKA is required for parietal cell activation. However, little is known regarding the molecular mechanism(s) by which this signaling pathway operates in gastric acid secretion. Here we show that PKA cooperates with MST4 to orchestrate histamine-elicited acid secretion by phosphorylating ezrin at Ser-66 and Thr-567. Histamine stimulation activates PKA, which phosphorylates MST4 at Thr-178 and then promotes MST4 kinase activity. Interestingly, activated MST4 then phosphorylates ezrin prephosphorylated by PKA. Importantly, MST4 is important for acid secretion in parietal cells because either suppression of MST4 or overexpression of non-phosphorylatable MST4 prevents the apical membrane reorganization and proton pump translocation elicited by histamine stimulation. In addition, overexpressing MST4 phosphorylation-deficient ezrin results in an inhibition of gastric acid secretion. Taken together, these results define a novel molecular mechanism linking the PKA-MST4-ezrin signaling cascade to polarized epithelial secretion in gastric parietal cells.  相似文献   

Chemokine signals activate leukocyte integrins and actin remodeling machineries critical for leukocyte adhesion and motility across vascular barriers. The arrest of leukocytes at target blood vessel sites depends on rapid conformational activation of their α4 and β2 integrins by the binding of endothelial-displayed chemokines to leukocyte Gi-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs). A universal regulator of this event is the integrin-actin adaptor, talin1. Chemokine-stimulated GPCRs can transmit within fractions of seconds signals via multiple Rho GTPases, which locally raise plasma membrane levels of the talin activating phosphatidyl inositol, PtdIns(4,5)P2 (PIP2). Additional pools of GPCR stimulated Rac-1 and Rap-1 GTPases together with GPCR stimulated PLC and PI3K family members regulate the turnover of focal contacts of leukocyte integrins, induce the collapse of leukocyte microvilli, and promote polarized leukocyte crawling in search of exit cues. Concomitantly, other leukocyte GTPases trigger invasive protrusions into and between endothelial cells in search of basolateral chemokine exit cues. We will review here major findings and open questions related to these sequential guiding activities of endothelial presented chemokines, focusing mainly on lymphocyte-endothelial interactions as a paradigm for other leukocytes.  相似文献   

Cell polarity is an essential process shared by almost all animal tissues. Moreover, cell polarity enables cells to sense and respond to the cues provided by the neighboring cells and the surrounding microenvironment. These responses play a critical role in regulating key physiological processes, including cell migration, proliferation, differentiation, vesicle trafficking and immune responses. The polarity protein complexes regulating these interactions are highly evolutionarily conserved between vertebrates and invertebrates. Interestingly, these polarity complexes interact with each other and key signaling pathways in a cell-polarity context-dependent manner. However, the exact mechanisms by which these interactions take place are poorly understood. In this review, we will focus on the roles of the key polarity complexes SCRIB, PAR and Crumbs in regulating different forms of cell polarity, including epithelial cell polarity, cell migration, asymmetric cell division and the T-cell immunological synapse assembly and signaling.  相似文献   

In traumatic brain injury (TBI), the primary, irreversible damage associated with the moment of impact consists of cells dying from necrosis. This contributes to fuelling a chronic central nervous system (CNS) inflammation with increased formation of proinflammatory cytokines, enzymes and reactive oxygen species (ROS). ROS promote oxidative stress, which leads to neurodegeneration and ultimately results in programmed cell death (secondary injury). Since this delayed, secondary tissue loss occurs days to months following the primary injury it provides a therapeutic window where potential neuroprotective treatment could alleviate ongoing neurodegeneration, cell death and neurological impairment following TBI. Various neuroprotective drug candidates have been described, tested and proven effective in pre-clinical studies, including glutamate receptor antagonists, calcium-channel blockers, and caspase inhibitors. However, most of the scientific efforts have failed in translating the experimental results into clinical trials. Despite intensive research, effective neuroprotective therapies are lacking in the clinic, and TBI continues to be a major cause of morbidity and mortality.This paper provides an overview of the TBI pathophysiology leading to cell death and neurological impairment. We also discuss endogenously expressed neuroprotectants and drug candidates, which at this stage may still hold the potential for treating brain injured patients.  相似文献   

Quiescent hepatic stellate cells (HSCs), in response to liver injury, undergo characteristic morphological transformation into proliferative, contractile and ECM-producing myofibroblasts. In this study, we investigated the implication of canonical Wnt signaling pathway in HSCs and liver fibrogenesis. Canonical Wnt signaling pathway activation and inhibition using β-catenin/CBP inhibitor ICG001 was examined in-vitro in TGFβ-activated 3T3, LX2, primary human HSCs, and in-vivo in CCl4-induced acute liver injury mouse model. Fibroblasts-conditioned medium studies were performed to assess the Wnt-regulated paracrine factors involved in crosstalk between HSCs-macrophages and HSCs-endothelial cells. Canonical Wnt signaling pathway components were significantly up-regulated in-vitro and in-vivo. In-vitro, ICG-001 significantly inhibited fibrotic parameters, 3D-collagen contractility and wound healing. Conditioned medium induced fibroblasts-mediated macrophage and endothelial cells activation was significantly inhibited by ICG-001. In-vivo, ICG-001 significantly attenuated collagen accumulation and HSC activation. Interestingly, ICG-001 drastically inhibited macrophage infiltration, intrahepatic inflammation and angiogenesis. We further analyzed the paracrine factors involved in Wnt-mediated effects and found CXCL12 was significantly suppressed both in-vitro and in-vivo following Wnt inhibition. Wnt-regulated CXCL12 secretion from activated HSCs potentiated macrophage infiltration and activation, and angiogenesis. Pharmacological inhibition of canonical Wnt signaling pathway via suppression of stromal CXCL12 suggests a potential therapeutic approach targeting activated HSCs in liver fibrosis.  相似文献   

History of cancer immunotherapy lasts for more than 120 years. In 1891 William B. Coley injected bacteria into inoperable cancer (bone sarcoma) and observed tumor shrinkage. He is recognized as the "'"Father of Immunotherapy"'". Cancer immunotherapy is based on the ability of the immune system to recognize cancer cells and to affect their growth and expansion. Beside the fact that, tumor cells are genetically distinct from their normal counterparts, and should be recognized and eliminated by immune system, the tumor associated antigens (TAAs) are often poorly immunogenic due to immunoediting. This process allows tumor to evolve during continuous interactions with the host immune system, and eventually escape from immune surveillance. Furthermore, tumor microenvironment consists of immunosuppressive cells that release immunosuppressive factors including IL-6, IL-10, IDO, TGFβ or VEGF. Interactions between cancer and stroma cells create network of immunosuppressive pathways, while activation of immune defense is inhibited. A key to successful immunotherapy is to overcome the local immunosuppression within tumor microenvironment and activate mechanisms that lead to tumor eradication. There are two clinical approaches of immunotherapy: active and passive. Active immunotherapy involves stimulation of immune response to tumor associated antigens (TAAs), either non-specifically via immunomodulating agents or specifically employing cancer vaccines. This review presents the progress and breakthroughs in design, development and clinical application of selected cell-based tumor vaccines achieved due to the generation and development of gene transfer technologies.  相似文献   

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is one of the most common liver diseases, and the pathogenesis is still not well known. The farnesoid X receptor (FXR) is a member of the nuclear hormone receptor superfamily and plays an essential role in maintaining bile acid and lipid homeostasis. In this study, we study the role of FXR in the pathogenesis of NFALD. We found that FXR deficient (FXR−/−) mice fed methionine- and choline-deficient (MCD) diet had higher serum ALT and AST activities and lower hepatic triglyceride levels than wild-type (WT) mice fed MCD diet. Expression of genes involved in inflammation (VCAM-1) and fibrosis (α-SMA) was increased in FXR−/− mice fed MCD diet (FXR−/−/MCD) compared to WT mice fed MCD diet (WT/MCD). Although MCD diet significantly induced hepatic fibrosis in terms of liver histology, FXR−/−/MCD mice showed less degree of hepatic steatosis than WT/MCD mice. Moreover, FXR deficiency synergistically potentiated the elevation effects of MCD diet on serum and hepatic bile acids levels. The super-physiological concentrations of hepatic bile acids in FXR−/−/MCD mice inhibited the expression of genes involved in fatty acid uptake and triglyceride accumulation, which may be an explanation for less steatosis in FXR−/−/MCD mice in contrast to WT/MCD mice. These results suggest that hepatic bile acids accumulation could override simple steatosis in hepatic injury during the progression of NAFLD and further emphasize the role of FXR in maintaining hepatic bile acid homeostasis in liver disorders and in hepatic protection.  相似文献   

The epithelial and endothelial barriers of the human body are major obstacles for drug delivery to the systemic circulation and to organs with unique environment and homeostasis, like the central nervous system. Several transport routes exist in these barriers, which potentially can be exploited for enhancing drug permeability. Beside the transcellular pathways via transporters, adsorptive and receptor-mediated transcytosis, the paracellular flux for cells and molecules is very limited. While lipophilic molecules can diffuse across the cellular plasma membranes, the junctional complexes restrict or completely block the free passage of hydrophilic molecules through the paracellular clefts. Absorption or permeability enhancers developed in the last 40 years for modifying intercellular junctions and paracellular permeability have unspecific mode of action and the effective and toxic doses are very close. Recent advances in barrier research led to the discovery of an increasing number of integral membrane, adaptor, regulator and signalling proteins in tight and adherens junctions. New tight junction modulators are under development, which can directly target tight or adherens junction proteins, the signalling pathways regulating junctional function, or tight junction associated lipid raft microdomains. Modulators acting directly on tight junctions include peptides derived from zonula occludens toxin, or Clostridium perfringens enterotoxin, peptides selected by phage display that bind to integral membrane tight junction proteins, and lipid modulators. They can reversibly increase paracellular transport and drug delivery with less toxicity than previous absorption enhancers, and have a potential to be used as pharmaceutical excipients to improve drug delivery across epithelial barriers and the blood-brain barrier.  相似文献   

Chemotactic factors direct the migration of immune cells, multipotent stem cells, and progenitor cells under physiologic and pathologic conditions. Chemokine ligand 12 and chemokine ligand 7 have been identified and investigated in multiple studies for their role in cellular trafficking in the setting of tissue regeneration. Recent early phase clinical trials have suggested that these molecules may lead to clinical benefit in patients with chronic disease. Importantly, these two proteins may play additional significant roles in directing the migration of multipotent cells, such as mesenchymal stem cells and hematopoietic progenitor cells. This article reviews the functions of these two chemokines, focusing on recruitment to sites of injury, immune function modulation, and contributions to embryonic development. Additional research would provide valuable insight into the potential clinical application of these two proteins in stem cell therapy.  相似文献   

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